HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING - PUBLIC HEARING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. PEBBLE CREEK COUNTRY CLUB 4500 PEBBLE CREEK PARKWAY KALEIDOSCOPE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Bob DeOtte, Vice Chair; Carol Reynolds; Barry Harding, Greg Taggart; Debra Anderson; and Mike Manson MEMBERS ABSENT: Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; David Gerling, Special Facilities Supt.; Linda Waltman, Recreation Supt.; and Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Jean Ringer and Marilyn Hooton I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were approved as submitted. Ill. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR PEBBLE CREEK PARK: Steve informed everyone that this would be the final step in the public hearing process. If approved by the Parks Board that night, the design would then be*presented to the City Council the following night for their approval. After their approval staff would proceed with the final design and bid process. Pete displayed the final design which consisted of two playgrounds, two baseball and two soccer fields, a full basketball court with six goals for 2 court basketball play, and a 3 mile jogging trail with lights. Ms. Ringer mentioned that she believed few citizens appeared for this meeting due to their confidence that the board and staff would grant their previous wishes and concerns regarding the park. She also stated that if funding became tight the neighborhood may be willing to help by donating funds. Barry motioned to accept the proposed site plan, seconded by Carol. The motion passed unanimously. IV. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF 1996 USER FEES: The board was given a list of user fees and the increases proposed. Steve stated that staff is proposing increases for some sports activities. Those activities include adult basketball, flag football, softball, and fast pitch, and youth basketball, flag football, and girl's softball. Most of the increases were five or ten dollars. These increases will help pay for increases in supplies and trophies. , Steve mentioned that fee increases were being proposed for two pavilions, Bee Creek and Oaks. Both were being increased from $30 to $50. Some amenities were added adjacent to Oaks Pavilion. Steve stated that a pay increase was included in the current budget for lifeguards because the department was losing them due to low pay. Fee increases are needed at the pools to help fund that salary increase. Bob motioned to accept the proposed user fees, seconded by Greg. The motion I passed unanimously. V. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT: Ric stated that the Southwood Pool renovation is continuing. Only two bids were received, partly due to the low number of companies that deal with this type of construction. Staff will be doing a portion of the renovation due to the bid coming in over budget. Ric mentioned that 162 trees will be planted at Sandstone Park the first of next year, due to the grant that was approved. The park project should be completed within the next couple of months. The Pebble Creek Park project will go to City Council December 13, for approval, and should go out to bid in January. Ric stated that the Wayne Smith Baseball Complex project was awarded to HSI Architects of Bryan and negotiations have begun on design fees. , - VI. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: Greg asked about HOK's park plan. Steve stated that, to his knowledge, that have not been involved in any park issues regarding the city's masterplan. Carol asked about Wolf Pen Creek. Steve stated that nothing is currently taking place about the lake and silt removal for the future. He said that there is some activity with developers who own land upstream that may consider donating land depending on what will happen to it. Ron stated that he would like to see the board come up with some sort of plan for the lake. VII. ADJOURN: The Board adjourned at 8:03 • - APPROVED: Ron Gay, Board Chair an c14/9/94, Date l/ Atte : ib/ Bridge e Ge e CPS, Boa/r ecretary 4 , fi /99 Date /