HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/11/1997 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 1997 -- 7:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER, ROOM 127 1300 GEORGE BUSH DRIVE AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: September 14, and September 21, 1997 2. Hear Visitors 3. Discussion with the Conference Center Advisory Committee Concerning Programs and Areas of Mutual Interest 4. Parkland Dedication in Zone 10 5. Discussion of Park Rules Ordinance 6. Discussion of Issues Related to Adult Soccer/Softball Litter, etc. 7. Discussion of Automated Registration Procedures 8. Capital Improvement Program Report 9. Review of Board Goals 10. Committee Reports: a. Lick Creek Park - John Crompton b. Recreational Sports Association - Bob DeOtte c. Parkland Dedication - John Crompton/Gary Halter d. Lincoln Center - Mike Manson e. Board Chair - Elizabeth Cunha 11. Board Concerns/Other Business 12. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 409-764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT NOVEMBER, 1997 1. WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $87,990 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. Designs were completed and have been bid twice with the last being July 24, 1997. On both occasions bids have come in higher than the budgeted amount. Staff, the architect, and the low-bid contractor have worked to bring the project within budget. Changes in the parking lot paving, concession/rest room building specifications, and the parking lot area lighting have resulted in sufficient reductions to allow the project to be within budget. The item was approved by Council on August 28, 1997. Task: Project Design: November 1996 -July 1997 Advertisement&Award: July - August 1997 Complete: June 1998 2. EDELWEISS PARK Project Number: PK9707 Budget: $25,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Parks Planning Comments/Status: Funding was received through a development agreement with the develop for landscaping. A tree planting plan is being prepared that will include a drip irrigation system. The Forestry Division will install 86 trees this December. The irrigation system was installed in August. Task: Project Design: June 1997 Advertisement&Award: June 1997 Complete: August 1997 (Irrigation) December 1997 (Trees) CIP Report 11/7/97 Page 1 of 3 3. CENTRAL PARK LIGHT REPLACEMENT Project Number: PK9714 Budget: $60,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Curtis Bingham Project Design: Comments/Status: Replacement of light fixtures and ballasts. The materials have been ordered. Installation is expected during December 1997. Task: Project Design: Advertisement&Award: November 1997 Complete: January 1998 4. BEE CREEK/CENTRAL PARK SOFTBALL FIELD UPGRADES Project Number: PK9801 Budget: $ 200,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Comments/Status: Bee Creek improvements to include all new fencing for the softball fields, new irrigation system, additional bleachers with covers. Central improvements include new taller backstops, bleacher covers, drainage improvements, a small shelter and dirt bins. Many of these improvements will be bid as separate items with fencing improvements first. The fencing, backstops, and Bee Creek dugout roofs will be installed Dec. '97 -Jan. '98. Task: Project Design: October 1997 -July 1998 Advertisement&Award: Complete: September 1998 CUP Report 11/7/97 Page 2 of 3 PARKS PLANNING CUP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. Construction on this project began in March, 1997. Also providing specifications and bid documents. Landscaping to be installed in January/February 1998. 2. COLLEGE STATION BUSINESS CENTER ($1,500,000) PHASE 11 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT Budget: $300,000-400,000 Comments/Status: Preliminary energy/drainage studies are being performed at the present time. After the engineer completes his plans, then the landscape design will begin. 3. UTILITY CUSTOM SERVICE BUILDING LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $30,000 Comments/Status: Landscape and irrigation design plans and specifications will begin in August, and should be completed by November 1997. IP Report 11/7/97 Page 3 of 3 . i,,,,,, ,,,,.*:4 7 e • ,\,:,', , • 113P .A7 .,..„ 4,.4'f \li5 er-:'1 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Department of Forest Science Room 305, Horticulture/Forest Science Building • College Station,Texas 77843-2135 (409)845-5033 FAX(409)845-6049 October 13, 1997 Mr. Ross Albrecht Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842-0960 Dear Ross: Thanks for providing my class with a field trip last Wednesday. As with previous years, I really appreciate your willingness to help us impress upon these new foresters that the profession offers many opportunities in addition to the more traditional field forestry employment. ) Even though getting questions and comments from students can sometimes be like pulling teeth, I feel sure that they enjoyed what they saw, and learned much since it was all new to them. Thanks again and please call if I can somehow return the favor. Sincerely, ...„ , ,...z,, Michael G. Messina Associate Professor xc: Mr. Ric Ploeger .. Mr. Steve Beachy , I • inga*. 1,20:0,4414fat, -,=.010,r0TIPPNS,V4 ( GENERAL COLIN L. POWELL, USA (RET) S . 909 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET,SUITE 767 .. •, , • , ALEXANDRIA,VIRGINIA 22314 •:•: October 24, 1997 . • . . . Mr. David Gerling Special Facilities Superintendent City of College Station Parks • • and Recreation P.O.Box 9960 College Station,TX 77842-9960 • • • • ▪ • • Dear Mr. Gerling: • Thanks for your note. The mural looks very impressive. As you note, my trip to College Station on November 6th will be • :.•,, quite rushed and I doubt I will be able to drop by the recreation center. S • I will keep your phone number at hand in case I see an opportunity. Otherwise,I will try to come by on a future trip to College Station. My congratulations to Russ Reid! • • 4126111° Sincerely, • • ft•: •• • • Automated Re• istration Procedures Objective: To provide a outstanding level of customer service to all individuals interested in participating in the Parks &Recreation programs and facilities. Initiative: Establish the ability to accept registration in several different ways. Currently,the only possible way to register for programs is in person at the Parks office during regular M-F business hours. Registration would be expanded to include all of the following possibilities 1) Walk in registration (M-F 8am - 5pm) 2) Phone registration using credit cards (M-F Sam - 5pm) 3) Internet registration (accessible at anytime) Establishment: Several expenditures will have to be made in order to facilitate all aspects of registration 1) additional phone line installed for credit card processing 2) contract with First American for credit card services - Basic upfit fee plus a monthly % ( 3) develop software program to allow for internet registration (Meeting set for Nov 20th) im.lementation: 1) increase of registration and parks fees to help cover the cost of service • 2) market the programs on a wide scale with several different outlets 3) inform the customers of our new service level Procedure: Brochure will be distributed and all information will be made accessible on the internet/homepage site. Selections can be made and all registration can occur at any time and from any location with internet interaction. This opportunity offers the most flexibility in customer service. The informa- tion is assembled and delivered to the appropriate e-mail address for our registration staff. Staff can complete the registration process on the following business day, process the payment and mail the customer a receipt and class confirmation. Overview: 1) expand customer service with the option of phone and credit card registration 2) provide internet registration after the credit card system is in place 3) meet the needs of our existing customer base and appeal to a wider customer market 4) provide up to date methods of transactions 5) provide for program growth September 16, 1997 Parks & Recreation Board 1997 GOALS ActIon Pian �1. Complete acquisition of the athletic park site and de velop a master plan A. Complete property acquisition (Dec, 97) B. Conduct site visits to selected athletic parks in Texas (Spring, 98) C. Conduct needs assessment with the Sports and Recreation Association and Parks and Recreation Board (Spring, 98) D. Concept preparation by Parks Planning (Summer,:98) E. Develop budget estimate by Parks Planning Staff or consulting firm if funds allow (Summer, 98) 2. He • R p.with the review and revision oflan for ...:.:... the master... •p Wolf Pen Creek gologatfkk:gogoogoghtfM ogiotoktitimatmioiomaiimmengerlig iliellAde ' �rec a.�i.c�• ..Au .7� .A•. :g. of.c 1:t�' c .a..t n..e0 .............:.:.:::::.. d. ..deco 0n . .................................:...:.:::.: ............................... D. Complete en ineerin study (Oct 97) g g E. Present findings to the Tax Increment Finance Board and nd seep direction (Oct, 97) Incorporate findings and:TIF Board recommendations into the revised WPC Master Plan.(Nov, 1997) G. Developimplementation plan for proposed improvements (Nov, 97), H. Present recommendation to appropriate advisory boards for review(Dec 97) I. Submitrevised Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan and recommendations to City Council Cfor consideration (Jan, 98) 3. Youth programming for teens rea: olibitti!!!i!COMIONIik404.0101.0M40010011011#1006101010011iNIMPONI 11111100001001101141-4001iitit firigitagt011:AiiNikantoli0.010PlitliigatiAtO 11111111111111111111111111101,f001111N1001010komomoilloolomeatipousil t. :YA. �. A' :•�'. .� .apt of .a� :o :is;:•:::-:: :::::::::::::}::• •:•:•::::::: :':. :::::;:::::: :::':: :' :•.g:.•::::;•: e'N om n: .r �: reg��� is ���: iMh,�::: :.Te ::p: e • : :�: : . . ..::. . . .. : .�. . . . . .Collaborate with other a encieconcerning permanent facility design and point youth programs (Fall, 97) H. Teen Advisory Board provides input to TAMU Architecture class; staff develops cost esti mates based upon concepts (Fall, 97) I. Develop a needs analysis for future city-wide, indoor recreation facilities in Y College Station to avoid duplication of services (Fall, 97) (., J. City Council consideration of TAMU class reports and project scope, including financial estimates (Nov, 97) K. Solicit request for proposals for design services (Dec, 97) L. City Council approval of contract for design service (Jan, 98) M. Complete design process and prepare bid documents (May, 98) 4. Implempntation thp Lincoln Center/Waype,Smith Park Master Plan 111111111101MitilgiirOlrgigitirtglibrihrighiltcomplex project(May, 97) 11111.110111160fitiliffill#IfiltiONI4tifitgEtiliMiii011111"1151i0101110111160011161 97) ilsoonAgmttlAgifOrAgtiPnigt:S19110101IMINIMINNIONMENNINIUMMINNUERINEME D. Construction process (Sp, 97 -Jun, 98) E. Begin first season (TBA) 5. Implementation of the Sports and Recreation Association 1111Wil4AgigiaiOosikkalligagtofilrifiziogiiiinowniliginengalingeninsisionnualiminin: e-B. Issue letter to facility users to announce aii*OrgahrzatiOnai meeting (Sep, 97) Host organizational meeting (Oct, 1997) D. Initiate a User's Agreement with all users (Oct, 97) E. Finalize facility use schedule for 1998 (NloV, 97) F. Complete all users agreements for 1998 (Dec, 97) 6. conduct public hearings and oversee design process for Woodivay Park A. Acceptance of additional parkland from ,Holleman Arms Apartment project (TBA, 97) ( • B. Process on hold until Melrose Apartments project proceeds with parkland dedication. C. Alternate would be to negotiate the purchase of the remaining Property and proceed without Melrose. D. , Once acquisition of site is complete, .conduct public hearings, develop conceptual designs and secure Parks & Recreation Board and City Council approval 7. Develop..aCr .Master:panfor.Lick eek Park 1111111111,00firnittlitiMaitgamaairdoweitrourgtanaatillemeripinnitenlogi IEE.!13 fg000vtwqpstgga§*fmngpit9)*0.q.(MiO4itii'.97) EEIIIIIIoillEtfifitIIIIIIIIIIO: C. Develop concepts and present during a public hearing (Oct, 97) D. Parks Board approval (Nov, 97) E. Council approval (Dec, 97) 8. Investigate opportunities for a.park Zon.e A Review development plans in the area (Jun, 97) rionlitilf*Ioniqw1M00:04121$40glifOkAil100§944iiii97118.111EMEMBEINISIMMONNOMBIE8 C. Analyze sites to determine best location (Sep, 97) • D. Determine methods for acquisition (Sep, 9,7) E. Acquire site (FY 98 pending approval of funding) 9. Design small park that serves the Spring Loop resident's Page 2 of 3 • IIIIIIIIMONNONNIMEIRIONIANNOM#I0110111021111111111111111111111111111 B. Obtain population density estimates and demographic information (Oct, 97) C. Develop potential alternatives and recommendations and present findings to the Board (Nov, 97) 10. Reconsider disc..golf. 11111•111i00001114•006#414061•41#10001010661001111111101111117111111111111111111 B identify potential locations(lul,97) C. Develop recommendations for implementation (Aug, 97) f Page 3 of 3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21 1997 -- 7:00 P.M. BRYAN CITY HALL 300 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE BASEMENT TRAINING ROOM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Cunha, Chair; Debra Anderson, Vice Chair; Bob ❑eOtte; Chris Barzilla; and Mike Manson BRYAN MEMBERS: Millie Wright, Chair; Norman Waggoner, Vice Chair: Mark Ritter, Richard Griffin, James Williams, Vanessa Dunn, and Russell Ramirez ABSENT: Gary Halter and John Crompton STAFF: Eric P l oeger, Asst. Director and Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Tracey Edwards and Tiffany Wilkinson, TAMU students .............. 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. Appointment of Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Members: Mike said that he spoke with James Steen, Lincoln Former Students Association and committee member, and Lance Jackson, Lincoln Center Supervisor, regarding applicants for the committee and they made recommendations for appointments. He also informed.the Board that the Committee hadn't met since April. Chris motioned to appoint Charlene Britton, Norman Gibbs, Linda Bishop, and Faye Daily. The motion was seconded by Mike and passed. Lance Jackson, voiced his concern to Mike about the naming of the ballfield complex to Wayne Smith Baseball Fields. He stated that the proposed name has no connection to that community. It was mentioned that Steve had already given the Advisory Committee a copy of the City's "Policy for Naming City of College Station Parks and Facilities." The Committee is supposed to review the policy and make a recommendation to the Board. 3. Review and Discussion of Public Survey Being Conducted by TAMU Recreation, Park& Tourism Class: The Board was given a draft copy of the survey and briefly reviewed it. Some editions were suggested. The Board agreed to review the survey further and forward any other editions to Bridgette so that she could forward them to Stacey Baker. 4. Board Concerns/Other Business: None. t`f Ii 1i {SS 5. Discussion of Areas of Mutual Interest with the Bryan Parks and Recreation Board: Millie Wright, Bryan Parks Board Chair, called the joint meeting to order and introductions followed. The main topic of discussion included joining both communities' parks by way of greenbelts. Tony Cisneros, Parks Department Director, stated that their parkland dedication is $225 per dwelling unit or $135 per acre. He also stated that they give 0 credit for any floodway that is donated. James Williams asked if the Board would be willing to donate funds for the renovation of their golf course since the City of Bryan is providing that service to College Station citizens. Another matter discussed was the "no alcohol" policy in Bryan parks. The Bryan Board stated that this was developed due to the alcohol problem in a number of their parks. They stated, however, that there is an exemptionperm it where groups can have alcohol with prior permission. The College Station Parks Board stated that they had addressed that issue after discussing the matter with staff and decided it was not necessary to pursue a "no alcohol" policy in College Station at present. • 6. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:05 .m. p Parks&Recreation Board 11/11/97 Page 2 . . . 1 . , 4,21 7,1,7:,.41,•,, ,,,, /9,,f..... ,,,,,,„ efr„ . , ..„, 1. if/1 //9 / � ' „ ,...,. . .�~ —' ^~ —�� � % 6,t_lk /c,,,„1 I 1/ ' 7 . 0 r: , 4,,,,:), 4, ,".,, ,,,,i, 14/ ''..1),:1,--; .,”„ .:.,,,,, .., - .,,:,,, .„„,,,,,.., , ., , „....../ ”, „,.„,..,..„,„.,,,, ,, „. , , . „ - „..,,,, • / 1 i.,i L',.,.._. ' --- ---------------'� --- -\ •; , v ' *k ft, 11 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY x College of Agriculture and Life Science tc4 `1 Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences * 1816 • • October 21, 1997 Dear Mr. Beachy and Members of the CSPARD Board: Attached is a copy of the survey which my Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Research Methods class at Texas A&M has put together. There are just a few minor corrections noted on the survey. In addition,the survey will be edited to fit on four pages when it is in final form and we will also try to have some type of graphic on the top of the first page. We will be distributing approximately 500 surveys door-to-door in an attempt to get ) approximately 300 survey responses. We would like to leave the respondents a large . manila envelope in which they can put the survey and tape it to their door for easier collection. Thus,I would like to request 500 copies of the final survey and 500 manila envelopes from CSPARD to be copied and collected on approximately October 31. If you have any suggestions/editions for the survey,please notify me by Monday, October 26 before 4:00 p.m. so that we may incorporate your comments to the extent to which our other constraints allow. Thank you. Sincere ItittFtel Stacey -nzel Baker, Ph.D. A 'a Professor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences Department Texas A&M University Room 106 Francis Hall • College Station,Texas 77843-2261 • (409)845-5411;FAX(409)845-0446 • i The following survey has been designed by a Business Research Methods class at Texas A&M. This research is being conducted for a class project and the information will be shared with the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. All questions are optional and if you feel that they are being intrusive please skip the question and go on to the next one. Your help is extremely important. This information will remain confidential. • How You Use the College Station Parks 1. On average,how many times do you and/or the other members of your household use the College Station parks in a month? 0 1 or fewer times 0 2 to 5 0 6 to 9 0 10 to 13 0 14 or more times 2. In which types of activities do you and/or your other household members participate at College Station parks? Please check all that apply. Running,jogging,walking 0 Bicycling O)?laying sports(e.g.baseball,soccer,football,softball) o.Attending family/friend gatherings(e.g.picnics,reunions,celebrations) 0 Relaxing 0 Nature/wildlife viewing O Other,please specify 01 do not use College Station parks 3. What are some of the things that hinder your visits to College Station parks? Please check all that apply. O Lack of time 0 Lack of interest 0 Lack of knowledge about the programs offered 0 Lack of parks in your area 0 Other,please specify 4. About how far is the park that you visit most often from your home? O 5 blocks or less 0 1.6 to 2 miles O 6 to 10 blocks 0 more than 2 miles 0 Ito 1.5 miles • Your Feelings. Dei-AiDeLc Please choose the one answer that best corresponds to your feelings for questions#5-#19 on the following scale: 1=Strongly Agree 2=Agree 3=Neutral 4=Disagree 5=Strongly Disagree • , SA A N D SD . 5. My feelings about the College Station Parks and 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation Department are generally positive. 6. College Station parks are easily accessible to people 1 2 3 4 5 with disabilities. 7. I feel that the playground equipment in College 1 2 3 4 5 1 Station Parks is safe for children. 1 8. I think that the current registration process for 1 2 3 4 5 various registration classes is adequate. 9. The facilities of College Station Recreation and Parks 1 2 3 4 5 Department are well maintained and well preserved. a 10. The College Station city parks are well kept and 1 2 3 4 5 maintained. • 11. College Station has adequate parks in my vicinity. 1 2 3 4 5 t 14. We do not need additional off-street trails in College 1 2 3 4 5 Station for opportunities to walk or bike to work or school. 1 2 3 4 5 12. I am satisfied with the programs offered by the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. 1 2 3 4 5 13. I am satisfied with the development of the existing athletic facilities in College Station. 1 2 3 4 5 14. I am satisfied with the development of the existing bike trails in College Station. 1 2 3 4 5 15. I am satisfied with the development of the existing natural areas in College Station. 1 2 3 4 5 16. The current registration process for recreation • classes works well with my schedule. 1 2 3 4 5 17. I am well informed about College Station Parks and Recreation programs. 1 2 3 4 5 18. I am aware of the development of the new athletic complex. 1 2 3 4 5 19. College Station needs to provide more recreational opportunities for bicyclists,joggers and walkers. - Suggestions for Improvement 20. Please rank the following factors that you consider when choosing which parks to visit in order of importance(on a scale from 1=most important to 8 =least important). Location Accessibility Safety Upkeep Lighting Type of park(i.e.natural areas,playground) Number of people at the park Other,please specify 21. Please rank(on a scale from 1=most important to 6=least important)the following programs in order of their importance to the community. After School Children's programs At Risk Youth Senior Citizens People with disabilities Adult and children's programs that are scheduled at the same time Other 22. Please rank(on a scale from 1=most important to 6=least important)the following in terms of importance to the community. Athletic facilities Beautification Natural parks Wolf Pen Creek drainage system - Trail systems linking existing parks Other f Plast 23. If taxes were to be raised ten dollars a year,how do you think this money should be distributed? Rank on a scale from 1 =most important to 6=least important. Athletic facilities Beautification Natural parks Wolf Pen Creek drainage system Trail system connecting existing parks Other 24. Which one method of program registration would you most like to use when registering for programs offered by College Station Parks and Recreation Department in the future? 0 In person at the office 0 By mail 0 By telephone 0 Through the schools 0 Other,please specify • 25. Which programs offered by College Station Parks and Recreation Department do you participate in regularly? Check all that apply. Xtra Education 0 Aquatics 0 Athletics 0 Special Events 0 None 26. In what ways do you receive information concerning the College Station Parks and Recreation Department programs and recreation facilities/areas? Please check all that apply. 0 TV 0 Fliers 0 Newspapers 0 Radio 0 None 0 On-line services 0 Other 27. In the future what means of advertising would reach you most effectively?Please check all that apply. 0 TV 0 Fliers Newspapers 0 Radio 0 None 0 On-line services 0 Other More about you 28. What is your current age? 0 18 or younger 0 19 to 29 0 30 to 40 0 41 to 50 0 51 or older 29. What is your gender? O Male Female 30. How many members,including yourself;are in your household? O 1 02 0 3 to 4 0 5 to 6 0 7 or more 31a. Do you have any children under 18? O Yes 0 No[Skip to number$1 31b. How many children do you have? O 1 0 2 0 3 to 4 0 5 to 6 0 7 or more 31c. Please check the appropriate age categories for your children. O 3 or younger 0 4 to 6 0 7 to 10 0 11 to 14 0 15 to 17 • 32. Please indicate your current average annual income. ❑$14,999 or less 0$45,000 to 54,999 0 $15,000 to 24,999 0$55,000 to 64,999 0$25,000 to 34,999 0$65,000 to 74,000 ❑$35,000 to 44,999 ❑$75,000 or more Do you have any concerns regarding public recreation facilities in College Station which were not addressed in this survey and that you feel are important to discuss? If so,please write your remarks in the space provided. Thank you for your cooperation. Your assistance in this is greatly appreciated. .Please put the survey in the envelope provided and tape it to your door or we will collect it from,you directly when we return. 1 V S • rS. 1 foitd pail& &Ada coq CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842-9960 (409)764-3773 MEMORANDUM • October 29, 1997 TO: Sip Noe, City Manager v FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks&Recreation SUBJECT: Class Project A Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences class (RP 336) will be distributing approximately 500 surveys throughout College Station starting on the first weekend of ) November. The purpose of the survey is to collect information related to usage and citizen satisfaction levels. The class was given a copy of the recent city wide surveyresults toassist with the preparation of this instrument. Also, the questions were reviewed by the Parks&Recreation Board prior to distribution. The class members will hand deliver the surveys throughout the city and then collect them approximately one week later. To facilitate this process, they have divided the city into four geographic zones and the houses will be picked on a random basis. This survey differs from the city survey in the level of detail as it applies to the various park facilities and leisure programs. The results will be presented to the Parks & Recreation Board at a future meeting and, will be utilized during the development of a parks master plan. A copy of the survey is attached. copies: City Council Parks & Recreation Board Peggy Calliham, Director of Public Relations & Marketing ( We provide good things in life! ff CITY •F Cl . E - Ti 4 Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Ave ue College Station,Texas 77042-9960 (409)764-3500 November 26, 1997 TO: Parkland Dedication Ordinance Subcommittee FROM: Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assista SUBJECT: Proposed Ordinance Change Meeting The Parks and Recreation Board's proposal to change the current city ordinance regarding the prohibition of glass containers in park or recreation areas is enclosed for your perusal. Please review the attachment prior to the next meeting which will be at noon on Tuesday, December 2, at the Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room at Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Road. Please call and let me know if you will be attending the meeting at 764-3414. If I am not available, please leave a voice-mail message. Thank you and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! Home off Texas A614 University