HomeMy WebLinkAboutBridgewood Ph3 Blk6 Lts-16; Blk7 Lts1-7; Blk8 Lts1-12; Blk9 Lts 1-17I Doc OR Vol Pa ' 01313339 OR 14348 191 FIELD NOTES _ Being all thatcertain treat or parcel of land, lying and being a6uatatl In the Robert Stevenson Survey, CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION Abstract No. 54. College Station, Brazee Courdy, Texas, and being a part of the 75.07 acre tract deacdb•d in the deed from Wayne A Dunlap, of at to BCS Development Company recordeYln Volume STATE OF TEXTS 6885, Page 42, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly - COUNTY OF BRAZOS described by melee and bounds as follows: - rmiEar� BEGINNING: at a found 1/2-inch iron d marking the south comer of the sold 75.07 acre bract. the - ro � � Randa French President of BCS Development Company, owner and - shown on this and designated heroin as worst comer of CASTLEGAIE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 8 as recorded in Volume HIM Paye 94 (O.R.B.C.) and fluWON Roo I* r of the land plot, Subdivision to the City of CoNtrs Station, Tweas..ond being in th4_northeast line of the IZ57 vara Parkland tract as depicted on the Mum Plat d CASTLEGATE whose ame'is subscribed harsto, hereby dedicate to he use of the public II SUBDIVISION, SECTION 200, recorded In Volume 10392. Page 250 (O.R.B.C.); i - forev , all streets, alleys, parka. grommays, infrastructureeasements, and pu places on own for the purpose and consideration therein THENCE. N 48' 02' 20' W along the common line. of the said 75.05 acre BCS Development Company All a h dedications shall purpose fee simple unless expressly tract and the said 1.387 acre Pordand trod for v distance d 275.05 feel to a found 1/2-Inch Iron pAa HBO rod marking the south comer of W. S. Phillip Parkway as depicted an the Final Plot d BRIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1 recorded in Volume 12756, Page 290 (right-of-way width cartes); THENCE: along the south and cad linea of sold BRIDGEy/ODD SUBDIVISION. PHASE 1 far the following eight - - - (8) Calls: "Tardy French, Preside [[ 1) N 2J' 55' 50' W for a distance of HIM feel to a found 3/4-inch Iron pipe for the Paint d Pn4e Curvature of v curve to the left, - 2) 266.35 feel along the arc of said curvy having a central angle d 23' 20' 41", a radius of 650.00 epLWtlf�- feel, a tangent of 135.07 feet and a bng chord bearing N 35' 40' 11' W of a distance of 264.49 S feet to a found 3/4-Inch Iron pipe far Ne Point of Tangenry, 3) N 47 24' 31' W for feat to found 7/4 Inch Iran for Point a h14", M .'n X a distance of 33.70 a pipe the d - SLATE OF TEXAS 11 ', '4 1 T : y - Curvature at a curve to the right, w� '1" ,-Mz,a.r�w+nxarvv 4) 44.84 feet along the aro of void curve having a central angle of 107 46' 120, a radius of 25.00 fetl tangent 31,30 fed long ON 36' E COUNTY OF BRAZOS a of and o chord bearing N 10' at a distanced 39.07 fed W a found 3/4-Inch Iron pipe far the Point of Compound Combine, Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 5) 143.74 feet along Ne arc of sold compound curve having a conlml angle of 20' 00' 480, a radius Randy French French. known to me W be the person(a) whose nome(e) la/are d 411.50 feel, a tangent of 72.61 feel and v long chord besting N 64' 34' CO* E d a distance subscribed to the foregoing indrum•nt, and acknowledged to me that he/they all 143.01 fed to a found 3/hinch iron pipe far the Point of Tangency. - executed Ne some for the purpose and coneiderefion therein dated. 6) N 74' 34' 30' E for v distance d 170.34 feet to a found 3/4-Inch Iran pipe for the Point of L_ Ar. Curvature of o curve to the so ®� antler my hand and seal on this day of Ems, 7) feat along Me arc of add curve having a central angle of 20 04' o ranee of 470.50 201�G fee.20 ��-TT feet, tangent of 88.49 feet at a 170.33 long chord! bearing N 64' 32' OB' E at a distance and v of _ o fed W a found afar Inch Iron pipe for Ne Point Tangency, and le 8) N 29' 4,' E for v distance of 805.99 /Vet to a fauns 1/2 iron rod mmking the wed t d Lot 5, Block 5, BRIDGEWOOD SUBDMSIDN, cinch me PHASE Z as recorded in Volume ,4756, Pogo Notary Public, Brezo My, Texas comer VICIN(O.R.B.C.); 282 (O.R.B.0 THENCE: S 53' 14' 52' E along the southwest line of said BRIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION, PHASE 2 for a distance of 257.92 feet W a found 1/2-inch iron rod marldng Ne east comer of this tract. the south comer d said BRIDGEWCOD SUBDIVISION, PHASE 2, mid Iron red also being in the southeast line of the -. mid 75.07 acre BCS Development Company trect and the northwest One of CAFFEGATE SUBDMSION, SECTION 10 as recorded In Volume 5349, Page 127 (O.R.B.C.): CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER - AA ��..,� nk�.,e THENCE: continuing along the el line of the bdore-mid ]5.0] acre BCS Development Company l-U I I c1� - City Engineer of the CAST, the northwest line of said CASTLEGATE id CA SUBDIVISION. SECTION 10 and the norNwed Tina of said I I, Lege SteOL, City rm College Station, Texas, hereby ceHlty that thin Sof Plat CASTLECATE SUBDIVISION, SECTION B (4820/94) far the following levo (2) retia: �-- - for the the ronforme to the requirements d the Subdlvieion Regulations of fhe Gily of - Cdl^9,e StoUan. 1). S 42' 35' 13' W for a distance of 487.31 fad W a Gan had ed for comer, and 2) S J]' W for a he Pinch of 879.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.482 res acres of lone, more or lees. hand. less. My Engineer CRY d Cnllsg Station Peer W1 ane Rem Wt arc Pem 1a ane INC %C me IV V I I---d e' I 5 I s I I I I CERTIFICATE OF PiANNIN AND ZONING COMMISSION I, Chairman of the planning and Zoning Ca a as of the City of College Statism hereby ceN�yf that Ne GENERAL NOTES: altoch coos duly approvegyy the Commission on the _may day of I I 2a9 �I ��. 1. R. Documents . A 75.0] Acro BCS Development Comport Tractl. Vol. 6985, Pg. 75. B. Acre College Stenon LS.O. Tract Vol.11873, Pg. . This so r 2. In- C. Thla ed PDD Concept n zoned PDO refer W ON nonce 2013-3512. ' pBo Number 13-238. L,._.. 'ice D. Rng Chairltl n i' _., 2 Sa Bo k ros:Plan minimroject S The minimum develop standards the loam zoning districtapply Z..,J L;FMrx along the maket the ru d et apply a detached feetu(S within acluster eu must nt a a mini is development mud be eeporaWd by a min'unum distance d la feet (Sea TypicalLot Car below.) -rr"IIIII 3. Parkland Coedcation: Deadlmted as pad of Brldgawood SumMalon, Phase 1.4. ROW Dedication: 1.532 Acres - Font kat lw Font bol M r � w um 5. Areas, to Me Flood Insurance Rate Mar for t County,ted Texas andInccoyrpemnd Pob/k SYmet Pud�ec SbdVt Publx Sbesf May Mae, Map Numpare 4804100325 E, ef- located in a 100-year flood hazard arm. 6, ORIGIN OF BEARING SYSTEM: The origin of bmdng for the tract Is based an Ne a+maoeua.9 almwladi B. cExnncATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK Peer Set Bock cow Pear Seek we Cid-d,-z, rare: 20 Texan State CmrdinoW System, Central Zone (MADE}) ori determined From the position sal of found TxDOT Concrete Monuments with broea disks along Ne northeast line of Slate EmeLor tole: 20' E.wnor Lott: 20at other IOL: 20' STATE OF TEKAS Interior late: I0' motor Ione: 10' Highway No. 40. COUNTY OF BRAZOS - ]. At distances shown along curvet aro am lengths. 8. Common Mas, Open Mae and Landscape Easements shall be owned & maintained by TYPICAL LOT Homeowner's Homeowner's Association. TYPICAL CORNER LOT DETAILS Karen ucoueen. In for County, do DIMENSIONS I, County Clerk. and said hereby certify NI Open and Common Mae Mall be Public Utility and Private Drainage Easements, - the thls plat together wi��II__ 8 certlecate cul It l"Uon was filed for unless noted otherwise. record In my office the MNVI of Ig1 � 20 CI In the - 10. Residential driveway Aceecs is not allowed df of Breeder Drive. Official Records of Brazos County, Texas in Volume Page 141 11. Possible Relevant Eaesmento as per Tale Report GF No. 28265: A Bryan Texas Wlltlo Blanket Easement, Vol. 350, Pg. 130 with no wad location Witness my Mane and official Semil, at my office in Bryan, Taxon.described. B. Bryan Texas Unities Blanket Eaesm•n4 Vol. 479, Pg. 267 with no axed IocoOon deecOb . 12. AbbrevloUona: Coti Clerk C.O.P. - Ceintered on Propeirty Una - Bmzoe County, Taxda ^^ PALE. - Public Access Easement - r^d'♦` P.V.E. - Public AUtilityccts Easement (pom /�T/gA„(Ar/E,L,r/la/,/47/fL'vJ N - P.D.E. - "Public Drainage Easement a H.O.A. - Homeowner's Association 13. Each lot shallpr vide v minimum of two (2) trees of at Mad two inches (2') in - _ caliperone p or tree of four inch (4') coiper per OndinanNo. 3222. ee 14. The following pub c utility comments shall be provided for mM lot: A 10' Public Utility Easement shall be provided along the mar of all IoW, unless noted athemive. B 10' Ler ivelity Easement sholl bs provided along the front d all Iota, unless CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR - noted 15. Sight Triangle Encroachment - In accordance with the Unified Development Ordinance, - STATE OF TEKAS nothing sholl tie erected, pbced. planted or allow to grow within the area shown In - d Waco. Oures. ans or'sA ude much v anter lM1At would obstruct the include uld ob COUNTY OF BRAZOS but aro sIga kited t limited n eWciures, buildings, hedges, W walls. entry buildings, Howey, fences, hedges that do Impair Asan from three (3) feet to FINAL PLAT walls, and/or not I, Kevin Land Surveyor 585G in nine (9) fad above the curb may be pennl6ad with the approval of the City Engineer. TR.e as, hereby at this pial certify roc Me Stats of Taxan, hereby certNy that this plat is We and comet and was Required public use fim0fias such as fire hydrants, trade signage, utilly structures, prepare from a ual survey of the property and that property madmm - etc. aro exempted. - - - and monuments were aced antler my, mpos"Itelpirog_ n groans. 15. d el on co exceeds 2-N, or b will tats to be special pt design made by the - BRIDGEWOOD SUBDIVISION Op developer (compacting/Writing) or by Ne builder (mginearod Blab design). rmT, i Is lthin Me er ImpactArea.N C d`/000 A s coomme 18. UnlesThis npoteedd otheamrir rwies ndicaled allllloot marked ithef/2' rods. %O Kevin McClure, RIP S. N 55 Sj AE %o . . W. /Taesr /� Q Y 0 Indicates 1/2' Iran rad found m PHA 451 YJ O Indicates 1/2 Iran rod efo at Point d Curvature KEVIN fl FAGCLl1flE Iron C Indicates 3/4' pipe found i 0 Indicates iron roe room 6660 0 • Indicates fence Post Corner Fame fqA � m LOTS 1-6, BLOCK 6 r LOTS 1-7 BLOCK 7 D PIC ailiotrolConcrete Manentsm t i Brere Disk Found LOTS 1-12, BLOCK 8 AND LOTS 1-17 BLOCK 9 B PK null control monuments acv in pavement. BUl 12.4929 ACRES - - - - ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, 7EMS OC70SER, 2017 sHFEr ra. SCA[E 0' or 30' Owners; Surveyor: Thor noun Wddunam No. /0103300 BCS Development Co. McClure k Browne Enyinesnng/Survaying, Inc. gde 4090 Slate Highway 6 South 1008 WcoAcreak Dr., 103' College Station, Texas 771345 College Station. Texas 77B45 OF 2 6HEE16 (979) 690-1222 (979) 693-3838 ps IM0045-1 Doc Bk Val Ps 01313339 OR 1431E In c ay SIM M, J xx 1'-50' � .�. s�nival mesa, 10 S S. it N 44'28'05" E - 1 c;Cryk n 4 111 I II 113.3]'IRV ' I•. /� moo. 441 it NI Ie'6 III 111 w I Iry U I ��ao. ''20. 1 - I It II &o I 16 I. I \ _\ ' II I � I N'wil 47'E h fit 1 �l z> /!7y L I I .ya 14a 1 III 40` j 1 114.25'-- _ I q9 1'" 1 II d I Q >y a 1 I. 03 n I j Imo \ - � _ _ _ �� J/� k� \ \�. /� I i I 15 n N N 914'01'14' W kz 81 I Z I 125.11• I I 0 ntiF�\ s„ 9nd9owday �\ bdnaan j III I I h a O N 4°'18'41' E I ci 81 I. n,AQ v'z>ss, 'hose 3� 1 119.41• R Fz n131 2 J �__� Zoned 2 i'.\\�• - `\ \ 1 1 II 1� g 1 1411 r'QJ a I In I 12 I --�- 1 �I- I y I I S M'Ofl14' W 1 I 14 - I �1 _`_`�_ 1 ` 61$ w 3 W 12741 1� 1 _ N48'18'41' of we �'la I I N4213'ID'E W / 129.39 E � � 311. 3 18 I 1u.e5' WI V IW 1 _ ^ � /o 1iB.1z' NN" d3 d3 18.1 'a P 13 I'r9 sn z S M'01'14' W I _ 11 Igi w 'r" galo Irk \ 102.34' N �� 1184 I lzeso. W I o 1 0l �ro X"z•e� I �h I 7 W $ - _ I I 14 I I I U a 5 azoo'Sa• w I: ol. /_��_-- / 6 I -N 42'13'18' E Y I 11 1 N 4°'19'41' E �I 0 18 427.24' FI 1 134.05'- r 11 1 III / 144.11' I. 1 4 0 l$ 1 I mo C I I. I b1+ w F a I �� r 389' I I S 44 131.58' 8 '01'.14 W I. 10 I8 w i R 2 1R I N 42'1398' E ¢ 0; 'vl 1 11 n 1 12 I - 1 Igas„I I I 5' P.U.E. 1" nl I I _ 1 5 42'00'54• W 1 135.93' F Im li N i 81 1 I1Q I \ 150. N 48'19'41' S 2.81' ext I N 42'13'16' E 134.23' 1 1$ N O i z 1 I I Op I ��--_147. I $ -128.95'---- 10.8] I. W 3 1 1 L4 w 4 - --77 5 I r 5' P.LLE 10.05' o �I Ci \ 1 :I o B 1 1 18.22• \ I"'4' . 1 / q \ I W a. B / 8 x \ al d Im n I I 1 11 \- / P \\ 3 I$ �Io / ,�\ 5T3'tr5'w X12, Iry • TGry pp3 1 10P.U.E �l $ I /\ B 30'58'34' w 1 1 I /� n\ 9 I 128.79' h C 1 1 42X8.94' b CS. � \` 11463' 1 1 / 1 I 5' P.U.E. /v \ 116• I 1 ,,,�T�T�TappppaCCCC...� Z �] nl S ]532'28' E N 13'59'22' E 1 I 1^ 1 N 42005° E 5 42'00'54' W --N 422]'31" E 1 I E aa,. w,l 1 Mon. 1D 1 j 111.03' 9 Al la 10°.15' I- p 1 cl 109.78' 1 111.14' I 9 I I„ N 3508'56• 8.11' I Ri 9 z 1 I I 1 311 I' 181 4`g. I I I 1-a� i. A� I 85 4.' I I 61Lat pck69 II I / 11 \7` q/ I 1 \uy 2 z!I- lot \• s7$ �XzyW 1II3mo $=1lI a $ry q q •( \ \'It33c3l5s / s 73jJ 1 4 s3g' 5 oizW z'1O h� C21 I. e 5 611 11 70, -/n-oe�1 ` mod \ rN- s/� 5ubeaPhase, 2 3 �,}• '` V. 1275°, P.292 / 1 ► I a5° y$ = I 1 �o6%11'$I '� 'si °,. TI �y W W Zoned rvP . I 1' •g I `' ` a a .I I = I �I ryg�3]. 'dI°• 4p I :I a ,� 2 I e PI 1 II W I 9 rry 5ry �.8a. 7 I 1 7 J? 5 I �I `��,^N� 4 17 `3 I mol 4 n YY �i&,a I� W iota / IS I Y I Mr I m 3 4. I- Block 5 II2 II ; B 16 I ^ B $ at I$ I < V a �' Utc I p )- Iy I ---------- ----- - - - - - I 1 BIOCIC 20' P.LLE. I �w}1 BIOCl[ CJ - 20' P.U.E. IIX` 1 BIOCli / z 20' P.U.E. 11� - I BIOCX V 20' P.U.E I / I----------------- -_--J Y6L---------- -------�-__---_________ ---- ---_-----.IDYL_____----__-_ _ --� 93.46' 121.30' °1.46' 105.2°' 119.61' 98.45' 14.0' 163.94' 156.0]' 14214 14444' 7562' 30 Wide Pipeline Y Ia • 30 Wide PiPalne C iwa 1 416 Acre N Common Acre 5 4236'01" W 129994' Eemd (V 534 P BB) C mman Area E cot (V 534, P 66) + ommon epi.. ) a ,"i. La�.i.,, p1 a _ _ _ - - - - - - - I. g - - - - - - - - - 1 47.78' $o 5 423714' W - B78.BJ, S 4235'13"W - 467.31' , g P_$. 1 PuPost w 3�a96/P919 11 1 Yy$•Y,a `\ 1 Costlegatv secSubon 9inaion ' 1 I Casomm to Staxami n I / 11 Cw9e99te SubWvle/nn I /' i \USecGonubOnaion V. 4620, 994 1I I , Sac°on 8 vv 4.3349, P. 188 1 ♦' I I Zone.. POP , ``\ 11 /v , ``� M4B20, 11 / I ``\' 2 ed. PL1D sI / ,. Zoned. PPOO 1 1 Zenner Awan I Oki Aremelial / V Ii ! Cambr Centre Como, Coal -----_" s, i ®"a ---'--- I _ fkvvt 1�------' I `- i cold stsr 6bmt J Filed for Record in: MISS ONMfY On: Nov 03s2017 at 04IOOP As a Plots Document °amber: 01313339 Amount 23.00 Receipt Number - 616354 --- STATE OF TEXAS Ml OF BRAIDS I Aerate cortifa that this instrument was tiled on the date and time stowed hereon be n and was duly recorded in the volume and ease of the Official Public records of: BRAIDS COUNTY as staved hereon be an. Nov 038017 Yore° McGowan? Brazos Counts Clerk . LINE TABLE LINE 61 NO DISTANCE Ll N 2555'50' W 40.°3' L2 N 4T24'31• W 33.70' L3 N 3T33'38• E 20.08' L4 N 1557138' W 15.54' CURVE rAii CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BTG. CHORD DIST. C1 232541• 1650.01 286.38' 135.07 N 31111' W 28°.49' C2 107,111 25.00' 1 Ali 31.30' N 310'36' E 39.07' C3 2900'48' 411.60' 143.74' 72:81' N 84'34'08' E 143.01' C4 20'04'45' 488.50' 171.20' 86.49' N 81 E 170.33' C° 85'28'24 25.00' 39.03' 24.76' N 8947'08' W 35.18' CB 180'0904• 50.00' 157.01 15.59' S 5358'03' W 100.00' C7 9933'38' 25.00' 39.51' 25.25' S 512'52' W 35.53' C8 7]43'35• 25.00' 33.91' 20.15' N 8535'32' W 31.37' C9 48'11'0' 25.00' 21.03' 11.18' IN 0'41'03' W 20.41' CIO 2751 50.00' 241.19' 11.1°' S 736W "1 C/1 4511'23' 25.00' 21.03' 11.18' S 71'52'0' E 20.41' C12 1021823 25.OD' M.63 31.02 8 3212] W 38.93' CURIE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BTG. CHORD DIST. C13 88'32'33' 25.00' 29.91' 17.04' N 8703,'01' W 28.16' C14 48'11'23' 0.00' 21.03' 11.18' N 2341'03' W 20.41' 015 278'22'45' Oil 241.19' 1S 4213'18' W 86.67' CIO K11'23• 25.00' 21.03' 11.18' S. 71'51 E 0.41' C17 10718'25' 25.00' 44.0' 31.02' S 3'210' W 38.93' CIS ST07'49' 25.00' 029' 15.59' N 8703'37' W 27.64' C19 4'5428' 783.00' SOM' 32.70' N 4502'0' W 65.33' C20 4511'23' 25.00' 21.03' 11.18' N 19'29'34' W 20.41' C2127522'48' 50.00' 241.19' S 48'24'45•W Swil C0 011'0' 25.00' 21.03' 11.1°' 6 BT40'SB' E 20.41' C0 1'02'10' 813.00' 14.70' 1 7.35' IS 44'08'0' E 14.70' C24 119'11'54' 1 0.00' 1 52.01' 1 42.61' S 14'58'32' W 43.13' FINAL PLAT M BRIDGEWOOD SUBDIT17SIOA M PHASE 3 M LOTS 1-6, BLOCK 6 tko LOTS 1-7e BLOCK 7 o LOTS 1-12, BLOCK 8 AND LOTS 1-17, BLOCK 9 12.492 ACRES ROBERT S7EWNSON SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE STAT/ON, SWOS COUNTY, 7E"S OC70BER, 2017 `J SCALE. 1" ry 50' Ta.oa nepiatm\Tan Na. 1010]]1717 En SCS 0 l C MCI &Bron En ' 1'1 /S I BRAZOS Lodi ewlopmen 0. c ure W e ginee ng urveying, me. _ 4090 State Ili ° South 1008 Woodcmek Dr., Suite 103 College Station, Texas 77845 College Station, Texas 77845 OF 2 9X[819 (979) 690-1222 (979) 693-3838 PM