HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/10/2001 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board g''',g'''ggtiabziai::::',etnozmmoiasmoogano***AGENDA***eaotzaronwiow,:;e,:dqmo,m„:mtaoorotog,a igagieuieoasgoesaoaatoioorpTyi9,gpbbggglimpppiipefggo,pmoisRqof,„q!i!ggr.",!:: IESESIOEBERS•angnIIPA'fI. :0SiI&IRECHIM:YATIONIADVISORYIBOARDIEZEMEIFEnnfgfiai ....„ faIEBIBEPSEIEnaIgentagdnennllNIRrguratiMeetiArggaaomnmsKmau,Nnenzw,:*,tnomtovnga IEIIIIIIIenne2OOBIEEIIIIII•Tueida,AOaill012tQlCentral Park Conference Room lfnegEoggugnoagggEoaogot 1000 Krenek Tap Road 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of March 6, 2001, and Special Meeting of March 26, 2001. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park location study(Vision Statement#4, Strategy #4— Connectivity between greenways and parks). 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Board Fiscal Year 2002 budget issues and priorities. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning revisions to the Parks and Recreation Department User Fee Policy Statement. 8. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning a possible Park Land Dedication Ordinance Revision. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning City Council Vision Statement #4: Strategy#1 (More emphasis on making parks more intergenerational) and Strategy#5 (Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Quality Standards through the Budget Process) 10. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning current projects in the Wolf Pen Creek area. 12. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Projects Report. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda. 13. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To take arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. Rescheduled from April 10, 2001 IREdh'''ii'a'igg':'.;''Egg;Riigsmo:-:Kom's'omggtnootooE-'Ini***AGENDA***tiitaO2SN;NngngniasgiilEE:22EEOBAOIEM SIOSEISIBNPOMOsatsiaCoTTVIOFICOLLEGEISTATIOangon0000nmrmgsmmzat BIIIIIIIIBMESISIOLBNOIBBINEIEINII.EAeg*tiMetOAgllaotMiaomtoositoinagozomamstesa Monday,April 23,2001 etttttatPaitkoeotiferettWROontBENNINaisNiseisioaostsioauowez 1000 Krenek Tap Road 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of March 6, 2001, and Special Meeting of March 26, 2001. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park location study(Vision Statement#4, Strategy#4— Connectivity between greenways and parks). 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Board Fiscal Year 2002 budget issues and priorities. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning revisions to the Parks and Recreation Department User Fee Policy Statement. 8. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning a possible Park Land Dedication Ordinance Revision. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning City Council Vision Statement #4: Strategy#1 (More emphasis on making parks more intergenerational) and Strategy#5 (Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Quality Standards through the Budget Process) 10. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning current projects in the Wolf Pen Creek area. 12. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Projects Report. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda. 13. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To take arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.bc.us and Cable Access Channel 19. Vision Statement#4 4. As a result of our efforts citizens will be enriched by a range of cultural arts and recreational opportunities provided through citywide initiatives and collaborative efforts. • Libraries • Recreation • Performing arts • Public art • Teen center • Festivals. • Parks • Museums • Athletic activities Preliminary Budget Issues for FY 01. Parks and Recreation Department 1. Conduct a space needs study for Parks and Recreation needs. Advisory Board Input The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board provided the following input on key budget and strategic planning issues for next fiscal year. 1. Urban Forestry Plan—Provide the necessary support to create an Urban Forestry Plan. One suggestion was to create an ad hoc advisory board. 2. Strategic integration of sports marketing and special events promotions. —Have a cohesive effort for sports marketing and special events promotions. This would involve the Parks Department activities in this area, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the Sports Foundation. 3. Frisbee Golf on old landfill site —Committee expressed a desire to have this included on a CIP list. They also wanted to move up the development of the site. 4. 30160 Corridor issue—Committee was concerned about this study as it relates to the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Concerns include the issue of a connection from Copperfield Drive to Highway 30. 5. Tennis court lights at the High School Provide funding to light six existing courts for public use. 6. Greenways Implementation—Encourage the earlier acquisition of greenways in accordance with the approved plan. 7. Soccer fields policy and use issues—Improve the turf conditions of the 12 existing competitive soccer fields. 8. Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement—Support the goals of the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. 6 Vision Statement#4 As a result of our efforts citizens will be enriched by a range of cultural arts and recreational opportunities provided through citywide initiatives and collaborative efforts. Strategy#1 More emphasis on Making Parks More Intergenerational Implementation Plans a. Direct Parks Board to place more emphasis on "passive" parks, Le. benches, walking paths Strategy#2 More Interaction Between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning and Shared Vision With Council Implementation Plans a. Schedule periodic meetings between Council and Parks Board Strategy#3 Continue to Update Comprehensive Plan Regarding Parks System Implementation Plans a. Establish design standards and criteria for development and placement of parks. Examine zoning ordinance as it relates to park land location and acquisition b. Analyze park distribution to determine areas that may be under served or under utilized. Strategy Connectivity Between Greenways and Parks Implementation Plans a. Implement demonstration project to establish a future policy regarding greenway- park connectivity b. Greenways review (See Vision#8 Strategy#2) c. Wolf Pen Creek Masterplan implementation Strategy#5 Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Quality Standards through the Budget Process Implementation Plans a. Review fee structure and policy for possible revision in order to create funding for parks maintenance/upgrade. b. Review certain park maintenance service levels and identify options and associated costs to increase these service levels. Strategy#6 Develop Programs and Facilities for Senior Citizens Implementation Plans a. Staff work with Sr. Advisory Board to address space/facility needs. b. Address creating a Senior Citizen Advisory Board City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department Fiscal Year 2001 Board Goals a Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD • Support the implementation of a Greenways Oversight Committee to support the Greenways Master Plan • Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department Li Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks u Work on plans to make current and future parks intergenerational u Set up quality standards to measure perfo ance for maintenance and field use for neighborhood and co unity parks u Revision of the Surcharge Policy u Review the Parks and Recreation Department Fee Policy u Intergenerational ideas spanning all age gaps C3 Develop programs and facilities for senior citizens u Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for the City of College Station a Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs ci Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating ri k ci More interaction between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with City Council C3 Monitor code review and revision projects currently underway with respect to codes impacting parks. u Identify areas of common concern between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission. u Review the parkland dedication ordinance. Keep current a file of other city parkland dedication ordinances and review every three years. u Develop criteria for parkland dedication. What are the desired characteristics of a neighborhood park with respect to size, amenities, pedestrian access, vehicle access, lighting, vehicle parking, trees, open space, connectivity to greenways, connectivity to bikeways, drainage and retention ponds, ease of maintenance, location with respect to arterial streets and the neighborhoods served, etc. u Explore further the concept of advanced planning for neighborhood parks well ahead of the development in an area. c] Identify, as a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the future general location of community parks. Determine time frames for when they will be needed. Estimate land acquisition costs. Develop community park acquisition strategy. Page 1 of 2 u Explore opportunities and identify locations where parks could serve as the focal point for a neighborhood, subdivision entrance, city gateway, or arterial corridor. ci Further explore opportunities for developer fees and/or parkland dedication for development of community parks. Find out what other Texas cities are doing. u Identify obstacles to quality parkland dedication by developers. Work to remove obstacles that are within the control of the City. ci Schedule a joint meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission once a year. u Schedule a joint workshop meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the City Council once a year. On-Going Activities u Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. u Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES POLICY STATEMENT The citizens of College Station have made a commitment to excellence in parks facilities and recreation programs. These facilities and services require substantial expenditures by the City to ensure appropriate maintenance and effective programming. This policy is intended to insure that a proportion of these costs is recovered through user fees in an equitable manner in accordance with the City's current fiscal and budgetary policies approved by the City Council. I. Fees for athletic programs shall be set in accordance with the following guidelines: A. The cost of maintaining and operating athletic facilities should be borne by those who use them. In addition, in those situations where the City has responsibility for organizing and/or programming activities, participants should bear .a-1- -s- 1 !---proportionate staff salaries and overhead of direct supervisors associated with the program. B. The City recognizes that it is appropriate to subsidize youth athletic and aquatics activities. Such activities contribute to educational development and to encourage leisure literacy, which are increasingly important aspects of life. Youth is defined as all s4,- • individuals up to, and including, eighteen years of age. The City will absorb ; .all maintenance and operating costs associated with facilities and the staff costs associated with organizing and/or programming activities. A fee will be assessed to cover all variable costs associated with programs such as uniforms, equipment, awards, umpires, etc. in accordance with the City's fiscal and budgetary policy statement. C. It is intended that facilities and programs should be available to all citizens and that none should be excluded because of inability to pay. The Department Director, at his/her discretion, may reduce any fee in individual cases upon evidence of financial hardship. The "Parks Bucks" program is intended to meet the majority of these cases. D. In addition to this user fee policy, the City levies a fee surcharge, which goes into an Athletic Renovation and Improvement Fund. The policy governing that fund is attached to this policy. II. Fees for the use of rental facilities shall be set to cover the cost of utilities and maintenance expenses related to that facility. Deposits may be required, as needed, to ensure proper care and clean-up is provided by user groups. Deposits Page 3 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Monday,March 26,2001 may be waived when users establish a satisfactory record with the City, and will be determined on a case by case basis, The fee and deposit will be waived for the College Station Independent School District per a joint use agreement. III. Aquatics, special events and instruction fees shall be set to cover all expenses directly associated with conduct of the class or event. Pool admission fees shall be set on an annual basis to recover a portion of the pools' operating expenses up to 50%. All fees shall be reviewed on an annual basis at public meetings by the Parks and Recreation Board. After receiving public input, the Board will then submit fee recommendations for the next calendar year to the City Council for final approval. Page 4 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Monday,March 26,2001 Athletic Renovation and Improvement Funds The CIP Committee recommended multiple lighting, irrigation, shade structures, pathway and backstop projects on athletic fields as part of the 1998 bond program that was approved by the City Council and the citizens. They were assured that this would restore all athletic fields to the City's desirable standard. However, the CIP Committee noted that it was unreasonable to fund these short- term projects which had an expected life of considerably less than 25 years with 25 year bonds, since future taxpayers would be paying for assets that no longer existed. The Council concurred with the Committee's strong recommendation that a surcharge should be required of all teams using athletic fields to pay for the replacement of items that have deteriorated as a result of their use, and for any improvements in the existing standard of facilities they would like to have. In response to this mandate, the Parks and Recreation Department is preparing a rolling 10 year schedule which projects the renovations and improvements required at each athletic field complex. Input from representatives of the athletic field users will be solicited in preparing this schedule. The costs of implementing the 10 year program will be calculated, with allowances made for likely future cost increases, and divided into equal annual amounts. The surcharee will be sufficient to ea each user ',muss' irorated share of the fields' annual renovations and improvements. This money will be retained in a separate capital fund for each athletic field com ilex and will be used exclusivel for renovating or improving that complex. The Parks and Recreation Department will consult with representatives from the athletic groups contrib ting to a fund before money can be appropriated from it. It is likely to take some months for the staff to carefully develop and cost the 10 year plans. However, it is desirable to implement the program as soon as possible, since delays will increase the surcharge amounts that will be needed in future years. This policy will be implemented on October 1,1999 at the commencement of FY2000. In lieu of the availability of the 10-year plan, the Parks and Recreation Board recommended a surcharge be leveled on each item that equates to approximately $5 per person, per season (Fall, Spring, and Summer), per team in FY2000. This will be reviewed with athletic team representatives before the FY2001 budget cycle when the rolling 10-year plan is available, and revisions, if necessary, will be made to this $5 amount to reflect the financial needs of the fields. This procedure will be replicated annually in future years. Page 5 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Monday,March 26,2001 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT C1P PROJECT LIST FY 2001 Expected FundingCompletion p tion Completion PriorityPriority&Project Status project# Budget SourcepFinal Cost 3 Brison Park Improvements PK0100 $54,600 '98 G.O. -1 Brothers Park improvements in Construction PK0084 $32,100 '98 G.O. 3/31/01 3/28/01 $25,087.00 7/31/01 1 Business Center Landscaping Project In Construction GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 2 Castlegate Park Design In Design 4/31/01 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. 3 Central Park Improvements PK0101 $17,000 '98 G.O. 2 Community Park Acquisition Underway PK9948 $520,000 '98 Bond 6/1/01 2 Gabbard Park Improvements In Design PK0102 $78,000 '98GD. 9/30/01 Hallaran Pool Filters & Coating (FY'01) On Hold PK0106 $120,000 FY '01 3/31/02 2 High School Tennis Court Lights (FY'01) Agreement PK0109 $91,500 FY '01 9/1/01 Complete Indoor Grant Application for Joint CSISD Project Suspend until 01 1 Lemontree Park Playground Complete PK0066 $22,000 '98 G.O. 12/31/01 11/31/01 $21,000 I Lick Creek Grant Application Complete '98 G.O. 1/31/01 1/19/01 N/A Grant $126,265 C.D.B.G. 2 Lick Creek Trails Grant Project Approved Funds 2 Lincoln Improvements On Hold CD1292 $90,000 FY '01 10/1/01 Revised: April 5, 2001 ILI FExpectred mPr n ' Priority&Project \ Status - iraject# -:Buot Sus= ':-*°mDPairn Dae ° 'Final Cost 2 Merry Oaks Improvements In Design PK0103 $37,00098 GO. 9/31/01 Replacem 3/31/01 3/28/01 $23,643 1 Merry Oaks Playground Replacement In Construction PK0088 $25,000 ent Funds 6/31/01 2 Millenium Winds Improvements (FY'01) Out to bid $7,195 FY '01 2 Oaks Park Bridge PK0067 $28,000 '98 G.O. Parking Garage Landscape Plan Complete CD. 12/31/01 12/1/01 1 Raintree Park Improvements In Construction PK0068 $44,000 '98 G.O. 4/31/01 4/6/01 $28,187 3 Shenandoah Park Development $48,000 Ded Southwood Soccer Field 1 Renovation (FY'01) ids Underway FY '01 5/31/01 1 Thomas Park Improvements _ Complete PK9931 $84,000 '98 G.O. 12/31/01 11/31/01 $80,000 2 Thomas Pool Improvements On hold PK0104 $19,000 '98 G.O. Thomas Pool Leak Investigation & Repair (FY'01) Complete PK0107 $25,000 FY '01 2/01 1 Veterans Park Phase I In Design PK9941 $2,120,000 '98 G.O. 5/1/02 2 Veterans Park Water Feasibility (FY'01) Complete PK0110 $25,000 FY '01 10/1/01 2/01 '1 West District Maintenance Shop Complete PK9927 $501,000 '98 G.O. 2/31/01 2/16/01 Willow Branch Tennis Courts Complete PK0074 $125,000 DED 3/1/01 2/16/01 $125,000 2 Woodway Park Development $468,600 Wolf Pen Creek Tree Planting In Design Zone 3 7/31/01 3/22/01 $5,491.00 Dedication (+ $1,785.00 for 1 year Maint. until March 02) 0:/parks/Projects/CIP/cip2001.doc OTHERS Expected _ ><.., _ jj ix} c „ fi h. a , 'Completion ��" y n r!opi#a: Prollect �. � �- Status �•._rh...,,.. .- xBud.- -Source..., 4 Date Date r Final Cost " 1 City Center Concepts Complete 1 City Hall Atrium Complete $8,500 5/1/01 2/23/01 $8,547.00 George Bush at Wellborn Roadto Texas 3 Avenue Medians 2 Northgate Park (FY'01) 2 Raintree Land Acquisition On hold 1 Wolf Pen Creek trails In Design 1 Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette _ Complete TIF Public Hearing Skateboard/Roller Hockey Park Jan 30, 2001 PK0073 $162,000 FY00 SLA PRIORITIES #1 ® In progress currently or will be in progress before January 1, 2001. #2 ® In progress before August 1, 2001 #3 — In progress after cto er 1, 2001 0:/parks/Projects/GIP/cip2001.doc