HomeMy WebLinkAbout161010 - Campaign Finance Report - Jerome Horace RektorikCANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 1 1 Filer ID (Eihics Co111missio11 Filers) 2 Total pages fitod: The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 3 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER NAME MS I MAS I MA M f<.., NICl<NAME FIRST HD (ZAG.� . . . . . Li\ST SUFFIX l{e 1<-ro p.. i (L..-'--------· '"°4� '1"' c'h; ':'J 6J.. �,� E�:� '"" c 5 CANDIDATE/ "'"""0111 �50,. �-±� /; e>J, ffK A Lf z 6'! tJ 4 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER MAILING ADDRESS 0 Change of Address �����HOLDER { en 9 ) 8 f � -z. T 2.1 1----------1 6 CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME MS I MRS I MR I� fl.. .... J .. NICKN A M E .f,· /.'\ FIHST .J°Arfl.lS . LAST /Zo�) - M l SUFFIX flJ!JI :;? ,if!. OFFICE USE ONLY OCT i J 2010 ELIVERED QC\,.)l)� ohvv� Dale t-land·delivered or Date ro'S1mar k ed Rec ei pl # I Amoun\ $ Onto Processed Dalo lmagod 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE): APT I SUITE fl; CITY; ST/\TE; ZIP CODE TREASURER ADDRESS (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN TREASURER PHONE 9 REPORT TYPE 10 PERIOD COVERED 11 EL ECTION 12 OFFICE ·102 /) u tl-etZ <!-our ·t- to l It 2 e 5 ti{ h't{A-) I 11.AA'.> -..., AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION ( f 1r ) ·0z9 ·-Lf Lj-{:;---· D January 15 -� 30lh day before oleclion D Runoff D Ju1v1s 0 8th day be lora election Monlh Day Year ELECTION DATE OFFICE HELD (ii any) D Primary �General D Exceeded $500 limil THROUGH D Runort 0 Special Monlh ELECTION TYPE 0 Olhor Description 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (if known) D 15th day afler campaign treasurer appointment (Olliceholder Only) D Final Report (Ailach C/OH • FR) Day Year C /'t; C �/i4'Jlr;JJ GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/B/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 2 �· 2//J�"�ME I;;; �[:-�7f �-;J-;;?7J!i;_7 i)�� /CI'"'"" ID ,�;;�;�,,;��'"" ;�;�" 16 NOTICE FROM _____ -----���$--��-�-,�-���-��;;��-;;;-POLITICAL CONTRl;�;;NS �CCEPTED OR-���;����-��ENDITURES MA��-��-���-��CAL COMMl��;;;;-;�- POLITICAL SUPPORT THE; CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER. TllE'SE EXPENDITU/lEiS MAY HAVE BEEN MAllE WITHOUT THE CANDIDATE'S OR OFF/CliHOLDER'S COMMITTEE(S) KNOWLEDGE OR CONSliNT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REOUIREO TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE 0 Additional Pages 17 CONTRIBUTION TOTALS EXPENDI TURE TOTALS CONTRIBUTION BALANCE OUTSTANDING LOAN TOTALS 18 AFFIDAVIT -,;;.�;�;7;�''"::�"''"' ,,.,------;-l�t ,·· ------------------- O GENERAL COMMIT TEE ADDRESS -----/¥-tr--------- -------------- OsrECIFIC 1. 2. 3. 4. ,. :J. 6. ___ ......., . _ , _ � - - COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME ------------------------·-·--.. ------- ---COMMITTEE CAMPA IGN TREASURER ADDRESS TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS). UNLESS ITEMIZED TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $100 OR LESS, UNLESS ITEMIZED TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES -----�----� $ $ $ $ ------------------·-----�-·---·-·--------.------· TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ $ SHERRY MASHBURN 1168633-0 I swear, or affi�ITl, undCJr penalty �Jzp{r}. r U�, that tt��com anying repoti . true and cori;e'ct and lnclude?11!1 1nfor auon reit.llre tti . r.rn ort · Aby m "°'tfd, Eloolloo c"1' 1:7,-· ...... . �./. ��-.-�!-. ....... _} . !::: �-.. -----Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires July 26, 20t9 Signature of 7andldate or ffice Gle�r AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAL ABOVE I Sworn to and subscribed before rne, by the said ._. _ _j-/DrM_, <e_ '-)��':(._ Re td�h'i� {fu; _/_.l)_ 'f::t--­ day o(()�_.v:: __ , 20 I & , to certify which, witness rny hand and seal of office. ___,_,,__.....,...._ .. ·- . --_________ f2_h���� Signature 0£. f 1cer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us IJd-j� -u;t c.��--� Title of officer administering oath Revised 9/8/2015 SUBTOTALS -C/OH FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME J/t;. . ,,�/}/JI/ / '-' 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) -�cc ;f ,P j -pj�/ Jc, �, 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1, �· CHEDULE A 1: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ Jf/ O/t'� 2, D SCHEDULE A2: NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ J4 3. D SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ -�O"? 4. D SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ /)_ �-·....,... 5. �SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ StJZ� 6. D SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ . - � 7. D SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ ,/ 8. D SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD $ -/J- 9. D SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS $ -� 10. D SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ �-7 -,.. 11. D SCHEDULE I: NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ () # ,.., 12. D SCHEDULE K: INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS $ ,. rL RETURNED TO FILER L./ fJ/-;4 .?'4#/ � Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 ---------===== The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. Total pages Schedule A 1: r 2 -��A/."'� Ji:/( (J/tl C �-J.-. /L Jo ii�_;··-__ - 3 File - r ID - ( . Ethics Commission Fi--lers-) _, ______ lt#A L�-(_f ____ .. ___ \..l _ _ _ . _ _ _____ _ 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor D ou1-oh1a1e PAC (ID#:. CA u cf( I/ /1 ·SM) .... ' .. ' . . . . . . . . . ' ....... ' . J 7 Amount of contribution ($) .) '{/) tttl ---JS v � Dale Full name of contributor 0 out-ol-s1a1a PAC (ION: ____ ' ____ --::..____ ••...... J Amount of contribution ($) /t111v 1 J! �t)fl/f . I? ((,/pr; I� .... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s, <-(JtJ ��>-- J/ff J b Contributor address; City; State; };P Code U - p�;�ol 0''{4:'�;;;� ��;�-(j-��:(�o�ollo._ns_) __ =====·=·· .. ··----···-· Date Date .. fUlilA 1?1 /111? Full name of contributor 0 out·ol-slale PAC (1011: ••.. ··--�-----· .... J Amount of contribution ($) Full name of contributor []out-of-slate PAC (ID#: ... ··--···--·-···-·--··-· __ .) Amount of contribution ($) f?.IJ.h.wt .. 8'ei(>J1_J1a:�J. f .............. . II col'11buto'AIZ�;��IJ Cilt �lty(b 1i'�(, sf1i titJr;) �l_J_ p Principal�-;c -��alion / Job title-(s�e Instructions) --------------rEmpl�yer (See lnstructi-;;��)-------------------- __ ___, ,-,--- !-------------------------------'------------------·-··-·-···------- ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. ·�--------------------------------------------· Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 J /:{{51>� MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 • �c>• ••µ>•·--•--.-� •� ""' ·•�< " "•�·<e -�-� •-•-.--••;•P•-•-c��;•,..,,., ·�,,.�-�"'°' ••�·-���-···�--·•''" -�·���·-• • �� •--�.,,�-·-·�--.·�----•-� ...... . ·-···�·-·"-·•--• -··---·�-··'' '' °'"-""•-•••• •• -�-�-- '••<"'-"" P•'�"'"""M•�� �h<'-- -·-·----�--..--·,.·---�-��·-•"'.,._... ___ �.------.,.-�-···�-"'-·· • The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this torm. 1 Tolul pages Sctwdlll<l A f: ----·""·······-··· .. ·--·-····· .. .... •' ., ............... , .... f'.0)-·' ............ _, .. _., '·---···--·--...... -...... ---··------·····-----------�-·-····---------- .. 2 .... :;'xt!L�: ... �:.��� ....... ::z!=�-�:�-�=--· __ 1�:.-.2�=t�_I!!_f 1!c{ _____ -�--�i��-,�--(��,-��-����-i���11_�,�-,�------4 Oali' 5 Full nmne of conlrlbutor []our d·,tolc PAC (tO�; ... - _ .l 7 Amount ol conlributlon ($) tfM;11V-l r l\_lW) JV)_A ,t\ h_ej 5 i-� 1{''u16 6 (pct'Z�"�t;t 11� /-w; c"c,,;0� �u;:r 17 Jy; ;)_ J/0 • ·;;,;;o;;;;;;;;,,;,;;;;:�;; ,;;,;�:·' .... .... -�} :'"'���·:·�':�-==---==· 4T7=7--:0,, ,::::�:;,;;,:�:,··-;;:�::.::;�,;··· �---�r···::::;-::::,,, �.-)---···--· · 9J. Uf:r> llurlJ1;,J /Jp, u.qh_ . . . _. 11.0,, &..---' HM ,;3"t"ils;"" . d., .Jft,,'7;, 1781� v Prin(;ipal occupation I ,Job titlo {Soe lnstrucllons) "- Dalo Employer (See Instructions) -7 .i Atnount of contribution ($) 3 /) '1---· ---·------·-----ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor Is out·of·state PAC, please see Instruction g11ide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission �wt.v.elhics.stale.tx.us 9/812015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 . . . s1aj�2�:Jo� '7J(jj� Employer (See lnstrocllons) - ,J Amount of contribution ($) ----·--------- ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-stat& PAC, pleaso soo Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Revised 91812015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The lnslrucllon Gulde explains how lo complete lhls form. 3 Fil!ll ID (!:!hies Commission Filers) 7 AmolJnt of contribution ($) ·- Dato Amount of contribution ($) j I pl) ._. Principal occupation I Job title (Sae lnstrnctlons) E111ployor (See Instructions) ·- -----------·-·----·---·-------·---------------------------------.......-i ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED II contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporllng requirements. -·---�------...J Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 "�··---�--�,,�""'"'N'-�·-•·"�<�""•'-''"'"'�"�'-""'"N '•�'' ,._.,,,.-0•"•"•"•�<CO••_.--"' �,,,_,_,_ ••• '-, •e<�.,,.�_. •. _,_,,"'""-•-•••.--0'• '�"' "·-·�·'"'<�··-•"'-NO��-···�· ··-,,-,,��-�'""""-���--�.------·----�···� ,. �"·-�··-·"�-.-'"··�-·'""'''�-· ___ ,, ___ �.,,�.���---�·.,--··�-···-·--�--··--·--···-��- The lnslrucllon Guide explains how to complete this form. 6 Pri11cip11I (lccupation I Job tllle (See Instructions) Dato JJp/?; �Jb Employer (See lnstrucllons) Datp Full namo al {�ntt 1butor } \ out ol r.\u\i:I PAG (!Dr;· J �:_[�������----_8'�; �;·;;pC�•7f p ]/ Prindpnl occupation I Joh title (Sae lrrntn.JcHcns) � !-----�-----------------�------------ Amount ol contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED II contributor is out-of·slate PAC, please see lnslructlon guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms p[ovido,JbyT;�-;, Elhl;·c:;;;mis�i;-;;-··--·----·····�-· www.ethi�x.us ·-·--·�-- Ruvlsed 916/2015 MbNETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 Datt:? Full namn ol cont1lbutor I ) oul ol·u'ah,.1 PAC {ID1;. --·-..... !< A1nount ol contribution ($) S1x1f·Jij . l/.A1)r1(1LI. J l;tf<J; PJ. d ·-kJ. p Conlribulor a�Yr:.gs; . ' C1ly; 1S1ato, Zip� r ;2 tJtJ ---�-----.. J lf �c?__f.._ :b.l�5-�_il t(,_ .. t�/����--�� .. ?Jf0 .. "" ·-------------- ----·--Principal occupation I Joh l�le (Saa lnutructions)-·-. ---..... L. -.. E��pl�yo��:: -��s��cllo�s�------·-----·-·-··----------, -· .::::::::::.-:::,�=�=:-_ _:� .-::: �= :::,:�·-:::.--::::::..==--=-==�.:�:., :.:::..=--=--:.:::.=-....._:-.::;::...�."· ., ::.-�.�-,..,....·�·----� ·-� . ... --··�· ·-· _,�.,.......----·--·-�·---·-.,.,.., _____ --····-,,·-�·�·.-.------'"·����-·--------·� , __ __,. ______________________ _ ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is oul·of·state PAC, please sea Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. ·-----------------------·-,.··-----Forms provided by Texas F.thics Commission www.elhics.state,tx.t1s Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 /"• • - "··--�--w-'"•·�" <n ·�>-�·--·--•-•••,. - �·---•" • �' ··"·��M• <>-.,,,,_., •• _._, __ _,_.�,_... •• �.� . __ ,,._,.�•-A·•··�""''"-��··•--•••-••< "'-·�,,....,_ "'"' '-'''"•-->•�-.�,-�"-r·•·�"''""'.,....'"�"-'-"�""�-·---.-��-�--·--··,·-· •. • .,,.. __ - •·-" ,_, ·--«<•Y� �·� ·-�·,-• ••• �,_, ___ �·-·-·�-�, .. . .__, ' •· ---·-··------·--.-,-.-,��''»'-"•�·� .v�•--·• -�·�-�-��--------·--------��-"" Full name of contributor ,,,,,.,, J Aml>lmt of contribution ($) Contributor address; Employer (See Instructions) Datu Full narno of conll'lbutor Amount of contribution ($) Contributor uclclrn�s; Employer (See Instructions) Full rrnrno ot contributor rl out-ol·a!Ulo PAC 1)01!:. _ Amount of contribution ($) Contributor nddross; Employer (See lnslructlons) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If conlribulor is out·of·slate PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. --------��---·-·-------.,..·----�--,.,. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics.stale.tx.us Revised 918/2015 NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A2 1 Total pages Sc�.eej ule A2: The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. if -�-;IL�A NAME ;/;VI J1 �-;�:JEi;� r ;(i--.;;;i ' ;-;,,;, ;� ,;;;;;,-�.�,;:,-,;,;,;, ·····-··---· . ···-··-···-·--··-······--··---···-···· �------··7·-----·· ·- - ------------- 4 TOTAL OF UNIT��l��-D-IN�KIND_P_'"'LITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS--�-__ l1, __ _h ______ _ 5 Date 6 Full name of contributor D ou1-or-r.1a10 PAC (1011: .................................. ) 8 Amount of 9 In-kind contribution 7 Contrib uto r address; City; Stato; Zip Code -·--······ .. ----->-----------·-·--"--·-·--·-· Contribution $ description D Check ii travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 10 Principal occupation I Job title (FOR NON-,JUDJCIAL) (See Instructions) 11 Employer (FOR NON-JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) --�---···---.. ---------------·----·-----··-----------------1 ------·---------------------------··-----···-·-l 12 Contributor's occu pation (FOR .JUDICIAL) 13 Contributor's job title (FOR JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) 14 Cont ribu tor's employer/law firm (FOR JUDICIAL) 15 Law firm of contributor's spouse (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) ---------���--··-----�� ... �-��-·---·-"---�- - ------- --- --------- ---- 16 If contributor Is a child, law firm of parent(s) (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) Date Full name of contributor 0 oul·ol-s\ato PAC (1011;_ Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code . _) Amount of Contribution $ In-kind contribution description 0 Check if trave l outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. ---------------------�---·-•->-->•M��"--"�� �·�,��-�----��·-··---------------------· Principal o ccup ation I Job title (FOR NON-JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) Employer (FOR NON-JUDICIAL)(See Instructions) ---------------------··--·-··"-·--·--··--------------·---··------·--··-----·-··--·-----------·····---·-·-------·---·"----·-- Contributor's principal occupation (FOR JUDICIAL} Contributor's em ployer/law flrrn (FOR JUDICIAL) Contribulor's job title (FOR JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) -------------------------------·----·---·---· Law firm of contributor's spouse (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) If contributor is a child, law firm of parcnt(s) (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas 5'thics Commission �t/14 ;Ip/ & www.eth ics.state. tx. us Revised 9/8/2015 PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE B -_-_--_-_----_---_,··-_-·_----__ . _ -__ --__ -___ -__ -___ -==-=--=-----��-�:.::._:::, ======·-==-::-::--:.:-___ -__ -___ =---=---------··-·.::::::.::,,::_:: ... :::.=-=================-==--------�=.:: .. -:=:=. The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total page.Yclledule B: �"Jf /iJ1 ([_ JE)l��! ... !&�re:��·-- - �-=��"""-�rnm;,.;oo '''"") 4 TOTAL OF UNI TEMIZED PL���---------·-·-----------------$ j, __ ./),-/ ------5 Date 6 Full name of pledgor [] out·ot-s1a1a PAC (1011:_________________ ___ . J 8 Arnlun I/ I f'�n-i{ind contribution ot$i�d e $ . description 7 Pledger address; City; State; Zip Code D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. --------�---·----------··· .. --------····- -----·-··----------··--·L l ;::,,,..,,�,y' {See Instructions) 10 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Date 0 out-of-slate P/\C (ID#: __ _ Full name of pledger _J Amount of Pledge$ Pledgor address; City; State; Zip Godo Jn-kind contribution description D Chock if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. -----------�---------·---------------------�--------------'----! Principal occupation I Job title {See Instructions) Employer {See Instructions) Date Full name of pledger 0 oul··of-stata PAC (1011: ...... . ) Amount of Pledge$ Pledgor address; City; State; Zip Code In-kind contribution description D Check if travel outside or Texas. Complete Schedule T. t-�-�··-------'-------·--···--·---------··-.. -----------·-·----·---'---·-----·-.�· Principal occupation I Job title {See Instructions) I Date Full name of pledgor Pledgor address; {See Instructions) 0 OUl·Ol-slato P/\C (1011:, .. _. .... ., ________ .) Amount of Pledge$ City; Stute; Zip Code --------�··�,�-�--�--�------ In-kind contribution description D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. ------·--·-···------'-----·-··-----------------· -------�-----··-····------'----I E111p1uyc:1 (Soe Instructions) Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas E1hics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 4 ;;t_-/t; ::?ti!{ LOANS SCHEDULE E The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule E: 3 Fil er ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 TOTAL OF UN I TEMIZED LOANS --------�-----··--···---···--------------------·--······ ---···-·--········ 5 Dale of loan 6 Is lender a financi al Institution? y N 7 Name of lender 8 Lender address ; 0 out-of-stale PAC (IOI/: .. 9 Loan Amount ($) City; State; Zip Code "10 I nterest rate 1"1 Maturity date --··-·-------'---·········-·····------------·---------·---·····-·-·-·---------------•·-------------.. -········-··I 12 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 3 Em ployer (Seu Instructions) 14 Descri ptio n of Collateral 0 none "1 Check if personal iunds were deposited inlo political account (See Instructions) D ·-·-···-·-·-------�----··•-><••··-----------------'-··-·--------·-········-····-·················-···········-··---·--··-·------------1 16 GUARANTOR INFORMATION 0 not applicable 17 N ame of guarantor 18 G uarantor address; 1 9 A mount Guaranteed($) City; State; Zip Code -----------'·-····----········---··-----·------·--r··---------------'---------------- 20 Princlpal Occupatio n (Sec Instructions) Date of Is lender a y N Namo of lender Lendor address; (See Instructions) 0 OUl·Of-state PAC {ID#: ... Loan Amount ($) City ; St ate : Zip Code Interest rate l-·-··-·-·-···-·-------------1 Maturity date l·--·------····-··------·2··-··--·······---·-----------------·---····-··-······-·-··-··-·---·--·---··-·····-----··----··-·······---------------1 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Description of Collateral 0 none Em ployer (See Instructions) Check if personal funds were deposited into political account (See Instructions) D ·--•�>-.------..���--T---.......-----------------.--�·-••• ••••••-••••••••--•-•·•---�-------··-·----·-·••-•••-••••--•r•"••••-•••••-••••••-••••-••·•-• •••··--·----•••--···--•••I GUARANTOR Name of guarantor I NFORMATI ON Guarantor address; [] not applicable Arnour1t Guaranteed{$) City; State; Zip Code ---------�----·--�---------------------·--·---···--·-···---,.----·-·-··--------------�-------------------------·----···--··-·1 Principal Occupation (See Instructions) Employer (Seo Instructions) l=::.::=:::::.:=:::=�=:4=. :::;;:=/ O =,= M =V=�==-=:==A:TT=::::::A=C=H=A=D=D= I T= I O= N =A=L= C =O= P �= l = E S::::O:::: F = T ::.:: H :::: I S::::::.S-:::: C ::::H::::: E :::.:D:::: U :::::L:: .. E ::.:A::::S::= N :::: E :::::: E ::::D : E =D=:::.:.:: --------------·------------·--··· If lender is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.slate.tx.us Revised 918/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertisinu Expense Accountlng/Banking ConsuHing Expense Contribulions/Donat!ons Made Gy Evont Expense Fees Food/Beverage Eximnse Gift/AwardSJMcmoria\s Expense Legul Services Lonn RepaymonVRcimbursornent ortice Overhcnd!Rental E:xpenso Pollln(J Expense Solicitatior1/Fundraising Expense Transportallon Equipment & Related Expense Travel In District Car1didate/Oflicol1older/Politi<;al Cornmilleo Credit Card Payment Printing Expense SuloricsJWages/Conhact Labor Travel Oul Of Dislrict Other (enter a cateUtHy not listed above) 9 Complele ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH The Instruction Gulde expla i ns how to complete this form. Candidate I Officeholder name Office held ---·==-=---==�-===:-====.:=:.::::..::::: .. :.:::� __ -_-.=-_-_-:::::::·:::::==-· -----·----·········· ,,_ ... __ ::_::::::::_:·_ .. -···: .. · ...... :.:: .... ··---·---·---===·==·= Da� Payeo name � Ja �---��-u!t ______ .............. ��b-------·���::-.. -------··--··--·-------·--·-··------... ----- ';;; .111 P•y:;;'" ;;;ft;'•i:td• te1/k,,,S1'-#'7/ ?X.77efYP ·---·--·--·--· .. ----·--·-...... ----···--·---�-·-··---�---·--... ·-�-........ -........... ______ ................................. -.. PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (Soe Categories listed at the top of this schedule) t?J//-/';wi; �f � ) ;11 "/J..v ).pf� �'7l11APv Q1 ----............... ______ , __ ...... ............. r .......... -.... --.. �l"+-.-+"'-''F- Complcle QI'&'!'. if direct expendilure 10 benelil C/OH Candlcla!e I Officeholder name Description [] Chock If travol oulside ofTexas. Gornploto Schedule T. D C heck If Austin, TX, olflceholder livinn expense -��£�---·--___ _ ___ ..... _ ..... ____ ..,,_,_ Ortice sought Office held '--·���··--·-------�--·----·-------·---------·-··­ ----- Date 4-Hj· P1 2-11 I fa Payee naine --·-�··-·-------···-------·-··-·--------------�-���.--�-� Amount ($) I St1fl/ z Z-� Payee address; City; Stata; Zip Code :ttJ 2/ fa,r tiff f( («�ft .... ________ ............. -.--.. -+---- PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See Calenories listed at the tor ol tllis schedule) Description D Check if trnvel outside of Texns. Cornplule Schedule T. D Check ii Austin, TX, olliceholrler living expense ·-·--·-... ---·····-----------·---------.. -..... ________ _ Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www. ethics. state. tx. us Revised 9/8/2015 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission jll"J<-) &£1 P; 7PJ// UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS SCHEDULE F2 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 10(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan RepaymenVReimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By GifV Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officel1older/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pag� Schedule F2: 2 �NAME �p '!21tc.e� !er/J /Ii l A1kk.:;k_· 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) \.-. 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ 5 Date 6 Payee name Ip I ;j 7 Amount ($) 8 Payee address/ 11)\Y; !atej Zip Code I ·-_..�,.·---�-�"· ·�'" ---- 9 ·- TYPE OF D D Non-Political EXPENDITURE Political 10 (a} Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b} Description PURPOSE D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF D Cl1eck if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE 11 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code TYPE OF D D Non-Political EXPENDITURE Political Category (See Categories listed at tile top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE Complete 9_N1Y if dir ect Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ti cf ;!, J,# J" ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 PURCHASE OF INVESTME NTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 4 Date 5 Name of person irom whom i '.i:;;stment s purchased ............ /\/ -. .i ..... . 6 Address of person from whom inJ st 1ent is purchased; 7 Description of Investment 8 Amount of investment ($) ---===-----------_-__ ;:'.'".::..".::::::: _______ ··-··-=· =====---· Date Name of person from whom investment is purchased Address of person from whom Investment Is purchased; Description of investment Amount of investment ($) SCHEDULE F3 City; State; Zip Code ======.--··-------·===! City; State; Zip Code ·------�·--,-----------------·-- ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD SCHEDULE F4 I=========:===-::: ____ ·--_·----=-==·--_··-_-_·-=·-===--------------------=·--=.---==:-.:::::::::.::: __ ·-·-----:: :: ... :.::.::=-======-··----------=·===-==-==::::========.::=··------·· -· Advertising Expense Accounl!ng/Banking Consulting Expense Contrlbutlons/Donaticms Madf:l By EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 10(a) Event Expense Fees Loan RepayrnenVf�einibursement Otlice Overhcad/Rcnlal Expense Polling Expcnsn Solicitallon/FumJralsi11g Expemm· Transportation Equipment B Related Expense Travel In rnstrict Travel Out Of District Candidatc/Of1icoholdor/Political Committee Food!Beverane Expen�:.n Glfl/J\wmds/McrnorinlH Expenr,e Le�1al Services Printing Expense Salarics/VVagos/Contract Labor Other (ontor a category nol llsled abovo) 7 Amount ($) 9 TYPE OF EXPENDITURE 8 Paye e address; City; State; Zip Code Political Cl Non-Political ---------------· -------------------·--------------.,,...----------------------- 10 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 11 Complete _()NLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Amount ($) TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete 91'11-Y if direct expenditure lo benefit C/OH (a) Category (Sae Categories listed at \ho lop ol \his schedule) (b) Description []Check if travel outside ot Toxas. Cotnplolo Schedule T. []Ch eck if Austin, TX, officeholdor living exponso Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Payee name Payee address; City: State: Zip Code 0 Political CJ Non-Political Description Och eek if lrnvel outside ollexas. Complete SGhedule T. Category (Seo Categories listed a\ \ho \op ol lllis schedule) 0 Check if Austin, TX, of!icoholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder narno Office sought Office l1eld ATTACH ADDI TIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.lx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS SCHEDULE G _ _ -_--_--_ .. _----_�·�=:===-:.=-- -_--_-__ - _ ::.:::.::_-_·---_""---�.:-::.:_-_-__ -__ -===----_--::.::.�=:=:�:.::===-.::==----_- _ - _ - _ ·----=:===========::: : : : : - : : = = = = = = = = = ·:==�=-: 8 Advertising Expense Accounting/8anklng Consulting Expense Con!libulions/DonationG Mndo By Candidnte/Officeholder/Political Committee Credi! Card Payment D Reimbursement from political contributions intended EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOXB(a) Event Expense Feas Fond/Beverage Expr.:nse Gift/Awa r ds/Memorials Exponse Legal Servkos Loar\ RepayrnenVRelmburserncmt Ollice Ovorhood/Rcntal Expense Polling Expense Printing Expense SalariesfWnQHs!Con1ract Labor The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. Solicitatlon/Fundralsi11g Expense Transportalion Equipment & f-lelated Expense Travel In District Travel Out Of District Other· (enter a category not listed above) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE -· (;j Co<ogo>y "" °''�'";' "'-' '""' '°" ,; '"'"';;;;;,;·-] (b) 0,,c,;p,;;;; " ·-------------·---- 0 Check 11 travel outside of Texas. Cornp!ele Sct1etlu!e T. [�J Check if Austm, TX, ofliceholder llving expense ----------� �---·---•·----�--w 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benelit C/OH Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Oftice held ---······=::==::::::::=:::;:::===·-:::-·-::::::.=:::-_·-��-=--�------- _-_-_--_---_-- -------·-::.::::.:=:=====:-:-::.-:::::::----··------------··-··· Date Payee name ·------------·----·-------·----------------------"------------.,.�--�·-·�-�---------------------·--·--Amount ($) [-··] Rein1bursementfrom -political contributions intended Payee address; C ity ; State; Zip Code -�---�---------+-------------------��---·---------····-·---·----------------··-·-----------·--------------·· PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONl,Y. If direct expendl1ure to benefit C/OH Category (See Categories listed at the lop ol lhis schedule) (b) Description Candidate I Officeholder name D Check if travel oulside of l'eKas. Complete Schedule T. D Chock ii Austin, lX olliceholder living expense - - ------- -------·---------- ------- --- Office sought Office held =--=====:;--=--=---"·---------·----------·-···--·---------==------===-=--=-=.:._-::-:::::--==-=--=--=--=-···=--:=· =====-=-·-==-·-==---- Date Payee name --·------·�------------�-��,.------------------�·----------�-,.,,, _____________ ,. ___ , ... ______________ _ Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 1---] Reimburse ment frofn L pollllaol contributions intended PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See Calegories listed al !he lop of this schedule) -- -------------------------- --- Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Candidate I Officeholder name I=======----·-""-··-·--------·-------=--·:-=-:=::=-======:= (b) Description D Check ii travel oulsido of Texas. Complete Sche<Jule T. D Cl10ck ii Austin, TX. olliceholder living expense -·--------······-----------------·--·------Office sought O!fice held =--=============---------------·-·-- ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics. state. tx. us Revised 9/8/2015 PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH Advertising Expense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Contributlons/Dollalions MHde By Condidnte/OfficoholdoriPolitical Co1rnnittee Crc'dil Cmd Payment EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) EventExponsH Feos Food/8evera�1e Expense Glft/Awurds/Mcmor iab Expense Lona! Survlct?8 Loan FiepaymenVfleimbwsement Office Overhead!Renlnl E::.:pense Pollino Expense Printing E:xpense SalariustWagHs/Cot1tract Labor SCHEDULE H 8nlici1atlon/Funr:lraisl11g Expense Transportation Equip1ncnt & Related Exµense Travel In District Travel Out Of District Olher (enlcr a calcgory nol lislcd above) ---------·-.------�----�-�-�-�-�----------------------·�---------------------------------- 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE (a) Category (See Calegories listed at 11\e lop ol this schedule) (b) Description D Check ii travel oulsida or Texas. Complele Schedule T. D Check H Austin, TX, oHicehclder living expense ·-----�-----···-·-·--�------·----·------·---------------------·--------------------------------! 9 Complete ONLY ir direct Candidate I Officeholder name expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Business name Office sought Office held ·---------------�-·-�------ ------ ------------------ - -- ---------------------! Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Business address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See Calagories listed al 11\e lop ol this sclrndula) Description [-] Check ii lravei'outside olTa>:as. Complete Schedule T. [�] Check ii Au"lin, TX, olliceholder living e�:pense --------·---·---------· -----·--------------------------- - ----- - ----------------------- Complete ONLY II direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Candidate I Officeholder name Business name Office sought Office held -·-·------·-----------------1--------------------------------·--·---------------·---- - - - - ----------·---- Amount ($) Business address; City; State; Zip Code "'��---,--·----.. ·�------------------··----------------·--------,-------------- ------ - - - -·----- - - -- - - --- --- - - - - ------ · - - - PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY H direct expenditure to benefil C/OH Category (Sac Cotegories lislod at lho lop ol le) Candidate I Officeholder name Description [] Check if !ravel oulside ofToxas. Cornplelo Scliadule T. [] Check ii Austin, TX, olllceholder li ving expense Office sought Office hold -·----------------- - ----·--·-·---------------· - --·----·-·------------------------------·-------------------·---·--------------------· -- /)cf--1i /.Pl '1---------------·-·----------·--------------------------------·------------------ ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Etl1ics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE I ··-� .... _,�·---·--·-------------·---,-.-·. �·---·-----------------·��-�� .. ��-·'·'"-.�----------------"-"-'""-�'··-·-�-·----------.. �-- --·-­ --------··------�----·-----�-·-""""k�--�-��-�-------------·-----·���--�-�,�------- The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 6 Amount ($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code ------------------------------------------- 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE (a) Category (See inslruclions for examples of accoplablo categories.) (b) Description (Soo inslrucllons regarding lypo of inf or ma lion required.) -----------------··'.============-===============--== ----- - ------ - - - --- - ----------------::.-:: ... _ Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code !--------------·-----·----------------------------------------------···-·-------------------------------·------ PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Dale Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Date Category (Seo inslrnclions for oxamplos of acceptable categories.) Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See ins1ruc1ions for examples of acceplable categories.) F'ayoo name Description (See inslructions raganJing type of lnformalion required.) Description (Sea inslruclions rogardlng type of lnlormallon raquirod.) -----------------·----------------------------------·····------·--------------------,·····------------------ Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Payee address; City; Stale; Zip Code Category (Sea inslructions for oxamp!es ol acceptable categories.) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS , REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER SCHEDULE K The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total ff Schedule K: 3 Filer ID (El hies Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Name of perso[l:m �1]1' amount is received ./ ... n ........... . 8 Amount($) 6 Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code 7 Purpose for which amount is received 0 Check if political contribution returned to filer -------------·:---=--===-=--==::::::::::==::=::-...:=:::::::===.::::::: .. -:::-=======::;:::::::::======== Date Name of person frorn whorn amount Is received Amount($) Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code Purpose for which amount is received D Checl< if political contribution returned to filer :=.=.::_==-·:=====-=·=-=============================--:::·:::·::::--:;:·:::·::::--::::---:::· =:=·-···------·-·-·-•"-"' Date Date Name of person from whom amount is received Amount($) Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code Purpose for which amoun1 Is received D Check If pollllcal contribution returned lo filer Name of' person from whom amount is received Amount($) Address of pwson from whom amount is received; City; State: Zip Code Purpose for which amoun1 Is received D Check ii political contribution returned to filer ::::==========================----_---_-_-_ -_ -_:.= .. :::::::::::::::::::::=�-:--==:::::.-.. -_-.:::.:::=.-.:::.:::.:::_·-_::--.:::.:::.:::.:::::::::::::-_-.:::..:::=----------_-_-_-_--_-__ -____ . & d /tl1 ;lr;; "' ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethics .state. tx .us Revised 9/8/2015 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FOR TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF TEXAS SCHEDULET ··--·--;=::-.. -.• - .. ---_-__ -__ -_·-=..-=..-;:_-_----···-··-·-··--···--·--····························--····.:;:;:;:;;::;::=;:;.::.===:===.:=.:.-.• -..• -----------------=-=·===============-=---·----1 Total pages Schedule T: M The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. p _2 __ -�1 �:-�����---l/f � � ��J/(ffl!{��---;/e7{kj_l�-f� -_ ·3" ·FiJ;�iD-(8h!ZsCo;�;;;�Filor;J-----··-·--· 4 Name of Contributor I Corporation or Lab#.>r O.rga17J'zali n I Pledger I Payee ------·-----------·-·--------· -.__..!;;,.-._,,.. --· �------ -- -- -- - ---- --- - ----- - - · - --- - · · - ·--·- - - --- --- ----- · ------ - -""-··- - -----.. -·-----·· 5 Contribution I Expenditure reported on: \ D Schedule A2 D Schedule B D Schedule 8(J) [] Schedule C2 D Schedule D 0 Schedule F1 D Schedule F2 D Schedule F4 Oschedule G D Schedule H D Schedule GOH-UC D Schedule B-SS ------------���---�-------------- - --------------· - ·---�---·----·-------- - - - - ---·---·- - - --- - ---·--- - --·-·-� - ··--6 Dates of travel 7 Name of person(s) traveling ---- - --·------····-·-········-···--···--------------·---------- - ·---·------1 8 Departure city or name of departure location ------·······- - -------·-··-----�--- - --------------------�-·"-- - ----------· 9 Destination city or name of destination location 10 Means of transportation r:PZ;���-�f-�r��;l(i��lu·d�ng n��� - � - �f conference, seminar, or other event) ================== Name of Contributor I Corporation or Labor Organization I Pledger I Payee Contribution I Expenditure reported on: D Schedule A2 Oschedule B D Schedule B(J) 0 Sohodule C2 0 Schedule D 0 Schedule F1 Dschedule F2 D Schedule F4 D Schedule G D Schedule H [] Schedule GOH-UC D Schedule B-SS �----····----·········-····-· - - - · ---------------------Dates of travel Name of person(s) traveling ----�-----·----�---------·---------------·---�--·--��----------------Departure city or name of departure location !-------- - ---·-·····--··-···-··-····--·-----------------------Destination city or name of destination location Means of transportation I Purpose of travel name of conlerenco, seminar, or other event) Name of Contributor I Corporation or Labor Organiza1ion I Pledger I Payee ····--·······-·-·······-··-····-··------------------Contribution I Expenditure reported on: D Schedule A2 0 Schedule B D Schedule D 0 Schedule F·t D Schedulo F2 0 Schedule F4 D Schedule B(J) Oschedule G D Schedule C2 D Schedule H D Schedule GOH-UC D Schedule B-SS ----------,..---·------·-··--····--······ Dates of travel Name of person(s) traveling -�--- - ---·-------- - -----··--------------·�-·-- - �----�·�-·------------------�-- - ---·'"------·-· Departure city or name of departure location - - - - -- ----� ··- ------ - - - -- ----------�� - -""�--- -- ___,_�- - - -- ----- -- --Destination city or name of destination location Means of transportation I (including name of conference, seminar, or other event} ti cf, / '1 71/t �TTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.etlllcs.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015