HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/2003 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee May 13, 2003 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Marsha Sanford, Robert McGee, Bill Lancaster, Sherlie Dannhaeuser, David Chester&John P. Grom. MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Conlee. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Staff Planner Kate Elrod, Senior Planner Lee Battle and Planning Intern Lauren Harrell. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairman Sanford called the meeting to order at 5:36. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consider absence request from meeting. Carol Conlee did not turn in a request. The Committee did not vote on her absence. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Hear visitors. John Schwartz was in the audience but did not speak. Ms. Elrod introduced Mr. & Mrs. Pinnell and their daughter Peggy Pinnell. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration,discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes from April 8, 2003. David Chester made the correction that he was shown as being in attendance and absent from that meeting. Staff Assistant Grace will delete that he was absent from the meeting. Mr. Lancaster made the motion to approve the minutes as corrected Mr. McGee seconded the motion. The motion passed(6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO.5: Consideration,discussion and possible action regarding the award of a Historic Marker to Charles and June Pinnell for their home at 1013 Lyceum. The Committee members applauded the Pinnells' for a very comprehensive application. Mr. &Mrs. Pinnell thanked the Committee for the opportunity to apply for the plaque Sherlie Dannhaeuser made the motion to approve the application. David Chester seconded the motion. The motion passed(6-0). HPC Minutes May 13,2003 Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM NO 6: Committee and staff report of pertinent past and upcoming community events pertaining to historical interests. May 6th — Neighborhood Partnership Seminar Supper — Ms. Elrod shared with the Committee comments from two neighborhood representatives who were very impressed with the information given at the seminar. It was noted that many people were interested and willing to share information with the HPC. Ms. Elrod suggested having a meeting maybe quarterly to have people come and share information. At that time they could bring items for Project HOLD. — May 15-18 - THC Conference in Austin, Texas—Ms. Elrod, Ms. Harrell and Ms. Dannhaeuser will be attending and will make a report at the next meeting. —June 11 —Edwin H. Cooper's book signing at the Conference Center—Ms. Elrod told the Committee that if at least 4 of the members were planning on attending an agenda would need to be posted. Ms. Elrod asked members to let her know if they would be attending. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Report, consideration, and possible action regarding the formation of a monthly lunch gathering of representatives from community groups that focus on history. Ms. Elrod explained to the Committee that this would be a monthly lunch that representatives with a focus on different aspects of history would meet and share what each organization was doing. Members of HPC could rotate attending the meetings and lunch would be dutch treat. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Report, consideration and possible action regarding the Historic Preservation Committees participation in the City of College Station's 65th Birthday Celebration. Ms. Elrod gave the Committee an update. The celebration will take place October 18 & 19. City departments will have booths to showcase their departments. Ms. Elrod stated that it is planned to have some kind of VIP reception. On the 18th it is planned to have a banquet type function. HPC is requested to have a visual presentation. Chairman Sanford asked the Committee members to come up with some ideas and they can be discussed at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Report, consideration and possible action regarding the Historic Marker Initiative and the identification of eligible buildings and subjects. Mr. Grom stated that the sub-committee met and had identified several buildings, public buildings in particular that are likely candidates for nomination. The buildings can be highlighted as part of the 65th Birthday Celebration. The buildings need to be researched, decide if they are eligible and approach the owners and see if they would like to participate. The city will waive the plaque fee. Ms. Elrod suggested that the Plaque Committee hold a workshop with the Northgate Merchants Association and help them fill out the applications. That may encourage the business owners to participate. HPC Minutes May 13,2003 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Report, consideration and possible action regarding the Project HOLD: Historic Online Library Database, including the review of the Project HOLD release form. Ms. Elrod told the Committee that the Legal Department reviewed and approved the form. There was one comment and that is we do not have to ask for a copy right for released material because we will not be using any of the material commercially. Mr. Lancaster asked what about book copyrights. Ms. Elrod replied that she would have to ask about that. Ms. Elrod showed the Committee 2 logos she had worked on for the t-shirts& other publications concerning Project Hold. Ms. Sanford and Ms. Dannhaeuser suggested using the train depot for the Project Hold logo. They thought more people would relate to the train depot as being historic since it is on the actual home plaques. It was suggested that the logo should be less geometric and softer. The conversation ended with the Committee deciding to bring ideas back to the June meeting for consideration. Ms. Harrell went over the remaining speaking engagements. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Set dates for Organizational and Historic Marker Sub-Committee meetings. The Historical Marker Sub-Committee set a date of May 23. The Organizational Sub-Committee set a date of June 5. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Consideration, discussion and possible action in the selection of future agenda times. Items mentioned: Committee consideration to meet during the summer. Committee selection of graphic logo for Project HOLD. City of College Station 65th Birthday Celebration. HPC Minutes May 13, 2003 Page 3 of 4 Report of THC Workshop in Austin. City of College Station's 65th Birthday Celebration Reports from Historical Marker Sub-Committee& The Organizational Sub-Committee APPROVED: V it, I 1.140 Marsha Sanford,Chairm _AriEST: ' Deborah Grace, Staff Assistant HPC Minutes May 13,2003 Page 4 of 4