HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/2000 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board TY OF COLLEGE STATION PT an r e ks ds a4g4y ea cnrue 4art '3 n1 Board00 0 Parks &Recreation Department Conference Room 1000 Miertek Tap Road 7:00 pm. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair; Glen Davis; Susan Allen; John Nichols; Bill Davis. Board Members Absent: George Dresser, Co-Chair; Sarah Birkhold; John Crompton, Alternate. 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors: There were no visitors at the meeting. 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: John Nichols made a motion to accept the absences of George Dresser, Sarah Birldiold, andJohn Crompton as excused. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 4. Approval of minutes from RegularMeeting ee 4 1999: Glen made a ting of December 1 motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of December 14, 1999. Susan Allen seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 5. Discussion and possible consideration of Parks and Recreation Board go•is and i priorities: Steve asked for this tem to be put on the agenda. He thinks that it is important to take a look at the status of the Board and Departmental goals. Steve gave the Board the statusc?f each of the Board goals. He said that the most time has been spent on the "In Progress , items. Steve mentioned that items #9-#13 (medium low priority items) have not been addressed due to time constraints. Steve reminded the Board that many of the projects that may seem simple actually , turn "Other to be quite complicated. John suggested renaming "Low Priority" projectsto Other Priority Projects." The Board agreed(no motion was made). Steve also gave a status report on the Departmental goals. He said that these goals were created by the Department to support both Board goals and the City Council Strategic Issues. He discussed additional mandated Departmental projects administered by City Management. Page 1 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,January 11,2000 6. Discussion and possible consideration of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan and the approval process: Steve said that there were three parts to this item: a) The archeology survey contract has been approved. Curtis Bingham is working with the Field Archeologist on this project. The survey report for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex will be out by later this spring. b) Steve went over the revised schedule for the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan approval process. Steve mentioned that the Department would have a public hearing and Special Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board on Tuesday, February 1, 2000, to discuss the Master Plan approval. Steve said that at the Regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting on February 8, 2000, the Board could possibly adopt the Master Plan. If so, it will then be brought to the City Council for approval. c) City Council has directed the Development Services Department to conduct a study of Highway 30 / University Drive Corridor (from the East Bypass to Highway 158). Steve mentioned that the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan Subcommittee has been invited to participate in the process. No dates have been set at this time, but they are looking for it to be completed within six months. Steve said that the Subcommittee intends to move forward with the Master Plan and hopes that it will not be delayed by the study. 7® Discussion and possible consideration of potential agreement with CSISD for joint tennis court projects: Steve said that the Department has not received word back from the College Station Independent School District (CSISD) on whether they have approved the interlocal agreement that was sent to them from the City of College Station. The agreement states that the City will contribute up to $125,000 to help fund the construction of four lighted tennis courts, if CSISD will handle all of the engineering work, design, and construction of the courts. Steve said that the City is asking CSISD for pe ission to look at their constuction plans for the project. The City wants to be able to go to City Council with an agreement from CSISD. Steve recommended that the Board try to do a presentation to the City Council at one of the Council's Workshop sessions, within the next month, to discuss joint projects with CSISD. The Board ageed (no motion was made). Steve will keep the Board informed. 8. Report, discussion, and possible consideration on Madeley Park development: Steve said that there were two parts to this item. a) Steve spoke with John Blackburn, Operations Manager, Community Services, City of Bryan, to see if Bryan would be interested in doing a joint project with the City of College Station on the Madeley Park site. Mr. Blackburn met with the Bryan City Manager, Mike Conduff, who was not opposed to the concept. One of the recommendations from that meeting was that they get with Bryan City Councilman Kenny Mallard, who lives in the Madeley Park area to see what his feelings were. They have not yet heard back from Mr. Mallard. Page 2 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,January 11,2000 b) Steve said that he'd spoken with Tom Aughinbaugh with Lubbock National Bank. Mr. Aughinbaugh has a client who is interested in purchasing the five-acre Madeley park site from the City, to turn it into a residential, single-family development. Mr. Aughinbaugh wanted to know what steps would be involved to acquire the land. Steve said he told Mr. Aughinbaugh that if the City wanted to sell the land, it would be a decision on the part of the Parks and Recreation Board, with a recommendation to the City Council. If the City Council agreed to sell the land, it would have to go before the citizens of College Station for approval on the ballot. Steve said he did not recommend selling this land, and he feels that it was the intention of the Madeley's, when they donoted the land to the City, that it be used for park purposes. Steve recommended to the Board that they decline the offer from the bank, stating that the City does not intend to sell the land, and intends to keep it as a park site. Bill Davis made a motion not to sell the land at this time. John seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 9® Update, discussion, and possible action concerning the special venue tax for sports facilities: Steve said that Curtis Bingham and his staff are working on developing operational and maintenance costs to dete ine if it would be viable to use this special venue tax as a source of funding for the construction of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Once this info ation is obtained, and construction costs can be confirmed, it will be possible to dete ine whether the project is feasible or not. Steve said that he should have an update by the next meeting. 10® Discussion and possible action on the surfacing of the jogging track at Rock Prairie Elementary School: Steve said that included in the Board packets was the development agreement that the City has with CSISD regarding Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. He said that the agreement states that all costs associated with maintaining and refurbishing the park would be the responsibility of the City. Steve feels that replacing the track with a rubberized cushion surfacing is more an improvement, rather than maintenance. He said that it would cost approximately $12,000 for a 2,000-foot section to be replaced. It would cost a lot more to replace the whole track, which would be a major capital project. Steve suggested that the Board look at this project as a policy issue. Glen suggested making it an objective, instead of a policy; for future construction of school jogging tracks, rubberized surfacing be installed instead of concrete. John N. suggested not taking action on this item. The board agreed. No motion was made. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning future park sites: Steve said that the Board had requested an update on this item concerning an acquisition project for a community park and cemetery. He said that the City Council had approved a request to acquire land adjacent to the existing landfill. He said that the current landfill only has about five to six years left before another landfill site is needed. There had been plans to purchase another landfill site, but those plans fell through. One suggestion was to purchase the adjacent land and expand the existing landfill. Page 3 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,January 11,2000 Steve said that whether the land is made into a park or kept as a landfill site, the City is in favor of moving forward with the acquisition of the adjacent land. Steve said that it would need to be determined if the land is salvageable for park purposes. He reminded the Board that the landfill cap cannot be punctured by planting trees, and there would be no irrigation. There will be a meeting on January 20, 2000 with the Public Works Department, the Cemetery Committee, and the Parks Department to discuss this item further. Steve will give the Board an update on this item during the next meeting. 12. Consent items: Capital Improvement Program projects report: John N. inquired about the progress of Edelweiss Park. Steve said that the City is charging the contractor $100/day in liquidated damages until the park is complete. This money will stay in park funds. Discussion of a dedication date for the park will be on next meeting's agenda. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda: • Discussion and possible adoption of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan. • Reports, discussion, and possible action concerning a future park site. • Discussion and consideration of Edelweiss Park dedication date. 13. Adjourn: John N. made a motion to adjourn. Susan Allen seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. Page 4 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,January 11,2000