HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/2012 - Regular Agenda Packet - City CouncilTable of Contents
Agenda 4
Consent No. 2a - Minutes
Coversheet revised 9
August 20 Budget 10
August 21 Budget 14
August 22 Budget 18
August 23 Workshop 21
August 23 Regular 26
Consent No. 2b - Amend Election Order
Cover Sheet (Portada) revised 33
Ordinance 34
Ordenza 36
Consent No. 2c - Amend Notice of Election
Cover Sheet (Portada) revised 39
Resolution 41
Resolucion 42
Amended Notice 43
Enmienda a la notificacion 64
Consent No. 2d - Cancellation of election
Cover Sheet (Portada) revised 86
Certification (Certificacion)88
Ordinance 89
Ordenza 91
Consent No. 2e - Audit Services Renewal
Coversheet revised 93
Renewal 94
Consent No. 2f - Contract between the City of College Station
and Siemens Industry, Inc. for the Installation of Security
Cameras in the Northgate Parking Garage
Coversheet revised 95
Consent No. 2g - Contract between the City of College Station
and Shelby Building Maintenance & Janitorial, Inc. for Janitorial
Services in Northgate and at the Chimney Hill Shopping Center
Coversheet revised 96
Consent No. 2h - Annual Agreement Janitorial Maintenance
Coversheet revised 97
Consent No. 2i - Engineering Investigation Bee Creek Trunk
Coversheet revised 98
Consent No. 2j - Memorandum of Understanding with the TAMU
Department of Psychology
Coversheet revised 99
MOU 100
Consent No. 2k - BVSWMA, Inc. FY13 Budget
Coversheet revised 105
Proposed Budget 106
Consent No. 2L - Annual Blanket Order for Annual
Interior/Exterior Painting and Rejection of Bids Received for
Invitation To Bid #12-057
Coversheet revised 119
Bid Tabulation 120
Consent No. 2m - Project Number ST0910 Lincoln Avenue
Sidewalk Construction Contract
Coversheet revised 122
Bid Tabulation 123
Map 124
Consent No. 2n - Loading Zone on University Drive at College
Coversheet revised 125
Ordinance 126
Map 129
Sign Layout 130
Consent No. 2o - Renewal of Emulsified Asphalt Products
Annual Price Agreement
Coversheet revised 131
Renewal Letter 132
Bid Tabulation 134
Consent No. 2p - Southside Area Neighborhood Plan
Coversheet revised 135
Ordinance 136
Consent No. 2q - Resolution Establishing a Hotel Occupancy
Tax Fund Event Grant Application Policy
Coversheet revised 140
Resolution 142
Grant Application Policy 144
Regular No. 1 - Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013 Budget Adoption
Coversheet updated 159
Ordinance 161
Attachment A 163
Regular No. 2 - Ad Valorem Tax Rate Adoption
Coversheet revised 166
Ordinance 167
Regular No. 3 - Wastewater Utility Rate Increase
Coversheet revised 168
Ordinance 169
Regular No. 4 - TMRS Ordinance Revision
Coversheet revised 172
Ordinance 173
Regular No. 5 - CVB Appointment
Coversheet revised 175
CVB Notice 176
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Home afTexas A&M University·Mayor Council members
Nancy Berry Blanche Brick
Mayor Pro Tern Jess Fields
Dave Ruesink Karl Mooney
City Manager Katy-Marie Lyles
David Neeley Julie M. Schultz
College Station City Council
Regular Meeting
Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 7:00 PM
City Hall Council Chamber, 1101 Texas Avenue
College Station, Texas
1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence request.
Hear Visitors: A citizen may address the City Council on any item which does not appear on the posted
Agenda. Registration forms are available in the lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary. This form should
be completed and delivered to the City Secretary by 5:30 pm. Please limit remarks to three minutes. A timer
alarm will sound after 2 112 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining to conclude your remarks. The City
Council will receive the information, ask staff to look into the matter, or place the issue on a future agenda.
Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Comments should not personally attack
other speakers, Councilor staff.
Consent Agenda
At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on a Consent Agenda Item. Individuals
who wish to address the City Council on a consent agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with
the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's reading of the agenda item. Registration forms are available in the
lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary.
2. Presentation, possible action and discussion of consent agenda items which consists of ministerial or
"housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the consent agenda by majority vote of the
a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for:
• August 20,2012 Budget Workshop
• August 21,2012 Budget Workshop
• August 22,2012 Budget Workshop
• August 23, 2012 Workshop
• August 23, 2012 Regular Council Meeting
b. Presentation, possible action and discussion on an ordinance amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 201
3433 ordering a Special Election to be held on November 6, 2012 for the purpose of submitting proposed
amendments to the City Charter to the voters by correcting the polling location for Precincts 24, 53 and 58.
(Presentaci6n, posible acci6n y discusi6n de una ordenanza que enmienda la Secci6n 4 de la Ordenanza No.
City Council Regular Meeting Page 2
Thursday, September 13,2012
2012-3433 para ordenar Elecciones Especiales a celebrarse el 6 de noviembre de 2012 con el prop6sito de
presentarle a los votantes las enmiendas propuestas a los Estatutos de la Ciudad, al corregir el sitio de
votaciones para los Departamentos numeros 24, 53 y 58.)
c. Presentation, possible action and discussion on a resolution amending the Notice of Special Election that
will be held November 6,2012. (Presentaci6n, posible acci6n y discusi6n de una resoluci6n para enmendar
la Notificaci6n de Elecciones Especiales que se realizaran el6 de noviembre de 2012.)
d. Presentation, possible action and discussion on the Certification of Unopposed Candidates and an ordinance
ordering the cancellation of the General Election on November 6, 2012. (Presentaci6n, posible acci6n y
discusi6n acerca de la Certificaci6n de Candidatos Sin Oposici6n y una ordenanza que ordene la
cancelaci6n de las Elecciones Generales del 6 de noviembre de 2012.)
e. Presentation, possible action and discussion on a letter agreement for year 4 of the Professional Auditing
Services engagement with Ingram, Wallis & Co., P.c. for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 with
expenditures totaling $91,000 from the City of College Station.
f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of contract No. 12-280 in the amount of
$87,329.67 between the City of College Station and Siemens Industry, Inc. for the installation of security
cameras in the Northgate Parking Garage and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on
behalf of the City Council.
g. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of contract No. 12-302 in the amount of
$59,627.00 between the City of College Station and Shelby Building Maintenance & Janitorial, Inc. for
cleaning services in Northgate and the Chimney Hill Shopping Center and authorizing the City Manager to
execute the contract on behalf of the City Council.
h. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a service contract between the City of
College Station and Shelby Building Maintenance & Janitorial Services in the amount of $141,334.00 for
Annual Janitorial Maintenance Services in city buildings and authorizing the City Manager to execute the
contract on behalf of the City Council.
1. Presentation, possible action, and discussion authorizing the City Manager to sign professional services
contract 12-334 with Interra Hydro Incorporated in the amount of $47,870 for a Bee Creek sewer trunk line
J. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the TAMU
Department of Psychology to provide psychological evaluations on potential employees of the Police
Department in accordance with the requirements set for by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Standards and Education.
k. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2012-2013 BVSWMA, Inc Proposed Budget.
1. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a contract between the City of College
Station and JNA Painting & Contracting Company Inc. in the amount of $57,931.00 for the purpose of
Various InteriorlExterior Painting of City Buildings under ITB (Invitation To Bid) #12-084, the rejection of
bids received for ITB (Invitation To Bid) #12-057, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract
on behalf of the City Council.
· City Council Regular Meeting Page 3
Thursday, September 13,2012
m. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a construction contract 12-299 with Palomares
Construction Company, in the amount of $152,361.00 for the Lincoln Avenue Sidewalk Project, and
authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City Council.
n. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of an ordinance amending Chapter 10 "Traffic Code", to create
a loading zone on University Drive east of College Main in accordance with the desires of the area
merchants and as identified in the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of College Station and
the Northgate District Association.
o. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the renewal of an annual price agreement with Ergon
Asphalt & Emulsions to provide emulsified asphalt products for the maintenance of streets in an amount not
to exceed $428,697.14.
p. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amending the College Station Comprehensive
Plan by adopting the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan for the area generally bounded by George Bush
Drive, Texas Avenue South, Holleman Drive, Welsh Avenue, Southwest Parkway, and Wellborn Road.
q. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a resolution creating a Hotel Occupancy
Tax Fund Event Grant Application Policy.
Regular Agenda
At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on a Regular Agenda Item. Individuals
who wish to address the City Council on a regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register
with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's reading of the agenda item. Registration forms are available in the
lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary.
Individuals who wish to address the City Council on an item posted as a public hearing shall register with the
City Secretary prior to the Mayor's announcement to open the public hearing. The Mayor will recognize
individuals who wish to corne forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and
address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer alarm will sound at 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty
seconds remaining to conclude remarks. After a public hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public
comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be
allowed at the discretion of the Mayor.
If an individual does not wish to address the City Council, but still wishes to be recorded in the official minutes
as being in support or opposition to an agenda item, the individual may complete the registration form provided
in the lobby by providing the name, address, and comments about a city related subject. These comments will
be referred to the City Council and City Manager.
1. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance adopting the City of College Station 2012
2013 Budget; and presentation, possible action and discussion ratifying the property tax revenue
increase reflected in the budget.
2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of an ordinance adopting the City of College
Station 2012-2013 ad valorem tax rate of $0.430687 per $100 assessed valuation, the debt service
portion being $0.195635 per $100 assessed valuation and the operations and maintenance portion being
$0.235052 per $100 assessed valuation.
City Council Regular Meeting Page 4
Thursday, September 13, 2012
3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 11, "Utilities"
Section 2, "Water and Sewer Services," ofthe Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas
having the effect of raising rates for wastewater service.
4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the Texas Municipal Retirement System Ordinance to
reduce the Updated Service Credit for current employees calculation from 100% to 75%; and reduce the
Cost of Living Adjustment, or annuity increase, calculation for retirees from 70% to 50% of the
Consumer Price Index.
5. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the appointment to the Executive Committee of
the Board of Directors for the Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau.
6. Adjourn.
Iflitigation issues arise to the posted subject matter of this Council Meeting an executive session will be held.
Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas will be
held on the Thursday, September 13,2012 at 7:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue,
College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda.
Posted this 7th day of September, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
~JJ~ ----Clty Secret
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Governing Body of the City of
College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said
notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website,
www.cstx.gov.TheAgendaandNoticearereadilyaccessibletothegeneralpublicatalltimes.Said Notice
and Agenda were posted on September 7,2012 at 5:00 p.m. and remained so posted continuously for at least 72
hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting.
This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following
date and time: by ___________
Dated this __day of _______, 2012
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the __day ______, 2012.
Notary Public -Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: _____
City Council Regular Meeting Page 5
Thursday, September 13,2012
The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made
48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on
www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19.
September 13, 2012
City Council Consent Agenda Item No. 2a
City Council Minutes
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for:
• August 20, 2012 Budget Workshop
• August 21, 2012 Budget Workshop
• August 22, 2012 Budget Workshop
• August 23, 2012 Workshop
• August 23, 2012 Regular Council Meeting
• August 20, 2012 Budget Workshop
• August 21, 2012 Budget Workshop
• August 22, 2012 Budget Workshop
• August 23, 2012 Workshop
• August 23, 2012 Regular Council Meeting
WKSHP082012 Minutes Page 1
AUGUST 20, 2012
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields
Karl Mooney
Katy-Marie Lyles, arrived after roll call
Julie Schultz
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Carla Robinson, City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Budget Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to
order by Mayor Nancy Berry at 4:16 p.m. on Monday, August 20, 2012 in the Carter Creek
Wastewater Training Facility 2200 North Forest Parkway, College Station, Texas 77842.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2012-2013 Proposed Budget.
Jeff Kersten, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, provided a review of the proposed FY12-13
City Wide Budget Issues
• Organization Restructuring and Streamlining: There have been $7.6 million in budget
reductions over the last four years. $500,000 was reflected in the FY13 budget. 53.75
positions have been eliminated, and ten of these were removed in the FY13 proposed
budget. Public Safety has been increased by 43 positions since FY09, including eight
additional Police positions in FY 13.
WKSHP082012 Minutes Page 2
• Competitive and Sustainable Pay and Benefits: The purpose is to attract and retain a
well-qualified workforce. The Pay Plan has a 2.5% performance pay included. The Pay
Structure is also adjusted by 3%. The Police Step Plan will be continued. The proposed
budget also includes a proposal related to TMRS. The ad hoc committee has provided
initial recommendations to maintain the core components of the plan. Two provisions are
proposed for change: Updated Service Credits and the Cost of Living Adjustment. The
USC will change for current employees from 100% to 75%. Also, the provision for
Transfer USC will be turned off. The COLA for Retirees will be changed from the
current 70% of the CPI to 50%. The cost savings is $1.1 million. These are modest
reductions and still provide a good retirement. We can move funds from retirement to
• Sales Tax: Sales tax makes up 39% of the General Fund revenues. The FY12 sales tax
forecast is 5% higher than FY11 in the amount of $21.3 million and is indicative of a
modest economic recovery. The FY13 estimate is $21.7 million for a 2% increase over
the FY12 year-end estimate.
General Fund Revenues
• Property Tax Revenues: The Appraisal District has certified property values in the
amount of $5.94 billion. This is an overall 3.6% increase over last year. There is $120
million in new value, and existing values increased by 1.5%. Again, this is indicative of
a modest economic recovery. The current tax rate is 43.7995 cents, and the effective tax
rate is 43.9757 cents. The roll back tax rate is 45.9757 cents. Staff is proposing a tax
rate of 43.0687 cents – the effective tax rate. This is the rate that would generate
approximately the same revenue on the same properties this year as last year. Proposing
the effective tax rate does not require additional public hearings and publications. This is
broken down by debt service (19.5635 cents) and maintenance and operations (23.5052
cents). Each one cent increase will generate $554,000 in revenue. The property tax
revenues make up 25% of the proposed General Fund revenue stream in the amount of
$13.9 million. The debt service fund portion is $11.6 million. He reiterated that
proposing the effective tax rate does not require additional public hearings and
publications. If a rate higher than the effective tax rate is considered, the Council must
discuss the tax rate, vote to increase the tax rate, call and hold two public hearings, and
adhere to public notice requirements.
• Transfer from Utilities: This budget continues with the reduction in the electric transfer.
It would be reduced to 6% franchise level. $2 million was reduced in FY11 and FY12,
and another $1 million reduction is proposed in FY13. The FY13 electric transfer is
$5,809,891. Future increases are based on electric kilowatt sales. Water, wastewater and
sanitation transfers are capped at 10% of the revenue, for a total transfer if $9,148,925.
Utility transfers are 16.5% of General Fund revenues.
• Other General Fund Revenues: There have been some minimal changes in other revenue
categories, such as franchise fees, licenses and permits, etc. These amount to a total of
$10,507,957 for 19% of the General Fund revenues.
• Salaries and Benefits: The Pay Plan proposal included $947,149. There is a reduction in
TMRS costs in the amount of $1,018,623 and an increase in health insurance costs in the
General Fund Expenditures
WKSHP082012 Minutes Page 3
amount of $452,326. Nine positions have been eliminated in the General Fund and
Recreation Fund for an estimated savings of $500,000.
• Key Public Safety Additions: Additional officers and vehicles and associated equipment
has been budgeted in the amount of $895,681. Also a Police Assistant to free up sworn
officers in the Criminal Investigation Division has also been added for $62,423.
• Key Street and Transportation Additions: Street rehabilitation funding is included in the
budget. $150,000 has been budgeted for traffic and transportation: traffic signal synch
and timing; traffic system fiber; traffic operations master plan; and intersection
improvement analysis.
• General Fund Department Budget Information: Mr. Kersten noted that department
summaries are available in the budget document, as well as a comprehensive list of
service level adjustments.
• Non-Departmental expenditures: These expenditures include general and administrative
transfers, public agency funding, Recreation Fund subsidy, other/transfers out, and
contingency. The Other/Transfers Out (in the amount of $1.9 million) include the
Appraisal District, TX21, High Speed Rail, Gulf Coast Strategic Highway Coalition, state
legislative consulting, the BVCOG, transfers from the General Fund to other funds
(Economic Development, Interfund Load-First Street property, and Northgate Parking),
and transfers from the General Fund to Capital Funds (timekeeping system, Health
Science Center Parkway, and Streets—Royder/Live Oak).
General Fund Financial Forecast
• Revenues: Mr. Kersten noted that economic conditions result in conservative revenue
estimates. Slight increases have been projected in sales tax revenue and minimal
increases projected in property values.
• Expenditures: New expenditures have been limited. The pay plan is budgeted as
proposed. Retirement costs have been reduced, but health care costs have increased.
The forecast includes the continuation of the Police Strategic Plan. It includes
maintenance and operations for capital improvement projects.
• Conclusions: Due to the economic conditions, and the slight increase in property
values, the effective tax rate is being proposed. A modest growth in sales tax revenue
is anticipated. The electric transfer policy change will be completed this year.
Organizational restructuring and streamlining have allowed funds to be shifted to
higher priority area. The proposed budget is balances and addresses many priorities.
Mr. Kersten noted there are public benefits to providing recreation programs, including health,
public safety, and quality of life. These programs were intended to be paid for with user fees and
other General Fund revenues. The fund was designed to identify revenues and total costs
associated with recreation programs and facilities. Subsidy levels were identified, and decisions
were allowed to be made on subsidy levels and funding priorities. The proposed Parks Fee
Policy provides full fee support for programs such as the cemetery,. A Partial Fee Support I
(50%-80%) addresses adult sport programs. The Partial Fee Support II (20%-50%) helps with
youth programs and activities. Minimum Fee Support (0%-20%) aids with other parks,
recreational and cultural programs. Anticipated revenue is $1,029,100 and expenditures are
$3,970,841. The proposed FY13 subsidy is $2,826,741 plus a one-time SLA for $115,000 for a
Recreation Fund
WKSHP082012 Minutes Page 4
total subsidy of $2,941,741. He briefly touched on the cost recovery for various programs. The
youth sports programs and aquatics programs are generally meeting the cost recovery policies.
Those not meeting cost recovery policies are adult sport programs, instruction programs and
center programs. Policy decisions include: 1) consider increases in fees/participation; 2)
consider reductions to program costs; 3) consider viability of continuing programs; and 4)
consider moving programs to a different cost recovery level. Staff recommends reviewing those
programs not meeting cost recovery policies and returning with recommendations this fall.
Presentation, possible action and discussion on the 2012-2013 ad valorem tax rate; and,
if necessary on calling two public hearings on a proposed ad valorem tax rate for 2012-2013
This item was not discussed.
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the budget workshop of the
College Station City Council at 7:02 p.m. on Monday, August 20, 2012.
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
WKSHP082112 Minutes Page 1
AUGUST 21, 2012
Nancy Berry, Mayor, arrived after roll call
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields
Karl Mooney
Katy-Marie Lyles, arrived after roll call
Julie Schultz
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Carla Robinson, City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Budget Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to
order by Mayor Pro Tem Dave Ruesink at 4:17 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 in the Carter
Creek Wastewater Training Facility 2200 North Forest Parkway, College Station, Texas 77842.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2012-2013 Proposed Budget.
Jeff Kersten, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, provided a review of the proposed FY12-13
budget. Mayor/Council budget was briefly discussed. Last year, some items were removed in
FY12 and are being considered to be brought back in FY13. Council consensus was to keep out
$7,500 for retreat facilitators, and to remove the NLC membership and annual conference.
The City must address the aging infrastructure and future infrastructure needs due to growth.
The rate for FY12 was 20.1536 cents, and the proposed rate for FY13 is 19.5635 cents. Property
tax revenue of $11,691,371 will satisfy the FY13 debt service requirement.
Debt Service Fund
WKSHP082112 Minutes Page 2
The policy issue related to Capital Infrastructure is to address the aging infrastructure and future
infrastructure needs due to growth. In 2008, we had a Bond Authorization in the amount of
$76,950,000 for streets and transportation, parks, library, and fire station. This was seven-year
plan to implement everything.
General Government Capital Projects
• Streets and Transportation CIP: These projects include the Bird Pond Rehabilitation
Project, the Cooner Street Rehabilitation Projects, various Rock Prairie Road Projects, the
Jones Butler Extension, The HSC Parkway Phase 1B, Barron Road/Lakeway Extension,
Street TXDOT Projects, Traffic Signal Projects, Sidewalks, Hike and Bike Trails, and the
University Drive Pedestrian Improvements Phase 2.
• Parks and Recreation/Parkland Dedication CIP: Parks Capital Projects include the Creek
View Park development, Lick Creek Park Trails, Lick Creek Park Nature Center, Park
Maintenance Shop Expansion, Lincoln Center Additions, Wolf Pen Creek Festival Site,
and the Veteran’s Park Synthetic Fields (currently funded in HOT tax fund). Parkland
dedication fund projects include the Wolf Pen Creek electrical improvements, Southwest
Park improvements, Arboretum Bridge replacement, Carter Crossing improvements, and
replacement of the pier at Cy Miller Park.
• IT/Facilities CIP: Facility projects include an expansion of the Library. Key technology
projects include wireless infrastructure and fiber optic upgrade, network and data security
upgrade, CAD/RMS (Public Safety) system replacement, a timekeeping system, etc.
• Electric Operations and CIP: The Electric Fund is our largest utility. The policy issue is
to provide quality utility services at a reasonable cost. Revenues are at $99,069,410.
Residential and commercial growth is assumed at 2%, and no rate increase is included in
the FY13 proposed budget. Forecasts indicate a future rate increase in FY14.
Expenditures are $98,766,486. This includes operations and maintenance, purchased
power and wheeling costs, and Net Gen/Administrative transfers. $230,000 was added
for pay adjustments under review. Two new positions have been added for a Compliance
Officer and a SCADA IT Analyst. The proposed Electric Fund CIP budget has estimated
expenditures in the amount of $12,297,914. Key Capital Projects include production
projects, general plant, overhead system improvements, underground system
improvements, new services and system extension, residential street lighting, and
thoroughfare street lighting. Also included are distribution and transmission, which
included the construction of the Northgate Substation.
Enterprise Funds
• Water operations and CIP: The policy issue is to provide quality utility services at a
reasonable cost. Revenues are estimated at $14,170,230. These are derived from user
fees from water customers, and there is no rate increase proposed for FY13. The forecast
does indicate future rate increases. Expenditures are estimated at $16,686,502. These
include operating expenditures and transfers, service level adjustments, pay and benefit
proposals, debt service, transfer to Capital Projects, contingency, and transfer to the
General Fund. Estimated FY13 Water Capital expenditures are $8,267,430. Key Water
System Production Projects include land acquisition (wells), Sandy Point Chemical
System replacements, cooling tower expansion, three million gallon ground storage
Water Fund
WKSHP082112 Minutes Page 3
reservoir rehabilitation, and water redundant communications. Key Water System
Distribution Projects include the Health Science Center Parkway line extension, SH 40
water line from Graham to Barron and Sonoma to Victoria (land acquisition), and the
reinstallation of a 30-inch water transmission line at Villa Maria and FM 2818. Key
Water System Rehabilitation Projects include the South Knoll/The Glade rehabilitation,
the Cooner Utility rehabilitation, and the Plantation Oaks water line. They plan on
issuing $3.9 million in debt next year.
• Wastewater Operations and CIP: The policy issue is to provide quality utility services at
a reasonable cost. Revenues are projected at $13,614,316. These are derived from user
fees from water customers, and FY13 includes a proposed 5% rate increase. The forecast
also indicates future rate increases. Expenditures are estimated at $16,063,462 for
operating expenditures and transfers, service level adjustments, pay and benefit
proposals, debt service, transfer to Capital Projects, contingency, and a transfer to
General Fund. Estimated FY13 Wastewater Capital expenditures are $12,957,464. Key
Wastewater System Collection projects include the East Side FM 158 sewer line, the
West Side sewer project, the Bee Creek parallel trunkline, and the Royder/Live Oak
sewer line. Key Wastewater System Rehabilitation projects include the South Knoll/The
Glade rehabilitation, the Cooner Utility rehabilitation, and the Northeast trunkline
rehabilitation. Key Wastewater System Treatment projects include sludge treatment and
disposal/pumping plant projects, and the Carter Creek headworks improvements. Key
Wastewater System Plant projects include the Lick Creek Process Control improvements,
the installation of SCADA at lift stations, and various fiber projects. To meet capital
needs, a debt issuance of $8.2 million is planned.
Wastewater Fund
Revenues are projected at $7,716,293. There is no rate increase in the proposed budget. These
revenues include $397,710 from BVSWMA to offset debt service payments. The forecast does
show a future rate increase in FY14. Expenditures are estimated at $8,141,664. The forecast
needs to be revised and brought back at a later date.
Sanitation Fund
• Drainage Operations and CIP: Revenues are projected at $2,019,400 and expenditures at
$2,114,969 (includes a new Drainage Foreman position). Capital Project Expenditure
Projects include greenways and acquisition projects, minor drainage improvements, Wolf
Pen Creek erosion control, storm water mapping (GIS services), and the Drainage Master
Drainage Utility Fund
Revenues are estimated at $1,203,591 derived from parking fees (1% growth assumption),
parking fines (assumed to remain flat), and a one-time transfer of $60,000 from the General
Fund. Expenditures are projected at $1,215,453.
Northgate Parking Enterprise Fund
Council directed staff to bring back information related to a Facilities Plan that could be included
in the FY12-FY13 budget.
WKSHP082112 Minutes Page 4
Presentation, possible action and discussion on the 2012-2013 ad valorem tax rate; and,
if necessary on calling two public hearings on a proposed ad valorem tax rate for 2012-2013
This item was not discussed.
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the budget workshop of the
College Station City Council at 6:44 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2012.
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
WKSHP082212 Minutes Page 1
AUGUST 22, 2012
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields
Karl Mooney
Katy-Marie Lyles, arrived after roll call
Julie Schultz
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Mary Ann Powell, Deputy City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Budget Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to
order by Mayor Nancy Berry at 4:13 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2012 in the Carter Creek
Wastewater Training Facility 2200 North Forest Parkway, College Station, Texas 77842.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2012-2013 Proposed Budget.
Jeff Kersten, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, provided a review of the proposed FY12-13
budget. General Fund Outside Agency funding is proposed at $956,013. This funds RVP, Arts
Council O&M, July 4th fireworks, Brazos Animal Shelter, and Health Department. Other
governmental funds include Economic Development and Chimney Hill. For the Economic
Development Fund, the budget proposes a $300,000 General Fund transfer, an increase to meet
future commitments. FY13 expenditures are budgeted for Texas Institute for Preclinical Studies
and Reynolds and Reynolds. The Chimney Hill Fund revenues are proposed at $430,825 from
rents and royalties from the tenants. FY13 expenditures are budgeted for facilities maintenance,
property taxes, and a transfer out to the Electric CIP.
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• Hotel Tax Fund: The policy issue for this fund is to utilize Hotel Tax funds to encourage
tourism and visitors into College Station, thereby improving the economy within the uses
allowed by state law. Revenues are projected at $3,834,000. Expenditures are projected
at $5,939,926.
Special Revenue Funds
• Court Funds and Police Seizure Fund: There are several different funds that are used to
offset costs to the General Fund in the Municipal Court and Police Department within the
uses allowed by state law. These include the Court Technology Fee Fund, the Court
Security Fee Fund, the Juvenile Case Manager Fee Fund, and the Police Seizure Fund.
• Cemetery Funds: There are three funds. The Memorial Cemetery Fund expects
$268,680 in revenues from plot sales and investment income. There is a proposed 10%
increase in the cemetery spaces for the Memorial Cemetery Fund. There are no
expenditures budgeted; operations and maintenance is funded out of the General Fund.
The Memorial Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund has projected $131,641 in revenues from
plot sales and investment income. Advertising expenditures are budgeted at $10,000.
The operations and maintenance is funded out of the General Fund. The Cemetery
Perpetual Fund for the Texas Avenue Cemetery projects revenue at $13,000 from plot
sales and investment income. There are no expenditures budgeted; operations and
maintenance is funded out of the General Fund.
• Self-Insurance Funds: This provides the insurance needs for the City. The
components of this fund include Property Casualty, Employee Benefits, Workers
Compensation, and Unemployment. Employee Benefits is budgeted for $9,656,053
and includes increased City/Employee contributions. Staff is reviewing plan designs
and looking at wellness.
Internal Service Funds
• Equipment Replacement Fund: The Equipment Replacement Policy allows
equipment to be replaced on a scheduled basis. Funds are set aside on an annual
basis for future replacements. Revenue is projected at $3,350,388. Expenditures are
estimated at $2,773,813 for fleet purchases and replacement and other equipment
• Utility Customer Service: This provides utility metering, billing and collection
customer services. Revenues are projected at $2,275,776. These are charges to the
Electric, Water, Wastewater, sanitation and Drainage Utilities. Expenditures for
operations and maintenance, and for pay and benefit proposals are budgeted at
• Fleet Maintenance Fund: this provides fleet support services to City operations.
Revenues in the amount of $1,672,140 are charges for service received from other
City departments. Expenditures in the amount of $1,681,490 are for operations and
maintenance, an Alternative Fuel Study, and for pay and benefit proposals.
Presentation, possible action and discussion on the 2012-2013 ad valorem tax rate; and,
if necessary on calling two public hearings on a proposed ad valorem tax rate for 2012-2013
Council consensus was to stay with the Effective Tax Rate.
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MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the budget workshop of the
College Station City Council at 5:40 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2012.
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
WKSHP082312 Minutes Page 1
AUGUST 23, 2012
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields, arrived after roll call
Karl Mooney
Katy-Marie Lyles
Julie Schultz, arrived after roll call
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Mary Ann Powell, Deputy City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Shelley Major, Records Management Coordinator
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by
Mayor Nancy Berry at 5:02 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012 in the Council Chambers of the
City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77842.
Executive Session
In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney and
§551.087-Economic Inventive Negotiations, the College Station City Council convened into
Executive Session at 5:02 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012 in order to continue discussing
matters pertaining to:
A. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation; to
WKSHP082312 Minutes Page 2
• City of Bryan's application with TCEQ for water & sewer permits in Westside/Highway
60 area, near Brushy Water Supply Corporation to decertify City of College Station and
certify City of Bryan.
• Chavers et a1 v. Tyrone Morrow et al, No. 10-20792; Chavers v. Randall Hall et al, Case
No. 10 CV-3922.
• College Station v. Star Insurance Co., Civil Action No. 4:11-CV-02023.
• Shirley Maguire and Holly Maguire vs. City of College Station, Cause No. 11-0025 16-
CV-272, in the 272nd District Court of Brazos County, Texas.
• Patricia Kahlden, individ. and as rep. of the Estate of Lillie May Williams Bayless v.
Laura Sue Streigler, City of College Station and James Steven Elkins, No. 11-003172-
CV-272, in the 272ndDistrict Court of Brazos County, Tx.
• Claim and potential litigation related to a June 24, 2011 collision with a city vehicle.
B. Deliberation on economic development negotiations regarding an offer of financial or other
incentives for a business prospect; to wit:
• Senior Housing Project
The Executive Session adjourned at 5:43 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012.
Take action, if any, on Executive Session.
No action was required from Executive Session.
Presentation and proclamation proclaiming September 2012 as Library Card Sign-Up
Mayor Berry presented a proclamation to Kathy Nixie, Librarian, and members of the Library
committee, naming September 2012 as Library Card Sign-Up Month.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on items listed on the consent agenda.
Items 2e, 2l, and 2n were pulled for clarification.
2e: Bob Cowell, Executive Director of Development Services, provided a brief explanation on
the construction of two bus shelters along the bus routes. He also clarified the 20% match to the
grant funds.
2l: Jeff Kersten, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, briefly explained the budget allocation of
$25,000 for the Chamber of Commerce and the use of HOT tax funds. Royce Hickman, with the
Chamber of Commerce, provided additional information.
2n: Jeff Kersten, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, clarified the renewal of a contract for
financial advisory services, specifically bond counsel. Council directed staff to go out for RFP
in FY13 for FY14 services.
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Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding capacity and planning for
upcoming major wastewater collection construction projects.
Dave Coleman, Director of Water Services, provided an update on major sanitary sewer
collection system projects. These projects include:
• Bee Creek sewer trunk line (portions built in 1973) (Replace existing line with 42” line in
four phases to stretch the expense out over four years. The existing line will stay in place
until Phase 3 is done.)
• Wellborn gravity sewer line (New construction is required due to annexation.)
• East Side Sewer – Lift Station, Force Main, and Gravity Line (New construction as part
of the Bio-Corridor agreement with City of Bryan. Project design is well under way, and
the lift station location may change.)
• Northeast Trunk Line and Hensel Park Lift Station (Replace existing line, since the
Northgate area development may require upgrades. Densities have been revised to reflect
recent development patterns. Master Plan updates are underway, but we must coordinate
Campus Point plans with TAMU.)
• Spring Creek Corporate Campus and Lick Creek Trunk Line (Implications for the
development of the Medical Corridor; Spring Creek line is new construction; Lick Creek
line would be upsized.).
Staff recommends the City proceed with the sewer CIP Projects. All future re-Zonings and
development projects should continue to consider effects on the wastewater collection system.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the South Knoll-The Glade
Utility Rehabilitation Project. (This item is also on the Consent Agenda, Item #2d).
Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects, reported on the South Knoll/The Glade Utility
Rehabilitation Project. Staff recommends the City should continue with the City’s initiative to
invest in infrastructure rehabilitation to provide excellent customer service. These projects
include: sewer lines (relocating service connections); water lines (relocating service
connections); street overlay; sidewalk replacement; and tree preservation. We have maintained
continuous coordination with CSISD.
The total Project Budget is $5.2 million, and the Construction Budget is $4.7 million. The
lowest responsive bidder for the Construction Contract was $3.7 million.
Construction is expected to begin October 2012, with anticipated completion in October 2013.
Construction adjacent to South Knoll Elementary is scheduled to occur during the summer
months. The contractor may be allowed to install the sewer line along Boswell during the
Winter Break
Council Calendar
Sept. 3 City Offices Closed - HOLIDAY
Sept. 6 P&Z Workshop/Meeting in Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. (Karl Mooney,
WKSHP082312 Minutes Page 4
Sept. 13 City Council Executive/Workshop/Regular Meeting at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00
Council reviewed the Council calendar.
Mayor Berry recessed the Workshop at 6:55 p.m. to allow the Regular Meeting to begin on time.
At 9:47 Mayor re-convened the Workshop.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: a Council Member
may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific
factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall
be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting.
Councilmember Ruesink requested an item to look at working with TAMU regarding
transportation issues.
Councilmember Fields requested items on West Nile Virus and public health options, update on
Chimney Hill.
Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Animal Shelter
Board, Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, Arts Council Sub-committee, Audit Committee,
Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board, Blinn College Brazos Valley Advisory
Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments,
Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce, BVSWMA, BVWACS, Convention &
Visitors Bureau, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith
Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Neighborhood Parking
Taskforce, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission. Library
Board, Metropolitan Planning Organization, National League of Cities, Parks and
Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Research Valley Partnership,
Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Sister City Association,
TAMU Student Senate, Texas Municipal League, Youth Advisory Council, Zoning Board
of Adjustments.
Councilmember Schultz reported on the RVP.
Mayor Berry also reported on the RVP.
Councilmember Ruesink reported on the Sister City delegation to Greiswald, Germany.
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the workshop of the
College Station City Council at 10:04 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012.
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Nancy Berry, Mayor
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
RM082312 Minutes Page 1
AUGUST 23, 2012
Nancy Berry
Blanche Brick
Jess Fields
Karl Mooney
Katy-Marie Lyles
Julie Schultz
Dave Ruesink
City Staff:
David Neeley, City Manager
Kathy Merrill, Deputy City Manager
Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Mary Ann Powell, Deputy City Attorney
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the College Station City Council was called to
order by Mayor Nancy Berry at 7:09 p.m. on Thursday, August 239, 2012 in the Council
Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas
1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request
Mayor Berry led the Council and audience in a moment of silence in remembrance of the
victims of the August 13, 2012 tragedy.
Moment of silence in remembrance of the victims of August 13, 2012 tragedy.
Councilmember Mooney requested personal privilege, and expressed his appreciation to all first
responders and City staff during last week’s tragedy.
RM082312 Minutes Page 2
Presentation and proclamation recognizing Joanna Yeager for her service on the
Mayor Berry presented Joanna Yeager a proclamation recognizing her for her service on
Senior Advisory Committee.
the Senior Advisory Committee.
Citizen Comments
Carrol Claycamp, 300 Lee Avenue, addressed the Council on the closing of the conference
center. He thought if he could talk to the City Manager or staff they could help him understand
why a 63 year old building suddenly became unsafe. Staff either had no time or no knowledge to
share. In his 53 years he has yet to come upon a building that couldn’t be kept open for a period
of time. If the building was really ready to fall, then he would expect to see an army of workmen
stabilizing that structure. The only way he could get through was to apply for the open records.
After that, he was able to get quite a bit of information from staff. He could not go in the
building because of the insurance. It appears a taxpayer does not have the right to find out those
things first hand. He received the engineer’s report on August 8, but there was nothing to tell
him why the building was failing. He asked Council to take Paul Harvey’s advice and make the
rest of the story available to the taxpayers before taking action to sell the site, raze the building,
or abandon the building.
2a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for:
• August 9, 2012 Workshop
• August 9, 2012 Regular Council Meeting
Presentation, possible action, and discussion of an ordinance amending Chapter 10
"Traffic Code", to create a loading zone on University Drive east of College Main in
accordance with the desires of the area merchants and as identified in the Memorandum of
Presentation, possible action and discussion on Resolution 08-23-12-2c, approving an
interlocal government agreement with Brazos County for the conduct and management of
the City of College Station General and Special Election and the approval of the Notice of
General and Special Election that will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
(Presentaciόn, possible acciόn y discusiόn acerca de una resoluciόn que apruebe un
acuerdo interlocal de gobierno con el Condado de Brazos para llevar a cabo y administrar
las Elecciones Generales y Especiales de la Ciudad de College Station y para aprobar la
Notificaciόn de Elecciones Generales y Especiales que se celebranin el martes 6 de
noviembre de 2012.
2d. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Resolution 08-23-12-2d to
approve the construction contract (Contract 12-287) with Elliott Construction in the
amount of $3,704,090.60, for the construction of the South Knoll-The Glade Utility
Rehabilitation Project (WF1044480, WF1044485), and approval of Resolution 08-23-12-2d-
RM082312 Minutes Page 3
a, declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. (This
item is also on the Workshop Agenda, Item #6)
Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an inter-local agreement
between the City of College Station and Brazos Valley Transit District for the construction
of two bus shelters to include a 25 % match by the City of College Station not to exceed
$12,500, which will come from the City's Strong & Sustainable Neighborhood Grant
Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the approval of Resolution 08-23-
12-2f for the Annual Reconfirmation and use of Service and Equipment to be provided by
the City of College Station in the Event of a Radiological Incident at the Texas A&M
University Nuclear Science Center.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of amendments to
contracts 12-044, 08-292, 06-313, 05-003, and 02-199 with Brazos Valley Community Action
Agency (BVCAA) to revise the use of Community Housing Development Organization
(CHDO) proceeds generated from activities completed with HOME Investment
Partnership Program (HOME) grant CHDO funds and delete the requirement for the
return of25% of the proceeds generated from funds allocated with contract 08-292.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of a professional
services contract (Contract 12-273) with Hawkins Architecture in the amount of
$100,850.00, for the design of an expansion to the existing maintenance facility at Veterans
Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a deductive change order to the
construction contract (Contract 12-031) with Follis-Cole Construction in the amount of
$160,192.37, for the construction of the Emerald forest Drainage Improvements Project
(SD-1 006).
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an easement agreement renewal with
the Texas A&M University System for the purpose of operating and maintaining a traffic
signal at Bizzell Drive and George Bush Drive.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a construction contract with Dailey
Electric in the amount of $61,406.31, for electrical additions/upgrades to add electrical
power at various locations throughout Wolf Pen Creek Park, Project Number PK-1217.
Presentation, possible action and discussion on approving the Hotel Tax Fund funding
agreement between the City of College Station and the Bryan/College Station Chamber of
Commerce for FY12 totaling $25,000, and approving the budget for the Bryan/College
Station Chamber of Commerce related to the Hotel Tax funding.
RM082312 Minutes Page 4
Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of estimated annual
expenditures related to copying and printing services as follows: Tops Printing $40,000;
Copy Corner $40,000; Office Depot $20,000; Cerqa $20,000.
Presentation, possible action and discussion to approve the renewal of a consulting
contract with First Southwest Company in an amount not to exceed $175,000 for financial
advisory services.
Presentation, possible action and discussion on a bid award for the purchase of various
pad-mounted distribution transformers maintained in inventory to HD Supply Utilities
$53,150; Techline $21,416; and KBS $14,844 for a total of$89,410.00.
Items 2e, 2l, and 2n were pulled for a separate vote.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Lyles and a second by Councilmember
Schultz, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent
Agenda, less items 2e, 2l, and 2n. The motion carried unanimously.
(2e)MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Schultz and a second by
Councilmember Mooney, the City Council voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed, with
Councilmember Fields voting against, to approve an inter-local agreement between the City of
College Station and Brazos Valley Transit District for the construction of two bus shelters to
include a 25 % match by the City of College Station not to exceed $12,500, which will come
from the City's Strong & Sustainable Neighborhood Grant program. The motion carried.
(2l)MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Lyles and a second by Councilmember
Mooney, the City Council voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed, with Councilmember Fields
voting against, to approve the Hotel Tax Fund funding agreement between the City of College
Station and the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce for FY12 totaling $25,000, and
approving the budget for the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce related to the Hotel
Tax funding. The motion carried.
(2n)MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Ruesink and a second by
Councilmember Schultz, the City Council voted (5) for and two (2) opposed, with
Councilmembers Fields and Mooney voting against, to approve the renewal of a consulting
contract with First Southwest Company in an amount not to exceed $175,000 for financial
advisory services. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Mooney and a second by Councilmember
Fields, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to direct staff to go out for an
RFP in FY13 for FY14 services. The motion carried unanimously.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Berry and a second by Councilmember Schultz, the
City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to reconsider adoption of the Consent
Agenda. The motion carried unanimously.
RM082312 Minutes Page 5
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Berry and a second by Councilmember Schultz, the
City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, adopt the Consent Agenda less items 2b,
2e, 2l, and 2n. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on the City of College
Station 2012-2013 Proposed Budget.
At approximately 7:33 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:33 p.m.
A motion by Councilmember Fields to de-fund Keep Brazos Beautiful died for lack of a second.
A motion by Councilmember Fields to de-fund the water fitness programs died for lack of a
Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on Ordinance 2012-3437,
amending the College Station Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Southside Area
Neighborhood Plan for the area generally bounded by George Bush Drive, Texas Avenue
South, Holleman Drive, Welsh Avenue, Southwest Parkway, and Wellborn Road.
At approximately 9:03 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
C.O. Patterson, 715 Park Place, thanked City staff for their efforts in this process. They
produced a plan in conjunction with neighborhood input. He asked Council to check out Map
EC1, following Appendix A. The pink area referred to is an area platted in 1940, but the history
of the area dates back before that. The area was developed in 1920, and the first houses were
constructed in 1922. Public planning meetings were held in the living room at 602 Dexter to
discuss the incorporation of College Station. It is the oldest neighborhood in College Station.
This is a dynamic neighborhood. They want to preserve this dynamic, forward moving
neighborhood. The plan involved lot of compromise. No one person got everything they
wanted, but they were able to come to a compromise on a lot of issues. This is a carefully
thought out plan and lays the groundwork for the next several years. This area will see dramatic
changes with the grade separation at Wellborn/George Bush and housing. It is difficult to predict
the impact on rental property values. This is a plan that the neighborhood supports in general.
He urged the Council to adopt as presented.
George B. Dresser, 501 Fairview, echoed Mr. Patterson comments and urged the Council to
approve the plan. The approval to change lot sizes is very important. He noted that Area 5 is
extremely dynamic, and it is important that we recognize the area will change very dramatically.
The plan has two parts. One addresses that reasonable things will happen, and the
implementation will take a lot of work on behalf of staff. The City Engineer will have to be
actively involved. He does have a concern that we have not thought through the traffic impacts.
RM082312 Minutes Page 6
This is a very good effort, and he is happy with the work staff has done. The fact there aren’t
several hundred people here tonight shows good work.
Commissioner Warner, Planning and Zoning, stated the plan comes forward with a lot of
compromise and is a solid plan. P&Z voted six (6) to zero (0) to adopt.
Fred Dupriest, 400 Fairview, stated he does not support all the plan. There are some issues that
are very concerning, especially Area 5. There are currently no three or five story buildings. This
will fundamentally change the character of the neighborhood. A change to apartments and high-
rises doesn’t just change the look, it changes the character of the neighborhood. There is only
one section with contiguous owners to place an apartment building. Only the top two blocks are
owned by two interests that have the room to build a reasonably sized apartment. The plan
encourages placing three stories on two lots. These will tower over adjoining residential
property. The renovation craze is moving though like crazy, but it stops at Area 5 because most
of the property has been purchased by investors. It did not quit developing, it quit because
investors only sell to each other. They want to stack people three stories high. Is that what the
City wants to see happen in that area? Tough work is still ahead, but who will retain the integrity
of the neighborhood? Will we push the development next to the road where it is reasonable?
Keith Sewell, 1113 Langford, reiterated that the task force came to an agreement. Both sides
There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:20 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Fields and a second by Councilmember
Ruesink, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2012-
3437, amending the College Station Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Southside Area
Neighborhood Plan for the area generally bounded by George Bush Drive, Texas Avenue South,
Holleman Drive, Welsh Avenue, Southwest Parkway, and Wellborn Road. The motion carried
Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on Ordinance 2012-3438,
amending Chapter 3, "Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
College Station, Texas, amending the 2012 International Building Code by adopting
Appendix D, establishing a Fire District.
At approximately 9:43 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:43 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Schultz and a second by Councilmember
Mooney, the City Council voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed, with Councilmember Fields
voting against, to adopt Ordinance 2012-3438, amending Chapter 3, "Building Regulations" of
the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, amending the 2012 International
Building Code by adopting Appendix D, establishing a Fire District. The motion carried
RM082312 Minutes Page 7
Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion approving Ordinance
2012-3439, vacating and abandoning a 0.09 acre, 20-foot wide sanitary sewer easement,
which is located on Lots 9 and 10 of Block 2 of the North Forest Estates Subdivision
according to the plat recorded in Volume 8640, Page 82 of the Deed Records of Brazos
County, Texas.
At approximately 9:45 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing.
There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:45 p.m.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Fields and a second by Councilmember
Schultz, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2012-
3439, vacating and abandoning a 0.09 acre, 20-foot wide sanitary sewer easement, which is
located on Lots 9 and 10 of Block 2 of the North Forest Estates Subdivision according to the plat
recorded in Volume 8640, Page 82 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. The motion
carried unanimously.
Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the appointment to the Brazos
Valley Council of Governments.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Ruesink and a second by Councilmember
Fields, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to appoint Mayor Berry to the
Brazos Valley Council of Governments. The motion carried unanimously.
Presentation, possible action, and discussion on consideration affiliation agreement with
the College Station Medical Center to open discussions on the option under the 1115
Transformation Waiver of the Social Security Act on a partnership for an employee clinic.
This item was not discussed.
MOTION: There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the Regular Meeting of the
City Council at 9:47 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012.
Nancy Berry, Mayor
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
September 13, 2012 (13 de septiembre de 2012)
City Council Consent Agenda Item No. 2b (Agenda de Acuerdo del Consejo de la Ciudad
Punto No.2b)
Amended Order of Election (Enmienda a la Orden de Elecciones)
To (Para): David Neeley, City Manager (Administrador de la Ciudad)
From (De): Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary (Secretaria de la Ciudad)
Agenda Caption (Encabezado de la Agenda): Presentation, possible action and discussion on
an ordinance amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2012-3433 ordering a Special Election to be
held on November 6, 2012 for the purpose of submitting proposed amendments to the City
Charter to the voters by correcting the polling location for Precincts 24, 53 and 58.
(Presentación, posible acción y discusión de una ordenanza que enmienda la Sección 4 de la
Ordenanza No. 2012-3433 para ordenar Elecciones Especiales a celebrarse el 6 de noviembre
de 2012 con el propósito de presentarle a los votantes las enmiendas propuestas a los Estatutos
de la Ciudad, al corregir el sitio de votaciones para los Departamentos números 24, 53 y 58.)
Summary (Resumen): On Friday, August 24, the CSO was notified by the Brazos County
Clerk that the polling location for Precincts 24, 53 and 58 was moved from the College Hills
Elementary School back to the Hawthorn Suites. Hawthorn Suites has been the county’s polling
location for awhile, but there was a communication error early in the process, and the County
Clerk was informed by management that the meeting room had been booked by someone else.
Because of this, a new location was selected – College Hills Elementary. However,
Commissioner Catalena didn’t want to use the school because of the volume of voters expected,
and he was able to convince Hawthorn to let us be there one more time. (El viernes 24 de agosto,
el CSO fue notificado por el Oficial del condado de Brazos que el centro de votationes para los
Distritos números 24, 53 y 58 se cambió de la Escuela Primaria College Hills de vuelta al hotel
Hawthorn Suites. El hotel Hawthorn Suites ha sido el centro de votaciones por mucho tiempo,
pero hubo un error en comunicación al principio del proceso, y el Oficial del Condado fue
informado por la administración que el salón de reuniones ya se encontraba reservado para
alguien más. Por causa de este asunto, se seleccionó otro sitio – Escuela Primaria College Hills.
A pesar de ello, el Comisionado Catalena no quería utilizar la escuela por el volumen de
votantes esperados, y pudo convencer al hotel Hawthorn que sirviera una vez más como centro
de votaciones.)
Attachments (Adjuntos):
• Draft Ordinance amending the Order of Election (Borrador de la Ordenanza de
enmienda de la Orden de Elecciones)
SECCIÓN 1. Que la Sección 4 de la Ordenanza No. 2012-3433 por este medio se
enmienda para leerse de la siguiente manera (el texto corregido se encuentra subrayado
“SECCIÓN 4. Los centros de votaciones para cada distrito para estas elecciones serán las
8 Parkway Baptist Church [Iglesia Bautista Parkway]
1501 Southwest Parkway
College Station, Texas
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Office [Oficina del Juez de Paz, 3er
1500 George Bush Drive
College Station, Texas
10, 80 Living Hope Baptist Church [Iglesia Bautista Living Hope]
4170 State Highway 6, South
College Station, Texas
20 Memorial Student Center (MSC), Room 526 [Centro de Estudiantes
Memorial (MSC), Salón 526]
Texas A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd.
College Station, Texas
21 Cavitt Church of Christ [Iglesia de Cristo de Cavitt]
3200 Cavitt Avenue
Bryan, Texas
24, 53, 58 Hawthorn Suites [Hotel Hawthorn Suites]
1010 University Drive East
College Station, Texas
Larry J. Ringer Library [Biblioteca Larry J. Ringer]
1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway
College Station, Texas
33, 49, 72, 74, Lincoln Center [Centro Lincoln]
1000 Eleanor
College Station, Texas
34 College Station City Hall [Municipalidad de la Ciudad de College Station]
1101 Texas Avenue
College Station, Texas
35 College Station ISD Administration Building [Edificio Administrativo
del Distrito Escolar Independiente de College Station]
1812 Welsh
College Station, Texas
St. Francis Episcopal Church [Iglesia Episcopal St. Francis]
1101 Rock Prairie Road
College Station, Texas
40 Aldersgate Methodist Church [Iglesia Metodista Aldersgate]
2201 Earl Rudder Freeway
College Station, Texas
41 Christ United Methodist Church [Iglesia Metodista Christ United]
4201 State Highway 6, South
College Station, Texas
65, 69, 71
Wellborn Community Center [Centro Comunitario de Wellborn]
4119 W. Greens Prairie Road
College Station, Texas
68 Peach Creek Community Center [Centro Comunitario de Peach Creek]
2216 Peach Creek Road
College Station, Texas
SECCIÓN 2. Si alguna parte de esta Ordenanza se encuentra inválida por una corte
competente dentro de la jurisdicción, entonces las provisiones restantes de esta Ordenanza
permanecerán en completa vigencia.
SECCIÓN 3. Que esta ordenanza entrará en vigencia inmediatamente después de ser
APROBADA Y ADOPTADA por el Consejo de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de College Station
este ____ día del mes de __________de 2012.
Nancy Berry, Alcalde
__________________________ __________________________________
Sherry Mashburn, Secretaria de la Ciudad Carla Robinson, Abogada de la Ciudad
September 13, 2012 (13 de septiembre de 2012)
City Council Consent Agenda Item No. 2c (Agenda de Acuerdo del Consejo de la Ciudad
Punto No.2c)
Amended Notice of Election (Enmienda a la Notificación de Elecciones)
To (Para): David Neeley, City Manager (Administrador de la Ciudad)
From (De): Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary (Secretaria de la Ciudad)
Agenda Caption (Encabezado de la Agenda): Presentation, possible action and discussion on a
resolution amending the Notice of Special Election that will be held November 6, 2012.
(Presentación, posible acción y discusión de una resolución para enmendar la Notificación de
Elecciones Especiales que se realizarán el 6 de noviembre de 2012.)
Summary (Resumen): On Friday, August 24, the CSO was notified by the Brazos County
Clerk that the polling location for Precincts 24, 53 and 58 was moved from the College Hills
Elementary School back to the Hawthorn Suites. Hawthorn Suites has been the county’s polling
location for awhile, but there was a communication error early in the process, and the County
Clerk was informed by management that the meeting room had been booked by someone else.
Because of this, a new location was selected – College Hills Elementary. However,
Commissioner Catalena didn’t want to use the school because of the volume of voters expected,
and he was able to convince Hawthorn to let us be there one more time. (El viernes 24 de agosto,
el CSO fue notificado por el Oficial del condado de Brazos que el centro de votationes para los
Distritos números 24, 53 y 58 se cambió de la Escuela Primaria College Hills de vuelta al hotel
Hawthorn Suites. El hotel Hawthorn Suites ha sido el centro de votaciones por mucho tiempo,
pero hubo un error en comunicación al principio del proceso, y el Oficial del Condado fue
informado por la administración que el salón de reuniones ya se encontraba reservado para
alguien más. Por causa de este asunto, se seleccionó otro sitio – Escuela Primaria College Hills.
A pesar de ello, el Comisionado Catalena no quería utilizar la escuela por el volumen de
votantes esperados, y pudo convencer al hotel Hawthorn que sirviera una vez más como centro
de votaciones.)
Attachments (Adjuntos):
• Draft Resolution amending the Notice of Election (Borrador de la Resolución de
enmienda de la Notificación de Elecciones)
• Amended Notice of Election (Enmienda a la Notificación de Elecciones)
EN TANTO QUE el Condado de Brazos llevará a cabo unas Elecciones Generales el martes 6 de
Noviembre de 2012; y
EN TANTO QUE el Consejo de la Ciudad, de la Ciudad de College Station llevará a cabo
Elecciones Especiales para celebrarse el mismo día; y
EN TANTO QUE las partes a este acuerdo desean realizar elecciones conjuntas que sean
rentables y convenientes para los votantes de ambas entidades; y
EN TANTO QUE un sitio de votaciones ha sido cambiado de la Escuela Primaria College Hills
al hotel Hawthorn suites.
PARTE 1: Que por este medio la Notificación enmendada de las Elecciones y los Sitios de
Votaciones para las Votaciones Anticipadas y Regulares han sido aprobados.
PARTE 2: Que esta resolución entrará en vigencia inmediatamente al momento de y después
de ser aprobada.
ADOPTADA este _____ día del mes de _________________ de 2012.
Nancy Berry, Alcalde
___________________________ __________________________________
Sherry Mashburn, Secretaria de la Ciudad Carla Robinson, Abogada de la Ciudad
1. A special election will be held on November 6, 2012 for the purpose of submitting
nine (9) propositions to the voters for the following amendments to the City Charter:
Shall Article X (Initiative, Referendum, Recall), Sections 94 (Recall; General), 95 (Recall
Procedure), 96 (Recall Petitions), and 97 (Recall Election) of the College Station City Charter be
amended to require grounds for removal of Council Members by recall; provide that such
grounds be included in the recall affidavit and in the recall petitions; allow the City Secretary a
reasonable time to deliver the recall petition blanks; clarify the City Secretary’s role in
examining the recall petitions; and amend the number of days allowed for an officer whose
removal is sought to resign?
Section 94 Recall; General – Amended to read as follows:
Recall; General
Section 94. Any member of the City Council may be removed from office by recall on grounds
of incompetency, official misconduct or malfeasance in office.
A portion of Section 95 Recall Procedure – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 95 to remain unchanged:
Recall Procedure
Section 95. Any elector of the City of College Station may make and file with the City Secretary
an affidavit containing the name or names of the officer or officers whose removal is sought and
setting out distinctly and specifically the ground or grounds upon which such removal is sought
with such certainty as to give each officer sought to be removed notice of the matters and things
with which the officer is charged. The City Secretary shall as soon as reasonable deliver to the
elector making such affidavit copies of petition blanks demanding such removal. . . .
A portion of Section 96 Recall Petitions – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 96 to remain unchanged:
Recall Petitions
Section 96. The recall petition to be effective must be returned and filed with the City Secretary
within thirty (30) days after the filing of the affidavit required in Section 95 of this Article. Each
separate petition paper must set out distinctly and specifically the ground or grounds upon which
removal is sought and the matters and things with which the officer is charged. . . .
A portion of Section 97 Recall Election – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 97 to remain unchanged:
Recall Election
Section 97. The City Secretary shall within fifteen (15) business days from the date of its filing,
examine the recall petition to determine that the petition; sets out distinctly and specifically the
ground or grounds upon which removal is sought and the matters and things with which the
officer is charged, is signed by a sufficient number of electors, and is in compliance with the
procedural requirements of this article of the charter, and if finding the petition sufficient he shall
submit it to the city council at the next regularly scheduled meeting with his certificate to that
effect and notify the officer sought to be recalled of such action. If the officer whose removal is
sought does not resign within seven (7) calendar days after such notice the city council shall
thereupon order and fix a date for holding a recall election. . . .
Shall Article III (The City Council), Section 21 (Vacancies) of the College Station City Charter
be amended to authorize a process to be followed to call an election in the event of a vacancy in
the office of Mayor and in the event of a vacancy in the office of Mayor and all Council
Section 21 Vacancies – Amended to read as follows:
Section 21. A vacancy in the City Council shall be filled by a special election which shall be
called within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of such vacancy. If any such vacancy shall occur
within ninety (90) days preceding a general election, then no special election shall be called;
provided, however, that the unexpired term shall be filled at the next general election. In the
event the Mayor is unable to order the election for any reason, the remaining members of the
City Council are authorized and directed to order the election and perform all other required
actions incident to the election. In the event of vacancies in the offices of Mayor and all
members of the City Council for any reason, the following persons, in the order prescribed, are
authorized and directed to order the election and perform all other required actions incident to
the election:
1. City Manager
2. City Secretary
3. City Attorney
4. Presiding Judge of the Municipal Court
Shall Article X (Initiative, Referendum, Recall), Section 83 (Power of Initiative) and Section 84
(Power of Referendum) be amended to clarify exceptions to the power of initiative and
exceptions to the power of referendum, to extend the number of days in which an ordinance is
subject to referendum from twenty (20) days to thirty (30) days, to extend the number of days
allowed the City Secretary to examine the petitions from ten (10) days to fifteen (15) days, and to
provide that the number of days specified to examine the petitions are business days?
Section 83 Power of Initiative – Amended to read as follows:
Power of Initiative
Section 83. The electors shall have power to propose any ordinance, except land use ordinances
including but not limited to zoning or rezoning property; or ordinances appropriating money,
authorizing the issuance of bonds, or authorizing the levy of taxes, and to adopt or reject the
same at the polls, such power being known as the initiative. Any initiative ordinance may be
submitted to the City Council by a petition signed by qualified electors of the City equal in
number to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the number of votes cast at the last regular
municipal election.
Section 84 Power of Referendum – Amended to read as follows:
Power of Referendum
Section 84. The electors shall have power to approve or reject at the polls any ordinance passed
by the City Council, or submitted by the City Council to a vote of the electors, such power being
known as the referendum, except in the case of land use ordinances including but not limited to
zoning or rezoning property; or ordinances appropriating money, authorizing the issuance of
bonds, or making the annual tax levy. Ordinances submitted to the City Council by initiative
petition and passed by the City Council without charge shall be subject to the referendum in the
same manner as other ordinances. Within thirty (30) days after the enactment by the City Council
of any ordinance which is subject to a referendum, a petition signed by qualified electors of the
city equal in number to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the number of votes cast at the last
preceding regular municipal election may be filed with the City Secretary requesting that any
such ordinance be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors.
A portion of Section 87 Amendment of Petitions – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 87 to remain unchanged:
Amendment of Petitions
Section 87. An initiative or referendum petition may be amended at any time within fifteen (15)
business days after the notification of insufficiency has been sent by the City Secretary, by filing
a supplementary petition upon additional papers signed and filed as provided in case of an
original petition. . . .
Shall Article XII (General Provisions), Section 118 (Oath of Office) of the College Station City
Charter be repealed and a new section added to Article IX (Nominations & Elections), providing
for an oath of office?
Section 118 Oath of Office – Repealed and replaced as follows:
Oath of Office
Every officer of the City shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, take and subscribe
to an oath or affirmation, similar to that required by the Texas Constitution for state officers,
before entering upon the duties of the office.
Oath of Office
The oath or affirmation shall be in a form provided by the City Secretary, shall be given before a
person authorized to administer oaths, and shall be filed and kept in the office of the City
Shall a provision be added to Article XII (General Provisions) of the College Station City
Charter to define business day and calendar day and the charter amended throughout to specify
when business day applies and when calendar day applies?
A new provision added to Article XII General Provisions – To read as follows:
“Business day” as used in this Charter means Monday through Friday, except for federal or State
of Texas holidays. “Calendar day” as used in this Charter means a 24-hour period (midnight to
midnight) as denoted on the calendar. Any reference in the Charter to “day” without specifying
calendar day or business day shall mean calendar day unless otherwise expressly provided in this
Calendar Day and Business Day
A portion of Section 59 Estimated Expenditures Shall Not Exceed Estimated Resources –
Amended to read as follows with the remainder of Section 59 to remain unchanged:
Estimated Expenditures Shall Not Exceed Estimated Resources
Section 59. The total estimated expenditures of the general fund and debt fund shall not exceed
the total estimated resources of each fund.
The City Council may by ordinance amend the budget during a fiscal year if one of the following
conditions exists:
1. If during the fiscal year the City Manager certifies that there are available for appropriation
revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget, the City Council, by ordinance, may
make supplemental appropriations for the year up to the amount of such excess. Before
approval, the Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget amendment. A
notice of the time and place of a public hearing on the supplemental appropriation shall be
published in the official newspaper of the City of College Station. The notice shall be
placed in the newspaper at least five (5) business days before the date of the hearing.
A portion of Section 84 Power of Referendum – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 84 to remain unchanged:
Power of Referendum
Section 84. . . .Within twenty (20) calendar days after the enactment by the City Council of any
ordinance which is subject to a referendum, a petition signed by qualified electors of the city
equal in number to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the number of votes cast at the last
preceding regular municipal election may be filed with the City Secretary requesting that any
such ordinance be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors.
A portion of Section 86 Filing; Examination and Certification of Petitions – Amended to read
as follows with the remainder of Section 86 to remain unchanged:
Filing; Examination and Certification of Petitions
Section 86. All petition papers comprising an initiative or referendum petition shall be
assembled and filed with the City Secretary as one instrument. Within ten (10) business days
after the petition is filed, the City Secretary shall determine whether each paper of the petition
has a proper statement of the circulator and whether the petition is signed by a sufficient number
of qualified electors. . . .
A portion of Section 87 Amendment of Petitions – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 87 to remain unchanged:
Amendment of Petitions
Section 87. . . .The City Secretary shall, within five (5) business days after such an amendment is
filed, make examination of the amended petition and, if the petition be still insufficient, he shall
file his certificate to that effect in his office and notify the committee of petitioners of his
findings, and no further action shall be had on such insufficient petition. The finding of the
insufficiency of a petition shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same purpose.
A portion of Section 89 Consideration by City Council – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 89 to remain unchanged:
Consideration by City Council
Section 89. . . .The City Council shall take final action on the ordinance not later than sixty (60)
calendar days after the date on which such ordinance was submitted by the City Secretary. A
referred ordinance shall be reconsidered by the City Council and its final vote upon such
reconsideration shall be upon the question. “Shall the ordinance specified in the referendum
petition be repealed?”
A portion of Section 96 Recall Petitions – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 96 to remain unchanged:
Recall Petitions
Section 96. The recall petition to be effective must be returned and filed with the City Secretary
within thirty (30) calendar days after the filing of the affidavit required in Section 95 of this
Article. . . .
Shall Article X (Franchises & Public Utilities), Section 104 (Procedure) of the College Station
City Charter be amended to require two (2) readings of the franchise ordinance to be read for
A portion of Section 104 Procedure – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 104 to remain unchanged:
Section 104. The City of College Station shall have the power by ordinance to grant any
franchise or right mentioned in the preceding sections hereof, which ordinance, however, shall
not be passed finally until it shall have been read at two (2) separate regular meetings of the City
Council. No ordinance granting a franchise shall pass any reading except by a vote of the
majority of the City Council, and such ordinance shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after
its adoption on its second and final reading; provided, however, that if at any time before such
ordinance shall finally take effect a petition shall be presented to the City Council signed by not
less than forty (40) percent of the bona fide qualified voters of the City, then the City Council
shall submit the question of the granting of such franchise to a vote of the qualified voters of the
City at the next succeeding general election to be held in the City, provided that notice thereof
shall be published in at least ten (10) successive issues of the official newspaper of the City of
College Station prior to the holding of such election. . . .
Shall the College Station City Charter be amended to provide for the update and modernization
of Article XI (Franchises & Public Utilities)?
A portion of Section 102 Control Over and Powers With Reference to City Property –
Amended to read as follows with the remainder of Section 102 to remain unchanged:
Control Over and Powers With Reference to City Property
Section 102. . . . .The City of College Station shall have the power, subject to the terms and
provisions hereof, by ordinance to confer upon any person or corporation, the franchise or right
to use the property of the city, as defined in the preceding paragraph, for the purpose of
furnishing to the public any general public service whereby a general service is to be furnished to
the public for compensation or hire, to be paid to the franchise holder, whereby a right to use the
streets, highways or other property of the City is necessary or proper; and generally to fix and
regulate the rates, tolls and charges of all public utilities of every kind operating within the
corporate limits of the City of College Station consistent with state law.
Section 103 Limitations – Amended to read as follows:
Section 103. No exclusive franchise or privilege shall ever be granted; nor a franchise, nor a
privilege to commence at any time after six (6) months subsequent to the taking effect of the
ordinance granting the same; and no franchise shall be directly or indirectly extended beyond the
term originally fixed by the ordinance granting the same, except as provided by the terms of this
A portion of Section 105 Terms and Conditions - Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 105 to remain unchanged:
Term and Conditions
Section 105. No determinate or fixed-term franchise shall ever be granted for a longer term than
twenty-five (25) years; nor shall any right, privilege or franchise now in existence be extended
beyond the period now fixed for its termination, directly or indirectly, or through any means
whatsoever, and any ordinance in violation or evasion of this prohibition shall be absolutely
void; provided, however, that any corporation, person or association of persons now holding any
franchise under any charter, charters or ordinances of the City of College Station may, with the
consent of the city council surrender such franchise or franchises, subject to the provisions of the
City Charter then in force. No holder of a franchise heretofore or hereafter granted shall have a
right (unless such right is granted in the franchise) to transfer or assign its properties and
franchise to any other person, firm or corporation without the consent of the city council by
ordinance, and such consent when given shall not operate as the granting of a franchise or as a
new franchise. . . .
All public utility franchises in the City of College Station shall be held whether expressed in the
ordinance or not, subject to the right of the city, each of the following being a condition . . . .
(7) To fix and regulate the price and rates for the service to be performed under the franchise
as may be permitted by state law. . . .
Section 106 Utility Rates and Charges – Amended to read as follows:
Utility Rates and Charges
Section 106. Consistent with state law, the City Council shall have the power by ordinance to fix
and regulate the price, rates, tolls and charges of all public utilities of every kind operating within
the corporate limits of the City of College Station that are subject to this Article.
Section 113 Franchise Records – Amended to read as follows:
Franchise Records
Section 113. The City shall maintain a public record of public utility franchises.
Shall the language in Article XII (General Provisions), Section 115 (Personal Interest) of the
College Station City Charter be replaced with language providing that members of City Council
and any officer or employee of the City shall comply with state law pertaining to conflicts of
interest of local government officials, including TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, Chapter 171?
Section 115 Personal Interest – Amended to read as follows:
Personal Interest
Section 115. Members of the City Council and officers and employees of the City shall comply
with state law pertaining to conflicts of interest of local government officials, including TEXAS
Shall the College Station City Charter be amended to add a provision to Article XII (General
Provisions) of the charter providing that the charter is to be gender neutral and amended
throughout to make the charter language gender neutral; to correct non-substantive errors such as
misspellings, punctuation, grammar and sentence structure; to make non-substantive changes to
clarify the meaning of various charter provisions; to conform to requirements and/or provisions
of current state law and/or federal law; and to remove charter language that is obsolete?
A new provision added to Article XII General Provisions - To read as follows:
Gender Neutrality
The wording of this Charter should be regarded as and is intended to be gender neutral.
A portion of Section 7 Extension of City Limits by the City Council – Amended to read as
follows with the remainder of Section 7 to remain unchanged:
Extension of City Limits by the City Council
Section 7. The City Council shall have the power to fix, by ordinance, the boundary limits of the
City of College Station, and to provide for the extension of such boundary limits and the
annexation of additional territory lying adjacent to the City, with or without the consent of the
inhabitants of such area to be annexed, in accordance with applicable state annexation laws. The
City Council shall have the power to detach, by ordinance, any territory, with or without the
consent of the inhabitants of such area to be detached, in accordance with applicable state
annexation laws. . . .
Section 8 Eminent Domain – Amended to read as follows:
Eminent Domain
Section 8. The City shall have the full right, power and authority to exercise the power of
eminent domain when necessary or desirable to carry out any of the power conferred upon it by
this charter or by the constitution or laws of the State of Texas. The City may also exercise the
power of eminent domain in any other manner now or hereafter authorized or permitted by the
constitution and laws of this state, or in the manner and form that may be provided by ordinance
of the governing body of the City. The power of eminent domain hereby conferred shall include
the right of the City to take the fee in the lands so condemned and such power and authority shall
include the right to condemn public property for such purposes. The City shall have and possess
this power of condemnation of property within or without the corporate limits for any municipal
or public purpose, even though not specifically enumerated herein or in this charter.
Section 17 Number, Selection, Term – Amended to read as follows:
Number, Selection, Term
Section 17. The City Council shall be composed of the Mayor and six (6) Councilmembers and
be known as the “City Council of the City of College Station.”
(a) The Mayor and other members of the City Council shall be elected from the City at large.
(b) The Mayor shall be the presiding officer of the City Council and shall be recognized as the
head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes
of military law, but shall have no regular administrative duties. The Mayor shall be entitled
to vote on all matters under consideration by the City Council.
(c) Each Councilmember, unless sooner removed under the provisions of this Charter, shall
serve for a term of three (3) years, beginning with the first meeting of the Council
following the Councilmember’s election, and ending with the first meeting of the Council
three (3) years later, or until the Councilmember’s successor has been elected and duly
qualified. The Mayor, unless sooner removed under the provisions of this Charter, shall
serve for a term of three (3) years, beginning with the first meeting of the Council
following the Mayor’s election and ending with the first meeting of the Council three (3)
years later, or until the Mayor’s successor has been elected and duly qualified.
(d) No person shall be deemed elected to an office unless that person receives a majority of all
the votes cast for such office. The Council shall, upon declaring the official results of the
election, order a run-off election for each office to which no one was elected. In the run-
off election, the two candidates who received, in the preceding election, the highest number
of votes for each office to which no one was elected, shall be voted on again by the
qualified voters, and the candidate who receives the majority of the votes cast for such
office in the run-off election shall be elected to such office.
(e) Beginning in 1999, there shall be no limit to the total number of terms served by the Mayor
or Councilmembers. However, no person shall be eligible to be elected to serve in the
capacity of the Councilmembers for consecutive regular terms totaling more than six (6)
years; nor shall any person be eligible to be elected to serve in the capacity of Mayor for
consecutive regular terms totaling more than six (6) years.
Section 18 Qualifications – Amended to read as follows:
Section 18. The Mayor and Councilmembers shall be citizens of the United States and qualified
voters of the State of Texas; shall have resided for at least one (1) year next preceding the
election, at which they are candidates, within the corporate limits of the City of College Station;
and shall not be disqualified by reason of any provision of any other section of this Charter. A
member of the City Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this section,
or any other section of this Charter, or convicted of a felony while in office, or who is absent
from three (3) consecutive regular Council meetings without consent of the Council, shall
immediately forfeit the office of Mayor or Councilmember.
A portion of Section 20 Presiding Officer; Mayor – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 20 to remain unchanged:
Presiding Officer; Mayor
Section 20. . . .The Mayor shall be entitled to vote upon all matters considered by the City
Council, but shall have no veto power. The City Council shall elect a Mayor Pro Tem from its
membership who shall act as Mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor.
Section 21 Vacancies – Amended to read as follows:
Section 21. A vacancy in the City Council shall be filled by a special election which shall be
called in accordance with state law. If any such vacancy shall occur within ninety (90) days
preceding a general election, then no special election shall be called; provided, however, that the
unexpired term shall be filled at the next general election. No such election shall be held sooner
than thirty (30) days from the date it is called.
Section 23 Appointment and Removal of City Manager – Amended to read as follows:
Appointment and Removal of City Manager
Section 23. The City Council shall appoint an officer of the City who shall have the title of City
Manager and serve at the pleasure of the Council. The City Manager shall have the powers and
perform the duties set forth in this charter. No Councilmember shall be appointed to serve as
City Manager during the term for which the Councilmember shall have been elected, nor within
one year after the expiration of the Councilmember’s term.
The salary of the City Manager shall be fixed by the City Council. If the City Manager is
removed at any time after six (6) months following appointment, the City Manager may demand
written charges and a public hearing thereon before the City Council prior to the date on which
final removal from office shall take effect, but pending such hearing the City Council may
suspend the City Manager from office. The action of the City Council in suspending or removing
the City Manager shall be final, it being the intention of this Charter to vest all authority and fix
all responsibility for such suspension or removal in the City Council.
Section 24 Council Not to Interfere In Appointments or Removals – Amended to read as
Council Not to Interfere In Appointments or Removals
Section 24. Neither the City Council nor any of its members shall direct the appointment or
removal of any person from office by the City Manager or by any of the City Manager’s
subordinates; provided, however, that the appointment or dismissal of department heads shall be
subject to the approval of the City Council. Except for the purpose of inquiry in accordance with
Section 36 of this charter, the City Council and its members shall deal with the administrative
service solely through the City Manager, and neither the City Council nor any member thereof
shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager, either publicly or privately.
Section 26 Administrative Departments – Amended to read as follows:
Administrative Departments
Section 26. There are hereby created the following administrative departments: Finance, Police,
Fire and Public Works. The City Council may, upon the advice of the City Manager, consolidate
into one department not more than two of the departments hereby established; and by ordinance
may create, change and abolish offices, departments or agencies other than the offices,
departments and agencies established by this Charter.
A portion of Section 27 City Secretary – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 27 to remain unchanged:
City Secretary
Section 27. . . . The City Secretary or Assistant City Secretary shall give notice of Council
meetings, shall keep a journal of its proceedings, shall record in full in a book or books kept and
indexed for that purpose all ordinances and resolutions which are then authenticated by the
signature of either the City Secretary or the Assistant City Secretary. The City Secretary shall
also perform such other duties provided in the Charter and assigned by the City Council.
The City Secretary shall have the power to appoint an assistant or assistants, if deemed necessary
by the City Secretary, subject to the approval of and at such compensation as may be fixed by the
City Council. Such assistant or assistants may be removed from office by the City Secretary.
A portion of Section 29 City Attorney – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 29 to remain unchanged:
City Attorney
Section 29. . . . The City Attorney shall represent the City in all litigation. The City Attorney
shall be the legal advisor of and attorney and counsel for the City and all officers and
departments thereof.
The City Attorney shall have power to appoint an assistant or assistants, if the City Attorney
deems necessary, subject to the approval of and at such compensation as may be fixed by the
City Council; and such assistant or assistants may be removed from office by the City Attorney.
A portion of Section 30 City Internal Auditor – Amended to read as follows with the remainder
of Section 30 to remain unchanged:
City Internal Auditor
Section 30. . . . The City Internal Auditor shall carry out the audit functions and shall perform
such other duties assigned by the City Council. The City Council may also enter into a contract
for the duties of City Internal Auditor, to be carried out by an outside firm, if it so chooses.
The City Internal Auditor shall have the power to appoint an assistant or assistants, if they deem
necessary, subject to the approval of and at such compensation as may be fixed by the City
Council; and such assistant or assistants may be removed from office by the City Internal
A portion of Section 35 Procedure for Passage of Ordinances – Amended to read as follows
with the remainder of Section 35 to remain unchanged:
Procedure for Passage of Ordinances
Section 35. . . . The City Secretary shall note on every ordinance, the caption of which is hereby
required to be published, and on the record thereof, the fact that same has been published as
required by the Charter, and the date of such publication, which shall be prima facie evidence of
the legal publication and promulgation of such ordinance; provided, however, that the provisions
of this section shall not apply to the correction, amendment, revision and codification of the
ordinances of the City for publication in book or pamphlet form. . . .
Section 38 Housing Authority – Amended to read as follows:
Housing Authority
Section 38. The City Council may create a housing authority of such number and terms of
members and may delegate to that authority such powers relating to the planning, construction,
reconstruction, alteration, repair, maintenance or operation of housing projects and housing
accommodations consistent with state law.
Section 40 Qualifications – Amended to read as follows:
Section 40. The City Manager shall be chosen by the City Council solely on the basis of the
prospective City Manager’s executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to
the applicant’s actual experience, knowledge, and accepted practice in respect to the duties of the
City Manager’s office as hereinafter set forth. At the time of appointment the City Manager
need not be a resident of the City or State, but during tenure as the City Manager, the new City
Manager must establish residence within the City.
A portion of Section 41 Powers and Duties – Amended to read as follows with the remainder
of Section 41 to remain unchanged::
Powers and Duties
Section 41. The City Manager shall be the chief executive officer and the head of the
administrative branch of the city government and shall be responsible to the City Council for the
proper administration of all affairs of the City. To that end the City Manager shall have power
and shall be required to:
(1) Appoint and, when necessary for the good of the service, remove all officers and
employees of the City except as otherwise provided by this Charter and except as the City
Manager may authorize the head of a department to appoint and remove subordinates in
such department. . . .
(5) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required by the City
A portion of Section 42 Absence if City Manager – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 42 to remain unchanged:
Absence of City Manager
Section 42. To perform the City Manager’s duties during the City Manager’s temporary leave of
absence or disability, the Mayor may designate by letter filed with the City Secretary a qualified
administrative officer of the City to serve for the City Manager. . . .
A portion of Section 43 Director of Departments – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 43 to remain unchanged:
Director of Departments
Section 43. At the head of each administrative department there shall be a director who shall be
an officer of the City and shall have supervision and control of the department subject to the City
Manager. . . .
Section 55 Effective Date of Budget; Certification; Copies Made Available – Amended to read
as follows:
Effective Date of Budget; Certification; Copies Made Available
Section 55. Upon final adoption, the budget shall be filed with the City Secretary and such other
officials as may be designated by state law. The final budget shall be printed, or otherwise
reproduced, and a reasonable number of copies shall be made available for the use of all offices,
departments and agencies, and for the use of interested persons and civic organizations.
A portion of Section 58 Contingent Appropriation – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 58 to remain unchanged:
Contingent Appropriation
Section 58. Provision shall be made in the annual budget and in the appropriation ordinance for
a contingent appropriation in an amount not more than three (3) percent of the total budget
expenditure, to be used in case of unforeseen items of expenditures. Such contingent
appropriation shall be under the control of, and distributed by, the City Manager, after approval
by the City Council. . . .
A portion of Section 59 Estimated Expenditures Shall Not Exceed Estimated Resources –
Amended to read as follows with the remainder of Section 59 to remain unchanged:
Estimated Expenditures Shall Not Exceed Estimated Resources
Section 59. The total estimated expenditures of the general fund and debt fund shall not exceed
the total estimated resources of each fund.
The City Council may by ordinance amend the budget during a fiscal year if one of the following
conditions exists . . . .
3. If at any time during the fiscal year it appears probable to the City Manager that the
revenues or fund balances available will be insufficient to meet the amounts appropriated,
the City Manager shall report to the City Council without delay, indicating the estimated
amount of the deficit, any remedial action taken and recommendations as to any other
steps to be taken. The Council shall then take such further action as it deems necessary to
prevent or reduce any deficit and for that purpose it may by ordinance reduce one or more
Section 77 Municipal Elections – Amended to read as follows:
Municipal Elections
Section 77. Regular municipal elections shall be held on a uniform election date set out in state
law. Special elections shall be ordered in compliance with applicable state law.
Section 79 How to Get Name on Ballot – Amended to read as follows:
How to Get Name on Ballot
Section 79. Any qualified person who desires to become a candidate in a general election to a
place on the City Council, shall file with the City Secretary an application for that person’s name
to appear on the ballot in accordance with the Texas Election Code. Such application shall
clearly designate the place on the Council to which the candidate seeks election. The application
must also contain the candidate’s sworn statement of compliance with the qualifications for
holding the office sought under the laws of Texas and the provisions of the Charter.
Section 80 Official Ballots – Amended to read as follows:
Official Ballots
Section 80. The full names of all candidates for the city council as hereinbefore provided, except
such as may have withdrawn, died or become ineligible, shall be printed on the official ballot
without party designation. If two candidates with the same surnames, or with names so similar as
to be likely to cause confusion, are nominated, the addresses of their places of residence shall be
placed with their names on the ballot. The order of the names on the ballot shall be determined
by lot.
Section 81 Laws Governing City Elections – Amended to read as follows:
Laws Governing City Elections
Section 81. All City elections shall be governed by the constitution of the State of Texas,
general laws of the state, this charter, and ordinances of the City, in the order named
Section 82 Canvassing Election – Amended to read as follows:
Canvassing Election
Section 82. Returns of elections, general and special, shall be made by the election officers to
the City Council on any date permitted by the Texas Election Code, at which time the City
Council shall canvass the returns and declare the results of the election.
A portion of Section 83 Power of Initiative – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 83 to remain unchanged:
Power of Initiative
Section 83. . . . Any initiative ordinance may be submitted to the City Council by a petition
signed by qualified electors of the City equal in number to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the
number of voters voting at the last regular municipal election.
A portion of Section 84 Power of Referendum – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 84 to remain unchanged:
Power of Referendum
Section 84. . . . Within twenty (20) days after the enactment by the City Council of any ordinance
which is subject to a referendum, a petition signed by qualified electors of the city equal in
number to at least twenty-five (25) percent of the number of voters voting at the last preceding
regular municipal election may be filed with the City Secretary requesting that any such
ordinance be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors.
Section 85 Form of Petitions; Committee of Petitioners – Amended to read as follows:
Form of Petitions; Committee of Petitioners
Section 85. Initiative petition papers shall contain the full text of the proposed ordinance. The
signatures to initiative or referendum petitions need not all be appended to one paper, but to each
separate petition there shall be attached a statement of the circulator thereof as provided by this
section. Any initiative petition paper shall include each petitioner’s signature in ink or indelible
pencil and shall indicate after each petitioner’s signature the petitioner’s place of residence by
street and number, or other description sufficient to identify the place. There shall appear on each
petition the names and addresses of five electors, who, as a committee of the petitioners, shall be
regarded as responsible for the circulation and filing of the petition. Attached to each separate
petition paper there shall be an affidavit of the circulator thereof that the circulator, and only the
circulator, personally circulated the foregoing paper, that it bears a stated number of signatures,
that all signatures appended thereto were made in the circulator’s presence, and that the
circulator believes them to be the genuine signatures of the persons whose names they purport to
A portion of Section 86 Filing; Examination and Certification of Petitions – Amended to read
as follows with the remainder of Section 86to remain unchanged:
Filing; Examination and Certification of Petitions
Section 86. . . . If a petition paper is found to be signed by more persons than the number of
signatures certified by the circulator, the last signatures in excess of the number certified shall be
disregarded. If a petition paper is found to be signed by fewer persons than the number certified,
the signatures shall be accepted unless void on other grounds. After the City Secretary has
completed the examination of the petition, the City Secretary shall certify the result thereof to the
city council at its next regular meeting. If the City Secretary certifies that the petition is
insufficient, the City Secretary shall set forth in the certificate of insufficiency the particulars in
which the petition is defective and shall at once notify the committee of the petitioners of the
A portion of Section 87 Amendment of Petitions – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 87 to remain unchanged:
Amendment of Petitions
Section 87. . . . The City Secretary shall, within five (5) days after such an amendment is filed,
make examination of the amended petition and, if the petition be still insufficient, the City
Secretary shall file a certificate to that effect in the City Secretary’s office and notify the
committee of petitioners of the findings. No further action shall be had on such insufficient
petition. The finding of the insufficiency of a petition shall not prejudice the filing of a new
petition for the same purpose.
Section 90 Submission to Electors – Amended to read as follows:
Submission to Electors
Section 90. If the City Council shall fail to pass an ordinance proposed by the initiative petition,
or shall pass it in a form different from that set forth in the petition therefor; or if the City
Council fails to repeal a referred ordinance, the proposed or referred ordinance shall be
submitted to the electors at an election to be held on the next uniform election date authorized by
state law for municipal elections.
A portion of Section 91 Form of Ballot for Initiated and referred Ordinances – Amended to
read as follows with the remainder of Section 91 to remain unchanged:
Form of Ballot for Initiated and Referred Ordinances
Section 91. . . . The ballot title may be different from the legal title of any such initiated or
referred ordinance and shall be a clear, concise statement, without argument or prejudice,
descriptive of the substance of such ordinance; and if a paper ballot, shall have to the left of the
ballot title the following propositions, one above the other in the order indicated: “FOR” and
“AGAINST” and shall otherwise comply with state law. Any number of ordinances may be
voted on at the same election and may be submitted on the same ballot, but any paper ballot used
for voting thereon shall be for that purpose only. If voting machines are used, the ballot title of
any ordinance shall have to the left of the same two propositions, one above the other or one
preceding the other in the order indicated, and the elector shall be given an opportunity to vote
for either of the two propositions and thereby to vote for or against the ordinance.
A portion of Section 95 Recall Procedures – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 95 to remain unchanged:
Recall Procedure
Section 95. . . . The City Secretary shall keep a sufficient number of such printed petition blanks
on hand for distribution. Such blanks when issued by the City Secretary shall bear the signature
of that officer and be addressed to the City Council, and shall be numbered, dated and indicate
the name of the person to whom issued. The petition blanks when issued shall also indicate the
number of such blanks issued and the name of the officer whose removal is sought. The City
Secretary shall enter in a record to be kept in the City Secretary’s office the name of the elector
to whom the petition blanks were issued and the number issued to said person.
Section 97 Recall Election – Amended to read as follows:
Recall Election
Section 97. The City Secretary shall at once examine the recall petition and if the City Secretary
finds it sufficient and in compliance with the provisions of this article of the charter, the City
Secretary shall within five (5) days submit it to the city council with the City Secretary’s
certificate to that effect and notify the officer sought to be recalled of such action. If the officer
whose removal is sought does not resign within five (5) days after such notice the city council
shall thereupon order and fix a date for holding a recall election to be held on the next uniform
election date authorized by state law for municipal elections.
A portion of Section 98 Ballots in Recall Election – Amended to read as follows with the
remainder of Section 98 to remain unchanged:
Ballots in Recall Election
Section 98. Ballots used at recall elections shall conform to the following requirements. . . .
(2) Immediately to the left of such question there shall be printed the two following responses,
one above the other, in the order indicated:
Section 99 Results of Recall Election – Amended to read as follows:
Results of Recall Election
Section 99. If a majority of the votes cast at a recall election shall be against the recall of the
officer named on the ballot, that officer shall continue in office for the remainder of that officer’s
unexpired term, subject to recall as before. If a majority of the votes cast at such an election be
for the recall of the officer named on the ballot, that officer shall, regardless of any technical
defects in the recall petition, be deemed removed from office and the vacancy shall be filled as in
other vacancies.
Section 100 Limitations on Recall – Amended to read as follows:
Limitations on Recalls
Section 100. No recall petition shall be filed against a Councilmember within six (6) months
after the Councilmember takes office, nor in respect to an officer subjected to a recall election
and not removed thereby, until at least six (6) months after such election.
A portion of Section 104 Procedure – Amended to read as follows with the remainder of
Section 104 to remain unchanged:
Section 104. . . . No ordinance granting a franchise shall pass any reading except by a vote of the
majority of the City Council, and such ordinance shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after
its adoption on its third and final reading; provided, however, that if at any time before such
ordinance shall finally take effect a petition shall be presented to the City Council signed by not
less than ten (10) percent of the registered voters of the City, then the City Council shall submit
the question of the granting of such franchise to a vote of the qualified voters of the City at the
next uniform election date prescribed by state law that allows sufficient time to comply with
other requirements of law, provided that notice thereof shall be published in at least twenty (20)
successive issues of the official newspaper of the City of College Station prior to the holding of
such election. The ballot shall briefly describe the franchise to be voted on and the terms thereof
and contain the words, “For”, and “Against” to the left of the language and shall otherwise
comply with state law. The vote shall be canvassed by the City Council, and should it result that
a majority of those voting thereon cast their votes “For” the granting of a franchise, then by order
entered in its minutes, the City Council shall so declare and such franchise shall at once take
effect. But should a majority of the votes be cast “Against” granting a franchise, then the City
Council by order entered in its minutes shall so declare and such franchise shall not take effect.
In case a franchise is refused by the City Council, then the matter may be submitted to the
qualified voters on petition and an election held under the procedures, as hereinbefore provided.
A failure of the City Council to finally pass on an application within six (6) months after the
filing of such application shall be construed as a refusal. The City Council in passing an
ordinance granting a franchise may provide therein that it shall not take effect until the same
shall have been submitted to and approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting therein at
a general election. All expenses of publication as it relates to this section be borne by the
petitioner, who shall make a deposit in advance to cover the estimated cost of publication, the
amount of the deposit to be determined by the City Manager.
Section 117 Relatives of Officers Shall Not be Appointed or Employed – Amended to read as
Relatives of Officers Shall Not be Appointed or Employed
Section 117. No person related within the second degree of affinity, or within the third degree of
consanguinity, to members of the City Council or the City Manager shall be appointed or
employed to any office, position or service in the City.
Section 119 Notice of Injury or Damage – Amended to read as follows:
Notice of Injury or Damage
Section 119. The City shall never be liable for any personal injury, whether resulting in death or
not, unless the person(s) injured, or someone in behalf of the injured or deceased person(s), or in
the event the injury results in death, the person or persons who may have a cause of action under
the law by reason of such death or injury, shall file a notice in writing with the City Secretary
within ninety (90) days after the same has occurred, stating specifically in such notice when,
where and how the exact injury occurred, the full extent of the injury, the amount of damages
claimed or asserted, and a list of persons, if known, who witnessed the injury. The City shall
never be liable for any claim for damage or injury to personal property unless the person whose
personal property has been injured or damaged, or someone in behalf of the person whose
personal property has been injured or damaged, shall file a claim in writing with the City
Secretary within ninety (90) days after said damage or injury occurred, stating specifically when,
where and how the damage or injury was sustained. The person giving notice under this Section
shall subscribe that person’s name to the notice under oath that the statements and facts
contained in said notice are true and correct.
2. The ballots will include the following propositions:
FOR/AGAINST Shall Article X (Initiative, Referendum, Recall), Sections 94
(Recall; General), 95 (Recall Procedure), 96 (Recall Petitions), and
97 (Recall Election) of the College Station City Charter be
amended to require grounds for removal of Council Members by
recall; provide that such grounds be included in the recall affidavit
and in the recall petitions; allow the City Secretary a reasonable
time to deliver the recall petition blanks; require that recall
petitions be signed by qualified electors who actually voted in the
election in which the person being proposed for recall was elected;
clarify the City Secretary’s role in examining the recall petitions;
and amend the number of days allowed for an officer whose
removal is sought to resign?
FOR/AGAINST Shall Article III (The City Council), Section 21 (Vacancies) of the
College Station City Charter be amended to authorize a process to
be followed to call an election in the event of a vacancy in the
office of Mayor and in the event of a vacancy in the office of
Mayor and all Council Members?
FOR/AGAINST Shall Article X (Initiative, Referendum, Recall), Section 83 (Power
of Initiative) and Section 84 (Power of Referendum) be amended
to clarify exceptions to the power of initiative and exceptions to
the power of referendum, to extend the number of days in which an
ordinance is subject to referendum from twenty (20) days to thirty
(30) days, to extend the number of days allowed the City Secretary
to examine the petitions from ten (10) days to fifteen (15) days,
and to provide that the number of days specified to examine the
petitions are business days?
FOR/AGAINST Shall Article XII (General Provisions), Section 118 (Oath of
Office) of the College Station City Charter be repealed and a new
section added to Article IX (Nominations & Elections), providing
for an oath of office?
FOR/AGAINST Shall a provision be added to Article XII (General Provisions) of
the College Station City Charter to define business day and
calendar day and the charter amended throughout to specify when
business day applies and when calendar day applies?
FOR/AGAINST Shall Article X (Franchises & Public Utilities), Section 104
(Procedure) of the College Station City Charter be amended to
require two (2) readings of the franchise ordinance to be read for
FOR/AGAINST Shall the College Station City Charter be amended to provide for
the update and modernization of Article XI (Franchises & Public
FOR/AGAINST Shall the language in Article XII (General Provisions), Section 115
(Personal Interest) of the College Station City Charter be replaced
with language providing that members of City Council and any
officer or employee of the City shall comply with state law
pertaining to conflicts of interest of local government officials,
including TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, Chapter 171?
FOR/AGAINST Shall the College Station City Charter be amended to add a
provision to Article XII (General Provisions) of the charter
providing that the charter is to be gender neutral and amended
throughout to make the charter language gender neutral; to correct
non-substantive errors such as misspellings, punctuation, grammar
and sentence structure; to make non-substantive changes to clarify
the meaning of various charter provisions; to conform to
requirements and/or provisions of current state law and/or federal
law; and to remove charter language that is obsolete?
3. The polling locations for each precinct are as follows:
8 Parkway Baptist Church
1501 Southwest Parkway
College Station, Texas
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Office
1500 George Bush Drive
College Station, Texas
10, 80 Living Hope Baptist Church
4170 State Highway 6, South
College Station, Texas
20 Memorial Student Center (MSC), Room 526
Texas A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd.
College Station, Texas
21 Cavitt Church of Christ
3200 Cavitt Avenue
Bryan, Texas
24, 53, 58 Hawthorn Suites
1010 University Drive, East
College Station, Texas
Larry J. Ringer Library
1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway
College Station, Texas
33, 49, 72, 74, Lincoln Center
1000 Eleanor
College Station, Texas
34 College Station City Hall
1101 Texas Avenue
College Station, Texas
35 College Station ISD Administration Building
1812 Welsh
College Station, Texas
St. Francis Episcopal Church
1101 Rock Prairie Road
College Station, Texas
40 Aldersgate Methodist Church
2201 Earl Rudder Freeway
College Station, Texas
41 Christ United Methodist Church
4201 State Highway 6, South
College Station, Texas
65, 69, 71
Wellborn Community Center
4119 W. Greens Prairie Road
College Station, Texas
68 Peach Creek Community Center
2216 Peach Creek Road
College Station, Texas
5. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on election day.
6. Joint early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mail. The period
for early voting by personal appearance for the special election shall be October 22 through
November 2, 2012. Optical scan ballots shall be used for early voting by mail and direct
recording electronic voting machines shall be used for early voting by personal appearance. The
Early Voting Clerk for said election shall be the County Clerk. She shall determine the number
of election workers to be hired and arrange for training of all election workers. Early voting by
personal appearance for the special election shall be conducted jointly at the locations and on the
following dates and times specified by the Brazos County Clerk:
Brazos County Administration Building – 200 S. Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas
Arena Hall – 2906 Tabor Road, Bryan, Texas
Galilee Baptist Church – 804 N. Logan, Bryan, Texas
College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility – 1603 Graham Rod, College Station,
Memorial Student Center – Room 526, A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd., College Station, Texas
October 22 – October 26 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday – Friday
October 27 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
October 28 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
October 29 – November 2 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Monday – Friday
Requests for application to vote by mail can be made by contacting the Early Voting Clerk at the
following address: Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk’s office, 300 E. 26th
Street Suite 120,
Bryan, Texas 77803
City Secretary
/s/ Sherry Mashburn
1. Se celebrarán eleccion especial el 6 de noviembre de 2012 con el propósito para
presentarles a los votantes nueve (9) propuestas de las siguientes enmiendas a los
Estatutos de la Ciudad:
¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo X (Iniciativa, Referéndum, Revocación), Secciones 94
(Revocación; General), 95 (Procedimiento Revocatorio), 96 (Peticiones Revocatorias), y 97
(Elecciones Revocatorias) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station para exigir que se
presenten bases para destituir a Miembros del Consejo por revocación; estipular que dichas bases
sean incluidas en la declaración jurada revocatoria y en las peticiones revocatorias; darle un
tiempo razonable al Secretario de la Ciudad para que presente el formulario de petición
revocatoria en blanco; aclarar el papel que desempeña el Secretario de la Ciudad en estudiar las
peticiones revocatorias; y enmendar el número de días permitidos para que el oficial, a quien se
le pide la destitución, resigne?
Sección 94 Revocación; General – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Revocación; General
Sección 94. Cualquier miembro del Consejo de la Ciudad podrá ser destituido de su cargo por
revocación por razones de incompetencia, falta de ética profesional o por actos ilícitos.
Una parte de la Sección 95 Procedimiento Revocatorio– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 95 permanecerá sin cambios:
Procedimiento Revocatorio
Sección 95. Cualquier elector de la Ciudad de College Station podrá realizar y presentarle al
Secretario de la Ciudad una declaración que incluya el nombre o los nombres de los oficiales a
quienes se les pide la destitución y estipular específicamente la razón o las razones por las cuales
se pide dicha destitución con tal certeza como para notificarle del asunto al oficial que se pide la
destitución y mencionarle los asuntos por los cuales es acusado. El Secretario de la Ciudad en un
tiempo razonable le presentará al elector que realice dicha declaración jurada, copias de
peticiones en blanco demandando dicha destitución. . . .
Una parte de la Sección 96 Peticiones Revocatorias– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
manera y el resto de la Sección 96 permanecerá sin cambios:
Peticiones Revocatorias
Sección 96. Para que la petición revocatoria entre en vigencia, deberá ser devuelta y registrada
con el Secretario de la Ciudad dentro de treinta (30) días después de presentar la declaración
jurada requerida en la Sección 95 de este Artículo. Cada hoja separada de la petición deberá
estipular específicamente la razón o las razones por las cuales se pide la destitución y los asuntos
y argumentos con los cuales es acusado el oficial. . . .
Una parte de la Sección 97 Elecciones Revocatorias– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 97 permanecerá sin cambios:
Elecciones Revocatorias
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Sección 97. El Secretario de la Ciudad revisará la petición revocatoria dentro de quince (15) días
hábiles, a partir de la fecha de su presentación, para determinar si la petición; estipula
específicamente la razón o las razones por las cuales se pide la destitución y los asuntos y
argumentos con los cuales es acusado el oficial, y si está firmada por el número suficiente de
electores, y si cumple con los requisitos de procedimiento de este artículo de los estatutos, y si se
concluye que la petición está completa, lo presentará ante el consejo de la ciudad en la siguiente
sesión regular programada con el certificado a tal efecto y le notificará de dicha acción al oficial
al cual se pide la destitución. Si el oficial al que se le pide la destitución no renuncia dentro de
siete (7) días calendario después de dicha notificación, el consejo de la ciudad, por lo tanto,
ordenará y pondrá una fecha para celebrar elecciones revocatorias. . . .
¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo III (del Consejo de la Ciudad), Sección 21 (Vacantes) de los
Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station para autorizar un proceso a seguir para convocar a
elecciones cuando haya una vacante en la oficina del Alcalde y cuando hayan vacantes en la
oficina del Alcalde y de todos los Miembros del Consejo?
Sección 21 Vacantes – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Sección 21. Se ocupará una vacante en el Consejo de la Ciudad por elecciones especiales, las
cuales se convocarán en un plazo de treinta (30) días de que ocurra dicha vacante. Si resulta
alguna vacante dentro de un plazo de noventa (90) días antes de las elecciones generales,
entonces no se convocarán elecciones especiales; siempre y cuando el puesto, cuyo término no
ha vencido, sea ocupado en las siguientes elecciones. En caso que el Alcalde no pueda ordenar
elecciones por alguna razón, los miembros restantes del Consejo de la Ciudad están autorizados
y dirigidos a ordenar elecciones y a realizar todas las demás acciones requeridas para dichas
elecciones. Si resultaran puestos vacantes en las oficinas del Alcalde y de todos los miembros del
Consejo de la Ciudad por cualquiera que sea la razón, los siguientes individuos, en el orden
mencionado, estarán autorizados y dirigidos a ordenar elecciones y realizar todas las acciones
requeridas para dichas elecciones:
1. Administrador de la Ciudad
2. Secretario de la Ciudad
3. Abogado de la Ciudad
4. Juez que Preside la Corte Municipal
¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo X (Iniciativa, Referéndum, Revocación), Sección 83 (Derecho
de Iniciativa) y Sección 84 (Derecho de Referéndum) para aclarar las excepciones al derecho de
iniciativa y las excepciones al derecho a referéndum, para extender el número de días en los
cuales una ordenanza está sujeta a referéndum de veinte (20) días a treinta (30) días, para
extender el número de días permitidos para que el Secretario de la Ciudad pueda revisar las
peticiones de diez (10) días a quince (15) días, y para indicar que el número de días estipulado
para revisar las peticiones sean días hábiles?
Sección 83 Derecho de Iniciativa – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Derecho de Iniciativa
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Sección 83. Los electores tendrán el derecho de proponer cualquier ordenanza, excepto las
ordenanzas de uso de tierras incluyendo, pero no limitado a, la clasificación o reclasificación de
propiedad; o a ordenanzas de asignar fondos, de autorizar la emisión de bonos o de autorizar el
gravamen de impuestos, y para adoptar o rechazar los mismos en las urnas, dicho derecho será
conocido como la iniciativa. Cualquier ordenanza de iniciativa se podrá presentar al Consejo de
la Ciudad por medio de una petición firmada por un número de electores calificados de la Ciudad
igual a por lo menos el veinticinco (25) porciento del número de votos emitidos en las elecciones
regulares municipales anteriores.
Sección 84 Derecho de Referéndum – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Derecho de Referéndum
Sección 84. Los electores tendrán el derecho de aprobar o rechazar en las urnas cualquier
ordenanza aprobada por el Consejo de la Ciudad o presentada en las urnas a los electores por el
Consejo de la Ciudad. Dicho derecho será conocido como el referéndum, excepto en el caso de
las ordenanzas de uso de tierras, incluyendo pero no limitado a, la clasificación o reclasificación
de propiedad; o a ordenanzas de asignación de fondos, de autorización de la emisión de bonos, o
de la elaboración del gravamen anual de impuestos. Las ordenanzas presentadas al Consejo de la
Ciudad por petición de iniciativa y aprobadas por el Consejo de la Ciudad, sin cargo, serán
sujetas al referéndum de igual manera que las otras ordenanzas. En un período de treinta (30)
días después de la promulgación de cualquier ordenanza por el Consejo de la Ciudad que sea
sujeta a un referéndum, se necesitará una petición firmada por un número de electores calificados
de la Ciudad igual a por lo menos el veinticinco (25) porciento del número de votos emitidos en
las elecciones regulares municipales anteriores. Esta petición se deberá registrar con el Secretario
de la Ciudad pidiendo que dicha ordenanza sea revocada o presentada ante los electores para
Una parte de la Sección 87 Enmienda a las Peticiones – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 87 permanecerá sin cambios:
Enmienda a las Peticiones
Sección 87. Una petición de iniciativa o de referéndum se podrá enmendar en cualquier
momento dentro de los quince (15) días hábiles después de que la notificación de insuficiencia
haya sido enviada por el Secretario de la Ciudad, al presentar una petición suplementaria que
contenga hojas adicionales firmadas y presentadas como se estipula en el caso de una petición
original. . . .
¿Se revocará el Artículo XII (Reglamentos Generales), Sección 118 (Juramento al Cargo) de los
Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station y se le agregará una nueva sección al Artículo IX
(Nominaciones y Elecciones), estipulando un juramento al cargo?
Sección 118 Juramento al Cargo – Revocado y reemplazado como sigue:
Juramento al Cargo
Juramento al Cargo
Todos los oficiales de la Ciudad, antes de tomar cargo de sus responsabilidades, tendrán que
juramentarse y firmar un juramento o afirmación similar al requerido por la Constitución de
Texas para oficiales del estado, antes de tomar cargo de las responsabilidades propias del puesto.
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El juramento o afirmación será parte de un formulario dado por el Secretario de la Ciudad y será
entregado ante una persona autorizada para administrar juramentos y se registrará y se mantendrá
en la oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad.
¿Se agregará un reglamento al Artículo XII (Reglamentos Generales) de los Estatutos de la
Ciudad de College Station para definir día hábil y día calendario y enmendar los estatutos para
especificar cuándo aplican días hábiles y cuándo aplican días calendario?
Un nuevo reglamento se agregó al Artículo XII Reglamentos Generales – el cual se leerá
como sigue:
Días Calendario y Días Hábiles
“Día hábil” como se indica en estos Estatutos significa de lunes a viernes, excepto días de
feriado nacional o del Estado de Texas. “Día Calendario” como se indica en estos Estatutos se
refiere a un período de 24 horas (de media noche de un día a media noche del siguiente) como
indica el calendario regular. Cualquier referencia en estos Estatutos a “día” sin especificar día
calendario o día hábil significará día calendario a menos que sea indicado expresamente en estos
Una parte de la Sección 59 Los Gastos Estimados No Excederán los Recursos Estimados
– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 59 permanecerá
sin cambios:
Los Gastos Estimados No Excederán los Recursos Estimados
Sección 59. El total de los gastos estimados del fondo general y del fondo de recolección de
deudas no excederá el total de los recursos estimados de cada fondo.
El Consejo de la Ciudad podrá, por ordenanza, enmendar el presupuesto durante el año fiscal si
una de las siguientes condiciones existe:
1. Si durante el año fiscal el Administrador de la Ciudad certifica que existe un excedente de
ingresos mayor al estimado en el presupuesto y disponible para ser asignado, entonces el
Consejo de la Ciudad, por ordenanza, podrá destinar fondos suplementarios para el año fiscal
hasta la cantidad de dicho excedente. Antes de ser aprobado, el Consejo realizará una audiencia
pública con respecto a la enmienda propuesta al presupuesto. Se publicará en el diario oficial de
la Ciudad de College Station un aviso indicando el lugar y la hora de dicha audiencia pública
para tratarse de la asignación de fondos suplementarios. El aviso se publicará en el periódico por
lo menos cinco (5) días hábiles antes de la fecha indicada de la audiencia.
Una parte de la Sección 84 Derecho de Referéndum – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 84 permanecerá sin cambios:
Derecho de Referéndum
Sección 84. . . . En un período de veinte (20) días calendario después de la promulgación de
cualquier ordenanza realizada por el Consejo de la Ciudad que sea sujeta a referéndum, se podrá
presentar al Secretario de la Ciudad una petición firmada por un número de electores calificados
de la ciudad de por lo menos el veinticinco (25) porciento del número de votos emitidos en las
elecciones municipales regulares anteriores, pidiendo que dicha ordenanza sea revocada o
presentada ante los electores para votación.
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Una parte de la Sección 86 Presentación; Revisión y Certificación de Peticiones- Al ser
enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 86 permanecerá sin
Presentación; Revisión y Certificación de Peticiones
Sección 86. Todas las hojas de peticiones incluidas en una petición de iniciativa o de referéndum
serán reunidas y entregadas al Secretario de la Ciudad como un solo documento. En un período
de diez (10) días hábiles después de ser entregada la petición, el Secretario de la Ciudad
determinará si cada hoja de la petición tiene la declaración apropiada del circulador y si la
petición está firmada por el número suficiente de electores calificados. . . .
Una parte de la Sección 87 Enmienda a las Peticiones – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 87 permanecerá sin cambios:
Enmienda a las Peticiones
Sección 87. . . . El Secretario de la Ciudad revisará la enmienda a la petición dentro de un plazo
de cinco (5) días hábiles después de que dicha enmienda fuese entregada, y si la petición aun se
encuentra incompleta, presentará el certificado como tal en su oficina y le notificará al comité
solicitante de sus conclusiones y no se hará nada más con respecto a dicha petición incompleta.
Las conclusiones de insuficiencia de una petición no perjudicarán la oportunidad de presentar
una nueva petición con el mismo propósito.
Una parte de la Sección 89 Consideración por el Consejo de la Ciudad – Al ser enmendada se
leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 89 permanecerá sin cambios:
Consideración por el Consejo de la Ciudad
Sección 89. . . . El Consejo de la Ciudad tomará su decisión final acerca de la ordenanza a más
tardar sesenta (60) días calendario después de la fecha en que dicha ordenanza fuese entregada
por el Secretario de la Ciudad. Una ordenanza referida será reconsiderada por el Consejo de la
Ciudad y la votación final de dicha reconsideración tendrá que contestar la pregunta: “¿Se deberá
revocar la ordenanza especificada en la petición de referéndum?”
Una parte de la Sección 96 Peticiones Revocatorias– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
manera y el resto de la Sección 96 permanecerá sin cambios:
Peticiones Revocatorias
Sección 96. Para que la petición revocatoria entre en vigencia, deberá ser entregada y presentada
al Secretario de la Ciudad dentro de un plazo de treinta (30) días calendario después de presentar
la declaración jurada requerida en la Sección 95 de este Artículo. . . .
¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo X (Franquicias y Servicios Públicos Esenciales), Sección 104
(Procedimiento) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station a requerir dos (2) lecturas de la
ordenanza de franquicia a ser leídas para ser aprobada?
Una parte de la Sección 104 Procedimiento – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
manera y el resto de la Sección 104 permanecerá sin cambios:
Sección 104. La Ciudad de College Station tendrá la autoridad, por ordenanza, a otorgar
cualquier franquicia o derecho mencionado en las secciones anteriores del presente documento,
sin embargo, la ordenanza no se aprobará finalmente hasta haber sido leída en dos (2) sesiones
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regulares separadas del Consejo de la Ciudad. Ninguna ordenanza que otorgue una franquicia se
aprobará por lectura excepto por voto de la mayoría de miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad, y
dicha ordenanza no tomará vigencia hasta sesenta (60) días después de ser adoptada en la
segunda y última lectura; siempre y cuando si en cualquier momento antes de que dicha
ordenanza finalmente entre en vigencia, se presente una petición al Consejo de la Ciudad firmada
por no menos del cuarenta (40) porciento de los votantes calificados auténticos de la Ciudad;
entonces el Consejo de la Ciudad presentará a votación y cuestionará la otorgación de dicha
franquicia a los votantes calificados de la Ciudad en las siguientes elecciones generales a
celebrarse en la Ciudad, siempre que se publique el aviso del mismo en por lo menos diez (10)
números sucesivos del periódico oficial de la Ciudad de College Station antes de celebrar dichas
elecciones. . . .
¿Se enmendarán los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station para proporcionar la actualización
y modernización del Artículo XI (Franquicias y Servicios Públicos Esenciales)?
Una parte de la Sección 102 Control Sobre y Poder Con Respecto a la Propiedad de la Ciudad
– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 102 permanecerá
sin cambios:
Control Sobre y Poder Con Respecto a la Propiedad de la Ciudad
Sección 102. . . . . La Ciudad de College Station tendrá el poder, por ordenanza, y sujeta a los
términos y reglamentos del presente documento, de otorgarle a cualquier persona o corporación,
la franquicia o derecho a usar propiedad de la ciudad, como se define en el párrafo anterior, con
el propósito de suministrarle al público cualquier servicio público general a través del cual un
servicio público general se le debe suministrar al público con la compensación o empleo debido,
a ser pagado al titular de la franquicia, a través del cual es necesario o apropiado adquirir el
derecho de uso de las calles, carreteras u otras propiedades de la Ciudad; y generalmente para
fijar y regular las tarifas, peajes y cargos de todos los servicios públicos esenciales de todo tipo
operando dentro de los límites corporativos de la Ciudad de College Station consistentes con la
ley estatal.
Sección 103 Limitaciones – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Sección 103. No se le otorgará a ninguna franquicia exclusividad ni privilegios; ni una
franquicia, ni un privilegio a darse en cualquier momento después de los seis (6) meses
posteriores a que la ordenanza otorgando el mismo haya entrado en vigencia; y ninguna
franquicia será extendida directa o indirectamente a más del término original fijado por la
ordenanza que otorgue la misma, excepto lo estipulado por los términos de estos estatutos.
Una parte de la Sección 105 Términos y Condiciones- Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 105 permanecerá sin cambios:
Términos y Condiciones
Sección 105. Ninguna franquicias de tiempo determinado o fijo será otorgado un término mayor
a veinticinco (25) años; tampoco se extenderá el período de ningún derecho, privilegio o
franquicia que se encuentre actualmente en existencia más allá del período ya fijado para su
terminación, directa o indirectamente, o a través de cualquier medio, y cualquier ordenanza que
no cumpla o evada esta prohibición será absolutamente nula; a pesar de ello, cualquier
corporación, individuo o asociación de individuos que actualmente posean alguna franquicia bajo
alguno de los estatutos u ordenanzas de la Ciudad de College Station podrán, con la autorización
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del consejo de la ciudad, renunciar a dicha franquicia o franquicias, siempre sujeto a los
reglamentos de los Estatutos de la Ciudad en vigencia en ese momento. Ningún titular de una
franquicia otorgada hasta este momento o de aquí en adelante tendrá el derecho (a menos que
dicho derecho se otorgue en la franquicia) a transferir o asignar sus propiedades y franquicia a
otro individuo, empresa o corporación sin la autorización del consejo de la ciudad por ordenanza,
y dicha autorización, Al ser dada, no operará como la otorgación de una franquicia o como una
nueva franquicia. . . .
Todas las franquicias de servicios públicos esenciales operando en la Ciudad de College Station
estarán sujetos al derecho de la ciudad, ya sea expresamente indicado en la ordenanza o no y
cada una de las siguientes será una condición. . . .
(7) Fijar y regular el precio y las tarifas por el servicio a realizarse bajo la franquicia y
permitido por la ley estatal. . . .
Sección 106 Tarifas y Cargos de Servicios Públicos Esenciales– Al ser enmendada se leerá de
la siguiente manera:
Tarifas y Cargos de Servicios Públicos Esenciales
Sección 106. Consistente con la ley estatal, el Consejo de la Ciudad tendrá la autoridad, por
ordenanza, a fijar y regular el precio, las tarifa, el peaje, y los cargos de todos los servicios
públicos esenciales de cualquier tipo que operen dentro de los límites corporativos de la Ciudad
de College Station que estén sujetos a este Artículo.
Sección 113 Registros de Franquicias – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Registros de Franquicias
Sección 113. La Ciudad mantendrá un registro público de las franquicias de servicios públicos
¿Se reemplazarán los términos contenidos en el Artículo XII (Reglamentos Generales), Sección
115 (Interés Personal) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station con términos que
estipulen que los miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad y cualquier otro oficial o empleado de la
Ciudad cumplirá con las leyes estatales relacionadas con los conflictos de interés de los oficiales
del gobierno local, incluyendo el CÓDIGO DE GOBIERNO LOCAL DE TEXAS, Capítulo
Sección 115 Interés Personal – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Interés Personal
Sección 115. Los Miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad y los oficiales y empleados de la Ciudad
cumplirán con las leyes estatales relacionadas con los conflictos de interés de oficiales de
gobierno local, incluyendo el CÓDIGO DE GOBIERNO LOCAL DE TEXAS, Capítulo 171.
¿Se deberán enmendar los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station para agregar un reglamento
al Artículo XII (Reglamentos Generales) de los estatutos, estipulando que los estatutos deberán
ser de tipo género neutro y enmendar todo el documento para que el lenguaje de los estatutos sea
de tipo género neutro; para corregir los errores no fundamentales tales como errores de
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ortografía, puntuación, gramática, y estructura de las oraciones; para realizar los cambios no
fundamentales, los cuales aclararán el significado de varios reglamentos de los estatutos; para
cumplir con los requisitos y/o reglamentos de la ley actual del estado y/o las leyes federales; y
para remover términos obsoletos de los estatutos?
Un nuevo reglamento se agregó al Artículo XII Reglamentos Generales - se leerá como sigue:
Género Neutro
El lenguaje de los Estatutos deberá considerarse y será deliberadamente de tipo género neutro.
Una parte de la Sección 7 Extensión de los Límites de la Ciudad por el Consejo de la Ciudad –
Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 7 permanecerá sin
Extensión de los Límites de la Ciudad por el Consejo de la Ciudad
Sección 7. El Consejo de la Ciudad tendrá el poder de fijar, por ordenanza, los límites divisorios
de la Ciudad de College Station, y a proveer por la extensión de dichos límites divisorios y por la
anexión de territorios adicionales que se encuentren adyacentes a la Ciudad, con o sin el
consentimiento de los habitantes de dicha área a ser anexada, de acuerdo con las leyes aplicables
de anexión del estado. El Consejo de la Ciudad tendrá el poder de separar, por ordenanza,
cualquier territorio, con o sin el consentimiento de los habitantes de dicha área a ser separada, de
acuerdo con las leyes aplicables de anexión del estado. . . .
Sección 8 Dominio Eminente – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Dominio Eminente
Sección 8. La Ciudad tendrá el pleno derecho, poder y autoridad para ejecutar el poder de
dominio eminente cuando fuera necesario o deseable ejecutar el poder conferido por estos
estatutos o por la constitución o las leyes del Estado de Texas. La Ciudad también podrá ejecutar
el poder de dominio eminente de cualquier otra manera actualmente o de aquí en adelante,
autorizado o permitido por la constitución y las leyes de este estado, o de manera o forma
estipulada por ordenanza de la administración de la Ciudad. El poder de dominio eminente
conferido en este documento incluirá el derecho que tiene la Ciudad de tomar la servidumbre de
las tierras conferidas y dicho poder y autoridad incluirá el derecho de confiscar la propiedad
privada para dichos propósitos. La Ciudad tendrá y poseerá este poder de confiscar la propiedad
dentro o fuera de los límites corporativos para fines municipales o públicos, aunque no se
especifique de forma numerada en el presente documento o en estos estatutos.
Sección 17 Número, Selección y Término– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Número, Selección y Término
Sección 17. El Consejo de la Ciudad estará compuesto del Alcalde y de seis (6) Miembros del
Consejo que conjuntamente se denominará el “Consejo de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de College
(a) El Alcalde y otros miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad serán electos dentro de la extensión
de todo el territorio que abarca la Ciudad.
(b) El Alcalde dirigirá los asuntos del Consejo de la Ciudad y será reconocido como el jefe del
gobierno de la Ciudad para todos los propósitos ceremoniales y por el Gobernador en
cuanto a las leyes militares, pero no tendrá responsabilidades administrativas regulares. El
Alcalde podrá votar sobre todos los aspectos considerados por el Consejo de la Ciudad.
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(c) Cada Miembro del Consejo, a menos que sea destituido anticipadamente bajo los
reglamentos de estos Estatutos, servirá por un término de tres (3) años, comenzando con la
primera sesión del Consejo después de ser electo para ser Miembro del Consejo, y
terminando con la primera sesión del Consejo tres (3) años más tarde, o hasta que el
sucesor del Miembro del Consejo haya sido electo y se encuentre debidamente calificado
para ejercer el cargo. El Alcalde, a menos que sea destituido anticipadamente bajo los
reglamentos de estos Estatutos, servirá por un término de tres (3) años, comenzando con la
primera sesión del Consejo después de ser electo Alcalde, y terminando con la primera
sesión del Consejo tres (3) años más tarde, o hasta que el sucesor del Alcalde haya sido
electo y se encuentre debidamente calificado para ejercer el cargo.
(d) No se considerará electo a ejercer el cargo hasta no recibir una mayoría de todos los votos
emitidos para dicho cargo. Una vez declarados los resultados oficiales de las elecciones, el
Consejo deberá ordenar elecciones de segunda vuelta para cada cargo en el cual nadie fue
electo. Los votantes calificados votarán nuevamente en las elecciones de segunda vuelta
por alguno de los dos candidatos que recibieron el mayor número de votos para cada cargo
que no hubo un electo en las elecciones anteriores, y el candidato que reciba la mayoría de
votos emitidos para dicho cargo en las elecciones de segunda vuelta, será electo a dicho
(e) Comenzando en el año 1999, no habrá límite en el número total de términos a servir para
Alcalde ni para Miembros del Consejo. Sin embargo, ningún individuo será elegible a ser
electo para servir en la capacidad de Miembro del Consejo por términos consecutivos
regulares que sumen un total de seis (6) años; ni tampoco será elegible a ser electo para
servir en la capacidad de Alcalde por términos consecutivos regulares que sumen un total
de seis (6) años.
Sección 18 Requisitos – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Sección 18. El Alcalde y los Miembros del Consejo serán ciudadanos de Los Estados Unidos y
votantes calificados del Estado de Texas; tendrán que haber vivido por lo menos un (1) año antes
de las elecciones en las cuales participan como candidatos, dentro de los límites corporativos de
la Ciudad de College Station; y no podrán ser descalificados por ninguna razón debido a algún
reglamento o alguna otra sección de estos Estatutos. Un Miembro del Consejo de la Ciudad que
no tenga alguno de los requisitos especificados en esta sección, o en cualquier otra sección de
estos Estatutos, o que haya sido declarado culpable de un delito grave mientras se encuentre bajo
el cargo oficial, o que se ausente en tres (3) sesiones regulares consecutivas del Consejo sin el
consentimiento del Consejo, perderá el derecho de ejercer el cargo de Alcalde o de Miembro del
Una parte de la Sección 20 Oficial que Preside; El Alcalde – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 20 permanecerá sin cambios:
Oficial que Preside; el Alcalde
Sección 20. . . . El Alcalde podrá votar por todos los aspectos considerados por el Consejo de la
Ciudad, pero no tendrá autoridad de vetar. El Consejo de la Ciudad elegirá a un Alcalde a cargo,
entre los miembros, el cual desempeñará el cargo de Alcalde en ausencia o por incapacidad del
Sección 21 Vacantes – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
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Sección 21. Será ocupada una vacante en el Consejo de la Ciudad por elecciones especiales que
se convocarán de acuerdo con la ley del estado. Si resulta un puesto vacante dentro del período
de noventa (90) días antes de las elecciones generales, entonces no se convocarán elecciones
especiales; siempre y cuando el cargo cuyo término no haya concluido, sea ocupado en las
siguientes elecciones generales. No se celebrarán dichas elecciones en menos de treinta (30) días
a partir de la fecha de convocación.
Sección 23 Nombramiento y Destitución de un Alcalde de la Ciudad – Al ser enmendada se
leerá de la siguiente manera:
Nombramiento y Destitución de un Alcalde de la Ciudad
Sección 23. El Consejo de la Ciudad nombrará a un oficial de la Ciudad quien tendrá el título de
Administrador de la Ciudad y realizará las tareas encomendadas por el Consejo. El
Administrador de la Ciudad tendrá la autoridad y desempeñará las funciones estipuladas en estos
estatutos. Ningún Miembro del Consejo será nombrado para servir como Administrador de la
Ciudad durante el término para el cual fue electo, ni en el período de un año después de vencido
el término de Miembro del Consejo.
El salario del Administrador de la Ciudad será fijado por el Consejo de la Ciudad; si el
Administrador de la Ciudad fuese destituido en cualquier momento después de seis (6) meses
después de ser nombrado, entonces el Administrador de la Ciudad podrá exigir que los cargos se
especifiquen en forma escrita y podrá exigir una audiencia pública con respecto al asunto ante el
Consejo de la Ciudad antes de la fecha en que entre en vigencia la destitución final del cargo;
pero antes de dicha audiencia, el Consejo de la Ciudad podrá suspender al Administrador de la
Ciudad de su cargo. La decisión de suspender o destituir al Administrador de la Ciudad por parte
del Consejo de la Ciudad será definitiva, ya que la intención de estos Estatutos es conferir toda
autoridad y fijar toda responsabilidad para dicha suspensión o destitución en el Consejo de la
Sección 24 El Consejo no Interferirá en Nombramientos ni Destituciones – Al ser enmendada
se leerá de la siguiente manera:
El Consejo no Interferirá en Nombramientos ni Destituciones
Sección 24. Ni el Consejo de la Ciudad ni cualquiera de sus miembros podrá dirigir el
nombramiento o destitución de cualquier individuo del cargo por el Administrador de la Ciudad
o por cualquiera de sus subalternos; a pesar de ello, el nombramiento o destitución de jefes de
departamento estará sujeta a la aprobación del Consejo de la Ciudad. Excepto para los propósitos
de investigación de acuerdo con la Sección 36 de estos estatutos, el Consejo de la Ciudad y sus
miembros tratarán los servicios administrativos solamente a través del Administrador de la
Ciudad, y ni el Consejo de la Ciudad ni cualquiera de sus miembros podrá darle órdenes a los
subalternos del Administrador de la Ciudad, ya sea pública ni privadamente.
Sección 26 Departamentos Administrativos – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
Departamentos Administrativos
Sección 26. Por este medio se han creado los siguientes departamentos administrativos: el
Departamento Financiero, la Policía, los Bomberos y Obras Públicas. El Consejo de la Ciudad
podrá consolidar en un solo departamento, con la asesoría del Administrador de la Ciudad, no
más de dos de los departamentos establecidos y mencionados anteriormente; y por ordenanza
podrá crear, cambiar, y eliminar oficinas, departamentos o agencias que no sean las oficinas,
departamentos y agencias establecidas por estos Estatutos.
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Una parte de la Sección 27 El Secretario de la Ciudad – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 27 permanecerá sin cambios:
Secretario de la Ciudad
Sección 27. . . . El Secretario de la Ciudad o el Asistente del Secretario de la Ciudad realizará la
notificación de las sesiones del Consejo, mantendrá un diario con las actas de las sesiones,
registrará en un libro o libros todas las ordenanzas y reglamentos, ordenados con índice, los
cuales deberán estar luego autenticados con la firma, ya sea del Secretario de la Ciudad o del
Asistente del Secretario de la Ciudad. El Secretario de la Ciudad, además, realizará otras
funciones estipuladas en los Estatutos y aquellas funciones asignadas por el Consejo de la
El Secretario de la Ciudad tendrá el poder de nombrar a un asistente o asistentes, si así lo
considera necesario el Secretario de la Ciudad, y estará sujeto a la aprobación y a la
compensación que podrá estar fijada por Consejo. Dicho asistente o asistentes podrán ser
destituidos de su cargo por el Secretario de la Ciudad.
Una parte de la Sección 29 Abogado de la Ciudad – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
manera y el resto de la Sección 29 permanecerá sin cambios:
Abogado de la Ciudad
Sección 29. . . . El Abogado de la Ciudad representará a la Ciudad en todos los litigios. El
Abogado de la Ciudad será el asesor legal de la Ciudad y también actuará como el abogado y
defensor de la Ciudad y de todos los oficiales y departamentos del mismo.
El Abogado de la Ciudad tendrá la autoridad de nombrar a un asistente o asistentes, si así lo
considera necesario el Abogado de la Ciudad, y estará sujeto a la aprobación y a la
compensación que podrá estar fijada por el Consejo. Dicho asistente o asistentes podrán ser
destituidos de su cargo por el Abogado de la Ciudad.
Una parte de la Sección 30 Auditor Interno de la Ciudad – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 30 permanecerá sin cambios:
El Auditor Interno de la Ciudad
Sección 30. . . . El Auditor Interno de la Ciudad llevará a cabo las funciones de auditoría y
realizará otras tareas asignadas por el Consejo de la Ciudad. El Consejo de la Ciudad, además,
podrá celebrar un contrato con respecto a las responsabilidades de Auditor Interno de la Ciudad,
para ser llevadas a cabo por otra empresa, si así lo desea.
El Auditor Interno de la Ciudad tendrá el poder de nombrar a un asistente o asistentes, si lo
considera necesario, y estará sujeto a la aprobación y a la compensación que podrá estar fijada
por el Consejo de la Ciudad. Dicho asistente o asistentes podrán ser destituidos de su cargo por
el Auditor Interno de la Ciudad.
Una parte de la Sección 35 Procedimiento para la Aprobación de Ordenanzas– Al ser
enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 35 permanecerá sin
Procedimiento para la Aprobación de Ordenanzas
Sección 35. . . . El Secretario de la Ciudad anotará sobre cada ordenanza, el encabezado
requerido a publicarse, y en el registro del mismo, el hecho de publicar el mismo encabezado
como lo estipulan los Estatutos, y la fecha de dicha publicación, servirá como presunción de
hecho de la publicación y promulgación legal de dicha ordenanza; siempre y cuando los
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reglamentos de esta sección no apliquen a la corrección, enmienda, revisión ni codificación de
las ordenanzas de la Ciudad para publicarse en libros o en forma de panfleto. . . .
Sección 38 Autoridad de Vivienda – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Autoridad de Vivienda
Sección 38. El Consejo de la Ciudad podrá crear una autoridad de la vivienda con el número de
miembros y términos de los miembros y podrá delegar a esta autoridad tales poderes
relacionados con la planificación, construcción, reconstrucción, modificación, reparación,
mantenimiento u operación de proyectos de vivienda y alojamiento consistentes con la ley del
Sección 40 Requisitos – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Sección 40. El Administrador de la Ciudad será elegido por el Consejo de la Ciudad únicamente
en base a los requisitos y capacidades ejecutivas y administrativas del candidato a Administrador
de la Ciudad con referencia especial a la actual experiencia, conocimientos, y prácticas aceptadas
del candidato con respecto a las responsabilidades del cargo de Administrador de la Ciudad
como se estipula de aquí en adelante. El candidato al puesto no tiene que ser ni residente de la
Ciudad ni del estado al momento de ser nombrado Administrador de la Ciudad, pero al ocupar el
puesto del nuevo Administrador de la Ciudad de forma permanente, éste deberá establecer su
residencia dentro de la Ciudad.
Una parte de la Sección 41 Poderes y Responsabilidades – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 41 permanecerá sin cambios:
Poderes y Responsabilidades
Sección 41. El Administrador de la Ciudad será el director ejecutivo y el director de la rama
administrativa del gobierno de la ciudad y ante el Consejo de la Ciudad será responsable de la
administración apropiada de todos los asuntos de la Ciudad. Para ello, el Administrador de la
Ciudad tendrá el poder y la responsabilidad de:
(1) Nombrar y, cuando fuera necesario por el bien del servicio, despedir a todos los oficiales
y empleados de la Ciudad excepto estipulado de otra manera en estos Estatutos y excepto
si como Administrador de la Ciudad, éste autoriza al jefe de un departamento a nombrar y
despedir a subalternos en dicho departamento. . . .
(5) Realizar otras tareas indicadas por estos Estatutos o requeridas por el Consejo de la
Una parte de la Sección 42 En ausencia del Administrador de la Ciudad – Al ser enmendada
se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 42 permanecerá sin cambios:
En Ausencia del Administrador de la Ciudad
Sección 42. Para realizar las responsabilidades del Administrador de la Ciudad en la ausencia
temporal o por incapacidad del mismo, el Alcalde podrá designar a un oficial administrativo
calificado de la Ciudad, por medio de una carta registrada con el Secretario de la Ciudad, para
servir como Administrador de la Ciudad. . . .
Una parte de la Sección 43 Directores de Departamentos – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 43 permanecerá sin cambios:
Directores de Departamentos
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Sección 43. En cada departamento administrativo habrá un oficial de la Ciudad que tomará el
cargo de director, el cual supervisará y controlará el departamento y estará sujeto a las
disposiciones del Administrador de la Ciudad. . . .
Sección 55 Fecha efectiva del Presupuesto; Certificación; Copias Disponibles– Al ser
enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Fecha efectiva del Presupuesto; Certificación; Copias Disponibles
Sección 55. Una vez adoptado el presupuesto final, se archivará en la oficina del Secretario y en
la oficina de cualquier otro oficial que podrá ser designado por la ley estatal. El presupuesto final
podrá imprimirse o de otra manera ser reproducida, y mantener una cantidad razonable de copias
disponibles para el uso de todas las oficinas, departamentos y agencias, y para el uso de las
personas y entidades cívicas interesadas.
Una parte de la Sección 58 Asignación Contingente– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 58 permanecerá sin cambios:
Asignación Contingente
Sección 58. Se hará la disposición de asignación contingente en el presupuesto anual y en la
ordenanza de asignación, por una cantidad que no exceda el tres (3) porciento de los gastos
totales del presupuesto, a ser utilizado en caso de gastos improvistos. Tal asignación contingente
estará bajo el control de y será distribuido por el Administrador de la Ciudad, después de ser
aprobada por el Consejo de la Ciudad. . . .
Una parte de la Sección 59 Los Gastos Estimados No excederán Los Recursos Estimados – Al
ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 59 permanecerá sin
Los Gastos Estimados No excederán Los Recursos Estimados
Sección 59. Los gastos estimados del fondo general y del fondo de recolección de deudas no
excederán el total estimado de recursos para cada fondo.
El Consejo de la Ciudad podrá, por ordenanza, enmendar el presupuesto durante el año fiscal si
una de las condiciones siguientes existe. . . .
3. Si en cualquier momento durante el año fiscal le parece probable al Administrador de la
Ciudad que los ingresos o el saldo de los fondos disponibles será insuficiente para
alcanzar la cantidad asignada, entonces el Administrador de la Ciudad se lo reportará de
inmediato al Consejo de la Ciudad, indicando la cantidad estimada de déficit, cualquier
medida correctiva tomada y las recomendaciones relacionadas con otros pasos a seguir.
Luego, el Consejo tomará las medidas subsiguientes que considere necesarias para
prevenir o reducir cualquier déficit; y para tal efecto podrá, por ordenanza, reducir una o
más asignaciones de fondos.
Sección 77 Elecciones Municipales – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Elecciones Municipales
Sección 77. Las elecciones regulares se convocarán en una fecha de elecciones uniforme fijada
en la ley estatal. Se ordenarán elecciones especiales de acuerdo con las leyes aplicables del
Sección 79 Procedimiento para Inscribirse como Candidato – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera:
Procedimiento para Inscribirse como Candidato
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Sección 79. Cualquier persona calificada que desea ser candidato en las elecciones generales
para ocupar un puesto en el Consejo de la Ciudad, deberá llenar una solicitud y entregársela al
Secretario de la Ciudad para que aparezca su nombre en la boleta de votaciones, de acuerdo con
el Código de Elecciones de Texas. Dicha solicitud deberá designar claramente el puesto en el
Consejo al cual desea ser electo. La solicitud también deberá contener la declaración jurada del
candidato relacionada con los requisitos de ocupar el cargo que se busca bajo las leyes de Texas
y de los reglamentos de estos Estatutos.
Sección 80 Boletas Oficiales – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Boletas Oficiales
Sección 80. Los nombres completos de todos los candidatos para el consejo de la ciudad,
estipulado anteriormente en este documento, excepto los que se han retirado, se han muerto, o
que hayan perdido la elegibilidad, se imprimirán en las boletas oficiales sin estar afiliados a
ningún partido político. Si hubiera dos candidatos con los mismos apellidos o con nombres tan
similares que pudieran crear confusión, se pondrán las direcciones de residencia a la par del
nombre sobre la boleta. El orden de los nombres en las boletas será determinada por sorteo.
Sección 81 Leyes que Rigen las Elecciones de la Ciudad– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera:
Leyes que Rigen las Elecciones de la Ciudad
Sección 81. Todas las elecciones de la Ciudad serán regidas por la constitución del Estado de
Texas, las leyes generales del estado, estos estatutos y ordenanzas de la Ciudad, y en el orden
Sección 82 Escrutinio de las Boletas en las Elecciones – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera:
Escrutinio de las Boletas en las Elecciones
Sección 82. Los resultados de las elecciones, ya sean generales o especiales, se harán llegar al
Consejo de la Ciudad por los oficiales de las elecciones, en cualquier fecha permitida por el
Código de Elecciones de Texas; y en dicha fecha, el Consejo de la Ciudad hará el escrutinio de
las boletas y declarará los resultados finales de las elecciones.
Una parte de la Sección 83 Derecho de Iniciativa– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
manera y el resto de la Sección 83 permanecerá sin cambios:
Derecho de Iniciativa
Sección 83. . . . Cualquier ordenanza de iniciativa se podrá presentar ante el Consejo de la
Ciudad por medio de una petición firmada por un número de electores calificados de la Ciudad
igual a por lo menos el veinticinco (25) porciento del número de votantes que votaron en las
elecciones regulares municipales anteriores.
Una parte de la Sección 84 Derecho de Referéndum– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 84 permanecerá sin cambios:
Derecho de Referéndum
Sección 84. . . . En un período de veinte (20) días después de la promulgación de cualquier
ordenanza por el Consejo de la Ciudad que sea sujeta a un referéndum, se necesitará una petición
firmada por un número de electores calificados de la Ciudad igual a por lo menos el veinticinco
(25) porciento del número de votantes que votaron en las elecciones regulares municipales
anteriores. Esta petición se podrá registrar con el Secretario de la Ciudad pidiendo que dicha
ordenanza sea revocada o presentada ante los electores para votación.
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Sección 85 Formulario de Peticiones; Comité de Solicitantes– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera:
Formulario de Peticiones; Comité de Solicitantes
Sección 85. Las hojas de peticiones de iniciativa deberán contener el texto completo de la
ordenanza propuesta. Las firmas necesarias para la peticiones de iniciativa o de referéndum no
necesitan estar todas adjuntas a una sola hoja, pero a cada petición separada se adjuntará una
declaración del circular del mismo como se estipula en esta sección. Cualquier hoja de petición
de iniciativa incluirá la firma de cada solicitante en tinta o lápiz indeleble e indicará el lugar de
residencia de cada solicitante después de su firma, anotando la calle y el número de casa o
apartamento, u otra descripción suficiente para identificar el lugar. Deberá aparecer en cada
petición los nombres y direcciones de cinco electores que, como comité de solicitantes, serán
responsables de la circulación y registro de la petición. A cada hoja de petición separada se
deberá adjuntar una declaración jurada del circulador del mismo para que el circulador y
solamente el circulador personalmente haya distribuido la hoja anteriormente mencionada, que
lleva el número de firmas declaradas, que todas las firmas adjuntas al mismo fueron realizadas en
la presencia del circulador, y que el circulador confía con firmeza que las firmas son auténticas
de las personas cuyos nombres declaran ser.
Una parte de la Sección 86 Registro; Revisión y Certificación de Peticiones– Al ser
enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 86 permanecerá sin
Registro; Revisión y Certificación de Peticiones
Sección 86. . . . Si una hoja de petición está firmada por más personas que el número de firmas
certificada por el circulador, entonces las últimas firmas en exceso del número certificado serán
ignoradas. Si una hoja de petición está firmada por un número menor de personas que el número
certificado, entonces las firmas se aceptarán a menos que sea anulada por otros motivos. Después
de que el Secretario de la Ciudad haya completado la revisión de la petición, entonces el
Secretario de la Ciudad certificará los resultados del mismo y los presentará ante al Consejo de la
Ciudad en la siguiente sesión regular. Si el Secretario de la Ciudad certifica que la petición se
encuentra incompleta, entonces el Secretario de la Ciudad lo indicará en el certificado de
insuficiencia los detalles por los cuales se encontraba defectuosa la petición y de inmediato les
notificará los resultados al comité de los solicitantes.
Una parte de la Sección 87 Enmienda de Peticiones– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 87 permanecerá sin cambios:
Enmienda de Peticiones
Sección 87. . . . El Secretario de la Ciudad revisará dentro de cinco (5) días después de haber
sido registrada dicha enmienda, y si la petición aún está incompleta, el Secretario de la Ciudad
presentará un certificado a tal efecto en la oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad y le notificará los
resultados al comité de solicitantes. No se tomará ninguna otra acción con respecto a dicha
petición incompleta. Las conclusiones de insuficiencia de una petición no perjudicarán la
oportunidad de presentar una nueva petición con el mismo propósito.
Sección 90 Presentación ante los Electores– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
Presentación ante los Electores
Sección 90. Si el Consejo de la Ciudad no aprueba una ordenanza propuesta por la petición de
iniciativa, o la aprobará de forma diferente del descrito para ello en la petición; o si el Consejo de
la Ciudad no revoca una ordenanza referida, entonces la ordenanza referida o propuesta se les
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presentará a los electores en las elecciones a convocarse en la siguiente fecha uniforme de
elecciones autorizada por la ley del estado para elecciones municipales.
Una parte de la Sección 91 Forma de la Boleta para Ordenanzas Iniciadas o Referidas– Al ser
enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 91 permanecerá sin
Forma de la Boleta para Ordenanzas Iniciadas o Referidas
Sección 91. . . . El título de la boleta podrá ser diferente del título legal de dicha ordenanza
iniciada o referida y se presentará con una declaración clara y concisa, sin argumento ni
prejuicio, describirá el punto fundamental de dicha ordenanza; y si es una boleta de papel, tendrá
a la izquierda del título de la boleta las siguientes propuestas, una arriba de la otra en el orden
indicado: “A FAVOR” y “EN CONTRA” y cumplirá por lo demás con la ley del estado. Se
podrá votar por cualquier número de ordenanzas en las mismas elecciones y se podrán
presentarse sobre la misma boleta, pero cualquier boleta de papel utilizada para votar al respecto
será para ese propósito únicamente. Si se utilizan máquinas para votar, el título de la boleta de
cualquier ordenanza tendrá a la izquierda del mismo dos propuestas, una arriba de la otra o una
antes que la otra en el orden indicado, y el elector tendrá la oportunidad de votar por una de las
dos propuestas y de ese modo votar a favor de o en contra de la ordenanza.
Una parte de la Sección 95 Procedimiento Revocatorio – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 95 permanecerá sin cambios:
Procedimiento Revocatorio
Sección 95. . . . El Secretario de la Ciudad mantendrá a mano un número suficiente de peticiones
en blanco impresas para su distribución. Dichas peticiones en blanco, cuando sean emitidas por
el Secretario de la Ciudad, llevarán la firma de dicho oficial y serán dirigidas al Consejo de la
Ciudad, y estarán numeradas, tendrán la fecha e indicarán el nombre de la persona a quien se le
emitió. La petición en blanco, cuando sea emitida, también indicará el número de dichas
peticiones en blanco emitidas y el nombre del oficial a quien se le pide la destitución. El
Secretario de la Ciudad ingresará en un registro el nombre del elector a quien se le emitió la
petición en blanco y el número emitido a dicha persona y será archivado en la oficina del
Secretario de la Ciudad.
Sección 97 Elecciones Revocatorias– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente manera:
Elecciones Revocatorias
Sección 97. El Secretario de la Ciudad inmediatamente revisará la petición revocatoria y si el
Secretario de la Ciudad lo encuentra completa y de acuerdo con los reglamentos de este artículo
de los estatutos, entonces el Secretario de la Ciudad le entregará al Consejo de la Ciudad dentro
de un período de cinco (5) días el certificado del Secretario de la Ciudad a tal efecto y le
notificará al oficial al cual se le pide la destitución por dicha acción. Si el oficial a quien se pide
la destitución no renuncia dentro de un período de cinco (5) días después de dicha notificación,
entonces el Consejo de la Ciudad en seguida ordenará y fijará una fecha para celebrar elecciones
revocatorias para celebrarse en la siguiente fecha de elecciones uniformes autorizadas por la ley
estatal para elecciones municipales.
Una parte de la Sección 98 Boletas de Elecciones Revocatorias– Al ser enmendada se leerá de
la siguiente manera y el resto de la Sección 98 permanecerá sin cambios:
Boletas de Elecciones Revocatorias
Sección 98. Las boletas utilizadas en las elecciones revocatorias cumplirán con los siguientes
requisitos. . . .
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(2) Inmediatamente a la izquierda de dicha pregunta se encontrarán dos respuestas siguientes,
una arriba de la otra, en el orden indicado:
Sección 99 Resultados de las Elecciones Revocatorias – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la
siguiente manera:
Resultados de las Elecciones Revocatorias
Sección 99. Si la mayoría de los votos emitidos en las elecciones revocatorias están en contra de
la destitución del oficial cuyo nombre se encuentra en la boleta, entonces dicho oficial continuará
desempeñando el cargo del oficial cuyo término queda sin caducar, siempre sujeto a revocatorias
como anteriormente. Si la mayoría de los votos emitidos en dichas elecciones revocatorias están
a favor de la destitución del oficial cuyo nombre se encuentra en la boleta, entonces el oficial, sin
importar cualquier defecto técnico en la petición revocatoria, se considerará destituido del cargo
y la vacante será ocupada al igual que otras vacantes.
Sección 100 Limitaciones en las Revocatorias– Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
Limitaciones en las Revocatorias
Sección 100. Ninguna petición revocatoria se registrará contra un Miembro del Consejo dentro
de un período de seis (6) meses después de que el Miembro del Consejo haya tomado cargo del
puesto, ni con respecto a oficiales que hayan sido sometidos a elecciones revocatorias y no
fueron destituidos de ese modo, hasta por lo menos seis (6) meses después de dichas elecciones.
Una parte de la Sección 104 Procedimiento – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
manera y el resto de la Sección 104 permanecerá sin cambios:
Sección 104. . . . Ninguna ordenanza que otorgue una franquicia será aprobada por lectura
excepto por votación de la mayoría de los miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad, y dicha
ordenanza no entrará en vigencia hasta sesenta (60) días después de ser adoptada en su tercera y
última lectura; siempre y cuando si en cualquier momento antes de que dicha ordenanza
finalmente entre en vigencia, se presentara una petición al Consejo de la Ciudad firmada por no
menos del diez (10) porciento de los votantes registrados de la Ciudad, entonces el Consejo de la
Ciudad les presentará la pregunta de otorgamiento de dicha franquicia a los votantes calificados
de la Ciudad y puesta a votación en la siguiente fecha uniforme de elecciones indicada por la ley
del estado, que permita suficiente tiempo para cumplir con otros requisitos de ley, siempre y
cuando se publique el aviso del mismo en por menos veinte (20) números sucesivos del
periódico oficial de la Ciudad de College Station antes de convocar dichas elecciones. La boleta
brevemente describirá la franquicia a ser puesta a votación y los términos del mismo y deberá
contener las palabras “A Favor”, y “En Contra” a la izquierda del texto y por lo demás deberá
cumplir con la ley del estado. Los votos pasarán por el escrutinio del Consejo de la Ciudad y si
resulta que la mayoría de los votantes en esas votaciones emitieron su voto “A Favor” del
otorgamiento de la franquicia, entonces por orden ingresada en las minutas, el Consejo de la
Ciudad lo declarará como tal y dicha franquicia de inmediato entrará en vigencia. Pero si la
mayoría de los votos fueron emitidos “En Contra” del otorgamiento de la franquicia, entonces el
Consejo de la Ciudad, por orden ingresada en las minutas lo declarará como tal y dicha
franquicia no entrará en vigencia. Si la franquicia es negada por el Consejo de la Ciudad,
entonces el asunto podrá presentarse ante los votantes calificados por petición y se convocarán
las elecciones bajo los procedimientos estipulados anteriormente en este documento. Si el
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Consejo de la Ciudad no aprueba finalmente la solicitud dentro de un período de seis (6) meses
después de presentada dicha solicitud, entonces se interpretará como negada. El Consejo de la
Ciudad al aprobar una ordenanza otorgando una franquicia, deberá estipular en la misma que no
entrará en vigencia hasta que la misma haya sido presentada y aprobada por la mayoría de los
votantes calificados de la Ciudad en elecciones generales. Todos los gastos de publicación,
relacionados con esta sección, correrán por cuenta del solicitante que deberá realizar un depósito
por adelantado para cubrir los costos estimados de publicación. La cantidad del depósito será
determinada por el Administrador de la Ciudad.
Sección 117 Parientes de Oficiales No Serán Nombrados ni Empleados– Al ser enmendada se
leerá de la siguiente manera:
Parientes de Oficiales No Serán Nombrados ni Empleados
Sección 117. Ningún pariente con afinidad del segundo grado o del tercer grado de
consanguinidad con los miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad o con el Administrador de la Ciudad
podrá ser nombrado o empleado en cualquier oficina, puesto o servicio de la Ciudad.
Sección 119 Notificación de Heridas o Daños – Al ser enmendada se leerá de la siguiente
Notificación de Heridas o Daños
Sección 119. La Ciudad nunca será responsable por lesiones o heridas personales, ya sea que
resulte en la muerte o no, a menos que la persona(s) herida(s), o alguien que actúe de parte del
herido (los heridos) o muerto(s), o si la herida resulta en muerte, la persona o personas que
puedan tener motivos para demandar bajo la ley respecto a la lesión o muerte, podrá presentarle,
por escrito, al Secretario de la Ciudad dentro de un período de noventa (90) días después de que
haya ocurrido la misma, declarando específicamente en dicha notificación, cuándo, dónde, y
cómo ocurrió exactamente, el alcance de los daños, la cantidad de daños reclamados o afirmados,
y una lista de personas, si se conocen, que fueron testigos de la herida o daño. La Ciudad nunca
será responsable de ningún reclamo por daños o perjuicios a los bienes inmuebles a menos que la
persona a la cual se le ha dañado el bien inmueble, o alguien actuando de parte de la persona a la
cual se le ha dañado el bien inmueble, podrá presentarle, por escrito, a la Secretario de la Ciudad
dentro de un período de noventa (90) días después de que haya ocurrido el mismo, una
declaración específica en dicha notificación de cuándo, dónde, y cómo ocurrió el daño o la
herida. La persona que presenta la notificación bajo esta Sección, deberá suscribir bajo
juramento el nombre de dicha persona en la notificación indicando que las declaraciones y
hechos contenidos en dicha notificación son verdaderos y correctos.
2. Las boletas incluirán las siguientes propuestas:
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo X (Iniciativa, Referéndum,
Revocatoria), Secciones 94 (Revocatoria; General), 95
(Procedimiento Revocatorio), 96 (Peticiones Revocatorias) y 97
(Elecciones Revocatorias) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College
Station para exigir razones para destituir a los Miembros del
Consejo por revocación; estipulando que dichas razones se
incluyan en la declaración jurada revocatoria y en las peticiones
revocatorias; darle al Secretario de la Ciudad un tiempo razonable
para entregar el formulario en blanco de petición revocatoria;
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exigir que las peticiones revocatorias estén firmadas por electores
calificados que realmente votaron en las elecciones en las cuales
fue electo el individuo al que se le pide la destitución; aclarar el
papel que desempeña el Secretario de la Ciudad en la revisión de
las peticiones revocatorias; y enmendar el número de días
permitidos para que un oficial, al que se le ha pedido la destitución,
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo III (El Consejo de la Ciudad),
Sección 21 (Vacantes) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College
Station para autorizar un proceso a seguir para convocar elecciones
si resulta un puesto vacante en la oficina del Alcalde y si resultan
vacantes en la oficina del Alcalde y de todos los Miembros del
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo X (Iniciativa, Referéndum,
Revocatoria), Sección 83 (Derecho de Iniciativa) y Sección 84
(Derecho de Referéndum) para aclarar las excepciones al derecho
de iniciativa y las excepciones al derecho de referéndum, para
extender el número de días en los cuales una ordenanza es sujeta a
referéndum de veinte (20) días a treinta (30) días, para extender el
número de días que se le permite al Secretario de la Ciudad revisar
las peticiones de diez (10) días a quince (15) días, y para estipular
que el número de días especificados para revisar las peticiones son
días hábiles?
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se revocará el Artículo XII (Reglamentos Generales), Sección
118 (Juramento al Cargo) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College
Station y se agregará otra sección al Artículo IX (Nominaciones y
Elecciones) que requieran un juramento al cargo?
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se agregará un reglamento al Artículo XII (Reglamentos
Generales) de los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station para
definir días hábiles y días calendario donde se deberá enmendar
todo el documento para especificar cuándo aplica un día hábil y
cuándo aplica un día calendario?
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A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se deberá enmendar el Artículo X (Franquicias y Servicios
Públicos Esenciales), Sección 104 (Procedimiento) de los Estatutos
de la Ciudad de College Station para exigir dos (2) lecturas de la
ordenanza de franquicia a ser leídas para ser aprobada?
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se enmendarán los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College Station para
estipular la actualización y modernización del Artículo XI
(Franquicias y Servicios Públicos Esenciales)?
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se deberá cambiar el lenguaje en el Artículo XII (Reglamentos
Generales), Sección 115 (Interés Personal) de los Estatutos de la
Ciudad de College Station con lenguaje que estipula que los
miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad y cualquier oficial o empleado
de la Ciudad tendrá que cumplir con la ley estatal relacionado a
conflictos de interés de oficiales de gobierno local, incluyendo el
A FAVOR/EN CONTRA ¿Se deberán enmendar los Estatutos de la Ciudad de College
Station para agregar un reglamento al Artículo XII (Reglamentos
Generales) de los estatutos, estipulando que los estatutos deberán
ser de tipo género neutro y enmendar todo el documento para que
el lenguaje de los estatutos sea de tipo género neutro; para corregir
los errores no fundamentales tales como errores de ortografía,
puntuación, gramática, y estructura de las oraciones; para realizar
los cambios no fundamentales, los cuales aclararán el significado
de varios reglamentos de los estatutos; para cumplir con los
requisitos y/o reglamentos de la ley actual del estado y/o las leyes
federales; y para remover términos obsoletos de los estatutos?
3. Los centros de votaciones para cada distrito serán los siguientes:
8 Parkway Baptist Church [Iglesia Bautista Parkway]
1501 Southwest Parkway
College Station, Texas
Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3 Office [Juez de Paz, Distrito 3 Oficina]
1500 George Bush Drive
College Station, Texas
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10, 80 Living Hope Baptist Church [Iglesia Bautista Living Hope]
4170 State Highway 6, South
College Station, Texas
20 Memorial Student Center (MSC), Room 526 [Centro de
Estudiantes Memorial]
Texas A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd.
College Station, Texas
21 Cavitt Church of Christ [Iglesia de Cristo Cavitt]
3200 Cavitt Avenue
Bryan, Texas
24, 53, 58 Hawthorne Suites [al hotel Hawthorn Suites]
1010 University Drive East
College Station, Texas
Larry J. Ringer Library [Biblioteca Larry J. Ringer]
1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway
College Station, Texas
33, 49, 72, 74, Lincoln Center [Centro Lincoln]
1000 Eleanor
College Station, Texas
34 College Station Ciudad Hall [Municipalidad de College Station]
1101 Texas Avenue
College Station, Texas
35 College Station ISD Administration Building [Edificio
Administrativo del Distrito Independiente de College Station]
1812 Welsh
College Station, Texas
St. Francis Episcopal Church [Iglesia Episcopal St. Francis]
1101 Rock Prairie Road
College Station, Texas
40 Aldersgate Methodist Church [Iglesia Metodista Aldersgate]
2201 Earl Rudder Freeway
College Station, Texas
41 Christ United Methodist Church [Iglesia Metodista Christ United]
4201 State Highway 6, South
College Station, Texas
65, 69, 71
Wellborn Community Center [Centro Comunitario Wellborn]
4119 W. Greens Prairie Road
College Station, Texas
68 Peach Creek Community Center [Centro Comunitario Peach Creek]
2216 Peach Creek Road
College Station, Texas
5. Las urnas se abrirán de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. el día de las elecciones.
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6. Las votaciones anticipadas conjuntas se realizarán en persona y por correo. El período
de votaciones anticipadas en persona para la eleccion especial será del 22 de octubre al 2 de
noviembre de 2012. Las boletas de escaneo óptico se utilizarán para las votaciones anticipadas
por correo y las máquinas de votar por registro electrónico directo se utilizarán paras las
votaciones anticipadas en persona. El Encargado de las Elecciones Anticipadas para dichas
elecciones será el Oficial del Condado quien determinará el número de empleados a contratar
para las elecciones y hará los arreglos necesarios para la capacitación de todos los empleados de
las elecciones. Las votaciones anticipadas en persona para la eleccion especial serán dirigidas
conjuntamente en los sitios y en las fechas y horas especificadas por el Oficial del Condado de
Brazos County Administration Building – [Edificio Administrativo del Condado de Brazos]
200 S. Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas
Arena Hall – [Salón Arena]
2906 Tabor Road, Bryan, Texas
Galilee Baptist Church – [Iglesia Bautista Galilee]
804 N. Logan, Bryan, Texas
College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility – [Instalaciones de reuniones y
entrenamiento de los Servicios Públicos de College Station]
1603 Graham Road, College Station, Texas
Memorial Student Center - [Centro de Estudiantes Memorial]
Room 526, A&M Campus, Joe Routt Blvd., College Station, Texas
Del 22 –26 de octubre 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
lunes – viernes
el 27 de octubre 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
el 28 octubre 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
del 29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
lunes – viernes
Se podrá pedir la solicitud para votar por correo al contactar al Oficial de Votaciones
Anticipadas en la siguiente dirección: Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk’s office, 300 E.
26th Street Suite 120, Bryan, Texas 77803
/s/ Sherry Mashburn
Secretaria de la Ciudad
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September 13, 2012 (13 de septiembre de 2012)
City Council Consent Agenda Item No. 2d (Agenda de Acuerdo del Consejo de la Ciudad
Punto No.2d)
Certification of Unopposed Candidates and Cancellation of General Election (Certificación
de Candidatos Sin Oposición y Cancelación de las Elecciones Generales)
To (Para): David Neeley, City Manager (Administrador de la Ciudad)
From (De): Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary (Secretaria de la Ciudad)
Agenda Caption (Encabezado de la Agenda): Presentation, possible action and discussion
on the Certification of Unopposed Candidates and an ordinance ordering the cancellation of the
General Election on November 6, 2012. (Presentación, posible acción y discusión acerca de la
Certificación de Candidatos Sin Oposición y una ordenanza que ordene la cancelación de las
Elecciones Generales del 6 de noviembre de 2012.)
Summary (Resumen): A general election may be cancelled if each candidate for an office that
is to appear on the ballot is unopposed. As soon as possible after the deadline for declaration of
write-in candidacy, if no candidate in the election is opposed on the ballot or by a declared write-
in candidate, the City Secretary must deliver to the City Council a certification that each
candidate for office is unopposed [EC §2.052]. (Se pueden cancelar elecciones generales si
cada candidato a un cargo que ha de aparecer en la boleta, no tiene oposición. Tan pronto
como sea posible después de la fecha límite para la declaración de “write-in” [ser un candidato
en que los votantes agregan el nombre en el espacio en blanco en la boleta], si no hay
candidatos oponentes en la boleta ni por una declaración de agregar en el espacio en blanco o
“write-in”, entonces la Secretaria de la Ciudad deberá entregarle al Consejo de la Ciudad una
certificación que cada candidato para los cargos en la boleta se encuentran sin oposición [EC
Upon receiving the certification, the City Council may declare the unopposed candidates elected
to office, in which case the election is not held [EC §2.052(b)]. The statute provides that a
certificate of election is issued to each candidate who is declared elected, “in the manner and at
the same time as provided for a candidate elected at the election” [EC §2.053(c)]. Candidates
elected through cancellation must also qualify for office and take the oaths of office the same as
candidates elected at an election. (Al recibir la certificación, el Consejo de la Ciudad podrá
declarar a los cantidades sin oposición electos al cargo, y en tal caso no se celebran las
elecciones [EC §2.052(b)]. El estatuto estipula que se emita una certificación de elecciones a
cada candidato declarado electo, “de la manera y al mismo tiempo como se indica para un
candidato electo en elecciones” [EC §2.053(c)]. Los candidatos electos por medio de
cancelación también deberán calificar para el cargo y tomar el juramento al cargo al igual que
los candidatos electos en elecciones.)
Attachments (Adjuntos):
• Certification of Unopposed Candidates (Certificación de Candidatos Sin Oposición)
• Draft Ordinance Cancelling the General Election (Borrador de la Ordenanza Cancelando
las Elecciones Generales)
EN TANTO QUE las elecciones generales de la ciudad estaban programadas para el 6 de
noviembre de 2012 con el propósito de elegir a miembros al Consejo de la Ciudad; y
EN TANTO QUE la Secretaria de la Ciudad ha certificado por escrito que ningún individuo ha
realizado una declaración de candidatura de agregar su nombre en el espacio en blanco de la
boleta o “write-in”, y que cada candidato en la boleta se encuentra sin oponente para las
elecciones al cargo; y
EN TANTO QUE bajo estas circunstancias, el Subcapítulo C, Capítulo 2 del Código de
Elecciones le autoriza al Consejo de la Ciudad declarar a los candidatos electos al cargo y
cancelar las elecciones.
SECCIÓN 1. Los siguientes candidatos, los cuales se encuentran sin oponentes en las
elecciones generales de la Ciudad del 6 de noviembre de 2012, se declaran electos al cargo, y
serán emitidos certificados de elecciones en el momento en que se hubiera realizado el escrutinio
de los votos:
John Nichols Miembro del Consejo, Puesto 4
Cargo Deseado
James M. Benham Miembro del Consejo, Puesto 6
SECCIÓN 2. Se cancelan las elecciones generales de la Ciudad del 6 de noviembre de 2012, y
la Secretaria de la Ciudad hará una copia de esta ordenanza para ponerla en cada uno de los sitios
utilizados para las votaciones o que se hubiesen utilizado para las votaciones.
SECCIÓN 3. Si alguna parte de esta Ordenanza se encuentra inválida por una corte competente
dentro de la jurisdicción, entonces el resto de las provisiones de esta Ordenanza permanecerán en
completa vigencia y vigor.
SECCIÓN 4. Esta ordenanza entrará en vigencia inmediatamente después de ser adoptada.
APROBADA Y ADOPTADA por el Consejo de la Ciudad de la Ciudad de College Station
este ____ día del mes de __________de 2012.
Nancy Berry, Alcalde
___________________________ __________________________________
Sherry Mashburn, Secretaria de la Ciudad Carla Robinson, Abogada de la Ciudad
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2e
Audit Services Renewal
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Jeff Kersten, Executive Director Business Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion on a letter agreement for
year 4 of the Professional Auditing Services engagement with Ingram, Wallis & Co., P.C. for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 with expenditures totaling $91,000 from the City of
College Station.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Goal I. 1 Spending taxpayer money efficiently.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends contract renewal with Ingram, Wallis & Co. for the fiscal
year ending September 30, 2012.
In May 2009, staff solicited proposals for professional auditing services for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2009 with the option of renewing the engagement for up to four (4) subsequent
years. The audits are to be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards, the standards set forth for financial audits in the General Accounting Office's (GAO)
Government Auditing Standards (2007), the provisions of the federal Single Audit Act of 1984 (as
amended in 1996), and the provisions of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations.
The Audit Committee recommended and on July 23, 2009, City Council selected Ingram, Wallis
& Co., P.C. to be the City’s external auditor and approved a letter agreement with them for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 2009 and with the potential for extending the agreement
annually for up to four additional years.
This is the third renewal.
Budget & Financial Summary: Funds are available and budgeted in the General Fund, and in
the Community Development Budget.
1. Renewal Agreement
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2f
Contract between the City of College Station and Siemens Industry, Inc. for the
Installation of Security Cameras in the Northgate Parking Garage
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Bob Cowell, AICP, CNU-A, Executive Director - Planning & Development
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of
contract No. 12-280 in the amount of $87,329.67 between the City of College Station and
Siemens Industry, Inc. for the installation of security cameras in the Northgate Parking Garage
and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City Council.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval.
Summary: This contract provides additional security cameras for the Northgate Parking
Garage. Currently, the garage has limited camera coverage on the first floor, elevators, and
stairwells. This contact provides increased coverage on the first floor in addition to coverage on
the second, third, and forth floors.
Budget & Financial Summary: The City Council approved an $80,000 service level adjustment
for this project as part of the FY’12 budget. The balance will be covered by savings in other
areas of the Northgate Fund.
1. A copy of the contract is available in the City Secretary’s Office
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2g
Contract between the City of College Station and Shelby Building Maintenance &
Janitorial, Inc. for Janitorial Services in Northgate and at the
Chimney Hill Shopping Center
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Bob Cowell, AICP, CNU-A, Executive Director - Planning & Development
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of
contract No. 12-302 in the amount of $59,627.00 between the City of College Station and
Shelby Building Maintenance & Janitorial, Inc. for cleaning services in Northgate and the
Chimney Hill Shopping Center and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on
behalf of the City Council.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval.
Summary: This contract provides janitorial services for the several public areas in Northgate
(such as the promenade, restrooms, and College Main pedestrian Mall) and the Chimney Hill
Shopping Center.
Budget & Financial Summary: This contract will be funded from two sources. The Northgate
Fund covers $56,507.00 of the contract amount and the Chimney Hill Fund covers the
remaining $3,120.00.
1. A copy of the contract is available in the City Secretary’s Office
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2h
Annual Agreement Janitorial Maintenance Services
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Chuck Gilman, P.E., PMP, Public Works Director
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a
service contract between the City of College Station and Shelby Building Maintenance &
Janitorial Services in the amount of $141,334.00 for Annual Janitorial Maintenance Services
in City buildings, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the
City Council.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure: Maintain and
rehabilitate equipment, facilities, and infrastructure on a strategic schedule.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the contract and authorizing the City
Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City Council.
Summary: This is an annual agreement for one (1) year with four (4) additional one year
renewals upon mutual consent of the City and the vendor. Six (6) sealed proposals were
received and evaluated with Shelby Building Maintenance & Janitorial Service providing the
best value to the City. By comparison, the contract for janitorial services in 2010 and 2011
were $199,142.24 and $167,142.44, respectively.
This contract is for routine, daily cleaning of all city offices, restrooms, jail and meeting
rooms. The contract further calls for periodic window washing, floor stripping/waxing and
heavy carpet cleaning. Locations covered under this contract include:
City Hall Community Development Central Park Office
Utility Customer Service Municipal Court Bldg. Public Works
Police Department Lincoln Center Dowling Pump Station
Library Exit Teen Center College Station Utilities
Carter Creek Waste Water Arts Council CSU Meeting Facility
Carter Creek WW Lab
Budget & Financial Summary: Funds are budgeted and available in the Public Works
Facilities Maintenance Budget.
1. Contract is on file in the City Secretary’s Office
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2i
Engineering Investigation Bee Creek Trunk Line
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: David Coleman, Director of Water Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion authorizing the City
Manager to sign professional services contract 12-334 with Interra Hydro Incorporated in
the amount of $47,870 for a Bee Creek sewer trunk line study.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Financially Sustainable City Providing Response to Core
Services and Infrastructure.
Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approval
Summary: Extensive new development on the west side of College Station has
necessitated increasing the sewage collection capacity of the Bee Creek trunk line. The
design work for this construction project is already underway by Kimley Horn Associates
under contract 11-264. Kimley Horn has developed a phasing plan to spread the
construction costs over several years, with phase 1 to address the most critical segment
from Adamson’s Lagoon to Welsh Street. A key innovation for this phase will be to divert a
portion of the Bee Creek trunk line flow to an adjacent trunk line that has available capacity,
which enables us to postpone other phases to subsequent years.
To make this plan work, we must be certain that the portions of the Bee Creek trunk line
that remain in service are flowing efficiently. The proposed contract with Interra-Hydro will
accomplish this, by inspecting and cleaning 7,300 feet of the existing trunk line. Interra-
Hydro is uniquely qualified to clean, perform a closed circuit TV inspection and provide a
detailed report of all defects and appurtenance locations, since they have performed this
type of work for us in the past with very satisfactory results. The proposed price is
reasonable and represents a savings over having to use separate contractors to clean and to
conduct the CCTV inspection and prepare the report.
Since this work on the Bee Creek trunk line is essential to complete the project design, and
will help prevent sewage overflows, staff recommends approval to award the contract.
Budget & Financial Summary: Funds are budgeted and available in the Wastewater
Operating Fund.
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2j
Memorandum of Understanding with the TAMU Department of Psychology
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Jeff Capps, Chief of Police
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the TAMU Department of Psychology to provide psychological
evaluations on potential employees of the Police Department in accordance with the
requirements set for by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends Council approval
Summary: Due to the high stress situations encountered and the sensitive information
available to Police Department employees, state law and department policy require that
psychological evaluations be conducted on all sworn employees and on some civilian
employees prior to employment with the College Station Police Department.
The Texas A&M University Department of Psychology is qualified and sufficiently staffed to
provide these screenings and the associated reports expeditiously. During the hiring
process, when the City has a need for a psychological, we will contact an established liaison
to schedule an appointment for the applicant within ten business days.
TAMU will furnish these psychological evaluations for police and public safety officer
applications, promotion applicants, and other employees as referred by College Station.
Each evaluation will include (1) a thorough clinical interview (2) an appropriate global
measure of personality/psychosocial functioning, and (3) additional specific measure(s) of
behavioral style as indicated by other evaluation measures or referral questions posed by
the City. Verbal feedback will be provided to the City within three working days of the
evaluation and a complete written report will be forwarded to the city within fourteen
working days of the evaluation.
TAMU has been the provider of these services for the Police Department since 2009 but the
current MOU is set to expire September 30, 2012.
Budget & Financial Summary: Each psychological evaluation done by the TAMU
Psychology Department will be paid for by the Police Department. Initial evaluations will
cost $250.00 each. This reflects a slight increase of $10.00 per evaluation since the last
agreement was signed. If necessary, re-evaluations will cost $110.00 each.
1. Memorandum of Understanding
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2k
BVSWMA, Inc. FY13 Budget
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Chuck Gilman, P.E., PMP, Public Works Director
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2012-2013
BVSWMA, Inc Proposed Budget.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure – Efficiently,
effectively, and strategically placed and delivered core services and infrastructure that
maintains citizens health, safety, and general welfare and enables the City’s economic
growth and physical development
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends the Council approve the FY13 BVSWMA, Inc.
Proposed Budget.
Summary: The BVSWMA, Inc proposed budget was considered and approved by the
BVSWMA, Inc. Board of Directors on June 20, 2012 and presented to the City Council on
August 9, 2012.
According to the BVSWMA, Inc, By-Laws and Operating Agreement, the BVSWMA budget
will be presented to the College Station and Bryan City Councils for consideration after being
approved by the BVSWMA Board.
Budget & Financial Summary: The FY13 BVSWMA, Inc. Proposed Budget Revenue is
$6,452,625 and the Expenses are $9,361,160.
1. BVSWMA, Inc. Proposed FY13 Budget
Approved Projected Proposed
2012 2012 2013
Budget Results Budget
Revenue 6,559,750<<<<<<<6,654,373<<<<6,452,625<<
Operating<Expense 5,488,969<<<<<<<5,242,116<<<<4,851,160<<
Capital 5,575,000<<<<<<<5,500,000<<<<4,510,000<<
Total<Expenses 11,063,969<<<<10,742,116<<9,361,160<<
Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, Inc.
2011-2012 Budget
Page 1 of 2
2011/2012 2011/2012 2011/2012 2013
Budget 7 Projected Budget
Operating Revenue Volume Month
6 fiscal results
Landfill Volume - Tons
City of College Station 95,000 52,036 89,204 89,200
City of Bryan 110,000 60,533 103,770 103,800
Third Party 78,000 48,084 82,430 82,500
283,000 160,652 275,404 275,500 Gate
Landfill Rates Rate
City of College Station 20.25$ 1.25 21.50$
City of Bryan 20.25$ 1.25 21.50$
Third Party 25.75$ 1.25 27.00$
Landfill Revenue
City of College Station 1,806,300
City of Bryan 2,101,950
Third Party 2,124,375
Total Landfill Revenue 3,094,744 6,189,488 6,032,625
Compost Revenue 400,000 220,213 440,426 420,000
Total Operating Revenue 6,559,750 3,327,186 6,654,373 6,452,625
Expenditures and Transfers
Maintenance Expense
Computer Software 16,000 5,151 10,302 10,000
Office Maint-Other 5,000 0 0 -
Office Maint-Equipment 2,000 0 0 3,000
Office Maint-Furniture 1,000 152 303 1,000
Office Maint-Computer 1,000 1,147 2,294 3,000
Maint.-Building 10,000 5,131 10,263 10,000
Maint.-Grounds 25,000 13,415 20,000 20,000
Maint.-Fence & Gates 1,000 245 489 1,000
System Maint-Streets 1,000 0 0 -
V&E Maint-Machine/Tool 2,000 0 0 2,000
V&E Maint-Heavy Equipment 200,000 98,521 230,000 200,000
V&E Maint-Radios 2,500 0 0 2,500
V&E Maint-Phones 3,000 0 0 3,000
V&E Maint-Pages/Other 15,000 375 751 15,000
V&E Maint-Pumps/Motors 5,000 2,433 4,865 5,000
V&E Maint-Motor Vehicle 12,000 2,555 5,109 12,000
V&E Maint-Other 1,000 7,224 14,448 1,000
Wet Weather Access 50,000 18,541 37,081 50,000
Other Total 0 0 0 -
Total Maintenance Expense 352,500 154,888 335,905 338,500
Purchased Services
Advertise-Legal Notices 1,000 0 0 -
Advertise-Promotional 30,000 8,461 16,922 20,000
Advertise - recruiting - 0 0 -
Insurance-Premium 70,000 23,051 46,102 50,000
Other Serv-Other 50,000 14,283 28,566 50,000
Other Serv-Contract Labor 150,000 1,884 3,768 25,000
Other Serv-C/T COCS Employees 1,393,590 576,309 1,152,617 20,000
Other Serv-C/T COB Employees 178,421 97,975 195,949 50,000
Other Serv-Security 10,000 870 1,740 4,000
Printing-Copier Costs 1,000 0 0 -
Printing-External 7,000 1,201 5,000 7,000
Printing-Signs & Banners 2,500 1,000 2,000 2,500
Prof Serv-Audit 40,000 5,250 12,000 15,000
Prof Serv-Engineering 150,000 121,617 243,235 250,000
Prof Serv-Legal 100,000 22,236 44,473 60,000
Prof Serv-Medical 1,000 0 500 1,000
Prof Serv-Surveying 1,000 0 0 -
Prof Serv-Spec Studies 90,000 0 35,000 50,000
Prof Serv-Other 550,000 146,974 415,000 475,000
Rentals-Buildings & Structures 2,000 868 1,736 2,000
Rentals-Clothing 500 0 0 -
Rentals-Equipment 25,000 24,158 48,317 25,000
Replacement Phones 1,000 0 0 -
Replacement-Radio System-800Mhz 5,000 8 16 -
Sundry-Credit Card Fees 5,500 4,556 9,113 10,000
Sundry-Freight 5,000 2,432 4,864 6,000
Sundry-Permits & Licenses 1,500 0 0 1,500
Sundry-Mail Handling 1,000 94 188 -
Sundry-Penalty & Interest 500 0 0 500
Sundry-Postage 3,000 1,331 2,662 3,000
Tech Serv-Janitorial 10,000 2,497 4,993 6,000
Tech Serv-Pest Control 3,500 973 1,946 2,500
Tech. Svcs.-Inspect & Lic. Fees 6,000 8,060 10,000 10,000
Training-In-house Training 1,000 125 250 1,000
Training-Memberships 5,000 2,072 4,144 5,000
Training-Outside Training 11,500 5,019 10,038 11,500
Training-Subscriptions 500 335 669 500
Training-Travel & Lodging 10,000 4,352 8,704 10,000
Util Serv-Cable Services 2,000 675 1,349 2,000
Util Serv-Disposal Fees 15,000 6,506 13,013 15,000
Util Serv-Electric 90,000 30,968 61,937 75,000
Util Serv-Garbage 200 20 39 200
Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, Inc.
2011-2012 Budget
Page 2 of 2
2011/2012 2011/2012 2011/2012 2013
Budget 7 Projected Budget
Util Serv-Local Phone 1,500 585 1,170 1,500
Util Serv-Long Distance Phone 400 159 318 400
Util Serv-Mobile Phone 7,500 3,520 7,040 7,500
Util Serv-Natural Gas 350 26 51 350
Util Serv-Sewer 500 7 13 500
Util Serv-Water 20,000 4,954 9,907 20,000
Total Purchased Services 3,060,461 1,125,409 2,405,349 1,296,450
Salaries & Benefits
Administrative 120,000 55,379 110,757 225,000
Fulltime Labor 120,000 172,331 344,662 800,000
Overtime 15,000 44,521 89,042 200,000
Bonuses 9,000 0 0 15,000
FICA/Medicare & Unemployment 20,000 25,933 51,866 97,500
Retirement 20,000 26,627 53,254 140,000
Group Health Insurance 14,000 41,980 83,961 160,000
Group Life Insurance 500 1,040 2,080 5,000
Workers Compensation 1,200 6,024 12,048 30,000
Unemployment Compensation 100 0 0 500
Education Reimbursement 1,000 0 0 1,500
Group LT Disability 305 610 4,000
Taxable Employee Benefits 0 70 140 2,500
Total Salaries & Benefits 320,800 374,209 748,418 1,681,000
Office Supplies - General 15,000 6,792 13,584 15,000
Office Supplies - Computer 500 967 1,935 500
Office Supplies - Educate 1,000 1,016 2,032 1,000
Office Supplies - Photo 200 0 0 200
Office Supplies-Minor Equipment 5,000 1,721 3,441 5,000
Office Supp.-Computer Hardware 3,000 3,636 7,271 3,000
Office Supp.-Computer Software 421 841 1,000
Office Supplies - Other 400 398 796 400
Botanical 1,000 48 97 1,000
V&E-Oil 25,000 10,266 20,531 25,000
V&E-Fuel 10,000 3,773 7,546 10,000
V&E-Diesel 500,000 324,810 649,620 700,000
V&E-Minor Tools 6,000 6,583 13,167 6,000
V&E-Other 7,500 2,400 4,800 12,500
Awards-Service 1,000 98 195 1,000
Awards-Recognition 500 2,700 5,400 500
Award-Clothing 850 0 0 850
Clothing-Accessory 7,500 7,582 15,163 7,500
Clothing-Uniforms 1,000 0 0 1,000
Chemical-Janitorial 4,000 1,855 3,710 4,000
Chemical-Botanical 10,000 8,847 17,695 10,000
Chemical-Pesticide 1,000 319 638 1,000
Chemical-Other 300 0 0 300
Crew-First Aid 1,000 0 500 1,000
Crew-Safety 5,000 560 1,119 5,000
Crew-Other 200 0 0 200
Misc Supply-Promo Mater 10,000 0 5,000 10,000
Misc Supply-Goodwill 800 1,500 3,000 800
Misc Supply-Food & Ice 10,000 3,885 7,770 10,000
Misc Supply-Other 10,000 8,570 17,139 10,000
Misc Supply-Survey 15,000 0 0 15,000
Total Supplies 652,750 398,745 802,989 858,750
Other Budget not specified in P&L 0 0 0 0
Total Expenditures & Transfers 4,386,511 2,053,251 4,292,662 4,174,700
Debt Serv Trsf-College Station 399,250 93,730 399,235 177,710
Debt Serv Trsf-Bryan 389,450 96,716 398,431 189,331
General & Administrative Trsf 0 0 0 0
Compost Fac. Equip N/P Bryan 0 0 0 0
Host Fees 163,758 75,894 151,788 159,419
Contingency 150,000 0 0 150,000
Non-Departmental Total 1,102,458 266,340 949,454 676,460
Expenses Subtotal 5,488,969 2,319,591 5,242,116 4,851,160
EBITDA 1,070,781 1,007,595 1,412,257 1,601,465
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
2012 JD410504Dozer (740,480)$444444444444
2012 Compactor4"Pac4Man"4rebuild (429,585)$444444444444
2012 Wood4Grinder (615,580)$444444444444
2012 3204Excavator (203,400)$444444444444
2013 Utility4Vehicle (15,000)$44444444444444
2013 Mechanic4truck (110,000)$44444444444
2013 F250 (40,000)$44444444444444
2013 Backhoe/loader (95,000)$44444444444444
2013 9504wheel4loader (245,000)$44444444444
2013 Compost/wood4chip4Bagger (50,000)$44444444444444
2013 ADT (475,000)$4444444444
2013 ADT (475,000)$4444444444
2014 Utility4Trailer (800)$444444444444444444
2014 Miller4Welder (12,000)$444444444444
2014 Generator (45,000)$444444444444
2014 F250 (40,000)$444444444444
2014 Excavator (550,000)$4444444444
2014 Generator4trailer (2,500)$444444444444444
2014 Electric4pump (30,000)$444444444444
2014 Hay4buster (12,000)$444444444444
2014 water4reel4B140 (8,000)$444444444444444
2015 Motor4grader (250,000)$4444444444
2015 F250 (40,000)$444444444444
2015 CAT48364rebuild (500,000)$4444444444
2015 Diesel4pump (35,000)$444444444444
2015 Broom (50,000)$444444444444
2016 Water4truck (55,000)$444444444444
2016 F250 (40,000)$444444444444
2016 D84rebuild (400,000)$4444444444
2016 CAT4836 (1,000,000)$4444444
2017 Forklift (40,000)$444444444444
2017 MadVac (26,000)$444444444444
2017 Utility4trailer (2,500)$444444444444444
2017 Steam4cleaner (15,000)$444444444444
2017 Utility4vehicle (18,000)$444444444444
2017 8504dozer (360,000)$4444444444
2017 D84rebuild (400,000)$4444444444
2018 Tarp4Machine (90,000)$444444444444
2018 Pickup (32,000)$444444444444
2018 CAT4836 (1,000,000)$4444444
2019 Light4plant (15,000)$444444444444
2019 Utility4Trailer (15,000)$444444444444
2019 Utility4Vehicle (17,000)$444444444444
2019 F150 (32,000)$444444444444
2019 CAT4836 (1,000,000)$4444444
2020 Excavator (550,000)$4444444444
2020 Backhoe/Loader (95,000)$444444444444
2020 Roll]off (185,000)$4444444444
2021 Utility4trailer/shredder (85,000)$444444444
2021 Water4truck (85,000)$444444444
2021 Plug (1,000,000)$444
2022 Plug (1,000,000)$4444
Equipment4subtotal (1,989,045)$444444444 (555,000)$44444444444 (1,650,300)$4444444 (875,000)$4444444444 (1,495,000)$4444444 (861,500)$4444444444 (1,122,000)$4444444 (1,079,000)$4444444 (830,000)$4444444444 (1,170,000)$444 (1,000,000)$4444
City4of4College4Station (220,000)$44444444444 (230,000)$4444444444 (240,000)$4444444444 (250,000)$4444444444 (210,000)$4444444444 (220,000)$4444444444 (230,000)$4444444444 (240,000)$4444444444 (250,000)$4444444 (260,000)$44444444
City4of4Bryan (210,000)$44444444444 (215,000)$4444444444 (220,000)$4444444444 (230,000)$4444444444 (235,000)$4444444444 (250,000)$4444444444 (255,000)$4444444444 (265,000)$4444444444 (275,000)$4444444 (285,000)$44444444
Debt4Subtotal ]$4444444444444444444444 (430,000)$44444444444 (445,000)$4444444444 (460,000)$4444444444 (480,000)$4444444444 (445,000)$4444444444 (470,000)$4444444444 (485,000)$4444444444 (505,000)$4444444444 (525,000)$4444444 (545,000)$44444444
Landfill Development (1,500,000)$444444444 (2,000,000)$44444444 ]$44444444444444444444 (3,000,000)$4444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 (3,000,000)$4444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 (1,500,000)$444 (1,500,000)$4444
Twin Oaks Entrance & Site Improvements (100,000)$444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
Wind Screens (100,000)$444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
RPR Closure (1,500,000)$444444444 (1,500,000)$44444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
RPR Post Closure ]$4444444444444444444444 (25,000)$44444444444444 (25,000)$444444444444 (15,000)$444444444444 (15,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444 (10,000)$4444444444
Pipeline Relocation ]$4444444444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
Compost Relocation ]$4444444444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
Compost Closure ]$4444444444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
HHW Center ]$4444444444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
Other capital ]$4444444444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444444 ]$44444444444444444 ]$444444444444444444
Other subtotal (3,200,000)$444444444 (3,525,000)$44444444 (25,000)$444444444444 (3,015,000)$4444444 (15,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (3,010,000)$4444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (10,000)$444444444444 (1,510,000)$444 (1,510,000)$4444
Total Capital
(4,510,000)$44444444 (2,120,300)$4444444 (4,350,000)$4444444 (1,990,000)$4444444 (1,316,500)$4444444 (4,602,000)$4444444 (1,574,000)$4444444 (1,345,000)$4444444 (3,205,000)$444 (3,055,000)$4444
Cash4Balance 3/31/12 11,267,261$44444444 9,871,690$4444444444 7,783,947$444444444 4,875,412$44444444 4,422,674$44444444 2,315,439$44444444 2,651,538$44444444 3,903,355$44444444 1,959,389$44444444 3,135,671$44444444 4,635,661$44444 4,372,775$444444
Revenue 6,654,373$4444444444 6,452,625$444444444 6,585,878$44444444 7,236,921$44444444 7,386,115$44444444 7,697,936$44444444 7,856,622$44444444 8,018,623$44444444 8,184,011$44444444 8,352,856$44444 8,525,234$444444
Operating4Expenses (5,242,116)$444444444 (4,851,160)$44444444 (4,918,315)$4444444 (4,994,156)$4444444 (5,060,017)$4444444 (5,129,618)$4444444 (5,198,588)$4444444 (5,268,341)$4444444 (5,339,020)$4444444 (5,410,743)$444 (5,483,856)$4444
Cash4from4Operations 1,412,257$4444444444 1,601,465$444444444 1,667,562$44444444 2,242,765$44444444 2,326,098$44444444 2,568,318$44444444 2,658,034$44444444 2,750,282$44444444 2,844,990$44444444 2,942,113$44444 3,041,378$444444
Projected4Capital4needs (3,500,000)$444444444 (4,510,000)$44444444 (2,120,300)$4444444 (4,350,000)$4444444 (1,990,000)$4444444 (1,316,500)$4444444 (4,602,000)$4444444 (1,574,000)$4444444 (1,345,000)$4444444 (3,205,000)$444 (3,055,000)$4444
Cash%at%End%of%Year 7,783,947$%%%%%%%%%%4,875,412$%%%%%%%%%4,422,674$%%%%%%%%2,315,439$%%%%%%%%2,651,538$%%%%%%%%3,903,355$%%%%%%%%1,959,389$%%%%%%%%3,135,671$%%%%%%%%4,635,661$%%%%%%%%4,372,775$%%%%4,359,153$%%%%%%
Starting4Capacity 27,750,0004444444444 27,675,4564444444444 27,400,052444444444 27,124,55244444444 26,843,54244444444 26,536,91244444444 26,224,14944444444 25,905,13144444444 25,579,73244444444 25,247,82644444444 24,909,28244444 24,563,966444444
Tons 74,544444444444444444444 275,4044444444444444444 275,500444444444444444 281,01044444444444444 306,63044444444444444 312,76344444444444444 319,01844444444444444 325,39844444444444444 331,90644444444444444 338,54544444444444444 345,3154444444444 352,22244444444444
Remaining4capacity 27,675,4564444444444 27,400,0524444444444 27,124,552444444444 26,843,54244444444 26,536,91244444444 26,224,14944444444 25,905,13144444444 25,579,73244444444 25,247,82644444444 24,909,28244444444 24,563,96644444 24,211,744444444
Starting4Closure4reserve ]444444444444444444444444 51,147444444444444444444 252,965444444444444444 465,42244444444444444 682,12944444444444444 918,59444444444444444 1,159,7874444444444 1,405,8054444444444 1,656,7434444444444 1,912,6994444444444 2,173,7754444444 2,440,07244444444
Additional4Reserve 51,147444444444444444444 201,8184444444444444444 212,458444444444444444 216,70744444444444444 236,46444444444444444 241,19444444444444444 246,01844444444444444 250,93844444444444444 255,95744444444444444 261,07644444444444444 266,2974444444444 271,62344444444444
Total4Closure4reserve 51,147444444444444444444 252,9654444444444444444 465,422444444444444444 682,12944444444444444 918,59444444444444444 1,159,7874444444444 1,405,8054444444444 1,656,7434444444444 1,912,6994444444444 2,173,7754444444444 2,440,0724444444 2,711,69644444444
Starting4Post]Closure4reserve ]444444444444444444444444 25,573444444444444444444 126,482444444444444444 232,71144444444444444 341,06544444444444444 459,29744444444444444 579,89444444444444444 702,90244444444444444 828,37144444444444444 956,35044444444444444 1,086,8884444444 1,220,03644444444
Additional4Reserve 25,573444444444444444444 100,9094444444444444444 106,229444444444444444 108,35344444444444444 118,23244444444444444 120,59744444444444444 123,00944444444444444 125,46944444444444444 127,97844444444444444 130,53844444444444444 133,1494444444444 135,81244444444444
Total4Post]Closure4reserve 25,573444444444444444444 126,4824444444444444444 232,711444444444444444 341,06544444444444444 459,29744444444444444 579,89444444444444444 702,90244444444444444 828,37144444444444444 956,35044444444444444 1,086,8884444444444 1,220,0364444444 1,355,84844444444
Total4"Earmarked"76,720444444444444444444 379,4474444444444444444 698,134444444444444444 1,023,1944444444444 1,377,8904444444444 1,739,6814444444444 2,108,7074444444444 2,485,1144444444444 2,869,0494444444444 3,260,6634444444444 3,660,1094444444 4,067,54344444444
Non4"Earmarked"4Capital 7,404,500$4444444444 4,177,278$444444444 3,399,480$44444444 937,549$44444444444 911,857$44444444444 1,794,648$44444444 (525,725)$%%%%%%%%%%266,622$44444444444 1,374,999$44444444 712,666$44444444 291,609$444444444
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Projected Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget
Operating Revenue
Landfill Volume (tons)
City of College Station 89,204'''''''''''''''''''89,200''''''''''90,984''''''''''92,804''''''''''94,660''''''''''96,553''''''''''98,484''''''''''100,454''''''''102,463''''''''104,512''''''''106,602''''''''
City of Bryan 103,770'''''''''''''''''103,800''''''''105,876''''''''107,994''''''''110,153''''''''112,356''''''''114,604''''''''116,896''''''''119,234''''''''121,618''''''''124,051''''''''
Third Party 82,430'''''''''''''''''''82,500''''''''''84,150''''''''''105,833''''''''107,950''''''''110,109''''''''112,311''''''''114,557''''''''116,848''''''''119,185''''''''121,569''''''''
Landfill Rates
City of College Station 20.25$'''''''''''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''
City of Bryan 20.25$'''''''''''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.25$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''20.75$''''''''''
Third Party 25.75$'''''''''''''''''''25.75$''''''''''25.75$''''''''''25.75$''''''''''25.75$''''''''''26.25$''''''''''26.25$''''''''''26.25$''''''''''26.25$''''''''''26.25$''''''''''26.25$''''''''''
Landfill Revenue
City of College Station 1,806,300'''''1,842,426'''''1,879,275'''''1,916,860'''''2,003,474'''''2,043,543'''''2,084,414'''''2,126,102'''''2,168,624'''''2,211,997'''''
City of Bryan 2,101,950'''''2,143,989'''''2,186,869'''''2,230,606'''''2,331,397'''''2,378,024'''''2,425,585'''''2,474,097'''''2,523,579'''''2,574,050'''''
Third Party 2,124,375'''''2,166,863'''''2,725,200'''''2,779,704'''''2,890,352'''''2,948,159'''''3,007,122'''''3,067,265'''''3,128,610'''''3,191,182'''''
Total Landfill Revenue 6,189,488'''''''''''''6,032,625'''''6,153,278'''''6,791,343'''''6,927,170'''''7,225,222'''''7,369,727'''''7,517,121'''''7,667,464'''''7,820,813'''''7,977,229'''''
Compost Revenue 440,426'''''''''''''''''420,000''''''''432,600''''''''445,578''''''''458,945''''''''472,714''''''''486,895''''''''501,502''''''''516,547''''''''532,043''''''''548,005''''''''
Total Operating Revenue 6,654,373'''''''''''''6,452,625'''''6,585,878'''''7,236,921'''''7,386,115'''''7,697,936'''''7,856,622'''''8,018,623'''''8,184,011'''''8,352,856'''''8,525,234'''''
Expenditures and Transfers
Maintenance Expense
Computer Software 10,302'''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Office Maint-Other /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Office Maint-Equipment /'''''''''''''''''''''''''3,000'''''''''''''3,030'''''''''''''3,060'''''''''''''3,091'''''''''''''3,122'''''''''''''3,153'''''''''''''3,185'''''''''''''3,216'''''''''''''3,249'''''''''''''3,281'''''''''''''
Office Maint-Furniture 303''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Office Maint-Computer 2,294'''''''''''''''''''''3,000'''''''''''''3,030'''''''''''''3,060'''''''''''''3,091'''''''''''''3,122'''''''''''''3,153'''''''''''''3,185'''''''''''''3,216'''''''''''''3,249'''''''''''''3,281'''''''''''''
Maint.-Building 10,263'''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Maint.-Grounds 20,000'''''''''''''''''''20,000''''''''''20,200''''''''''20,402''''''''''20,606''''''''''20,812''''''''''21,020''''''''''21,230''''''''''21,443''''''''''21,657''''''''''21,874''''''''''
Maint.-Fence & Gates 489''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
System Maint-Streets /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
V&E Maint-Machine/Tool /'''''''''''''''''''''''''2,000'''''''''''''2,020'''''''''''''2,040'''''''''''''2,061'''''''''''''2,081'''''''''''''2,102'''''''''''''2,123'''''''''''''2,144'''''''''''''2,166'''''''''''''2,187'''''''''''''
V&E Maint-Heavy Equipment 230,000'''''''''''''''''200,000''''''''202,000''''''''204,020''''''''206,060''''''''208,121''''''''210,202''''''''212,304''''''''214,427''''''''216,571''''''''218,737''''''''
V&E Maint-Radios /'''''''''''''''''''''''''2,500'''''''''''''2,525'''''''''''''2,550'''''''''''''2,576'''''''''''''2,602'''''''''''''2,628'''''''''''''2,654'''''''''''''2,680'''''''''''''2,707'''''''''''''2,734'''''''''''''
V&E Maint-Phones /'''''''''''''''''''''''''3,000'''''''''''''3,030'''''''''''''3,060'''''''''''''3,091'''''''''''''3,122'''''''''''''3,153'''''''''''''3,185'''''''''''''3,216'''''''''''''3,249'''''''''''''3,281'''''''''''''
V&E Maint-Pages/Other 751''''''''''''''''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,150''''''''''15,302''''''''''15,455''''''''''15,609''''''''''15,765''''''''''15,923''''''''''16,082''''''''''16,243''''''''''16,405''''''''''
V&E Maint-Pumps/Motors 4,865'''''''''''''''''''''5,000'''''''''''''5,050'''''''''''''5,101'''''''''''''5,152'''''''''''''5,203'''''''''''''5,255'''''''''''''5,308'''''''''''''5,361'''''''''''''5,414'''''''''''''5,468'''''''''''''
V&E Maint-Motor Vehicle 5,109'''''''''''''''''''''12,000''''''''''12,120''''''''''12,241''''''''''12,364''''''''''12,487''''''''''12,612''''''''''12,738''''''''''12,866''''''''''12,994''''''''''13,124''''''''''
V&E Maint-Other 14,448'''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Wet Weather Access 37,081'''''''''''''''''''50,000''''''''''50,500''''''''''51,005''''''''''51,515''''''''''52,030''''''''''52,551''''''''''53,076''''''''''53,607''''''''''54,143''''''''''54,684''''''''''
Other Total /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Total Maintenance Expense 335,9057777777777777777 338,50077777777 341,88577777777 345,30477777777 348,75777777777 352,24477777777 355,76777777777 359,32577777777 362,91877777777 366,54777777777 370,21277777777
Purchased Services
Advertise-Legal Notices /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Advertise-Promotional 16,922'''''''''''''''''''20,000''''''''''20,200''''''''''20,402''''''''''20,606''''''''''20,812''''''''''21,020''''''''''21,230''''''''''21,443''''''''''21,657''''''''''21,874''''''''''
Advertise - recruiting /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Insurance-Premium 46,102'''''''''''''''''''50,000''''''''''50,500''''''''''51,005''''''''''51,515''''''''''52,030''''''''''52,551''''''''''53,076''''''''''53,607''''''''''54,143''''''''''54,684''''''''''
Other Serv-Other 28,566'''''''''''''''''''50,000''''''''''50,500''''''''''51,005''''''''''51,515''''''''''52,030''''''''''52,551''''''''''53,076''''''''''53,607''''''''''54,143''''''''''54,684''''''''''
Other Serv-Contract Labor 3,768'''''''''''''''''''''25,000''''''''''25,250''''''''''25,503''''''''''25,758''''''''''26,015''''''''''26,275''''''''''26,538''''''''''26,803''''''''''27,071''''''''''27,342''''''''''
Other Serv-C/T COCS Employees 1,152,617'''''''''''''20,000''''''''''20,200''''''''''20,402''''''''''20,606''''''''''20,812''''''''''21,020''''''''''21,230''''''''''21,443''''''''''21,657''''''''''21,874''''''''''
Other Serv-C/T COB Employees 195,949'''''''''''''''''50,000''''''''''50,500''''''''''51,005''''''''''51,515''''''''''52,030''''''''''52,551''''''''''53,076''''''''''53,607''''''''''54,143''''''''''54,684''''''''''
Other Serv-Security 1,740'''''''''''''''''''''4,000'''''''''''''4,040'''''''''''''4,080'''''''''''''4,121'''''''''''''4,162'''''''''''''4,204'''''''''''''4,246'''''''''''''4,289'''''''''''''4,331'''''''''''''4,375'''''''''''''
Printing-Copier Costs /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Printing-External 5,000'''''''''''''''''''''7,000'''''''''''''7,070'''''''''''''7,141'''''''''''''7,212'''''''''''''7,284'''''''''''''7,357'''''''''''''7,431'''''''''''''7,505'''''''''''''7,580'''''''''''''7,656'''''''''''''
Printing-Signs & Banners 2,000'''''''''''''''''''''2,500'''''''''''''2,525'''''''''''''2,550'''''''''''''2,576'''''''''''''2,602'''''''''''''2,628'''''''''''''2,654'''''''''''''2,680'''''''''''''2,707'''''''''''''2,734'''''''''''''
Prof Serv-Audit 12,000'''''''''''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,150''''''''''15,302''''''''''15,455''''''''''15,609''''''''''15,765''''''''''15,923''''''''''16,082''''''''''16,243''''''''''16,405''''''''''
Prof Serv-Engineering 243,235'''''''''''''''''250,000''''''''252,500''''''''255,025''''''''257,575''''''''260,151''''''''262,753''''''''265,380''''''''268,034''''''''270,714''''''''273,421''''''''
Prof Serv-Legal 44,473'''''''''''''''''''60,000''''''''''60,600''''''''''61,206''''''''''61,818''''''''''62,436''''''''''63,061''''''''''63,691''''''''''64,328''''''''''64,971''''''''''65,621''''''''''
Prof Serv-Medical 500''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Prof Serv-Surveying /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Prof Serv-Spec Studies 35,000'''''''''''''''''''50,000''''''''''50,500''''''''''51,005''''''''''51,515''''''''''52,030''''''''''52,551''''''''''53,076''''''''''53,607''''''''''54,143''''''''''54,684''''''''''
Prof Serv-Other 415,000'''''''''''''''''475,000''''''''479,750''''''''484,548''''''''489,393''''''''494,287''''''''499,230''''''''504,222''''''''509,264''''''''514,357''''''''519,501''''''''
Rentals-Buildings & Structures 1,736'''''''''''''''''''''2,000'''''''''''''2,020'''''''''''''2,040'''''''''''''2,061'''''''''''''2,081'''''''''''''2,102'''''''''''''2,123'''''''''''''2,144'''''''''''''2,166'''''''''''''2,187'''''''''''''
Rentals-Clothing /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Rentals-Equipment 48,317'''''''''''''''''''25,000''''''''''25,250''''''''''25,503''''''''''25,758''''''''''26,015''''''''''26,275''''''''''26,538''''''''''26,803''''''''''27,071''''''''''27,342''''''''''
Replacement Phones /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Replacement-Radio System-800Mhz 16''''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Sundry-Credit Card Fees 9,113'''''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Sundry-Freight 4,864'''''''''''''''''''''6,000'''''''''''''6,060'''''''''''''6,121'''''''''''''6,182'''''''''''''6,244'''''''''''''6,306'''''''''''''6,369'''''''''''''6,433'''''''''''''6,497'''''''''''''6,562'''''''''''''
Sundry-Permits & Licenses /'''''''''''''''''''''''''1,500'''''''''''''1,515'''''''''''''1,530'''''''''''''1,545'''''''''''''1,561'''''''''''''1,577'''''''''''''1,592'''''''''''''1,608'''''''''''''1,624'''''''''''''1,641'''''''''''''
Sundry-Mail Handling 188''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Sundry-Penalty & Interest /'''''''''''''''''''''''''500''''''''''''''''505''''''''''''''''510''''''''''''''''515''''''''''''''''520''''''''''''''''526''''''''''''''''531''''''''''''''''536''''''''''''''''541''''''''''''''''547''''''''''''''''
Sundry-Postage 2,662'''''''''''''''''''''3,000'''''''''''''3,030'''''''''''''3,060'''''''''''''3,091'''''''''''''3,122'''''''''''''3,153'''''''''''''3,185'''''''''''''3,216'''''''''''''3,249'''''''''''''3,281'''''''''''''
Tech Serv-Janitorial 4,993'''''''''''''''''''''6,000'''''''''''''6,060'''''''''''''6,121'''''''''''''6,182'''''''''''''6,244'''''''''''''6,306'''''''''''''6,369'''''''''''''6,433'''''''''''''6,497'''''''''''''6,562'''''''''''''
Tech Serv-Pest Control 1,946'''''''''''''''''''''2,500'''''''''''''2,525'''''''''''''2,550'''''''''''''2,576'''''''''''''2,602'''''''''''''2,628'''''''''''''2,654'''''''''''''2,680'''''''''''''2,707'''''''''''''2,734'''''''''''''
Tech. Svcs.-Inspect & Lic. Fees 10,000'''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Training-In-house Training 250''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Training-Memberships 4,144'''''''''''''''''''''5,000'''''''''''''5,050'''''''''''''5,101'''''''''''''5,152'''''''''''''5,203'''''''''''''5,255'''''''''''''5,308'''''''''''''5,361'''''''''''''5,414'''''''''''''5,468'''''''''''''
Training-Outside Training 10,038'''''''''''''''''''11,500''''''''''11,615''''''''''11,731''''''''''11,848''''''''''11,967''''''''''12,087''''''''''12,207''''''''''12,330''''''''''12,453''''''''''12,577''''''''''
Training-Subscriptions 669''''''''''''''''''''''''500''''''''''''''''505''''''''''''''''510''''''''''''''''515''''''''''''''''520''''''''''''''''526''''''''''''''''531''''''''''''''''536''''''''''''''''541''''''''''''''''547''''''''''''''''
Training-Travel & Lodging 8,704'''''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Util Serv-Cable Services 1,349'''''''''''''''''''''2,000'''''''''''''2,020'''''''''''''2,040'''''''''''''2,061'''''''''''''2,081'''''''''''''2,102'''''''''''''2,123'''''''''''''2,144'''''''''''''2,166'''''''''''''2,187'''''''''''''
Util Serv-Disposal Fees 13,013'''''''''''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,150''''''''''15,302''''''''''15,455''''''''''15,609''''''''''15,765''''''''''15,923''''''''''16,082''''''''''16,243''''''''''16,405''''''''''
Util Serv-Electric 61,937'''''''''''''''''''75,000''''''''''75,750''''''''''76,508''''''''''77,273''''''''''78,045''''''''''78,826''''''''''79,614''''''''''80,410''''''''''81,214''''''''''82,026''''''''''
Util Serv-Garbage 39''''''''''''''''''''''''''200''''''''''''''''202''''''''''''''''204''''''''''''''''206''''''''''''''''208''''''''''''''''210''''''''''''''''212''''''''''''''''214''''''''''''''''217''''''''''''''''219''''''''''''''''
Util Serv-Local Phone 1,170'''''''''''''''''''''1,500'''''''''''''1,515'''''''''''''1,530'''''''''''''1,545'''''''''''''1,561'''''''''''''1,577'''''''''''''1,592'''''''''''''1,608'''''''''''''1,624'''''''''''''1,641'''''''''''''
Util Serv-Long Distance Phone 318''''''''''''''''''''''''400''''''''''''''''404''''''''''''''''408''''''''''''''''412''''''''''''''''416''''''''''''''''420''''''''''''''''425''''''''''''''''429''''''''''''''''433''''''''''''''''437''''''''''''''''
Util Serv-Mobile Phone 7,040'''''''''''''''''''''7,500'''''''''''''7,575'''''''''''''7,651'''''''''''''7,727'''''''''''''7,805'''''''''''''7,883'''''''''''''7,961'''''''''''''8,041'''''''''''''8,121'''''''''''''8,203'''''''''''''
Util Serv-Natural Gas 51''''''''''''''''''''''''''350''''''''''''''''354''''''''''''''''357''''''''''''''''361''''''''''''''''364''''''''''''''''368''''''''''''''''372''''''''''''''''375''''''''''''''''379''''''''''''''''383''''''''''''''''
Util Serv-Sewer 13''''''''''''''''''''''''''500''''''''''''''''505''''''''''''''''510''''''''''''''''515''''''''''''''''520''''''''''''''''526''''''''''''''''531''''''''''''''''536''''''''''''''''541''''''''''''''''547''''''''''''''''
Util Serv-Water 9,907'''''''''''''''''''''20,000''''''''''20,200''''''''''20,402''''''''''20,606''''''''''20,812''''''''''21,020''''''''''21,230''''''''''21,443''''''''''21,657''''''''''21,874''''''''''
Total Purchased Services 2,405,3497777777777777 1,296,45077777 1,309,41577777 1,322,50977777 1,335,73477777 1,349,09177777 1,362,58277777 1,376,20877777 1,389,97077777 1,403,87077777 1,417,90877777
Salaries & Benefits
Administrative 110,757'''''''''''''''''225,000''''''''231,750''''''''238,703''''''''245,864''''''''253,239''''''''260,837''''''''268,662''''''''276,722''''''''285,023''''''''293,574''''''''
Fulltime Labor 344,662'''''''''''''''''800,000''''''''824,000''''''''848,720''''''''874,182''''''''900,407''''''''927,419''''''''955,242''''''''983,899''''''''1,013,416'''''1,043,819'''''
Overtime 89,042'''''''''''''''''''200,000''''''''206,000''''''''212,180''''''''218,545''''''''225,102''''''''231,855''''''''238,810''''''''245,975''''''''253,354''''''''260,955''''''''
Bonuses /'''''''''''''''''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,000''''''''''
FICA/Medicare & Unemployment 51,866'''''''''''''''''''97,500''''''''''100,425''''''''103,438''''''''106,541''''''''109,737''''''''113,029''''''''116,420''''''''119,913''''''''123,510''''''''127,215''''''''
Retirement 53,254'''''''''''''''''''140,000''''''''144,200''''''''148,526''''''''152,982''''''''157,571''''''''162,298''''''''167,167''''''''172,182''''''''177,348''''''''182,668''''''''
Group Health Insurance 83,961'''''''''''''''''''160,000''''''''164,800''''''''169,744''''''''174,836''''''''180,081''''''''185,484''''''''191,048''''''''196,780''''''''202,683''''''''208,764''''''''
Group Life Insurance 2,080'''''''''''''''''''''5,000'''''''''''''5,150'''''''''''''5,305'''''''''''''5,464'''''''''''''5,628'''''''''''''5,796'''''''''''''5,970'''''''''''''6,149'''''''''''''6,334'''''''''''''6,524'''''''''''''
Workers Compensation 12,048'''''''''''''''''''30,000''''''''''30,900''''''''''31,827''''''''''32,782''''''''''33,765''''''''''34,778''''''''''35,822''''''''''36,896''''''''''38,003''''''''''39,143''''''''''
Unemployment Compensation /'''''''''''''''''''''''''500''''''''''''''''515''''''''''''''''530''''''''''''''''546''''''''''''''''563''''''''''''''''580''''''''''''''''597''''''''''''''''615''''''''''''''''633''''''''''''''''652''''''''''''''''
Education Reimbursement /'''''''''''''''''''''''''1,500'''''''''''''1,545'''''''''''''1,591'''''''''''''1,639'''''''''''''1,688'''''''''''''1,739'''''''''''''1,791'''''''''''''1,845'''''''''''''1,900'''''''''''''1,957'''''''''''''
Group LT Disability 610''''''''''''''''''''''''4,000'''''''''''''4,120'''''''''''''4,244'''''''''''''4,371'''''''''''''4,502'''''''''''''4,637'''''''''''''4,776'''''''''''''4,919'''''''''''''5,067'''''''''''''5,219'''''''''''''
Taxable Employee Benefits 140''''''''''''''''''''''''2,500'''''''''''''2,575'''''''''''''2,652'''''''''''''2,732'''''''''''''2,814'''''''''''''2,898'''''''''''''2,985'''''''''''''3,075'''''''''''''3,167'''''''''''''3,262'''''''''''''
Total Salaries & Benefits 748,4187777777777777777 1,681,00077777 1,730,98077777 1,782,45977777 1,835,48377777 1,890,09877777 1,946,35177777 2,004,29177777 2,063,97077777 2,125,43977777 2,188,75277777
Office Supplies - General 13,584'''''''''''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,150''''''''''15,302''''''''''15,455''''''''''15,609''''''''''15,765''''''''''15,923''''''''''16,082''''''''''16,243''''''''''16,405''''''''''
Office Supplies - Computer 1,935'''''''''''''''''''''500''''''''''''''''505''''''''''''''''510''''''''''''''''515''''''''''''''''520''''''''''''''''526''''''''''''''''531''''''''''''''''536''''''''''''''''541''''''''''''''''547''''''''''''''''
Office Supplies - Educate 2,032'''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Office Supplies - Photo /'''''''''''''''''''''''''200''''''''''''''''202''''''''''''''''204''''''''''''''''206''''''''''''''''208''''''''''''''''210''''''''''''''''212''''''''''''''''214''''''''''''''''217''''''''''''''''219''''''''''''''''
Office Supplies-Minor Equipment 3,441'''''''''''''''''''''5,000'''''''''''''5,050'''''''''''''5,101'''''''''''''5,152'''''''''''''5,203'''''''''''''5,255'''''''''''''5,308'''''''''''''5,361'''''''''''''5,414'''''''''''''5,468'''''''''''''
Office Supp.-Computer Hardware 7,271'''''''''''''''''''''3,000'''''''''''''3,030'''''''''''''3,060'''''''''''''3,091'''''''''''''3,122'''''''''''''3,153'''''''''''''3,185'''''''''''''3,216'''''''''''''3,249'''''''''''''3,281'''''''''''''
Office Supp.-Computer Software 841''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Office Supplies - Other 796''''''''''''''''''''''''400''''''''''''''''404''''''''''''''''408''''''''''''''''412''''''''''''''''416''''''''''''''''420''''''''''''''''425''''''''''''''''429''''''''''''''''433''''''''''''''''437''''''''''''''''
Botanical 97''''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
V&E-Oil 20,531'''''''''''''''''''25,000''''''''''25,250''''''''''25,503''''''''''25,758''''''''''26,015''''''''''26,275''''''''''26,538''''''''''26,803''''''''''27,071''''''''''27,342''''''''''
V&E-Fuel 7,546'''''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
V&E-Diesel 649,620'''''''''''''''''700,000''''''''707,000''''''''714,070''''''''721,211''''''''728,423''''''''735,707''''''''743,064''''''''750,495''''''''758,000''''''''765,580''''''''
V&E-Minor Tools 13,167'''''''''''''''''''6,000'''''''''''''6,060'''''''''''''6,121'''''''''''''6,182'''''''''''''6,244'''''''''''''6,306'''''''''''''6,369'''''''''''''6,433'''''''''''''6,497'''''''''''''6,562'''''''''''''
V&E-Other 4,800'''''''''''''''''''''12,500''''''''''12,625''''''''''12,751''''''''''12,879''''''''''13,008''''''''''13,138''''''''''13,269''''''''''13,402''''''''''13,536''''''''''13,671''''''''''
Awards-Service 195''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Awards-Recognition 5,400'''''''''''''''''''''500''''''''''''''''505''''''''''''''''510''''''''''''''''515''''''''''''''''520''''''''''''''''526''''''''''''''''531''''''''''''''''536''''''''''''''''541''''''''''''''''547''''''''''''''''
Award-Clothing /'''''''''''''''''''''''''850''''''''''''''''859''''''''''''''''867''''''''''''''''876''''''''''''''''885''''''''''''''''893''''''''''''''''902''''''''''''''''911''''''''''''''''920''''''''''''''''930''''''''''''''''
Clothing-Accessory 15,163'''''''''''''''''''7,500'''''''''''''7,575'''''''''''''7,651'''''''''''''7,727'''''''''''''7,805'''''''''''''7,883'''''''''''''7,961'''''''''''''8,041'''''''''''''8,121'''''''''''''8,203'''''''''''''
Clothing-Uniforms /'''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Chemical-Janitorial 3,710'''''''''''''''''''''4,000'''''''''''''4,040'''''''''''''4,080'''''''''''''4,121'''''''''''''4,162'''''''''''''4,204'''''''''''''4,246'''''''''''''4,289'''''''''''''4,331'''''''''''''4,375'''''''''''''
Chemical-Botanical 17,695'''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Chemical-Pesticide 638''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Chemical-Other /'''''''''''''''''''''''''300''''''''''''''''303''''''''''''''''306''''''''''''''''309''''''''''''''''312''''''''''''''''315''''''''''''''''318''''''''''''''''322''''''''''''''''325''''''''''''''''328''''''''''''''''
Crew-First Aid 500''''''''''''''''''''''''1,000'''''''''''''1,010'''''''''''''1,020'''''''''''''1,030'''''''''''''1,041'''''''''''''1,051'''''''''''''1,062'''''''''''''1,072'''''''''''''1,083'''''''''''''1,094'''''''''''''
Crew-Safety 1,119'''''''''''''''''''''5,000'''''''''''''5,050'''''''''''''5,101'''''''''''''5,152'''''''''''''5,203'''''''''''''5,255'''''''''''''5,308'''''''''''''5,361'''''''''''''5,414'''''''''''''5,468'''''''''''''
Crew-Other /'''''''''''''''''''''''''200''''''''''''''''202''''''''''''''''204''''''''''''''''206''''''''''''''''208''''''''''''''''210''''''''''''''''212''''''''''''''''214''''''''''''''''217''''''''''''''''219''''''''''''''''
Misc Supply-Promo Mater 5,000'''''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Misc Supply-Goodwill 3,000'''''''''''''''''''''800''''''''''''''''808''''''''''''''''816''''''''''''''''824''''''''''''''''832''''''''''''''''841''''''''''''''''849''''''''''''''''858''''''''''''''''866''''''''''''''''875''''''''''''''''
Misc Supply-Food & Ice 7,770'''''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Misc Supply-Other 17,139'''''''''''''''''''10,000''''''''''10,100''''''''''10,201''''''''''10,303''''''''''10,406''''''''''10,510''''''''''10,615''''''''''10,721''''''''''10,829''''''''''10,937''''''''''
Misc Supply-Survey /'''''''''''''''''''''''''15,000''''''''''15,150''''''''''15,302''''''''''15,455''''''''''15,609''''''''''15,765''''''''''15,923''''''''''16,082''''''''''16,243''''''''''16,405''''''''''
Total Supplies 802,989'''''''''''''''''858,750''''''''867,338''''''''876,011''''''''884,771''''''''893,619''''''''902,555''''''''911,580''''''''920,696''''''''929,903''''''''939,202''''''''
Other Budget not specified in P&L /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Total Expenditures & Transfers 4,292,6627777777777777 4,174,70077777 4,249,61777777 4,326,28377777 4,404,74577777 4,485,05277777 4,567,25477777 4,651,40477777 4,737,55477777 4,825,75977777 4,916,07577777
Debt Serv Trsf-College Station 399,235'''''''''''''''''177,710''''''''170,960''''''''163,910''''''''156,560''''''''149,135''''''''141,610''''''''133,448''''''''124,336''''''''114,536''''''''104,336''''''''
Debt Serv Trsf-Bryan 398,431'''''''''''''''''189,331''''''''185,131''''''''176,531''''''''167,731''''''''160,831''''''''151,431''''''''141,431''''''''131,231''''''''120,631''''''''109,631''''''''
General & Administrative Trsf /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Compost Fac. Equip N/P Bryan /'''''''''''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''/'''''''''''''''''
Host Fees 151,788'''''''''''''''''159,419''''''''162,607''''''''177,432''''''''180,981''''''''184,600''''''''188,292''''''''192,058''''''''195,899''''''''199,817''''''''203,814''''''''
Contingency /'''''''''''''''''''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''150,000''''''''
Non-Departmental Total 949,454'''''''''''''''''676,460''''''''668,698''''''''667,873''''''''655,272''''''''644,567''''''''631,334''''''''616,937''''''''601,467''''''''584,985''''''''567,781''''''''
Expenses Subtotal 5,242,1167777777777777 4,851,16077777 4,918,31577777 4,994,15677777 5,060,01777777 5,129,61877777 5,198,58877777 5,268,34177777 5,339,02077777 5,410,74377777 5,483,85677777
EBITDA 1,412,2577777777777777 1,601,46577777 1,667,56277777 2,242,76577777 2,326,09877777 2,568,31877777 2,658,03477777 2,750,28277777 2,844,99077777 2,942,11377777 3,041,37877777
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2L
Annual Blanket Order for Annual Interior/Exterior Painting and Rejection of Bids
Received for Invitation To Bid #12-057
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Chuck Gilman, P.E., PMP, Public Works Director
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a
contract between the City of College Station and JNA Painting & Contracting Company Inc.
in the amount of $57,931.00 for the purpose of Various Interior/Exterior Painting of City
Buildings under ITB (Invitation To Bid) #12-084, the rejection of bids received for ITB
(Invitation To Bid) #12-057, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on
behalf of the City Council.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure: Maintain and
rehabilitate equipment, facilities, and infrastructure on a strategic schedule.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the contract, the rejection of bids
received for ITB #12-057, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on
behalf of the City Council.
Summary: On April 19, 2012 staff received bids for the Annual Blanket Order for Annual
Interior/Exterior Painting under ITB#12-057; however, during the contract execution the
lowest bidder could not meet the terms set forth in the bond provisions of the City’s
Standard Form of Agreement, specifically performance and payment bond requirements.
The second lowest bidder submitted a bid that far exceeded the budget for this service.
Staff determined that it was in the City’s best interest to rebid the contract. All the vendors
that submitted bids were informed of the decision to reject the bids. After modifying the
scope of work to be included in this annual blanket purchase order, staff rebid the contract
under ITB #12-084 and received bids on July 26, 2012.
This is an annual blanket agreement for one (1) year with two (2) additional year renewals
upon mutual consent of the City and the vendor. Three (3) sealed bids were received and
opened at the Purchasing Department for ITB #12-084(rebid) with JNA Painting being the
lowest responsible bidder.
Budget & Financial Summary: Funds are budgeted and available in the Public Works
Facilities Maintenance Budget.
1. Bid Tab
2. Contract is on file in the City Secretary’s Office
City of College Station - Purchasing DivisionBid Tabulation for #12-084"Annual Interior/Exterior Painting of City Buildings"Open Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012 @ 2:00 p.m.ITEM QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICE14,000 SQ FTCeiling, apply one (1) coat$0.17 $680.00 $0.55 $2,200.00 $0.41 $1,640.0024,000 SQ FTCeiling, apply two (2) coats$0.34 $1,360.00 $0.75 $3,000.00 $0.74 $2,960.00340,000 SQ FTWalls, apply one (1) coat$0.17 $6,800.00 $0.42 $16,800.00 $0.40 $16,000.00440,000 SQ FTWalls, apply two (2) coats$0.34 $13,600.00 $0.52 $20,800.00 $0.73 $29,200.00550 EAWindows (including trim), apply one (1) coat$22.00 $1,100.00 $50.00 $2,500.00 $67.00 $3,350.00650 EAWindows (including trim), apply two (2) coats$35.00 $1,750.00 $60.00 $3,000.00 $124.00 $6,200.00750EAMetal doors (both sides including trim), applyone (1) coat$25.00 $1,250.00 $65.00 $3,250.00 $93.00 $4,650.00850 EAMetal doors (both sides including trim), applyone (1) coat$40.00 $2,000.00 $95.00 $4,750.00 $172.00 $8,600.00950 EAStain & clear coat wood doors (both sidesincluding trim), apply one (1) coat$25.00 $1,250.00 $80.00 $4,000.00 $95.00 $4,750.00Stain&clearcoatwooddoors(bothsidesJNA Painting & Contracting Company, Inc.(Frisco, TX)Vivas Contractors, Inc.(Houston, TX)MBC Management, Inc.(Navasota, TX)SECTION I: INTERIOR PAINTING1050EAStain&clearcoatwooddoors(bothsidesincluding trim), apply one (2) coats$40.00 $2,000.00 $100.00 $5,000.00 $175.00 $8,750.00114,000 SQ FTCost for moving office furniture (desks, filecabinets, sofa, chairs, etc.)$0.200 $800.00 $0.35 $1,400.00 $0.41 $1,640.00121,000 SQ FTAccent walls$0.34 $340.00 $0.75 $750.00 $1.09 $1,090.00132,000 SQ FTSpecialty Coatings (epoxy)$0.40 $800.00 $1.65 $3,300.00 $2.44 $4,880.00141,000 SQ FTDrywall repair/texture$1.00 $1,000.00 $2.50 $2,500.00 $1.99 $1,990.0015100 SQ FTDrywall replacement$1.50 $150.00 $3.50 $350.00 $8.66 $866.00120,000 SQ FT Walls, apply one (1) coat $0.17 $3,400.00 $0.75 $15,000.00 $0.52 $10,400.00220,000 SQ FT Walls, apply two (2) coats $0.34 $6,800.00 $0.85 $17,000.00 $0.96 $19,200.00SECTION II: EXTERIOR PAINTING$34,880.00 $96,566.00$73,600.00Sub Total (Section I-Interior Painting) Page 1 of 2120
City of College Station - Purchasing DivisionBid Tabulation for #12-084"Annual Interior/Exterior Painting of City Buildings"Open Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012 @ 2:00 p.m.ITEM QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICEEXTENDED PRICEJNA Painting & Contracting Company, Inc.(Frisco, TX)Vivas Contractors, Inc.(Houston, TX)MBC Management, Inc.(Navasota, TX)350 EAWindows (including trim), apply one (1) coat$22.00 $1,100.00 $50.00 $2,500.00 $67.00 $3,350.00450 EAWindows (including trim), apply two (2) coats$35.00 $1,750.00 $65.00 $3,250.00 $124.00 $6,200.00550 EAMetal doors (both sides including trim), apply one (1) coat$25.00 $1,250.00 $80.00 $4,000.00 $93.00 $4,650.00650 EAMetal doors (both sides including trim), apply two (2) coats$40.00 $2,000.00 $95.00 $4,750.00 $172.00 $8,600.00750 SQ FTStain & clear coat (both sides including trim), apply two (1) coat$25.00 $1,250.00 $80.00 $4,000.00 $95.00 $4,750.00850 SQ FTStain & clear coat (both sides including trim), apply two (2) coats$40.00 $2,000.00 $100.00 $5,000.00 $175.00 $8,750.0094,000 SQ FTPrep bare concrete masonry area before painting$0.10 $400.00 $0.48 $1,920.00 $0.98 $3,920.001010,000 SQ FTPressure Washing$0.10 $1,000.00 $0.30 $3,000.00 $0.19 $1,900.00Miscellaneous light fixtures, electrical boxes, 112,000 SQ FTa/c units, signs, lettering, etc.$0.25 $500.00 $0.65 $1,300.00 $2.17 $4,340.0012 Wood replacement100 LFT2" x 6"$5.00 $500.00 $8.50 $850.00 $12.68 $1,268.00100 LFT1" x 6"$5.00 $500.00 $6.50 $650.00 $11.03 $1,103.0020 ea4' x 8' x 5/8"$25.00 $500.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $192.00 $3,840.00131LSScafflding (one (1) section) (Daily Rate)$1.00 $1.00 $350.00 $350.00 $3,750.00 $3,750.00141LSMan Lift (Daily Rate)$100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $500.00 $11,550.00 $11,550.00Acknowledged Addendum$97,571.00$138,670.00 $194,137.00Bid BondSub Total (Section II-Exterior Painting) GRAND TOTAL (Section I & II)$57,931.00$23,051.00 $65,070.00Certification of Bid Page 2 of 2121
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2m
Project Number ST0910
Lincoln Avenue Sidewalk Construction Contract
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Chuck Gilman, P.E., PMP, Public Works Director
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a construction
contract 12-299 with Palomares Construction Company, in the amount of $152,361.00 for
the Lincoln Avenue Sidewalk Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the
contract on behalf of the City Council.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of this construction contract and
authorizing the City Manager to execute the contract on behalf of the City Council.
Summary: Included in the 2008 Bond Authorization was $300,000 for sidewalk extensions.
At the time of the bond authorization, a sidewalk along Lincoln was one of the highest
ranking projects. This project will construct a 6-feet wide sidewalk on the north side of
Lincoln from Foster to the sidewalk to the south of Munson Avenue. The sidewalk will
include a block retaining wall in areas where existing grade dictates.
For several years, staff has been acquiring easements for the new sidewalk. Six
construction bids were received on August 10, 2012. Palomares Construction Company was
the lowest responsible bidder.
Budget & Financial Summary: Funds in the amount of $283,285 are budgeted for this
project from General Obligation Bonds. A total of $72,051.67 has been expended or
committed to date, leaving a balance of $205,101 for construction and remaining
1. Bid tabulation
2. Map
3. Contract is on file in the City Secretary’s Office
No.Quantity Units Description & Unit Price in Words Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price Unit Price Total Price
1 1 LS MOBILIZATION $8,386.77 $8,386.77 $12,685.00 $12,685.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 $11,206.35 $11,206.35 $16,500.00 $16,500.00 $7,925.00 $7,925.00
2 1 LS TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN $5,140.80 $5,140.80 $6,350.00 $6,350.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,829.60 $2,829.60 $13,338.00 $13,338.00 $4,905.00 $4,905.00
3 1 LS EROSION CONTROL PLAN $1,512.00 $1,512.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,672.29 $5,672.29 $1,065.00 $1,065.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00
4 15000 SFT
4" CONCRETE SIDEWALK (incl: all excav., select
backfill to design grades, concrete, formwork,
reinforcement, all materials, labor & equipment to
complete the installation).
$6.24 $93,600.00 $5.35 $80,250.00 $4.55 $68,250.00 $5.64 $84,600.00 $5.54 $83,100.00 $5.00 $75,000.00
5 885 (face)SFT
WALL (incl: all excav., select backfill to design
grades, materials, labor & equipment to complete
the installation).
$18.92 $16,744.20 $42.35 $37,479.75 $16.10 $14,248.50 $29.29 $25,921.65 $18.64 $16,496.40 $36.82 $32,585.70
6 65 (face)SFT
(incl: all excav., select backfill to design grades,
materials, labor & equipment to complete the
$88.64 $5,761.60 $131.00 $8,515.00 $30.00 $1,950.00 $38.39 $2,495.35 $159.75 $10,383.75 $87.56 $5,691.40
7 680 SFT
ADA RAMPS (incl: all excav., select backfill,
concrete, reinforcement, curb removal &
placement, formwork to ADA slopes & gradients).
$17.27 $11,743.60 $12.00 $8,160.00 $12.00 $8,160.00 $21.68 $14,742.40 $36.34 $24,711.20 $12.25 $8,330.00
8 370 SFT
BRICK PAVERS (incl: all excav., select backfill, to
design grades, all materials, equipment & labor to
complete the installation).
$8.55 $3,163.50 $15.00 $5,550.00 $8.50 $3,145.00 $17.73 $6,560.10 $23.43 $8,669.10 $16.23 $6,005.10
9 1110 SFT
STEPS & MISC CURBS (incl: all cut, select
backfill, to design grades, all materials, equipment
& labor to complete the installation).
$7.18 $7,969.80 $16.20 $17,982.00 $12.25 $13,597.50 $19.53 $21,678.30 $19.29 $21,411.90 $12.67 $14,063.70
10 1 LS TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL (incl: removal and
proper disposal)$1,767.15 $1,767.15 $11,050.00 $11,050.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $3,854.19 $3,854.19 $4,693.00 $4,693.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00
11 1 LS RELOCATE & REPL. SIGNS, MAILBOXES $1,389.15 $1,389.15 $4,150.00 $4,150.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,189.50 $2,189.50 $2,769.00 $2,769.00 $3,850.00 $3,850.00
12 20 LF
excav., select backfill to design grades, material,
equipment & labor to complete the installation).
$42.70 $854.00 $118.00 $2,360.00 $25.00 $500.00 $68.95 $1,379.00 $159.75 $3,195.00 $46.75 $935.00
13 180 SFT
(incl: all excav., select backfill to design grades, all
materials, equipment & labor required to complete
the installation)
$26.19 $4,714.20 $40.00 $7,200.00 $7.00 $1,260.00 $42.56 $7,660.80 $34.51 $6,211.80 $26.47 $4,764.60
14 4 EA REMOVE FLOWER BEDS $347.29 $1,389.16 $1,500.00 $6,000.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $226.80 $907.20 $213.00 $852.00 $110.00 $440.00
15 1000 SY BLOCK SODDING (incl: all grading, bedding,
watering & installation)$7.64 $7,640.00 $10.25 $10,250.00 $11.25 $11,250.00 $5.41 $5,410.00 $4.69 $4,690.00 $3.52 $3,520.00
16 1 LS
$1,389.15 $1,389.15 $6,750.00 $6,750.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $9,420.03 $9,420.03 $2,327.00 $2,327.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00
GATE $29.57 $2,957.00 $25.10 $2,510.00 $10.00 $1,000.00 $23.10 $2,310.00 $18.11 $1,811.00 $16.50 $1,650.00
Indicates a price correction based on unit pricing
Total Base Bid
Brazos Paving, Inc.
Palomares Construction, Inc.
GW Williams
ITB 12-090 Construction of
Lincoln Avenue Sidewalk
Dudley Construction, Ltd
VOX Construction, LLC
Mike Larsen Company
Texas Ave
F o s t e r Av e
Walton DrNimitz St
Tarrow St
A s hbu r n Ave
M un so n Ave
Pasler St
Project Limit ±124
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2n
Loading Zone on University Drive at College Main
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Chuck Gilman, P.E., PMP, Public Works Director
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion of an ordinance amending
Chapter 10 “Traffic Code”, to create a loading zone on University Drive east of College Main
in accordance with the desires of the area merchants and as identified in the Memorandum
of Understanding.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Improving Mobility – Plan for infrastructure necessary to
meet projected growth and physical development.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the ordinance amendment.
Summary: As part of the public meetings held for the University Drive Pedestrian Safety
Project, merchants expressed a desire to have a commercial loading zone on University
Drive between College Main and Lodge Street. This would provide an area for commercial
trucks to make deliveries to the adjacent businesses without parking in the travel lanes of
University Drive and creating congestion. The creation of the loading zone was included as
one of the deliverables in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the City of College
Station and the Northgate District Association.
The loading zone, as desired by the merchants, would primarily provide an area for
commercial vehicles to make deliveries to the adjacent businesses. However, a secondary
request was to allow patrons of the area businesses to use the zone to pick-up orders. The
ordinance was developed to meet both of these requests. According to the proposed
ordinance, “all vehicles may stop or stand for up to 5 minutes, with an attendant present
that may move the vehicle…” Additionally, “Commercial Motor Vehicles may stop and
stand, with an unattended vehicle for active loading or unloading…”
The loading zone will extend between College Main and Lodge Street and was constructed
as part of the University Drive Pedestrian Safety project. With the completion of this project
and approval of the ordinance, loading zone signs will be installed and the area will be
enforced by the City according to the proposed ordinance.
Budget & Financial Summary: The Loading Zone signs will be covered by the Public
Works Traffic Operations budget.
1. Ordinance
2. Map
3. Sign Layout
University Drive Loading Zone
College Main Pedestrian Plaza
September 13, 2012
Consent Regular Agenda Item No. 2o
Renewal of Emulsified Asphalt Products Annual Price Agreement
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Chuck Gilman, P.E., PMP, Public Works Director
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the renewal of an
annual price agreement with Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions to provide emulsified asphalt
products for the maintenance of streets in an amount not to exceed $428,697.14
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure: Maintain and
rehabilitate equipment, facilities, and infrastructure on a strategic schedule.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval the renewal of the annual price
Summary: Public Works utilizes several emulsified asphalt products to rehabilitate and
repair asphalt pavement. CRS-2 is used by our patching truck for preventive maintenance;
and SS-1 is used as a tack coat for asphalt failure repairs when using fresh Hot Mix Asphalt.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions agrees to the first renewal of two available renewals with a 5.5%
increase over the original bid in an amount not to exceed $428,697.14.
Budget & Financial Summary: Funding is available in the operating budget of the Street
Maintenance Division.
1. Signed Renewal Letter
2. Bid 11-125 for Annual Price Agreement for Emulsified Asphalt Products
CITY OF C OLLEGE STATION Hom e of Texas A&M University" August 6, 2012
Cary P. Bownlee
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions Inc.
11612 RM 2244, Building 1, Suite 250
Austin, Texas 78738
RE: Renewal-Bid #11-125 -Annual Price Agreement for Emulsified Asphalt Products
Dear Cary P. Brownlee:
The City of College Station appreciates the services provided by Ergon Asphalt & Emulsion, Inc.
this past year. We would like to exercise our option to renew the above referenced agreement
under the same terms and conditions for the term of October 17 , 2012 through October 16,2013 ,
with your requested increase of 5.5% for an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Twenty Eight
Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars and 141100 ($428 ,697 .14).
If this meets with your company's approval, please complete this renewal agreement and return it
no later than Friday, August 17 , 2012. It is our intention to have this renewal on the September
13,2012 City Council Agenda.
Should you have any questions, please cal1 me at (979) 764-3437.
Heather Pavelka
P( ) B0x 9960
I I () I T(;xas . \ vcnue
C()l kg<; Stalion, rx 77R42
www .c stx .gu\.
..........•...•. .............................................................,
~ RENEWAL ACCEPTANCE By signing herewith, I acknowledge and agree to renew Bid 11-125 for Annual Price Agreement for Emulsified Asphalt Products in accordance with all terms and conditions previously agreed to and accepted, with an increase of 5.5 % for an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Seven Dollars and 141100 ($428,697.14). I understand this renewal term will be for the period beginning October 17,2012 through October 16, 2013. This is the first renewal.
Printed Name: CARY P. BROWNLEE
Date: AUGUST 7, 2012
City Manager
City Attorney
Executive Director Business Services
City of College Station - Purchasing Division
Bid Tabulation for #11-125
"Annual Emulsified Asphalt Products"
Open Date: Thursday, September 15, 2011 @ 2:00 p.m.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions
Item Est.Unit Total
No.Qty.Unit Description Price Price
1 100000 gal Emulsion, HFRS (Delivered)3.0006$ 300,060.00$
2 20000 gal Emulsion, CRS (Delivered)2.3894$ 47,788.00$
2b 20000 gal Emulsion, CRS (Pickup by City)2.2500$ 45,000.00$
3 6000 gal Emulsion, Anionic SS-1 (Pickup by City)2.2500$ 13,500.00$
4 6000 gal Cutback, Medium Curing MC-30 (Pickup by City)-$
Semi-Annual Estimates
Item Est.Unit Total
No.Qty.Unit Description Price Price
1 50000 gal Emulsion, HFRS (Delivered)3.0006$ 150,030.00$
2 10000 gal Emulsion, CRS (Delivered)2.3894$ 23,894.00$
2b 10000 gal Emulsion, CRS (Pickup by City)2.2500$ 22,500.00$
3 3000 gal Emulsion, Anionic SS-1 (Pickup by City)2.2500$ 6,750.00$
4 3000 gal Cutback, Medium Curing MC-30 (Pickup by City)-$
Total 1&2&2b
Quarterly Estimates
Item Est.Unit Total
No.Qty.Unit Description Price Price
1 33000 gal Emulsion, HFRS (Delivered)3.0006$ 99,019.80$
2 6600 gal Emulsion, CRS (Delivered)2.3894$ 15,770.04$
2b 6600 gal Emulsion, CRS (Pickup by City)2.2500$ 14,850.00$
3 1500 gal Emulsion, Anionic SS-1 (Pickup by City)2.2500$ 3,375.00$
4 1500 gal Cutback, Medium Curing MC-30 (Pickup by City)-$
Total 1&2&2b
Certification Y
Federal Environmental Fee will
be added to above prices at a
rate of $.4424/ton for asphalt &
polymer loads or $.00133/gal for
emulsion loads.
Annual Estimates
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2p
Southside Area Neighborhood Plan
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Bob Cowell, AICP, CNU-A, Executive Director of Planning & Development Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amending
the College Station Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan
for the area generally bounded by George Bush Drive, Texas Avenue South, Holleman Drive,
Welsh Avenue, Southwest Parkway, and Wellborn Road.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Core Services and Infrastructure, Neighborhood
Integrity, Multi-Modal Transportation, and Sustainable City.
Recommendation(s): The Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board considered
the mobility components of the Plan at their August 6th meeting and unanimously
recommended approval (7-0). The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing
for this item at their August 16th
meeting and recommended approval of the Plan (6-0).
Summary: This item was heard and unanimously approved by the City Council on August
23, 2012. Prior to the effective date of the ordinance, a typographical error was found on
page one of ordinance document. A corrected ordinance has been provided in your packet.
Exhibit “B,” the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, has not changed.
Budget & Financial Summary: Capital and operations and maintenance costs are noted in
the Neighborhood Plan.
1. The Southside Area Neighborhood Plan is on file at the City Secretary’s Office and is
available on the City’s website at www.cstx.gov/ndcplanning.
2. Ordinance
September 13, 2012
Consent Agenda Item No. 2q
Resolution Establishing a Hotel Occupancy Tax
Fund Event Grant Application Policy
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Frank Simpson, Deputy City Manager
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval
of a resolution creating a Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Event Grant Application Policy.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends Council approve the Hotel Occupancy Tax
Fund Event Grant Application Policy to further the effort to standardize the allocation
of HOT funds.
Summary: In 2011 the Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)
engaged The Indigo Resource Group to study how to improve the effectiveness and
efficiencies of the hotel occupancy tax (HOT) investments, and then make
observations and recommendations to have that happen. The final report was
delivered in June 2011, which the CVB then focused on three initiatives: (1)
standardize the allocation process for requests to utilize HOT funds, (2) create and
implement a way finding master plan, and (3) strengthen stakeholder relationships.
At the June 14, 2012 City Council Workshop, City Staff presented Council an
overview of a proposed HOT tax event grant funding application, review, and
approval process in an effort to standardize how allocations are made for use of HOT
funds. Staff received direction to prepare a policy and this agenda item is for City
Council to consider approving the developed Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Event Grant
Application Policy. City Staff has worked with the CVB and the City of Bryan staffs to
collectively come to agreement for the basics of a standardized program while
leaving the actual approval for the use of each City’s HOT funds independent of the
The CVB will receive applications, work directly with applicants to collect information,
and make recommendations to the City. The City of College Station will make all
final decisions on funding in whole, part or none of the requested amount; and
determine how funds, if any, will be dispensed to applicants. The City Manager will
be authorized to approve requests within his policy spending limit and within
approved budget appropriations. The City Manager may also decide to forward any
or all requests to City Council for final approval. As proposed, the City of College
Station will have the absolute and ongoing right to audit any or all organizations
receiving funding.
This policy outlines a pre-event application process, and a post-event analysis to
assess actual tourism impact of local events. The policy applies only to outside (not
City-sponsored) events. It does not apply to currently funded programs, such as
annual operating funding for the CVB or other organizations that have separate
funding agreements with the City that are considered on an annual basis.
Budget & Financial Summary: The proposed FY 2013 budget includes $100,000
available to fund any City of College Station Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant applications
that are recommended and approved. The policy authorizes the City Manager to
approve requested amounts that do not exceed $25,000 and City Council must
approve requests that exceed $25,000.
Attachments: Resolution and Policy
City of College Station
Hotel Tax Fund
Event Grant Application Packet
September 13, 2012
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Table of Contents
Overview Of The Application Process ................................................................................3
Rules Governing Your Application .....................................................................................4
Process Overview .................................................................................................................5
Support Considerations Checklist ........................................................................................6
Application For Event Support ............................................................................................7
Funding Request Overview..................................................................................................9
HOT Tax Fund Grant Agreement Form ............................................................................10
Staff Recommendation .......................................................................................................11
Post Event Analysis ...........................................................................................................12
Tax Code – Use of Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue ..........................................................13
Bryan-College Station Accommodations ..........................................................................14
Project Fund Worksheet .....................................................................................................15
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Overview Of The Application Process
This packet was designed to establish guidelines to apply universally to all events
requesting funds from the City of College Station in regards to financial support from the
City Hotel Tax Fund. There are stringent requirements in the Tax Code regulating the use
of HOT funds. A copy of the applicable sections of the Tax Code has been included in
this packet (Page 11) for your review.
A Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) Staff Representative will review the application
and make recommendations to the City of College Station city designee regarding
approval or denial of the request and give additional comments as to the size of the
financial funding request based on estimated economic impact relevant to the request, as
well as taking into consideration the need for local community economic impact relevant
to the community calendar. The Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) Staff
Representative will work with the applicant to ensure that all necessary documentation is
included when presenting to the City of College Station city designee. The City of
College Station will make the final decision on funding the event and at what level.
To apply for support, the event must take place within Brazos County.
If there is a sponsoring organization they will be required to provide their tax filing
status and ID number as part of the application. The sponsoring organization must be
tax-exempt. It is preferred that the sponsoring organizations have 501(c) tax-exempt
status, but it is not required.
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Rules Governing Your Application
1. The applicant must present reasonable evidence that the event will directly promote
tourism AND impact the hotel/convention business in Brazos County.
2. For any applicant applying for HOT funds to advertise an event, the CVB
recommends these funds focus on targeting visitors outside a 60 mile radius of Bryan-
College Station. Applicant must also attach copy of their marketing plan for
advertising including (1) venue for advertising; what medium (magazine, newspaper,
radio etc.); (2) rate card/sheet for said venue (3) expected run date or issue.
3. The applicant must ensure that a direct link to the CVB website is included on ANY
information provided to a registrant, vendor/event attendee, including but not limited
to any event website. The CVB website will contain a completed list of all hotels and
B&B’s in good standing.
4. If the request is for cooperative advertising support, the CVB Director or its designee
must approve the final advertising copy for appropriate representation of the
community and local lodging three (3) weeks before the ad or publication’s
proof deadline.
5. Any promotional materials (brochures, website, advertisements, etc.) using HOT
funds are required to include the appropriate Bryan-College Station CVB logo with
the visitaggieland.com website below the brand. The CVB logo must be used on all
advertising, print, television and online; and a website link provided. (Contact the
Bryan-College Station CVB @ 979-260-9898 for approval and the correct version of
the brand and link to use for promotional item.)
6. After the application process is complete, and upon recommendation from CVB Staff
for approval, the applicant may be expected to present an overview of the information
and/or items included in the application such as expected visitor attendance to event,
hotel selection, and expected overnight stays directly attributed to the event and to the
City designee or any other group or entity that the City deems necessary.
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Process Overview
The Pre-Event Funding And Reimbursement Process:
1. The City of College Station reserves the right to decide how funds will be dispensed;
annually, quarterly, or monthly.
2. The City of College Station reserves the right to decide if partial or all
should be reimbursed to the city provided the organization or event did not meet the
requirements of said contract.
3. The City of College Station reserves the absolute and ongoing right to conduct an
audit of anyone receiving HOT Funds to ensure correct use of HOT Funds.
The Post-Event Process:
The Post Event Analysis must include all of the items outlined in the application,
including samples of advertisements produced with the use of HOT funds. If the Post
Event Analysis and the final accounting of room nights are not received by the due date,
the City of College Station reserves the right to reject any future application by the
organization and to request reimbursement of partial or all HOT Funding.
It is the responsibility of the event to monitor the number of out-of-town guests who stay
in Bryan and College Station lodging properties in relation to their event. It is strongly
recommended to work with the CVB and the hotels to ensure proper credit and tracking.
Some suggestions for tracking out-of-town guests would be to use a zip code tracking
system or a survey distributed to attendees. Please note that stated room nights generated
will be subject to an audit by the City Manager and/or staff or the City designee.
A hotel list has been included in this packet for your reference in coordinating room
blocks and/or directing people to overnight accommodations. Please note that room
nights generated in other surrounding areas do not fulfill the requirements of the state law
and will not be credited to your event.
It is extremely important that applications be filled out completely and accurately.
If you need assistance in completing the application or have further questions, please do
not hesitate to contact Shannon Overby or Kindra Fry at 979-260-9898 or via e-mail at
shannon@bcscvb.org or kindra@bcscvb.org.
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Support Considerations Checklist
Name of Event___________________________________________________
Year Applying____________________________________________________
__________ The event “directly enhances and promotes tourism AND the convention and
hotel industry.” (Tax Code, Section 351.101)
__________ The event qualifies under AT LEAST ONE of the following categories:
(Please circle category number)
(1) the establishment, improvement, or maintenance of a convention center or
visitor information center
(2) the facilitation of convention registration
(3) advertising, solicitations and promotions that attract tourists and convention
delegates to Brazos County
NOTE: If applying under this category, legitimate media must be utilized IN
ADVANCE of the event (examples include direct mail, postage, newspapers,
magazines, radio, television, billboards, newsletters, brochures and other
collateral material).
(4) the encouragement, promotion, improvement and application of the arts
NOTE: Must be a viable art form (examples include instrumental and vocal
music, dance, drama, folk art, creative writing, architecture, design and allied
fields, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic and craft arts, motion
pictures, radio, television, tape and sound recording)
(5) the enhancement of historical restoration and preservation projects
(6) funding costs in certain counties to hold sporting events that substantially
increase hotel activity: (City within counties of under 1 million population
**Brazos County currently qualifies under this statute
(7) the enhancement or upgrading of existing sports facilities or sports fields for
certain municipalities
(8) funding transportation systems for tourists
__________ The application is filled out thoroughly and completely with all requested
documentations attached.
__________ The Post Event Analysis for last year’s event have been previously
submitted. (Write “N/A” if you did not receive support last year)
__________ It has been determined how the event will track out-of-town guests,
demonstrating that the event will attract tourists that will support the convention
and hotel industry.
Please note: All items must be completed before the application can be submitted.
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Application For Event Support
Organization/Business Information
Today’s Date: _______________ Event Date: ___________________________________
Name of Organization/Business: _____________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________
Contact Phone Number: _________________ Email: ____________________________
Status of organization: Non-Profit _____ Private/For Profit _____ Govt. Agency_____
Tax ID #: _____________________ Social Security # __________________________
Purpose of your organization/business:
Event or Expenditure Description
Please answer all items that apply to your request.
Name of your event/expenditure: _____________________________________________
Website address of your event/expenditure: _____________________________________
Date(s) of event/expenditure: ________________________________________________
How will the funds be used to directly enhance and promote tourism AND the hotel and
convention industry in Brazos County?
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
List other means of financial support including in-kind support
Name Amount to receive
Primary location of event/expenditure: ______________________________________________
Number of total persons expected to attend this event/expenditure: ________________________
Number of persons expected to visit event or expenditure monthly/yearly: __________________
Approximate number of people attending/visiting event or expenditure will stay overnight in
local hotels, motels or bed & breakfasts?
List host hotel or hotels that currently have a block of rooms for this event: Organization
must provide proof of listing or link of hotels on advertising and website.
Hotel # of Rooms Blocked Room Rate
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
____________________________________ ________________ ____________
Required Attachments:
Check all documents that are attached along with the application
_________ P&L from previous year’s program
_________ Projected budget for entire program
_________ Itemized, detailed list of expenditures relevant for HOT revenue use
_________ Advertising / Marketing Plan, including target audience
_________ List of Board of Directors with contact phone numbers
_________ Event planning timeline, if applicable
_________ Schedule of activities relating to your event/expenditure
_________ Copy of Tax Exempt certificate, if applicable
_________ Copy of previous year’s finances upon request
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Funding Request Overview
Amount Requested: $ ____________________________________________________________
Amount Granted In Past For Same Event Or Expenditure: $ ______________________________
Which Expenditure Category From Page 6 Is Most Relevant To Your Project/Event?
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
HOT Tax Fund Grant Agreement Form
Please return completed application with necessary attachments and signature to the Bryan-
College Station CVB located at 715 University Drive East College Station, TX 77840 no later
than90 days prior to event or project.
I have read the HOT Tax Fund Grant Application Process including the Rules Governing the
Application and the Reimbursement Process.
I fully understand the HOT Tax Fund Grant Application Process, Rules Governing the
Application and the process established by the City of College Station. I intend to use this grant
for the aforementioned event/project to forward the efforts of Brazos County and the Convention
& Visitors Bureau in directly enhancing and promoting tourism and the convention and hotel
industry by attracting visitors and hotel guests from outside Brazos County into the city or its
I understand that if I am awarded a HOT Tax Fund Grant , any deviation from the approved
project or from the rules governing the application may result in the partial or total withdrawal of
the HOT Fund Grant or a requirement to refund any and all funds received.
Business/Organization Name ____________________________________________________
Applicant’s Signature _____________________________ Date ________________________
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
CVB Staff Recommendation
CVB Staff Representative Recommended Grant Amount: $ _____________________________
Terms of Grant: Monthly_______ Quarterly ________ Annual_________
Date of Payment: _________________
Conditions of Grant:
City of College Station Approval
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
City of College Station Designee: __________________________________________________
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Post Event Analysis
This Form Must Be Completed And Returned To The Bryan-College Station CVB
No Later Than 30 Days Following Your Event Along With All Proof Of
Advertising And Hotel Room Night Pick Ups.
Event Information
Event Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Event Dates: ___________________________________________________________________
Event Expected And/Or Final Outcome
Attendance: ____________________________________________________________________
Hotel Room Nights*: ____________________________________________________________
*Subject To Audit
The above accounting of our Special Event is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
_____________________________________________ ____________________
Authorized Signature Date
_____________________________________________ ____________________
Printed Name Title/Responsibility
Return this form, supporting documentation and check (if applicable) to:
Bryan-College Station CVB
715 University Drive East
College Station, TX 77840
If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Overby at 979-260-9898.
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Tax Code – Use of Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue
§ 351.101. USE OF TAX REVENUE.
(a) Revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax may be used only to promote tourism and the convention and
hotel industry, and that use is limited to the following:
(1) the acquisition of sites for and the construction, improvement, enlarging, equipping,
repairing, operation, and maintenance of convention center facilities or visitor
information centers, or both;
(2) the furnishing of facilities, personnel, and materials for the registration of convention
delegates or registrants;
(3) advertising and conducting solicitations and promotional programs to attract tourists and
convention delegates or registrants to the municipality or its vicinity;
(4) the encouragement, promotion, improvement, and application of the arts, including
instrumental and vocal music, dance, drama, folk art, creative writing, architecture,
design and allied fields, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic and craft arts, motion
pictures, radio, television, tape and sound recording, and other arts related to the
presentation, performance, execution, and exhibition of these major art forms;
(5) historical restoration and preservation projects or activities or advertising and
conducting solicitations and promotional programs to encourage tourists and convention
delegates to visit preserved historic sites or museums;
(6) for a municipality located in a county with a population of one million or less, expenses,
including promotion expenses, directly related to a sporting event in which the majority
of participants are tourists who substantially increase economic activity at hotels and
motels within the municipality or its vicinity.
(7) the promotion of tourism by the enhancement and upgrading of existing sports facilities
or fields, including facilities or fields for baseball, softball, soccer, and flag football
(8) for funding transportation systems for tourists
§ 351.108. RECORDS.
(a) A municipality shall maintain a record that accurately identifies the receipt and expenditure of all
revenue derived from the tax imposed under this chapter.
(b) A municipality or entity that spends revenue derived from the tax imposed under this chapter shall, before
making an expenditure, specify in a list each scheduled activity, program, or event that:
(1) is directly funded by the tax or has its administrative costs funded in whole or in part by
the tax; and
(2) is directly enhancing and promoting tourism and the convention and hotel industry.
(c) If a municipality delegates to another entity the management or supervision of an activity or event
funded by the tax imposed under this chapter, each entity that is ultimately funded by the tax shall,
before making an expenditure, specify in a list each scheduled activity, program, or event that:
(1) is directly funded by the tax or has its administrative costs funded in whole or in part by
the tax; and
(2) is directly enhancing and promoting tourism and the convention and hotel industry.
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
Bryan-College Station Accommodations
Name/URL Units Services Location Phone
Bed & Breakfasts
Name/URL Units Services Location Phone
Hotel Tax Fund Event Grant Application Packet
September 13, 2012
Regular Agenda Item No. 1
Fiscal Year 2012 - 2013 Budget Adoption
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Jeff Kersten, Executive Director, Business Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance adopting
the City of College Station 2012-2013 Budget; and presentation, possible action and
discussion ratifying the property tax revenue increase reflected in the budget.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends the City Council approve the ordinance adopting
the proposed 2012-2013 budget with any changes the Council wishes to include. A
summary of changes the City Council has discussed will be presented to the Council for
Staff also recommends the City Council ratify the property tax revenue increase reflected in
the budget.
Summary: There are two actions in this agenda item.
First is the consideration of the 2012 - 2013 proposed budget. The City Council received
the proposed budget on August 9th, 2012 and held budget workshops on August 20th,
August 21st, and August 22nd. The City Council held a public hearing on the proposed budget
on August 23rd. The charter requires that the City Council adopt a budget no later than
September 27th
The City Council will need to include any proposed revisions to the budget in the motion to
adopt the budget.
The second action is ratification of the property tax revenue increase reflected in the
budget. This action is required due to recently enacted legislation. House Bill 3195 amends
the local government code to say the following:
"(c) Adoption of a budget that will require raising more revenue from property
taxes than in the previous year requires a separate vote of the governing
body to ratify the property tax increase reflected in the budget. A vote under
this subsection is in addition to and separate from the vote to adopt the
budget or a vote to set the tax rate as required by Chapter 26, Tax Code, or
other law."
The proposed budget will result in additional property tax revenues over last year totaling
$593,795, or 2.55%. This is additional tax revenue to be raised from new property added to
the tax roll this year.
The proposed tax rate is $0.430687 per $100 assessed valuation which is the effective tax
Budgetary and Financial Summary: The following is an overall summary of the proposed
Subtotal Operation and Maintenance: $212,643,409
Total Proposed Budget: $253,133,611
Subtotal Capital: 40,490,202
1. FY 13 Budget Ordinance
2. Attachment A
Potential Technology Purchases through GSA Schedule 70, HGAC, TXMAS, Texas Department
of Information Resources, TAMU Master Agreement M100299, TCPN or Buy Board Purchases
Estimated Projected
ITEM Quantity Unit Cost Total
Scheduled Replacement/Repair/Additions
Replacement PCs 100 1,000 100,000
Replacement Monitors 40 160 6,400
Replacement Printers 8 2,200 17,600
Replacement Laptops 30 1,200 36,000
Replacement Copiers 83,503
Replacement Scanners 15,000
Printer replacement Parts 20,000
PC Replacement Parts (Video Cards, Hard Drive & Memory)25,000
Replace virtual servers 2 15,000 30,000
Replace single server 3 5,500 16,500
Server replacement parts 20,000
Server OS replacement/upgrade 10,000
Replacement UPS battery/units 35,000
Estimated Additional Desktop Software 60,000
Includes but not limited to New & Upgrade
versions of Adobe Acrobat, PageMaker,
Photoshop Illustrator, Premier, Audition,
Microsoft Publisher, Windows XP,
Frontpage, Project, Visio, Vstudio.net,
AutoCAD, ESRI ArcGIS, Crystal, Corel
Draw, Cognos, Novell Asset Management
Computer Network Maint and Equipment Replacement 30,000
Motorola Radio Repair/Replacement 20,000
Telephone Repair/Replacement 25,000
Fiber ring expansion 50,000
Communications Infrastructure Improvements - Wastewater 30,000
Fiber to Lift Stations -Wastewater 64,000
Dowling Road High Service Improvements - Wastewater 388,250
Sandy Point Cooling Tower Expansion - Wastewater 76,000
Professional Services - Wastewater 14,400
Subtotal - Scheduled Replacement 1,172,653
Service Level Adjustments
SLA - new position equipment 115,635
includes desktop pc, extended warranty,
network card, added memory, monitor,
laptop, printer, standard software, additional
phones and radios
SLA - Brazos Valley Wide Area Communication System (BVWACS) 164,983
Capital Infrastructure Improvements
Subtotal - Service Level Adjustments 280,618
Potential Technology Purchases through GSA Schedule 70, HGAC, TXMAS, Texas Department
of Information Resources, TAMU Master Agreement M100299, TCPN or Buy Board Purchases
Estimated Projected
ITEM Quantity Unit Cost Total
Unscheduled Replacements/Additions
Estimated Additional PC setups 10 2,100 21,000
not identified specifically in budget
includesbut not limited to: Monior, network card,
extended warranty, added memory
Estimated Standard Desktop Software 10 604 6,040
not identified specifically in budget
Includes but not limited to: Microsoft
Office 2010, Vipre, Microsoft Windows
client access license, Novell
Estimated Additional Desktop Software 45,000
Includes but not limited to New & Upgrade versions of
Adobe Acrobat, PageMaker, Photoshop
Illustrator, Premier, Audition
Microsoft Publisher, Windows 7
Frontpage, Project, Visio, Vstudio.net
AutoCAD, ESRI ArcGIS, Crystal
Corel Draw, Cognos, Novell
Estimated Additional Printers/Plotters 20,000
Estimated Memory upgrades 100 100 10,000
includes: desktop pcs, printers
Estimated PC misc parts 10,000
includes: CD Burners, harddrives
modems, network cards, DVD Burner
mice, network cables
Estimated Monitor upgrades 20,000
includes: Flat Panel and larger
than 19" monitor
Estimated Additional Scanners 10 1,200 12,000
Estimated Additional Laptops/Toughbooks 10 4,000 40,000
Estimated Network Upgrades 80,000
Sub-Total Unscheduled Replacement/Additions 264,040
Phone System Maintenance
Cisco_SmartNet Maintenance 45,000
Subtotal - Phone System Maintenance 45,000
Potential Technology Purchases through GSA Schedule 70, HGAC, TXMAS, Texas Department
of Information Resources, TAMU Master Agreement M100299, TCPN or Buy Board Purchases
Estimated Projected
ITEM Quantity Unit Cost Total
Network Software on Master License Agreement (MLA)
Novell Open Workgroup Suite (1Zen/1Groupwise/1 ODS) -927 65,000
CommVault 16,000
ZenWorks Asset Management -904 nodes 4,500
ZenWorks Patch Management - 904 nodes 8,000
Subtotal - Network Software on MLA 93,500
PC Hardware and Software Maintenance
HP Printer Maintenance 2,818
AutoCAD 15,225
Barracuda Spam/Spyware 5,500
Siemens Access Control System 10,000
Subtotal - PC Software Maintenance 33,543
IBM Hardware and Software Maintenance
Hardware Maintenance (2 power 7's)-
Power 7 Software Subscription and Support 2 7,700
Subtotal - IBM Hardware and Software Maintenance 7,700
GIS Software Maintenance
Enterprise Maintenance for ESRI software
Subtotal - GIS Software Maintenance 50,000
Grand Total 1,947,054
September 13, 2012
Regular Agenda Item No. 2
Ad Valorem Tax Rate Adoption
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Jeff Kersten, Executive Director, Business Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of an
ordinance adopting the City of College Station 2012-2013 ad valorem tax rate of $0.430687
per $100 assessed valuation, the debt service portion being $0.195635 per $100 assessed
valuation and the operations and maintenance portion being $0.235052 per $100 assessed
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends Council adopt the effective tax rate of
$0.430687 per $100 assessed valuation.
Summary: On August 22nd
, the City Council discussed the tax rate and decided not to
consider a rate higher than the effective rate of $0.430687. As a result, no additional public
hearings or notices were required. The highest tax rate the City Council can consider is the
effective tax rate of $.430687.
The tax rate must be adopted as two separate components – one for Maintenance and
Operations and one for debt service.
The effective tax rate of $0.430687 per $100 assessed valuation was used to prepare the
proposed budget. If the City Council adopts a tax rate lower than the effective rate, the
budget will have to be amended and reduced.
Budgetary and Financial Summary: The effective tax rate of $0.430687 per $100
assessed valuation will generate approximately $25.5 million. The property taxes are used
to fund the general debt service of the City as well as a portion of the operations and
maintenance costs of the General Fund.
1. Tax Rate Ordinance - $0.430687 per $100 assessed valuation
$0.235052 M&O
Debt Service $0.195635
$0.430687 Total Tax Rate
September 13, 2012
Regular Agenda Item No. 3
Wastewater Utility Rate Increase
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Dave Coleman, Director of Water Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance
amending Chapter 11, "Utilities" Section 2, "Water and Sewer Services," of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas having the effect of raising rates for
wastewater service.
Relationship to Strategic Goals: Financially sustainable city providing response to core
services and infrastructure.
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance.
Summary: The attached ordinance implements the sewer rates discussed with Council at
the August 21, 2012 Budget Workshop, and will generate the revenue required for the FY-
13 Budget that is being considered by City Council today. The proposed rates will increase
the Service Charges and Usage Charges as follows:
Sewer Service Fees and Volume Rates: 5% increase (amount varies by category)
The average single-family home customer will see an increase of $1.61 in their monthly bill
for wastewater services. Apartment dwellers will see an increase of either $0.75 or $1.19
per month, depending on whether their unit has a kitchen.
This rate increase is required to support the capital project requirements described in the
Wastewater Master Plan that was approved by City Council on June 23, 2011. In addition to
increased capital project costs, the rate increase is also required to keep up with the
increased cost of operating the wastewater systems, due to general inflation and increased
commodity costs.
Since the rate increase is required to meet the increased demands being placed on the
Wastewater collection system, staff recommends approval.
Budget & Financial Summary: The proposed new rates are estimated to generate
approximately $12.7 million in FY-13 sewer revenues. This increase is needed to continue
meeting financial policies and bond covenants.
September 13, 2012
Regular Agenda Item No. 4
TMRS Ordinance Revision
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Jeff Kersten, Executive Director, Business Services
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the Texas Municipal
Retirement System Ordinance to reduce the Updated Service Credit for current employees
calculation from 100% to 75%; and reduce the Cost of Living Adjustment, or annuity
increase, calculation for retirees from 70% to 50% of the Consumer Price Index.
Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the ordinance reducing the Updated
Service Credit calculation from 100% to 75% for current employees, and reducing the Cost
of Living Adjustment, or annuity increase, calculation for retirees from 70% to 50% of the
Consumer Price Index.
This recommendation was also supported by the Council Benefits Committee and presented
to the City Council on August 9.
Summary: The City’s retirement plan through the Texas Municipal Retirement Agency
(TMRS) is an important benefit that the City can offer to recruit, attract and retain good
During the FY 13 Budget process a recommendation was made to change 2 provisions in the
retirement plan. These are reductions in the Updated Service Credits (USC) for current
employees and a reduction in the Annuity Increase or Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for
The USC is an optional benefit within the menu of plan design options that cities can adopt.
It is designed to help retirement benefits from being eroded over time. The USC benefit can
be offered at the following levels 100%, 75%, or 50%. Currently the City offers the
Updated Service Credit at 100% of the benefit calculation. The USC for current
employees is proposed to be reduced to the 75% level.
The COLA is also an option cities can choose to increase annuities for retirees. The amount
of the COLA varies depending on the rate of inflation as measured by the annual Consumer
Price Index. The City chooses the adjustment amount of 70%, 50% or 30%. Currently the
City offers the COLA for retirees at the 70% level. The COLA for retirees is proposed to
be reduced to the 50% level.
These changes will not affect the core components of the retirement plan which include the
7% employee contribution and the 2 to 1 match from the City; and allow the City to
continue to have a competitive benefit package. These are important changes that need to
be made to ensure the retirement plan remains strong, but at a reasonable cost.
Budgetary and Financial Summary: These changes will reduce the contribution rate from
a projected 16.72% (phase in rate) to a rate of 13.75%. In FY 12 the amount budget for
TMRS was $6.6 million. In FY 13 that amount is projected to be $5.6 million. These
changes will result in savings of a little over $1 million in FY 13 over the FY 12 budget.
September 13, 2012
City Council Regular Item No. 5
Appointment to BCS Convention & Visitors Bureau
To: David Neeley, City Manager
From: Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the appointment to the
Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for the Bryan-College Station Convention and
Visitors Bureau.
Background & Summary: The current representative for College Station is Steve Aldrich, and
his term expires September 20, 2012. He is eligible for another two-year term. Mr. Aldrich has
been contacted, and he has expressed his willingness to continue.
Budget & Financial Summary: There is no fiscal impact.
• Email from Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau, dated August 30,