HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/1995 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKSAND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Vice Chair; Carol Reynolds; Greg Taggart; Barry Harding and Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison MEMBERS ABSENT: George Dresser, Chair; Bob DeOtte STAFF PRESENT: Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Jane Kee, City Planner; Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Burt Herman, Jan McMurrey, Julian McMurrey I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:22 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were approved as submitted: III. HEAR VISITORS: Mr. and Mrs.' McMurrey have been involved with youth sports in College Station for over twenty years. >They have coached City of College Station leagues, as well as leagues not sponsored by the City. Mr.McMurrey stated that they are both thrilled about the bond issues. Mrs. McMurrey stated that they have seven children so they've been very active in youth sports for a long time. - Mr. McMurrey stated he was reluctant to mention the problem he was presenting to the Board, because he's very supportive of the Parks Department. He stated that he's been very conscious of the fact that his daughters are treated very differently in sports than his sons. He thinks that girl's sports need to be nurtured, much like the boy's sports. He is very proud of the Bee Creek Softball Complex. He stated that it's a very nice facility which has helped to develop the girl's fastpitch softball program. Mr. McMurrey mentioned that this time last year Tony Scazzero, Athletic Supervisor, and David Hudspeth, Asst. Athletic Supervisor, invited all of the fastpitch coaches in for a meeting to discuss ways of keeping the program going and identifying any problems. During the meeting Mr. McMurrey mentioned that he had heard that the softball fields at Bee Creek were needed for adult softball. He stated the fences were to be moved back in order to accommodate adult softball. He asked David where the girl's softball program would be moved to if adult softball took over those fields. He stated that David looked down at the ground and apparently. did not want to talk about it. He then asked Tony about it. Tony stated that the fences would be moved back and the fields would be used for adult softball. Mr. McMurrey then asked Tony what would happen to the girl's fastpitch program: 'Tony stated that when it was time for the girls to play, temporary fences would be erected. Mr. McMurrey stated that not only is the department taking the fields away from the girls all the other times, but they are sending a message to the girls that they aren't their fields anymore. The fences send a message that they can't hit well so the fences are put up Mr.'McMurrey stated that the fences are tacky looking, especially when other girls come from other cities for tournament play. Mr. McMurrey does not want the fields taken away from the girls. He also wanted to make sure that the Board knew of these intentions if they were a reality. Ric stated that several discussions took place over a year ago regarding the fact that adult softball teams were being turned away every season due to maximum capacity at Central Park. One Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting March 21, 1995 Page (2) suggestion was to lengthen the fields at Bee Creek by moving those fences back and using those fields for adult softball. However, no final decision was ever made to do that. There are no current plans to extend those fences at Bee Creek. There is an issue within the current bond election to replace the existing fences with taller fences at their current location. Greg made a motion that the girl's softball fields remain specifically for girl's softball. Also, if at a future date someone decides to change the use of those fields, they be required to address the Board at a specific hearing, resulting in a vote by the Board members. Carol seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV.OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEW BOARD MEMBER: Michael Manson was sworn in by Bridgette George. V.DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED PARKLAND DEDICATION BY MR. BERT HERMAN: Mr. Herman passed out a sheet with two written proposals plus a map detailing those proposals. The first proposal included swapping 2.19 acres of land adjacent to Windwood Park in exchange for the City's Switch Station Road land. Mr. Herman stated that he has been negotiating with a buyer from Chicago regarding 33 acres (the golf driving range). The buyer would have the ultimate decision on the land swap with the City, not Mr. Herman. The buyer is planning to construct a shopping center on that land. They will have to request a rezoning because the land is currently zoned for residential. The second proposal included Mr. Herman selling six acres of land, east of the proposed extension of Appomattox Drive, to the City, if the City agreed to use it for a neighborhood park. This proposal was originally two acres adjacent to the switch station. He originally wanted so swap the six acres in lieu of a paving assessment for Appomattox. Jane stated that Council would have to decide whether or not to do that through a development agreement. She was under the impression that this land was his parkland dedication requirement, which could not be swapped out for an assessment of Appomattox. But if it is additional land, above and beyond his parkland dedication requirement, he could deal with Council on a swap. Mr. Herman stated that this meets and exceeds his requirement. Mr. Herman stated that he sold a portion of the land in the immediate area to Davis and McGill in 1983, and has no plans to develop the rest of the land, except for maybe some 10-15 acre "ranchettes." Carol asked if the Appomattox Drive extension would happen. Jane stated that it was on the thoroughfare plan and as land develops, it will be constructed. Mr. Herman mentioned that there is an oil well currently blocking that path, so Appomattox cannot be constructed until it closes. Ron asked if the Board would like to have a park just behind a commercial area. Jane stated that Windwood Park would be enlarged with the land swap on the first proposal. She stated that she needed to know what areas of land was acceptable as parkland. Ron stated that the land adjacent to the switch station has already been considered and is not acceptable to the Board as parkland, even though it has been increased from two to six acres. Ric encouraged to the Board to go take a look at the land to get a better idea of the layout. He stated that Windwood Park is very small and the 2.19 acres offered in the swap would be a nice addition to the park. Greg stated that the City swapping .83 acres for 2.19 would be a bargain. Jane informed the Board that the decision to swap this land would be up to City Council. VI.APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER. Bridgette stated that there was an opening on the committee. Michael motioned to appoint Mr. Ben Molina to the committee. Barry seconded the motion. The motion passed. Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting March 21, 1995 Page (3) VII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT: Ric stated that the handicap playground at Oaks is completed. The surface under the playground is a cushioned surface as opposed to the gravel which most playgrounds have. He mentioned that almost all of the concrete work at Wolf Pen Creek is completed. The engineer for the Southwood Pool renovation is consulting with his professional liability company, so that negotiation is ongoing. The Sandstone Park development construction plans are approximately 65-70% completed. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: Ric displayed a map of the Woodcreek subdivision. Jane explained the conceptual layout and stated that the buyer is requesting a rezoning for commercial property to build a car dealership. She showed a 7.6 acre area proposed for parkland dedication. She is not sure how much of the land is in the flood plain. There is a small creek that goes through that land. Currently there is no access to that proposed parkland, so the developer would have to make that park accessible. The land is near Woodcreek Park. Jane asked the Board if the land was acceptable as parkland and whether or not they wanted to maintain six more acres of land. The Board decided to take a look at the land. Greg wanted to know how the developer would provide access to the park and whether or not it was flood plain. Carol asked why the developer was dedicating that particular land. Jane stated that he would have to build a bridge to cross the creek if he used it for residential. Greg stated that a box culvert is very expensive, thus the dedication instead. Jane would like the Board to make a decision by the April 27, council meeting. The Board decided to tour both the proposed land adjacent to Windwood Park and the proposed dedication in Woodcreek subdivision. The tour was set for the following Thursday, March 16, at 5:30 p.m. and they would meet at Brookwater Circle. Ric mentioned that Willie Nelson will be performing at the amphitheater on April 23, at 7:00 p.m. Ron asked about the dredging at Wolf Pen Creek. Ric stated that the City opened bids recently on renting equipment with City staff doing the dredging. Nancy mentioned the equipment will cost $85,000 in-house, including the operator. Greg asked if anyone contacted the 1165th Engineer Dredge Detachment in Galveston, Texas. They are an Army Reserve unit that deals extensively with dredging. Ric stated that he would try to contact them. Michael mentioned that the reason he wanted to be on the Parks Board was his concerns with both greenspace and Lick Creek Park. He thinks there are a lot of possibilities with the park. He mentioned that Carson Watt's class at Texas A&M has done a plan for Lick Creek with enormous possibilities. It said it is becoming more heavily used all the time. Michael also mentioned that David Scott at A&M submitted an application for the Parks Board, and is interested in being involved in an open-space plan. Nancy suggested he work with Brazos 20/20 Vision, which has an idea for a linear park connecting Bryan and College Station. Greg mentioned that several people have raised concerns about no noon time swim hours at Thomas Pool for adult swimmers. Ric stated that it is available but not at Thomas Pool. The Board concurred that they would like to see the swim hours restored at noon time at that pool. Ric stated that he would find out what the reasoning was for not having it available. Michael asked why teams were bumped from playing in the league. Ric mentioned that there is not enough space to accommodate all of the interested teams. The league can only schedule 180 teams efficiently. The teams that are turned away are encouraged to play in Bryan. IX. ADIOURN: The Board adjourned at 9:14 p.m.