HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/08/1997 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ' S I Anor4 BOA GULL ' ETING ar 1997 -- 7:00 POM, CENT L P CONFE NCE ROOM 1000 P NEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: March 18, 1997 2. Hear Visitors 3. Discussion of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Workshop Results 4. Discussion and Consideration of Sports Advisory Committee 5. Discussion of Teen Center and Youth Programs 6. 1997 Board Goals Report 7. Capital Improvement Program Report 8. Board Concerns/Other Business 9. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 409-764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. rde- CITY •F *1 r±iF Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas 77342.9960 (409) 764-3500 MEMORANDUM April 3, 1997 TO: t Parks & Recreation Board \ • FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. The Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater opened its 5th season on March 30th with an Easter service sponsored by A&M United Methodist Church. The "Easter at the Creek" event had over 3000 in attendance and truly was a exceptional event. The program began with a mini-concert at 9:30 am that featured the Freedom Worship Band, Zion Jubilee and the A&M United Methodist Church choir. Despite the threat of rain the skies stayed clear for the spectacular event. 2. Spring Girl's Softball is in full swing. As of April 3, 261 girls had registered, making a total of 23 teams. The largest group of girls was the 8 de Under with 84 girls registered. The following is a comparison of seasons to number of girls registered: 1997 season - 261 1996 season - 246 1993 season - 206 1994 season - 132 1993 season - 104 Several positive changes have been made to league operations: 1) Teams are placed on fields that are correct in base and pitching distances for their age; 2) Equipment replacement and additions have been accelerated due to the age of existing equipment and the increase of players/teams; 3) The number of games for each division has increase; 4) A post season tournament has been added to the 10 and 12 age groups; 5) The 14 & Under teams are playing the St. Joseph's and Allen Academy teams; and 6) Kids are playing with their correct age groups and no age groups had to be combined to create teams. 3. Hurricane Polly Hits College Station! This annual event, put on by the Texas Department of Public Safety - Division of Emergency Management, helps local communities test their skills and resources in the event of a hurricane. The College Station Emergency Operations Center (COQ was Home of Texas ASA University activated for four hours while the Mayor, City Manager, and department heads worked to solve many of the problems that arose during the exercise. Some of the problems that were developed to test local resources and responses included several tornadoes that spawned from the hurricane and touched down destroying neighborhoods, as well as collapsing the roofs of two middle schools. Phone communications were lost for a 30-minute period which enabled city officials to utilize local radio amateurs who are scheduled to be at various locations during such emergencies. EOC personnel were in contact with the Brazos Center, which serves as the Reception Center for Brazoria County evacuees, as well as the Bryan/Brazos County EOC during the entire exercise. 4. Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Revision Project: The initial part of the public input process has been completed. Forty-five citizens participated in the workshop conducted on March 25, which discussed the vision of what they thought the city should do. The next step in the process is the review by the Parks and Recreation Board, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Tax Increment Finance Board. Once the results of these meetings are known, a final recommendation will be made to the City Council in late May. 5. Our annual Arbor Day Celebration will be held at Pebble Creek Elementary School, 200 Parkview, on April 25 at 2:00 p.m. The program will include: Presentation of an Arbor Day flag to the school by Mayor Lynn ) Mcilhaney; presentation of the city's twelfth Tree City U.S.A. award; the planting of a tree on the school grounds, and several songs and a poem presented by the 2nd grade classes. City Manager Skip Noe will be present at the celebration for the Welcome and Closing Remarks. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents ) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT APRIL, 1997 1. WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council, The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. The project has moved to the final design phase with cost estimates completed in late September. Completion of land acquisition is expected by late May allowing bids to be let. Task: Project Design: November 1996 -April 1997 Advertisement&Award: May 1997 1 ) Complete: October 1997 2. MADELEY PROPERTY DONATION Project Number: Budget: N/A Contract Amount: Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Parks and Recreation Department, Planning Comments/Status: This is a 5.16 acre tract that Edward Madeley intends to donate to the City for a park to be named for his wife. A property description and a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment are being prepared so that a title search can be performed, Task: Project Design: Advertisement&Award: Complete: CIP Report 4/3/97 Page 1 of 2 PARKS PLANNING CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. Construction on this project began in March 1997, 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996, The Forestry Division will install the plant material. The project completion is expected in April 1997. 3. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget: $53,000 Comments/Status: This is a Development Services project to put sidewalks on both the east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning will provide design drawings for the project. Construction to begin the week of March 17. Completion is expected by the end of April. 4. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated information on the WPC corridor, This will assist in the master plan updating process, The first meeting for this process will be February 25, CIP Report 4/3/97 Page 2 of 2 .............................. 3012 Jennifer Drive ® college station,TX 77845 Phone:(409)695-2359 E-mail:egc©mail.myriadmet March 18, 1997 RE: Brothers Pond Park Mr.Stephen Beachy Parks and Recreation Department City of College Station P.O.Box 9960 College Station,TX 77842-9960 Dear Mr.Beachy: For the most part,Officer T.L.Sheets'report of February 13, 1997,is an accurate representa- tion of a conversation that we had when she came to pick up a bicycle that was left in front of my house. I would like to correct one important point,however:I do not advocate more lighting in Brothers Pond Park nor do I believe that additional lighting is a solution to what may or may not be a security problem in the park. It has been more than a year since we first met at Brothers Pond Park to discuss several mat- ters related to the management of park resources, including the removal and replacement of functional exercise equipment with essentially unused Miracle gymnastics/exercise equipment and deterioration of the park's wooded areas. Sorry to say,the basic conditions and concerns that we discussed at that time,and later at a meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board,have not been addressed or corrected in any substantial way. The consensus among those with whom I have talked about the new section of rail fencing on the eastern side of the park is that it is attractive,unobtrusive,effective in controlling foot and bicycle traffic through the immediate area—and unfinished. Hopefully, construction of that short length of fence is an indication that the entire park will be similarly fenced in conjunction with an overall plan for im- proved management of park resources. Since you mentioned in your letter,and previously,the placement of"limbs and other natural materials on worn areas"as a method for preventing further deterioration of resources,some of us have looked specifically and unsuccessfully for indications of that being done. It would be useful for you to arrange a time to meet with us in the park to show us the application of that technique and demon- strate its effectiveness in preventing further damage.I mentioned to you in a previous letter that the gathering of natural materials for that purpose is probably counterproductive and inadvisable with the park in its present condition. Although you do not acknowledge the impact of bicycles and bicycle riders on park resources and other park users,it is a recognized problem in many other park systems. Enclosed is a recent arti- cle from the Houston Chronicle describing efforts by the Houston Parks and Recreation Department to deal with this situation in one of their parks. It might be a good idea for the College Station Parks and Recreation Department to become better informed about the dimensions of this problem and alterna- tives for its management. Recent rains have shown the ineffectiveness of efforts to control and manipulate drainage in the park.For example,a concrete washover near the basketball court was poured about two inches aboveg rade.This creates a damming effect that diverts runoff and causes erosion in a nearby section ............................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... March 20,1997 Page 2 of the jogging track.Meanwhile,there is no apparent effort to control severe and continuing erosion at both ends of the new rail fencing and elsewhere. In the 1997 calendar of College Station Parks and Recreation Department events that you sent me,I note a general absence of outdoor recreation(excepting the Youth Fishing Derby),nature and environmentally oriented activities and programs.This is a major area of program development that would be of interest and benefit to many in the community. It would also provide better opportuni- ties for using the park system's limited but important natural resources. Finally,I would like to ask about two specific items:(1)the status of the management plan for Brothers Pond Park that was authorized by vote of the College Station Parks and Recreation Board on May 14,1996,and(2)the results of water tests that Curtis Bingham was having done on the pond.If you will send me that information,I will pass it along to others in the neighborhood. Sincerely, VG/-4e4A, Enclosure(1) cc: Ms.Lynn Mcllhaney,Mayor Mr.George K Noe,City Manager ( • • ei'L CITY OF COLLEGE STATION , V J rk. Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue eat, College Station,Texas 77842-9960 (409)764-3500 April 3, 1997 Mr. E. G. Canis 3012 Jennifer Drive College Station, Texas 77845 Dear Mr. Cans: Thank you for your recent letter regarding Brothers Pond Park. We contacted 28 other Parks and Recreation Departments throughout Texas to determine if they had individual management plans for their parks. None had a document of this type and most operated under provisions of established policies and procedures that apply to all parks within their systems. This is the same approach that is utilized by College Station. The water testing has not been accomplished at this time. We are still contacting sources for this type of service and developing cost estimates. We will complete this project once the type of tests that need to be done are determined and the availability of funding is verified. We will continue to maintain Brothers Pond Park at the same level of service as other parks within the system. This service level will not change unless there is a direction from the City Council to do so. I acknowledge your dissatisfaction with the operation of Brother's Pond Park in particular and the overall management of the Department in general_ I will state that we operate under the direction of the City Manager with advice and guidance from the Parks and Recreation Board. Also, we have to meet specific service levels and performance measures throughout the year that have been approved by the City Council as a part of the annual budget process. Furthermore, both the City Council and Parks and Recreation Board have stated goals that have been prioritized and given to the Staff for implementation. These two criteria form the basis for our daily operations as well as our long range planning efforts. I understand that this does not meet the concerns that you have stated in your.letter. However, I hope that it does provide additional insight into our operational procedures. Sin/ely. I 66.e, 66 . • - Steve Beachy Director, Parks and Recreation of"t.i. . .• iversity i ' likers-s-':':,l'et ' .• • . _ . . r( � ..z � _•��-� � - Association board member David a� � Smith said People had been riding - �...• ,, • bikesthe sty on trail and probably=� rea � vntinued from Page 3 • would have continued,legal or not, g A. so some agreement was necessary. . e .-the Houston Area Mountain Bicycle "We want the whole open. lark Riders Association,were moderate- They want the whole thing. p thing closed," ly enthused about the Smith said, deal. and I think (parks "It's probablyagood compromisedepartment Director Bill Smith in • his'nfinite wisdom, saw it was tw 'o sides reach .. 1 ;because neither side is 100 percent v r . -happy with it," committee legitimate mate user groups. member "People were � . . compromise• Clare Caudill said. p going to do it any- Caudill said the, department.had way,and it was going to be difficult . =promised to developto prohibit, so ultimately all the By T.J.MILLING 'Arails other biking parties realized theyshould ails to ease the strain on thepark. cam- Hauson Chronicle .:�-�._ promise." . • f • Environmentalists and bicy- clists have reached a compromise • on allowing the bikers to ride on a Memorial.Park nature trail. .The so-called Ho Chi Minh Trail .1, 1 • has:been the subject of controver 1 . : sy for more than•two years.Envi- ronmentalists feared the bikers f ,-,S would tear.up what they called a' • fragile ecosystem. The biker , , tHouston.Chronicle lured.bythe excitement of the � rough.•terrain, argued their sport Section A, Page 13 ** should'' receive the same status asli Thursday, • 1 . ...,, ,, •g „ �a 99� .. •.! , olf and other uses of the parka1 1'1•., �, The Houston Parks and Recre- • . ation Department brokered the deal that sets aside part of the i • area for bikers but requires them. Y_ ., -.._w.__w�____ _ • to buy permits,$50 per year or$15 for a consecutive three-day pass. .The money will go toward mainte- nance and security of the trails. 1 The bike riding area is south of • Memorial Drive and east of a • railroad track and will be open by May 1,department-spokeswoman Tammy Lynn Feldstein said. "This a compromise pure and simple," Feldstein said. "We be- lieve this is striking a perfect balance." , The warringgroups,the Memo- 'rial �' p Park Advisory Committee and •• ' See BIKE on Page 15A I • i . e 3 • ro, Nn TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY IX E • ' DepartMent of Recreation,Park&Tourism Sciences sy 4.5111376.- Office of the Department Head March 27, 1997 Steve Beachy College Station Park & Recreation Department P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Ur 77842-9960 Dear Steve: On behalf of the faculty, staff and current students of the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, I would like to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with the Accreditation site visit team. Your input into the process was most helpful . The team commented on the enthusiasm of former Students and current employers for our program, the good working relationships we seem to have established with professionals in our community, and the general support for the program shown by everyone they talked to. Many of your suggestions and comments will help move the program forward. All of us have many competing demands on our time. We appreciate you finding the time in your schedule to undertake this important task. Sin - e , 411° -A:1,4A a er A. Witt Department Head ..,17,1,27P400 )11 / ) •, Rm 106 Francis Hall 0 College Station,Texas 77843-2261 ®(409)845-7324 0 FAX(409)845-0446 57fr-j—r-Q— Xtra Education rUt I WEEKLY CLASS REPORT Spring 1997 ' 1 Services A. Courses Conducted Week of March 17 - 22 New classes made this week: 7 Total classes made this season: 77 Classes cancelled this week: 2 Classes cancelled this season: 22 Percentage of weekly service: 77.78% Overall service percentage: 77.78% Total new individuals served: 45 Total individuals served this season: 588 B. Class Participation Enrollments&Revenue Generated by Category Number Fee Per Total Fee Paid to Class Title Enrolled Student Income Instructor Profit Drawing for Kids SK 90.00 $ 48.00 $ 42.00 6 $ 15.00 $ Self Defense 6 $ 45.00 $ 270.00 $ 108.00 $ 162.00 Excel 10 $ 45.00 $ 450.00 $ 108.00 $ 342.00 Flower Arranging 5� $ 20.00 $ 100.00 $ 108.00 $ (8.00) Drawing for Kids OW 3 $ 15.00 $ 45.00 $ 48.00 $ (3.00) Bass Fishing 3 $ 35.00 _ $ 105.00 $ 90.00 $ 15.00 Texas Hunters Education 12 $ Totals per week 45 $ 1,060.00 $ 510.00 $ 550.00 Seasonal Totals 588 $ 17,83 3.00 $8,660.00 $ 9,173.00 c:ldanaxtra\xreporL.xls revised 10/07/96 s 1 hot,' —4-6 ‘, ,'„\ TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Marty D. Matlock ,..,qi Department of Agricultural Engineering Assistant Professor ',„,, 1876.--;---‘:,/ 303 D. Scoates Hall 409/862-7476 m-rnatlock@tamu.edu I March 24, 1997 Steve Beachy Director College Station Parks and Recreation • PO Box 9960 College Station 77842-9960 Steve, lam new a faculty member in the Agricultural Engineering department at Texas A&M. I am teaching a course in Stream Hydrology for Environmental Management, and would to develop several stream sampling stations in College Station for use in my class. I am particularly interested in Bee Creek and Wolf Pen Creek. Would your department have any objections to my class sampling water quality at these parks? We intend to work with the Texas Watch program, and will sample using their protocols. We will be sampling for benthic macro-invertebrates, habitat, and stream stability. B-st re. -rds, . il 4, 4/ 4 if- . ,_ )1 ./1:) , , Marty Matlock, "h.D. „,-,,,, .e ..- id fc,-- ,r ci- e,ige,„,,{)y, c , Fc,.-- ,i i 1--- c: c , tt—"" 1 —:—,?.. Al 6fr4.,wytri , t,-/ ,,t ,,,,-- '----. 1 '- N /,..417 201 Scoates Hall a College Station,Texas 77843-2117 a(409)845-3931;FAX(409)845-3932 .\/-e