HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/2000 - Special Minutes - Parks BoardSt ff Pres 1 SI t: Steve erect hers er A 1. C llll ti ird ***Minutes*** CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Special Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2000 Parks Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 7:00 p.m. r; Kris St irector of n, to a s d cre Secretary. 1 • n; Eric loeger, Assist nt: Chris Irzi11a, Chair; George Dresser, Co -Chair; (1eiu Sc oeder; (len Davis; J011 Turton (arrive Cro pt on, Alternate; La ra We o Alt , ate. sent: J hn Nichols, he ueetTn vri4is c 2. Hear Visitors: There were n 3. rdta Co e a motio s c lased t e m • 4® ))iscu ssi ecrestio ecreation askes to r they woul coil cte to the f llo 111: Jon Turon vis secon unanimously. 5© A 11 J fl 8 lle 0 8 11 er at 7:00 p.m. visitors present at the 11) eet 1 eider requests for El•sences of u1embers fr t cc It the itsence ofJohn Nichtis ,,!s, excused. le tion. All wer favor, and the motion tlasse unani go coned 8 ar r Go Go I t ti ii119 2 ils: This ite is. Each toar 111) eeti ossibk ction r, e dr t e („ er, s to the review of the emb-r was giveii a tabulati as well s to s !gest additi nal goals t the utu1e. Thc r nking sheets were scussion, t ie 18ard agree • the current o re! gs is, e to see accornplishe iIiUltei1(see attachment). (see attAch ,'ent). • .1" ill Davis; late); John ill Sc usly, 111 0 • vis er r 1.1 5 s 11 kit sheet, and ade a motion ts a Ar ve the Fisc 1 Year 2 01 oiirii g als. ill esi the motion. All w re in favor, a ours: The Parks & Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2000 e e a 41) :45 p 11 the mstion sassed Page 1 of 3 ;ERmsntsnsBtanonmao,musmiiumttiotoerinfeozosioisenunBEEBEEPaoi CITY OF gsrnoEoanoEar8:,!,IAsr&RECREATJONIADVTSORYIOV .:131EEBNIREONIEESOI RRNEIOEEMIIIFSNEMIIIBMMIOSPetiat!MtettngnsgoacmxeunmoeomosxosaonAmzeg SIEBBOEIIIaeIEIIIIEMIITrOrdrl!IDt00thrrOSIII20001attiiilsaimsesitsissnmgamistaoz -------------------....,m,,„Adoqaegmsmuost000smamomaoanoommsamoaagmokmsgm Parks Conference1000 Krenek Tap Road !'','!",gnfiygrggoiggggnegggorigtoe,qqivNoansfciaesgoogsgsllEosgn Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair; George Dresser, Co-Chair; Bill Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Glen Davis; Jon Turton (arrived late); John Crompton, Alternate; Laura Wood, Alternate. Board Member Absent: John Nichols. L Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors: There were no visitors present at the meeting. 3. Pardon —Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: Bill Davis made a motion to accept the absence of John Nichols as excused. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Board Goals: This item pertains to the review of the Parks and Recreation Board Goals. Each Board member was given a tabulation sheet, and asked to rank the current Board goals, as well as to suggest additional goals that they would like to see accomplished in the future. The ranking sheets were collected and tabulated (see attachment). After some discussion, the Board agreed to the following (see attachment). Jon Turton made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2001 Board goals. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. ® Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting • Tuesday,December 5,2000 Page 1 of 3 City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department Fiscal Year 2001 Board Goals u Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD u Support the implementation of a Greenways Oversight Committee to support the Greenways Master Plan O Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department o Encourage arboret garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks o Work on plans to make current a,,c1 future parks intergenerational o Set up s erly stanaards to measure perfor .nce for maintenance and field use for neighborhood and co unity parks o Revision of the Surcharge Policy o Intergenerational ideas spa ing all age gaps, but more emphasis to the Senior age group o Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for the City of College Station o Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs o Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating rink o More interaction between Parks Advisory r oard and Plan Ang and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with City Council o Monitor code review and revision rojects c ently underway with respect to codes ,pacting parks. o Identify areas of co on concern between Parks Advisory Board and Pia g and Zo g Co ission o Review rually the Fa arkland dedication ordinance. Keel c ° ent a file of other city parkland dedication ordinances and review a ually o Develop criteria for parkland dedication. What are the desired characteristics of a neighborhood park with respect to size, amenities, •edestrian access, vehicle access, lighting, vehicle parking, trees, open space, co , ectivity to greenways, co, ectivity to bikeways, drainage and retention ponds, ease of maintenance, location with respect to arterial streets and the neighborhoods serve*, etc. o Explore further the concept of advanced pia * g for neighborhood parks well ahead of the development in an area. o Identify, as a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the future general location of co unity parks. Dete e f e frames for when they will be needed. Est* ate land acquisition costs. Develop co unity park acquisition strategy. Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday,December 5,2000 Page 2 of 3 CJ Explore opportunities and identify locations where parks could serve as the focal point for a neighborhood, subdivision entrance, city gateway, or arterial corridor. u Further explore opport :ties for developer fees and/or parkland dedication for development of co ,unity parks. Find out what other Texas cities are doing. O Identify obstacles to quality parkland dedication by developers. Work to remove obstacles that are within the control of the City. u Schedule a joint meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the Pla ing and Zoning Co ission once a year. 0 Schedule a joint workshop meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the City Co cil once a year. On-Going Activities La Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program u Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday,December 5,2000 Page 3 of 3