HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/2005 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee August 8, 2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Marsha Sanford, Committee Members Hillary Jessup, Bill Lancaster, Neal Nutall, Colleen Risinger, Tom Taylor MEMBERS ABSENT: Carl Shafer STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Katie Elrod, Project HOLD Volunteer Coordinator Anne Boykin VISITORS PRESENT: No visitors present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. After the brief swearing in of the new HPC members by Chairperson Marsha Sanford, the meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve absence of members. No absences. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Visitors. No visitors were present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: New member welcome and introduction. Chairperson Sanford welcomed new HPC members: Marguerite Anthony, David Ruesink, and Ernie Wright. New member Marsha Crenwelge was not present. New alternate Sen Dipankar was not present. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Report, discussion, and possible action regarding recommending an individual to City Council for HPC appointment to fulfill the ordinance requirement for nine members. Chairman Sanford accepted Bill Lancaster's application for HPC membership renewal. HPC MINUTES -1- 2/28/2006 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Report, discussion, and possible action regarding scheduling a date for an HPC Strategic Planning Retreat. Chairman Sanford and the Committee agreed to host an HPC Strategic Planning Retreat on Oct. 3, 9am-3:30pm. Location to be determined at the next meeting. The regular October HPC meeting will not be held. Details will be handled by Katie Elrod. Motion made by Hillary Jessup. Seconded by Colleen Risinger. Motion carried. (11-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Report, consideration, and possible action regarding committee functions and committee assignments. Katie Elrod read and explained the function of the HPC as charged by the City. Current HPC Committees: Project HOLD, Exploring History Lunch Lectures, Neighborhood Recognition, and Local Historic Marker. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Report, discussion, and possible action regarding forming committee bylaws. Katie Elrod mentioned that the City Council has asked that all of its committees operate under a set of simple by-laws. Topic will be addressed at the Strategic Planning Retreat. Katie will bring a set of sample by-laws to the next meeting. Project Updates: AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Committee and staff report of pertinent past and upcoming community events pertaining to historical interests. Sept. 3, Brazos County Texas in WWII — Katie Elrod reported that plans were well underway for the event at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum. Activities will include gallery talks, veterans' panels, rotunda displays, fashion show, 40's music, WWII vehicles, and vintage automobiles. Commemorative programs and lapel pins will be given to the first 500 guests and a complimentary hot dog lunch will be served. T-shirt sales are underway. Posters have been printed. Tom Taylor added that the event will be educational for all ages. "The Eagle" is contributing a significant amount of advertising and will run a special commemorative edition on the Sunday prior to the event. Posters were given to members of the HPC. Katie requested volunteers from the HPC to work the event. HPC MINUTES -2- 2/28/2006 AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Report, consideration, and possible action regarding Project HOLD. Colleen Risinger reported progress with scanning for Project HOLD. She also asked HPC members to submit material. Anne Boykin reported that she is interested in possibly obtaining a grant for another scanner and a full time position. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Report, consideration and possible action regarding the Exploring History Lunch Lecture Series. Tom Taylor reported that obtaining speakers has been relatively easy with the wealth of local resources. This summer's series is on Agriculture. A World War II series will follow in the fall. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Report, consideration, and possible action regarding the Historic Marker program. No report from Carl Shafer who was absent. Katie Elrod reported that A&M graduate student intern, Arya Chavan, is preparing a report which will include a GIS layer map with photos of historic homes. High school student intern, Jennifer Gledhill, assisted. Katie also reported that she is in contact with David Woodcock, A&M architecture professor, hoping to have his students redo the Northgate survey. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Calendar of pertinent past and upcoming community events pertaining to historical interests. Ernie Goode moved that we change the regular meeting of the HPC from Monday, Sept. 5 to Monday, Sept. 19th. Neal Nutall seconded. (11-0) Chairman Sanford stated that a reading of previous minutes will be included at the next HPC meeting. Please bring calendars to the next meeting. Past: June 18 Czech History, Lou Zaeske July 20 "A is for Ag," Dr. Joe Townsend Current: Aug. 24 "Agriculture in the Brazos Valley," Jim Mazurkowitz Sept. 3 "Brazos County Texas in World War II" Sept. 19 Regular Meeting of HPC Sept. 21 "World War II Homefront," Red Cashion Oct. 19 TBA Nov. 16 "Transportation," Peter Hugill AGENDA ITEM NO. 14: Final Hear Visitors None present. HPC MINUTES -3- 2/28/2006 AGENDA ITEM NO. 15: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. It was noted that changes are in order for the HPC website. A brief discussion was held concerning a December meeting or social. AGENDA ITEM NO. 16: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm. APPROVED: '`inI 1 Marsh anford, Chai •-rson ATTEST: Anne Boykin, Volunt r Coordinator Project HOLD HPC MINUTES -4- 2/28/2006