HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/2002 - Regular Agenda Packet - Senior Advisory Committee Senior Services Coordinator Report for August 2002 Volunteer Opportunities: • Fall Open House: Wednesday, August 28th from 10:00am-2:00pm at the College Station Teen Center. • The Veterans Memorial Dedication Event is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2002. Volunteers are needed to work the hospitality/refreshment tent for VIP's. Ten volunteers are needed from 4:30-8:00pm. Name, address and SS#required for security checks. Senior Leadership Brazos Sponsored by the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce begins September 17 through November 14th . Applications are due August 30, 2002. Celebrate Grandparents Day Saturday, September 7, 2002 at 6:00pm. Meal and entertainment with purchase of a ticket. Third Friday Morning Bridge The first meeting of the group was held on Friday, August 16, 2002 at the Annex. Twenty players were in attendance. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 20th from 9:15-12:O0noon. Computer Club The Computer Club met on Wednesday, August 7th and 21st. The next meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, September 1 1 th with Kathy Gregory who will speak on using Word and September 25th the speaker is Robert Jensen and his topic is spread sheets. Neighborhood Conference & Youth Vision. The city is sponsoring the conference on Saturday, September 14, 2002, College Station Middle School on Rock Prairie Rd. Keynote speaker: Rick Rigsby. Ballroom Dances St. Joseph Gold Medallion Club and the College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. have joined together to offer a ballroom dance every month this fall. Dance lessons will be held the hour before the dance for an additional fee. The dances will be held at the College Station Conference Center and the cost is $5.00 per person. Dates are Thursday, September 12, &26th, October 10 & 24,November 14th and December 5th. Dances begin at 7:30pm. Dance lessons begin at 6:45pm. Starlight Music Series 2002 Sponsored by College Station Utilities Event Summary The Starlight Music Series sponsored by College Station Utilities and held at the Wolf Pen Creek A phitheater was created to fill pri needs of both College Station Utilities and College Station Parks and Recreation. College Station Utilities needed publicity and co unity name recognition. College Station Parks and Recreation Dep., T ent needed to provide quality recreational and cul L .1 op.. ties at the amphitheater. The .0 T al season was an ove hel g success for both entities. College Station Utilities received great value for their advertising dollars. The attendance and customer col ents throughout the season were indicative of the goodwill that was generated regarding the amphitheater. Following is a s .ry of the n bers for the 2002 Starlight Music Series: Media Exposure(all stated"sponsored by College Station Utilities"): The series was pro oted as a whole a d as individual events co encing with a press conference on March 19 and en. g g with Bryan roadcasting's a ,Lo cement that Wolf Pen Creek Lphitheater was voted"Brazos V y's Best Live Music Venue of 2002". Television: TV coverage e L eluded both paid space and editorial ti e. 908-60 second commercials ran on KBTX, TWC,FOX News,Nick,USA,TLC and ESPN2. Both ° *TX and P D covered four events as news stories on multiple ,ews shows. Brazos Valley This Mo ,g allowed 6 ,T o Lg interviews la g from 2 to 4 utes each. The College Station c el publicized the events throughout the season. Newspaper: Newspaper coverage eluded 7, 931 inches of space inclu. g both paid space and editorial coverage. 31,000 full color inserts were distributed in The Eagle on Easter S • y. 27,000 L L color inserts were II stributed in The Eagle on J L Le 1. Starli t Music Series was honored to receive the cover of the Spotlight on 4 occasions. The Battalion ra three stories relating to the series and over 200 inches of paid ads were ru Radii: 1,497 60-second ads were L on KORA, CS, X, Allergia, YS,KTSR,and Sports Talk. Multiple liveS terviews were conducted on each of the statio s. Liner cards and live mentions were generously u:ven by many of the stations. Magazine: 3-1/4 page ads were in Texas Music Magazine and Country Music Magazine. Insite Magazine covered several of the events. Miscellaneous: 12,000 full color 11X12 posters were distributed through CSISD and at various events o d the co L ,unity. 450 full color i ets were distributed through various distribution methods. Additionally,various College Station Utilities"goodies"were distributed at each event such as lighted superballs,cozies,pens and more. Signage aro d the facility pro T oted College Station Utilities in a hi ,y visible, decorative,ma 'er throw! out the d tion of each of the e events. Most of the signage re T ains in place Ld will continue to promote College Station Utilities for the big events scheduled for this fall. Attendance: April 13 Jerry Jeff Walker with Diamo, dback TX 7800 April 21 ;ruce Robison with Max Stall gs 2900 April 27 Bo Diddley with Karan Chavis 4000 May 4 Grupo Vida with Fuerza Latina 2400 May 11 The Bellamy Brothers with Rodney Hayden 6800 June 1 Trout Fishing in erica with Ruthie Foster 2200 June 8 Vince Vance Valiants 2800 J e 15 The Back Porch 2nd Al *versary Special 2600 June 22 I. Moore and Hadden Sayers 3200 June 29 Big Otis .in-out July 13 The Killer Bees with Bobby Hall Rain-out Total Attendance 34,700* Attendance was counted using manual gate"clickers". We discovered after the fourth event that one ofthe clickers was not iterating properly. It missed every third to fifth click. The attendance figure is presented using the numbers that appeared on the manual clickers. $73,199 equipment rental 34,020 • ,•,••••-)..d 12,232 ExPenses: • • 't 4, ' Talen. ,.. 4,619 :lies Labor Station Utilities 6,844 College - ° in P:\•"/". Supplies ri,„_tio_._. Goodwill r 88_:" 1, 1 CollegeStation 28,812 Contract Labor Rental. . Advertising Total $161,607 their own * g the guests to bring. .oan l„„,„Inu addressed. we . Allowing placed twoal o_ each that had to be coordinator, . the facility- . ,urs after• 1 Comillen •• es,.,......-th • .• ...„-,,,,,_ ... „: area that occ ,1/4„..,..c ar challenges with the recycling„...T,n enteriiks. cleanup . in the ,:--• ,_si.Te f the guests created some c-morking the guests u.„,.. extensive _ .,merchants • traffic•,•(7.-43. _ Additloria . . ts: were given to This aided in the. Additionally,ife'nced heavy additl°r"4'1 created new trash Bags were leaving.: ds of alt.tin HI t rThey 47"expected crowds,m Many guests at food and drink:,:, d posters at the their trash and bag it h. dreds of toNtun concert schedule. larger.. The success of of the series cr the than.......areas. ..i.re no. Also due to expenses m those _,,,uhers- recycling,77,..”0-sort the--recycle le m trash issues. w were hair'[...-':', and supplies A.of certam causing. additional te BCS area. .a t their staffing occasionally ran outhe s eason de • .1. - the in'nedla and baler' had to adjust and trough out,,,, e from outside is are bigger event;I:.11d flowed us to: . _ ,-„,„r•-0a after concertspolice were required' and anby..•••:'w.ti...,,.i...t.h.:. but c;....,t, however. respe:o.t."oitethmes. ___. staff and Poll not local residents0 ,•_•.,,,c ;i„II-1Jc events were • any ec°n - ,•0.•,_,thea,. the ever.le to analyze Wolf Creek Art.,. 1!1 expen. ready for Utilities. available Pen • ii____ Station . ' ers of theAccurate n .of College ..... ......__,„„„,0,0,11111111111.111,1t4Stiallti, *,-and itt;„tnag. ,„„sponsorship .. _,„,,,,..„.„:„.. .Atik.sttstatilioiwkwist• „_„,-"ssfosmort -sAjtvs.,t-*ottftojtttetit•-ot•Zatt 2003. IP 6 The st'l continue the --__•,...„.,"„fir*FN*Stlittivitsistavittiltz% zi:". .tott‘stst „... 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Engineer/Planner: k"-----' Address: -..„-:--,--,0 -------- , _,, City/State: / # i 7-- _ -:' - •.,,..,-----: „„--- .--.— __, , -r))___----‘ ZIP: Phone Number:, 7 — FAX: ----„ E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10B1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: ,,,,,,,- ------ - Multi-family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: ---', ---7,--,:, - Acres ,. Proposed Dedication: / Acres SECTION 10-B2: Flee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning &Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? , Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): 411P, 7- - - Multi-family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: SECTION 10B3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi-family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): _ _ SECTION 10B4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: SECTION 10B5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? / If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10B7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development?/' 7 If yes, staff recommends: "tit, /0,7/ SECTION 10E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: SECTION 10F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? Percentage: /7-„,7 a. Detention/Retention Size: e „"--4„1„; eets Board Policy: 7,‘ Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: 6.77 Acreage in detention 2 Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Z1-73 Percentage: Comments: / //2, b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? fi if I - ; 11- z 7 / c. Topography: / I/ d Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: ,..., ,, STAFF RECOmmENDATONS: - -/' ,,,, .,. ,,,----,--: /,:„,,;-; , ,„..,,, I ' „----, ,-`, ,--0 --„ift„., , „/" --, I- i - I ------'' --. „, - -'-''''- -----------4----,---:----,--- - --- _----'). ,',.„,-;- --.---- - - -., ' / .-_„-- ,-, . . „-- / ''''''' ' -- -' ,s7 ,--',..„.-7,„ ," -k ,---,---------- . --.7 6,- if SECTION 10AG: Pproval Parks & Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 09/05/2002 15: 16 9796908822 SI GROUP, LLC. PAGE 03 PARKLAND bEDICATION PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST the fojprg in order or the Parks and Recreation Board to rocas our resuest Mrinwm ittaLeu The proposed street layout of the subdivision; 0,4 The location of proposed parkland; belineated floodplain; The location and design of any detention in proposed parkland; and, El The location of any greenway that is part of the approved City of College Station Greenway Master Plan on proposed parkland dedication, REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10 Land Dedication welling Units: 0 Multfamftly bweiling Units: 84 Total Land Dedication Requirement; 0.672 Acres (Single-family; 1. re per 101 Wis., Multi-family: 1 acre per 125 Otis) Proposed beclicatio n. 0,350 Acres 51g", Fee in Lieu 0 Land Park Acquisition Fee: Sin I amily Fee ($198/d welling unit): Multi-family Fee ($160/dwelling unit) 400 Total Acquisition Fee &400 09/05/2002 15: 16 979E908E22 SI GROUP, L.L.C. PAGE 04 SECTION 10-B.3: Park bevel,,, p.. _,..,.,.el _frt Fee. Park bevelopment Costs: 5ingle-family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): a.0 _ _ Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): ..1.1 680 ___ __ TOTAL PAkKLANO bEbICATION FEE RE,UIRED Acquisition and bevelopment Fee: Single-family Fee: ($556/dwelling unit): `.0 _ Multi-family Fee ($452/dwelling unit): 'pl. 080 ___ SECTION 10-F: Additional Re uirements: Is land in the 100-year floodplain? NoPercentage: _ Acreage in floodplain: 0 Percentage: Acreage in detention: 0.350 Percentage: ..._ Acreage in greenways; ,. 0 Percentage: Comments: 09/05/2002 15: 16 9796908622 SI GROUP, L.L.C. PAGE _ 01 09/05/2002 12:11 VAX g797643737 CCS PARKS & REC. - . A .;,,,4itg;W:FES71:1.,:7":*.71.;•;;trl,fr.:;:!,7.1•;Z,A :Ee2., l'''''.4:t.:11:* €4ei''',1:•::'''' er..77';;I'A"."4,:tt':“1:1111t7(1141:•:::7'...:';';;If21:1:;....L.. c2%, 111;''',...'''.7'4;4.42i5, ,,,iiff°•;:15;,..7:;44:e.:;17,V.,::$,.?. ..?iftlei:56:CC;c:::1111';;I:TI, . Recreation ...... -4.u. i.:‘,..., 4 ,.. city oy ollege 3 tTiaon _., 4..inetu=smansa ,,,---.......2.1gMEEWEN.............. Facsimile Cover. Shea .. _. . . ... .• A . --i , . L - . , Company: __, . •--.,:ro.- ,, ' ...VA Fax: 41* 11111117_ a— ilk C.- - w - 0 iii...:1L -I--A. 16) ; , . _ , ___ , 0 - t ..•. 414' COMPanY. -ji .,L,H, :...:,4 --_ 6. --, ""411. Phone: Fax: ---- ... _--- . Date: , . . . Pages Including 'ths . • . • . . . • .. .. . * coverRage: 'Ai "..„....................,...................AA+, 1 •' . • • .'... ..ii' ' . • .. A • • • - • , ,c*. 1 in , Comments: ,__ . A e ,1 1 g ,e4/1 1 , 74 , ...., *,L 4 0,'Aj.:- •.: '. 40. ,. I, IF .... • ,,,,,,. -- . _ . .4 . .._.) ,toe/A 7-4(„4,e---. . (f-r-f...-.... A-4,, .....-- ...........--- .._. 26,44.10: A-e6 , c,,,c_8/0/,(57-7"-• , , :_c_.j ,,. . 09/05/2002 15: 16 9796908622 ......__ SI GROUP, L.L.C. PAGE 02 SI GROUP, LP Enginee 'a g •Emiro . ental Science . . ... . . ,. .. . . .. .. . 7010 Northwest 100 Dive Suite A-107 Houstokk,T 77092 PH(713)895-7999 FAX(713)895-9214 August 23, 2002 S01 Graham Rood College Statlon,TX 77345 PH(979)690-9400 Development Services Department FAX(979)6904622 City of College Station 8245 Gladys Avenue P0, Box 9960 Suite 206 Derounont,TX 77706 College Station, Texas 77842 Pf-X(409)861-4772 PAX(409)a61-4773 RefApp I ..iipravai for Parkland Dedication Fee Preliminary Plat for Autumn Chase Subdivision 8,353 Acre Tract Morgan Rector League, A-46 College Station, Brazos County, Texas SI Group Proj. No, 02CS140.2 We are submitting with this letter the Parkland Dedication Project Review Checklist and Preliminary Plat. Included are the minimum submittal requirements of the Checklist. We request that the Parks Department approve our calculations for the Parkland.Dedication for proposed Autumn Chase Subdivision, If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 690-9400. Sincerely, SI Group, L , ,A 4 . A, /. 1 , lib Edward K McDow, Jr., P.,E., KS.L.S, Senior Engineer cc: Dan Bensimon parkrequest txt Hi, my name is Christina Livingston. I am the current chairman of the Alexandria Neighb orhood Association and we are here representing the needs and desires of Alexandria Neighborhood which is located on the No rth end of Alexandria Drive off of Barron Road, West of Hwy 6. - understand that the current city plan is to place a 12 acre park on the far south sid e •f Alexandria Drive. This means that some 600 homes,including will have to cross Barron Road to access a public park. Since we feel that having use of a nearby park is very important for co unity-wide and individual fa ly bonding, have contacted three different offices within the city for advice: Greenway Planning, Transportation, and City Park Planning. Each o f the offices, we felt, were very sensitive to our needs for adequate access to playground equipment and the concern for increased t raffle hazzard that will come with a single park in the Shenandoah subdivision. Therfore, have come tonight to request that you, the City Park Board, consider our re quest for city playground equipment to be placed on thp edge of the greenway space on the North end of Alexandria Drive at your next rneetinL' i1ike to thank you in advance for your thoughfinness on behalf of our concerned neighborhood. Page 1 ,r r i a y u I i i 4 i=i Aug 23 02 04: 34p MUG (979) 693-4243 p. 2 2551 Texas Ave. South, Ste. A,College Station, TX 77840 CI' Ofe: 979.693.5359 Fax: 979.693.4243 Email: mdgcs@mdges.com Web: www.mdgcs.com Mr. Rick Ploeger Assistant Director Parks and Recreation Department World Headquarters 1000 Krenek Tap College Station, Texas 77840 Re: Request to be placed on parks board agenda for residential plat parkland dedication discussion Rick: On behalf of our client, Texas Hotel Management Inc., we would like to be placed on the earliest possible parks board agenda to discuss park fees or land dedication regarding a 7.41-acre town home subdivision and a 17.22-acre single-family residential subdivision. We will provide you with preliminary plat copies by Tuesday, August 27' Please feel free to call me if you have nay questions. Sincerely, MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT GRO4' , , Gr,tory lit.. Taggart President