HomeMy WebLinkAbout110506 - Campaign Finance Report - Blanche BrickTexas Ethics Commission PO.. Box 12070 Austin Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 TOO 1-800-735-2989 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT CoVER SHEET PG 1 The CIOH INS11WCTION Qnoe explains how to complete this form. 1 ACCOUNT# 2 PAGE # (Ethics Commission filers) 00066113 1 of 5 3 CANDIDATE I MS/MRS/MR FIRST MI OF~CJE 'LS~0!4gOFFICEHOLDER Mrs. Blanche NAME Date~AI'JU. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX MAY 0 6 2011 ~t:Brick " CANDIDATE I ADDRESS I PO BOX; APT I SUITE It. CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE DELIVERE[,OFFICEHOLDER MAILING 1309 Foxfire ADDRESS College Station, TX n845 Date Hand-delivered or Dale Postmarked o Change of Address Receipt # I Amount 5 CAMPAIGN MS I MI'CS / MR .t-IRST MI Craig Date Processed TREASURER NAME 'NiCKNAME:" ....•.•• 'G~~ .................. SU"FFIl{ •. Date Imaged 6 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PlEASE); APT I SUITE It. CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER 4606 Slice CourtADDRESS College Station, TX 77845 (Residence or business) 7 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONe NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER (979) 690-9195 PHONE 8 REPORT TYPE D January 15 D 30th day before election D Runoff D 15th day after campa~n treasurer appointment (officeho dar only) D July 15 [g] 8th day before election D Exceeded $500 limit D Final report (Attach ClOH -FR) 9 PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED THROUGH 04/05/2011 05/04/2011 10 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year 05/1412011 D Primary D Runoff 00 Gooerel D Special 11 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (W any) 12 OFFICESOUGHT~known) City Council, lace 1, C.S. 13 NOTICE •• Direct campaign expenditures are campaign expenditures made by others without the candidate's prior consent or approval.OF DIRECT CAMPAIGN Candidates are required to dlsdose this information only If they receive notiftcation of the direct campaign expenditure. .. EXPENDITURE BY OTHER Name INDIVIDUALS ~Ilax; Apll SUite II; City; SIat&; ZIp Code 0-­ GO TO PAGE 2 Electronic Finng V ..... ion 3.4.1 tfI Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin. Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 1-800-325-8506 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: FORM C/OH SUPPORT &TOTALS COVER SHEET PG 2 14 C/OH NAME Brick. Blanche (Mrs.) 15 ACCOUNT # (Ethics CommiSllion filers) 00066113 •• This box is for notice of political expendilul9S by political commlttee$ til support the candidate I officeholder. These expendilul9S may 16 NOTICE have been mede without the candidate's or ofIIceholdel's knowledge or consent. Candidates and oIIicehoiders are required til report this information on if they receive notice of such expendiIul9S. ••FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEE NAME COIIIIITlU TYPECOMMITTEE(S) COMMITTEE AOORESS o IlPECFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME o additional pages COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER AOORESS 1. TOTAL POlITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN17 CONTRIBUTION 1,388.00PLEDGES. LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS), UNLESS ITEMIZED $TOTALS 2. TOTAL POUTICAL CONTRIBUTION8 (OTHER THAN PLEDGES. LOANS. OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) $ 2.288.00 ~ ~ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . EXPENDITURE 3. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $50 OR LESS. UNLESS ITEMIZED TOTALS $ 171.40 4. TOTAL POUTICAL EXPENDlTURE8 $ 2.780.12 ............... CONTRIBUTION S- TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THEBALANCE $ 1,542.10LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF All OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THELOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ 0.00 18 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of peljury, that the accompanying report is true and 00IT8Ct and includes atl information required to be reported by itIe 15, Election Code. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAl.. ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me. by the said < • this the /.., n. day131aar..ck Bt /; j < of ma1f .20 II .to certify which. witness my hand and seal of office. ~110 ....-,.---...... EIeGttonic Filing Version 3.4.1 Texas Ethics Commission P.O.Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 TOO 1-800-735-2989 POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A OTHER THAN PLEDGES OR LOANS The INmtucmoN GuIDE explains how to complete thhl form. 1 PAGE # Schedule: 1/1 Reoort: 3/5 2 FILER NAME Brick. Blanche (Mrs.) 3 ACCOUNT # (Ethics Commission filers) 00066113 4 Date 04130/2011 5 Full name of contributor o out-of·state PAC (10# ) Coopersmith. Jonathan (Mr.) ~ ....... ~ ................. ~ ....................................................................... 6 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 1811 Shadowood College Station, TX 77845 7 Amount of 18 In-kind contribution contribution ($) I deSCliption (If applicable) I $100.00 I I (If tnMII oufBlde of T...... camplela Schedule T) 0 9 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 10 Employer (See Instructions) Date 0410812011 Full name of contributor o out-of-state PAC (10# ) Hellriegel, Don (Mr.) ............... " ............ " .......... ~ ............................................................. Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 1301 Wilshire Court College Station, TX 77845 Amount of I In-kind contribution contribution ($) I description (if applicable) I $200.00 I I (If tnMII oufBlde of T.xas, camplela Schedule T) 0 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date 04130/2011 Full name of contributor o out-of-state PAC (10# ) James, Jim (Mr.) ................... ~ ......................... ~ ..................................... " .................... Contributor address; City; State: Zip Code P.O. Box 1146 Bryan, TX 77806 Amount of I In-kind contribution contribution ($) I deSCliption (if applicable) I $400.00 I I (If tnMII outBIde of T...... campi'" Schedule T) 0 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date 0411312011 Full name of contributor o out-of-state PAC (10# ) Pearson, Barbara (Mrs.) ....................... ~ ........................ ~ ........ '" '" .. ~ ~ ..................... " Contributor address: City; State; Zip Code 4704 Saimshaw Lame College Station, TX 77845 Arnountof I In-kind contribuUon contribution ($) I description (If applicable) I $200.00 I I (II tnMII oufBlde of T._, camp.... Schedule T) 0 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ..ElectroniC FIling V_IOn 3.4.1 8 Texas Ethics Commission P.D.Box 12070 Austin. Texas 78711·2070 (512M63-5800 TOO 1-800-735-2989 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE F EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES Advertising Expense AaxluntinglBanldng Consulting Expense Event Expense F_ GIftsIA_rtIsIMemoriai Expense Lagal Services FoodIBeverage Expense Polling Expense PrInting Expense Sa~Contract Labor Sol' . undraising Expense Travel In DIstrict Travel Out Of District Office Overhead/Renlal Expense Loan RepaymentJReimbursement Transportation Equipment & Related Expense ContributionslDonatlons Made By CandidatelOfficehotderlPolilical Committee OTHER (entar a caIIlgory not listed above) The IIISTRtJCTKlN GuIDE explains how to complete this form. 1 PAGEl FILER NAME 12 Brick. Blanche (Mrs.)Schedule: 112 Report: 4/5 4 Date 04/08/2011 8 Amount(S} $178.61 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY If direct expenditura to benefit CIOH Date 0411312011 Amount ($) $178.61 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE CompIeIa ONLY If direct expenditure to benefit ClOH Date 04/14/2011 Amount ($) $121.24 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditura to benefit CIOH Date 05/0312011 Amount ($) $200.00 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complela ONLY if direct expenditura to benefit CIOH 5 Payee name Copy Stop Print &Postal 7 Payee address City; State; Zip Code 2290 Boonville Road Bryan. TX na08 (a) Category (Sea CattIgories listed at the top at this schedule) Printing Expense Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Copy Stop Print &Postal Payee address City; State; Zip Code 2290 Boonville Road Bryan. TX naoa CategoJy (Sea Categories listed at the top at this schedule) Printing Expense Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Copy Stop Print &Postal Payee address City; Stale; Zip Code 2290 Boonville Road Bryan. TX naoa Category (Sea Categories listed at the top at this schedule) Printing Expense Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name KBTX Television Payee address City; State; ZIp Code 4141 E. 29th Street Bryan. TX na02 Category (Sea Categories listed at the top at this schedule) Advertising Expense Candidate I Officeholder name 13 ACCOUNT I (TEC filers) 00066113 (b) Description (If travel outside ofTexas, completa Schedule T) 0 Mailouts and Campaign Literature Office sought: Office held: Description (If travel outside at Texas, complete Schedule T) 0 Business Cards and Placards Office sought: Office held: Description (If travel outside ofTexas. complela Schedule T) 0 Campaign literature Office sought: Office held: Description (If travel outside of T8X8S. completa Schedule T) 0 Paid political advertisement on local TV station. Office sought: Office held: ..Elect!OOlc FIHng Version 3.4.1 • Texas Ethics Commission P.O.Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711·2070 (512)463-5800 TOO 1-800-735-2989 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE F EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES Advllltlsing Expense GIIIsIAwardslMemorial Expense SalarieslW~Contract Labor Loan RepaymentlReimbursement AcoountinglBanklng Lagsl Services SoIicIIatio undraising Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense FoodIBeverage Expense Travel In Dletlicl Conlribuiions/Donatlons Made By Ewmt Expense Polling Expense Travel Out Of District CandidatelOfl'loeholder/PoIilical Committee Fees Printing Expense 0fIIce OverheadlRental Expense OTHER (enter a category nolllSted above) The INSTIWCTION GuIDE explains how to complete this fonn. 1 PAGE# 12 FILER NAME 13 ACCOUNT # (TEC filers) Schedule: 212 Report: 5/5 Brick, Blanche (Mrs.) 00066113 t.;3/2011 5 Payee name The Bryan Daily Eagle 8 Amount(S) $776.25 7 Payee address City; State; Zip Code 1729 Briarcrest Drive Bryan. TX 77802 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE (a) category (See categories lISted at the top of this scheduie) Advertising Expense (b) DescrIption (If travel outside of Texas, com plate Schedule T) 0 Paid political advertisement run in the local paper 9 Complete ONLY if direct expendltura tobenefitClOH candidate I Officeholder name Office sought: Office held: Date 04/11/2011 Payee name VictoryStore.com Amount ($) $374.Q1 Payee address City; State; Zip Code 5200 SW 30th Street Davenport. lA 52802 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE category (See categories listed at the top of this scheduie) Advertising Expense Description (If travel outside of TeX8S. camplate Scheduie T) 0 Signs and Placards Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought: Office held: Oate 04127/2011 Payee name WTAW Amount ($) $780.00 Payee address City; State; Zip Code 2700 Ear1 Rudder Frwy S. #5000 College Station. TX 77845 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See Categories lISted at the top of this schedule) Advertising Expense DescrIption (If travel outside of TeX8S. complete Schedule T) 0 Paid political advertisement run on local radio station. Complete ONLY if direct expendltuns to benefit CIOH Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought: Office held: ..Electronic FIling Valllion 3.4.1