HomeMy WebLinkAbout110411 - Campaign Finance Report - Karl P. Mooneyrg-REPO-R-T-TY~P-E-'- lo' PERIODLCOVERED ; 11 "ELECTION 14 NOTICE OF DIRECT CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE BY OTHER INDIVIDUALS ~~~....--~...--~....--~-~- Jaruary 15 July 15 N@me ,.B o o --~------ Runoff Exceeded $5GO ti~il [] o 15th <fay aioc c3mp;ru';1 lreasurer ilPPO nl-renl (offJCehc dar only) FIt~l'll report jAltach C:OH • FR) Yea, Texas Ethics Commission PO. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 76711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (TOO 1·800·735-2989) CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 ===....--~-... --~-.. ---~-~----=...=--=====I 1 ACCQUNT# 2 Tota!pag/eSfil~I', (ElhicsCCI"I'l'iS'>Ion Filers) .;;;The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. ; 6 CAMPAIGN [ REASURER NAME 7 CAMPAIGN ; TREASURER ADDRESS Date ~~~....-~ MI SUFFIX IS-CAMPAIGN--­ ; TREASURER . PHONE AREA CODE EXTENSION eli1) j----..---:-;-C""'.. I PO EXn Api ! Swle P. City, Stale lip CQce D al'ditlonal pages GOTOPAGE2 www.ethics.statc_tx.us Revised 04f21/2010 Texas Ethics Commission P,O. Box 12070 Austin. Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (TDD 1-<l()Q..735-2989) CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: SUPPORT & TOTALS FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 2 15 CIOH NAME ===c;==--=--=.=.=====i 16 ACCOUNT /I (Eth'C5 Commission Filers) 17 NOTI C E lHIS BOX IS FOR NOnCEOI' to meAL CONTRIBunmlS ACCEPT£Cl O~POU1ICAL EXPEkPlfUk£$ MADE. &Y POLmCAI. CUMM1HEE:$1O SUPPORT THE FRO M CAM}!OA TE I OFfiCEHOLDER. ThESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAYF BEEN MAOE wmlOUT THE CAND!IJATE'S OR OFFICEHOLDER'S KNOWLEOGE OR PO L! T r CAL CONSENT. CAttt.OATES f<NO OFFICEHOLOEkS ARE REQIjIfIED TO RFpORT THIS INfORMAllON ON!.Y IF THEY RE:CEIVE. NOTICE OF SUCH EXPFNDlTURE$, COMMITTEE(S) f---­ [J additional pages COMMITTEE NAMi: COMMITTEE TYPE [J GENERAL -------... COMMITTEE ADDRESS SPECIFIC ! COMM!11Ef. CAMPA1GN1REA$URE:R NAME COMMITTee CAMPAIGN lREASURER ADDRESS TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER '7HAN PLEDGES, lOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOAI\S), UNLESS ITEMIZED TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THA~ PLEDGES, LOANS. OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) $ $ TOTAt. POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $50 OR LESS. UNLESS lTEMIZED $ CONTRIBUTION BALANCE OUTSTANDING LOAN TOTALS 19 AFFIDAVIT 4. o. 6. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTA\!DING LOANS AS OF THE REPORTING PERiOD $ $ $ I swear, or artirrn. under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by SUSNI YVIlNtI! ILTON MY OOMIoiISSiOti EXI'IRES Illy rr. 2012 AFfiX NorARY S7AMP f SE.A,LABOVE Sworn subscribed before me, by the said 44I[..I!'d+--' 20 ,II me under Tille 15, Etection Code. holder ____, this the hand and seal of office. _=M......,D'l"1J&J Title of offICer adminiS~ www.ethicS.state.lx.us Revised 04/2112()1 0 Texas Ethics Commission PO Box 12070 Austin Texas 78711·2070 (512)463-5800 (TDD 1·800-735-2969) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OTHER THAN PLEDGES OR LOANS --­- The Instruction Guide explains how 'to complete this form. 2 FlLERNAME& I~/ft, ?Y?A';/ ....-~-- Ill' ' 'l'tfr'-7 4 Dale ~ 15 F-;:;n~;;'e ofc~~~nbU!Of CJOLtt.~!def'''C,l~_------~ 171/ ~,!~~.a~,".C". ~ SCHEDULE A 1 Total pages ,hedUIO A: 3 ACCOUNT # (L!hics CommiSSIon Filors) ~O~~~~i~nOf($l : 8_ 'n·kond (if applicable) 1M""" I I , '3th"· 4JN!, tP&. 'e.5¢d~ q ?7t?/t (If trnV€! cuts:d" of Texas, compie~e SChedule T)! I : --~~-•!9 Principal occupation I Job title (See !nslruchons) 10 (See Instruc1ions) 1 Date Full name of contributor o oUI-o[-sla!ePt.C(lO# -..........) Amcuntof I contnbutlon ($} I w --I n~ii;lnd contnbution descnptlon {If appliCable} Contributor address; Principa' occupation I Job title (See City; State: Zip Code 0,' (See ! i i fIf ","", ou"~e 0' Texas ,omolo: ., 1 Full name of contributor D out"o(.stale-PAC(IDIt__, ........_..., Amountof In~kind contribution contribution ($) description (if applicable) Dal. I !Contributor address; City: Staie; Zip Code I i I (If ""., o",slde 01 Toxa5, complete Schedule T) Principal occupation I Job title (See II Employer (See Instructions.)I .__ ._.- .~-----... "",--,", ..-" .,~.. Full name of contributor C ou\~k)la:aPAC(IDtr -.. ----_____........... J Amount of I In~kind conHlbuhon""I. ! contribution (-$) I description (if applicable) Contributor address, City. State_ Z,pCode I I I (If travel out§!X!~..Q~..!ei(a$ cO'11plete ScMdule T) occupalion I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See lns!ruchons} I ---.. ,Full name of contnbutor o ouj·cI·slalaPACiIO#Dale CO~::rbOu~~nOI($) ,; de~~~~~n {rt appUCable) Contributor address; Cily' S1ate; Zip Code ! ! i : II! ""., ovtsid.l, T.,.s, comole'. "'"",vie n Principal occupation I Job ut!e (See !t'\s1Iuctions) Err,p!oyer tSee Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out~of*$tate PAC, please see instruction guide foradditional reporting requirements. www.ethics.state.lx.us Rev!sed 0412112010 Texas Ethics Commission PO Box 12070 Austin Texas 78711·2070 (512)483-5800 (TDD 1-800-735-2989) PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE B F======-=-==~~==~=======~~====··~·7·~~==========:~! 1 Tolal pages Sdidule s·The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 F'LER 7tt.t'/ j?;JjJ1J~V 4 TOTALOFUNITEMIZEDP DGES 10 Priflclpal occupation j Job Il1le (See Instructions) 111 Dal8 Full name or pledgor Pledgor address; City. Stale; Zip Code I occupation! Job title (See Insiructions) I Dale Fullllame af pledgor ::J address: City; Stale; Zip Code Prmclpal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) I Date Full name of pledgor Pledgor address, City; State, Zip Code {See Instructions) ··_·····-..-li . . . . . . . . Amount of pledge ($) I I I I I In-kind descriplian Of applicable) (If trallel cotshje or Texas. complete Schedule T) Employer (See Instructions) Employe. (See II Amountaf pledge {$) I I I I In-kind description (if applicable) I,f Il'avel outside of Texas, complete Schedule T) Amount of pledge ($) In,kind description (il applicable) (If travel outside of Te)(8S. complele SchedUle 1'1 f=c.::;;;,=:=:=p=a=,=c:_··;·cc:··=::::=u~=,O=nb=am=,,=:e=o=',S=p'·::,se=,,=,'9='·~=··;=:::=:::D:==O::O='.Q='=-E="="=PAC=I='[)o::::::..=:I~~.~=.~="=".=.='='.=,..=...=(s=e::e=)._:;ln:_'S:::"=U=~=~=O:=~=:=I=O=f=:::li===,=n=.k=-;=~=d=d=-;;=S=C=,;=Pt::.o=n===I pledge ($), (if applicable): Pledgor address; City. Stale, Zip Code ! (If travel o.;lside of Texas., complete Schedule T) Principal occupation I Job IIlIe (See Instructions) Employer (See II'S!'l.Ictions) AnACH ADDInONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED If contributor is Qut-of~state PAC. please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. WNW, ethics. state Jx .us Revised 04/2112010 r".::ex",as=.;E::;I:;.;h;.:iCS.::;.:C;.;0c.mc;ITlI=S.:;;Sic;o;.:n__...:.p.;.O;;;.;;.:;BOX 12070 Austin Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 (TOD 1-8()(). 735-2989) LOANS SCHEDULE E : 1 rotal pages Schedule E: The Instruction Guide explains now to complete this form. t ! 3 ACCOUNr 11 rE!r1fc,:; CommiSSIOn Fliers) TOTAL OF UN ITEMIZED LOANS 5 Date of loon 7 Name of lender 10 interest fale a financial lI'!stitutro(1? 8 Lendef adt:hess, eiiy State ZIP Code6 Is'enoor 11 Maturity dale Y N 12 Principal occupation I Job title {See Instructions} 13 Employer (See Instructions) r-:-: ......--...---....--i 14 DesC(lption of Collateral o nanG 15 GUARANTOR ! 16 Nameofguarantor 11 S AmounlGua,anteed (S) INFORMATION i' 17 Guarantor addresS; City; Zip Coda i ~c~__m_,a...p.:p.~<ca_b_"_~!_____._______.____________. __.T2?Cn~~"~;~~':;~.'~~~;~"-----.~-----------....--­ 19 Prirlcipal Occupation (See Instructionsl __ (See lnstn.lCllons) Date o(loan Name of lender i o out-of~stale PAC ilO#:, --------....--.--.-' !i----...---.... ----'-($)------, Leroder address; Cily. Slate: ZIP Code Interest race a financial Institution? ISJ0f'!der Y N -----.....-r"--'------.....--'-------.....---------......-----­ Principal occupation I Job trtJe {See Instructions) Employer {Soo Instructions} ._--...... ,!._ ..•.. -_._--_... . ....-: Description of Collateral o none -­..... ­ ---_._._­------, --_...._--,- Nameofguaranlor Amount Gueranteed ($) INFORMATION GUARANTOR Guarantor address; CIty; State; Zip Code ! [] no! appllcable ~~c=c--:--:--=·-----'---;::.'-------,-..... -­--~-----------------------:~-----------"~ Principal Occupation (See Instructions) Employer (See InstructlQns) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If lender is out~of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additions' reporting requirements, www.ethics.state.tx.us. Revised 04121/2010 .-~... ---------····---1 AmQunt ($) Pa ee address City. Slale' ZIP Code Revised 0412112010 Texas Ethics Commission __-'-P;.;O:..:..::Box=__1"'2=Q__7Q=-____A;;;.us1=in;'-'Texas 78711-2070 (512) 46;;<;800 (TDD 1-800-735-2989) SCHEDU":JPOLITICAL EXPENDITURES AdvertiSlOg Expense Accountin9iBanking Consul!ing Expense Even! Expense Fees 1 Tolal pagas Sct:edule F" I ~i~------------- EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX B(a, GiftlAwardSfMemonals Expense Legal Services Fo:)d!8everaqe Expense Poiling E.pe'1se Pnntpg Expense Sal-3riesIWagesIConl c;)ct Labor Soh::!la tion/F unoraisiog Expc:>se Travel In District Tra.vel CuI 01 Oislricl Office O"NheedjR~)I)tal Expense Loan RepaymentlRei'Tlbursernent Transportation Equipment & Related Expense ConlribvhonsiDonations Made 8y CanthdaiefOfficeholdef!Pnlilical CO'llmlltee OTHER (eme, il calegorv no! listed abovcl) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form, c;---c-:c----.... 6 Amount {$) +-:::--=------..---... 7 Payee address ...._..- City; State, Zip Code Candidate I Officeholder name Office soug h1 Offtce held Dale Payee name Amount ($) Payee address City; State, Zip Code \.,. ii----~___t....~--.....----....------~_c....-----....--..~.___l :;)o.....c c Category (See caL8goH~$ hsl0d il!llhe lopor [h.s schedvle] Description (If InN!!1 ;;:uiside ofToxi:I$, (Orrpifli)! $cpe<:fJlo T) _OF 'URE Qf::!l.Y If direct Candidate I Officeholder name 10 benefit CtOH F~======r===========~:=========-=-===========~~ Date : Payee name ..-.~~-.-.----.---------.----.~~~--.~--- AmQunt ($) Payee address; C Ily State, ZIP Code PURPOSE Category {See C-"Lcgaries li~'0d al'he1apofl'n" schedulo} Descr!pHon (Iftrave: otJls:deafTB)lS complele$:;'ledvie TJ i"-_E_X_PE_:;_;;_ITU__R_.E._~,... _______ ...__ .....~-._._..__..----.... --.--.L--:-c:-...... __ ......_____~~.... _ Comp!ele QtiI.:r: jf direct expendi(u~e to benelit etOH Candidate I Offlceholde! name Office sought Office held f=:...._=.===:.::...~-..-:------......----.....---~.....-==.--=.===·C-.:C== ......~::.-:= Date Payee name ( .. ......----------.---~ PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE ~... Complete Qt!1..Y if d,rect ex:pertdilure to benefit elCH www.ethics.state.b(.uS -.~------,. _._-----_. Categ~y iSeecalegone!i lisled allhe':(;Q ::fC'lljJ scMculej Description :!1lra1lf'l ol<t~idc nf retas ttlmuleleSchet!u'e n Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Office held ....._-----....._------......_------......_----- ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED 8 Texas Ethics Commission PO Boxl2070 Austin,TEO<as 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (TOO 1-800-735-2969) POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE GMADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX ala) Ad ...ertlsing Expense GiflIAwardsJMemOriall> EKpense Salaries/Wages/Contract Labar Loan RepaymenlJReimblJrs"mfltlt A~counting/aanking Legal Servk:es SolicitaCion/Fundraising Expense Transportatiotl Equ.ipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Tra ...al In Distr;ct ContributiooslDona.tton!) Made By Event Expense Polling Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/PoI!lical CommiUlffl" Fees printing Expense Office OverheadlRental Expense OTHER (enler a calegory not fisted .above) The Instruction GUide explains how 10 complete this form • 1 Tolal pages Schedule G: 2 F~AME ..,____._J3~.~~OUNT' (E!We. Commis.ion FHe ..)~ . '&./'1 /1Y 11 71ef­ 40ate 5 Payee name .,k~'--// • .._________(l~ 17~/fI cp;wt __________------c 6~=:= - PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Dete J-$'-I/ Amount ($) /;7;;;"/)/k~~:B!s~ p;(/~;;a,7PJ...I~A~g$::<C.6 ta) Caleg:ory (SosCOlI(l9tJri_lilll.0dallhelOJl oIilUxoodulo) (b) ()eS¢fiption {if Uin'ef Qutslde of T0ilM, cornpIefI!I SmedIAe T} /I/;/crl?}/ 6r-4je 4Jd ',:i"Yt' aJ'"e?ll.1tI '/ Category (See catsgoriR i:lsted at ltieklp clIDis sct!edule)PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Mertl"s;n.­Jt;fe Payee name .........................................~~.. +-~~~~- Descriplion (tI\fltvel out!;.de of ~a$.eompIeteScMduIe 1)PURPOSE EXPENDm.JRE OF &,--/.l./fl't i/ /(.j Date PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.ethics.st3te.tx.uS Revised 0412112010 TelCaS Ethics Commission PO Box 12070 Austin Texas 78711 -2070 (512)~ (TOO 1-800-73!;-2969) POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE GMADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Ad ....ertising Expense GifllAward5fMamorials Expense Salarie$lWageli./Ctmtract labor Loan RepaymentiReimbursement Accouniing/Banking lEl9al Services SolicitalionJF undramng Expense Transportafion Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Travel In Di&lfici Conlfibulions/Donatloos Made By Event EJCpense PaNing Expense Travel Ovt Of Oislnct Candidate/Oft'lc:ehokterlPalitieal CommlHee Fees PrintinG Expense Office O",el'flead/Rental ExpenSE! OTHER tamer a category not listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Talal pages Schedute G: ~~~!~ 13 ACCOUNT # (Elhks Comm_ f"'''i !:2 4 Dale J'-:?' 1/ 6 Amouot ($) 7 ;;Jil~j q,C;J1;;; m~1nL, q'l'~-'77 7'7157'6 ~buI:~f«wn poIllicaI conlOOl>Iions-.....~L..... ..­........­..-..----~- 8 PURPOSE (ill) Categoty (s..w. c:tfo9tlriu jj$lad s:(1he top oflf'lis schltdufflJ (b) DesaiptiOn (IftraY6loulsllHi 01 texas. ~I_Sd!~Tt OF 1I.1t?erllJio/ 6~"'fe ~7t/Lei.? ~~-r-;/(,.(EXPENDITURE I .._.... -........_. Date ,;!-,2,6 -/ / ;yzm~~/'e AmQunt ($) lY;;;"l7 -""7:~~'l4A~~~~?'?~Pb ~_IrompoIitiqU contribuOOns-PURPOSE Category (Seacalegorlll'$l1lltlild all1\6 lopof INs ~6) Description {tlIUlve4~ot~as.~Sd!~T; OF /Yl~1 bfjl#JtI e; ~/tk~/P.vk/EXPENDiTURE -~-- '::;-g-I/ 21""5":'?f~/~1P1~e -­Amount ($) ;;;;ri1f~ Ie: c;');:f;;c{;,//o/e.5~tf~/ Z; 71.'J~~8. &:.6 ~~fram political contritIuIicm-PURPOSE Cfiti;;;::~;'~'''_l Oe$Cfiptlon (Iftr<lYeI ootside arTexas, cf)('1'lf'lfete ScI'wIdule n OF 7~P?EXPENDITURE .__.­.... r::: 7-:;'1/ 4J;7~/ - ......... ---..............• ~--- 7/11f /;;;;1h~nC8;~ ZiP&'7~ ~~~;1(=;t;;778i? ~rsemef1l Frllnl pOlij(:~ (:(r11ribuUons-PURPOSE Category (~eatagofilt'S lisled altootop ol1flis scl'ledlJkl) Description (1fItaYel~alTel!.3:I'i,;:;;::;mptete~1) OF &lJ/erm/~' :::x;;.kEXPENDITURE ATTACH ADDlTlo¢\LCOPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.etfliCS.slate.tx.us Revised 0412112010 Texas Ethics Commission PO Box 12070 Austin Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (TOO 1-800-735-2989) POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE GMADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense SalarieslWages/Conlract labor Loan RepaymenllReimbursement Accounting/Ballking Legal Services Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Travel In Dislrict ContributionslDonations Made By Event Expense Polling Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Fees Printing Expense Office OvertJead/Renlal Expense OTHER (emer a category nollisled above) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule G: -? 4,:///_/) ~/Z}tf/ 8"~rSB'n9f11 fraTI . ptjiticalcontribulions-­8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 2 F4f;ME ? /Jh 13 ACCOUNT. (Elh~' COmm;"K,. F;Ie"1 . '4/'"1. 'I'IJ 1'J.. b/ :?~~~X ! ..._--­ 7';;:;k~r~a?~;z~ ~#~,7Y 77f?~6 - (a, Category (See categcw-ias bled at1he top of this :schedule) (b) Desaiplion (1/ travel outside ofTelI:as, ~t_SChedule TJ /I/~t',It;iut 6~J'jf'e -:;:;;iy~~.u;/S;S;k,~'4. Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; CIty; State; Zip Code D Reirrb.lrsemenl from poilical cCllltribubons......., PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See calegories listed at the lap of !his schedule) Desaiption (If Iravet outside ofTe>:as, complele Schedule T) Date Payeeneme Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code D Reimbutsement frem potitical contributions - PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See categories listed atlhe top of thiS scnMule) Description (Irtravel OUISide ofTe~as, complete Schedule n Date Payee name --------_. Amount ($) Payee address; Cily: Stale: Zip Code D RE'lmbursemeni from poIilleal conlribl1lion5....... PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See categories listed althe lOp of !his schedule) Descriplion (If Iravelou1side 01 Te~s.complete Schedule n ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.elhics.state.tx.us Revised 0412112010 Texas Ethics Commission PO Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 (TDD 1-800-735-2989) PAYMENT FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE HTOA BUSINESS OF CtOH EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense GIft/Awards/Memorials Ex-pense SalariesfWages/Conirac! Labor Loan RepaymenllRelmbursenent AccountinglBanking Legal Services SolidlaliDnlFurdraisi'>9 EXpel'SB T'arspol1alior Equloment 8. Related E)(pense ConslJltmg Expense Food/Beverage Expense Travel In DisU;cl ScniribulionslDonaUons Made By Event Expense 1"olhn9 =xpC:1se Tf3vel 0'1\ Of Qisldct CandldJteIO'licB"olderIPol,1 :::.! Corrfflltlee Fees Printing Expense Of:isc Ov€'headfRe!',tal Expense 07HE:R (enler a cale90ry not listed above) The InstrUc.tlOn GUide explains how to complete this form, 1 Tola! pages Scredule H: t14 Oate ......_...._. ..._... a Amount ($) 2 5 7 FILER N?6ri~L/1G;),(-el/ 1 3 ACCOUNT n (Sth1cs Commission Filers) Business name { -------------~ .............................._. ----_.. BusIness .address City; Stale Zip Code 8 PU~,;'SE (a) "W" I (Se' "Ie,o,,' 1"led ollhe lop ofth,; ocl"do"l .. (b) Description \" ~"ete 0,,,,,,",,, " " uRE 9 Complete QW.l: if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefil CIOH Date Business name Amount ($) Business address: City. Sta1e; Zip Code PURPOSE Category lSbecalaYQHIS lis~ed a( ;h'! 10PO! jhssC\1IHh;le) IIf I'-<I."o! 00(1),;1a ofTe..as ,'-,;",T) OF EXPENDITURE Complete Q.lli.Y: if direct Candidate t Officei10lder name Office sough1 Off,,,,, held expenditure to benefit CfOH Date I name w.~_._ Amount ($) BUsiness address. City; Stale. Zip Code PURPOSE Calegory {See c~jego<,~s IISI""; ~I F,e lOP oft'lis sc/":,,::Jle; Description {If travel oulsiue d Tay.fls, cD'T\tlI~e SC~O!,j(:IC n OF ~1 __ ,~~~ ------­-._-----_... Complete 0ctL.Y .t dire~t Candida!e I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expe"oditu#e 10 bMefii C!OH -....­""-" _._.--­- Date Business name --------­--~ ~---------­-----------­---- Arnount (S) Business address; City, Slale: Zip Code ...............--..-~-. ._._._. PURPOSE Category ISa" ca-legO","$ hsled at lI)e lop of lhls sc~Mclle-1 I Description (1/lra","1 outSide r/ Texas, corneh;.:" Sc~e1j\lle T! OF EXPENDITURE -.--.~~--.~~ ,,~-~ Complefe Q1:tl.:i If diracl Candidale I Officeho~der name Office sought Office held e~pendilure to benefil crOH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.elhits,s-tate.tx.us Revised 04/21/20 j 0 8 Texas EthJcs Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin. Tex". 76711-2070 (512) 463-5600 (!DO 1-800-735-2989) NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDUCE I JMADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX S{a) Adll;;:t'tlsing Expense Gif1JAwar.;!s!Memonals b.pense Salanes/Wages/Contract Labor loan Repayn'enUReirnDursernenl Accounting/8a "K 'n9 Lega: S{:f ....ices SolicitatiCln/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment.& Related Expense C::m5ul!i1g Expense FoociBeverage EX;Jcnse T,avcl In Distrlct ConlributionslOonations Made By E.'eM =xpense Polhng Expense Trallel Out Of Distnct Ca n d ida Ie 10 (fie e ho Ide riP all llca t Com rn ltlca Fee.') Pnnting Expense Oflice Overhead/Renlal Expense OTHER (enter a category nollisl.HI above) The Instruction Guide explains how to comptete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule I 2 Fil ER NIj"-Y / cD /J/L 3 A;:COI..;NT« (Efhics COfTlftlission Filers} 4 Oat. ! ------5 p~y.1J:!rLzJ-'-L!fO/Jflo/-___ ~_.~--,__..._ ..._ ..... -,,---,-~----------~... ,-----.--.'-'-..~-,------,­ G Amount ($) P'uyee address; City; State, ZIP Code17 fa) Category {See c3lego:1es liste;; al the top ';)1 It:j" sctJetlUisj (b) Descnption (S<l8 mS\fl1ctiDm; regardmg :ypo tI "lfbtmll~'::n rOOJlrOO,jPURPOSe OF EXPENDITURE .....'---.. Payee nameDate ..~,----~-."._,--_.----­ Amount ($) Payee address: City; Stale: Zip Code .. -,,­ - Category {See cale;O'les IMec a! !le :op 01 !r,~ SC'1e:.1uleJ Description (See mstrLc!ions r6gardd"19 !ype of mlOl'mallCfl 'eQv!fHl-jPURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE • .............__. Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address, .--~-~--~-.- City; State: .~~-- ZIP Code --_... .. Description (See ;nstrudion8 regarOI'lg type tli ,McrmatJOJ1 (<)ql_ureC')listed at ttl€ lU\.' ",PURPOSe OF E:XPENDITURE ...... _-_.•.. Date Payee name ----~-~ ~---.---.--~--.-..... . -..-.. --_... ---­ Amount {$) Payee address; City, Sta:e-ZIP Code Category (See calego,ies listec allhe hlP of Ihs schedu:e! • DeSCriptIon iSce Jrstructmrs "egmdHlglypeuf nfur'l"'nb<:lfIl(qll.rerj 1 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE I ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.ethiGs.state.lx.us Revjsed 04/21/2010 ---- I Texas Ethics Commission PO Box 12070 AuSlin Texas 78711·2070 (512) 463-5800 (TDD 1·8(J(). 735-2989) CREDITS (optional) SCHEDULE K -." -". 11 :olal pages Schedule K ( The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 : 3 ACCQVN T II (Ethics Conml'!l!lion FilerS)FILER NAME&/ ""~~~,-""""""""""""""'" , ....._.9?~/JIl111-""5 Payor name4 Date 8 Amount ($) 6 Payor address; City: State ZIP Code 7 Reason for credit I Da1e Payor name Amount (S) Payor address. City; State: Zip Code Reason for credit ................._... .................­'.-­Payor name " Date Amount 1$) address; City; Stale Zip Code Reason' Payor nameDate Amount ($) Payor address; City: State, Zip Code ------------------_... Reasor; for credit Date Payor name Amount 1$) Payo~ address; City: State, Zip Code Reason for credit ! ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OFTHIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 04/21/2010 ------ Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 (fDD 1-800-735-2989) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE T FOR TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF TEXAS 1 Tolal pages Schedule T The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 3-ACCOUNT ti (Ethics-Commission Fders) 4 5 Contribution I Expenditure reported on Schedule A Schedule B D Schedule C L: Schedule 0 ::::J Schedule H Schedule N COH·UC C COH-T Schedule F PAC~C Schedule G PAC>£[J 6 Dates of j'avel 7 Nameofperson(si tr3vetlng of departure loculion of destmation location 10 Means of transportallon 11 Purpose of Iravel (includmg name of conference_ seMinar. or other Name of Contribulof I Corporation or labor Organization I Pledgor I Payee r--::-~----:-=--------:-----:-------'---'--" .-... Contribution I Expenditure reported on: o Schedule A Schedule a Schedule C ;~_=] o Schedu.le H SchedlJle N D COH-UC D Schedu~ D =] Schedule F SchedLlle G COH-T D PAC·C I-------.....--~-----.----........ ---....... . Name of person(s) traveling Departure city Of name of departure location Dales of travel ...................._. .-.~-. Destination city or name of des!inatlon location .................---~-- Purpose of travel (Including name of conference, seminar, Of other even I)Means of transportation .._. ,>A_._ ._-..-.. . --~~.,. ­-................­...... .~ Name of Contributor I Corporation or labor Organization t Pledgor i Payee ..----~""~... .. Contribution I Expenditure reported on: D Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C Schedule 0 .:---I Schedule F Schedule G 0 Schedule H o Schedule N o COH-UC D COH-T 'J PAC-C o PAC·E Name of peroon(s) travelmgDates of travel ~ ---......................•_----,,-,----... Departure city Of name Of departure locallon DesiinatlOn clly or name of desfination localmn I Means of transportation Purpose of travel (incillding name 01 conference, seminar, or other event) ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULEAS NEEDED www.ethics.state.tx_us Revised 04121f2010 i