HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/2017 - Minutes - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory BoardC ITY oF Cou n;r:: ST.\T IO :\ Home ofTrxm A&M U11i1-mi1]• MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD Monday, May 1, 2017 3:00 PM College Station City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room 1 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 Chairman Blanche Brick, Jon Denton, Tina Evans, Joanna Kaspar, Phillip Lasley, Andrew Middleton Molly Fierro Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Senior Program Manager Venessa Garza, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Services Molly Hitchcock, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Board Secretary Amber Johnson Madison Metsker-Galarza, Tim Lomax AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairman Brick called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors. There were no vis itors present who wished to address the board. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting absences. Board Member Middleton motioned to approve the meeting absences from April 3, 2017 . The motion was seconded by Board Member Kaspar and was approved (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. Board Member Middleton motioned to approve the meeting minutes from April 3, 2017. The motion was seconded by Board Member Kaspar and was approved (5 -0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Presentation and discussion regarding improvements to the George Bush Drive (FM 2347) and Wellborn Road (FM 2154) intersection. Ms. Madison Metsker-Galarza with the Texas Transportation Institute {TTI) presented this item to the board. The intersection sees very high -traffic volumes, can be congested, and there are many trains that pass through the area. Ms. Metsker-Garlarza identified some of the goals of the project are to: improve safety, reduce congestion, minimize construction disruption, honor the intersection's historical significance, and enhance communication. Some challenges of the project that were identified are: improve the intersection, maintain traffic, maintain mobility, minimize affects, minimize extra costs, and re-engage stakeholders. Several different construction schedules and roadway construction options are currently being considered and public feedback is being requested regarding these proposed changes. The board held a general discussion regarding the proposed improvements to the intersection and were encouraged to take the survey available online at bwx-bcs.org. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Presentation and discussion regarding an update on the following items: College Station Town Center Development in the Medical District, Carter's Crossing Condos Development located at 1451 Associates Avenue, and Unpaved Trail in College Station Business Park. Senior Program Manager Garza presented these item to the board. Both the College Station Town Center Development in the Medical District and the Carter's Crossing Condos Development located at 1451 Associates Avenue previously discussed by the board have now been presented to the City Council and have been approved. Ms. Garza stated that in regards to the unpaved trail proposed in the College Station Business Park, she has spoken with David Schmitz in the Parks Department who stated that they have not had the staff resources to enable them to progress with the project. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Update. Senior Program Manager Garza presented this item to the board. The first area evaluated by the board is the proposed bike lane on Tarrow Road and Spring Loop. Ms. Garza stated that the City of Bryan is proposing to add a multi-use path for walking and biking along one side of 29th Street that would connect into the City of College Station. Ms. Garza is proposing to connect to it with a proposed multi-use path to Autumn Circle. After examining the right-of-way constraints along Tarrow, staff is considering proposing the multi - use path and create a bike route along Autumn Circle. Chairman Brick stated that it didn't appear that there would be enough room on Spring Loop to accommodate a bike lane. Ms. Garza stated that there would have to be the removal of parking along Spring Loop to accommodate a bike lane. Chairman Brick stated that due to the apartment developments she was unsure how parking could be removed in that area. She added that the removal of the parking would be hard to justify. Ms. Evans asked if there was on -street parking all along Spring Loop. Ms. Garza stated that there is on-street parking on Spring Loop. Chairman Brick asked if Autumn Circle was utilized if the proposed bike facilities on Spring Loop would still be needed. Ms. Garza stated it could be phased. As of now we cannot widen Tarrow and add bike lanes due to right-of-way constraints but we would want to leave them on the plan for any future changes that may occur that would allow them to become feasible. She added that the vehicular traffic along Autumn Circle is probably lower and that it could be that we potentially phase the proposed Spring Loop bike lane and only stripe from Autumn Circle down to University Drive to connect to the Lincoln Avenue bike lanes. The update to the Master Plan would include the portion of the shared-use path and the bike route along Autumn Circle which would primarily be signage. Chairman Brick asked if parking would need to be removed on Autumn Circle. Ms. Garza stated that a proposed bike route along Autumn Circle would not require the removal of parking. Chairman Brick asked if there is on-street parking along Autumn Circle. Ms. Garza stated that she assumed they have on-street parking along the roadway. The board held a general discussion regarding on-street and off-street parking. Board Member Lasley asked if a two-way cycle track could be done along Spring Loop. Ms. Kaspar agreed with Mr. Lasley regarding a two-way cycle track and added that on-street parking could remain on one side of the roadway. Mr. Lasley stated the traffic on Spring Loop is so high that a bike lane or cycle track could be justified. Ms. Garza stated that she would need to look at the width to determine if that would be feasible . Chairman Brick stated that Autumn Circle has a lot less traffic than Spring Loop and may be a good bike route option. Mr. Lasley added that Autumn Circle makes sense for at least a bike route. Ms. Garza stated that it sounds like the board is good the addition of a proposed b i ke route along Autumn Circle. She added that with the Master Plan update instead of describing them as a "route" or "lane" it may be a "facility" so staff can make a determination depending on existing constraints if a more substantial facility, such as buffered bike lanes, could be utilized. The second area evaluated by the board is the proposed routes along the University Drive corridor. Ms. Garza stated that staff is proposing the removal of the bike route on University Drive along the bridge, adding a shared -used path across the SH 6 bridge and extending what TxDOT has constructed from Lincoln Avenue to Tarrow Street. Mr. Lasley stated that as the Northpoint Crossing and the Century Square Development are completed there may be a greater desire to get to this areas. He asked if users should be directed through campus to Bizell Street or if there was a way to utilize Rosemary Drive to Hensel Drive. Ms. Garza stated that we would need to look at who we are getting where. There are existing paths around campus along Texas Avenue and University Drive . Mr. Lasley stated that part of this may be eventually looking at bicycle and pedestrian wayfinding. He added that preferred routes could be given to users to reach certain destinations such as from the Century Square Development. The board held a general discussion regarding the University Drive Corridor. The third area evaluated by the board is the proposed routes in the Biocorridor. Ms. Garza stated that in the Biocorridor area near the diverging diamond at FM2818 and Raymond Stotzer staff is proposing to add a bike facility along Turkey Creek Road as well as continuing the multi-use path to Turkey Creek Road. The board held a general discussion regarding the Biocorridor area and there was no opposition for the proposed bike facility additions. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Presentation and discussion regarding education and encouragement opportunities. Senior Program Manager Garza presented this item to the board. May is National Bike Month and there will be a proclamation at City Council on May 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Presentation and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. • May 4, 2017 rv Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting rv City Hall, Council Chambers rv 6:00 p.m. • May 11, 2017 rv National Bike Month Proclamation rv City Hall, Council Chambers rv 7:00 p.m. • May 18, 2017 rv Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting rv City Hall, Council Chambers rv 6:00 p .m. • June 1, 2017 rv Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting rv City Hall, Council Chambers rv 6:00 p.m. • June 5, 2017 rv Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board rv City Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room 1 rv 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items - A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There were no discussion regarding any future agenda items. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m. ATTEST: Blanche Brick, Chairman A~