HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/2005 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee September 19, 2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Hillary Jessup, Committee Members Marguerite Anthony, Bill Lancaster, Neal Nutall, Colleen Risinger, Dipankar Sen, Ernie Wright MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Ruesink, Tom Taylor STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Katie Elrod, Project HOLD Volunteer Coordinator Anne Boykin VISITORS PRESENT: No visitors present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve absence of members. Chairperson Jessup asked for a motion to approve the absence requests of Dave Ruesink and Tom Taylor. The motion was made by Bill Lancaster and seconded by Neal Nutall. (11-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Initial Hear Visitors. No visitors were present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minutes of the June and August. Chairperson Jessup asked for a motion to approve the June and August minutes. The motion was made by Neal Nutall and seconded by Bill Lancaster. (11-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the agenda for the HPC Strategic Planning Retreat on October 3, 2005. HPC MINUTES -1- 2/28/2006 Chairperson Jessup discussed last year's retreat and suggested a program called Strengths Quest, an online test to determine an individual's strong and weak points. She asked that the members of the committee come to the retreat with their scores. Location of this year's retreat will be at Chairperson Jessup's home from 9:00AM until 3:30PM. Katie Elrod said that breakfast and lunch would be provided. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Report, discussion, and possible action regarding committee practices and procedures. Katie Elrod reported that a new member legal orientation would be held in the evening some time in October to acquaint the members with the legal protocol of belonging to the HPC. Elrod briefly explained a few of the points concerning quorums, "sunset" rules, posting of the agenda, etc. A few minutes were taken to swear in new member Dipankar Sen and to discuss the ordering of HPC shirts for the members. A few corrections were noted on the HPC Roster. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Report and discussion regarding the past September 3, 2005 Texas in WWII event. The general consensus is that the WWII event was a tremendous success thanks to the very hard work of over 150 participants and volunteers representing over 40 organizations within the community. Katie Elrod reported that the veterans are very interested in continuing some form of commemoration. Elrod stated that her office would be available to facilitate but that full responsibility would fall to the veterans' organizations. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Report, consideration, and possible action regarding Project HOLD. Anne Boykin reported that a new volunteer, Ruth Bramson, has been helping with some of the recent WWII and Project HOLD responsibilities. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the Exploring History Lunch Lectures. Katie Elrod reported that the Lunch Lectures had been heavily attended in the last few months. Chairperson Jessup suggested that we gather ideas for future lecture topics and speakers at the next luncheon. She also inquired about the possibility of recording all future lectures. HPC MINUTES -2- 2/28/2006 Project Updates: AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Calendar of pertinent past and upcoming community events pertaining to historical interests. Past: Aug. 24 "Agriculture in the Brazos Valley," Jim Mazurkowitz Sept. 3 "Brazos County Texas in World War II" Current: Sept. 21 "World War II Homefront," Red Cashion Oct. 19 "African Americans in World War II" Mark Collins Nov. 16 "Transportation," Peter Hugill AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Final Hear Visitors. No visitors present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. Discussion was held about the future possibility of building and road changes at Southside. Bill Lancaster suggested that we needed an update from TXDOT on their progress with the proposed project. Katie Elrod suggested that we needed to ask the City Council again about an alternate for the HPC. Anne Boykin distributed flyers to the members concerning an upcoming workshop "Preservation on the Prairie" sponsored by the Texas Historical Commission. The workshop will be held in Waxahachie on Friday, October 14, 2005. Chairman Jessup and Katie Elrod expressed an interest in attending. Chairman Jessup reported that former Chairperson Marsha Sanford wished to continue receiving the minutes from the HPC meetings. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45PM. APPROVED: fl ( Hillary Jessup,t airp rson HPC MINUTES -3- 2/28/2006 ATTEST: Anne Boykin, Volunteet Coordinator Project HOLD HPC MINUTES -4- 2/28/2006