HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/06/1992 - Joint Minutes City CouncilC~T.T.~. ~t~. STATION CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF PUBI~C p~ARySESSION 6, 1993 Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Gardner, Schneider, Mc]lhaney, Crouch, Brown Councilman Bh'dwell Executive Director Lindn Piwonka, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks See guest register ~ Item No. 1 - CAI! to Ozdsr. Conege Station Mayor Larry Ringer and Bryan City Councilman Hank Mc(~uaide called the public hearing to order at ?:00 p.m. and thanked the citizens present for attending. Mayor Ringer announced that Conege Station Assistant City Manager Linda Piwonka would serve as hearing officer. Ms. Piwonka introduced Randy Rogers, General Manager of TCA Cable Company; Mark Palchick, TCA's attorney; Larry Monroe of Municon, the cities' cable consultant; and Mary Kay Moore, Interim City Manager, City of Bryan. Ms. Piwonka explained the hearing procedures to be followed. Aaenda Item No. 3 - O~dn_a Statements. Mr. Rogers introduced TCA board and staff members and showed a video of TCA's operations in the Bryan-College Station area. Mr. Rogers also placed into the hearing record a copy of a Oallup poll TCA contracted, and a written statement. Mr. Rogers stated that TCA's aim was to provide a basic, reasonably- priced level of service to all citizens wishing to subscribe, and at the same time offer extra levels of service for citizens wishing to pay more to receive more services. He stated that TCA had met with representatives of Bryan Independent School District, College Station Independent School District, Texas A&M City Council Special Meeting Page 2 Thursday, February 6, 1992 University, and both cities, as well as hiring the (~allup organization, to determine exactly what the citizens of Bryan-College Station desired and at what price. Mr. Rogers outlined the results of the Gallup poll. He stated that the service which a two-way interactive cable plant could provide would have monetary and social costs. He stated that, for example, a community-wide emergency alert system would be more effective and less costly through the use of outside alert systems. He also referred to the cost to the commtmity of providing community/educational access channels. Mr. Rogers also spoke to TCA's policy of charging for extra outlets in a home stating they felt it was unfair to burden all customers with the convenience of a few. He also stated that the FCC required them to provide a certain strength signal into a home. Homes with multiple outlets may require special amplification equipment. He added that TCA does not charge for repair service including inside the home. Ms. Piwonka clarified that the cities' consultant, Municon, had not recommended the alert system currently being investigated. Agenda Item No. 4 - l~.ecelve written statements from the public Dr. Claude Cunningham, Director of Administration and Planning for the College Station Independent School District, introduced a written statement regarding educational uses of cable and the need for educational access channels for College Station ISD, Bryan, Bryan ISD, Texas A&M University, Blinn College, and local private schools. Dr. Don Rice, 2703 Rustling Oaks, Bryan, introduced into the record a letter he had written and a petition asking the Councils to enact an ordinance allowing cities to regulate pricing of all present and future multi-channel service providers, provide for one rate for residential cable service, provide for competitive pricing, and require a customer service survey once a year. He encouraged the Councils to take advantage of the expertise of the consultants from Municon. Ms. Charlene Clark, 2304 Burton, Bryan, commended TCA for maintaining a high quality of service and responding to customer concerns. She asked TCA to promote family and religious programming. Ms. Moore introduced 39 letters received by the two cities into the record. Thirty of the letters spoke to TCA's practice of charging for multiple outlets in a home. Agenda Item No. 5 - Other concerns and/or questions from the public. Mr. Ludy Benjamin, 2001 Indian Trail, College Station, also spoke about TCA's practice of charging for additional outlets. He stated his home was wired for multiple outlets when it was built, therefore he would be willing to pay for repairs inside his home if he was not charged for the additional outlets. He stated he felt it was unfair that they had to pay $5.00 per month in addition to the City Council Special Meeting Thursday, February 6, 1992 Page 3 charge for the outlet for the converter box to have a premium channel. Othezw, ise, he had received good service. Mr. Paul Williams, 2601 Sandlewood, College Station, stated he also had his house wired with multiple outlets. He stated he had lived in Pasadena and Angleton where subscribers were not charged for additional outlets. He agreed with Mr. Benjamin's statement about repairs inside the home. He added that TCA personnel had been very positive. Mr. Joel Huddieston, 603 Wellborn Road, spoke to a contract negotiated between Texas A&M University and TCA and the removal of MTV from the air. He stated that he does not feel TCA responds to the student market and spoke about the reconnect fees charged to a mobile community. He recommended a healthy competition with two cable companies operating in the community. Mr. Daniel Chis, 2313 Auburn, College Station, stated that a 36 channel basic package was not indicative of current technology. He referred to several specific channels that he felt should be offered and asked what types of guarantees TCA would make regarding emerging technology. Mr. Rusty Rush, 2427 Adrienne, College Station, commended Mr. Rogers and TCA personnel for their involvement in community activities. He stated that he was paying $32.95 per month for the same level of service he had received for $16.95 in Oregon, nlinois, in 1989. He stated TCA service was good but too expensive. He recommended the cities look into offering this service to the Bryan-College Station citizens and not consider a ten-year franchise. Mr. Robert Hodnett, 4117 Kenwood, Bryan, stated TCA does a good job but should not charge for additional outlets. He also stated he thinks 20 Vision should be included in the basic package. He added he paid less for more channels in Houston. Dr. Rice again addressed the Councils stating he had no complaint about TCA's service. He asked how much it cost to provide the signal to an additional outlet in a home. Mr. Rogers replied that TCA had stated its position on that subject and would be looking at ways of satisfying the concern without burdening other subscribers. Mr. Andrew Aaron, 416 Upright Hall, Texas A&M University, representing the residents hall association, spoke about TCA's practice of charging students a $15.00 per room installation fee. He also stated the $22.95 fee is comparable to the extended basic plus one premium channel Fort Worth offers; he feels it is excessive. Mr. Doug Williams, 3008 Pierre, College Station, asked that cable be made available on the west (TAMU) campus. Mr. (3rady McClone, 3406 Finfeather, stated he felt a ten-year contract would City Council Special Meeting Page 4 Thursday, February 6, 1992 block many technological advances. He also stated a 36-channel basic package did not reflect well on the community. Mr. Bob Barker, 3711 East P.9th Street, BD, an, asked Mr. Rogers how their installation fees compared to the fees being charged when TCA took over the cable franchise. Mr. Rogers stated the fee had been $35.00 for any installation; installation discounts are now offered to customers taking premium service at the time of installation. Mr. Rogers added other cable companies charge from $30.00 to $?0.00 for installation. In response to a question from Mr. Barker, Mr. Rogers stated about 1,300 to 1,400 people subscribe to the less expensive family package. Mr. Barker then stated he had three d~fferent people call the TCA office and were only informed about the full 35 channel package and the package with the premium channels. It was pointed out that the current franchise agreement requires TCA to offer the less expensive package. Mr. Barker then presented a flyer he obtained at the TCA office that details the two more expensive packages with the family package only mentioned in small print at the bottom. Mr. Barker then questioned why the installation fee for the 19. channel package is almost double the fee for the more expensive packages. Mr. Rogers explained it takes two separate "traps" to "trap out" any channels above channel 13. Mr. Barker summarized by suggesting the cities become involved in the cable business, open the market for two competitive companies, or deny the renewal of TCA's franchise. Mr. Spencer Johnson, 1303 Augustine, College Station, stated TCA staff members had been very courteous and considerate. He agreed that there should not be an additional charge for multiple outlets. Mr. Huddleston again addressed the Council stating it would make more sense for TCA to charge for service calls than to charge for multiple outlets since it did not cost TCA anymore to send a signal to the additional outlets. Mr. Monroe added that TCA officials had stated at the last meeting that the charge for additional outlets was for signal leakage monitoring and repair. Mr. Patrick Dixon, 400 Nagie, College Station, stated he was a student and did not have cable because he could not afford it. He referred to an incident when a salesperson visited his home, and he did not receive the amount of service for which he paid. He recommended a less expensive package for students. Mr. Jerry Cooper, 602 Bell, College Station, cautioned the Councils not to enter into a ten-year agreement because of technological advances. He stated the Council had a good understanding of what the citizens wanted in cable service based on the input received at the hearings. He also spoke in favor of a flat rate instead of a charge for multiple outlets. Mr. Rogers Lewis, KAMU-TV, Texas A&M University, reviewed the history of the use of Channel 31, the educational access channel, by the local schools and the university. Mr. Monroe clarified that the issue of safety alert technology did not come from City Council Special Meeting Thursday, February 6, 1992 Page the consulting firm; that idea was raised by the cities. He did state that he took exception to one statement by Mr. Rogers that this particular technology was no more effective than an outdoor alert siren and suggested Mr. Rogers refer to the Head of the National Weather Service for his public comments to the contrary on this issue. He also stated that video monitoring of homes was never suggested by anyone involved. Mr. Monroe then asked Mr. Rogers if the company would agree to limit future rate increases to the actual increase in operating cost of the company if the cities required no additional services from TCA. Mr. Rogers replied that there had been no rate increase in the last three and a half years, and that he could not answer the question because it involved corporate policy. Mr. Monroe stated that representation had been made that a franchise fee was actually a tax on subscribers. He stated that the franchise fee is not a tax in any manner but simply rent charged for the use of public property and rights-of-way. He further stated that the company may choose to pass onto subscribers, there is not much the city can do about it since rates are deregulated by the federal government. Mr Monroe then questioned Mr. Rogers about the ownership of wiring in homes. Mr. Rogers replied that TCA repairs internal wiring at no charge. A show of hands from the audience indicated that most people would prefer to pay for repairs than for multiple outlets. Several citizens then addressed questions to Mr. Rogers and Mr. Monroe from the floor. Mr. Palchick asked that the record reflect that prior to the Cable Act of 1984, some cities would charge a franchise fee and/or require the cable company to do certain tasks such as city beautification, etc. This, in effect, provided a source of revenue for the cities. The act states that if a cable system was charged a franchise fee of more than five percent, the city had to justify that fee. He stated that as a compromise, the U.S. Congress stated that a municipality may charge up to five percent of gross revenues, but to the extent those fees are used for things other than the regulation or promotion of cable service in the con~nunity, the cable operator has a right to take that cost and reassess it back against the subscribers. He stated it had nothing to do with rate regulation. He stated that a franchise fee used for anything other than the promotion of cable service is a specific tax on cable customers. Mr. Monroe stated that any increase in franchise fee can be added on to the basic rate. He stated it was against the federal law to add the franchise fee if it had historically been included in the rate. He informed the audience that the cities are currently charging a two percent franchise fee. In response to a question from a City Councilman, Mr. Rogers explained that the converter boxes used in homes are computer addressed converter boxes that allow the company to turn service from their office. Mr. Rogers responded to a question from the floor. The person asked for a clarification of the $15.00 charge for each dorm room at A&M. Mr. Rogers replied that this covers a "trip" charge, it covers adminis~e cost to set up the account. City Council Special Meeting Thursday, February 6, 1992 Page 6 Mr. Monroe remarked his concerns that the students were asked to install their own cable. Mr. Roger addressed Mr. Monroe's concern. He stated that during "rush" times in late August and early September for 5000 accounts. The cable schedules certain areas of the city on a larger scale. He added that during one day, the workers may install §00-?00 dormitory rooms. A discussion about "downgrade" charges followed; Mr. Monroe states that he felt those charges bordered on being punitive. More questions from the floor followed. In response to a question from the floor, Mr. Rogers explained about the FCC definition that makes Waco channels considered local signals, which requires TCA to offer them. Mr. Palchick agreed that this law was a problem for cable operators and subscribers. A heavy copyright fee is charged for cable operators offering imported signals. Mr. Palchick and Mr. Monroe informed the audience that only their legislators could change this law. Mr. Rogers stated that TCA's ability to offer three imported channels at the basic rate of $17.95 was remarkable. Mr. Sam Cleary, 317 Dunn, Bryan, discussed the 1984 Cable Act and its effect on the local cable market. He asked questions about the Councils' current regulatory authority. Mr. George Hamilton, A&M Consolidated High School teacher, stated that TCA offers better service than the previous provider. He asked the Councils to uphold the requirement that the schools have free access to a cable channel. Ms. Piwonka asked the Mayor to close the public hearing but leave the record open for written comments up to end of March and address written contact to herself or Mary Kay Moore in Bryan. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing and left the record open for public comnlents. Agenda Item No. 6 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer and Bryan Councilman McQuaide thanked the audience for attending the public hearing and adjourned the meeting at 9:52 p.m. PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (4,-'~) 4~9-,~'?oo SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY FOR THE BRYAN AND COLLEGE STATION MARKETS TCA CABLE TELEVISION Tyler, Texas February 1992 Prepared by Gale D. Muller, Ph.D., Senior Analyst Rita D. Holland, B.S., Executive Assistant The Gallup Organization, Inc. Princeton, New Jersey All written reports based on this proprietary research project, the literary property therein and the common law copyright thereto are the exclusive property of The Gallup Organization, Inc. Reports produced, are privileged, confidential communication. The material therein is available to, and for the guidance of, your executives only. The reports are not to be copied, quoted, published, or divulged to others. SECTION I ~ SUMMAZ~ 2 lntroductson In January of 1992, The Gallup Organization, Inc. of Princeton, New Jersey conducted a survey of cable television subscribers in the Bryan-College Station area. The study commissioned by TCA Cable Television of Bryan-College Station sought to determine service satisfaction levels of local cable customers and measure interest levels for various additional programming options. Viewers voiced strong opposition to a higher franchise tax if that would mean higher monthly cable hills. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of those interviewed were against such an increase. Nearly 90% of TCA Cable customers rated their picture quality as excellent or good. Ten percent (10%) called the picture quality fair and only two percent (2%) thought it was poor. Ninety-three percent (93%) of those surveyed said they had experienced no billing problems over the last year. Of the five percent (5%) who had experi- enced such a problem, roughly two-thirds were satisfied with the resolution of the problem. Just under one-third of the respondents in the study said they had contacted a customer service representative at TCA Cable within the past year. Ninety- three percent (93%) of those respondents said the call was answered in a reasonable amount of time and 83% regarded the customer service represen- tatives as both courteous and knowledgeable. Cable viewers seemed unwilling to fund a local community access channel through higher monthly rates with 80% saying "no" to the idea. Thirty-two percent (32%) of the cable subscribers in the study believe their service is better now than three years ago, wMle six percent (6%) felt it was worse than before. Forty-seven percent (47%) of those in the study said their cable service was about the same as it was three years ago. S~ON II INTRODUC~ON AND ~ODOLOGY 5 Introduction TCA Cable Television of Tyler, Texas commissioned The Gallup Organization, Inc. of Princeton, New Jersey to conduct a special satisfaction and programming study during January of 1992. Two markets were included in the total study. · Bryan, Texas · College Station, Texas. The research objectives were: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Those markets were: to determine user satisfaction levels w~th current cable services by market area; to gather information about reasons for dissatisfaction; to assess which cable stations were preferred by subscribers; to assess the importance of selected services and the possible potential amount that respondents would be willing to pay for such special services; to determine the respondent's reaction to selected increases in fees or taxes. 6 Methodology To meet these objectives, a random sample of ami, imum of two hundred respondents in each of the two markets was interviewed by telephone in January 1992. Respondents were current cable subscribers in that market. For each market, TCA Cable Television provided a list of current cable subscribers and The Gallup Organization interviewed a random sample of the valid telephone numbers provided. When the male or female head of household who was listed as the cable subscriber was not available during the first telephone contact, repeat contacts were made in order to ensure a high completion rate. Survey Instrument Development Survey items for the study were developed by TCA Cable Television ~xecutives. Stability of Results At the 95% level of confidence, the maximum expected error range for a sample of 400 respondents is _ 4.9%. Stated more simply, if 100 different samples of 400 persons each were randomly chosen from a given population, 95 times out of 100, the total results obtained would vary no more than _+4.9 percentage points from the results that would be obtained if the entire population were surveyed. The maximum expected statistical error range at the 95% level of confidence is given in the table on the next page. 7 EXPECTED ERROR RANGES FOR A MARKET SAMPLE OF 400 RESPONDENTS* Results About: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50~ 60% 70% 80% 90% Error Ranges: _+2.9 --.3.9 _+4.5 -+4.8 +-4.9 __.4.8 +4.5 --.3.9 __.2.9 * At the 95% Confidence Level Sample Characteristics In Table 1 below, demographic information for the total sample of 400 respondents is provided. TABLE 1 Sample Characteristics (n:400) Gender Male Female 18-34 3549 50+ Children in Household 1-12 years of age 13-18 years of age Total 5O% 5O 46% 27 25 34% 14 Bryan 51% 49 35% 30 32 36% 15 Market College Station 49% 51 57% 23 18 33% 13 8 Overall usage of cable television by market is summarized in Tables 2 and 3 below. TABLE 2 Cable Usage by Market Market College Respondents Total Bryan Station Less than 3 years 25% 16% 34% 3-10 years 39 35 43 Over 10 years 35 48 22 7.~ 8.8 6.2 Average* (Years) = The response of "over 10 years" was estimated at 1.3.0 years TABLE 3 Limited Basic vs. Full Basic Who Have: Limited Full Premium Market Basic Basic Channel Total 12% 62% 26% Bryan 9 65 25 College Station 14 59 27 Nearly two-thirds of all respondents in the study indicated that they had "full basic" cable coverage. Only 12% had chosen limited basic coverage. In an earlier 1991 study conducted for TCA Cable Television in the Bryan/College Station market, 65% of the respondents indicated they had full basic. These data, therefore, are nearly identical to the data in the previous study. SECI'ION Ill GENERAL IMPRESSIONS Introduction The respondents were asked a series of questions concerning their overall general impressions concerning picture quality, price/value, and were asked to compare their current cable television with previous years' cable television. 12 Subsection A: Perceived Picture Quality Respondents in the study were asked to rate their "perceived picture quality" on the television set they watched most often. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of all respondents in the study rated their "picture quality" as either "excellent" or "good". TABLE 4 Perceived Picture Quality College Market Total Bryan Station Excellent 42% 37% 47% Good 46 52 39 Fair 10 9 11 Poor 2 I 2 It did appear that the College Station respondents were more likely to rate their picture quality higher than Bryan respondents. 13. Subsection B: Perception of Price/Value Seventy-four percent (74%) of the respondents in the study indicated they had a "satisfactory" price/value or better. TABLE $ Perception of Value for Money Paid (n=404) Response A very good deal 4% A good deal 18 A satisfactory deal 52 A poor deal 25 Don't know 1 Although a relatively small percentage of the respondents (22%) said they felt cable television was a '*good deal", an equal number said it was less than satisfactory (25%). 14 Subsection C: Comparison of Television with Previous Years To assess the viewer's perception of the overall cable service provided today and that provided three years ago, respondents were asked specifically to compare cable television now with cable television three years ago. TABLE 6 Comparison of Cable Television Now with Three Years Ago Same/ Better Don't Know Worse Total "Net"* Gender Male Female 32% 62% 6% +26 Age 18-34 3549 50+ 36% 58% 5% +31" 27 65 7 + 20" Bryan College Station 28% 65% 7% 34 61 4 37 55 8 +21': +30" ] +29" * Better minus Worse * * Significantly different (p <.05) 39% 54% 6% +33" 25 68 6 + 19" 15 Typically, using the questioning process such as the one summarized in Table 6, a "net" of + 10% or less is expected. This is because, in general, respondents are more positively inclined about their present situation than the previous situation for almost all variables. The +26% represents a stronger positive feeling than is "typical". Men were significantly more positive about the cable television offerings now than three years ago than was the case for women. Older persons -- those over age 35 years -- were more positive about cable television now than three years ago. Respondents from Bryan were significantly more positive than those from College Station. TABI~ ? Reasons for ~Better~/~Vorse~ Better Worse Reason (n-- 129) (n--25) Reception has improved Added channels Variety improved/more Service is better 16% 14 14 10 Programming improved "New company" Service more reliable 10 10 6 Other Don't know 10 13 Poor programming/no variety · Cost/too expensive Poor reception Poor late night programming 16% 12 28 28 8 8 16 The primary reasons given for why cable television was better now than three years ago was because of programming improvement (38%). In addition, service (16%) and reception (16%) were also areas of perceived positivity. , For those who felt that cable television was not as good as in previous years, the lack of variety (28%) and cost (28%) were the responses most often given. Subsection D: General Impressions of TCA Cable The respondents were also asked to general questions about TCA Cable -- they were asked to list TCA Cable's strong points and were asked what TCA Cable could do to better serve them. 17 TABLE 8 TCA Cable's Strong Points Response Picture Quality/Reliability Reliable picture quality Reliable Service Friendly customer service Good service overall Prompt/fast service Free repair service Always there Programming Good variety of programming Quality programming General Positive Satisfied Good price/value Responsive to MTV issue Good billing Listens to customers Neutral Statements Only cable in town Other Involved in community Other 27% 11 6 21% 9 6 4 1 1 15% 9 6 9% 4 2 1 1 1 2% 2 3% 1 2 Don't Know/None 31% 18 TABLE 9 What TCA Cable Could Do to Better Serve You Response Lower Cost/Prices Lower prices Improve Programming Improve programming Add more channels to basic Eliminate duplication Unblock blocked channels Reception Improve reception Other Allow customers to only choose channels they want Improve service overall Other Don't Know/None 24% 24 22% 13 4 3 2 4% 4 14% 2 2 10 36% Overall, the respondents tended to list picture quality and general service as two of TCA Cable's strong points. Programming -- especially the variety of programming -- was also perceived as a strength. Areas of weakness were most likely to be perceived as "higher prices" and general improvements in programming. S~ON VII SPECIAL SERVICES 4! Introduction Respondents were asked specifically about having a personal computer and were then asked about ways in which they could use that personal computer in their homes. 42 Forty percent (40%) of all respondents in the study said they had a personal computer. TABLE 21 Those Who Have Personal Computers "Yes" Total 40% Age 18-34 41% 35-49 SO 50+ 30 Area Bryan 32% College Station 48 Those persons with the highest incomes - typically 35-to-49 year olds - were more likely to say they had a personal computer than older respondents, and College Station respondents were clearly more likely to have a personal computer than those in Bryan. 43 A relatively small percentage of the respondents said they either used bank at ho/ne via telephone or teleconferencing services. TABLE 22 Use of Services Of Those With Of Total Service Personal Computer Sample Bank at home via telephone Teleconferencing 4% 2% 8 3 When projected to the total sample of persons in the study, an even smaller percentage currently me these services. Caution is urged in the interpretation of these data, however, became there may be some confusion about the use of these procedures and their tie with personal computers. SF, CTION VIII 45 Introduction Finally, the respondents were asked about the potential for increased fees or increased taxes for additional services. 46 Respondents were asked about their awareness of community programming that included the city channel/educational access channel. Over half (58%) indicated an awareness of such programming. ' TABLE 23 Community Programming: City Channel/Educational Access Channel Total Bryan (n=404) (n--201) Overall Awareness College Station (n=203) Willingness to fund community access channel with increase in basic cable rates 13% 13% 12% $8% $7% 59% 47 Although many of the respondents were aware of such community programming described above, a very small percentage were willing to fund a community access channel with an increase in basic cable rates (13%). ' It was also discovered, not surprisingly, that very few of the respondents would favor a city franchise tax if this tax also increased the amount of their monthly cable bill. TABLE 24 Response to a City Franchise Tax Response (n=404) (n=20D College Station (n--203) Yes 8% 10% 6% No 88 85 92 Doit know 3 4 2 APPENDICES APPENDIX A SURVEY INSTRUMENT BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION; TEXAS FIELD FINAL - JAh~ARY 22. 1992 AC996 Project Registration #20503100 TeA CABLE TV T~ler, Texas Special Satisfaction and Programming Study The Gallup Organization, Inc. John Wood January. 199~ I.D.#: X APPROVED BY CLIENT DAT~ Copyright, The Gallup Organization, Inc. INTERVIEWED BY (1- 6) HOLD Q (7- 9) (lo) (n) HOLD Q (12- 31) **AREA CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( (32 - 41) **INTERVIEW TIME: (42) (43) D1. GENDER: (Code from __(44) D2. AGE: 00 Please tell me how old you are? and code ac2u&l aae! (Refused) 99 99+ (Open ended (45) (46) D3. HOLD 9 (47- 54) Do you have children in your household between the ages of I and 127 'Between the ages of 13 and 18~ Yes No fDK~ CRF) A. i - 12 i 2 3 4 B. 13 - 18 i 2 3 4 __(ss) __(56) HOLD Q (57- S0) (V~qLIDATB PHONE NUMBER AND THANK RESPONDENT) Hello, my name is from The Gallup Organization in Lincoln, Nebraska. May I please speak to the male or female head of the household? {When ~ualified respondent is reached, continue=! This evening, we would like to ask you some questions about cable television. S1. GENDER: (D9 not ask~ code only! I Male 2 F~a[e CODE IN C44 S2. In what city do you live? (Open ended and code) other than below, thank and terminate} 4 5 Bryan, Texas College Station, Texas (210) (211) __(212~) S3. First of all, do you currently subscribe to cable television? {If #Yes"~. ask=} Do you have basic cable television, or do you have additional premium channels, such as HBO, Cinemax, Show~ime, The Movie Channel or The Disney Channel? I Limited basic only 2 Full basic only 3 ' Premium channels (Continue) 4 No cable 5 (DK) 6 (Refused) (Thank and Terminate) How long have you subscribed to cable television? Have you subscribed for less than three years, three to less than ten years, or ten years or more? i Less than 3 years 2 3 to less than 10 years 3 10 years or more 4 (DK) 5 (Refused) __(213) (214) If you consider how much you pay for cable se=vices each mont/~ and how much you receive, would you say you are receiving ~? A very good deal A good deal A satisfactory deal, OR A poor deal 5 (DK) 6 (Refused) __(215) Which of the following services would you be willing to pay additional charges for on your basic service in order to receive? Would you be willing to pay additional charges to receive {read and rotate #4-#14. then #15)? Yes ~o {DK) fRF) AMC - American Movie Classics - Classic movies from the 30's, 40's and 50's I 2 3 4 Comedy Central - 24-hour comedy channel - sitcoms, stand-up comedians and comedy specials I 2 3 4 The Monitor Channel - News, information and lifestyle channel with information like that in The Christian Science Monitor i 2 3 4 On-Screen Prevue Guid~ - A 24-hour continuously- updated television entertainment guide i 2 3 4 A Home ShomDina Netwgrk - Home shopping, including everything from clothing and jewelry to electronics and household items i 2 3 4 ~gurt TV - Live televised courtroom proceedings from around the country i 2 3 4 10. C-Snan II - 24-hour cover- age of the Senate when in session i 2 3 4 11. E1 Entertainment Television - Information similar to Entertainment Tcnight, including interviews of ~he stars, behind the scenes, movie critiques, etc. i 2 3 4 12. EWTN - Eternal World Television Network - Diversified religious channel founded by Mother Angelica of ~he Catholic faith i 2 3 4 13. VH-1 -~2~hours of.Adult Con~e~ and Top 40 muslc/v~aeos 14. Sci-Fi Network - 24-hour Science Fiction Network I 2 3 4 i 2 3 4 __(216) __(217) (218) (219) (220) __(221) __(222) . (223) (224) (225) (226) (Continued:) 15. What other service would you be willing to pay an additional charge for? (Open ended) 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 None 05 HOLD 16. Would you be interested in additional services that you could bu~ on an a-la-carte basis, such as Creed and Yes No 17. Pay-Der-View Movies - Hit movies recently out of the theatre, before they go to home video I 2 3 4 18. Diaital Radio ServicA - A variety of FM digital stereo radio music, 24 hours a day, with no commercials i 2 3 4 (227) (228) __(229) (230) Otherwise. Continvo) 19. CPor each ""Yes,, in 917-#18o ask:) How much extra would you be willing to pay for (read and rotate 920-921. ag ~? (Open ended and code) i Less than $1 2 $1 to less tha~ $3 3 $3 to less than $5 4 $5 or more 5 (DK) 6 (Refused) 20. Pay-per-View Movies, per movie: 21. Digital Radio Service, per month: 231) 22. Do you own a 'personal home computer? i 2 3 Yes ~o (DK) (Continue) (Skip to #26) (RF) __(232) __(233) 23. (If "Yes" in #22. ask:) Do you currently use any of the following services offered by other providers? How about Crea4 and rotate #24-#25)? Yes ~o fDK) fRF) 24. Bank at home via telephone i 2 3 4 25. Teleconferencing I 2 3 4 (234) (235) 26. Now, I'd like to read you a list of names of several cable television channels. Tell me i~ you watch that station a great deal (GD), some (SM), seldom (SL), or not at all (NAA). How about (read and rotate GD SM SL NAA 27. KTVT, Dallas (Independent, (Channel 2) I 2 3 4 5 28. KX]fV, Waco (ABC, Channel 3) I 2 3 4 5 29. KAMU, Bryan (PBS, Channel 4) I 2 3 4 5 30. KBTX, Bryan CBS, Channel 5) i 2 3 4 5 31. KCEN, Waco (NBC, Channel 6) I 2 3 4 5 32. KWKT, Waco (FOX, Channel 7) i 2 3 4 5 33. KUHT, Houston (PBS, Channel 8) i 2 3 4 5 34. WGN - "SuperChannel" (Channel 9) i 2 3 4 5 35. KHTV, Houston (Independent, Channel 10) i 2 3 4 5 6 36. KXAN, Austin (NBC, Channel 112 Cities Information Channel) I 2 3 4 5 6 i 2 3 4 5 6 i 2 3 4 5 6 i 2 3 4 5 6 37. SuperStation TBS (Channel ~2) 38. KTRK, Houston (ABC, Channel 13) 39. CNN Headline News (Channel 15) 40. Community Bulletin Board/Pay-Per-View (Channel 17) I 2 '3 4 5 41. Black Entertainment TV (Channel 19) i 2 3 4 5 (236) (237)' __.,(238) (239) (240) __(24l) __(242) __(243) __(244) (245) ,(246) __(247) __(248) __(249) (250) (Continued:) 42. Univision - Spanish Program (Channel 21) 43. CNBC (Channel 23) 44. Country Music Television (Channel 23) 45. CNN - Cable News Network (Channel 24) 46. Home Sports Entertainment (Channel 25) 47. The Nashville Network (Channel 26) 48. Arts & Entertainment (Channel 27) 49. Nickelodeon (Channel 28) 50. The Weather Channel (Channel 29) 51. Lifetime (Channel 30) 52. Educational Access (Channel 31) 53. ESPN - Total Sports Network (Channel 32) 54. The Family Channel (Channel 33) 55. USA Network (Channel 34) 56. Turner Network Television (Channel 35) 57. C-Span (Channel 58. Acts Networks (Channel 37) 59. Trinity Broadcasting (Channel 38) 60. MTVMusic Television (Channel 98) 61. The Discovery Channel (Channel 99) GD SM 1 2 I 2 i 2 i 2 i 2 i 2 i 2 I 2 I 2 I 2 i 2 i 2 i 2 I 2 i 2 i 2 i 2 I 2 i 2 i 2 SL NAA (DK) (RF) 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 '4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 (251) __(252) (253) __(254) __(256) (257) (258) __(259) __(260) (261) (262) (263) (264) (265) ,(266) __(267) (268) (269) __(270) 62. Please rate your TV picture quality on the TV you watch most often as excellent, good, fair, or poor? Excellent 4 Poor Good 5 (DK) Fair 6 (Refused) (271) 63. 64. 65. Have you requested a cable service call for a problem in the last year? i 2 3 4 Yes ~ (DK) (RF)1 {continue) (Skip to #65) (If "Yes" in 463. ask:} Was the problem corrected to your satisfaction? i 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) Have you had a problem with your cable bill within the last year? I 2 3 4 Yes ~ (DK) (RF).I (Continue) (Skip to #67) __(2?2) (273) __(274) 66. (If "Yes" in 465. ask:} Was the problem corrected to your satisfaction? i 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) (275) 67. 68. In the past two years, do you recall having lost your cable service for a period of time due to a problem? i 2 3 4 Yes ~ (DK) (~ (continue) (Skip to #70) (If "Yes" in 467. asks} How many times? (Open ended and code) i One or two 4 (DK) 2 Three or four 5 (Refused) 3 Five or more __(276) __(277) 8 69. Was the problem corrected to your satisfaction? i 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) (278) 70. 71. Are you aware of the community programming available on the City Channel and the Educational Access Channel? i 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) Would you be willing to fund a local community access channel through an increase in your basic cable rate? i 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) (279) (28o) 72. Would you be in favor of a city franchise tax increase if this tax increased the amount of your monthly cable bill? 1 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) Q 3 (310) (311) (312) 73. Do you own a VCR? 74. i 2 3 4 Ye. lNo (DK) ~ (Continue) (Skip to #75) (If '~es- in #73. ask:t How many movies do you rent in an average month? (Open ended and code) 0 None 1 One or two 2 Three or four 3 Five or more 4 ~ess than one a month 5 (DK) 6 (Refused) __(313) (314) 75. What do you feel best describes TCAWs (Open ended and code) 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD O6 07 O8 09 10 Reliable picture quality Friendly customer service Free repair service Quality programming Is involved in community affairs strong points? (315) (316) 76. What do you feel TCA Cable could do better, to serve you? (09eh ended) 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 Nothing 05 Everything - (probe for specifics) (317) (31s) 77. 78. 79. In the past year, have you had a reason to call TCA Cable Customer Service? i 2 3 4 Yes ~ (DK) (RF) ~ (Continue) (Skip to %82) (If "Yes"" in %77. ask:} Was the call answered within a reasonable time period? i 2 3 4 Yes ~ (DK) (RF) ~ (Skip to %80) (Continue) (If eerie "2". s"3' or "4" in 978. ask:) Was your problem resolved to your satisfaction? i 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) __(319) __(320) (321) 80. 81. Was the call handled to your satisfaction by a courteous and knoweledgeable customer service representative? i 2 3 4 Yes No / (DK) (RF) [ (Skip to #82) (continue) (__(sktp to #82)__J (If "No" in %80. ask:) Please explain? (RECORD~ATIMREHPONSE] (Open ended) 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD (322) (323) (324) 82. Within the last year, have you brought any complaints to TCA's attention? i 2 3 4 Yes ~ (DK) (~ (continue) (Skip to %84) (325) 10 83. (If ""Yes"" in f82, ask:) your satisfaction? Was the complaint resolved to I 2 3 4 Yes No (DK) (RF) __(326) 84. 85. Overall, do you think cable TV service in Bryan/College Station is better, worse, or the same as it was three years ago? i Better > 2 Worse (Continus~ 3 Same 4 (DK) ~ 5 (Refused) (go to Demos) (If code "1". "2"'. or "3" in f84, ask:} Please explain. (Open ended) (RECORD VERBATIM RESPONSe) 01 Other (list) 02 (DK) 03 (Refused) 04 HOLD 05 HOLD (32?) (328) (329) (GO TO D~MOQ~APEZC8) (Usable columns) o (330- 376) INTERVIEWER I.D.# (3??) (37s) (3?9) (3so) vkt\media\tca-bry.201 APPENDIX B TAB~ RESULTS TABLE 001 TOTAL 18 - 34 35 - 49 50 Or O[der Refused UERN STD MEDIAN TCR CRBLE TV SPEC[RL SRTISFRCTION RI~ PROGRAMIIING STUDY By The Ga]lup OrBanlzatlon, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) SEX RG£ CHILDREN AREa CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THaN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MaLE MALE 18-34 35-49 SO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE ===== ................................................................ 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100~ 50~ SOX 46X 27~ 25X 41~ 58~ 50~ SOX 12~ 62~ 26~ 25~ 39X 35X lOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ tOOK 186 99 87 186 69 116 70 116 20 121 45 81 90 15 100X 53~ 47X 100~ 37~ 62X 38~ 62X 11~ 65X 24X 44X 48X 8X 4B~ 49~ 43X IOOX 42~ 49~ 35~ 57~ 42~ 48~ 43~ 80[ 57~ 11~ 108 53 55 108 82 26 61 49 10 53 45 13 42 53 100X 49~ 51X IOOX ?6X 24X 56X 44X 9X 49X 42~ 12X 39~ 49X 27X 26~ 27~ 100~ 50~ 11X 30'/, 23X 21X 21X 43~ 13X 27~ 37X 100 48 52 - 100 11 88 64 36 18 70 12 5 26 67 100~ 48[ 52~ 100X 11[ 88~ 64~ 36~ 18~ 70X 12X 5~ 26[ 67X 25~ 24~ 26~ IOOX ?~ 37~ 32~ 1B~ 38~ 28X 11~ 5[ 16X 47X 10 3 7 - 3 6 6 4 7 3 2 7 100~ 30~ T0~ 30~ 60~ 60~ 40~ ?0X 30~ 20~ 70~ 2X 1X 3~ 2~ 3~ 3~ 2~ 3~ 3~ 2[ 5~ 39.87 38.83 40.94 26.39 40.27 64.51 36.54 42.20 43.54 38.27 45.83 39.96 36.84 29.19 36.58 51.]2 16.83 16.48 17.16 4.40 4.17 10.72 9.20 20.22 17.31 15.57 20.25 17.38 12.60 11.93 14.61 15.45 35.00 35.00 36.00 26.00 40.00 65.00 36.00 34.00 39.00 32.00 41.00 35.00 36.00 25.00 32.00 49.00 COPYRIGHT: 1992 GRLLUP ORGANIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITEO. PflGE 1 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SRTISFRCTION aND PROGRRrlrIING STUDY By The GaJlup Organization, [nc., (Run Date: 28 JAN 1992) TABLE 002 (03A) OD you have cht2dren in your household between the ages of 1 and 127 SEX aGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE FE TOTRL rlRLE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES mmmmm ........................ COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUU THaN LESS IOYRS BRYRN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS iOYRS MORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100~ 50~ 50~ 46~ 27~ 25~ 41~ 5B~ 50~ 50~ 12~ 62~ 26~ 25~ 39~ 35X 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ Yes 138 66 92 66 65 4 139 - 72 86 12 77 49 24 66 48 100~ 48~ 52~ 48~ 47~ 3~ 100~ 52~ 4B~ 9~ 56~ 36~ 17~ 48~ 35~ 34X 33~ 36~ 35~ 60~ 4~ 84~ 36~ 33~ 26~ 31~ 47X 24~ 42~ 34~ No 264 136 128 120 43 95 2? 236 128 136 36 172 56 76 92 93 100~ 52~ 45~ 45~ 16~ 36~ 10~ B9~ 48~ 52~ 14~ 65~ 21~ 29~ 35~ 35~ 65~ 67~ 64~ 66~ 40~ 95~ 16~ 100~ 64~ 67~ 75~ 6B~ 53~ ?$g 58~ Refused 2 I I I - I I 2 I 1 100~ 50~ 50~ 50~ SO~ 50~ 100~ 501( SO~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGaNIZaTION, INC. PRINCETON, FURTHER DISSEmINaTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRZBER'S'ORGANIZRTZON 8YRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PaGE 2 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRM/IING STUOY TRBLE 003 By The GslJup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3fin 1992) (D38) Do you have chlldYen ;n your household between the ages of 13 and 187 SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIUIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THRN LESS IOYRS FE · BRYRN TION BASIC BRSIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTRL MRLE MRLE 18-34 35-49 SO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE TOTRL 404 203 20! 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 A8 251 105 101 158 142 100~ 50~ 50~ 46~ 27~ 25~ 41~ 58~ 50~ 50~ 12~ 62% 26~ 25~ 39~ 35~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX lO0~ 100~ IOOX 100~ Yes 56 19 37 10 36 9 56 - 30 26 8 22 26 9 19 28 100~ 34~ 66~ 18~ 64~ 16~ IOOX 54X 46[ 14~ 39~ 46X 16~ 34~ 50~ 14~ 9~ 18~ 5[ 33~ 9~ 34X 15~ 13~ 17~ 9~ 25~ 9~ 12[ 20~ No 342 183 159 172 72 90 106 236 169 173 39 225 78 91 136 112 100~ 54~ 46~ SOX 21~ 26~ 31~ 69~ 49~ 51~ 11~ 66~ 23~ 27X 40~ 33X 85~ 90~ ?gx 92~ 6TX 90~ 64X 100~ $4~ 85~ 81~ 90~ 74~ 90X 86X 79~ Don't Know 3 3 3 - 3 - 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX 33~ 6TX 33X 33~ 33~ 67~ 33~ Refuse~ 3 I 2 I I - 1 2 3 1 I 1 IOOX 33~ 67~ 33X 33~ 33~ 67X I00~ 33~ 33~ 33~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N.T FURTHER DISSE~INRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRNIZRTION BYRNY METHO0 IN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PRGE 3 TRBLE 004 ==GENOER: TOTAL ~ale Female TCfl CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organizat/on, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) SEX RGE CHILDREN RREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN TION BASIC BRSIC CHRN THREE THRN OR TOTAL il:ILE MRLE 18-34 35-¢g 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS UORE 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 IOOX SOX 50~ 46X 27~ 25X 41~ $8~ 50~ 50~ 12X 62~ 26X 25g 39~ 35~ 100~ 100~ lOOg 100~ 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ 203 203 99 53 48 73 129 103 100 19 131 53 48 81 72 100X IOOX 49~ 26~ 24~ 36~ 64~ 51~ 49X g~ 65X 26X 24~ 40X 35~ 50~ IOOX 53X 49~ 48X 44X $5~ 5IX 4g~ 40~ 52~ 5OX 48~ 51~ 51~ 201 201 87 55 52 92 IS? 98 103 29 120 52 53 77 TO IOOX IOOX 43~ 27~ 26X 46X 53~ 49~ 51~ 14~ 60X 26X 26X 38~ 35~ $0~ 100~ 47X 51~ 52X 56X 45~ 49X 51~ 60~ 4BX 50X 52~ 49X 49~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N.T FURTHER DISSEMII~qT]ON OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRNIZRTION BYANY METHOD ZN ANY FORM ]S PROH[BITED. PRGE 4 TABLE 005 (S2) In what clty do you llve? TOTAL Bryan, Texas TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUO¥ By The Ga~lup Organzzat/on, Inc., [Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) College Stat/on, 203 100 103 116 47 36 77 124 Texas IOOX 49X 51X S?X 23X 18X 3BX 615 SO~ 49~ 51~ 62~ 44X 365 47~ 53~ SEX AGE CHILDREN AREa CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT P~E LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MRLE MALE 18-34 35-49 SO* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 10YRS MORE 404 203 201 186 109 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 159 142 1005 50X SOX 46X 2?X 2SX 41X 58~ 50~ 50X 12~ B2X 26X 25~ 39X 3SX 100~ IOOX iOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~: IOOX 100~ iOOX IOOX 100~ 100~ IOOX iOOX 201 103 98 TO 61 64 88 112 201 - 19 131 51 32 71 9? 1005 51X 495 35~ 30X 325 44X 565 IOOX SOX 51X 49~ 38X 56X 64~ 53X 47~ IOOX 40~ 52~ 49X 32X 4SX 203 29 120 54 69 87 45 tOOX 14X 59X 275 345 43X 22~ IOOX 60X 48X 51~ 68X 55X 32~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZATION, INF., PRINCETON, NJ FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN aNY FORM IS PROHIBITEO. PAGE 5 TCR CRBLE TV SPECIRL SRTISFACTION RND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) TABLE 006 (S3) OD you currently subscr/be to cable re/avis/on? Do you have basic cable television, or do you have additional premium channels, such as HMO~ Cinemax, Showtlme~ The Movle Channel or The D~sney Channel? SEX ROE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THRN LESS 10YRS FE BRYRN TZON BR$[C BRSIC CHRN THREE THRN OR TOTAL URLE URLE 18-34 35-49 $0+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS 1OYES MORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 159 142 100~ 50~ $0~ 465 2?X 25~ 41~ 58~ 505 50~ 12~ 62~ 26X 255 39~ 35~ IOOX 100~ 100~ 1005 IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ 1005 I00~ 100~ lOOg IOOX lOOg 1005 100~ Limited Basic 0nly Full Basic Only 48 19 29 20 10 18 17 31 19 29 48 IOOX 40~ 60~ 425 21~ 35~ 35~ 65~ 40~ 60X 100~ 12~ 9~ 14~ 115 9X 18~ 10~ 13X 9~ 14~ IOOX 251 131 120 121 53 ?0 BB 160 131 120 - 251 100~ 525 485 4BX 219 2~ 35~ 64~ 52X 48~ 100[ 62~ 655 80~ 85~ 49X 70~ 53X 6BX 65X 595 100~ Premium Channels 105 53 52 45 45 12 60 45 51 54 1005 50~ 50X 43~ 43X 11~ 5?X 435 49~ 51~ 26~ 26~ 265 24~ 42X 125 36X 19~ 25X 2?5 - 13 18 17 27~ 38X 35~ 135 11~ 12X - 62 103 84 25~ 41~ 33~ 615 6SX 59~ 105 26 3? 41 100~ 255 35X 39~ 100~ 26~ 23~ 29~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, NJ FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZRTION BYANY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 6 TCR CRBLE TV SPECIRL SRTISFRCTION RND PROGRRM~IING STUDY Dy The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) TRBLE 007 (1) How long have you subscribed to cable te2ev$sion? Have you subscribed for less than three years, three to less than ten years, or ten years or more? TOTRL SEX RGE CHILDREN ARER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUM THRN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN TION BRS[C BRSIC CHRN THREE THRN OR TOTRL URLE MRLE 18-34 35-49 SO* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 IOOX 50[ SOl 46[ 27[ 25X 41X 58[ SOX $0[ 12[ 62[ 26X 25[ 39X 35X lOOX 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100~ 100[ lOOX IOOX IOOX ' 100~ Less Than 3 Years 101 48 53 81 13 (1.5) IOOX 48[ 52X 80[ 13X 25[ 24[ 26[ 44[ 12[ 3 To Less Than 10 158 81 77 90 42 Years (6.5) 10 Years Or More (13) OonSt Know 5 29 71 32 69 13 62 26 101 - 5X 18X 30[ 16~ 34[ 27[ 25[ 25[ 100~ 26 75 82 71 $7 18 103 37 158 100[ 39[ 40~ 38[ 48[ 39~ 26[ 45~ 35[ 35~ 43X 38[ 41~ 3SX 100~ 142 72 70 15 53 67 61 80 9? 45 17 84 41 - 142 100[ 35[ 35~ 3SX 8[ 49X 67[ 37[ 34[ 48[ 22X 35[ 33[ 39~ 100[ 3 2 I - 2 - 3 1 2 - 2 1 100[ 67[ 33X 67[ 100[ 33[ 67[ 67[ 33[ UERN STD 7.54 7.63 7.45 4.85 9.09 10.69 8.02 7.21 9.85 6.24 7.45 7.45 7.81 1.50 6.50 13.00 4.60 4.46 4.54 3.41 4.15 3.57 4.22 4.66 4.36 4.25 4.61 4.43 4.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, IN~., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DZSSEUINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGRNIZRTION BYRNY UETHOD IN tiNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PflGE 7 TOTRL Very Good Oeai Good Dee/ Sat$sfactory Deal Poor Deal 0onrt Know MERN STD TCR CABLE TV SPECIRL SRTISFRCTION RND PEOGRAMIIING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 JRN 1992) TRBLE 008 (2) If you consider how much you pay for cable services each month and how much you receive, would you say you are receiving . . .? SEX RGE CHILDREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUU THRN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN TION BRSIC BASIC CHAN THREE THRN OR TOTRL URLE URLE 16-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 106 101 158 142 100[ 50~ 50~ 46~ 27~ 25g 41~ 58~ 50~ 50[ 12~ 62[ 26[ 25~ 39X 35[ 100[ 100[ 100~ 100[ lOOg 100~ 100~ IOOX 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100[ 100~ 17 10 T 8 3 4 5 11 11 6 2 10 S 6 6 4 100[ 59~ 41~ 47~ 18~ 24~ 29~ 65X 65~ 35[ 12~ 59~ 29[ 35~ 35[ 24~ 4X 5~ 3X 4X 3X 4X 3X 5~ 5~ 3X 4X 4[ 5~ 6X 4[ 3[ 73 38 35 34 17 21 22 49 34 39 ? 52 14 15 30 28 100[ 52[ 49~ 47X 23X 29[ 30X 67~ 47X 53~ lOX ?1[ 19[ 21X 41[ 38~ 18[ 19[ 17X 18X 16X 21X 13~ 21X 17X 19X 15X 21~ 13[ 15X 19X 209 210 98 112 101 $5 49 86 124 105 105 26 128 56 50 91 69 100~ 47X 53X 48~ 26X 23X 41X 59[ 50'A 50'A 12X 61X 27~ 24[ 43~ 33[ 52~ 48~ 56~ 54X 51[ 49X 52~ 53[ 52~ 52'X 54X 51[ 53[ 50[ 58~ 49[ 99 55 44 43 33 22 $1 49 49 50 13 56 30 30 31 37 100X 56~ 44[ 43~ 33[ 22~ 52[ 48[ 49~ 51[ 13X 57[ 30X 30[ 31[ 37[ 25~ 27~ 22~ 23~ 31[ 22[ 31[ 20[ 24X 25[ 27X 22[ 29X 30~ 20~ 26[ $ 2 3 - 4 I 4 2 3 - 5 4 100,( 40[ 60~ 80[ 20X 80[ 40[ 60,( 100[ 80~ 1[ 1[ 1[ 4[ 1[ 2[ 1[ 1[ 2[ 3[ 2.02 2.01 2.03 2.04 1.91 2.07 1.88 2.10 2.04 2.01 1.96 2.07 I 94 1.97 2.07 1.99 .78 .82 .?4 .77 .76 .78 .75 .77 .80 .?S .77 .77 .75 .83 .73 .77 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER OISSE~INRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRNIZRTION BYANY METHOD IN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PRGE 8 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRHHING STUDY By The Ga]lup Organ2zat~on, Inc., (Run Oate: 28 SAN [992) TABLE 015 (22) OD you own a persona] home computer? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE L[ffiIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL ~IUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THAN · OR TOTAL HALE MALE [8-34 35-49 50* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS HORE TOTAL 404 203 201 196 108 tO0 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100~ 50X SOX 46X 2T~ 25X 41X 58X SOX 50X 12X 62~ 26X 25X 39X 35~ IOOX [00~ IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX iOOX 100~ 100~ Yes 162 91 71 76 54 30 67 95 64 98 18 102 42 42 68 52 IOOX $6~ 4aX 4TX 33X 19X 41X 59X 40X 60X 11X 63X 26X 26X 42X 32X 40~ 45X 3SX 4IX SOX 30~ 41X 40~ 32X 48~ 38X 41X 40X 42X 43~ 37~ No 239 112 127 110 53 69 97 139 135 [04 30 147 62 58 89 89 lOOX 47X 53X 46X 22x 29X 41X 58x 56x 44X 13X 62x 26X 24X 3TX 3TX 59X 55X 63X S9X 49~ 69X 59X $9X 67X 51~ 63X 59X 59X 57X 56X 63X Don't Know 2 2 I I I I 2 - 1 I 1 1 IOOX IOOX SOX SOX SOX SOX IOOX 50X 50X 50X SOX Refused I I - 1 I I - 1 - 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX OX O~ OX OX OX 1~ COPYRZGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRZNCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEM[NATZON OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYANY UETHOD IN ANY FORM [S PROHIBITED. f~qGE 19 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRHHING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, ~nc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 016 t24) Do you currently use any of the following servlces offered by other providers? How about Bank at home via telephone? F "YES" IN #22 SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIHIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUH THAN LESS ZOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL FIRLE HALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS [OYES MORE TOTAL 162 91 71 78 54 30 67 95 64 98 18 102 42 42 68 52 100~ $6~ 44X 4TX 33X 19X 41~ 59X 40X 60~ 11X 63X 26X 26X 42X 32X 100~ 100X IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX iOOX IOOX Yes ? $ 4 3 2 2 $ 4 4 3 - 6 I 2 3 2 IOOX 43X $7X 43X 2AX 29X 43X $7X 5TX 43X 96X 14X 2AX 43X 2AX 4X 3X 9X 4X 4X ?X 4X 4X 6X 3X 6X 2X 5X 4X 4X No 154 98 66 73 52 27 84 90 59 95 ~? 96 41 40 64 50 IOOX 57X 43X 47X 34X 18X 42X 58X 39X 62X 11X 62X 2'fX 26X 42~ 32X 95X 97X 93X 96X 96X 90X g6X gsx 92X gTX 94X 94X 98X 95X 94X 96X Don't Kno~ t - t - I - 1 I I - 1 - IOOX tO0~ IOOX IOOX IOOX tOOX COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER O[SSEUINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYRNY rlETHOD IN ANY FOR~ IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 20 TCa CABLE TV SPECIAL SaTISFaCTION aND PROGRaRhING STUDY By The Ga]lup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3aN 1992) TABLE 017 t25) Do you currently use any of the followzn9 servlces offered by other providers? How about Teleconferencing? F 'YES" IN #22 SEX aGE CHILDREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIHIT PRE LESS 3 TO STa ED FULL MIUU THaN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHfiN THREE THaN OR TOTRL haLE haLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS UORE TOTAL 162 91 71 76 54 30 67 95 64 98 18 102 42 42 68 52 100% S6X 44X 47X 33% 19% 41X sg% 40% 60% 11% 63% 26X 26X 42X 32% 100~ 100% 100~ 100~ 100% 100% IOOX 100% 100% tO0~ IOOX 100~ lOOx IOOX IOOX 100~ Yes 13 O 4 8 3 4 $ ? $ ? 2 10 I S 4 4 100~ 69X 31~ 46~ 23X 31X 46~ S4~ 46X 54~ 15% ?TX 8X 8% lOX 6X 8~ 6X 13X 9% TX 9~ ?X 11% 10% No 148 82 66 70 SI 25 61 87 57 91 15 92 41 3? 63 48 100~ 5SX 45~ 47~ 34~ I?X 41X S9X 39~ 6IX 10~ 62X 28X 0IX 90~ 93~ 92X 94~ 83~ 91X 92~ 89~ 93X 83~ 90% 98% 88~ 93X 92X Don't Know ! 1 - I I 1 i I 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGaNIZaTION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEhZNRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRNIZRTION 8YRNY UETHO0 IN aNY FORU IS PROHIBITED. PaGE 21 TCR CRBLE TV SPECIRL SaTISFaCTION aND PROGRRUUING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3aN ~992) TABLE 018 (27-61) Please tell me ~f you watch the following stat~on a great deal? SEX aGE CHILDREN aREa CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIhlT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIU~ THaN LESS iOYRS FE BRYRN TION BasIc BASIC CHRN THREE THaN OR TOTAL ~IRLE HaLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS rlORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 20! 203 48 25! 105 101 158 142 100X SOX IOOX IOOX IOOX lOOX IOOX IOOX lOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ lOOX IOOX KBTX, Bryan (CBS, 235 104 13! g5 68 66 101 132 129 106 33 143 59 48 gl 95 Channel 5) 100X 44X 56X 40',( 29~ 2B~ 43X 56~ 55~ 45X 14X 6IX 25X 20X 39,( 40~ 58~ CNN Headline News 152 84 68 70 43 34 59 92 73 79 1S 98 39 37 58 57 (Channel 15) KCEN, MOCO (NOB, 149 64 85 69 35 41 52 97 76 73 23 91 35 37 59 53 Channel 6) 100~ 43X 57X 46~ 23X 28~ 35X 65X 51~ 49X IS% 6IX 23~ 25~ 40X 36X 37X 32X 42X 37~ 32~ 41X ~2~ 41X 38X 36X 48~ 36X 33X 37X 3'7~ 37X KTRK, Houston 132 61 71 52 40 36 SI 80 75 ST 20 7? 35 31 41 59 (ABC. Channel 13) 100X 331( 30X CNN - Cable News 128 77 51 56 32 35 43 84 63 65 12 92 34 22 56 49 Network (Channel IOOX 24) The Discovery 127 78 49 66 31 27 49 78 66 61 13 82 32 36 52 39 Channel {Channel IOOX 99) 31~ ESPN - Total 123 80 43 60 32 28 44 79 69 54 ~0 79 34 32 43 48 Sports Network 100~ 65~ 35~ 49X 26X 23~ 36X 64% $6~ 44~ 8~ 64X 28% 26% 3SX 39X (Channel 32) 30~ 39~ 21~ 32X 30X 25~ 2?X 33X 34X 27~ 21~ 3IX 32~ 32% 27% 34~ SuperStatton TBS 97 56 41 55 26 15 33 64 54 43 11 50 36 32 36 29 (Channel 12) 100~ 58X 42~ $7X 2?X 15X 34~ 66~ 56~ 44~ IIX 52~ 37~ 33~ 37X 30X 24X 28X 20~ 30X 24X 15X 20~ 27X 29X 21~ 23X 20X 34~ 32X 23X 20~ KRrIU, Bryan (PSB, 93 43 50 32 29 29 43 50 48 45 12 58 23 22 35 36 Channel 4) 100~ 46~ 54X 34~ 3tX 31X 46X 54% 52~ 48~ 13~ 62X .25% 24~ 38X 39X 23~ 21~ 25~ 17~ 27% 29~ 26~ 21~ 24~ 22~ 25~ 23X 22~ 22~ 22% 25~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, ~ FURTHER DISSE~INRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRNIZRTION BYflNY UETHOD IN aNY FORa IS P~OHIBITED. PaGE 22 TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND P~OGRRMMING STUDY By The GaIlup Organization, Inc., [Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 018 (CONTINUED) (27-61) PIease tel! me If you watch the followln9 station a great deal? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIU[T PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL UZUU THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE MALE 18-34 35-49 $0+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE The Weather 90 40 50 32 25 29 34 56 50 40 6 59 25 20 33 36 Channel (Channel 100~ 44~ $6~ 36~ 28% 32% 38% 62% 56~ 44~ 7~ 66% 28% 22~ 37% 40~ 29) 22% 20% 25% 17% 23% 29~ 21% 24~ 25~ 20% ]3% 24% 24% 20~ 21% 25% KbJKT, Uaco (Fox, 89 43 46 55 22 10 40 49 40 49 10 54 25 24 44 21 Channel 7) 100% 48% 52~ 62~ 25% 11~ 45~ 55~ 45~ 55% 11~ 61~ 28% 27~ 49~ 24% 22~ 21% 23% 30~ 20% I0~ 24% 21~ 20~ 24% 21~ 22~ 24% 24~ 28% 15% KXXV, ~aco (ACS, 87 29 58 43 19 21 36 61 42 45 13 55 19 25 32 30 Channel 3) 100% 33% 6T% 49~ 22~ 24~ 41% 59% 48~ 52% 15~ 63g 22g 29% 37~ 34% 22% 14% 29% 23~ 18% 21[ 22~ 22% 21g 22X 27~ 22~ lS~ 25~ 20~ 21X Home Sports 81 50 31 37 21 19 30 50 52 29 5 53 23 15 31 34 Entertainment tOOg 62g 38g 46~ 26~ 23~ 37~ 62g 64g 36g 6g 65g 26g 19g 38~ 42~ (Channe! 25) 20% 25% 15~ 20~ 19% 19~ 18X 21X 26~ 14% log 21g 22g 15% 20~ 24% The Family ?$ 36 42 29 26 21 41 36 49 29 10 45 23 13 33 32 Channel (Channel 100~ 46% 54% 37g 33g 27~ 53g 46X 63~ 37% 13X 58~ 29g 17% 42X 41~ 33) Nickelodeon 71 25 46 33 28 8 $$ 16 37 34 6 39 26 14 33 24 (Channe~ 28) 100% 35% 65% 46~ 39g 11~ ?Tg 23% 52~ 48% 8~ 55% 37g 20~ 46~ 34% USA Network 68 33 35 34 20 13 32 35 40 28 6 45 17 12 36 20 (Channel 34) 100% Arts & 67 41 26 32 13 20 17 50 26 41 11 42 14 17 29 20 Entertainment 100% 61% 39% 48g 19% 30g 25~ 75~ 39~ 61% 16~ 63g 21~ 25~ 43% 30~ (Channe! 27) 17% 20% 13% 17g 12X 20g 10~ 21~ 13~ 20% 23X 17~ 13% 17~ 15~ 14% Turner Network 67 39 28 32 18 Televls~on 100% 58~ 42% 48~ 27% 25~ 36% 63% 48~ 52~ log 60% 30~ 22% 46% 31~ (Channel 35) 17[ 19[ KUHT, Houston 61 29 32 20 19 18 19 42 27 34 11 34 16 19 20 22 (PS6, Channel 8) 100~ 48~ 52% 33~ 31~ 30~ 31~ 69% 44X 56% 18g 56% 26~ 31~ 33~ 36~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N~T FURTHER DISSEUINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYRNY HETHO0 IN ANY FORU IS P~OHIBITED. PAGE 23 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION ANO PROGRRI'tllNG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992] TABLE 018 (CONTINUED) (27-61) P/ease tel! me ~f you ~atch the fo~lowln9 statlon a great deal? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIU~T PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL H[UM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTRL URLE URLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 10YRS UORE ~GN - 59 38 2! 28 ~6 12 18 41 3[ 28 5 29 25 14 24 21 "SuporChanne~' 100/( 64g 36g 4?g 2?g 20g 31~ 69g 53g 4TX 6~ 49/( 42'/( 24g 41% KHTV, Houston 59 26 31 36 tO tO 20 39 32 27 ? 34 18 16 24 19 (Indepondent~ lOOg 47g 53X 61g 17g 1Tg 34g 66~ 54g 46g 12g 58g 3IX 27~ 41~ 32~ Channe! 10) 15g 14g 15g 19~ 9~( tog 12~ l?g 16g 13g 15~ 14g I'H( t6g 15g Country Uus~c 55 20 35 36 13 6 17 36 26 27 6 33 16 17 22 16 Television lOOg 36g 64~ 65g 24g llg 31X 65g 51g 49g Ilg 60~ 29g 31g 40g 29g (Channel 23) 14g lOg 17g 19g 12g 6g lOX 15~ 14g 13% 13g 13~ 15~ l?g 14g UTV Uustc 46 21 25 38 7 I 15 30 16 30 4 30 12 23 15 8 Telev/sion tOOg 46g 54~ 83g tSg 2~ 33g 65% 35g 65g 9~ 65g 26g 50g 33g (Channel 98) 11g log 12~ 20g 6g tg 9~ 13~ 6~ 15g Bg 12~ 11g 23% 9g The Nashville 45 17 26 15 15 13 17 26 31 14 6 25 14 5 18 21 Network (Channel 100g 38g 62g 33~ 33g 29g 38g 58% 69g 31% 13g 56g 31~ 11~ 40X 47g 26) IIX 8g 14g Sg 14g 13g I0~ lIg 15g 7g 13~ ICg 13~ Sg IIX L~fet/me (Channel 45 18 27 26 12 6 18 27 27 18 6 28 11 11 21 13 30) lOOg 40g 60g 58g 27g 13g 40g 60% 60g 40% 13g 62~ 24g 24g 47g lIg 9g t3g 14g 11g 6g 11g 11% 13g 9~ 13g 11~ log 11g 13g 39 19 20 21 7 9 11 28 16 23 4 22 13 13 16 10 100% 49% 51~ 54~ 18~ 23% 28~ 72~ 41~ 59~ 10g 56~ 33% 33% 41g 26~ 10% 9% 10~ 11% 6~ 9% 7~ 12% 8~ 11~ 8~ 9~ 12g 13% 10% KTVT, Dallas (Independent, Channel 2) KXRN, Austin [NBC, Channel Clt~es ]nformat~on Channel) 26 8 18 10 6 7 12 14 ~6 10 3 17 6 4 9 13 100% 31% 69~ 38g 23g 27X 46g 54% 62g 38X 12g 65~ 23% 15X 35~ 50% Black 19 6 13 12 3 4 9 10 12 7 I 10 8 4 11 4 Entertainment TV 100% 32g 68~ 63~ 16g 21X 47~ 53% 63~ 37~ 5g 53g 42g 21~ 58% 21% (Channel 19) 5% 3X 6~ 6~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 4X 6~ 3X 2~ 4~ 8% 4X ?X 3X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, FURTHER DZSSEUZNRT]ON OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRN]ZRTION BYANY HETHOD ]N ANY FORH ]$ PROHIB]TED. PAGE 24 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION RNO PROGRAMUING STUDY By The Ga]lup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 018 (CONTINUED) (27-61) Please tell me If you watch the follow3ng station a great deal? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL UZUU THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THAN OR TOTAL URLE MALE 18-34 35-49 SO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS iOYRS MORE C-Span (Channe! 18 12 6 6 3 T 6 12 13 5 2 11 5 4 5 9 36) Z00~ 67X 33X 33~ 17X 39X 33X 67~ 72~ 28X 11~ 61X 28X 22~ 28~ SOX Educational 16 8 8 2 8 5 10 6 22 4 I 4 22 2 6 8 Access {Channel IOOX SOX 50X 13X 50X 31X 63X 38X ?SX 25X 6X 25X 69X 13X 38X 50X 31) 4X 4X 4X lX 74 S~ 6X 3~ 6X 2X 2~ 2X 10~ 2X 4X 6X Trinity 15 10 5 2 6 ? 7 ? 14 I 3 9 3 2 5 8 Broadcasttn9 IOOX 67X 33X 13X 40X 4TX 4TX 4?X 93X 7X 20X 60X 20~ 13X 33X 53X (Channel 38} 4X 5X 2X lX 6X 7X 4X 3X 7X OX 6X 4X 3X 2X 3X 6X Un3v~$3on - 13 5 8 7 5 I 11 2 6 7 2 8 3 2 7 4 Spantsh Program IOOX 38~ 62~ 54X 38X 8X 85X 15X 46X 54X 15X 62X 23X 15~ 54X 31X (Channe! 21) 3X 2X 4X 4X 5X $X 7X lX 3X 3X 4X 3X 3X 2X 4X 3~ CNBC (Channel 23) 13 6 ? 6 3 4 3 9 5 8 2 6 5 3 3 7 100X 46X 54X 46X 23X 31X 23X 69X 35X 62X 15X 46X 38X 23X 23X 54X Acts Networks 11 6 5 1 3 ? 3 7 10 I I 8 2 ! 2 8 (Channel 37} IOOX 55X 454 9X 27X 64X 2TX 64~ 91X 9X 9X 73X 18X 9X 18X ?3X Community Bulletin Board/ 4 2 2 I 3 I 3 4 1 2 I 1 3 Pay-Per-View IOOX SOX SOX 25X 7SX 2SX 75X iOOX 25X 50~ 25X 25X ?SX (Channel 17} IX lX 1~ lX 3X lX tX 2X 2X IX lX lX 2X None Of The Above 28 16 12 12 9 5 14 14 12 16 3 19 6 6 9 12 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, I~N~., PRINCETON, FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGANIZATION SYANY METHOD IN ANY FORM ~S PROHIBITED. PAGE 25 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SRTISFRCTZON AND PROGRRrlMING STUDY By The Gellup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3fiN 1992) TABLE 019 (27-62) P~ease tell me if you watch the following station a great deal or some? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUU THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTflL URLE IIRLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 10YRS MORE TOTRL 404 203 201 186 108 200 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100~( SOX SOX 46X 27X 25~ 41~ 58X SOX 50X 12X 62X 26X 25X 3AX 35X KBTX, Bryan (CBS0 367 181 186 166 97 97 152 212 190 177 47 225 95 87 145 133 Chaflnel 5) lO0~ 49X 51X 45X 26X 26~ 4IX 58X 52~ 48X 13X 61X 28X 24X 40X 36X KCEN, Uaco (NCB, 327 170 157 151 91 79 132 192 163 164 36 209 82 79 131 116 Channel 6) lOOX 52X 48X 46X 28X 24~ 40X 59X 50X 50~ 11X 64X 25X 24X 40X 35X KXXV, Uaco (flCB, 293 152 141 142 77 68 122 169 145 148 35 183 75 77 111 103 Channel 3) IOOX 52X 48X 48X 26X 23~ 42X 58X 49X 52X 12X 62~ 26~ 26X 38X 35X CNN Headline News 293 157 136 139 82 65 124 167 144 149 31 186 76 67 119 107 (Channel 15) 100~ S4X 46~ 4TX 28X 22~ 42X $'P~ 49X SlX rix 63X 26X 23X 41X 37X KTRK, Houston 287 147 140 128 $7 65 121 163 1S0 137 31 182 74 67 111 108 (ABC, Channel 13) ZOOX 51X 49X 45X 30X 23X 42X 57X S2X 48X llX 63X 26X 23X 39~ 38X 7tX 72X 70X 69X 81X 65X 73X 69X 75~ 67X 65X 73X 7DX 66X 7DX 76X CNN - Cable News 275 153 122 132 73 64 109 165 131 144 26 178 71 60 112 101 Network (Channel 1004 56~ 44X 484 27~ 23X 40X 60X 48X 52X 9~ 65X 26X 22X 41~ 374 24) 68X 754 61X ?IX 68~ 64X 66~ 7DX 65X ?IX 54~ 71~ 68X 59~ 71~ ?lX KR~Um Bryan (PSB, 269 132 137 101 82 80 117 151 133 136 33 166 70 56 103 108 Channel 4) IO0X 49~ 51X 38X 30X 30X 43X 56X 49X 51X 12X 62X 26X 21X 38X 40X SuperStat~on TBS 260 146 114 129 73 53 103 155 129 131 25 159 76 68 109 83 (Channel 12) IOOX 56X 44X 50X 28X 20X 40X 60X 50~ 50~ 1OX 61X 29X 26X 42X 32X 64~ 72X $7X 69X 68X 53X 62~ 66X 64~ 65X 52X 63~ 72~ 67~ 69~ 58~ ESPN - Total 255 145 110 120 73 S? 95 157 124 131 25 160 70 64 97 93 Sports Network IOOX $7X 43X 47X 29X 22X 37X 62X 49X 51X lOX 63X 27X 25X 38X 36X (Channel 32) 63~ 71X 55X 65X 68~ 5?X 58X 67X 62X 65X 52X 64X 6TX 63X 61X 65X COPYRIGHT: 2992 GRLLUP ORGRNIZATION, INC. PRINCETON N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S'ORGANIZRTION BYANY UETHOD IN ANY FORM [S PROHIBITED. P~GE 26 TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The GaJlup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 019 (CONTINUED) (27-6I) Please tell me ~f you watch the following station a great deal or some? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 1OYES MORE K~,~4(T, Uaco (Fox, 254 129 125 144 65 42 110 143 117 137 24 165 65 68 116 70 Channel 7) I00~ 51~ 49% 5?% 26% 17~ 43% 56% 46~ 54% 91 65% 26% 2?% 46~ 28% 63% 64~ 62~ 77% 60~ 42~ 6?% 61~ 58% 6?% 50~ 66~ 62% 67% ?3% 49~ The D~scovery 254 144 110 130 68 50 102 152 119 135 21 160 73 69 104 80 Channel (Channel 1001 57% 43% 511 2?% 20% 40% 60% 47~ 53% 8% 63% 29% 27% 411 311 99) 63% 711 55% ?0% 63% 50% 62% 64% 59% 67% 44% 64% ?0% 68% 66% 56% USA Network 240 129 112 111 67 $9 100 138 118 122 24 153 63 50 102 87 (Channel 34) 1001 53% 4?% 46% 28% 24% 42% 58% 49% 511 101 64% 26% 211 43% 36% 59% 63% 56% 60% 62% 58% 61% 58% 59% 60% 50% 61% 60% 50% 65% 61% The Weather 237 127 110 9? 69 66 96 139 120 117 28 148 61 48 101 87 Channel (Channel 1001 54~ 46% 413( 29% 28% 411 59% 51~ 49% 121 62% 26% 20% 43% 37% 29) 59% 63% 55% 52% 63% 66% 58% 59% 60% 58% 58% 59% 59% 49% 64% 611 KHTV, Houston 233 122 111 107 65 54 92 138 109 124 27 I47 59 54 91 88  Independent, 1001 52% 49% 46% 28% 23% 39% 59% 47% 53~ 121 63% 25% 23% 39% 38% hannel 10) 58% 60% 55% 58% 60% 54% 56% 58% 54% 611 S6~ 59% 56% 53% 58% 62% The Family 231 I13 119 106 6? 52 lOS 124 124 lO? 22 15! 58 50 94 85 Channel (Channel 100% 49% 51% 46% 29% 23% 45% 54% 54% 46% 10% 65% 25% 22% 41% 37% 33) 5?% 56% 59% 5?% 62% 52% 64% 53% 62% 53% 46% 60% 55% 50% 59% 60% ~IGN - 'SuperChannel' (Channel 9) Home Sports Enter ta~nment (Channel 25) Turner Network Te]ev'~ s'~on (Channel 35) KTVT, Dallas ( I ndependen t, Channel 2) 218 127 9! 100 62 SO 84 132 113 105 19 131 68 56 ?6 85 100% 59% 42% 46% 29% 23% 39% 61% 52% 48% 9% 60~ 31% 26% 35% 39% 54% 63% 45% 54% 57% 50% 511 56% 56% 52% 40% 52% 65% 55% 48% 60% 218 ~31 87 106 59 48 86 129 110 108 22 134 62 49 84 84 1001 60% 40% 49% 2?% 22% 39% 59% 50% 50% 101 61~ 28% 22% 39% 39% 54% 65% 43% 5?% S5~ 48% 52% 55% 55% 53% 46~ S3% 59% 49% 53% sg~ 215 114 101 95 63 54 84 129 105 110 16 131 68 44 89 81 1001 53% 47% 44% 29% 25% 39% 60% 49% $~% 7% 611 32% 20% 41X 38% 53% 56% 50% 5~% 58% 54% 511 55% 52% 54% 33% 52% 65% 44% 56% ~71 201 107 94 98 $0 49 76 124 98 103 22 ~22 5? 54 80 6? 1001 53% 47X 49% 25% 24~ 38% 62X 49~ 511 11% 61~ 28% 2?% 40% 33~ 50% 53% 47% 53% 46% 49% 46% 53% 49% 511 46% 49% 54% 53% 511 47~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC.~ PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEUINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORH IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 27 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION RNO PEOGRRHMZNG STUDV By The gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 019 (CONTINUED) (27-61) Please tell me ~f you watch the followtn9 station · great deal or some? SEX ROE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO S?R ED FULL UIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL HALE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 10YRS MORE Arts & 199 104 95 99 49 46 69 130 89 110 19 126 55 4? 92 59 Entertainment 1001 52% 48% 50% 25% 23% 35% 65% 45% 55% 9% 63% 28% 24% 46% 30% (Channel 27) 49% 511 47X 53% 45% 46% 42% 55% 44% 54% 38% 50% 52% 47% 58% 42% KUHT, Houston 196 96 100 83 57 S1 ?9 [16 89 tOT 2? 118 51 50 ?8 68 (PSB~ Channel 9) 1001 49% 511 42% 29% 26% 40% 59% 45% 55~ 14~ 60% 26~ 26% 40% 35% 49% 4?~ 50X 45% 53% 51~ 4?~ 49% 44% 53% 56% 47% 49% 50~ 49% 48% N~ckelodeon 190 91 99 94 65 26 109 81 99 91 ~8 110 62 46 81 62 (Channel 28) 100~ 48~ 52% 49~ 34% 141 5?% 43~ 52% 49~ 9% 59% 33% 24% 43% 33% 4T~ 45% 49~ 51~ 60% 26% 66% 34% 491 45% 39% 44% 59% 46% 511 44% L~fetlme (Channel 189 86 103 102 50 36 T? 111 92 g? 17 126 46 45 87 57 30) 100~ 46% 54% 54% 26% 19~ 411 59% 49% 51~ 9% 67% 24~ 24% 46% 30% 47~ 42X 51~ 55% 46% 36% 47% 47% 46% 49~ 35~ 50% 44% 45% 55~ 40~ 154 ?3 91 9[ 47 2S 69 94 86 69 S2 93 49 40 5? 56 100% 47% 53% 53~ 31% 141 44% 55% 56% 44% 8% 60% 32% 26% 37% 36% 38% 36% 40% 44% 44% 211 41% 36% 43% 33% 25% 37% 47% 40% 36% 39% Country Music Television (Channel 23) KXRN~ Austin ~NBC, Channel 11; Information Channel) MTV ~uszc Television (Channel 98~ The Nashville 142 66 ?6 60 42 3? 58 82 90 62 19 99 35 29 59 54 100~ 46X 54[ 42% 30% 26X 41~ 58~ 56~ 44~ ]31 62~ 25% 20X 42~ 38~ 35% 33~ 38% 32% 39% 3?% 35% 35% 40~ 311 40% 35% 33% 29% 37% 38% 136 ?3 63 97 30 5 46 8? 51 85 9 88 39 50 57 29 1001 54~ 46% 711 22% 4% 34~ 64% 38~ 63~ ?~ 65~ 29~ 3?% 42~ 21~ 34% 36% 311 52% 29% 5% 28~ 3?% 25~ 42~ 19X 35~ 37% 50% 36% 20% 128 65 63 49 40 34 54 71 90 48 15 ?S 38 22 50 55 Network (Channel 100% · 51% 49% 38% 31% 27% 42% 55% 63% 36% 12% 59% 30% 17% 39% 43% 26) 32% 32% 31% 26% 37% 34% 33% 30% 40% 24X 31% 30% 36% 22% 32X 39% C-Span (Channel 109 60 49 40 29 36 44 65 61 49 12 66 31 20 39 49 36) 1001 55% 45% 37% 27% 33% 40% 60% 56% 44% 1~% 611 29% 181 36% 45% 27% 30% 24% 22% 27% 36~ 27% 28% 30% 24% 25% 26% 30% 20% 25% COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNZZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, FURTHER DISSE~INRTION 0UTS1DE SUBSCRIBER'S 0RGAN[ZATION BY,NY METHOD ZN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 28 TCA CRBLE TV SPEC[AL SRTZSFRCTION RND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, [nc., (Run Oats: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 019 {CONTINUED} (27-61) Please tel! me 1T you watch the followln9 station a great deal or some? CNBC (Channel 23) Educational Access (Channel 31} Black Entertainment TV (Channel 19) Acts Networks (Channel 37) Univision - Spanish Program (Channel 21) Trinity Broadcasting (ChanneJ 38) Community Bulletin Board/ Pay-Per-View (Channel 17) None Of The Rbove SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYAS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THaN OR TOTRL MALE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE 68 32 36 31 19 17 21 46 38 30 9 39 20 16 25 2? 100~ 47X 53~ 46~ 25~ 2SX 31X 68X 56X 44X 13~ 57X 29X 24~ 37~ 40X 17~ 16X 18X 1TX 18X 17X 13~ 19X 19X 15X 19X 16~ [9X 16~ 16~ 68 33 35 19 30 17 40 2? 43 25 7 31 30 10 26 29 17X 16~ 1TX lOX 28~ 17X 24X 11X 21X 12X 15X 12X 29X lOX 18~ 20X 46 20 26 23 14 8 22 24 27 19 100X 43X 5TX 50X 30X 17X 48~ 52X 59X 11X lOX 13X 12X 13X 8X 13X 1OX 13X 9X 42 21 21 14 11 15 20 21 27 15 IOOX 50~ 50X 33X 26~ 36X 48X 50~ 64X 36~ 38 14 24 17 14 S 22 15 18 20 IOOX 3TX 63X 4SX 3TX 13~ 58~ 39X 47X 53X 9X ?X 12X 9X 13X 5X 13~ 6X 9X 10~ 34 18 16 6 13 14 19 14 26 8 3 26 17 9 26 11 7X 57X 37X 20X 57X 24X 3 29 10 8 12 22 TX 69~ 24~ 19X 29X 52X 6X 12~ 1OX 8X 8X 3 29 6 9 18 11 6 23 5 5 8 21 IOOX S3X 4TX 18X 38X 41X 56X 41X ?SX 24X 18X 68X 15X 15X 24X 62X 8~ 9X 8X 3X 12X 14X 12~ 6X 13X 4X 13X 9X 5X 5X 5X 15~ 33 13 20 12 11 6 16 15 20 13 7 18 8 5 15 13 IOOX 39X 61~ 36X 33X 24X 48~ 45~ 61X 39X 21X 55X 24X ISX 4SX 39X 2 2 I - I ! I ] ! I 1 1 IOOX lOOX 50X SOX 50X 50X SOX 50X 50X 50X SOX COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER OISSEUINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S OAGANIZRTION 6YRNY METHO0 IN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITEO. PRGE 29 TRBLE 020 (27-61) UERN SUrllIRRY: TOTRL KBTX~ Bryan (CBS, Channel 5) KCEN~ ~aco (NCB, Channel 6) CNN Hesd//ne News (Channel 15) TCR CRBLE TV SPECIRL SRT[SFRCTION RND I~OGRRrI11NG STUDY By The Ssllup Organlzatlon, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE ========================================================================================== COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THRN LESS 10YRS FE BRYAN TZON BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THRN OR TOTRL I'IRLE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE mmmmm ................................................................ 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX lO0'J( 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 100',( IOOX IOOX I00',( 3.47 3.35 3.58 3.37 3.53 3.60 3.52 3.42 3.58 3.35 3.65 3.44 3.44 3.28 3.46 3.62 3.13 3.11 3.14 3.].5 3.14 3.09 3.07 3.17 3.16 3.10 3.t3 3.15 3.07 3.08 3.17 3.14 2.99 3.11 2.87 3.02 3.06 2.95 2.99 2.99 2.97 3.01 2.91 3.02 3.00 2.85 3.05 3.06 KTRK, Houston (RBC, Channel 13) 2.96 2.95 2.97 2.88 3.15 2.89 2.99 2.93 3.06 2.85 2.96 2.94 2.98 2.84 2.91 3.11 KXXV, Maco (RC8, Channel 3) CNN - Cable News Network (Channel 24 ) KRMU, Bryan (PSB, Channe! 4) ESPN - Total Sports Network (Charms! 32) SuperStatlon TBS (Channel 12) 2.72 2.90 2.54 2.89 2.77 2.39 2.66 2.77 2.74 2.70 2.48 2.67 2.95 2.84 2.79 2.58 The Discovery Channel [Channel 99) 2.72 2.9T 2.47 2.90 2.69 2.42 2.69 2.?6 2.66 2.?? 2.26 2.79 2.81 2.81 2.99 2.59 K~KT~ ~aco (Fo~, Channel 7) 2.67 2.71 2.63 2.97 2.62 2.18 2.74 2.63 2.59 2.75 2.48 2.70 2.68 2.79 2.87 2.39 2.85 2.82 2.88 2.92 2.78 2.80 2.86 2.63 2.84 2.86 2.88 2.86 2.78 2.89 2.83 2.85 2.84 3.04 2.64 2.88 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.92 2.79 2.91 2.55 2.90 2.84 2.59 2.94 2.92 2.76 2.73 2.79 2.52 2.93 3.02 2.85 2.71 2.75 2.77 2.85 2.76 2.72 2.57 2.75 2.92 2.73 2.98 2.48 2.80 2.80 2.55 2.62 2.60 2.73 2.73 2.46 2.74 2.83 2.72 2.70 2.78 COPYRIGHT: 1992 GRLLUP ORGANIZRTION, I~NI~,., PRINCETON, N,.T FURTHER DISSEUI~RTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S 0RGRNIZATION BYRNY rlETHOD IN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PfiGE 30 TABLE 020 (CONTINUED) (27-61) MEAN SUMMARY: The ~leat her Channel (Channel 29) KHTY, Houston (I ndepenclen!, Channel ]0) The Family Channel (Channel 33) USA Network {Channe! 34) [dGN - 'SuperChannel' (Channel 9) Home Sports Enter t a~nment (Channel 25) Turner Network Telev=s~on (Channel 35) KUHT, Houston (PSB, Channel 9) KTVT, Da~as Independent, hanne! 2) Arts & Enter tainment (Channel 27) TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organlzatlon, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX AGE CHILOREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LES5 3 TO STA ED FULL M]UM THAN LESS 1OYES FE BRYAN TION BRS]C BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL t~LE HALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 1OYES HORE ===== ................................................................ 2.65 2.?0 2.59 2.5] 2.73 2.79 2.58 2.69 2.69 2.60 2.46 2.6? 2.6'/ 2.43 2.74 2.72 2.56 2.62 2.49 2.62 2.53 2.4'4 2.52 2.58 2.54 2.58 2.48 2.56 2.58 2.45 2.59 2.63 2.55 2.53 2.$6 2.55 2.64 2.43 2.71 2.42 2.65 2.44 2.28 2.59 2.55 2.37 2.64 2.57 2.54 2.62 2.46 2.61 2.56 2.45 2.56 2.52 2.57 2.52 2.30 2.56 2.60 2.33 2.69 2.55 2.53 2.72 2.34 2.57 2.56 2.42 2.45 2.59 2.56 2.50 2.24 2.48 2.?? 2.52 2.49 2.59 2.46 2.72 2.21 2.57 2.47 2.26 2.42 2.48 2.49 2.44 2.22 2.45 2.59 2.37 2.45 2.55 2.46 2.55 2.37 2.45 2.52 2.45 2.42 2.49 2.43 2.49 2.00 2.46 2.67 2.[8 2.63 2.48 2.44 2.42 2.46 2.34 2.52 2.52 2.38 2.48 2.35 2.53 2.56 2.42 2.44 2.5] 2.44 2.40 2.38 2.46 2.30 2.48 2.26 2.31 2.28 2.46 2.33 2.44 2.29 2.36 2.47 2.48 2.44 2,26 2.37 2.49 2.26 2.48 2.22 2.34 2.16 2.54 2.26 2.49 2.[3 2.42 2.3? 2.36 2.53 2,20 Lifetime (Channel 30) 2.31 2.23 2.38 2.50 2.24 2.07 2.26 2.34 2.30 2.31 2.07 2.3? 2.25 2.26 2.47 2.i7 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP 0RGRNIZRTION, IN~., P~INCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSE~II~qTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER 5 ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 31 TABLE 020 (CONTINUED) (27-61) MEAN SUMMRRY: N1cke]odeon (Channel 29) KXAN, Austin ~NBC~ Channe! 11; Information Channel) Country flu$1c Television (Channel 23) The Nashville Network (Channel 26) flTV Music Taler]s/on (Channel 99) C-Span (Channel 36) Educat/ona! Access (Channel 31) TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION RND PROGRRMtlING STUDY By The Oallup Organ/Ia[ion, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIU[T PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS 1OYES FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE MALE 19-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS [OYES MORE 2.30 2.24 2.36 2.42 2.57 [.78 2.77 1.99 2.33 2.27 2.07 2.24 2.55 2.27 2.43 2.19 2.[2 2.11 2.13 2.09 2.08 2.16 2.06 2.15 2.19 2.04 2.21 2.12 2.09 1.97 2.18 2.17 2.09 2.05 2.13 2.26 2.16 l.?O 2.10 2.07 2.16 2.02 1.85 2.08 2.23 2.12 2.08 2.09 2.02 2.03 2.00 1.91 2.11 2.07 1.99 2.02 2.20 [.84 1.98 2.00 2.07 1.78 2.03 2.17 1.93 2.00 1.66 2.46 1.72 1.I9 [.80 2.00 [.71 2.14 1.59 [.96 2.01 2.3? [.99 1.56 1.65 1.95 [.TS 1.73 1.82 2.06 1.80 1.89 1.93 !.77 1.76 1.85 1.88 [.66 1.92 2.02 1.65 !.68 !.63 !.52 1.86 1.67 1,80 1.55 1.76 2.55 1.52 1.57 1.90 1.47 1.69 1.75 CNBC (Channe! 23} [ 57 1.60 1.53 1.55 1.55 1.61 1.46 1.63 1.63 1.50 1.61 1.55 1.58 1.52 1.53 1.64 Black Entertainment TV (Channel 19) 1.45 1.43 1.47 1.54 1.43 1.32 1.46 1.44 1.49 1.42 1.20 1.44 1.59 1.43 1.60 1.30 Co~fluntty Bulletin Boarcl/ Pay-Per-V~e~ (Channel l?) 1.40 1.41 1.40 1.37 1.43 1.41 1.40 1.39 1.47 1.34 1.48 1.42 1.34 1.28 1.48 1.42 COPYRIGHT: lgg2, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, I~N~,., PRINCETON, N~ FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD ~N tiNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 32 TABLE 020(CONT ! NUED ] (27-61) MEAN SUHURRY: R¢ls Networks (Channel 37) Trinity Broadcasting (Channel 38) Un~vi$~on - TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION RNO PROGRflMtl%NG STUOY Dy The Gallup Organlzat~on, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL ~IU~ THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL HALE URLE 18-34 35-49 50* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE I .38 1.41 1.36 1.29 ] .36 I .56 1.39 1.37 1.47 ! .29 ! .22 1.42 1.36 1.29 1.31 ] .54 1.32 1.35 1.28 1.18 1.39 1.48 1.40 1.25 1.46 1.18 1.42 1.35 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.50 Spanish Program (Channel 21) 1.30 1.28 1.31 1.30 1.37 1.21 1.41 1.21 1.29 1.31 1.22 1.34 1.22 1.26 1.32 1.30 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCR%BER'S ORGANIZRTION BYRNY METHOD IN RNY FORU IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 33 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRMHING STUDY By The Gallup Organ[zetion, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 021 (62) Please rate your TV picture quality on the TV you watch most often as excellent, good, fair, or poor? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUU THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL IIRLE ffLqLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS ~IORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100~ 50~ IO0'~ 100~ IOOX tO0~ IOOX IOOX IO0~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ Excellent 170 84 86 78 4? 42 65 104 74 96 17 107 46 43 67 59 (4) 100~ 49X 42X 41X 43X 42X 44X Good 184 89 95 88 47 44 80 103 104 gO 24 II5 46 47 72 64 (3) IOOX 48X 52X 48X 26X 24X 43X 56X 57X 43~ 13X 62X 24X 26X 39X 3SX 46X 44X 47X 47X 44X 44X 48X 44X 52X 39X SOX 46X 43X 47X 46X 45X Fair 42 25 17 18 13 S 17 24 19 23 ? 22 13 11 13 18 (2} IOOX 6OX 40X 43X 31X 21X 40X 5?X 45X 55X 17X $2X 3IX 26X 31X 43X 10~ 12X Poor 7 4 3 2 (1) 100~ Don't Know IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ 100~ O~ OX MEAN 3.28 3.25 3.31 3.30 3.30 3.25 3.25 3.31 3.25 3.32 3.21 3.29 3.30 3.32 3.28 3.27 STO .72 .75 .69 .69 .71 .79 .71 .72 .68 .75 .68 .73 .72 .66 .75 .71 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GflLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYANY UETHO0 IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 34 ?Cfi CABLE TV SPECIflL SflTISFRCTION END PROGRAUM]NG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 SEN [992) TABLE 022 (63) Have you requested a cable service call for a problem In the last year? SEX AGE CHILDREN flEER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIU[T PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL U[UH THAN LESS [OYRS FE BRYflN T[ON BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THEN OR TOTAL rlRLE UtiLE t8-34 35-49 50. YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS [OYES HOER TOTAL 404 203 20[ [86 [08 [00 [6S 236 20[ 203 48 2S! [05 ID[ [58 [42 [OOX 50X 50~ 46X 27~ 25~ 41X 58X 50X 50X 12X 62X 26X 25~ 39~ 35~ 100X 100X 100X I00X 100X 100X 100X 100X 100~ 100X I00~ 100X 100X 100X 100X 100~ Yes 112 58 54 51 37 21 58 53 50 62 9 70 33 26 52 34 IOOX 52X 48~ 46X 33X 19X 52X 47X 45X 55X BX 63X 29X 23X 46X 30~ 29~ 29X 27X 27X 34X 21X 35~ 22X 25~ 31~ 19X 28X 3IX 26X 33X 24X NO 290 145 145 135 71 77 107 181 149 141 38 180 72 75 106 106 IOOX 50X 50X 47~ 24~ 27X 37X 62X 5IX 49X 13X 62~ 25X 26X 37X Oon't Know 2 2 - 2 - 2 2 - 1 I 2 100X 100~ 100g 100X 100X 50~ 50~ 100X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC. PRINCETON, N,T FURTHER DISSEHINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S'ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 35 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION END PROGRRUUING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 023 t64) Wes the problem corrected to your satisfaction? F "YES' [N 963 SEX AGE CHILDREN REEf CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIHIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL HIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THEN OR TOTAL It~LE IlflLE 18-34 35-49 SO* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS HORE TOTAL [12 58 54 51 37 21 58 53 50 62 g ?0 33 26 52 34 100~ 52~ 48X 46~ 33X 19~ 52~ 47X 45X 55X 9X 63~ 29X 23~ 46X 30X I00X 100X 100~ 100~ 100X I00~ 100~ I00X 100~ 100~ 100~ 100X 100~ 100X 100X 100~ Yes 88 46 42 43 26 16 46 42 39 49 9 56 24 20 42 26 100~ $2~ 48~ 49~ 30X 18X 52~ 47X 44~ 56~ 9~ 64X 2TX 23~ 48X 30~ 79X 79X ?BX 84~ 70X 76~ 7g~ ??X 79X 79X 8gx BOX T3~ ?TX 8IX 76~ No 22 ii It B it S 12 i0 it lI 1 I3 9 4 10 B IOOX $0~ SO~ 27~ SOX 23~ 55~ 4S~ SOX $0~ 5X 59X 36X 18~ 45~ 36~ 20X tBX 20q( 12X 30X 24~ 2IX 19X 22X 18X 11~ lAX 24X 15X 19X 24~ Don~t Know 2 I t 2 2 - 2 - I I 2 - lO0'JC SOX SO~ 100~ tO0~ iO0~ 50X 50~ 100~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYANY HETHOD IN ANY FOR~ IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 36 TOTfiL Yes No Oon~t Know TCR CRBLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGPRMUING STUDY By The Ga21up Organization, Inc., (Run Oate: 25 3AN 1992) TRBLE 024 (65) Have you had a problem with your cable bill within the last year? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CH~N THREE THAN OR TOTRL rtqLE MALE 18-34 36-49 SO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 10YRS MORE 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 100X SOX SOX 46X 27~ 2SX 41X 58X SOX 50~ 12~ 62~ 26~ 25~ 39~ 35~ 100~ 100~ lOOX 100~ iOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ lOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX lOOX iOOX 21 9 12 12 4 3 8 13 7 14 1 14 6 6 8 100X 43~ 5TX STX 19~ 14X 38X 62X 33X 67X 5X 67X 29X 29~ 38X 33X 374 190 184 170 104 93 156 215 191 183 45 233 96 94 146 131 100X SlX 49~ 4SX 28X 25X 42X STX 51X 49X 12X 62X 26X 25X 39~ 3SX 93X 94X 92~ 91~ 96X 93~ 95X 91X 9SX 90X 94X 93X 91~ 93X 92~ 92X 9 4 5 4 4 I 6 3 6 2 4 3 I 4 4 COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP 0RGRNIZATION, IN~., PRINCETON, NJ FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGflNIZATION BYANY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 37 TCR CflBLE TV SPECIRL SRTISFRCTION RND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Oate: 28 JAN 1992) TABLE 026 t66) Was the problem corrected to your satisfaction? F 'YES" IN #65 SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTRL HRLE IIRLE 16-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE TOTAL 21 g 12 12 4 3 8 13 T 14 I 14 6 6 8 T 100X 43X STX 5?X 19~ 14~ 36X 62X 33X 6TX 5X 67X 29X 29X 38X 33X 100X I~0X 100X 100X 100X 100X 100X 100~ 100X 100X 100X 100~ I00~ 100X 100X 100~ Yes 12 5 T 7 1 2 3 9 S T I 9 2 3 5 4 100X 42X SBX 5BX 9X 1TX 2SX ?5X 42X 58X 8X 7SX 1TX 2SX 42X 33X 5?X S6X 58X SBX 2SX 67X 36~ 69'4 ?IX SOX IOOX 64X 33X 5DX 63X 5TX No I 4 3 4 3 S 2 I 6 - 3 4 2 2 3 IOOX STX 43X 5TX 43X TlX 29X 14X 86X 43X S'P4 29X 29X 43X 33X 44X 2SX 33X TSX 63X 15X 14X 43X 21X 6TX 33X 25X 43~ Don't Know 2 2 I I 2 I I - 2 I 1 100~ 100~ SOX SOX 100X SOX SOX 100~ SOX SOX lOX 17X BX 33X 16X 14X TX 14X tTX 13X COPYRIGHT: 1992 GALLUP 0RGRNIZRTION, I~N~., PRINCETON. bLT FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGflNZZflTION BYflNY METHOD IN tiNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PRGE 38 TCfl CflBLE TV SPECIRL SRTISF~CTION ~ND PROGRflMUING STUDY Sy The Gal/up Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3fin 1992) TflBLE 026 (67) In th past two years, do you recal! hevln9 lost your cable service for a period of t~me due to a problem? SEX RGE CHILDREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL HIUU THRN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN T[ON BRSIC BRSIC CHRN THREE THRN OR TOTRL HRLE rlRLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE TOTRL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 lOOX 50~ SOX 46X 27X 25~ 41X 58~ fOX 50X 12X 62~ 26~ 25X 39~ 3S~ lOOX lO0~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX lOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX Yes 261 129 132 103 83 71 110 150 143 118 28 165 68 48 103 110 100~ 49X 51X 39~ 32~ 27~ 42~ 57X 5S~ 45X 11~ 63~ 26~ 18X 39X 42~ 65~ 64~ 66~ 55X 7?~ ?[X 67~ 64X ?IX 58~ 58~ 66X 6S~ 48X 65~ No 139 72 67 81 25 28 54 83 56 83 19 83 37 51 54 31 IOOX 52X 48~ 58~ 18X 20~ 39X 60~ 40~ 60X 14~ 60X 27~ 37~ 39~ 22~ 34X 35X 33~ 44~ 23~ 28~ 33X 35X 28~ 41~ 40~ 33~ 35~ 50[ 34~ 22X Oon't Kno~ 4 2 2 2 - I I 3 2 2 1 3 2 I 1 IOOX 50~ 50[ 50~ 25X 25X 75~ 50~ 50X 25X 75~ 50~ 25~ 25~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, INC. PRINCETON, NaT FURTHER DISSEHINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S'ORGRNIZRTION BYRNY rlETHOO IN tiNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PflGE 39 TRBLE 027 t65) HOW many ttmes? F "YES" IN #67 TOTRL One Or Two [1 .s) Three Or Four (3.5) Five Or rtore (? .S) Don:~ Know HERN STD TCR CRBLE TV SPECIRL SRTISFRCTION RNO PROGRRI'rilNG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX RGE CHILDREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL ~IUU THRN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN TION BRSIC BRSIC CHflN THREE THRN OR TOTflL [IIqLE UtiLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE 261 129 132 103 83 ?I 110 150 143 118 28 165 68 48 103 ' 110 IOOX 49~ 51X 39~ 32X 27X 42~ 57X 55X 45~ I1X 63X 26X 18~ 39X 42~ 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX [OOX 100~ I00~ IOOX lOOX 100~ tOOX 100~ 100~ tO3 53 50 47 30 24 40 63 5[ 52 8 7! 24 2? 39 37 lOOX 5~X 49X 46X 29~ 23X 39X 6tX 50~ SOX 8X 69~ 23~ 26X 38X 36X 39X 41X 3BX 46X 36X 34~ 36X 42X 36X 44~ 29X 43X 35X $6~ 38X 34~ 73 36 37 25 21 26 24 48 48 25 11 47 ~S 9 27 3? IOOX 49X 61~ 34~ 29X 34X 33X 66X 66X 34~ I5~ 64X 21~ 12X 37X BIX 28X 28X 26X 24X 25X 35X 22X 32X 34X 21X 39~ 28X 22X 19X 26X 34X 81 38 43 31 31 19 46 36 42 39 9 44 28 12 36 34 lOOX 47X 53X 38X 38X 23~ 57~ 43X S2~ 48X 11X 54X 35~ 15X 43X 42~ 31X 29X 33X 30X 3TX 27X 42~ 23X 29X 33X 32X 27X 4t~ 25X 34~ 31X 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 2 - 3 t 2 2 100X 50X 50X 25X 75X IOOX 50X 50X ?5X 25X 50X 50~ 3.96 3.86 4.05 3.79 4.28 3.91 4.45 3.60 3.97 3.95 4.21 3.71 4.46 3.38 4.11 4.07 2.54 2.53 2.56 2,57 2.64 2.4! 2.7! 2.36 2.46 2.65 2.45 2.47 2.70 2.52 2.60 2.4S COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZRTION, Ia[~,. PRINCETON, bLT FURTHER OISSE~INRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S'ORGRNIZRTION BYRNY METHOD IN RNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PflGE 40 TCa CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION aND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gal~up Organ~zatlon, Inc., (Run Cate: 28 3RN 1992) TABLE 028 (69) Was the problem corrected to your aatslfact~on? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL M[UM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BRSIC BRSIC CHAN THREE THaN OR TOTAL MaLE MALE 18-34 36-49 50* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE TOTAL 261 ]29 132 103 83 7! 110 IS0 143 118 28 165 68 48 103 110 100~ 49~ 51~ 39X 32~ 27X 42~ 57~ 55~ 45~ 11~ 63~ 26~ 18X 39~ 42~ IOOX 100% ZOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ 100~ IOOX I00~ 100X Yes 246 122 124 101 ?S 66 102 143 134 112 2? 156 63 4? 97 102 IOOX SO~ 50X 41~ 30X 2TX 41X 58~ 54~ 46~ 11X 63X 26X 19X 39~ 41X 94X 95~ 94X 98~ 90~ 93X 93X 95X 94~ 95~ 96~ 95~ g3X 96~ 94~ 93~ No 14 7 7 2 7 5 8 6 8 6 1 $ 5 1 6 7 IOOX 50~ 50~ 14~ 50~ 36~ 57X 43X 57~ 43~ ?X 57X 36X 7~ 43x 50~ Don't Know ! 1 - I - 1 1 - I 1 1005 IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX COPYRIGHT: 1992 GRLLUP 0RGANIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYANY METHOD IN ANY FOR~ IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 41 TCR CABLE TV SPECIRL SRTISFACTION RNO PROGRRMIIING STUDY By The Gal]up Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE O29 (70) Rre you aware of the conwunlty progranm[ng available on the City Channel and the Educational Access Channel? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LI~IT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THAN OR TOTRL rlRLE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE .1~1 ................................................................ TOTAL 404 203 201 188 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 I05 101 158 142 IOOX SOX 50~ 465 27X 255 41~ 58X 50~ 505 12X 62X 265 25X 39X 355 IOOX 1005 IOOX IOOX lOOq~ IOOX lO0~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 1005 100~ tOOg 100~ IOOX IOOX Yes 234 121 113 103 68 60 92 139 115 119 24 149 61 IOOX 52X 4BX 44X 29~ 26~ 39~ 595 49X 51~ 105 64X 265 24X 41~ SBX 60X S6X 5SX 63~ 6DX 56X 59~ S?X 59~ SOX 59X 585 S6X 61X No 158 77 81 80 35 36 68 90 81 77 20 95 43 41 56 58 100X 49~ 5IX 51~ 22X 23X 43X 575 5IX 49X 13X 60~ 27~ 26~ 35~ 395 35X 40X 43X 32X 36X 4IX 3BX &OX 3BX 42X 3BX 4IX Don't Know 12 5 7 3 5 4 5 ? 5 ? 4 7 ! 3 6 3 1005 42~ 5BX 2SX 42X 33X 42X 58X 42~ BBX 33X 5BX BX 2SX BOX COPYRIGHT: lg92, GALLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON. NJ FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGRNIZRTION 8YANY METHOD IN TINY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PRGE 42 TOff CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION fiND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 030 (71) UouJd you be wlll2ng to fund a JocaJ community access channel through an increase in your basic cable rate? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUh THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NEL$ YEARS IOYRS rIORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 lOOt 50~ 50~ 46~ 2T~ 25X 41X 58~ SO~ 50~ 12~ 62~ 26~ 25~ 39~ 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX Yes 51 27 24 24 18 9 22 29 26 2S 4 36 11 11 '24 16 lOOt S3X 4TX 4TX 35X 18X 43X 57X SIX 13X 13X 12X 13~ I?X 9X 13X 12X 13~ No 323 160 163 152 82 80 132 188 IS? 166 40 195 88 88 121 112 100~ SOX 50X 4TX 25~ 25X 41X 5Bt 49X 51~ 80X 79~ 81X $2X ?BX BOX 80X BOX 78~ 82X Don't Know 29 16 13 10 ? 11 11 18 17 12 4 19 6 2 13 13 100~ 55X 45X 34~ 24X 38X 38X 62X 59~ 41~ Refused 1 1 I I 1 I - 1 100~ IOOX lOOt lOOt 100~ lOOt COPYRIGHT: 1992 GaLLUP ORGANIZATION, INF. PRINCETON. N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S'ORGRNIZflTION BYANY METHOD IN tiNY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 43 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND P~OGRRM/qING STUDY By The Galiup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 JAN 1992) TABLE 031 (72) Would you be in favor of a city franchise tax increase if this tax increased the amount of your monthly cable bill? SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE MALE 18-34 35-49 $0. YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY KELS YEARS IOYRS MORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 lOOK BOX SOX 46~ 27X 25X 4IX SBX SOX 50X 12~ 62X 26~ 25X 39?( 35X 100~ lOOt 100~ 100~ 100~ lOOg lOOt lOOt lOOt lOOt lOOt IOOX 100~ lOOt 100~ lOOt Yes 33 16 17 10 13 9 17 16 21 12 3 21 9 3 16 13 IOOX 4BX 52~ 30X 39X 2TX 52X 45X 64X 36X 9X 64X 2TX 9X 4BX 39X 8X 8X 8~ 5X 12~ 9X 1DX TX lOX 6X 6~ 8X 9~ 3X lOX 9X No 35? 178 1?9 172 92 95 143 211 1T1 186 43 219 95 98 136 121 lOOK SOX SO~ 48X 26X 24X 40X 59~ 48X 52X 12X 61X 2TX 27X 3BX 34X Don't Know 14 g 5 4 3 6 S 9 g 5 2 11 I - 6 8 100~ 64X 36[ 29~ 21~ 43X 36X 64[ 64[ 36X 14~ ?gx ?~ 43X 57X 3X 4~ 2X 2X 3~ 6X 3X 4~ 4X 2X 4X 4X IX 4X BX COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC. PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGANIZATION 8YRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 44 TCti CtiBLE TV SPEC]AL StiTISFtiCT[0N tiND PROGRRUUING STUDY By The Gallup Organ/zat]on, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3tN 1992) TtiBLE 034 (75) Uhat do you fee/ best describes TCti's strong po~nts? SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUM THtiN LESS ]OYRS FE BRYAN T]ON BASIC BflS]C CHtiN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE UtiLE 18-34 35-49 SO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEtiRS IOYRS MORE TOTtiL 404 203 20] 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 1S8 142 100~ 50~ 50~ 46~ 27~ 25~ 41~ 58~ 50~ 50~ 12~ 62~ 26~ 25~ 39~ 35~ 100~ IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ tOO% IOOX IOOX Rellab/e Picture 44 29 15 13 13 16 15 29 22 22 10 25 9 11 11 22 GuaJ/t¥ IOOX 66X 34X 30X 30X 36X 34% 66~ 50% 50~ 23X S7X 20% 2SX 25X 50X Good Variety Of Programming 36 23 13 16 12 7 I1 25 16 20 S 21 10 9 14 13 (Large Number Of IOOX 64X 36% 44% 33X 19X 31% 69X 44% 56X 14X 58X 28X 25X 39X 36X Channels 9X 11% 6% 9% 11% 7X ?X 11X 8X lOX 1OX 8X lOX 9X 9X 9% Friendly Customer 35 18 17 17 9 8 13 21 21 14 3 21 11 7 17 10. Service 100% 51X 49~ 49X 26X 23X 37X 60% 60X 40% 9~ 60% 31X 20X 49X 29% Re3=ahie (Ooesn't 24 11 13 17 3 4 9 15 8 16 2 17 5 9 9 6 Go Down) 100% 46% 54% 71% 13% 17% 38X 63% 33% 67X 8% 71% 21% 38X 38% 25X 6X 5X 6X 9% 3X 4% 5X EX 4X 8% 4X 7~ 5% 9X 6X 4X Qualtty 23 ? 16 11 4 7 6 17 7 16 4 11 8 9 ? ? Progranm~ng IOOX 30X 7DX 48X I?X 30X 26% 74% 30X 7DX I?X 48X 35X 39X 30X 30% Good Serv=ce 23 13 10 9 ? ? 15 8 14 9 2 1! 10 3 12 8 Overall IOOX 5?X 43% 39X 30X 30X 65X 35X 61X 39X 9X 48% 43% 13X 52% 35X 6X 6X 5X 5X 6X ?X 9X 3% 7X 4% 4X 4X 10% 3X 8X 6X Sat~sfted/No 18 ? 11 11 3 4 9 9 10 8 4 10 4 7 ? 4 Problems IOOX 39X 61X 61X I?X 22% 50X SOX 56X 44X 22% 56X 22% 39X 39X 22X Prompt/Fast 17 8 9 11 3 3 6 11 10 ? 13 4 3 10 4 Service (Hook-Up/ IOOX 47X 53X 65X 18X 18X 35% 65X 59X 41X 76% 24X 18% 59X ~ Repair) 4X 4X 4X 6X 3% 3X 4X 5X 5X 3X 5X 4X 3X 6X Good Pr3ce/Value tO 6 4 S 4 I 3 7 5 5 8 2 2 5 3 (Good Value For 100% 60X 40X 50~ 40X 1OX 30X ?OX 50X 50X 80X 20X 20X 50X 30% The Servzce) 2X 3X 2X 3~ 4X IX 2X 3X 2X 2X 3X 2X 2X 3X 2X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION. IN~. PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER D]SSEU[NflT[ON OUTS]DE SUBSCR]BER S'ORGRN[ZRT]ON BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORU [S PROHZB]TED. PAGE 47 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRMtlING STUDY By The Gallup Organ2zatton, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3tN 1992) TtiBLE 034 (CONTINUED) (75) Uhat do you feel best describes TCR's stron9 po3nts? SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE L[~[T PRE LESS 3 TO STti ED FULL U~U~ THAN LESS 10YRS FE BRYAN T[ON 8tiSIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL t~LE ~RLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE Only Cable 10 4 6 6 3 I 4 6 4 6 - 5 S 3 3 4 Company [n Town IOOX 40% 60~ 60% 30X 10% 40% 60% 40X 60% 50% 50% 30% 30% 40% '2X 2% 3X 3% 3X IX 2X 3X 2X 3X 2X 5% 3% 2% 3X Responsive To HTV Issue(R/lowed $ 2 4 3 3 4 2 I 5 I 5 Viewers To lOOX 33X 67% 50% 50X 67% 33~ IT% 83% 17X 83X Choose) 1~ IX 2% 2X 3% 2~ 1% Og 2% 2X 2% Free tepa/r S 3 2 4 - t - S 1 4 I 4 Serv/ce I00% 60X 40X 80X 20% tOO% 20X SOX 20X 80X IX IX IX 2~ IX 2% OX 2X 2X 2X ~s Involved [n 4 I 3 2 I I 2 2 I 3 - 4 Commuflity Affairs IOOX 25X 75% SOX 25% 25% 50X 50X 25X 75% IOOX - 1 4 1 I?X 67X ITX 3 I 1 60X 20X 20X 3~ lX 2 2 50X 1X Available/Always 4 2 2 3 1 There 1D0% 50X 50~ 75% 25% Good B~ll*ng/Easy 4 2 2 1 3 3 I 2 2 - 3 1 To Understand 100% SOX 50~ 2SX 75% 75X 25X 50X 50X ?5X 25X Listens To 4 4 - 2 I 1 ! 3 3 ! I 3 Customers 100~ IOOX 50X 25X 2SX 25X ?SX ?SX 25X 25~ ?SX New Bu~id~ng (Easzer Recess) Other Don't Know 3 I 2 2 I I 2 I 2 IOOX 33X 6?X 67% 33X 33X 67X 33X 6?X 5 3 2 2 I 2 2 3 5 100% SOX 40X 40% 20X 40X 40X 60% IOOX IX lX 1X IX IX 2X IX lX 2X - 2 1 - 4 2 ! 2 25X 3 3 1 ?5X 25~ I 2 33% 67X 4 106 46 60 39 33 30 50 54 58 48 12 68 26 27 39 38 100% 43X 57X 37% 31X 29% 4?X 51X 55X 45% IIX 64X 2SX 2SX 37X 36% 26X 23X 30X 21% 3tX 30X 30X 23X 29X 24% 25% 27X 25X 27X 2SX 27% COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRZNCETON, FURTHER DZSSEMINflTION OUTSIDE SUSSCRZBER'S ORGAN[ZRTION BYANY llETHOD IN ~NY FORM [S PROHIBITED. PAGE 48 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRHHING STUDY By The Ga~lup Organ=zat~on, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 034 (CONTINUED) (75) What do you feel best describes TCfl's strong points? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE Refused None/Nothing FE TOTAL URLE HALE 18-34 35-49 SO* YES ==l=l ........................ i I I 1 IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 22 13 9 11 3 7 7 COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUU THAN LESS IOYRS BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE I I - 1 IOOX I00~ 100~ 15 11 11 3 13 6 6 6 10 100~ 59X 41X SOX 14X 32X 32X 68X SOX SOX 14~ 59X 27X 27X 27X 45X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N.T FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYRNY HETHO0 IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 49 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRIIUING STUDY By The Gallup Organ~zatlon, Inc.~ (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992} TABLE 035 (?6) Whet do you feel TCR Cable couId be better, to serve you? TOTAL Lower Prices  Hook-Up Fee/ ares) Improve Programming Add rtore Channels To Basic CabJe Improve Reception SEX ROE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR E0 FULL MIUM THRN LESS 10YRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL ~LE HALE 18-34 35-49 SO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 lOt 158 142 IOOX 50~ 50~ 46~ 27X 25~ 41~ 58~ 50X 50~ 12~ 62X 26~ 25X 39X 35~ IOOX 100~ IOOX lOOX 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ I00~ 9? 57 40 46 30 18 50 47 48 49 11 59 27 26 31 39 100~ 59~ 41X 4TX 31X 19X 52X 48~ 49X 51~ 11~ 61~ 25~ 2TX 32~ 40~ 24~ 28~ 20X 25~ 25X 18~ 30~ 20~ 24~ 24~ 23~ 24X 26~ 26X 20~ 51 31 20 28 9 13 16 34 26 25 2 35 14 10 23 16 100~ 6IX 39X 55~ 18X 25X 31~ 67~ 51~ 49X 4X 69X 27~ 20X 45~ 31X 13X 15X 10~ 15X 8X 13X lOX 14~ 13X 12X 4X 14X 13~ lOX 15~ IIX 17 8 9 13 2 2 4 13 5 12 I 14 2 3 12 2 tOOq¢ 47~ 53X 76~ 12X 12~ 24~ ?SX 29X ?IX 6X $2X 12~ 18X 71X 12~ 16 10 6 6 5 5 5 11 ? 9 2 11 3 2 9 5 IOOX 63~ 38X 35X 3IX 3IX 31~ 69~ 44X 56X 13X 69X 19X 13X 56~ 31~ E/iminate Duplicate Programs (See The Same Thing The Tlme/ Redundant/Some 13 6 7 8 3 I 3 10 4 9 11 2 I ? 5 Channels The Same IOOX RS Others) Allow Customers To Choose Only 8 2 6 6 I I 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 2 3 Channels They Want 2X 1X 3X 3X IX IX 2X2X IX 2X 2X 3X 3X 1X 2X Improve Service 8 3 5 2 4 2 4 4 5 3 4 4 2 ! 5 Overall 2X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGflNIZRTION, INC., PRINCETON, N~ FURTHER OISSEMINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 50 TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organlzat~on, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 035 (CONTINUED) (76) Uhat do you feel TCA Cable could be better, to serve you? SEX AGE CHILDREN flREfl CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIffiIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE URLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEAPS IOYR$ UORE Unblock Blocked ? 4 3 2 4 I 4 3 5 ~ I 3 3 5 2 Channels (20 IOOX 5?X 43~ 29X 574 14X 5?4 43X 71~ 294 I4X 43X 434 71X 29X Vls~on/Houston) 2X 2~ IX IX 4X IX 2X ZX 2~ IX 2X IX 3~ 3X 1X Eliminate Need 4 2 2 2 2 - 3 I 2 2 1 I 2 2 ! 1 For Box To Get IOOX 50X 50X 504 50X ?5X 25X 50X 50X 25X 25X 50X 504 25X 254 Premium Channels IX lX lX lX 2X 2~ OX lX IX 2X OX 2X 2X 14 lX Add VHI To Basic Cable Eliminate Adult/ Offensive ProBranmln9 Improve Speed Of Service Compensation For Outages Other Include R Return 4 2 2 3 Envelope Ulth The 8ill tlore Children's 4 1 3 - 3 I 3 I 4 4 - 3 Prograrmntn9 100X 4 2 2 3 ! - I 3 I 3 I 3 2 1 1 IOOX 3 2 I t 2 2 I 3 I 2 - 3 IOOX 67X 33X 33X 67X 67X 33X 100X 33X 67X IOOX 3 2 1 3 - 3 - 1 2 I 2 I 2 - IOOX ! I00~ IOOX IOOX iOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX 15 6 9 5 IOOX 40X 4~ 58 27 3! 24 11 20 22 35 32 26 S 36 17 23 17 18 IOOX 47~ 53X 41X 19[ 34X 35X 60X 55X 4SX 9X 62X 29X 404 29~ 314 14X t3X 15X 13X lOX 20X 13X 15X 16X 13X 10~ 14X 16X 23X 11X 134 Oon)t Know COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGflNIZRTION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORH IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 51 TC~ CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRI~IING STUDY 8y The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) TABLE 035 (~ONTINUED) (76) ~hat aD you feel TCR Cable could be better, to serve you? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTflL URLE MALE 18-34 35-49 50* YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEflRS ]OYRS MORE Refused I - ! I - I I I 1 IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX Nothtng 90 3? 53 36 25 2? 34 55 48 42 16 54 20 23 36 31 100~ 41X 59~ 40X 28X 30X 3BX 61X 53X 47X 18~ 60X 22X 26X 40X 34X 22X tBX 26X 19X 23X 27X 2IX 23X 24X 2IX 33~ 22X 19X 23X 23X 22X COPYRIGHT: 1992 GRLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEHI~RTION OUTSIOE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGflNIZRTION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 52 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 ZflN 1992] TflBLE 036 (??] In the past year, have you had a reason to call TCfl Cable Customer Service? SEX AGE CHILDREN flEER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL MIUU THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OE TOTAL MALE NRLE 19-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 1OYES MORE TOTflL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 25! lOS 101 158 142 100~ 50X SOX 46X 27X 25X 4IX 58X 50~ 50X 12X 62~ 26~ 2SX 39X 35~ 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX lOOX 100~ 100~ iOOX Yes 127 6S 62 56 38 31 52 74 60 67 14 73 40 37 4S 42 IOOX $1X 49X 44X 30X 24X 41X 58~ 4?X 53X IIX 5?X 3IX 29X 3BX 33X No 271 135 136 128 69 66 110 159 137 134 33 174 64 61 110 98 IOOX SOX SOX 47X 25X 24X 41X 59X 5IX 49~ 12X 64X 24X 23X 4IX 36X 67~ 67X 68~ 69X 64X 66X 67X 67X 68X 66X 69X 69X 61X 60X 70X 69X Don't Know 6 3 3 2 I 3 3 3 4 2 I 4 1 3 2 IOOX 50X 50~ 33X l?X 50X 50X 50~ 67X 33X I?X 67~ 1TX 50X 33X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINflTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION 8YRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM I$ PROHIBITED. PAGE 53 TCR CABLE TV SPECIflL SATISFACTION flNO PROGRRfllIING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) TABLE 037 78) Was the cai! answered within a reasonable t~me period? F "YES" IN #?? SEX flGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIUIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL HIU~ THRN LESS IOYRS FE BRYRN TION BRSIC BflSIC CHRN THREE THRN OR TOTAL ttgLE ~qLE 18-34 35-49 BO+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS MORE TOTRL 127 65 62 56 38 31 52 74 60 67 14 73 40 3? 48 42 IOOX SlX 49~ 44X 3Of( 24X 41X SSX 47~ 53X IIX 5?X 31X 29X 38X 33X IOOX lO0~ IOOX IOOX IO0~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX lOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX Yes lis 60 58 53 36 28 48 69 56 62 12 68 38 37 42 39 IOOX 51X 49X 45~ 31~ 24X 41X S8~ 47X 53X 1DX 58X 32X 3IX 36X 33X 93X 92X 94X 95X 95X 90X 92X 93X 93X 93X B6X 93X 95~ IOOX BSX 93X No 8 5 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 I 5 2 5 3 IOOX 63X 3BX 2SX 25X 3SX 50X 50~ 50X 50X 13X 63X 25X 63X 38~ 6X 8X 5X 4X SX lOX 8X 5~ ?X 6X 7X 7X 5X lOX Re~used 1 I 1 - - I I ! - IOOX 100~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IX 2~ 2X 1~ IX 7X 2X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GflLLUP ORGANIZATION, I~N~,., PRINCETON, N,T FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGflNIZATION 8YflNY NETHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 54 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRUM[NG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3tN 1992) TABLE 038 t79) Was your probJem resolved to your sat2sfactlon? F CODE "2", '3' OR '4' IN ~78 SEX ROE CHILDREN RRER CtiBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STti EO FULL UIUU THtiN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHtiN THREE THAN OP TOTAL URLE UtiLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS HORE TOTtiL Yes No Don't Know 9 5 4 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 2 5 2 6 3 100~ 56~ 44~ 33X 22~ 33~ 44~ 56[ 44~ 56~ 22~ 56~ 22~ 67~ 33X 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ I00~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 6 3 3 2 1 2 4 2 2 4 I 4 I 4 2 100~ 50~ 50~ 33~ 17~ 33~ 67~ 33~ 33~ 67~ 17~ 67~ 17~ 67~ 33~ 67~ 60~ 75X 67~ 50[ 67~ IOOX 40~ 50~ 80~ 50~ 80~ 50~ 67~ 67~ 2 2 1 I 2 2 I I ! 1 IOOX 100~ 50X 50~ 100'4 100~ 50~ 50~ 50~ 50~ 22X 40X 50X 33~ 40~ 50X 20X 50X I?X 33X 1 I I - I 1 t - 1 100~ IO0~ 100~ lO0~ 100~ IOOX tOO'Y. 11~ 25~ 33~ 20~ 20~ 50X 17~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZtiTION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEUINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYflNY HETHOO IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITEO. PAGE 55 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION ANO PROGRRrlMING STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., {Run Date: 28 3RN 1992) TABLE 039 (80) Was the call handled to your satisfaction by a courteous end knowledgeable customer service representative? SEX ROE CHILDREN RREfl CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIUIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL HIUU THRN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE II~LE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS IIORE TOTAL 127 65 62 56 39 31 52 74 60 67 14 73 40 37 48 42 100~ $1~ 49X 44X 30X 24~ 4IX 58~ 4TX 53X IIX STX 3IX 29~ 38X 33X IOOX lO0~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX Yes 106 54 52 46 31 29 39 66 52 54 Il 90 35 32 39 36 100~ 51~ 49~ 43~ 29X 27X 37~ 62~ 49~ 5IX lOX 5?X 33~ 30~ 36X 34X 93X 93~ 64X 82X 62X 94~ ?5X 89X 87X 91X Tgx 82X 98X 86X 79~ 86X No lS g 6 5 6 2 g 6 4 11 2 9 4 4 6 5 IOOX 60~ 401( 33~ 40X 13X 60X 409 27~ 73X 13X 60~ 2T~ 27~ 40~ 33X 12~ 14X 10~ g~ 16~ 6X ITX 8~ 7~ 16X 14X 12~ lOX IIX 139 I2X Don't Know 6 2 4 5 1 4 2 4 2 1 4 I I 4 1 lOOX 33X 67X 83X 1TX 6TX 33~ 67X 33X 17~ 6TX ITX 1TX 67X 17~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGANIZATION IN~ , PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEUINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER ~ ORGANIZATION 9YRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS IN~OHIBITED. PRGE 56 TABLE 040 81) Please explain? F "NO" IN #80 TOTAL TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRUUZNG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., {Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) Service Personnel Not Knowledgeable IOOX 40~ 60X 40X 40X 80X 20X 100~ 33X 22X Slow Service  Take5 Too Long 4 3 1 o Get Repairs IOOX 75~ 0one) SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIUIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL HIUU THflN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL UtiLE IIRLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS UORE 15 9 6 5 6 2 9 6 4 ]1 2 9 4 4 6 5 100~ 60~ 40~ 33~ 40X 13X 60~ 40~ 27~ 73~ 13~ 60X 27X 27~ 40~ 33~ IOOX 100~ 100~ 200~ IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ IOOX 100~ 100~ 100~ 5 2 3 2 2 - 4 I 5 4 ! 2 1 2 80~ 20X 40X 20X 40~ 44~ 25X 50~ ~TX 40X 2 2 - 3 1 22~ 50X 50X 20~ Rude/Unfriendly 4 3 I 2 Service Personnel IOOX Can't Resolve ! I - Billin9 Problem IOOX IOOX Don't Know IOOX IOOX 2 2 I 3 I 2 I 2 - 50X 50X 25~ ?SX 25X SOX 25X SOX 22X 33X 25X 27X SOX 22X 25X 50X I ! I 1 IOOX IOOX IOOX I - ! I - - 1 IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IIX 9X 50~ I?X 2 50X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GflLLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEHINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION BYRNY HETHOD IN ANY FORH IS PROHIBITED. PflGE 57 TCR CflBLE TV SPECIAL SflTISFACT[ON RNO PROGRRtI~IlN6 STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 041 (82) Uzthin the last year, have you brought any complaints to TCR's attention? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIHIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL ~IU~ THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTflL I1RLE IqRLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS TOTAL 404 203 201 186 108 100 165 236 201 203 48 251 105 101 158 142 tOOX SOX SOX 46X 27X 2SX 41~ SSX SOX SOX t2X 62X IO0~ IOOX lO0~ IOOX 100~ IOOX IO0~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX lO0~ IOOX IOOX IOOX Yes 61 32 29 32 15 13 28 33 31 30 ? 38 16 20 19 22 100~ 52X 48X 52X 25X 21X 46X 54~ SIX 49~ 11X 62X No 340 170 I?O 154 gl 86 135 202 169 171 41 211 88 BI 139 117 100X SOX 50X 45X 27X 25X 40~ 59X $0~ 50X I2X 62X Don't Know 3 I 2 - 2 I 2 I I 2 2 ! - 3 100~ 33X 67~ 67X 33X 67~ 33X 33X 67X 67X 33X IOOX COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP ORGANIZATION, INC, PRINCETON, FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S'ORGANIZATION BYANY ~ETHOD IN ANY FORffi IS PROHIBITED, PAGE 58 TCA CABLE TV SPECIAL SRTZSFRCTION AND PROGRAMMING STUDY By The Ga[Jup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TRBLE 042 t83) Was the complaint resolved to your satisfaction? F "YES" IN #82 SEX AGE CHILDREN gREA CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIHIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIUM THAN LESS [OYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL HALE MALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERPS IOYRS MOPE TOTAL 61 32 29 32 15 13 28 33 31 30 ? 38 16 20 19 22 100~ 52~ 48~ 52~ 25~ 21~ 46~ 54~ 5]~ 49~ 11~ 62~ 26~ 33~ 31~ 36~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ I00~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ ]00~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ Yes 39 22 17 25 6 7 16 23 21 18 6 25 8 14 15 10 100~ 56~ 44~ 64~ 15~ 15~ 41~ $9~ 54~ 46~ 15~ 64~ 21~ 36~ 38~ 26~ 64~ 69~ 59~ 78~ 40~ 54~ 57~ 70~ 68~ 60~ $6~ 66~ 50~ 70~ 79~ 45~ No 21 ]0 11 7 9 5 12 9 IO 1] 1 12 8 6 4 11 100~ 48~ $2~ 33~ 43~ 24~ 57~ 43X 49~ 52~ 5~ 57~ 38~ 29~ 19~ 52~ 34~ 31~ 38~ 22~ 60~ 38~ 43~ 27X 32~ 37~ 14X 32~ 50~ 30~ 21~ 50~ Don't Know 1 I 1 ! ! 1 1 100~ 100~ lOOX 100~ ]00~ 100~ 100~ 2~ 3X 8~ 3~ 3~ 3~ SS COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP ORGANIZATION, INC., PRINCETON, N.T FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER'S ORGANIZATION 9YRNY ~ETHOD IN ANY FOR~ IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 59 TCR CABLE TV SPECIflL SflTISFRCTION flNO Pf~OGRRMII[NG STUDY By The GaJ[up Organ~zatton, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) TABLE 043 (g4) Overall, do you think cable TV service tn Sryan/Co~lege Station ~s better, worse, or the same as it ~as three years ago? SEX AGE CHILDREN AREA CflBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN TION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE rlRLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YERRS IOYRS MORE TOTAL 404 203 201 186 I08 100 165 236 201 203 48 25! 105 101 158 142 100~ SO~ 50~ 46~ 27~ 29~ 41~ 59~ 50~ 50~ 12~ 62~ 26~ 25~ 39~ 35~ 100~ ~00~ IO0~ [00~ IO0~ 100~ I00~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ Better 129 74 55 52 37 37 54 73 ?9 50 17 78 34 12 63 53 100~ 57~ 43~ 40~ 29~ 29X 42~ 57~ 61~ 39~ 13~ 60~ 26~ 9~ 49~ 41X 32~ 36~ 27~ 28~ 34~ 37~ 33~ 31~ 39~ 25~ 35~ 31~ 32~ 12~ 40~ 37~ Worse 25 1[ 14 13 4 9 11 14 12 13 4 15 6 5 ? 13 lOOg 44g 56~ 52~ 16~ 32X 44~ 56~ 49~ 52~ 16~ 60~ 24~ 20~ 26~ 52~ 6~ 5~ 7~ 7~ 4~ 6~ ?X 6~ 6X 6~ 8~ 6X 6~ 5~ 4~ 9~ Same ~89 92 97 87 49 48 71 118 93 96 24 118 47 39 81 68 100~ 49X 51~ 46X 26~ 25~ 39~ 62~ 49X 51~ 13~ 62X 25~ 2[~ 43~ 36~ 47~ 45~ 48~ 47~ 45~ 48X 43~ 50~ 46~ 47~ 50~ 47~ 45~ 39~ 51X 48~ Don't Know 60 26 34 34 17 ? 28 31 17 43 3 40 17 45 7 ? 100~ 43X 57~ 57~ 281( 12X 47~ 52X 28~ 72~ 5~ 67X 28~ 75~ 12~ 12~ 15~ 13~ 17~ 18~ 16~ 7~ 17~ 13~ 8~ 21~ 6~ 16~ 16~ 45~ 4~ 5~ Refused I I 1 - 1 I I - 1 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ 100~ ~00~ O~ O~ 1X 1~ O~ 1~ 1~ COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP ORGANIZATION, Z~NI~,., PRINCETON. N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGANIZATION 9YRNY tIETHOD IN ANY FORH 1S PROHIBITED. PAGE 60 TABLE 044 t85) Please explain? F CODE "1", "2" OR '3" IN t84 TCR CABLE TV SPECIRL SATISFRCTION AND PROGRRrlrI[NG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX RGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL MIUM THAN LESS IOYRS FE BRYAN T[ON BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THAN OR TOTAL MALE MRLE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 1OYES MORE TOTAL 343 177 166 152 90 93 136 205 184 159 45 211 8? 56 151 134 %00X S2X 48X 44X 26X 2TX 40X 60X 54~ 46~ [3X 62~ 25X 16~ 44~ 39X IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX iOOX IOOX 100~ IOOX IOOX IOOX IOOX tOOX IOOX IOOX 100X Haven't Noticed 106 55 51 SO 26 27 33 73 58 48 12 64 30 23 48 35 Rny Changes/No IOOX $2X 48X 4TX 25X 25X 31X 69X 55X 4SX 11X 60X 28X 22X CSX 33X Difference 31X 3IX 31X 33X 29X 29~ 24X 36X 32X 30X 2TX 30X 34X 41X 32X 26X Reception Has 21 13 8 5 ? ? 10 11 15 6 2 14 5 I 9 10 Improved 100~ 62X 38X 24X 33X 33X 48X 52X ?IX 29X lOX 67X 24X 5X 43X 48X Added Addittona! 20 13 ? 10 6 4 6 13 [2 8 3 tS 2 3 11 6 Channe/s IOOX 65X 35X 50~ 30X 20X 30X 65X 60X 40X 15X ?SX lOX 15X 55X SatIsfied/ No 19 10 9 6 4 9 7 12 [2 7 3 I3 3 2 T 10 Problems IOOX S3X 47X 32X 2IX 4TX 3TX 63X 63X 37X 16X 6eX 16X iix 3TX 53X Variety Has 18 10 8 9 5 4 9 9 10 8 - 14 4 2 6 10 Improved/More 100X 56X 44X $0~ 28X 22X SOX 50X SSX 44X TSX 22X 11X 33X 56X Service Is Setter 15 8 T T 4 4 T T 11 4 2 10 3 I 9 5 (Friendly/Prompt) IOOX S3X 4TX 4TX 27X 27X 4TX 4TX T3X 2TX 13X 6TX 20X TX 60X 33X Poor Programm~nS (No Variety/Show 15 8 T 8 2 4 6 9 T 8 I 12 2 I 8 6 The Same Th~ngs IOOX 53X 4TX S3X 13X 2TX 40X 60X 4TX 53X TX 80X 13X TX 53X 40X Over) 4X 5X 4X 5X 2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 5X 2X 6X 2X 2X 5X 4X Progrrarantng Has 13 4 9 3 4 6 6 7 8 5 3 5 5 I 8 ~3~Xl Improved IOOX 31X 69X 23X 31X 46X 46X 54X 62X 38X 23X 38X 38X 8X S2X COPYRIGHT: 1992, GALLUP ORGRNIZRTION, IN~., PRINCETON, N3 FURTHER DISSEMINATION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGRNIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED. PAGE 61 TABLE 044 (CONTINUED~ (85) Please expla=n. ]F CODE "1", "2' OR "3" IN #84 TCR CABLE TV SPECIAL SATISFACTION AND PROGRRrJIING STUOY By The Gallup Organ~zation, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX AGE CHZLOREN RRER CRBLE TENURE COLL EGE LIMIT PRE LESS 3 TO STA ED FULL HIUM THAN LESS 1OYES FE BRYAN ?ION BASIC BASIC CHRN THREE THRN OR TOTRL IIRLE HALE 18-34 35-49 $0+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS 10YRS MORE Cost/Too 13 5 8 6 2 4 ? 6 7 6 3 ? 3 3 2 7 Expensive 100X 38~ 62~ 4X 3X 5X 4X 2X 4X 5X 3X Better Since 10 8 2 6 2 1 S 5 5 5 2 4 4 5 5 Taken Over By New IOOX 80X 20X 60X 20X 1DX 50X 50X 50X 50X 20X 40X 40X 50X 50X Company 3X 5X IX 4X 2X IX 4X 2X 3X 3X 4X 2X 5X 3X 4X Service Is Ilore 9 S 3 3 1 4 I 7 3 5 3 3 2 1 3 4 Reliable IOOX 63X 38X 39X 13X $0~ 13X 88X 38X 63X 38X 38X 2SX 13X 38X 50X Added Some 5 3 2 I 2 2 I 4 I 4 3 2 3 2 Channels And Took IOOX 60X 40~ 20X 40X 40X 20X 80X 20~ 80X 60X 40X 60X 40X Others R~ay Poor Reception 4 2 2 I I 2 I 3 2 2 I 2 I I 3 IOOX Don't ~atch Much 4 ~ 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 I 1 TV IOOX Keep L~nes In 3 2 1 I I 1 I 2 3 - 2 I - I 2 Goo~ Repair Poor Service 3 2 I I 2 - 2 1 2 1 2 I I 2 IOOX Service Is 3 1 2 Adequate IO0X 33X 67X 33X 33X 33X 67X 33X 33X 67X 67X 33X 33X 33X 33X IX Poor Late Night 2 2 - I ! - 2 - I i I 1 - 1 1 Progran~nlng IOOX IOOX 50% 50X IOOX 50X 50X 50% 50X SOX SOX COPYRIGHT: 1992. GALLUP ORGANIZATION, IN~., PRINCETON, FURTHER OISSEMINRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S ORGRNIZATION BYRNY METHOD IN ANY FORH IS PROHIBITED. PRGE 62 TABLE 044 (CONTINUED) (8S) Please explain? IF CODE "1", "2" OR "3" IN #84 TCR CABLE TV SI:~CIRL SATISFACTION AND PROGRAUUZNG STUDY By The Gallup Organization, Inc., (Run Date: 28 3AN 1992) SEX AGE CHILDREN RRER CABLE TENURE COLL EGE LIH[T PRE LESS 3 TO STR ED FULL UIU~ THAN LESS iOYRS FE BRYAN T[ON BASIC BASIC CHAN THREE THAN OR TOTAL ~RLE UALE 18-34 35-49 50+ YES NO TX TX ONLY ONLY NELS YEARS IOYRS ~ORE Unreliable (Often Goes Down/Goes 2 Down Ourln9 IOOX Storms) Poor Program 2 Guide (Too Small/ Not Informative) A/lowed V~ewers 2 2 2 I I 2 2 2 I I 2 1 ! 1 I I 1 IO0X 50X SOX IO0X SOX 50X SOX SOX SO~ SOX I 2 ! ! 2 - 2 2 - Choice On flTV Other Don't Know Refused IOOX SOX SOX 100~ 50X SOX tO0~ tOOX IOOX 10 6 4 5 4 ! 5 5 6 4 ! 5 4 I 6 3 IOOX 60X 40X SOX 40X lOX 50X SOX 60X 40~ lOX 50X 405 1DX 60X 30X 44 I? 27 22 15 ? 24 20 15 29 3 28 13 11 19 14 tOOX 39X 61X 50X 34X I6X 5SX 4SX 34X 665 ?X 64X 30X 255 43X 32X I ! - ! I I - 1 1 IOOXIOOX IOOX tOOX IOOX IOOX tOOX COPYRIGHT: 1992, GRLLUP ORGRNIZATZON, IN~. PRXNCETON, FLT FURTHER OISSEUZNRTION OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBER S'ORGRNIZATION BYgNY ~ETHOD IN ANY FORU ~S PROHIBITED. PRGE 63 PUBLIC STATEMENT: FUTURE APPLICATIONS OF CABLE Good morning. I am Claude Cunningham, Director of Administration and Planning for the College Station Independent School District. lam here today wearing my "planning hat" to share with you and TC^ our input for possible cable uses in the near future and for a few years down the line. As a small school district, our needs for access to cable are different from those of larger public entities. We hope that you will keep this in mind during this brief statement. There are several things that we would like to see implemented by TCA in the very near future. First, we would like to have direct access to character generation equipment and the ability to load tapes and other information between one of our sites and TCA. through a direct line At this time, we must take our information to a third party to be translated into video characters and to be loaded to TCA. We have to pay for these services by the third party. Ideally, these services would be available at one of our sites but any reasonable central location would be acceptable. College Station I.S.D. presently shares one local access channel provided to us by TCA with both Bryan I.S.D. and Texas A & M. It would be naive to assume that Blinn College and our local private schools will never request access to TCA Cable. One channel is very busy now and adding other educational organizations to this one channel would make the situation worse. We would like to see one channel on the cable system dedicated to the public schools and another made available to private and higher education. At earlier meetings related to cable systems, we have been shown emergency alert systems which work through the existing or upgraded cable network. We would be most interested in seeing such a system made a part of our cable network. We believe that such systems hold great promise for the enhancement of the safety and security of our Having such a system available would allow us to of school closings or other emergency affect their children. community. notify parents situations which might The College Station Independent School District is a relatively small school district. Within the next three to five years, we do not expect that our student body will have the need for, nor will it generate the revenue for, the facilities needed to produce truly broadcast quality materials for use on cable television. This puts us at a distinct disadvantage when our cable broadcasts are compared to those of Texas ^&M and Bryan I.S.D. To put our district on more equal footing with our larger neighbors, we would like access to a centrally located studio and production facility. Once again, in a perfect world this facility would be at one of our sites. However, access on a scheduled basis into such a facility would go a long way toward providing our school district access equal to that of our larger neighbors. We also would benefit greatly from a direct line between one of our sites and the TCA head-in through which we could send programming once it is ready for broadcast. There are some other services which we would like to see included in TCA's future planning. We firmly believe that local programming will be of growing interest in this community. The ability to broadcast live, or on delay, directly from our school district sites will be of great interest to us and to our constituencies in the future. There are other satellite transmitted services which should be available to our community through our local cable system. High school and college credit courses, personnel training, libraries and news services can all be accessed through satellite downlinks. We would be most interested in having such services available to our students in College Station. The College Station TCA the possibility of setting up an our campuses, Such a network could I.S.D. is very interested in exploring with institutional network among provide data and communication transmission among our campuses. It also could provide control links between our Maintenance Department and the operating systems in our buildings. This application of cable will require significant upgrading of the present system, but the technology exists. The relationship between TCA and the College Station Independent School District is a good one. We look forward to expanding this relationship in the future. We trust that the needs of the school receive high priority the new cable franchise district and those of our students will consideration in the process of developing in the College Station/Bryan area. Thank you. February 6, 1992 Linda Piwonka, Administrator Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station PO Box 9960 College Station, Tx 77842. Dear Linda Please enter this letter in the public documents being gathered as part of the cable franchise renewal hearing. We have finally had it with TCA Cable! When they get to where they can tell us where we can and cannot watch television within our own home they have gone too far! We built our home eleven years ago and paid a considerable sum of money to have a cable outlet wired into each room. Some rooms even have more than one outlet so that furniture can be moved occasionally to break up the monotony. It seems that, since TCA has a monopoly to provide the local cable service, they choose to dictate exactly where and in which rooms we can use these outlets by their determination to charge extra for each and every outlet in the house, whether it is being used or not. This is ridiculous. We feel that the citizens of this great nation are rising up against cable monopolies because they are a direct threat to our individual rights and freedoms. This is clearly shown in the hearing conducted this week in the US Senate concerning cable operators abuse of customer rights. Therefore we are requesting the City Councils to take every possible action available to them to put a stop to the cable companies customer abuse. More specifically we are petitioning the City Councils of Bryan and College Station to enact an ordinance which: Allows the cities to regulate the pricing and practices of all present and future multi-channel service providers. Provides for SINGLE DROP CHARGE ONLY pricing, the same as the telephone company. This ordinance should specifically remove the cable companies ability to charge for each outlet in the home. Provides for product and service pricing based upon competitive pricing versus monopolistic pricing based upon "whatever price the market will tolerate" as we have now. Linda Piwonka February 6, 1992 Page 2 Provides citizens with a choice of at least two cable providers by requesting that the telephone company or other suitable provider install and operate a competitive cable system in the two cities. Settles the issue of signal leakage by providing that only the cable provider may install cable outlets and can charge for that installation but may not charge extra for the signal to that outlet, under the single drop charge pricing. Establishes that a semi-annual customer satisfaction survey must be conducted by all cable providers, the results being reported to the City Councils, to insure that the citizens of these two cities are continually provided with products and services which meet their needs and desires. We sincerely request that the city councils take full advantage of the expertise brought to them by the two consultants they engaged to write the ordinance currently under consideration and not make significant changes in the recommendation beyond those brought forth by the citizens in these hearings. Respectfully submitted, Don Rice Sara Rice 2703 Rustling Oaks Bryan, Texas 77802 409 776 1687 PETITION Concerning the Proposed Renewal of TCA Cable's Franchise We the undersigned citizens of Bryan and College Station, by having placed our signatures upon this doqument, do hereby petition the City Councils of both Bryan and College Station to hear our desires concerning cable service to the citizens of these two cities and to enter our requests into the public record of the hearings concerning the Cable Franchise Renewal We believe that the citizens of this great nation are rising up against cable monopolies because they are a direct threat to our individual rights and freedoms to watch television where ever we desire in the confines of our own home and to be charged a reasonable and competitive price for that service. Because TCA has a monopoly to provide the local cable service, they choose to dictate exactly where and in which rooms we can use cable outlets by their determination to charge extra for each and every outlet in the house, whether it is being used or not. They also establish their pricing based upon what the community will tolerate, not competitive pricing. Both practices must stop. As part of the Public Hearings to be held on February 6, 1992 in the College Station Conference Center at 7:00 pm, we are hereby petitioning the City Councils of Bryan and College Station to enact an ordinance which: Allows the cities to regulate the pricing and practices of all present and future multi-channel service providers. Provides for SINGLE DROP CHARGE ONLY pricing, the same as the telephone company. This ordinance should specifically remove the cable companies ability to charge for each outlet in the home. Provides for product and service pricing based upon competitive pricing versus monopolistic pricing based upon "whatever price the market will tolerate" as we have now. Provides citizens with a choice of at least two cable providers by requesting that the telephone company or other suitable provider install and operate a competitive cable system in the two cities. Establishes that a semi-annual customer satisfaction survey must be conducted by all cable providers, the results being reported to the City Councils, to insure that the citizens of these two cities are continually provided with products and services which m~et their needs and desires. This petition is being presented by Citizens for a Fair and Equitable Cable Service. These individuals are not affiliated with the city governments of either Bryan or College Station. PETITION Nflme Address ( PETITION Name Address ~ 0,3o~ s~'}? (,/,_-. : 5' ~:;<~,'4' ? Name PETITION Address 3os- t?. .... /if, ~ 2 ~ . ., ~, . 7 _~,~;-z £..a,?-,'/, ,=/v-7 .,('),,: ?~,~; -Q, -7 &rc. '~ z./O0 .,$N~/-~' .~,3 ~.,S. /"~- '??o°''/o Name PETITION Address d..~'. 777~o 77 .~" ": 7 75'Y"',- CS, 'Tx '7'~ PETITION Name ~ 91 rv _// Address -700 ' ' /.-"fo', PETITION Name Address February 6, 1992 To Bryan and College Station City Councils and TCA Cable TV: Thank you for the opportunity to offer comments during the public hearings on the refranchising of TCA Cable TV. I commend TCA for maintaining a high quality of service in the Bryan/College Station area and for responding to viewer suggestions and comments, particularly during the MTV controversy this summer. Cable visidn is a very powerful and highly influential medium within a community. What we see and hear on cable vision shapes our lives for better or for worse, so we must seek the very best in programming to accommodate the needs of a diverse viewing audience. One of the strengths of TCA has been the diversity of programming which combines entertainment, athletic,and religious programming. In the area of religous programming, TCA can do much good in the community by promoting family and spiritual values. Because we are an ecumenical community representing a wide variety of beliefs and faiths, I would encourage diversity in religious programming. Moreover the interest in religius programming will grow in academic circles, as Texas A&M launches its new religious studies interdisciplinary program. Evangelistic networks already being carried by TCA could be supplemented with some of the more traditional religious networks to achieve diversity and balance in programming. We are a consumer-oriented society, highly influenced by brand names and material goods which some people are willing to kill for. Yet the January 6 cover story of Newsweek, "Talking to God" focused on the increasing role of prayer in American culture. In a subsequent issue, Newsweek reported many "heartfelt" responses to the story, as well as praise for its coverage of the nonsecular. By strengthening religious programming, TCA and other cable vision companies have the unprecedented opportunity to meet the needs of a growing viewing audience in search of spirituality, while promoting positive, family-oriented values within the communities you serve. Sincerely, Charlene K. Clark 2304 Burton Drive Bryan,TX 77802 B R O. BOX 1000 · BRYAN, TEXAS 77805 · (409) 361-3600 Connie Hooks, College Station City Secretary Randy Rogers, TCA Cable Mary Lynne Galloway, City Secretary ~ February 7, 1992 Statements Entered into the Record at February 6, 1992, Public Bearing Attached are copies of the written statements entered into the record by Mary Kaye Moore, Interim City Manager, at the public hearing conducted on February 6, 1992, 7:~ p.m., at the College Station Core, miry Center. Enclosures USA 19 .~' USPS 1991 RECEIVED FEB - 4. 1992 RF.C.,gI'.,-'F...,2 F~ - ~. t992 ~--~-~-f. /Fy, z., J,~ES J. JOCHEN 25OO I~MIITR~ DR. 60{.{.~E STAT{OM, 'IX ~ RECEIYEL~ .... ?'~ECE!VEO FE3 - ~ IS9~- February 1,1992 Llnda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P,O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It ls wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet in the home. TCA should be asked to Immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, .,r Jerry Norris 1525 E. 29th Street #603 Bryan, Texas 77802 January 31, 1992 Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Attention: Linda Piwonka Dear Ms. Piwonka, I wish to express concern about TCA Cable Companies' current practices and policies. As a cable prescriber in the Bryan- College Station area for over twenty years, I have seen all of the cable companies that have provided service for our community. I feel that will TCA's current control over the market (ie. through the absence of competition) they are allowed to develop practices that they would not otherwise try, such as charging for each additional outlet in the same home. I feel that their current prices are not truly reflective of a fair profit and that this practice simply adds to an already gross profit. Unlike most other services that we receive in our homes, phone service, trash pick-up, and sewage, which provide service to each individual household, we are expected to pay service for additional outlets, as if they were separate units. I would encourage the board to rectify this situation and provide that TCA change this policy without an adjustment in rates. I also would urge the board to "be the competition, with TCA and require that their practices, policies and pricing are truly reflective of their cost of doing business in the Bryan/College Station area and a fair, but not gross, profit. I wish to have this letter of request entered into the records for the formal hearing. Sincerely, /~e~ry Norris February 1,1992 Linda Plwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station p.o. Box 9960 College station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It ls wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet In the home. TCA should be asked to Immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set in the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, February I, 1992 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It Is wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet In the home. TCA should be asked to Immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, RECEIVED FES - 5 ~,'~2 February 1,1992 Llnda Plwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It is wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet In the home. TCA should be asked to immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable I'ranchlse should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, February 1,1 gg2 Linda Plwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College 5tatlon, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It ls wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet In the home. TCA should be asked to Immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of thelr cable franchl.se should be denled. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable sen/Ice without the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the procee~llngs. Yours truly, .~, t6~ (LC FEB - I,.q92 February 3, 1992 Ms. Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Ms. Piwonka: I wish to have it known that I would like TCA Cable to immediately stop charging for each outlet in my home. I ask that I be charged only for the signal. If TCA Cable will not agree to do this, I then request the College Station City Council to refuse to renew TCA's franchise and begin accepting bids from other cable companies who would be willing to provide the service I desire. If this is not possible, I would like College Station to initiate a city-owned and managed cable service. I would like this letter to be included as part of the public record on the cable proceedings. Sincerely, Darlene Palmer 2907 Camille Drive College Station, TX 77845 7)4 Avondale Bryan, Texas 778~2 2-3-32 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P. £!. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Ms Piwonka: Please make this letter part of the public record of the proceedings regarding the request for renewal of the cable franchise t¢ TCA. We request that TCA Cable immediately stop charging for each cable outlet in our home and charge only for the signal. Very truly yours, Jecil and Olive Ruth Nabors 704 Avondale Bryan, Texas 77802 RECEIVED FE-3 - /-1. ~3'~ February 1,1992 Llnda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We thi~-~wrong f~_~CA to charge for each outlet in the home. TCA should~~d't~6-i-mmediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. Tf-they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set in the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, February 1,1 gg2 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It is wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet in the home. TCA should be asked to Immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service wlthout the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, RECEIVED FEB - 4 19El'Z, February 1,1992 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Statlon, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal of Cable Franchise to TCA We think It Is wrong for TCA to charge for each outlet In the home. TCA should be asked to Immediately stop charging for more than a single signal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours truly, RECEIVED FEB - ~ t992 February 1,1992 Llnda Plwonka Cable Franchise Hearlngs Clty of College Statlon P.O, Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Subject: Renewal o~' Cable Franchise to TCA We think It ls wr. ong for TCA to charge for each outlet In the home. TCA should De asked to Immediately stop charglng for more than a slngle slgnal to each home. If they refuse, the renewal of their cable franchise should be denied. Should TCA refuse, other arrangements should be undertaken to obtain cable service without the surcharges for more than one set In the home. Please make these comments a part of the public record of the proceedings. Yours tru]y, January 30, 1992 219 Brentwood College Station, TX 77840 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearing City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Hearing Officials, I would like to voice my opinion regarding the TCA Cable hearings. I strongly agree with the request that TCA stop charging for each outlet in a home and just charge for the signal. If they do not, the city councils should pressure them to do so. I am presently a graduate student at A&M and have lived in C.S. for almost 6 years, I have never complained or written any letters regarding these trivial problems which seem to plague the twin cities. I do not under stand why the two city councils let situations such as this begin. Why is it that any time a business has the opportunity to squeeze a little more money out of the college students, they are free to do so? Whenever someone asks me if I enjoy living in C.S. I don't know what to tell them. It is a great place to live but I feel the cities of C.S. and Bryan should look out for the students interest a little more in the future because if it wasn't for the students, there probably wouldn't be a Bryan or a College Station on the map. Sincerely, Karl Mihalsld January 22, 1992 Linda Piwonka TCA Cable Franchise Review P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Linda, Please read this letter at the next public hearing to review the cable franchise agreement. This letter is to be entered into the public record as a formal protest against the current practice of TCA Cable charging me for the number of television outlets in my home, rather than for the service of bringing cable signal to my home, as the telephone company does. The cable company should not infxinge on our fight to privacy by telling us where we may watch television in our homes. I hereby request that the City Council NOT renew the agreement with TCA Cable until they agree to charge only for the signal, not the number of television outlets one has. It is time we had some competition so this kind of price gouging is eliminated. Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. Sincerely, Terri Burger MICHAEL E. WORKMAN, ASSOCIATES Distribution Research and Consulting January 21, 1992 Linda Piwonka TCA Cable Franchise Review P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Hs. Piwonka; This letter is written as a follow - up to the meeting held on Tuesday January 21st. I request that my comments and letter be included into the public record as a protest against the billing practices of TCA Cable. Ali the personal equipment purchased and installed by customers in their own homes should not be a factor in the rate structure of the cable company. As in telephone service, the company should provide service up to the dwelling. Ail equipment owned and used inside the dwelling should be at the discretion of the subscriber. There is no more cost involved to the cable company if a customer uses the signal for one or twenty outlets, therefore charges should be for signal delivered. Any repair or malfunction inside the dwelling shoul~ be the responsibility of the customer, while those outside the dwelling are the responsibility of the cable company. This is an extremely important decision for the city to make because more than cable charges are involved. If you will check the history of legislation used for the tele~honu charges case, you will find almost exactly the same scenario. I will be present for the next hearing, and urge you to do more to alert the citizens of this area about details of the items pertinent to this proceeding. 1013 Rose Circle · College Station, Texas 77840 409-696-3791 RECEiV ,-," FEE) February i, 1992 ~s. Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Ms. Piwonka: We request TCA Cable immediately stop charging for each outlet in the home and charge only for the signal. Please have this request made a part of the public record of the hearing proceedin%s. Thank you. ~ Gerald and Nancy Reynolds 2108 Wayside Bryan, Texas 77802 ' RECEIVED JAN 3 t /992 FE~CEIVED JAN 3 ~ 1992. ///~//~' ~ February 4,1992 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Fellow Residents: As we were informed recently that this was the year for the contract renewal for TCA Cable Inc., we felt that as consumers certain facts should be brought to light. We strongly believe that these aspects should be given strong consideration before any decision about contract renewal is reached. (1) The current practice of charging for an extra cable outlet is unnecessary and outrageous. We already pay a large enough monthly.bill to cover all such expenses. (2) The cost of transferring a residential cable service from one place to another is another distasteful practice. It seems that it would be cheaper to keep a service we would rather disconnect, for an additional month just to save on the transferring cost that currently is about $30. (3) TCA practices "Poor Business Ethics" when they do not disclose to consumers all the costs and conditions that are involved for getting cable. For example, if you decide to cancel a premium channel at a later stage, you would be informed of some "technical" charges, which would incline you to keep an unwanted service, just became of the rates. We sincerely hope that either these points be attended to, or bids be accepted from other cable companies that could provide comparable service without these problems. We would like this letter to be part of the public record during the renewal hearings. Sincerely Yours Kris Mohan Shri Mani Frustrated College Station Residents. Mr. William H. Aldred 3807 Courtney Circle Bryan, TX 77802 February 4, 1992 Ms. Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearing City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Ms. Piwonka: I am concerned about TCA Cable's policy on utilizing bank drafts for paying a customer's monthly bill. Their policy is to draft on the first working day of the month. My bill states that the bill is due on the 10th, but they draft on the first of the month. I request that the new fi'anchise include payments of monthly bills by bank draft and that the draft should be deposited in banking channels on or after the bill due date. This is the policy used by Lone Star Gas, GTE, Bryan Utilities, and several large insurance companies I deal with. I specifically request that my letter be included as part of the permanent proceeding of the public hearing for renewal of the TCA Cable franchise. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, William H. Aldred Febzuary 1~ 1992 William E. ar~ Mary L. Dunn 2916 (k~Wcez Ct. College Static~, TX 77845 Lincla Piw~ka r~.,le ~ t~ear~ city of Colle~ Stati~ P. o. Box 9960 Collec3m Statics, TX 77842 To~ ItMay Om~nern: I feel TCA should charge c~ly for the signal to a house or apartment, an~ not fo= the r~ber of cutlets you bare. ~hey should offer an ec=w~my package of Please ir~lude my letter as part of the public record of proomed/n~ for the TCA Cable Franch/se ~marinc3s, ~mrsday, February 6, 1992. Xg. C. Fle, =g, 1322 L,-nclkurst Bryan, Texas 77802 January 30, 1992 Mary K. Moore Acting City Manager City of Bryan P. O. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77805 Dear Ms. Moore: I am very pleased to write on behalf of TCA Cable Company in connection with their re-franchising process. In the past six months I had occasion to call their repair office twice seeking information about a new TV I had purchased. As a neophyte in electronics, I was having difficulty in hooking up my set and getting it programmed correctly. Each time the repair office was most helpful and insisted on having a technician stop by to assist me. The technician was most courteous, knowledgable, and professional. In connection with the MTV incident I was an arms-length observer. It appeared to me that the cable company did all they could to satisfy those on both sides of the question, keep the.costs down and keep the public informed. They deserve high marks for effort, public relations, and final outcome. In the six years we have lived in Bryan there have been three cable companies here. TCA Cable Company has performed far better than the others in service, public relations, and programming. I recommend without reservation that their franchise be renewed. Yours very truly, W. C. Fleming, Jr. ~ ' BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT Mary Kay Moore Acting City Manager City of Bryan P.O. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77805 January 31, 1992 Ms. Moore: The District appreciates the opportunity to provide input into a process that will affect our community for years to come. It is our hope that a state of the art cable system will be considered to keep our community competitive when recruiting high-tech businesses. Specific recommendations are as follows; 1. Provide an emergency alerting system to public safety so emergencies can be publicly broadcast as needed. 2. Provide weather monitoring capabilities to the consumer. 3. Provide video access for educational/training programs presented by public safety, civil defense, government services and schools. 4. Provide capabilities to monitor public facilities via CCTV. 5. Provide fiber-optic links that would enable data networks within and between government entities. 6. Offer the enhanced services at a reasonable price as our community has a growing population of fixed and low income persons. 7. Explore the feasibility of Bryan/College Station jointly owning a cable system, much like the Solid Waste project. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this important process. If you need further information or clarifications please call. Sincerely, Jeff Haislet Executive Director P.O. BOX 2291 ,, BRYAN, TEXAS 77806 · (409) 779-0911 go lc..~ 409 361 3895 CITY OF BRYAN (LO) 801 Delma Drive Bryan, TX 77802 February 4, 1992 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 Dear Ms. Piwonka: The letter in the Eagle yesterday from Don and Sara Rice concerning TCA Cable company policy struck such a responsive chord with us that we wanted to state our views as emphatically as possible. One of us spent a long time on the telephone at dinnertime one day last week with a Gallup pollster asking questions in a poll that apparently was commissioned by TCA, but she never asked any questions about the issue of the charges for extra outlets in the same home, and may have ended up with an inaccurately rosy view of our satisfaction level with TCA. Several years ago, we added two rooms to the living area of our home. We had the new living area wired for cable TV in case we wanted in the future to move our (ONLY!) television from the current location into the new room. When the cable company later had to send someone out to repair another problem with the cable connection to the current room, they actually CUT the new wire (which was not then in use) and tossed the cut end back across the attic area where it had entered the house, without even telling us about it at the time. Their excuse afterward was that we were only PAYING for one cable connection. We hadn't even realized that there was a monthly charge just to have the option of moving our TV, and we were extremely angry when we found out what they had done -- we had just paid the contractor to have that cable connection put in, when it was possible to do it easily during the cqnstruction process. However, TCA Cable still holds the same position: if you subscribe to cable, even if you have only one TV, you have to choose exactly where it will be located in your house, and the only way to even maintain the option to change that from time to time is to pay an extra $3.25/month for EACH alternative outlet in your home. (And now they would charge us an extra $20 to RECONNECT the outlet that the cable repair person CUT without informing us or asking permission 4 years ago!) We think that the policy of the cable company regarding payment for additional outlets in the same home is outrageous, and we hope that you will do whatever is necessary to "persuade" them to change that policy, or to award the franchise to a different company. Sincerely yours, Miriam M. Ziegler Thomas O. Baldwin xc: TCA Cable FEE) January 31, 1992 Re: Cable Franchise Hearings Linda Piwonka: I pay for all the channels, except the "extra charge ones" like HBO, Disney Channel, etc - but, Channel 11 (Austin) is blocked out most of the time. This is my complaint. So what if the same program is on another station? Sometime one channel has a better picture than another channel. For example, Channel 11 may have better picture than Channel 3 - I start watching Channel 11, then the Cable Co. takes if off. I am paying for that channel, so I have the right to watch it. I ask that this letter be part of the Public Record of the Proceedings. Sincerely, Carroll P. Waggoner 1209 Westover College Station, TX 77840 GALINDO ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 3833 South Texas Ave., Suite 280 Bryan, Texas 77802 (409) 846.8868 January 31, 1992 Ms. Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Ms. Piwc~ka: Regarding the request for Renewal of the Cable Franchise to TC%W'e'wish to convey our concerns to be included as part of the hearing scheduled for February 6, 1992. 1. We do not believe it is appropriate and fair that TCA Cable should be allowed to charge for each cable outlet installed in a home. What the const~ner should pay is the service connection to the home regardless of the number of out 1 ets. 2. We believe TCA Cable should cc~ply with "truth in advertising" procedures and not classify "bulletin board channels", such as channels 11 and 31, as regular channels. 3. We do not believe that the Franchise renewal should be exteD~ed unless the above concerns are properly satisfied. Furthermore we believe that Franchise renewal should not be granted for a period greater than 5 years. Advances in technology and changes in Federal Law may simplify and open avenues of telec~,,,unications in the near future that may render ckble operations obsolete or null before 10 years. Ten year franchise periods may lock the consumer into regulated backwardness. Sincerely, Christia~nd Jeannie Galindo Home address: 3034 WestwoodMain Bryan, TX 77801 Telephone 779-3411 3800 Tanglewood Bryan, Texas 77802 3 February 1992 Linda Piwonka Cable Franchise Hearings City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Hs. Piwonka~ Although I cannot attend, I would like to add my voice to the cable franchise hearings to be held Thursday. The complaint by Don and Sara Rice in today's Letter to the Editor of the Eagle is completely valid. But the cable company's position is even more inconsistent than Mr. & Mrs. Rice have said. Until several years ago, the cable company owned the wires inside our houses: They installed them, and when repairs were needed, they repaired them without charge to us, the homeowners. But then the company told us that we now own the wires. We are completely responsible for the repair of the cable inside our own home. Thus the company avoids the cost of repairing problems with cable within houses. As long as they owned the cable, it was reasonable for them to charge for extra outlets. But now that we own the cable, their charge for extra outlets is simply a way of getting more money from us without assuming the responsibility and expense of carrying out the maintenance. In other'words, when they handed the wiring over to us, they got rid of the expensive part of owning the wire, while keeping the profit associated with owning the wire. I believe the cable company must be made to relinquish this unreasonable charge. Either they own the wire inside the house, and thus have the right to charge for extra outlets and the responsibility to keep that wiring in repair, or they do not own the wire and relinquish both the expense and the profit. They must not be allowed to maintain the present unfair pricing practice. On another matter that rankles: The cable company for their basic fee provides a box that is designed to be operated remotely. It is quite slow and inconvenient to operate it without the remote control. But they charge an extra monthly fee for the remote control device. Since such a device is quite inexpensive, that extra fee gives them an enormous unwarranted extra profit. The extra fee should be abolished. Sincerely yours, Arthur M. Hobbs RECEIVED FEB - J. R. "DICK" BIRDWELL 1401 POST OAK CIRCLE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 (409) 696-1705 Ltnda Ptwonka City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 7?842 Cable TV Hearing Dear Linda: ! will miss this weeks public heartn~ on Cable TV. this letter is the public record. Please enter ! have been contacted by a citizen who has two complaints with his billing for Cable. He says that the Cable bills for service in advance. He thinks that he should not have to pay for service before he has usair. He pays his bill by bank draft. He says that the Cable Co. drafts on his account 10 days before the the due date on the bill. He points out that most companies that allow bank draft payment, draft on the due date. Regards: Dick Btrdwel 1 HAVE A SAFE DAY 0~,'04.'92 15:47 ~4tl9 B45 .~165 EASTER~'OOD ARPT. ~.uu~' TE~-kS A~xM UNIVERSITY COLL~'~; STATION, TEXAS AIRPORT MC KF.',;Z~ T£a.%UN:xL (409) 845-5].0~ February 4, 1992 Ms. Linde Piwonka Executive Director, Management Services Group City o~ College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 RE: Cable Franchise Agreemen~ - TCA Cable Company Dear Ms. Piwonka: Easterwood Airport would like to have access to cable television at the McKenaie Terminal as well as on the ~ast side of the Airport. The service i~ desired primarily to view the Weather Channel. When the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) closed the Flight Service Station a% Easterwood Airport, pilots at the Airport lost the ability to view a weather radar picture. The Weather Channel would not replace an official weather briefing from the FAA, but would provide useful additional information prior to departure. It can be anticipated that there would be as many as foklr (4) outlets on the Airport. Additional subscriptions could probably be sold to Airport tenants, and to some residents living South of FM 60, and West of PM 2818. Please add this request to the other public comments concerning desired cable service to be negotiated during the franchise process. Sincerely, Director of Avia=ion HER:lee cc: Robert Smith, Vice President for Finance and Administration lib. ~, GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1992 7~00 P.M. ,., .~/ ~ · ~. ~~~-. ~~-