HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/2017 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AUGUST 10, 2017 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Blanche Brick Jerome Rektorik Linda Harvell Barry Moore Julie Schultz James Benham, via teleconference City Staff: Student Liaison Kelly Templin, City Manager Tory Oxendahl, Municipal Affairs Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Tanya McNutt, City Secretary Ian Whittenton, Deputy City Secretary 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 10, 2017 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 2. Executive Session In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, Legal Advice and §551.074-Personnel, the College Station City Council convened into Executive Session at 4:31 p.m. on Monday, August 10, 2017 in order to continue discussing matters pertaining to: A. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation;to wit: • Kathryn A. Stever-Harper as Executrix for the Estate of John Wesley Harper v. City of College Station and Judy Meeks; No. 15,977-PC in the County Court No. 1, Brazos County, Texas; and • Charlton F. Clayton v. City of College Station; Case: 4:16-cv-03485 in the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division. WKSHP081017 Minutes Page 1 • McCrory Investments II, LLC d/b/a Southwest Stor Mor v. City of College Station; Cause No. 17-000914-CV-361; In the 361st District Court, Brazos County, Texas B. Consultation with attorney to receive legal advice; to wit: • Legal advice regarding organizational issues concerning the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. C. Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer; to wit: • Council Self Evaluation The Executive Session recessed at 5:06 p.m. 3. Take action, if any, on Executive Session. No action was required from Executive Session. 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion on items listed on the consent agenda. Items 2c, 2d, 2g, 2i, 2j, 2m, 2n, and 2o were pulled from Consent for clarification. (2c) and (2d): Troy Rother, Traffic Engineer, explained the rationale for extending the school zones to remove stopping, standing, or parking near Wellborn Middle School, Greens Prairie Elementary, and Pecan Trail Intermediate School and the prohibition of right hand turns on school days for certain roads. He stated that these changes would improve safety and traffic flow in the affected areas. (2g): Mary Ellen Leonard, Finance Director, gave clarification on the bid structure, which contracts require bids, and the process for accepting renewals in lieu of pursuing a new contract. (2i) and(2j): Mary Ellen Leonard,Finance Director, gave clarification on the bidding process and its consistency as detailed in the purchasing manual. She provided additional clarification on the use of secondary suppliers and when it is acceptable to use one. (2m): Kelly Templin,City Manager,explained the lease agreement with From Bastogne to Texas, Inc. intends to establish a permanent location for the exhibit, originally established in Bastogne, Belgium, commemorating the sacrifice of five Texas Aggies. Councilmember Benham requested this item to be pulled for separate vote. (2n): Natalie Ruiz, Director of Economic Development,explained the proposed agreement which represents a partnership between Brazos County and the City of College Station. Reinvestment will focus on the Dartmouth extension with water, sewer and electrical utilities and include traffic signals at Harvey Mitchell and Texas Avenue. (2o): Councilmember Moore requested Consent Item 2o be pulled for separate vote during the regular meeting. He will be abstaining. WKSHP081017 Minutes Page 2 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on changes to the permissible hours of construction activity. Lance Simms, Director of Planning and Development Services, provided an overview of the current noise ordinance,which regulates construction activity as"Day time noise"and"Night time noise." The ordinance is enforced by the Police Department and provides for exceptions with permission from the Building Official as a Noise Ordinance Exemption(NOE). Options presented for amending current ordinance: ■ Straight modification to the"necessary construction"hours (currently 7:00 am— 10:00 pm) ■ Partial modification to the "necessary construction" hours (seasonal/daylight saving time) ■ Do nothing—keep ordinance as is Staff requested feedback and/or direction regarding any desired changes. Council directed staff to prepare proposed modifications to the noise ordinance keeping all the same parameters, with the exception of changing the "necessary construction" hours start time to 6:00 am, in the months from May to September or as Mr. Simms believes reasonable. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the library expansion project. Emily Fisher, Assistant Director Public Works, provided an overview of the Larry J. Ringer Library expansion project with a projected budget of 8,385,000,which will include approximately 12,000 square feet of additional space. She stated that the project had a projected bid date of September and would take 15 to 18 months for construction,during which the library would remain open. In addition, renderings and samples of cladding materials were presented to council. Staff recommends City Council receive the presentation and provide direction. Council directed staff to coordinate work with the architecture groups for both the library and the proposed police station and coordinate the cladding of these building to more closely match the City of College Station gateway sign on University Drive, with the understanding of a one month delay in construction. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Southeast Community Park Project. David Schmitz, Director of Parks and Recreation, provided an overview of proposed site plan/renderings, project phasing plan, funding plan, and projected facility use and economic impact. A general timeline was given: WKSHP081017 Minutes Page 3 • FY17 —Scope of Phases • Design Concept/Preliminary Engineering Report/Cost Projections • FY18 — Specifications for Phase 1 • Detailed Construction Plans/Bid Documents • FY19—Construction of Phase 1 Staff recommends approval of support for the project. Council was in consensus to move forward. At 7:11 p.m., Mayor Mooney recessed the Workshop. Workshop reconvened at 9:37 p.m. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the FY 2017-2018 Proposed Budget. Mary Ellen Leonard,Director of Finance,presented the proposed FY2017-2018 Budget and noted that budget workshops are scheduled for August 14, 15, and 16 to review the proposed budget and to discuss key budget decision points. A Public Hearing is scheduled for September 11, and final action is scheduled for September 25. 9. Council Calendar Council reviewed the calendar. 10. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Animal Shelter Board,Annexation Task Force,Arts Council of Brazos Valley,Arts Council Sub-committee, Audit Committee,Bicycle,Pedestrian,and Greenways Advisory Board,Bio-Corridor Board of Adjustments, Blinn College Brazos Valley Advisory Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce, Budget and Finance Committee, BVSWMA, BVWACS, Compensation and Benefits Committee, Experience Bryan-College Station, Design Review Board, Economic Development Committee, FBT/Texas Aggies Go to War, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association,Intergovernmental Committee,Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission, Library Board, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Research Valley Partnership, Research Valley Technology Council,Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Sister Cities Association,Transportation and Mobility Committee, TAMU Economic Development,TAMU Student Senate,Texas Municipal League,Twin City Endowment, Walk with the Mayor, YMCA, Youth Advisory Council, Zoning Board of Adjustments. No items to discuss. 11. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the workshop of the College Station City Council at 9:45 p.m. on Thursday, August 10, 2017. WKSHP081017 Minutes Page 4 L.. A,1dI Ka - •oney, ayor ATTEST: LL✓, anya .int, City Secretary WKSHP081017 Minutes Page 5