HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/2006 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee Monday, May 1, 2006 5:30 p.m. 2"d Floor Conference Room City of College Station, City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Hillary Jessup; Committee Members: Marguerite Anthony, Bill Lancaster, Colleen Risinger, Dave Ruesink, Dipankar Sen, Tom Taylor and Ernie Wright. MEMBERS ABSENT: Marguerite Anthony, Neal Nutall STAFF PRESENT: Staff Coordinator Katie Elrod and Neighborhood Services Intern Arsenio Rodrigues. VISITORS PRESENT: No visitors present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairperson Hillary Jessup called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration, discussion and possible action on absence requests. Dave Ruesink made a motion and Dipankar Sen_seconded motion to accept the absence request of Marguerite Anthony. Motion passed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Initial Hear Visitors. Connie Hooks will address agenda item No. 5. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes of regular meeting of April 3, 2006. Noted correction to Agenda No. 5 that "April" should read "May" and line item should be struck under Agenda Item 12.. Motion to approve minutes as corrected by Bill Lancaster and seconded by Colleen Risinger AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 : Report, possible action, and discussion led by City Secretary Connie Hooks regarding open meetings and open records. City Secretary Connie Hooks reported that training could be view at www.oag.tx.state.us Tom Taylor asked what guidance sub-committee has as far as not violating open meeting act when planning events. Connie Hooks said with two people we are not legally in violation, but that the City policy is that all sub-committees must post meeting if meeting is with 2 or more people. The City Council had to go before the District Judge so precautions are being taken since the City is being watched closely. Hillary Jessup pointed out that the training talked about the budget issues so how does it apply to our committee. Connie Hooks responded that City Council does want semi-annual reports from the Historic Preservation Committee. Rubber stamped means that recommendations approved by City Council without questions. State law in the open meeting handbook that advisory committees are subject to the act. Tom Taylor reported that a concern is that the HPC has seldom gone to City Council and asked under what conditions should we go to City Council? Hillary asked how much communication does City Council want from the HPC? Connie Hooks said that other committees would like to have more contact with City Council. Hillary said that when we provide our semi-annual report we should present at a City Council workshop. Colleen suggested that City Council has access to our minutes. Connie reported that some committees email their minutes. Dave Ruesink asked what kind of reports other committees make to City Council. Connie reported that it just depends on the committee. Hillary suggested that chairs of the different committees coordinate so that each month a few committees make a report. Tom Taylor asked how many committees does the City have? Connie responded that there were around ten. Tom Taylor reported that the HPC wants to maintain an appropriate rapport with City Council. Dipankar Sen brought forth that a meeting of two or more people gather to be a meeting needed to be talking about business. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Report, possible action, and discussion regarding the committee practices and procedures. Tom Taylor reported that he has no report, but will report next month. Project Updates: AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Report, possible action, and discussion regarding the Veterans Park American Mile project. Tom Taylor reported that the American Mile Team will start working to prioritize events at the next meeting. It is expected that the selection process will take place over several meetings. Katie Elrod reported that she is writing an SLA to request funds for designed and printed materials to showcase the American Mile research. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Report, possible action, and discussion regarding Heritage Preservation Month event Heritage in the Parks on May 206. Ernie reported Jack Adams - Brison Park Ernie Wright— Wolf Pen Arm Steen—Carter Creek Katie Elrod asked for ideas for promoting the event. Tom said that the Bio-Blitz was a well attended and promoted event at Lick Creek Park. Hillary suggested promoting through the neighborhood associations. Hillary suggested flyers to the elementary school. Brazos Morning show and radio shows, Ernie said he could do some show if necessary. Faxing PSA's to radio stations was suggested and asking Parks Department to coordinate advertising. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Report, possible action, and discussion regarding Project HOLD. No verbal report committee referred to written report in packet. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Report, possible action, and discussion regarding the Exploring History Lunch Lecture Series. Emil Ogden is the Oil and Mineral speaker for the next lunch lecture. Katie Elrod reported that she was writing an SLA to cover increasing costs of the Lunch Lecture due to increase attendance. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Calendar of pertinent past and upcoming community events pertaining to historical interests. Past April 20-22 Texas Historical Commission Conference in Galveston at the Tremont House. Hillary reported that she learned facts about the economics of historic preservation regarding tax credits and grants. Tom Taylor reported that developers are probably not aware of these tax credits. Hillary reported that she went to a façade committee last week. The Façade committee was started to address blight in Northgate. Tom Taylor reported that he went on the residential tour of Galveston and learned how helpful historic districts can be. The properties in the districts were significantly improved compared to the non-district areas. Neighborhood working on districts should communicate with Galveston. Hillary reported that she toured the cemeteries. Katie Elrod reported that she learned requirements for expending Hotel Occupancy Tax. April 28 Siempre! Hispanics at Texas A&M: Celebrating 130 Years. Exhibit Opening & Reception, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Cushing Memorial Library& Archives at TAMU Upcoming May 17 Exploring History Lunch Lecture: Oil and Mineral May 20 Heritage in the Parks June 8 Historic Districts presentation to City Council AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Final Hear Visitors—as per direction in agenda item number 3. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items — A Historic Preservation Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not be given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Hillary asked for an agenda item regarding Eastgate. Field trip to Cushing Library with tour by Miguel Juarez AGENDA ITEM NO. 14: Meeting adjourned at 7 p.m. APPROV I ATTEST: Hillary Jessup,Chairperson Katie Elrod,Neighborhood Services Coordinator