HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1994 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1994, - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Vice Chairman; Bob DeOtte; Greg Taggart; and Carol Reynolds MEMBERS ABSENT: George Dresser, Chairman; Penny Said; Barry Harding; and Nancy Crouch, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Asst. Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Planner; and Bridgette George, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Sandstone Subdivision Residents: Dave Younbblood, Jerry Miller, Mary Eikenhorst, Leona Lowe, and Marina Britz I. CALL TO ORDER Ron called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. IL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes for the October 11, October 25, and November 7, meetings were approved as submitted. III. HEAR VISITORS No unscheduled visitors present. IV. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF PARKLAND DEDICATION IN ZONE 4 (BERT HERMAN) Steve displayed a map depicting a better layout of the location Mr. Bert Herman was proposing for parkland dedication. Steve reminded the Board that the land is all open with no trees, is not in the flood plain, is adjacent to the City's electric switch station which uses microwave power, and is adjacent to a right-of-way called Switch Station Road. The land would have frontage on Appomattox Drive if it is extended under the construction of the proposed subdivision. Ron asked if there was a hearing to rezone the land in that area. Steve stated that he was not aware of any. Ms. Mary Eikenhorst mentioned that Mr. Herman does want the land adjacent to the frontage road, between Aldersgate Church and the Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting 12/13/94 Page 2 Raintree Subdivision, changed from residential to commercial. Ron asked if the Department would lose any of this land when the improvements, including widening, were finished on Switch Station Road. Steve stated that improvements are included in the Transportation Plan, but does not think those improvements would affect that land. Ron still has reservations constructing a playground next to the switch station. The Board concurred with Ron. Greg asked if the document Steve had was a submitted preliminary plat. Steve said he wasn't sure if it had already been submitted to the City Planning Department, but did not think so. Greg motioned to reject the proposed site. Carol seconded and the motion passed. V. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FOR SANDSTONE PARK Steve displayed a proposed site plan for Sandstone Park. He stated that with the Board's approval, including any changes to the site plan, the plan would be submitted to City Council at their January meeting for approval and authorization to begin construction of the park. Peter proceeded to explain the proposed site plan. He stated that the proposed plan includes twice as many parking spaces. He mentioned that parking will not be allowed on Sandstone Street when construction is complete. The parking lot includes a drive through area for easy drop off. Four to six foot high earth berms, along with trees, will help to screen off the parking lot. In front of the parking lot will be a sidewalk which leads to a shade structure approximately 20 foot in diameter. This will help provide some shade during the hot months and also provide cover during unexpected rainstorms. The playground will be typical of most parks with multi-climbers, and may include a separate area for tots. It will also be handicap accessible with a rubberized cushion surface. A basketball court is included in the site plan. lighting will only be utilized for the parking lot and playground area. The jogging trail will loop around the park making a 1/3 mile track. An exercise station with approximately five units, for sit-ups, pull-ups, etc., will be included on the jogging trail. The balifields have been relocated for a north/south orientation for less sun in the players' eyes. Peter mentioned that some regrading would be done at the site, especially on the fields for better drainage. He mentioned that approximately 100-120 thirty-gallon trees would be placed in the park. Mr. Dave Youngblood stated that the Department must consider this a "regional" park as opposed to a "neighborhood" park. He asked who they thought in the neighborhood would be "dropping off" their children as opposed to letting them walk. Steve mentioned that residents from Sandstone, Emerald Forest, and Foxfire would be utilizing the park. Mr. Youngblood was concerned that traffic -I-here_ would increase because of the practice ballfields located e Steve stated that the fields are not being increased from what was currently there. He said the park is similar to Brother's Pond Park (1.0 acres) and Gabbard Park (16 acres), both of which have practice ballfields and both are designated as "neighborhood" parks. Ron mentioned that no one is going to be able to isolate this park from other citizens. Mr. Youngblood stated that he realized that the park is rather large Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting 12/13/94 Page 3 because of its 15 acres, but doesn't believe this plan is typical of a neighborhood park. Steve stated that this park is typical of several other parks with practice fields, and mentioned that there is no other parks east of the bypass that residents can use for practice fields. He said the reason for the parking lot is that, unlike other parks, parking will not be allowed on the adjacent street. Ms. Eikenhorst would like to see more trees located in the park, especially near the houses. Ron mentioned that the Department does a wonderful job utilizing tree grant money for enhancement of the parks and that more trees can always be added. Carol asked why the Department doesn't use smaller trees. Steve mentioned that bigger trees have a better chance of survival, not only because of irrigation, but also from kids swinging on the limbs, which break easily with smaller trees. Greg mentioned that bigger trees will also help with immediate screening of the park from adjacent homes. Ms. Marina Britz would like to see a berm constructed adjacent to her property to help block some of the sight and sound from park users. Steve mentioned that before construction begins, the Department will work in conjunction with the City's Engineering Department to comply with current City drainage requirements and ordinances. Peter mentioned that the City Engineer assured him that the parking lot could drain towards Sandstone Street because there will be a storm drain system there. Mrs. Britz mentioned that even with all the dirt placed on Sandstone Street, there is still drainage to the east. Mr. Youngblood asked if construction would begin after the completion of Sandstone Street. Peter stated that it should begin in late spring or early summer, about two months prior to the completion of the street. It should take approximately three months to complete the construction of the park. A 04 ,pi, 4F ( Greg ike--to see il•re earth berms placed on the northeast boundary for sound bathers, along with plantings and trees. Greg motioned to approve the site plan with the aforementioned changes. Bob seconded, the motion passed. VI. DISCUSSION OF BOARD ISSUES FOR 1995 The Board reviewed the issues produced at a previous meeting. Bob would like to see a conceptual drawing for the large athletic park produced. After several minor changes to the issues, Carol motioned to accept the proposed issues as Board Goals for 1995, as amended. Bob seconded, the motion passed. VII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Eric informed the Board that the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith improvements were almost complete. The bridges and lights were already in place. He said it has really made a big difference and encouraged the Board to go see the area. He was afraid that vandalism was going to be a problem, but so far none has occurred. Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting 12/13/94 Page 4 Eric stated that construction on the Oaks and Thomas Park improvements had already begun. Carol asked about frisbee golf at Oaks. Steve stated that Peter had received some information on it, and stated it costs approximately $7,000 to construct. Peter is still searching for other companies that make this item. The construction of the Wolf Pen Creek Rest Room building is going well except for the block for the building. The manufacturer of the block, that matches the existing buildings, will not be available until February. Also, the EPA will not allow the company to sandblast their blocks anymore, so the block may have a different texture. Eric stated that the Central Park Pond Renovation is complete and went extremely well. The water is pumped from the big pond into the small pond by way of a water fountain. The overflow water then runs down the spillway into the large pond. This process helps to keep the water circulated. Carol asked about the dredging of Wolf Pen Creek. Eric stated that the Engineering Department is working on the specifications and it should go out to bid in January. The project should take approximately three to four weeks to complete. VIII. BRIEFING ON THE my's COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Eric handed out a letter from Jane Kee, City Planner, indicating what has taken place on the plan so far. Eric also passed out HOK's survey that was in the paper. She stated that approximately 200 responses were received and forwarded on to HOK for analysis. Results were not yet available. IX. UPDATE ON THE CIP COMMITTEE'S PROGRESS Steve informed the Board that the CIP Committee recommended the following to Council: $1,000,000 for additional park land; $1,250,000 for little league fields at Lincoln Center; $100,000 for the Central Park concession stand upgrade; and $100,000 to upgrade the Bee Creek softball fields. He stated that no money was recommended for the improvement of neighborhood parks. X. APPROPRIATE BOARD ACTIVITIES REGARDING THE BOND ELECTION Steve mentioned that City staff are not allowed to promote the bond issue in any way, except for voting. However, Board members, as well as any of the athletic organizations, can do any type of promotion for the bond issues. He stated that they can even promote bond issues at registration time. Steve reminded the Board that if these issues are to pass, support from the community will have to be there at voting time. Ron would like to discuss appropriate activities and an action plan for Board members at the next meeting. After some discussion regarding the $500,000 that was cut from the park land acquisition issue and the funds cut from the parks improvements issue, the Board Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting 12/13/94 Page 5 decided to make phone calls to the Mayor and City Council to encourage them to consider putting back in the original funds that were asked for. The Board discussed the fact that if the land cost 1.5 million, I million wouldn't do the Department any good. Having to purchase less land would not be sufficient for the athletic field that is being proposed. Steve mentioned that the Council will be meeting in January and would be discussing the CIP Committee's Proposal, but did not know the exact date. The Board asked if they would be able to voice their opinions at that Council meeting. Steve believed they would be able to. XI. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS Steve mentioned that a Fees Subcommittee needed to be formed to approve the Department's user fees for 1995. Bob and Ron offered to serve. They also suggested Penny being on the subcommittee. Bridgette agreed to call Penny to inform her about the subcommittee and set up a meeting. Greg inquired about the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee and asked if someone needed to be appointed. Bridgette stated yes and said that the alternate Blossie Payton has not attended any meetings and need to be replaced. Also, Chairmen- 4,e1A-0)74-- and--Vire—ehairmen need to be appointed to the Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committees. The Board asked that this matter be placed on the ) next meeting's agenda. XII. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ) 1995 PARKS & RECREATION BOARD GOALS * Oversee design process and implement construction for Sandstone Par * Conduct public hearings and oversee design process for Woodway Park. * Promote success of Bond program. * Follow through on Park Master Plan process. * Investigate neighborhood park for Foxfire. * Develop concept plan for large athletic park (pre-bond election). Identify potential sites. * Design small park that serves Spring Loop residents. * Investigate opportunities for additional park land. * Examine the impact of annexation on park needs. * Develop concept for Lick Creek Park. * Significantly increase the use of Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater (Double?). * Revisit the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. * Move forward with the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Masterplan (as much as possible). Ji CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 44.; #40, iF4 Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue -44164 PO' College Station,Texas 77842-9960 (409)764-3500 MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: January 6, 1995 SUBJECT: ITEMS OF INTEREST EMPLOYEES RECEIVE CERTIFICATION - Several Parks and Recreation employees have recently completed specialized training related to their areas of expertise. The Structural Pest Control Board license required several months of study in order to prepare for the three (3) exams that were necessary for proper licensing. The three areas covered were the General Exam, Lawn and Ornamental, and Weed Control. Prior to taking the exams participants were required to attend an eight hour intensive seminar covering laws and regulations and all categories pertaining to the Structural Pest Control Board requirements for becoming a Non-commercial certified applicator. The participants and licensees were Kim Striegler, Delmer Charanza, Gary Marske, Scott Hooks, and Robert Hensarling. This license will require 15 CEUs over a three year period to remain current. Parks Operations Supervisors Robert Hensarling, Scott Hooks, and Gary Marske earned the distinction of becoming Certified Professional Turf Managers (CPTM). This program is administered by the Texas Turfgrass Association, a network of professionals in all areas of turf management, which includes golf course superintendents, commercial lawn care services and sports turf managers. The certification process requires one year to complete and includes extensive training, the passing of two exams, and approval by the Certification Board. The first half of the exam involves all aspects of turf management. The participants must be knowledgeable in turf diseases, irrigation, soil types, equipment usage, fertilization processes, spraying requirements, and a host of other types of turf related practices. The second half of the examination is specific to the business and personnel management side of the turf industry. These exams were a good indicator of the dedication to professional excellence within the field of turf management and grounds maintenance overall. Home of Texas A&M University Items of Interest January 6, 1995 Page (2) CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK officially 2. ended on December 31st. New d Krenek Ta Road "power pole" decorations, displays include p snowflakes, and reindeer by the bypass. Subtle artistic changes were evident throughout the park, as well as refinement of the older 9 decorations. The Lighting Ceremony was held under the pavilion on 9 Friday, December 2nd, in the midst of a thunderstorm. Over 100 middle school and junior high school choir children sang with enthusiasm as the light went on. Cookies and hot chocolate were served but all other activities were cancelled. The park was crowded each night throughout the month as 28,145 cars were counted; which g 9 translates into about 84,400, based on 3 people per car. This year's guest registry included visitors from Missouri, Arkansas, New Mexico, g � and from cities around the State, including Houston, Conroe, Dallas, Coppell and San Antonio. Visit Santa were nights verysuccessful with over 2,000 people touring g the office viewing the window scene and meeting the puppets. Even though some people had to wit in line over 90 minutes, over 600 photos were taken with Santa and more than 7,500 cookies and 3,700 cups of hot chocolate were served. Plans for next year have already begun! 3. THE 1994 PARADE OF LIGHTS is a joint program between the College Station Parks and Recreation Department and the Bryan } Parks and Recreation Department. The program is sponsored by ($300 KORA KTAM cash, $2,100 in-kind), TCA Cable ($600 cash, 1 $4,200 in-kind), The Eagle ($200 cash, $1,400 in-kind), and Randalls ($1,000 cash). The Parade of Lights was a great success this. year. The program had a total of 93 entries. The breakdown is as follows: College Station home character designs - 5, light designs - 13, Bryan home character designs - 15, light designs - 28, spiritual designs - 7, large business - 2, small business - 5, College Station streets - 5, Bryan streets - 10, neighborhood - 3. Trolley tours ran December 15, 16, and 17. A total of 418 individuals participated. Eight tours were scheduled for Thursday, ten for Friday and Saturday. Due to inclement weather two tours were cancelled Thursday night. 4. URBAN FISHING UPDATE - The of fishing hole is alive with action. Central Pond will be our first site for rainbow trout fishing this season. Kid Fish will take place on Saturday, January 21, 1995, at Central Pond from 1-4 p.m. This program brings local youths to urban fisheries to enjoy and learn a life long sport. It is sponsored by local vendors and national suppliers. The pond will be stocked with 3,000 rainbow trout for that day and remain until all are harvested. The pond fishing rules are controlled by the State of Texas: individuals 17-64 must possess a Texas fishing license and have a trout stamp ($7.00). The daily bag limit is 5 trout per angler. The second stocking will occur at Cy Miller Pond on February 7, and operate under the same rules as previous years. Items of Interest January 6, 1995 Page (3) Adamson Lagoon will be site of the third rainbow stocking. That event will occur just prior to our 13th Annual Pool Trout Fish-Out on February 24-26. The pool fishing rules will be $3.00 per angler, which includes the first 5 fish, additional fish can be purchased for $2.00 per fish. Pond fishing can be catch-and-release, but the pool has a "no throw back" policy. 5. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION - This 10th annual event will commence at 7 p.m. at the Lincoln Recreation Center. Dr. Jim Scales, Superintendent of the College Station Independent School District will be our keynote speaker. This year we will have a special presentation of a mural dedicated to Lillian Clark Robinson. The artwork is of three prominent individuals in black history: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Barbara Jordan, and General Collin Powell. 6. KIDS KLUB is off to a great start in 1995. The program currently has 421 children enrolled with an average daily attendance of 386. Due to graduation and schedule conflicts, ten staff members were unable to return this semester. Therefore the kids Klub has hired ten energetic young adults. We are very excited to add these individuals to our staff and look forward to an exciting semester. 7. 1995 YOUTH BASKETBALL games are being played on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday nights with practices and some games on Saturdays at various College Station school gyms. The season will last from January 14 - March 2. There are a total of 224 girls and 454 boys signed up this season for a total of 678 participants in this year's program. bg Copies: Tom Brymer, Interim City Manager John Woody, Assistant City Manager Jeff Kersten, Administrative Assistant CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT JANUARY 1995 1. Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Improvements Project Number: PK9403 Budget: $182,350 Contract Amount: $181,150 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: in-house with outside engineers Comments/Status: This project will be funded by Community Development. Improvements will follow the Council approved Master Plan. This project will cover land clearing, drainage improvements, walks, lighting and the installation of bridges. Bids for land clearing were received October 29, 1993. Clearing of the land began in late November by Mini-Max, Inc. of Bryan. The bid was awarded to J.H.W. Contractors and work began July 25, 1994. This project is now complete except for minor grading and grass seeding. This has been delayed by consistent rains. Task: Project Design: February-April 1994 Advertise & Award: June 1994 Complete: January 1995 2. Oaks and Thomas Park Improvements Project Number: PK9203 and PK0033 Budget: Oaks - $92,000 and Thomas - $29,000 Contract Amount: $116,595 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Design: In-house Comments/Status: Oaks improvements to include improved lighting, bridge replacement, handicap accessible playground, sand volleyball court, and walkway improvements. Thomas improvements to include a swing set replacement and jogging trail/walkway improvements. Funding is 91 Bond. The low bid from Marek Brothers Construction was approved by City Council on October 13, 1994. Task: Project Design: June-July 1994 Advertise & Award: September-October 1994 Complete: March 1995 C.I.P. Report January 6, 1995 Page (2) 3. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Rest Room Building Project Number: PK9404 Budget: $185,000 Contract Amount: Design Fee $14,500 / JFIW $172,260 Construction: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: Patterson Architects Comments/Status: Council approved Patterson Architects for the project design February 24. The project will be bid on October 10, 1994 and bids opened on October 28, 1994. The low bid by JI-IW Contractors will be presented to Council on November 10, 1994. Task: Project Design: April-August 1994 Advertise & Award: September 1994 Complete: March 1995 4. Southwood Pool Renovation Project Number: PK9502 Budget: $219,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Design: Contracted Engineering Firm Comments/Status: The renovation efforts will be designed by an outside engineering firm. An RFQ was issued and six responses were received. The firms were ranked by a staff committee and the highest ranked firm will be recommended to Council on January 12, 1995. Task: Project Design: February - June 1995 Advertise & Award: July - September 1995 Complete: January 1996 . ... .. ..,. . • . . . . . ..,••-•'' - '''1,111' ', ...,:::-.:1;.•,:dt,".;:‘•,:''''11:.11:::'...,•::'..,.:1".::::: 1...H...''1'''...,••..: ..... . , , • • . . . . . ., •..... ..,.., • . , . -.....• . :l.S..:•.!:;•.:-.....••S'::::.:::::...:' . ..`....... .. ......:C:,: .,. 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Ce- 1. . ' f. .,.•%..' :. ......, .,;-...... .,. •: ,-•. •• ,',... •. 10rIec10rS „. ... . . • l'i\e,Cre 1 •-// • • . .., • . u,.., „ , LA,i j.,„1-1-1,Li Kol7te4--s -_, g i'10:5 ar,„,,- . . . . . , . tJ r TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY 3X 4 A; Department of Biology 876 12 December 1994 Sam D. Hamilton Endangered Species Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 611 E. 6th St., rm. 407 Austin, TX 78701 Dear Mr. Hamilton: I have been monitoring demographic changes in a local Spiranthes parksii population since 1986. This population, located along 'Sundew Creek' at College Station's Lick Creek Park, has played an important part in our work with this endangered species since listing, as indicated in my revision of the recovery plan. Research with this population has involved annual tracking of inflorescence (fall) and rosette (spring)production among several hundred plants. These are located each year by coordinates associated with over 150 plastic tent stakes that have been placed along this temporary stream over the years. My visit to the site this year revealed that the Sundew Creek drainage now supports a well traveled mountain bike trail. This traverses the stream bed at several points. Disturbance caused by traffic on this trail has eliminated a significant number of my 'marker' stakes and, given extensive erosion along similar, older bike trails in the park, this extirpation of my stakes - and the plants they identify - will increase with time. My first impulse upon discovering'this situation is to alert those responsible for protection of endangered plant species in Texas. However, I have, over the years, generated many memos and letters regarding feeble municipal stewardship of Lick Creek Park, especially with regard to mountain bike impacts. These efforts - obviously - have produced no result. Given this lack of response from your office, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the City of College Station, I must conclude that my concern for the survival of this species is not shared by those charged with this fundamental responsibility. Consequently, I feel that my work has become part of a scam, perpetrated by responsible local, state, and federal agencies, of environmental concern. I therefore withdraw from any current and future professional effort to pursue endangered species research in Texas. Given unmitigated impacts on this species over the years, including 'bonfire' clear-cutting promoted by a state agency with impunity, it is evident to me that continued work with this species is an exercise in futility and, as a result, a clear waste of my time. Sincerely, 15 ECE 'vE -n • DEC 2 2 1994 U Hugh D. Wilson Professor Bya) 315 Biological Sciences Building West . College Station,Texas 77843-3258 • (409)845-7747;FAX(409)845-2891 Hugh D.Wilson-306 Butler Hall -409-845-3354,FAX:409-862-1977-EMAIL: H-WILSON@TAMLLEDU ."...•, r ^". ^ �mo ' . ::r ;xai " �_���� .�p,���y�n.may- C'Lh�°-'F c....S PJ: {,',ttn._'1,77::::',--':' :1�n77:::,� � 3 �w �`. s"`?rryF�'t -,y ,J a 'r°,S,.',p�=x.i �;,t�:• -ti'E :.:�Y::' ''','d�^:5.!by.�•" '�"k,° P 'Fn q., . VERCE T is ra. V•.� e': Ss- DRYAN(COLLEGE STATIONS TX December 16, 1994 Mr. Steve Beachy College Station Parks and Recreation P. ]. Box 99i60 College Station, Tx 77 842 Dear Steve: On behalf of the Bryan-College Station Chamber of Com erce, we would like to express our g ratitude, once again, to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department for providing and lacing the grandstands at the annual Holiday Parade. Your will ngness to help and your cooperation contributes to the success of this com un ty event wish the College Station Parks and Recreation Department and their families a very Happy and Safe Holiday Season! Sincerely yours, I Beverly Border Manager of Community Affairs I P.C]. Box 3579 Bryan,Texas 77895 X409} 280-5200 .L$1* CITY OF COLLEGE STATION OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842-9960 (409)764-3510 MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Marske, Operations Supervisor Pete Fitzgerald, Crew Leader Cory Schwartz, Crew Member Perry Shankle, Crew Member FROM: Tom Brymer, Interim City Manager / DATE: December 16, 1994 SUBJECT: Commendation I want to express my thanks to you for a wonderful job working with the College Station Little League and their board of directors. You not only did a great job dealing with the various people involved, but your efforts helped build a stronger cooperative relationship that will no doubt be carried over into other areas of the City. 1 know that you worked under adverse weather conditions at times, but got the job done and the games went on as scheduled. The extra effort you put forth is highly evident, and I appreciate your dedication over and beyond what is expected in your everyday jobs. cc: John Woody Steve Beachy ) • •••••• • • • .•. ••••• •• •••• - • • •• . .• . • ..., -• . '..... : ".3:•fl-.4 4.'t:.:1 '1 7) 1-i ( . 1'1 1 a9 IT/ ' tl Y\ 1 1 @ROA C- /. I'L 0 i . 4„( aZusirtiLLA , - i0/11---L1. a..01C9 y.2,0 __Ajz§ Gyi a____ 1Ai W ( i(6Z:trall7KA) tit t-ggL: 61)A lt_ .- 2 F ' -/e . 6641, civiac,_ /1_ -,8 ilolo apfylcothay- /Le_ in . t' R -.- 10.e (061:c t ock„ A Acrid! 71-6...V31/: arKid kn 4t,4117z-. (2/vL . >• 0 t/ bil OV A (N, Q/Ac j/UI?Le W:‘i) --6c:, i i / , 1 cp r1/4._ffit . 2/7 )la.(J)/ /-Lo vL.r.cp 2()p.r_ /dlac, L,.;,v.k, .iiiikcs. cdyvy4yialz 177p-I,c_i , ' --6 • i Ali CM . 1CL yaliC4 e,‘; 'IIAL.kr-k , yczi,A. 001/1)C(2).f)C-(C/ --8 a-7-2 , CD I' : .•• Yeo .) . - 50. caact,L; 3, .,: ; . rs__ ., • • _ i , -- / 4i. elj .„.,, ..;.: .-,,,.: • . . :. 1995 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1987 1988-89 1990-91 1992 1993 1994 1995 Illi'`'ii`'"s'4 RI 11111111111 1111111111111 Illi 111111111111111111111 II 11111 III 1 I 1 I II II1 11111111011110111111111111111111111 III 11111111111111111 111 1111111011110=1 III 11111111111111 I 111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 111111111 II i 11111111110111111111111111111111111111111 1111101111111111111111111'1110101111111111111111111 1111111111111 ! ULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1.Basketball $185 $185 $200 $200 $200 $250 $250 2.Flag Football $200 $200 $200 $250 $250 $250 $255 ' 3. Volleyball $85 $85 $100 $85 $85 $100 $110 .--. 4.Softball J � I Play-Off League(Spg,Sum) $210 $225 $230 $235 $240 $250 $255 (Fall) $200 $185 $190 $195 $210 $215 Fast-Pitch $235 $2501 $230 $220 $220 $290 $290 (Fall) w $235 $245 — B.YOUTH SPORTS PER PERSON 1.Basketball $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $25/$10/$5 $25/$15/$5 $25/$15/$5 2.Flag Football $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $25/$10/$5 $25/$15/$5 $25/$15/$5 3.Girl's Softball $30/$20/$5 $25/$15/$5 C.INSTRUCTION 1.Summer Swim Lessons $13 $13 $14 $15 $16 $16 $16 2.Adv.Swim Lessons $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 3.TAAF Swim Team $40/$20/$10 $35/$20/$10 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 4.Splash Camp N/A N/A $20/child $20/child $30/child - - 5.National Jr.Tennis League $30/child $30/child $30/child $30/child W $40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 6.Tennis Lessons $30/person $30/person $30/person # $30/person $30/person $35/person $35/person D.PICNIC SHELTERS PER DAY i ;boretum $25 $15 $15 $0 $0 $0 $0 1---fiee Creek Pavilion $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 3.Central Pavilion- niionda -Thursda $75 $75 $75 $75 $50 $50 $50 Friday $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 Saturday&Sunday $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 4.Oaks Pavilion $50 $30 $30 $30 ,W $30 $30 $30 5.Southwood Pavilion- Monday-Thursday $75 $75 $75 $75 $50 $50 $50 Friday $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 Saturday&Sunday $125 $125 $125 - $125 $125 $125 $125 6.Thomas Pavilion $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 7..Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater- Private.-Weekday $75 $200 $200 ■ w Private..-Weekend $125 $250 $250 Non-Commercial Weekday $50 $425 $425 Weekend $100 $525 $525 A N Professional/Com mercial- Weekday $150 $800 $800 Weekend $250 $900 $900 *Service Personnel charges will be added accordingly • 1 .....T INCOLN CENTER 1.... ,,.4embershi i 19-54 rs $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 $6 2.Gym $150/day $150/day $150/day $150/day $150/day Hourly $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 3.TV Room $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 4.Community Room Rental _ $20 $20 $20 $25 $25 $25 A $25 * (Boys Club Membership$6.00, 18& I under) F.ATHLETIC FIELDS 1...' ...1ntral Park Per Day(All Fields) $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 2.......entral Park Per Day(1 Field) $50 $50 $50 $a0 $50 3.Central Park Softball(Weekend) $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 4.Soccer(1 Field) $5 $5 $5 $50/day $50lday $50/day $50/day 5.Soccer All Fields) $150/day $150/day $150/day $150/day 6.Soccer(Weekend) $300 $300 $300 $300 7.Bee Creek(1 Field) $50lday $50lday $50lday A $50/day 8.Bee Creek(All Fields)* *Youth Fields Only $75/day $75/day $75/day $75/day 9.Field Rentals/Per Hour* * 1 hour/2 hours/3 hours $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 I G.SWIMMING POOLS 1.General Admission(3 yrs&up) , Southwood/Thomas _ $1 $1 $1 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 Adamson $1 _ $1 $1 $1.25 $2 $2.50 $2.50 2.Discount Pass(25 swims) _ Southwood/Thomas $20 $ 20 $20 $25 $25 $30 $30 _ Adamson(may be used at all pools) _ $20 $20 $20 _ $25 $40 $50 $50 3.Family Season Pass , Southwood/Thomas NA $90 $100 $120 $125 $125 $125 MW Adamson(may be used at all pools) , NA $90 $100 $120 _ $225 $200 _ $200 4.Individual Season Pass Southwood/Thomas N.A. $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 _ $60 - `gmson(may be used at all pools) NA $60 $60 $60 $80 $80 _ $80 5...-Babysitter Season Pass Southwood/Thomas $30 $30 $30 ,damson(ma be used at all tools $40 $40 $40 6.Pool Rental Southwood: 25 people or less $75 _ $75 50 people or less _ $60 - $60 $100 $100 51-76 people _ $75 $75 $150 $150 77-102 people' _ $90 $90 $200 $200 Thomas: 25 people or less _ _ $50 $50 50 people or less _ $50 $50 $75 $75 51-76 people $65 $65 $100 $100 r 77-102people $80 $80 $125 $125 Adamson: 99 people or less _ $200 $250 W 250 199 or less $200 $300 $300 r 299 or less $200 $400 A $400 300+ _ $200 $500 $500 Sat.&Sun./limited hours availableI H.CONFERENCE CENTER 1. Teen Center I. VENDOR PERMITS $20 _ $20 $20 $20 $20 $50 $50 F .'ARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: Approved: BY CITY COUNCIL: Approved: Revised: 1/4/95 1 ! 6 ) , , ; , TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY College Station,Texas 77843-1246 (409)845-2217 FAX(409)845-5027 E-Mail: PRESIDENT@TAMU.EDU December 5, 1994 Office of the President Ray M, Bowen Mr. Steve Beachy • Director of Parks and Recreation City of College Station 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77840 ( ,) Dear Steve: Thank you and your staff for your hard work on the groundbreaking events for the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum Center. It was a proud day for Texas A&M University and the cities of Bryan and College Station. Your efforts resulted in great nationwide publicity for all of us. President and Mrs. Bush, their family and friends were most complimentary and left with great memories. The fact that an event of this magnitude was carried off without a hitch is proof positive of your Aggie Spirit. Please accept my congratulations and thanks for a job well done. Sincerely, Ray M.M. Bowen RNIB:eg• kik -\92/ • THE OBSERVER.• .• ' - December 28,,,1994 ,• • . '.,..„..-0.., ,:..,. i .., 0. u.• -,..,.t o. r ~"„.......;.:.,,•.1. s'.3,�••--. . •• . m... . •.. .. x.. •. 1 an.;....,c........• ,A,. 1 • ,,7,...„... . s 0- -cc,..,.., r.., c- . .e.. .e....- .. ,.„•.,•• -,,. ....... •. , . •,,,. . . •, . . , ., •.. ..... • . • . . ,........,. . . .„.... . ... •.. , . ..... _ . • . , . . . ueen • - ,. •iii•.::;: •, • . water. �,ti.'; . e they....-will P y] (�� .•u '.i• w7 .'.. 'lit RP* a a;::,3 •x. a" ,t.';.r n. YY .will•coT1e■ .v�^ ;+s■a ." :-a.►i••''1;.. Jr_i! -�j;a•9 ajV�` .Y'. Rn•.i n; '` hinmil- ej: o: ^ :. o': F, al be d a$33 :;�;. sM1 ~..•e f . , s: J :. • �` • •.. e. .j .l • .. .r..: ..:d'.. , ._. r•••.a•. 1.��e•w --_.i>':•..r ..'.(.."•._w•.• a'•.•f.•Ir• ,. h soccer complex. .. w.,, _.. l...... ;.o est:of Bernalillo on • •., . Flo land at NM 528 r•'.• ; ., LEASE AREA .. I I. • r:.:.:,..;•.. .. --�-:. .:..=:..:..r.:.: ..r•• .�. y.•A 'a:� YP_' ,, r ;�. •. •y' �•• , APPROXIMATELY fr Y. .Ep�` a a -1*� M El i % • ,. ' 1 eZ.5 ACRES ,►►JJ 1t -. .• f•. :� linty, the pueblo•and , :':f e : zr .associations have ::.'p � • ��:� .i;.�:.�'�' _. ,_�:.�- 1 :� a ' _.���::_�- w,.♦ . . ,. . 7 111 y J. �w ....�t �6 i� • a the effort tp.build a • 'w'- �c3- �� ;�_; .. - .. t�,� • i ' • }•'. .,,, cer complex:to,rival I •w br ,•,=3,•_', 3. , .: `,: ..:•.-T :t',�1»;: �;... Z '� i. N, - .., .. • 1 Q ��y iw�7i *r... =4Y~#t ic.'r r.1::.2'''•'%':'•."....� te • i'ir i�r rw • •f}` t e i' •. �s in the country.The .-4..:•:. . , . :� - ___......___ ;_...... ._ �, ..: �_,. �, 1. ISS �is"a'^°.�� r'�• i` • . i3• ;ssion:.areas and sup- �_' • ct° - .' ��•i- �-'. "t .11..;1:!..,12:."=,-!14._.. 1 '` • "•f • ••�• �� r ' • .. ' .::-1.•":04'' r„ ,� " � r ..nl' r lie'intended.to attract Y +r.��f/// • . . . 'u, -'� _�'•- -...,-.5,.-„,,,,..„,,,,,..-., » r ,t.'• x,",._ • i- !'. • , • ents from around.the . ► , . . :,.i4.:„ . a �IS' :� .,r. . a , . •: og1-4 ::Fr i. .•• .•r;'.r: _ .6 •1 r•' 4)> • VANTAANA. +«;t � -- _:..:;1:::•,-,....'',.'" ..::::•-•. • -beg•Fice- 'i 1� 4 PUEBLO-LAND '. .. x 1.ifl,f°�i C:� �: �-"'. • �''r S-`7} • nt 1.00•acres�of�land for `':•�� '•. • . . : :;��: :�:�>-..,:i:1-,.%.���si:� �.•�,��� ;� '. fandoval;Count :7711::',.,•••.---...'f'.,..'..:. ....* 4.1M.1,•?.-;.r.,'.who , . :�:=r •y1•. _.� •11.,,l' ,�" '_�:. :� .. _;, ; . - ��� yR le•pr perty to a'non-• •,;45t.7.,;';••.. POSSIBLE COMMERCIAL••DEVELOPMENT AREA • .-.�.. —.. _ :.•f•,.. .,' . a.aft v..ri,. }oy1t • . AG.���� ¢ +• "1=. `+' � son tasled' th open-� t� asf , - : ' •• aging the`...c'amplex. t!,,; ► �;' ;+ •.. yes :frorni n.'.;the .Duke '1"-: .i i•.,•.• • . • :ague, Northwest Rio lit::..:.,'IR" - • .•:`•' • .,.—c'•'•::::4:':,- y':T;� f •y� e� • A� tir • ■ M •:� r7 :^f•'►K,,iy .y4...,. •r eague,•New,yMexicv .+:7 ' err. !lf-"�1A�1--#4ai1--- --''�.' ''!.`..♦.. r . y ,' • • ,,, •L • Association,•`Newt : .1 . • • _ ' -• ' .' ''S,occer:.-Association . - COURSE -4,-tr.,: yyti��tt(�r'�.� .'. *j h • '~ M • GOLF . r! Mexlcoa•1��'""•" School v w F. •• 1 I i, • ► , i , . Ws Associatlo l'-.hake ' '..• ••- • ,. 3fit organization - r;:;:.:; , - F • , • :•.• :ti. • ;. ,. i o : • ....`developers, " . . • • agreement, .with the ceived from Intel Corp. • • -: L • tan from the state needed to cam- • �...,....,,...„.7.• •• �' Wilson said the economic:impact •�,. L g. as. the• sponsoring t.•474.:;`S4nta.Ana,the county and youth plete the.project:., . .' • . • ..• . of the complex will.be.tremendous. • •he.complex to:qualify ' `:' cer groups have come.together.to• .Phase •one'•of theproject-breaks Current soccer tournaments••account .: • ` � ,,,,,,,•+ . :ve �sitive' that P rl •� .w . Ing. . ' . ::,. something ry •:pfl ground, this,-Januarys, and includes •for more than: ,8.,400.:.hotel rooms .•.• of ,1994, the.Ltegisla•-•:. ;ilo is everybody;.involved•to-'pros- .eight fields to be available.for use in rented annually in the';A►buuquerque'-` • ed$600,000.for:Xmas- •T • r" 'said•i)toject,director lvlicke •• -' ' •' ' - . .• ' •_ ; Y� the. of :195::• : .•a �...�`'�. •.,� �• metropolitan area, vvhxch•,�translates id constxuction•of•the , ' lson. •Wilsori,�said the facilit +has,been to over' $2' million in 'tourist:. - •andoval County •has ':�';We have been able to rovide as•' Y - • , : :" '' n, �.. P planned; for,about five years and'will revenues, he said. _ . ': 1,000 of bond,money `4 the necessary..condui•t.'to the 'state. provide.much-� ' I .: : needed playing field ''',.:•t .., ;Inst •lease•.payments •7legislatur ,. said•.,County,•'Manager •:spacer for tournaments ,. . ▪ • ••• • Santa Ana tribal administrator .• • . . •• '1,i bbte Hays. -"I'm:.. very .excited •••: '."Soccer is:•reall 'th• e�'fastest, grow-- RoyMontoya said the soccer•corn- •.:1: ..about the level of com tttion that is• '. �r .. ing sport 'n the country, =;he said, plex fits nicelywithpueblo:develo t= 4:ings to be available and•about.the 'Adding that`'lea ASK;FOR" 1 fg • •gues in �ev�v;':Niexieo ments in the arca. •Currently; . _ - .John I substantial economic ,benefits. ..are growing at a rate of 8 to.10 per-' restaurant and golf courseprosper .(`' !..',;:,..,,,:if,��(Wilson is currentl headin u a '. .' .p'' ithe vr . Y g P ,cent per year•and'current programs near the site and he said plans are xn ,. atev�rr•de legislative effort to obtain =provide for aver 23,000 youth and the works for 200-room hotel an ;a:4ti '4-a.• r a'dditional$2.5�million appropria- 4,000-adults., '•' `..i • • casinos..•• r . . Turner . -.: .. 50, 0-square-foot ' WAILABLE l i�,tr ,•-. 00i1 '7a 37 2 �, #40* e'� 0 7i11KiicRa. .- ' . ' 1:4'1;•'. . eft910 :tri4114. e'tijSaliji.„..„_„PSLIII . . . y1. ei. ' ! k7!IIihi:•:1Y�:YrC � lr` rvfi� i'. �?; � .� • • er iQ....-I 05V)01111'41. 1 �� •e .+i'f., ` eic 3§ trig wi►/i+ ilw. rs ,. „ , y , ; "{;• = ;a;a:;;;:•., r...1,f-ihf:::. ‘11' P..46.."..7iiir • .• 1/49,th '7) •‘' . 57141E117 Be„., * . � ft• • ,,,,,,,!..,4-...tra,,,,v.,ii.v,4-4-..a..:i;',.;,,d4'''''' ' 1 7` `4.i F{_ •l , . plataConsignmentDecor. t'fJ "lial ..• . • • I- 44 i. -' 'fie Have A Va e y ofAntiques&'Contemporary - • . q ' : - _ • . FAX# ;iii' i' Riv..,. . , . . • . . . . . „.. .••.• . . "a� ... 828-1821 ... f',::..•• furniture Lamps ■ Silver ■ Jewelry •■ Glass ■ China s Dolls OR MAIL TO . •• Bob. Byers-owner • 30 years'in furniture&antiques •• . !ib• • 2401 Friar College Station TX 77845 December 10, 1994 Mr. Stephen Beachy College Station Parks Dept. 1 000 Krenek Tap Rd College Station Tx 77840 Dear Mr. Beachy: Y I feel that Sandstone Park should be expanded as a soccer and baseball complex instead of developing it with a play area, basketball court, and vollyball courts. There are alreay two nice parks within minutes of Sandstone Park. The Woodcreek and Emerald Forest park have basketball courts, play areas, and vollyball courts. These parks are never very crowded and the vollyball court is rarely used. There is always a shortage of soccer and baseball fields for teams to pratice on. I know this because my soccer team had to fight to just get half of a field! This happens every soccer season. During baseball season my mom and I have to get to the fields an hour early to claim a field for our team. I feel more sports fields would be beneficial to the children of College Station. At team practices the children are supervised by coaches. The kids get exercise, learning skills and cooperating with team mates. Most of the time the basketball courts are unsupervised. Kids can easily be exposed to drugs and gangs. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope you will strongly consider making Sandstone Park into a soccer and baseball complex. I think the Children of College Station would be very grateful. Sin erely, ' Chase Sanford December 21, 1994 Mayor Larry Ringer .city of College Station . PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Mayor Ringer: I would like to formally resign my position on the College Station Parks and Recreation Board. Unfortunately, scheduling conflicts between Board meetings and my travel schedule at work have prevented my full participation. I hope the committee will be better served by a member that is able to attend all of the meetings. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the community. Sincerely, TehtAAA)T_ Penny Pennington Said cc: Steve Beachy Bridgette George CS Parks and Recreation Board . .,. ,,44,wp,,,,.- ' v - ,,,,,‘1,,,, •4,,,*1, ,04.',• .7.,',..v-'..,,7Z.."'!k...,, #r..... .. ''', ':•-kcit.' )1,,'+'? ,1,:,1,ietv,.., ...,...,,,,',4,,,...t.Z.,,,-i'..,...:h,=4,-,:*;;."•• ~ •,':',,.-'.4:14,4 l'..,4%41,491'.60;;,,-1 . .%i,- Ler& ia4w,.,,,,,,0 ,----•-,,. ..-,,..,.....,,,,j,.'„?;••4,',,,:.?`471., ''' ' .V.'-'`,,;.:,,,+;41::•,,,,7,.I., N.12,-,•;..,.:, .4*.:,,,- - •. , if , • . . 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Saturday, January 14, 1995 ....„,„,,,,,,,,„,,,,„I „,,••„,,,,, 7:00 pm ,T4,,,z110.44;c1k 124a A\ riciolg,fit,,w IP -44X4,,, ),0444•Ci, At *iffigAgigNit- .1'itfritt ,k,t,t,-,h'-'i.-,-.4,'. • 04K/ti, ,Altoroe414k1PeAt ',,L.14, :4,,,,Nal,t'AZI:a 4:404' Speaker: \ 444 :',W'r4,41R10,-V” '''''' N111101.164s 14%\ Dr. Jim Scales, CSISD Superintendent ,A*.it'd,,,,,,,.„ ,•." -.40.*- :110,11..TAffqft ipe ;•44",it*AVZ,;444"- '41;4 « -YR-4,4.4.9"A45.4 It RA-tbz, Lincoln Recreation Center 1000 Eleanor • ,,, ,.,,,,,, ,,v.,11,,,,,- -•I'ef-P,A. College Station, Texas i • . htilfi#41.00,4044.11;44,40, ..i.R`ake.•54,-,•14,egile91.414k14:-,t Sponsored by the City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department 1 CITY 1f7 CO LEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATICY ) POST OFFICE BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77842-9960 (409)764-3773 On Saturday, January 7, and Sunday January 8, 1995, the cities of Bryan and College Station sponsored the seventh Christmas tree recycling project. The sponsors were Bryan and College Station Parks and Recreation Departments, Brazos Beautiful, Brazos County 4H Equestrian Club, and the Texas Forest Service. The goal of this program is to save landfill space by diverting the trees to other uses. The College Station material was utilized as mulch in the Central Park picnic area and back trails. The Bryan trees were taken to the compost facility for use in that operation. Both Bryan and College Station took in 1,600 trees at their respective sites. This is a slight increase over last year's totals. To gauge how effective the program was, both cities' Sanitation divisions kept a rough count of the number of trees picked up curbside between Christmas and January 7. Bryan reported 300 trees and College Station 250. This indicates the great success of this project. Individuals who dropped off trees on the 7th and 8th received a free oak seedling and planting instructions. In addition at the College Station site, overall recycling information from Katie Gibson, College Station Recycling Coordinator, was handed out. cc: Mary Tucker, City Manager's Report Bridgette George, PARD Committee,/ Gracie Calbert, Citizen's Newsletter and/or Employee Newsletter We provide good things in life! He had a dream... PROGRAM _____ , .. 4, ••, , • ^-, ..s,• • ••i•• ..,.1/4, have a dream that one day in _„..... . . •:,.. .e Master of Ceremonies „..,... _ ... .,....,, w. . ..,, „,,•„ . .. .--....., ",..„4..,.....s.,. the red hills of Georgia the sons of former 1-.,--,..:::.--4,-.- ,„ R.A. Terrell i..ictlf.., ,;." slaves and the sons of former slave owners 1,-.1:-.---1 .--, .. v,..,,---,_..Z . will be able to sit down together at the .4,-;-::::--11.4gi--7.:::- :e:,. Song .- Lift Every Voice 84 Sing table of brotherhood. ' . ..- . .i:-- , I have a dream that one day even the f4,:i..f,-*:if......A.:.;.F'::..''41-:';I:1-..1.-,-,.....:1 4 . • . . ' of I A=ii"-- *. ,I f. ::,,,. Scripture Rev. Craig Anderson state of Mississippi,a state sweltering t .:.':A.,, ,:,;1 .*- ..;.;?:P. heat of oppression,will be, transformed into --;41;;:* ) ....,'.1 4,,........4- :: :-...-2,1:;-;,*-..:i.1-.-;.',..i , • . %.:-"i.-7.4: *,1 ikN—,,,rat#1_,-...:......-1:mit;,. Prayer Bishop M.C. Williams an oasis of freedom and justice. v.=i:-4 47.?;',',1.•-:--w71,---:,;::;q: ''''Li I have a dream that my four little -:•--.4-.!.4 ....: .-- . . - , --_, children will one day live in a nation . 7- Opening Remarks Elease Carter where they will not be judged by the color _ of their skin but by the content of their character. Introduction of Speaker Jason Cornelius I have a dream today. I have a dream that every day every valley shall be engulfed,every hill shall be Speaker Dr.Jim Scales, exalted and every mountain shall be made low,the rough places will be made Superintendent of CSISD plains,and the crooked places will be made straight,and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh see it together. - - Soto Leoneshia Jackson & This is our hope. This is the faith that I will go back to the South with; With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. Kimrriie Habeternicheai With this faith,we will be able to work together,to pray together,to struggle together,to go to jail together,to climb up for freedom together,knowing tnat we Special Presentation Lance Jackson & Russell Reid will be free one day. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new Special Dedication Lucious Ciemmons meaning"My country'tis of thee,Sweet land of liberty,Of thee I sing.Land where my father died,Land of the Pilgrim's pride,From every mountainside,Let freedom Inspirational Singing Local Chiors • ring.' And if America is to be a great nation,this must become true.... Song ' Jesus Loves The Little Children So,let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. Closing Remarks Steven Beach y But not only that, let freedom ring from the Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Benediction Prayer Rev. Bennett Blake Let freedom ring from every hill and mole hill of Mississippi and every ,.. . .. . mountainside. . 1 , When we let freedom ring,when we let it ring from every tenement and every , . ,.. hamlet,from every state and every city,we will be able to speed up that day when , ,. f, e all of God's children,black men and white men,Jews and Gentiles,Protestants and _ .____ ( -,:..->,.-- . -, , ' -A special Thank You to , , _ _ . , xt a:1\‘, - ____ Catholics,will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual. • „.„ , t .: - all participants and to Free at last,free at last!Thank God Almighty,we are free at last! . ,,-• ttd! Speech by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. . 1' ' •. everyone who aende ,