HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2004 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee November 16, 2004 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Marsha Sanford, Committee Members Bill Lancaster, Matt Lee, Colleen Risinger, Carl Shafer, Hillary Jessup, Neal Nutall, and Tom Taylor. MEMBERS ABSENT: Alternate not present. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Katie Elrod and Project HOLD Coordinator Elisabeth Spring VISITORS PRESENT: Dennis Berthold and Pam Matthews AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairperson Marsha Sanford called the meeting to order at 5:40 P.M. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration, discussion and possible action on absence requests. No absence requests. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Hear Visitors. Visitors Dennis Berthold and Pam Matthews were recognized. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes of September 14, 2004 and workshop minutes of September 28, 2004. Meeting minutes of September 14, 2004 were not available for review. Committee Member Lee made a motion to table the discussion until the next meeting. Committee Member Taylor seconded the motion, which passed (8-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding the award of a Historic Home Marker to Dennis Berthold & Pam Matthews for their home at 1204 Marsteller Avenue. Dennis Berthold and Pam Matthews shared a brief history of their home including past ownership and renovations done to the property since they acquired the house in 1985. Chairperson Sanford commented that she was in the house in the 1970's and the present owners had done a wonderful job on the renovations. Committee Member Lancaster made a motion to accept the Historic Building Plaque Application and award the plaque to 1204 Marsteller Avenue. Committee Member Nutall seconded the motion, which passed (8-0). Staff Planner Elrod stated that she will notify Dennis Berthold and Pam Matthews when she receives the date for the City Council meeting, in which they will receive their Historic Home Marker. The Application will be scanned into Project HOLD. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Committee and staff report of pertinent past and upcoming community events pertaining to historical interests. Committee Members Lancaster, Nutall and Risinger attended the Oct. 27th Tour of Fort Shiloh. Staff Planner Elrod shared that emergency funding is being used to have an engineer evaluate Ft. Shiloh on Nov. 29th Committee Members Taylor, Risinger, Nutall and Lancaster attended the Oct. 27th Exploring History Lunch Lecture on Camp Hearne. Committee Member Lee stated that he was impressed by the speaker's delivery and knowledge of Camp Hearne. Committee Members Shafer, Lancaster, Risinger and Jessup participated in the Nov. 8th Tour of Cushing Library. Committee Member Jessup stated that the tour was educational and reported on a brochure on campus entitled "The Campus Remembered" which showcased the historical buildings on campus. Staff Planner Elrod presented the idea of having a walking tour of campus on a Saturday during Historic Preservation Month and inviting the attendees of the lunch lectures. The committee members were all receptive to the idea. Staff Planner Elrod and Staff Spring attended the Texas Downtown Association on Nov. 10th and 11th at the College Station Hilton. Staff Spring mentioned that the conference was helpful and informational. She was most impressed by the idea of street scapes and city character impacting the quality of life in a town. Staff Planner Elrod reported information on the Keep Brazos Beautiful banquet that will take place on Nov. 29th. The Historic Preservation Committee members and spouses are invited to attend the banquet at the Hilton from 5:30 p.m. —8:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19th is the deadline to RSVP. Neighborhood Services will cover the cost for those who choose to attend and Staff Planner Elrod will receive the Watchdog award for the second year in a row. Chairperson Sanford, Committee Members Jessup and Lancaster stated that they would attend with a spouse. The Neighborhood Services Banquet on Jan. 11th will take place at the Pebble Creek Country Club. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Consideration and possible action regarding canceling the December 2004 Historic Preservation Committee meeting. Committee Member Jessup made a motion to not have a Historic Preservation Committee meeting in December and meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month after that, until conflict is found. Committee Member Lee seconded the motion, which passed (8-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Report, consideration, and possible action regarding expanding the number of Historic Preservation Members. The item was discussed, but no final decision was made. The ordinance does not state that the committee needs an alternate. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Report, consideration and possible action regarding Project HOLD. Staff Spring stated that she needed to meet with Committee Members Risinger, Jessup, Lee, and Chairperson Sanford because they were on the Project HOLD sub- committee established at the Strategic Planning workshop. The volunteer program is going to be discussed on a future agenda, but the strategic plan is being utilized effective Jan. 1, 2005. Staff Planner Elrod added that there is going to be a conference in California for laserfiche software, which is the software currently used for Project HOLD. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Report, consideration and possible action regarding the Exploring History Lunch Lecture Series. Committee Member Taylor gave an update of the last sub-committee meeting, which included a cancellation and the moving of a topic to the Spring. Another sub-committee meeting is scheduled for Wed., Nov. 17th with Committee Members Jessup, Lancaster, Taylor, and Nutall. The Icebreaker lunch lectures will take place in the Spring, but dates are being finalized for 2005. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Report, consideration and possible action regarding the Historic Marker program. Committee Member Shafer had nothing to share at this time. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Report, consideration and possible action regarding marketing HPC initiatives. Chairperson Sanford has a call in to KBTX and The Eagle to promote Project HOLD, but is waiting for a response. The Kiwanis Club also contacted her so that we can attend one of their meetings in January of 2005 to talk about HPC. Staff Spring shared that she would call Patti Jett with Public Communications to discuss advertising Project HOLD in the utility bill insert. Committee Members discussed options for postcards for Project HOLD and lunch lectures. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Final Hear Visitors —Visitors are asked to announce their name for the record. Visitors may address the Historic Preservation Committee for three (3) minutes. Topics for deliberation shall be placed on the agenda of a subsequent meeting or assigned to staff for research. However, a statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be issued. There were no visitors present at this time. AGENDA ITEM NO. 14: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items- A Historic Preservation Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Staff Planner Elrod reported that she is currently writing an overlay zoning ordinance and she wants committee reports for city council. Discussion and planning needs to take place for Historic Preservation month. Committee Member Risinger brought up the idea of touring Bryan. Committee Member Jessup also suggested a wine and cheese reception to kick off the Friends of the Historic Preservation Committee program. AGENDA ITEM NO. 15: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. APPROVED: r • 1 i �� t Mars Sanford, ChM person ATTEST: ALrictLDCoo4nato��o City of College Station Historic Preservation Committee Strategic Plan 2004-2005 Logo Slogan 1. 41 (*Air lie CITY OF COLLEGE STATION teol w 4.4 Historic Preservation Committee " u P . Introduction This strategic plan was prepared based on the direction provided by the Historic Preservation Committee during their March 9, 2004 workshop, April 20, 2004 general meeting, and September 28, 2004 workshop. The purpose of the strategic plan is to outline the Committee's work projects and determine project priority. Strategic Plan Components The strategic plan incorporates a mission statement, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats analysis, and six strategies. Strategies are supported by tasks, in which lead person, task team, summary, time frame, and resources are specified. Mission statement The City of College Station Historic Preservation Committee strives to collect, preserve and share the history of the College Station area. This includes recognition of historic buildings, structures and subjects; educational programs and training for committee members, staff and neighbors. S.W.O.T Analysis Strengths (internal) 1. Enthusiasm 2. Experience 3. Locally born members 4. Vision & insight 5. Commitment 6. Lazerfiche software 7. Staff Support 8. Tolerance 9. Training Weaknesses (internal) 1. Time 2. Organization 3. Man-power 4. Limited experience in preservation Opportunities (external) 1. TAMU 2. Budding neighborhood support 3. Training 4. Texas Historical Commission Visionaries in Preservation(VIP)program http://www.thc.state.tx.us/visioninpres/vpdefault.html 5. Texas Historical Commission Certified Local Government (CLG)program http://www.thc.state.tx.us/certifiedlocgov/clgdefault.html 6. Brazos Heritage Society 7. Neighborhood Issues Ad Hoc Task Force 8. Historic Preservation at Work for the Texas Economy document http://www.thc.state.tx.us/publications/reports/EconImpact.pdf 9. Carnegie Center for Brazos Valley History& staff Threats (external) 1. Community apathy 2. Parochial attitudes 3. Lack of historic preservation code 4. Young City 5. City Council has no historic district awareness 6. City staff limited awareness Identified strategies for 2004-2005: 1 . Develop a Project HOLD volunteers program. 2. Establish relationship with City Council and City staff. 3. Continue Exploring History Series. 4. Support neighborhoods and local preservation efforts. 5. Continue historic marker program. 6. Continue training. Strategy#1 Develop Project HOLD. a. Develop a volunteer program Lead: Colleen Risinger Task Team: Hillary Jessup Summary: Recruit, Mini-Bio, Scanning Time Frame: Resources: b. Market Project HOLD to the public. Lead: Marsha Sanford Task Team: Summary: TV (KAMU), KBTX, Service Organizations, Radio, Post cards, Insite magazine, newspaper—ad campaign, Reunions, Utility bill insert, Bumper stickers Time Frame: Resources: c. Foster TAMU relationship that would benefit Project HOLD Lead: Matthew Lee Task Team: Summary: Time Frame: Resources: Strategy#2 Establish relationship with City Council and City staff. a. Email Council and staff regular progress reports &presentation. Lead: Marsha Sanford Task Team: Tom Taylor Summary: Time Frame: Resources: b. Invite Council and staff to events Lead: Marsha Sanford Task Team: Summary: Invite 1 member to meeting Time Frame: Resources: Strategy#3 Continue Exploring History Series a. Continue working with Senior Advisory Committee Lead: Neal Nutall Task Team: Summary: Cross promoting, Compliment each other's activities, Advertise events Time Frame: Resources: b. Complete calendar schedule for 2005. Lead: Tom Taylor Task Team: Bill Lancaster, Hillary Jessup Summary: Spring—Ice Breakers, Fall—History, Summer- Regionals Time Frame: Resources: Strategy#4 Support neighborhoods and local preservation efforts. **Coordinate with Strategy#5** a.) Disseminate information to neighborhoods. Lead: Task Team: Summary: Email,Neighborhood partnership program Time Frame: Ongoing Resources: b.) Study National Park Services website to become knowledge of historic preservation districts within one month's time. Interview neighborhood representatives to discern their need for support. http://wvvw2.cr.nps.gov/workingonthepast/ Lead: Carl Shafer Task Team: Marsha Sanford, David Chester Summary: Time Frame: Resources: Strategy#5 Continue historic marker program. a.) Follow up with individuals working on marker applications every other month. Lead: Carl Shafer Task Team: David Chester Summary: Time Frame: Resources: b.) Advertise in utility newsletter/door hangers (cross promote Project HOLD) Lead: Task Team: Summary: Time Frame: Resources: c.) Continue relationship with TAMU Lead: Task Team: Summary: Time Frame: Resources: d.) Recognize sacred sites and work to landmark. Lead: Task Team: Summary: Time Frame: Resources: