HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/25/1983 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board - College Station Community Council Regular Meeting October 25, 1983 Members Present: Ken Livingston, Richard Talbert, Carole Murphy, Chiquita Lofgren, Linda Murdock, Tom Aughinbaugh, Mary Sue Goldwater, Bobette McFarland, Cheryl Cobb, Jim Locke, Nita Hoelscher, Helen Pugh, Marci Rodgers Members Absent: Frank Coulter, Brad Lamb, Butch Reinke, Lane Stephenson, Norm Waggoner, Nancy Morrison Staff Present: Ann Mallard I . Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5c20 P.M. II . Roll Call and Reading f the Minutes : A sign-in sheet was passed around for all members present to sign. The September 27, 1983 minutes should be corrected to read on page two, third paragraph. 1981-84 instead of 1981-81 ~ Richard Talbert made the motion that the minutes be approved with the' aboVe correction. Carole Murphy seconded the motion. The motion passed. III. Officers' Reports : A. President: The news of Ann Warner losing her mother was shared with the Council . Marci Rodgers will send a card to Ann from the Council . B. Vice President: Linda Murdock mentioned that she would appreciate a call prior to our meetings as was done in the past, as o 'remfnder~ It was decided that a staff member would call the members prior to the next meeting and tell them that this would be the last time they should expect a phone call and that an agenda would be mailed directly to them as a reminder for each meeting. A change was also made in the By-Laws. Under Article yr Section II; The last sentence should read: The Vice-President will serve as the chairman : of the nominating and membership committees. C. Treasurer: Marci Rodgers reported that the Council had a present bank balance of $l24.43, Also, a service charge of $1 .15 was refunded to the Council 's account. D. Public Relations: Chiquita Lofgren had nothing to report at this time. She did pass around to the Council an example flyer . IV. CommunityEducation Director's Report: Ann Mallard distributed a copy of theCommunity Education Departmental Goals to each member. Ann- informed the Council of a new Latch Key program she was considering for students in grades 3 - 5. She is considering utilizing one elementary school three days a week and hiring an activity director. This program would take place from 3:30 P.M. to 5:15 P.M. and the students would' be charged a fee to cover the cost of the instructor's salary, The Council agreed that this seemed like* an. excellent idea. Ann also reported that the "Big Event" will take place on March 31St. Ann presented an idea that Toni Broadway had mentioned offering a Credit Memo as a gift certificate for Chrfstmas. The board sounded very favorable towards the idea. V. Old Business: A. Bike Lanes: Mary Sue Goldwater is very concerned over the City bike lanes. She had a rough draft of a series of questions for the City Council which she reviewed with the group. She will draw up a final draft prior to the next meeting. Ken Livingston made the motion that a committee be formed concerning the bike lanes and that a letter be sent to Council . Nita seconded the motion. The motion passed. B. Youth Center: Marci will contact Peggy again on the Youth Center and express to her the Council 's willingness to help in .anyway'to support the teen center. It was suggested that a survey be conducted among the students as far as activities they would like to see at the center. C. Standing Committee Reports : 1 . Safety City: Mary Sue spoke on the problems with some of the newly purchased cars. She is going to write the company and find out their position on repairing the cars. 2. Scholarship: No report. D. Special Committee Reports : 1 . Survey Committee: Ann spoke on the survey and explained where the survey stood at present. . E. Presentation to the C.S.I.S.D. Board of Trustees: The 8 pardwill b e ' asked to the next meeting on November 29th for commiitee presentations.' Refreshments will be served. The meeting will begin at 5:30 P.M. VI . New Business : Helen Pugh had visited Lucile Keen and gave a report to the Council . Marci will mail Lucile a card from the Council . Adjournment. ____