HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndian Lakes Ph XX Blk31 Lts1-3.1 1 - peer Park SobdivisianV221, P.295 - ►�� (per lot) (221 /295) Easement (p p _ 20' Drainage &Utility _-- - SURVEY, A -210_e _12 1 - --- S.D. SMITH _ .,... - - MJ BARRERA SURVEYA-6911, :--�-� 30' 16.725 Acre Remainder t - P; � 4Wil/o S � � Celled 1.66 Acre's A en , - 0.437 acre H.O.A.CA. - - - - pelhe �S au Smiling Ma � � Anthony �' � - - /lard Develapm t t • � thony L. Revis o (12912/215) I - _ N 75040 Mt. th-west .8765, P. 1,76 K292, P.83 _ (184 � � ► _ - -_ _ S 88'26'06" E - 6465.54' - _ - - - - to College Station Mon. #152 ---1 I- 10' P.U..E. ` 139 I I I a ` 177, ► Scale: aI o Lot 210' P 1 N is I r. 1.398 Ac. I •,. . oq i;� - iW � a. Lot 7 i _00 N 16.672 Acre Remainder / F,• I I \ Smiling Mollam' Development, Ltd. V 12910, P.212 P.U.E.► i \ -0 Block I 30 division / ►\ Lakes 5 Ito I 20' P.U.E. Indian XIX (12912121� 1 1 I� Z I I86-5725" W I Lot 8 I I I I 218.16' \'090• ,• I Lot 3 �1 N R50' 1.279 Ac. 1 r i � � , W Ni I LA CD `WN IQ CS I Lot 1 N IQ 1310CR 1.093 Ac. N I I I s i 50' B.S.L. Rosi\ ..-.. _...-, _.. i 50' B.S.L. - .. _._ .. - .. _J . y0� 10' H.O... - - - . - . _.. A E 4- . 0 7' R.O.W. �O \}1 C-0) rte' I _ .... - `` - .- - -- -^' '_ 6' P.U.E. 10' H.O.A .E. - - - -- r, S 86'ST25" W L-565-52 16' P.U.E. - 247.04' Mesa► verde Drive 100' R aW 24, Pavement CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Paul Clarke, Manager Smiling Mallard Management, LLC, the general partner of Smiling Mallard Development, LTD., owner and developer of the land shown on this plot, and designated herein as INDIAN LAKES SUBDIVISION, PHASE XX, of Brazos County, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever, all streets, alleys, parks, greenways, infrastructure, easements, and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such dedications shall be in fee simple unless expressly provided otherwise. Smiling Mallard evelopment, LTD. By: Smiling MaQard Development Management, LLC. Its: General Partner / By:Paul Clarke , Its: Manager STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared PAVL :X CL WE known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein stated. ? Given under my hand and seal on this ff day of A2 Ful l 20.,1 '7 ' L1� • N�.� '�'�of `I'eie Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas 6 e p1 �$ fib: A CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL This subdivision plat was duly approved by the' Commissioners C?� �of Co m�yy Texas, as the . Fin lat of such subdivision on the .Zay of 1 Ve+ 20j". Signed this the day of � 20 ' . 9 1 ►1 I I 1 I. 1 i Future Mesa Verde Drive I ► 1 VICINITY MAP LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 3'02'35" W 71.03' L2 S 3'02'35" E 71.03' CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT CHORD BRG. CHORD DIST. C1 90'00'00" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' S 41'57'25" W 35.36' C2 36'52'12" 25.00' 16.09' 8.33' S 21'28'41" E. 15.81' C3 253'44'23" 50.00' 221.43' -66.67' S 86'5725" W 80.00' C4 36'52'12" 25.00' 16.09' 8.33' N 15'23'30" E 15.81' C5 _::l 89'59'58" 25.00' 39.27' 25.00' N 48'02'35" W 35.36' CERTIFICATE OF CIN ENGINEER 11 12 lM' `-' City Engineer of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station. My Engineer ,lCity of Collegb Station County Judge r Brazos Count Texasuas - - ume ''� _ Bra. y. --,_ , ___�_- n-' CERTIFICATE OF _ - Rk-- ape __ ,,. Zoning Co at hed plat. Numlvar r : c, _ - - - - Chairm n CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK - STATE OF TEXAS - COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, Karen McQueen County Clerk, in and for said County, do hereby certify that this plat together wiits certificate of authentication was filed for record in my office the 'CS day of -R� 20 (1 in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas in Volume 7-32 Page� Witness my hand and official Seal, at my office in Bryan, Texas. K&W1, County Clerk Brazos County, Texts - w b PLANNIN D ZONING COMMISSION G Chairman of the Planning and esion of the City of College Station, hereby certify that the was duly approved by the Commission on the day of ' CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR AND/OR ENGINEER STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY . OF BRAZOS I, Kevin R. McClure, Registered Professio r No. 5650, in the State of Texas, hereby certify that thi rrect and was prepared from al survey of the erty markers and mono ent were laced underm s Kevin R. McClure, P.L.S. No. 5650 6 FIELD NOTES- Being OTESBeing all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the J. M. BARRERA SURVEY, Abstract No. 69, Brazos County, - Texas and being part of the called 16.725 acre Tract Three described in the deed from Partners in Habitat Preservation, LLC to .Smiling Mallard Development Ltd. recorded in Volume 8765, Page 176 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at a found 1/2 -inch iron rod marking the southwest corner of this tract, the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 30, INDIAN LAKES SUBDIVISION, PHASE XIX recorded in Volume 12912, Page 215 (O.R.B.C.), said iron rod also being in the north right-of-way line of Mesa Verde Drive (based on a 100 -foot width); THENCE: N O3' 02' 35" W along the upper east line of said INDIAN LAKES SUBDIVISION, PHASE XIX for a distance of 369.86 feet to a found 1/2 -inch iron rod marking the northwest corner of this tract, the northeast corner of Lot 7, Block 30 of said INDIAN LAKES SUBDIVISION, PHASE XIX and the southeast corner of a 0.437 acre Homeowners' Association Common Area tract as depicted on the final plat of said INDIAN LAKES SUBDIVISION, PHASE XIX; THENCE: N 87' 50' 40" E for a distance of 211.66 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for corner; THENCE: S 71' 58' 41" E for a distance of. 337.52 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for corner in the east line of the said 16.725 acre Smiling Mallard Development Ltd. tract and the west line of the 16.672 acre Smiling Mallard Development Ltd. tract recorded in Volume 12910, Page 212 (O.R.B.C.); THENCE: S 12' 03' 41" E along the common line of the said 16.725 and 16.672 acre tracts for a distance of 248.33 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for the southeast corner of this tract; THENCE: S 86' 57' 25" W into the interior of the said 16.725 acre Smiling Mallard Development Ltd. tract, at 195.52 feet pass the northeast corner of the before -said Mesa Verde Drive, continue along the north right-of-way line of said Mesa Verde Drive for a total distance of 565.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4.111 acres of land, more or less. GENERAL NOTES: 1. The record bearings and actual measured distances to the found 1/2" iron rods along the adjoining phases of Indian Lakes Subdivision were used as the basis of the bearing system shown on this final plat. 2. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Brazos County, Texas and Incorporated Areas, Map Number 4804100350E, Map Revised May 16, 2012, this property is not located in the Special Flood Hazard Area. 3. Building Line Setbacks: Front = 50' Side = 15' Rear = 25' 4. All Common Areas and Conservation Buffers are owned and maintained by the Homeowners' Association. See the covenants, conditions, and restrictions for additional Information. 5. Unless otherwise indicated, all distances shown along curves are arc distances. 6. Notes from the Brazos County Health Department: a.) All lots served by an OSSF must comply with county and state regulations. No OSSF may be installed on any lot without the issuance of an "authorization to construct" issued by the Brazos County Health Department under the provisions of the Private Sewage Facility Regulations adopted by the Commissioners Court of Brazos County, pursuant to the provisions of section 21.084 of the Texas Water Code. No OSSF drain field is to encroach on the 100 -foot sanitary zone of private water wells or 150 feet of public water wells. b.) All lots will be required to have a site/soil evaluation on file with the Brazos County Health Department before on-site sewage facility may be constructed. c.) On-site sewage facility disposal areas shall not encroach the 100 foot or the 150 foot sanitary zone of a private or public well, respectively. 7. Wellborn Special Utility District will provide water service for the subdivision. 8. There is a minimum 50' wide Drainage Buffer (25' on each side of the centerline of all drainage ways). See the covenants, conditions, and restrictions for additional information. 9. There is a 16' Public Utility Easement and a 10' Homeowner's Association Easement along the right-of-way frontage of all lots. 10. H.O.A. Easements along all streets run parallel to and adjacent to the public utility easements shown hereon. H.O.A. Easement activities and/or infrastructure is referenced in the covenants, conditions, and restrictions of the subdivision. 11. All proposed lots must be no more than 500 feet from a fire hydrant based on the lay of hose along the street. 12. This property is located within the College Station Independent School District. 13. No construction, fencing, landscaping, structures or grading shall impede, constrict, or block the flow of water in any Private Drainage Easement. All Private Drainage Easements shall be maintained by the Home Owner's Association. 14. Lots 1 and 3. Block 31 shall have driveway access to Chaco Canyon Drive only. 15. An engineered slab or proof of compaction of fill will be required for any lots with more than two (2) feet of fill above the existing grade. 16. Unless otherwise indicated 1/2" Iron Rods are set at all corners. O - 1/2" Iron Rod Found ®- 1/2" Iron Rod Set along Boundary O - 1/2" Iron Rod Set for Points of Curvature O - 3/4" Iron Pipe Found e - PK Nail Control Monuments set in OL of asphalt pavement for reference. 17. Abbreviation: B.S.L. - Building Setback Line H.O.A.C.A. - Homeowners Association Common Area H.O.A.E. - Homeowners Association Easement H.O.A.Ls.E.- Homeowners Association Landscape Easement P•O.B - Point of Beginning P.U.E. - Public Utility Easement Pr.D.E. - Private Drainage Easement 18. Brazos County Subdivision Regulations: G.1 Development Note: No structure or land within this plat shall hereafter be located or altered without first obtaining a Development Permit from the Brazos County floodplain administrator. The minimum lowest finished floor elevation shall be one (1) foot higher than the highest spot elevation that is located within five (5) feet outside the perimeter of the building, or two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation ("BFE"), whichever is higher. G.2 Mailboxes: Rural mailboxes shall be set five (5) feet from the edge of the pavement or behind curbs, when used. All mailboxes within county arterial right-of-way shall meet the current TxDOT standards. Any mailbox that does not meet this requirement may be removed by Brazos County. For Single -Family Residential Developments, Multi -Unit Residential Developments or Manufactured Home Communities, Neighbor Delivery and Collection Box Units ("NDCBUs"), or community mailboxes, shall be required. if possible, these mailbox units should be installed on low volume intersecting roadways or on private property. Locations for the NDCBUs shall be shown on the construction Plans. G.3 Roadway Construction: In approving this plat by the Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, Texas., it is understood that the building of all roads, and other public thoroughfaresand any bridges or culverts necessary to be constructed or placed is the responsibility of the owner(s) of the tract of land covered by this plat in accordance with the plans and specifications prescribed by the -Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, Texas. Said Commissioner's Court assumes no obligation to build any of the roads, or other public thoroughfares shown on this plat, or of constructing any of the bridges or drainage improvements in connection therewith. The County will assume no responsibility for drainage ways or easements in the subdivision, other than those draining or protecting the road system. G.4 Owner's ResFonsi ' les: It is the responsibility of the owner, not the County, to assure compliance with the provisions of all applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations relating to the platting and Development of this property. The County assumes no responsibilityfor the accuracy of representations by the other i parties in this plat. Floodplain data, n particular, may change. It is further understood that the owners of the tract of land covered by this plot must install at their own expense all traffic control devices and signage that may be required before the roads in the subdivision have finally been accepted for maintenance by the County. FINAL PLAT INDIAN LAKES SUBDIUSION PHASE XX LOTS I-3, BLOCK 31 4.111 ACRES J.M. BARRERA SURVEY, A-69 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS OCTOBER, 2016 SCALE I" - 40' Owner: Surveyor: Texas Firm Registration No. 10103300 Smiling Mallard Development, Ltd. McClure do Browne Engineering/Surveying, Inc. 3608 East 29th Street 1008 Woodcreek Dr., Suite 103 Bryan, Texas 77802 College Station, Texas 778457 (979) 846-4384 (979) 693-3838 10620066-fp.dwg