HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/26/2001 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board IBBEIIIEIEIEIEEBIIIIIBSIIIIIMihlutesillaasnnmotnaaneonmzaooMmeeass CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PA S & RECREATION VISORYIIBOA Special Meeting Monday, March 26, 2001 Parks Conference IIIIIIIIIIIIIInoeamgoesgfqQ*NtgogkxgpIRogobtoascsoroggsoeEogoaanmooismt 7:00 pm. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Linda Waltman, Recreation Superintendent; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair; John Nichols; Glen Davis; Glenn Schroeder; John Crompton, Alternate; Laura Wood, Alternate. Board Members Absent: George Dresser, Co-Chair; Bill Davis; Jon Turton. L Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke at this time. 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: John Nichols made a motion to accept the absences of George Dresser and Bill Davis as excused. John Crompton seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning the User Fee Study and recommendations for FY2002 parks and recreation user fees: Steve stated that he had hoped for the Board to consider fee recommendations at the meeting. He stated that the Fees Subcommittee and Department staff had met with the fee consultants on March 20, 2001. It was determined during the meeting that the consultants did not have all of the information they needed to produce an accurate report. He went on to say that any fee recommendations from the Department to the City Council would have to be postponed until June 2001. Steve added that the Department had hoped to present their recommendations to the Council during their April 12, 2001 meeting,but said that even with the postponement there would still be time to incorporate any recommendations into the Fiscal Year 2002 budget. In the meantime, Department staff would verify the information generated by the consultants and get them any additional information still needed to complete their report. Steve stated that the primary discussion should be focused on making the Parks and Recreation Department Fee Policy Statement consistent with the Fiscal and Page 1 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Monday,March 26,2001 Budgetary Policy Statement for the City of College Station. He referred the Board to the two policies. After some discussion, the Board drafted several changes to the Departmental Policy Statement (see attachment). The draft would be forwarded to the members of the Board who were not present at the meeting, and would also be placed on the April 10, 2001, agenda for additional discussion. This item was for discussion and consideration only, and no motion was made. Linda Waltman added that she had surveyed fees from other cities with similar demographics to determine what the market was. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning park land dedication requirements for the Butler COCS Tract (now named Southwest Parkway Apartments): Steve stated that this item concerns a park land dedication in Zone 6 where the property owner wishes to make a cash dedication of approximately $33,000 instead of land (refer to Park Land Dedication Ordinance Review Checklist included in packets). He went on to say that Department staff recommends that the cash donation be applied to a future park land purchase in that zone, and asked for a formal motion from the Board. John C. made a motion to accept the cash dedication for the project instead of land. Chris Barzilla seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Steve stated that the Board's recommendation would be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 6. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Page 2 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Special Meeting Monday,March 26,2001 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES POLICY STATEMENT The citizens of College Station have made a commitment to excellence in parks facilities and recreation programs. These facilities and services require substantial expenditures by the City to ensure appropriate maintenance and effective programming. This policy is intended to insure that a proportion of these costs is recovered through user fees in an equitable manner. I. Fees for athletic programs shall be set in accordance with the following guidelines: A. The cost of maintaining and operating athletic facilities should be borne by those who use them. In addition, in those situations where the City has responsibility for organizing and/or programming activities, participants should bear all costs involved including proportionate salaries and overhead. B. The City recognizes that it is appropriate to subsidize youth athletic activities. Such activities contribute to educational development and to encourage leisure literacy, which are increasingly important aspects of life. Youth is defined as all students up to, and including, twelfth grade. The City will absorb the bulk of these costs. C. It is intended that facilities and programs should be available to all citizens and that none should be excluded because of inability to pay. The Department Director, at his/her discretion, may reduce any fee in individual cases upon evidence of financial hardship. The "Parks Bucks" program is intended to meet the majority of these cases. II. Fees for the use of rental facilities shall be set to cover the cost of utilities and maintenance expenses related to that facility. Deposits may be required, as needed, to ensure proper care and clean-up is provided by user groups. Deposits may be waived when users establish a satisfactory record with the City. III. Aquatics, special events and instruction fees shall be set to cover all expenses directly associated with conduct of the class or event. Pool admission fees shall be set on an annual basis to recover a portion of the pools' operating expenses. All fees shall be reviewed on an annual basis at public meetings by the Parks and Recreation Board. After receiving public input, the Board will then submit fee recommendations for the next calendar year to the City Council for final approval. Athletic Renovation and Improvement Funds The CIP Committee recommended multiple lighting, irrigation, shade structures, pathway and backstop projects on athletic fields as part of the 1998 bond program that was approved by the City Council and the citizens. They were assured that this would restore all athletic fields to the City's desirable standard. However, the CIP Committee noted that it was unreasonable to fund these short-term projects which had an expected life of considerably less than 25 years with 25 year bonds, since future taxpayers would be paying for assets that no longer existed. The Council concurred with the Committee's strong recommendation that a surcharge should be required of all teams using athletic fields to pay for the replacement of items that have deteriorated as a result of their use, and for any improvements in the existing standard of facilities they would like to have. In response to this mandate, the Parks and Recreation Department is preparing a rolling 10 year schedule which projects the renovations and improvements required at each athletic field complex. Input from representatives of the athletic field users will be solicited in preparing this schedule. The costs of implementing the 10 year program will be calculated, with allowances made for likely future cost increases, and divided into equal annual amounts. The surcharge will be sufficient to pay each user groups' prorated share of the fields' annual renovations and improvements. This money will be retained in a separate capital fund for each athletic field complex, and will be used exclusively for renovating or improving that complex. The Parks and Recreation Department will consult with representatives from the athletic groups contributing to a fund before money can be appropriated from it. It is likely to take some months for the staff to carefully develop and cost the 10 year plans. However, it is desirable to implement the program as soon as possible, since delays will increase the surcharge amounts that will be needed in future years. This policy will be implemented on October 1,1999 at the commencement of FY2000. In lieu of the availability of the 10-year plan, the Parks and Recreation Board recommended a surcharge be leveled on each item that equates to approximately $5 per person, per season (Fall, Spring, and Summer), per team in FY2000. This will be reviewed with athletic team representatives before the FY2001 budget cycle when the rolling 10-year plan is available, and revisions, if necessary, will be made to this $5 amount to reflect the financial needs of the fields. This procedure will be replicated annually in future years. o:/group/board/subcom/fees/athletic F(SC AL 047a Pottem ii forms of subsidization between entiti,.? . Tem eaAterstent shall be done at a minimum , services, utilities, and customer classes. oli7nce e three years. ‘N 800 r oi % 4. • E • II EQUACY. The City shall A ninety-six and one half percent (96.5%) e a require that there be a balance in the revenue collection rate shall serve each year as a elAll system; i.e., the revenue base will have the minimum goal for tax collections. The City E OV characteristic of fairness and neutrality as it Manager may, for budget and forecasting e %t # applies to cost of service, willingness to pay, and ability to pay. purposes, use up to the tax rate in effect for the current year's budget. This policy will require that the City Manager justify a tax rate t% r 5. *MINIS " •TION. The benefits of a that is different from the current tax rate. revenue source will exceed the cost of levying The justification will be based on City Council and collecting that revenue. The cost of directions, needs arising from, voter collection will be reviewed annually for cost authorized bonds, or other extraordinary effectiveness as a part of the indirect cost and conditions as may arise. cost of service analysis. Where appropriate, 4. I I NT INCO I . Earnings from the City will use the administrative processes of State or Federal collection agencies in investment (both interest and capital gains) of order to reduce administrative costs. available monies, whether pooled or not, will be distributed to the funds in accordance with 6. D RSIFICATION I STAB! . A the equity balance of the fund from which diversified revenue system with a stable monies were provided to be invested. source of income shall be maintained. This will help avoid instabilities in particular 5. USER-BASED I SERVICE revenue sources due to factors such as C • •GES. For services associated with a fluctuations in the economy and variations in user fee or charge, the direct and indirect the weather. Stability is achieved by a balance costs of that service will be offset by a fee between elastic and inelastic revenue sources. where possible. There will be a review of fees and charges no less than once every three B. 0 1 R CONSIDERATIONS. The following. years to ensure that fees provide adequate considerations and issues will guide the City in its coverage of costs of services. User charges revenue policies concerning specific sources of may be classified as "full cost recovery," funds: partial cost recovery," and "minimal cost r ry„"based upon City Council policy. 1. COST/B OF INCE FOR ECONOMIC D OP 1 NT. The City a. Full fee support (80-100%) will be will use due caution in the . alysis of any tax L obtained from enterprise operations such or fee incentives that are used to encourage as utilities, sanitation service, landfill, development. Ideally, a cost/benefit (fiscal xernetery and licenses and permits. impact) analysis will be performed as part of b. Partial fee support (50-80%) will be such evaluation, generated by charges for emergency medical services, miscellaneous licenses 2. NON-REC ' " G. ' . One-time and fines, and all adults sports pr.. or non-recurring revenues will not be used to c. Minimum fee support (0-50%) will,:,bei finance ongoing operations. Non-recurring obtained from other-parks ',recrealiorial,i revenues should be used only for one-u' e cultural, 7-f'-ihd'''‘i8a- programs ''and expenditures such as long-lived capital needs. activities...f-,;- , They will not be used for budget balancing purposes. 6. E RPRISE I RA . The City will review and adopt utility rates as needed to 3. PROPERTY T• ' . All real and generate revenues required to fully cover business personal property located within the operating expenses, meet the legal • City shall be valued at 100% of the fair restrictions of all applicable bond covenants, market value for any given year based on the and provide for an adequate level of working current appraisal supplied to the City by the capital. , Brazos County Appraisal District. Reappraisal .----,-A F-3 -:1-1:61i .:Atire. PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: March 5,2001 Park Zone: 6 Name of Development: Southwood Parkway Apartment Applicant:Parkcrest Builders (William Austin) Address:5851 San Felipe Suite 200 City/State: Houston Texas Zip: 77057 Phone Number: 713-266-0414 FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Veronica Morgan Address: 511 Universtiy Dr. City/State: College Station,Texas Zip: 77840 Phone Number: 979-260-6963 FAX: 260-3564 E-mail: vRmittchellandmorgan.com REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-family Dwelling Units: 96 Total Land Requirement: .71 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 SECTION 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning &Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Acquisition Costs: Single Family Fee ($148/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): $112 x 96= $10,752 Total Fee: $10,752 SECTION 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($309/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($233/dwelling unit): $233 x 96=$22,368 Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi-family Fee ($345/Dwelling Unit): $345 x 96=$33,120 SECTION 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Have development plans and specifications been approved by the Parks & Recreation Board? No SECTION 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? n/a If yes, staff recommends: Cash donation SECTION 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development?Yes,Southwest Park (undeveloped) If yes, staff recommends: Cash donation SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Yes Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Requirements 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? not if going to Southwest Park c. Topography: N/a d. Trees/Scenery: n/a 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? no b. Restricted access: no c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? no d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: %. e. Do streets abutting the park comply with the Thoroughfare Plan? STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Cash donation recommended SECTION 10-G: Approval Parks & Recreation Board: Planning &Zoning Board: City Council: O:\Parks\Forms\Admin\Park Land Dedication Ordinance Checklist.dot till ' rr i 0 i . + e t 1 ' i cti s iiiiiii im ,,i, iiiit,„„ , - -il A V 0 '''.'.7- 0 11i 1"b, '-i'..:1. utur # i' re : al, ,, n i , e Let , r i . ° s esst , w ii,,i,,i,ii,ii,iii,ii, .„.,. „,,,, „,, „„, ;,,;::i ,.....:.. „,, „‘ i,,! .....,.. 0,1-.. b . - y. i, .:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-.:,-.:.:„:„,,,,-.--,...-:„-:;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,:,-:-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r , i,,,,,,:,,,'„,.'1„....':','''''',..'-i.',,,,..',,..1' ,... ...,..).............:„..„..,:,„„..„,...,„„„...,„...„,...„..„_,..,,,„:„,.....,,,,:,:„..„.,..„,:,•„,:„..„.„,„.„:„„.„„,„:„.,...„..„..,,,,„,„,,,,,......„....„,„:„.,.:,..„,„,„„,„:„„:,..„....„,,..,..,.,...,..„,,,,,„,:„,,: , ...... .g.;'i, ..............„.............„,....„...................................:...„.........,..............................._.....,...........,..........................„.,..........,.......,..... .... ....................................._...................................................................................,....................... .....................................,....._....................,„...............„......_................................_...._.... ..,.... .............................................................,_,..................„.................................................. ...................................... ............„..,....... ...,.....,................„.............................. ,„ ,_ •.„..•.•••...............................•.•..........,........,...„...„...„,..„......„,.................„.......,..,...„................,..........,.........„.....„:„.,...,,„:„.„..„:„ r,, ,...-,..„..„..,..„,,,-..,.,:.,„,,:,-„,„,,,,„„-,1„,-..„,„„,..„,„:„,,,„::::.,,,,„:,,,,,ftwittsio•agewilisman,,,illmegimis it > .y>Ir' •€' b:,,,x"`46 ,..... 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With a - involvement fill recreation issues, it t the ti , 's leadingparks recreation pr r i'l • If Charles .t theDirectorof ParksRecreationiset commissioner for il iiConservation r r t r fr t r r D.C.1.1 ington CharlesappointedtoservetheNational Parkf Advisory Board iiCommittee ii r f t rc: rit ti to i ,lr tClinton. I He is b.iso honorary ir of the OregonChapter of UNICEF', . II federaltt '41 iii urbanI As an r r t l, ....t r it r. f r r. r tagencies, and non-governmental organizations to ensure that ournation's legacy is no less than inheritance. s important influence in i personal as well " 1.„!--i professional life is isystem — God first, family second, and job l';',,,i ,., '''*,1,:'',': * re,- 1 - ,iiiiii. A ' ISS1017 ''''''';-'-':'' .„ C.E.11 s will to offered' - .:, ,, ,,,,,, „,,i,6 ..„..1 ,,,,,,, F,. ._ r.,:. ,,...„:. . 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He is also honorarychair of the Oregon Chapter of UNICEF, urbanr: r, Charles works t state r ct . of parks and recreation, feterall agencies, and non-govern entalorganizations to r that our nations' than r inheritance. t important influe ce his personal professional — God first, family second, and job last. - Free SSI On „.„ „,„„ s he offered Sponsored by:College Station Parks & Recreation Department ,14 Texas A&M University Department of Recreation, Park and Touris Sciences (919)764-3486 4' „,!:::P I '''!' 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Th. „„•...„. „„,„ i < s .„„„„„„„_„„,,,,,,,,,„..„.,.... a rssmosrsoo.g,,.5:F,Ti,c,,z,„,,,,,,,,:.,,,:,.,.,Tr000ta.,,;:,imv...,s,uaa-,,„,..„,„,,,,,,,,,....,..,,,„... ii, ! tiomgnwmagaovfoisiEeti!ii,lffpqoipttiFllipVR-Riff-Fiixo t a ''''''; 1.; 11101101011111PPRielMe•AAVEMVONFRfaillpi a . ip IN 2 Iii IIIIIIIIIpjilltllijliiiitiiiiiiliiiiel!r;itltbilqlilii b 1 1 1 I nium - ' 1 tui I tom ' ;si nii 1310 George B sh Drive 11 ' :':Ii,'„':',',.',''.!--- Cc)ilege Station, T xas i ,.,,, CharlesJordan t his r f i l life to publicservice is recognized bot r his leadership Ili an.. .,,,,,,:, responsiveness t thediverse i serves. Withlong-standing involvement inparks and I i ii ' i ,,,:::::,,,. li recreation directs of thes l r . recreation r r ,,,,,,,, .,,,, .., „„:„. „,„,..., „.„. i i• rl the of PortlandParks - r tpast i commissioner r r oi III Portland, serving fromfl He servesthe rd of Directors for The Conservation. iit D.C. Charlesappointed toservethet . l Park t r i II m• ember of the ri Heritage i s Advisory Committeehaving i ted by President Clinton. I He is l s honorary i t of the r Chapter of UNICEF, 111 As an-urban director, Charles closely t l, state regionaldirectorsparks -II f• ederalIII agencies, tI organizations to ensr that our nation's legacy is than r 1 ,,,,, ..„,, II „.„.„. inheritance. most important influence inhis . well as , 11 p• rofessional lifehis valuesystem . ,,,4 first, family job last. . .,., ,,,,,„.„„, '!,:'.!--:','!.' ree 1177 s Ion Eiii „:„, „:„„; t,„ .1!' g ..„, ,,„ ..„„ ,,,,„ ,,,,,,„, . ...... , E II swill as offered i by: Recreation „,„ From: "Dresser, George" <g-dresser@tamu.edu> To: 'Kris Startzman' <KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 3/19/01 9:33AM Subject: RE: Special Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Kris, I am in San Diego on March 26 for work-related professional meetings and, therefore, will not be able to attend the special Parks& Recreation Board meeting. -Original M- From: Kris Startzman [mailto:KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.bcus] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:15 PM To: gschr•-•er@aggiecatholic.org; GDavis6264@aol.com; csb@cox-internet.com; DAVISG@fabtexas.com;jturton@mail.st-joseph.org; lw• •@medicine.tamu.edu; bill@pianoplace.net;jcrompto@rpts.tamuoedu; Jpn@tamu.edu; G-dre':;::-:r@ttimail.tamu.edu Cc: Glenn Bro ; Pete Vanecek; Ric PI.-•er; Steve Beachy; Tom Brymer; lfam •rth@tamu.edu Subject: Special Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Just a reminder that there will be a s•- ial Parks and Recreation Beard meeting that is scheduled for Monday, March 26th at 7:00 PM at Central Park. The topics will be FY02 User F-- , along with a park land dedication requirement discussion (new item added... - attachments). So far, I have confirmations for: Chris Barzilla, John Nichols, Jon Turton, Glen Davis, John Crompton, Laura Wood, and Glenn Schr.-a er. 'lease let me know if anything changes. Thanks and - you there. Kris Startzman...... the future Kris Lehde :-) College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. From: "George W.R. (Bill) Davis" <bill@pianoplace.net> To: 'Kris Startzman' <KSTARTZMAN©ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 3/15/01 8:41PM Subject: RE: Special Parks and Recreation Board Meeting I cannot make the s.- ial parks meeting on Monday 26th I am a Board member for the Brazos Valley Chorale and we a board meeting and our annual meeting at that time. -Original Message- From: Kris Startzman[SMTP:KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:15 PM To: gschr4-•er@aggiecatholic.org; GDavis6264@aol.com; csb@cox-intemet.com; DAVISG@fabtexas.com;jturton@mail.st-joseph.org; lw.• ©medicine.tamu.edu; bill@pianoplace.net;jcrompto@rpts.tamu.edu; Jpn@tamu.edu; G-dre -r@ftimail.tamu.edu Cc: Glenn Bro ; Pete Vanecek; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy; Tom Brymer; Ifarnsworth@tamu.edu Subject: Special Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Just a reminder that there will be a special Parks and Recreation Board meeting that is scheduled for Monday, March 26th at 7:00 PM at Central Park. The topics will be FY02 User F- , along with a park land dedication requirement discussion(new item added... -- attachments). So far, I have confirmations for: Chris Barzilla, John Nichols, Jon Turton, Glen Davis, John Crompton, Laura w ••117 and Glenn Schr.-•er. Please let me know if anything changes. Thanks and see you there. Kris Startzman...... the future Kris Lehde :=) College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. << File: March 26, 2001.doc>> << File: Butler.doc>>