HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/1985 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STUDENT GOVT. LIAISON: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Bond, Brown, McIlhaney, Runnels, Tongco None City Manager Bardell, Director of Capi- tal Improvements Ash, Director of Plan- ning Mayo, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, City Secretary Jones, Direc- tor of Co,unity Center Calliham, City Engineer Pullen, Accountant O'Brien, Major Feldman, Aquatics Superintendent Szabuniewicz, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Administrative Assistant Magoon, Traffic Engineer Black, Utili- ties Office Manager Piwonka, Council Coordinator Jones Ha ch tman See guest register. The meeting was called to order with Councilman Bond absent. Agenda Item No. 1 - Signing of a proclamation designating the week of June 16 - June 22, 1985 as "Safety in the Workplace Week" in College Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the week of June 16 - June 22, 1985 as "Safety in the Workplace Week" in College Station, Texas. Mr. Phillip Smith, representing the American So- ciety of Safety Engineers, was present to accept the proclama- tion. Agenda Item No. 2 - Signing of a proclamation designating the week of June 16 - June 22, 1985 as "Selective Service Registra- tion Week" in College Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the week of June 16 - June 22, 1985 as "Selective Service Registration Week" in College Station, Texas. 00/ 969 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - A~roval of the minutes of the Workshop City Council Meeting, May 22, 1985 and the Regular City Council Meet- ing, May 23, 1985. Councilman Runnels moved approval of the minutes of the Workshop City Council Meeting, May 22, 1985 and the Regular City Council Meeting, May 23, 1985. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of cable television. Mayor Halter asked for comments from the public. Mr. Scott Lummer, member of the steering committee of the Cable Improvement Association, spoke concerning McCaw's recent actions involving the cable service to College Station. He stated that he had wanted to speak specifically to McCaw's proposal to remove WGN from the cable lineup, and then referred to McCaw's announce- ment not to remove WGN from the airwaves. He addressed two points concerning a document entitled "Special Presentation to the City Council of College Station by McCaw Cablevision" stating its purpose to win approval of the franchise granting them cable access to this area, as follows: (1) McCaw promised to consult the community concerning any changes or alterations in the cable service to this comunity including channel selection; and, (2) McCaw promised to advertise and notify subscribers through direct mail of any cable changes. He stated that these two statements suggested that the community would be involved and have input re- garding the selection of programming in this area; he questioned however, McCaw's concern for community input. He submitted to the Council a petition containing approximately 2300 signatures involving citizens' objections to dropping WGN. He urged the Council to take permanent action to ensure that arbitrary changes in cable policy do not occur in the future. Dr. Larry Ringer, 702 Thomas, spoke to McCaw's proposal concern- ing establishing a five channel basic package. He stated that when the Council was considering the original franchise ordinance the steering committee of the CIA suggested that a clause be added which stated that the the minimum or basic service include all major networks and local full power stations if available. He further stated that the proposed minimum service package does not meet the criteria set forth and he urged the Council to up- hold the franchise agreement and continue to require minimum ser- vice of twelve channels, including the three major networks and 00&9T0 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 3 the local full power stations. He defined the phrase "subject to availability" which was included in the franchise ordinance to allow McCaw not to suffer if for some reason there was not a sta- tion for one of the major networks in the area such that the sig- nal could be received. He stated that the term "availability" was not defined to imply that the signal could be received using the rabbit ears on the television. He further stated that the minimum service offered by McCaw should be reasonable and attrac- tive to those consumers desiring the service at an affordable rate and installation charge. He pointed out that because of de- regulation of the cable industry, the only package the Council can consider in terms of the rate of the package and the rate of installation, is the package entitled "minimum." He stated that if the Council allows the four channel minimum package it will be the one package the Council will have regulatory power over. He urged the Council to adhere to the franchise ordinance requiring a minimum service of twelve channels with the major networks and the local full power stations and suggested that the Council up- hold the part of the ordinance requiring a public needs survey. Mr. Steve Parker acknowledged the need for a limited price basic service and expressed his support of the suggestion that a com- munity needs survey should be conducted. He asked the Council to consider an ordinance that would establish a permanent cable ad- visory board or commission to implement a community needs survey in conjunction with McCaw Cablevision to determine the needs of the community. He listed a number of the rights, responsibili- ties and functions of the Council delineated in the Franchise Or- dinance No. 1546. He listed different areas that a Board or Com- mission might aid the Council as follows: (1) Serve as a fact finding agency; (2) review cable television information and make recommendations to the Council; (3) interact with citizens and serve as a buffer for the Council and possibly have the authority to hold public hearings; (4) work with the C.S.I.S.D. and staff to insure the best use of municipal and educational access chan- nels; and, (5) serve as a sounding board for McCaw Cablevision to assist them in any future offerings or changes in service. Mayor Halter noted that he received a letter delineating similar suggestions from Mr. Roger Lewis, Program Director Channel 15. The Council concurred to authorize the City Affairs Council Com- mittee to review the suggestions submitted and return a recommen- dation to the Council in the next thirty days. 09 971 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 4 Agenda Item No. 5 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 Block D University Park Section I Subdivision, located at the intersection of Sprin~ Loop and Tarrow Street, from Apartments Low Density District R-4 to General Commercial District C-1. Applicant is Bricks & Sticks, Inc. (85-103) Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Block D University Park Section I from Apartments Low Density District R-4 to Gener- al Commercial District C-1. He listed the existing land uses in the area. He noted that on the city's Land Use Plan the area along the south side of Spring Loop is reflected as commercial and the area to the north is reflected as medium density residen- tial. He listed the staff recommendations, as follows: (1) any approval for C-1 zoning should be made contingent upon the filing of a subdivision plat which provides for joint access with the C-1 areas to the east and to the south (the Woodbine site); and, (2) without provision for joint access with the adjacent commer- cial tracts commercial zoning should be limited to A-P or C-3. He explained that requiring joint access for this tract with the other C-1 areas will allow for joint development of the lots as part of a larger commercial area and will prevent the creation of small commercial sites which do not comply with the city's com- mercial development policies. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Ms. Phyllis Hobson, representing the owners of the townhomes erected on the referenced tract, requested that the Council not restrict them to development of a site plan in conjunction with the other properties involved. Director of Planning Mayo explained that the staff's recommenda- tion does not require that the projects be tied together on the site plan, but only on the subdivision plat. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above lots. Councilman Runnels moved approval of Ordinance No. 1595 rezoning the referenced tract subject to the filing of a subdivision plat which provides for joint access with the C-1 areas to the east and to the south. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0, w~th Councilman Bond absent. 00 972 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 5 Agenda Item No. 7 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning approximately 1.988 acres of land located on the north side of Brazoswood Drive a~proximatel~ 257 feet west of the intersection of Brazoswood Drive and SH 6 (East B~pass) from Townhouse-Row- house District R-3 to Administrative-Professional District A-P. Applicant is Hank McQuaide. (85-110) Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns 1.988 acres of land located on the north side of Brazoswood Drive from Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3 to Administrative-Professional District A-P. He listed the existing land uses in the area. He noted that on the city's Land Use Plan this area is reflected as commercial and medium density residential. He pointed out that this request provides for an adjustment in zoning district boundaries with no substantial change in the overall area zoning pattern. He recommended approval of the request and noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted (7-0) on 5/16/85 to recommend approval. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above tract. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1596 rezoning the above tract. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0, with Councilman Bond absent. Agenda Item No. 9 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot lB, 2 and 3 Block 1 Kirkpatrick Subdivision from Apartments Medium Density District R-5 to General Commercial District C-1. Applicant is Lewis J. Kirkpatrick. (85-112) Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns Lot lB, 2 and 3 Block 1 Kirkpatrick Subdivision from Apartments Medium Density District R-5 to Gener- al Commercial District C-1. He listed the existing land uses in the area. He noted that on the city's Land Use Plan this area is reflected as commercial and medium density residential. He rec- ommended approval of the request and noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted (7-0) on 05/16/85 to recommend approval. 00 973 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 6 Councilman Tongco asked if there are access problems associated with the property. Director of Planning Mayo stated that there is a twenty-four foot platted private access easement providing access to the property. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above tract. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Ordinance No. 1597 rezoning the above tract. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0, with Councilman Bond absent. Agenda Item No. 11 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lot 19 Block 5 University Oaks #2 Subdivision from Duplex Dis- trict R-2 to Apartments Medium Density District R-5. Applicant is Martha Cox for Homer Cox. (85-113) Director of Planning Mayo presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns Lot 19 Block 5 University Oaks #2 Sub- division from Duplex District R-2 to Apartments Medium Density District R-5. He listed the existing land uses in the area. He noted that on the city's Land Use Plan the area to the north of Dominik is reflected as low density residential with high density residential area reflected to the south of Dominik. He recom- mended that the existing R-2 zoning be retained for the following reasons: (1) the current zoning is in compliance with the Land Use Plan; and, (2) the current zoning and use (duplexes) of the lots along Dominik provide a buffer between the residential area to the north and the high density area to the south of Dominik. He noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted (7-0) on 05/16/85 to recommend denial of the request. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Ms. Martha Cox, representing the applicant, stated that they were interested in obtaining a special use permit to construct a door between the duplexes. She stated that the city staff informed them that to obtain this permit it would require a status change in the zoning of the property. She noted that the applicant is interested in converting the duplex into a fraternity house. She further noted that the lots located to the rear of the referenced lots are vacant and the owner of the property indicated that he has no plans to develop these lots. 00 97& REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 7 Councilman Brown asked approximately how long the special use permit would be required. Ms. Cox replied that in her opinion the permit would only be re- quired for approximately three to four years. Mrs. Betty Trost, owner of two lots adjacent to this property, stated her support of the Planning and Zoning Commission's recom- mendation that the R-2 zoning be maintained. She noted that her family does intend to construct a private residence on the prop- erty in the future. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Mayor Halter questioned the requirements for obtaining a special use permit. Director of Planning Mayo stated that in this case a conditional use permit is required, which is only allowed on an apartment zoned tract of land, such as R-5 or R-6. A~enda Item No. 12 - Consideration of an ordinance rezonin~ the above tract. Councilman Boughton moved denial of the rezoning request. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved by a vote of 5-0-1, with Mayor Halter abstaining from the vote and Councilman Bond absent. A~enda Item No. 13 - CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Cab-Chassis Truck -- One each (Bid ~85-50) PLATS: Final Plat - Second plat, College Station Cemetery Final Plat - Oak Lake Estates - ETJ adjacent to Quail Run Estates (85-209) Final Plat - Resubdivision of Lots 3 thru 7 Block 2 Woodway Village Section Two (85-210) Final Plat - Resubdivision Plat of Lot 1 Block 1 Schick Addition Subdivision (85-212) Final Plat - Petterak Subdivision (85-213) Master Preliminary Plat - Fraternity Row Subdivision (85-305) Councilman McIlhaney removed the Final Plat - Resubdivision Plat of Lot 1 Block 1 Schick Addition Subdivision. Ail items not removed were approved by common consent. 00A975 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 8 Councilman McIlhaney asked if the final plat presented is differ- ent from the plat that the Council considered at a previous meet- ing. Director of Planning Mayo explained that it is essentially the same plat with the addition of a note regarding internal access to all lots within this subdivision. Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the Final Plat - Resubdi- vision Plat of Lot 1 Block 1 Schick Addition including the note regarding internal access to all lots within the subdivision. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. A~enda Item No. 14 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Second Plat for the College Station Cemetery. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 06-13-85-14 authorizing the Mayor to sign a Second Plat for the College Sta- tion Cemetery. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 15 - Discussion of stri~in~ of Southwest Parkway. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He pre- sented the Council with information regarding bicycle/vehicle ac- cidents in the City of College Station from 1970 thru 1983. He pointed out that there were only thirteen accidents over the past thirteen years and noted that only one of the accidents occurred during school hours. He noted that in March, 1985, the staff re- quested Council permission to have Southwest Parkway striped to five lanes, two continuous lanes in both directions and a contin- uous left-turn lane. He noted that the street was constructed to a width of fifty-six feet to carry this number of lanes. He pointed out that over a twenty-four hour period this roadway car- ries between 11,000 and 15,000 vehicles. He recommended that Southwest Parkway be striped to five lanes, two continuous lanes in both directions and a continuous left-turn lane, to move the number of vehicles it was designed to move. 00 97 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 9 Councilman Tongco stated that without access on Southwest Parkway bicycle traffic cannot reach Bee Creek Park and questioned wheth- er bicycles are allowed to use the sidewalks. Director of Capi- tal Improvements Ash explained some alternate bike routes in the area. Councilman McIlhaney noted that during the discussion in March, 1985, the Council requested the staff to investigate all possible avenues for improving the safety along Southwest Parkway includ- ing the construction of 800 feet of sidewalk on the north side of Southwest Parkway between Glade and Langford. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the staff has not addressed those matters yet. Student Government Liaison Hachtman questioned whether bicyclists will be allowed to travel on Southwest Parkway if it is striped to five lanes. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that bicycles will not be prohibited from traveling on Southwest Park- way. Councilman McIlhaney asked if it would be possible to stripe Southwest Parkway to five lanes in the C-1 areas and maintain the bike lanes in residential areas. Director of Capital Improve- ments Ash stated that the suggestion would only be feasible in the short term. Mayor Halter asked for comments from the public. Mr. Richard Griffin noted that the bike lanes on Southwest Park- way are in very poor condition. He distributed a copy of a Safe- ty Design and Operations Practices Study for streets and highways which states that bike lanes are significantly more effective in reducing bicycle/vehicle collisions than previously believed. He noted that it is a bad practice to mix bicycles and vehicles in the outside lane and urged the Council to maintain the bike lanes on Southwest Parkway. After further discussion, Councilman Boughton moved approval of continuing with the plans to stripe Southwest Parkway to five lanes, two continuous lanes in both directions with a continuous left-turn lane, and also directing the staff to construct the 800 feet of sidewalk on the north side of Southwest Parkway between Glade and Langford. 00fi977 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 10 Councilman Runnels seconded the motion. Councilman McIlhaney stated that she did not support the motion in March and could not support this motion because of the danger- ous situation that will be created if the bike lanes are elim- inated. Councilman Tongco stated her opinion that the bicyclists in this cormmunity have very little regard for their own personal safety during the hours of dusk and dawn and during the evening. She suggested that maybe a group of individuals could address this problem. Student Government Liaison Hachtman stated that the Student Gov- ernment at TAMU has established a committee to address the bicy- cle/vehicle traffic problems existing on campus. Councilman Bond arrived at the meeting. The motion was approved by a vote of 5-1-1 as follows: FOR: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Brown, Runnels, Tongco AGAINST: Councilman McIlhaney ABSTAINED: Councilman Bond Councilman McIlhaney expressed her concern with mixing bicycle and vehicle traffic and stated that she would be in favor of pro- hibiting bicycle traffic on Southwest Parkway. Agenda Item No. 16 - Consideration of award of contract for the Richards Street Reconstruction and Waterline Replacement - Com- munity Development Pro~ect No. CD-1984-1. Director of Capital Improvements Ash recommended the award of contract to Young Brothers, Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of $144,752.48 to be funded through the city's Community Develop- ment Program. Councilman Runnels moved approval of award of contract to Young Brothers, Inc., the low bidder, in the amount of $144,752.48. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. 00 97 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 11 A~enda Item No. 17 - Consideration of writeoff of uncollectable taxes. Deputy Finance Director Schroeder submitted a list of property taxes for the years 1974-1979 recommended to be cancelled total- ing $3,179.57. He explained that the accounts are taxes on per- sonal property, primarily furniture and fixtures, on businesses that are no longer open or have declared bankruptcy. He further noted that statutes prevent the city from filing suit for collec- tion of personal property taxes after four years. In addition, good addresses cannot be located for most of these accounts. Mayor Halter questioned why the 1983 taxes on the aircraft listed in the name of TAMU Research Foundation are on the list. Deputy Finance Director Schroeder explained that the Appraisal District has given them a tax exempt status and this action will delete the 1983 taxes from the tax roll. Councilman Runnels moved to authorize the cancellation of delin- quent taxes as recommended by the staff. Councilman Tongco seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 18 - Consideration of Decision Packages for Ho- tel/Motel Tax Fund. Mayor Halter asked for comments from the public relating to fund- ing requests from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund. Mr. Jim Reynolds, President of the Brazos Valley Arts Council, spoke on behalf of the Arts Council's proposed budget. He stated that the Arts Council's performance over the past year has been good and distributed a packet of information delineating the many different activities of the organization. He indicated that the performance of the Arts Council will be better in the coming year due to a number of factors. He stated that the primary pur- pose of the Arts Council is to provide administrative services in a number of areas, as follows: (1) The Arts Council works with a number of State and private agencies providing assistance in writing grants for Arts Council projects, as well as assistance for Arts Council constituent organizations to obtain grant fund- ing from outside of local sources; (2) The Arts Council provides administrative guidance and support for constituent organiza- tions, organizations which are new, and other organizations which have purposes in line with those of the Arts Council; (3) The Arts Council functions as an administrator of public funds; 00&97g REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 12 (4) The Arts Council is responsible for the production of many different programs; (5) The Arts Council is responsible for the promotion of the arts in the communities of Bryan and College Station; and, (6) The Arts Council maintains the responsibility to interface with the public schools. He noted that the Arts Council is functioning in a more complex environment and that the sophistication of the audience in participation, relative to the arts in this con~unity, is higher than ever before. He pointed out that the money in the proposed budget for long range planning is tied to the need for an Arts Center for this co,unity. Councilman McIlhaney questioned how many people attended the Artrain last year. Mr. Reynolds stated that over 8,000 people from eight different counties attended the program. Mayor Halter asked about the Arts Council's involvement with Opus. Mr. Reynolds stated that the Arts Council works with Opus in applying for grants from the Texas Commission on the Arts. Mr. Ed Brady, Executive Vice-President of the Chamber of Com- merce, referred to the packet of information provided to the Council. He stated his appreciation for the new facility housing the Convention and Visitor Bureau and noted that visitor counts are up. He commented on the Chamber's many different activities in the area of returning to the con~unity and to the city dollars for the investments that will be made. He stated that Ms. Anne Bell, Director of the Convention and Visitor Bureau, has initi- ated an aggressive recruiting campaign to target markets that can be recruited to this area. He further stated that in the area of return on investment, the Chamber is prepared to commit to pro- viding 20,000 room nights for the next fiscal year through its promotional activities, which for the $120,000.00 the Chamber is requesting from the city will return to the city between nine and ten million dollars. Ms. Jody Bates, representing the Brazos County Sesquicentennial Commission, stated that the Commission has developed a slide presentation concerning the Sesquicentennial. She distributed a schedule of Sesquicentennial activities. Ms. Debbie Robertson, participant in "Up With People," requested sponsorship from the city in the amount of $1,800.00. She ex- plained that she was one of 550 individuals from the entire world chosen to participate in this program. She further explained the different activities that she will be participating in and the amount of funding required. She stated that she will be pro- moting general interest in this conm~unity all over the world. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 13 City Manager Bardell stated that the balance of the Hotel/Motel Contingency Fund for FY 84-85 is $1,700.00, but noted that there are eighteen days remaining in this fiscal year. Mayor Halter pointed out that in the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund there are requests totaling $573,000.00 and anticipated funds of $433,000.00, which leaves a difference between requests over funds available of approximately $130,878.00. He suggested that the Finance Council Committee meet after the Special City Council Committee, June 17, 1985, to review these requests and return a recommendation to the Council. The Council concurred with Mayor Halter's suggestion. City Manager Bardell suggested that the Council approve half of Ms. Robertson's request and challenge the community to match the city's sponsorship. Council Tongco moved to authorize sponsorship in the amount of $500.00 from the Hotel/Motel Contingency Fund for Ms. Debbie Robertson, with a stipulation that she promote general interest in this community in the countries in which she visits. Councilman Bond seconded the motion which was approved unanimous- ly, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 19 - General discussion of budgetary matters. The was no further discussion of budgetary matters. A~enda Item No. 20 - Consideration of a resolution authorizin~ the acquisition of ri~ht-of-way, either by voluntary purchase or by condemnation, from Southern Pacific Transportation Company for the extension of Holleman Drive immediately west of FM 2154 in the city limits of the City of College Station. City Attorney Locke presented the item. She stated that in 1981 the city entered into negotiations with Southern Pacific Trans- portation Company to try to reach an agreement to construct a railroad crossing at Holleman Drive to the west. She noted that in 1983 a settlement was reached concerning the terms and in Jan- uary, 1985, the city sent the papers regarding the settlement to Southern Pacific. She further noted that Southern Pacific has not responded to any correspondence from the city since that time. She stated that Southern Pacific has indicated that they feel the settlement is off because the city has not tied in the developers, although the city has committed to pay 100% of the cost of the crossing. She recommended that the city initiate the condemnation action and noted that the cost of the crossing in terms of the taking is minimal. 00 981 REGULAR CITY COUNIIL MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1985 PAGE 14 Councilman Runnels moved approval of Resolution No. 06-13-85-20 authorizing the acquisition of right-of-way, either by voluntary purchase or condemnation, from Southern Pacific Transportation Company for the extension of Holleman Drive immediately west of FM 2154 in the city limits of the City of College Station, Texas. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 21 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Chap- ter 4 of the Code of Ordinances of the Cit~ of College Station relating to newspaper dispensing machines. Mayor Halter removed this item at the request of the City Attor- ney. Agenda Item No. 22 - Hear Visitors. No one spoke. 23 - Closed session to discuss pending litigation Agenda Item No. ~6252-17(2)(e)] and personnel [6252-17(2) (~)]. Personnel [6252-17(2)(g)]. 1. Discussion of Administrative Appointments. 2. Discussion of Citizen Committee Appointments. The Council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public. Agenda Item No. 24 - Action on closed session. Councilman McIlhaney moved to appoint Dale Marsico (4/86) as a regular member and Dennis Lee O'Neal (4/86) as an alternate mem- ber to the Energy Management Committee . Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Councilman Tongco expressed her disapproval of the juvenile be- haviors that were directed at Mr. Joseph DiBacco, Regional Vice- President for McCaw Cablevision, and his family. She suggested that the individuals responsible for these actions should seek counseling. Agenda Item No. 25 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at ~ 20 P~. ~ Dian Jon s~,~ity Secretary 00&982 C.U.B.S. ~ f,,'"/ ,y (CITIZI!~S UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) RECEIVED JUN ~0 K~P WGN. NAME ADDRESS C.U.B.S, (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE~ 4 10. 11 15 ?lq -~,,/d.:4 00 9.8 %me,urn a££ sl~neG ooples to K~m~/KORA_, , (¢Z~IZENS 1240 Villa Maria; WE, T~E UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN. NA~E C.U.B.S. UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION ADDRESS (OITIZENS WE, T~E UNDF~SIGNED, DO UNITED FOB BETT~.R STATIONS) }~ARBY PETITION ~00AW OABLE~ISION ADDRESS I, r..c / 18. 19. 20. o 5'8~1 O.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NA~E DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION ADDRESS PHON~ ~ ? ..r-- ??,~-z3,?a 6~t~ -/~ C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NA~I~ DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION ADDRESS 15. 16. _ 18. 19. ,., ~-0o (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NAME DO HEARB¥ PETITION MCCAW ADDRESS CABLE~ISION C.U.B.$. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP NA~E DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAN CABLEI~ISION ADDRESS CITIZENS THE UNDERSIGNED, DO KEEP WGN. NAME C.U.B.S. UNITED FOR BE~TER S~A~IONS) HEARBY PE~ITION MCCA~ CABLE~ISlON ADDRESS Pao~ # ~?J 3o/2 {~q.3 W[ i gd [S r ,i,~ lC,'/ ~. 15. %2.2- ~"., 2 q't ~9. 00~991 C.U.B.S, (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NAME DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEV, ISION ADDRESS "7 (~, 10. 12. 13. 1~. 15. ./. 18. 19. 20. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAN~E ADDRESS P~oN~ # 10 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MDOAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NANE ADDRESS PHON~ # c 5. bye, -/2 7£ ~,u.tq.:.t,.~'~;~ B~,~.tTB~ FOR BBTTBh ~[E~ ~HE UNDEB3IGNED~ DO HEARB¥ pE~I'Olq MO~A~ CABLE~ON ~0 KEEP ~GN. NAME ADDRES-~ PHON~ (CITIZE~ UNITED FOR BETTER ~TATION~) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARB¥ PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISlON TO KEEP WGN. m ?. 00499G 20. ~te~urn a-- sl~rAecl ¢ople~ C ~U*B~~ ~240 V~lla Maria~ (CITIZ~$ ~ITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) ~, T~ ~D~SIGNED, DO ~BY PETITION ~OOAW C~ISION TO K~P WGN. N~ ~DRESS PHON~ ~ 20. ~o KT..~..~OR~, , (GZTZZm~S 1240 Vzlla ~aria; WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN. NA~E UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) HEARBY PETITION ~CCAW CABLE~ISION ADDRESS 9 10. 12. ~Qa 04¼;.- 19. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) RECEIVED JUN WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE .2. 16. ,'2t/z'/>r/~' ,' t/ 20. 21. 22. 23. 25.\ 26. . 6 ?'.~,'- ~ 2_.a _7, - 00/,999 ?., 8~ RECEIVED JUN I :~ Cable¥~si~n (Oi~izens Ual~e~ For ~e~e~ ~ta~ions ) . Q Q5 0 0.1.. WE, ~I~ UNDERSI~NED~ DO I~ARB¥ p~l'~'rO~ MOCA~ CABLE~I~'rO~ NAME ADDRESS PRO~ ~2~- Y~7 2-- :!.5. '6. DN~N03 __. (C'rTIZ]~S L,'NITEO FOR ~ET~E~ STATIONS) WE, TH~ UND~SIGNED, DO H~ABB¥ PETITION MOCAW ~0 KE~P ADDRESS OABLE~ISION (CITIZENS UNITED P0R BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO BEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRE%S. ' $ C.U.B.S. CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION T0 KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 5 (Re~urn all si~ned copies C.U.B.S. ~o KT...A~..KOR_A_, , (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BE~ER STATIONS) 1240 V~lla ~ia) ~, T~ UND~SIGNED, D0 ~BY PETITION ~CCAW C~ISION T0 K~P WGN. NA E ADDRESS PHONI~ ~ C.U.B.S. WE, THE UNDER$IGNED, TO KEEP WGN. DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION NAME ADDRESS PHON~ # 10. 00500- (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~[ISION KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS 12. ~' .005009 20° C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEAl{BY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVoISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS__ PHONE :10. , 12. ~[~. , 7. 18. ~.9. 0050 ~-0. (CITIZENS UNITED FOB BE%~TKB STATIONS) ~E, THE UNDERSIGNED, ~0 KEEP WGN. NAME DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION aDD~ESS P~O~ ~ o _ E i · .7 · 18. 20. 005011 (CITIZENS WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS i 20. 0050'12 .... O.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NA~E DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW OABLE¥ISION ADDRESS PHON~ # II C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS % C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# 6 8 9 005015 (CITIZENS ~11ITED FOR B~TF~ STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP DO HEARTY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION (,,y~ -- ,,t f/~ o.. :!.8. 19. (CITIZENS UNITED FOB BETTF~ STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION TO KEEP WGN. ADDRESS P~o~ # ~"7.<-, 7/~6_ C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# i 9 10. 005018 (CITIZENS WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO ~0 KEEP WGN. NAME UNITED FOR BETTER STATION~) HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION ADDRESS 2~oi dP~~ Zo~ 6. I l 18, :9. 20. 00501't? C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMOAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# 6 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# ? ? ? - o 9 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# -7? 5'- 6~ od o 00502? C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# 6 0O5O23 ' C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NA~E ADDRESS PETITION MCMOAW PHONEj~ 8 CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) T~E UNDERSIGNED, DO ltEREBY PETITION MCMCA}/ NAME ADDRESS PHONE# 005025 (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVlSION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS ., > ,: .,,C-~: ,d~.,..A,,?'. _~/g_ l-_,' PHON~ # 13. (CITIZENS WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN. NA~E UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION ADDRESS '-779~.. L ? 7<` ( "J~tO ? C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) THE UNDF~SIGNED, DO ~EARBY PETITION ~CAW CABLEMISION KI~P WGN. NA~E ADDRESS PHON~ C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAN CABLEVlSION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHON~t # '"t_~'L-3 '1 ? 0 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NA~E DO HEARBY PETITION N~CAW ADDRESS CABLEMISION PHON~ ~ (0ITIZENS WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, D0 TO KEEP WGN. ¢.U.B.S. UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) HEARBY PETITION ~OOAW CABLEV. ISION NAME ADDRESS PHON~ # 12. 16. : ! I%. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE TO K~,P NA~E UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION ~Q~CAW ADDRESS CABLE¥ISION XO. 12. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. 2. 3. 4. ADDRESS PHONE # c~ 14. 16. 17. 18. iy 20 22. 23. ! \: 00503,t' WE, (CITIZENS THE UNDERSIGNED, C.U.B.S. UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE # 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 22. 23. 24. ~ ,,,-c. -~- - 3_A!'._% &~.LL',5 OP 0 .% g 5~ 7qOl g ¢3 - lj-o / 6 '~3 -/t 77 005034 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NA~E ADDRESS PHON~ =~ ,) NAME C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. ADDRESS PHONE"'-- 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. ~ ~j, .~,?? '?~ 5%"' C. 5-)'~--2r,' L,, q 3- ~ ° ~9/ ~ ?3- ~'3~7 - Y,-7/./ 0050'3n C.U.B.S. RECEIVED JUN ! $ 1985 (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. 9. 10. '11 ~.2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. NAME ADDRESS PHONE /G.T3 '-)97~ ,I 1~,'~ Ua#e,/ I,!,e,v ,b,.H 6ol C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME fi. 7 8. ! 13, 14. ADDRESS PHONE # 15. 16.~ 17 18. 005038 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE y??-~?/ 00503? C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED;' DO TO K'EEP WGN, HEARBY PETITION MCCAW NAME ADDRESS CABLEVISION PHONE # NNSN/.N C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# 2 4 q?¢- v 375 0050/~1 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CABLEVISION ~0 KEEP WGN C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER S~ATIONS) PETITION MCMCAW NAME ADDRESS PHONE# lOqO C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MOMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE~/ 9 10. L~ C.U.B.S, (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCMCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN NAME ADDRESS PHONE# 005044 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 0 Bo 9. 10 11 12. 13. 14 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 2-o,, ,T L.../.~..( '9 J'q5 22. 23. 25. O050h q 1 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION STATIONS) MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 12. 1 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21, 22, 23. 25, C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP W~N. NAME ,,,,- 5. 6. 7 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22 ADD'SS PHONE # // 23, 2 ' -- ,- /, : --. ..... ., l 'Y i;-', 7 7~-- c=~. 2bS q. ~,¢- /... -/33, 6?6 (..., c/~ 0050/,~ 7 [ NAI~ (CITIZENS UNDERSIGNED, DO WGN · C.U.B.$. UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) EEARBY PETITION MCCA~ CABLE~ISION ADDRESS ~HON~ # C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN'? NAME ADDRESS PHONE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 1. 25, 26. C 0c, 789? Z LS ~4t,,. ! 4.0fi C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEV, ISION TO KEEP WGN. NA~IE ADDRESS PHONE (CITIZENS UNITED FOR~..JI~..T--TER STATIONS) THE~UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. WE, NAf4E ' .~-" ADDRESS PHONE 11 ¸4. 15. 16. ..'~Y 10., 19 ~' 71 25. E6. 00507:1 WE, THE UNDF~SIGNED, ~0 K~ WGN. (CITIZENS UNI~.ED FOR BETT~ STATIONS) DO ~EARBY p~.TITION ~OAN GABLE~ISION ADDRESS P~ON~ # 10. oo5o." C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~Z_7..- oz_~ ( ..... C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHON~ (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEAl{BY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION TO KEEP WGN. ADDRESS (CITIZENS C.U.B.S. UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO K~EP WGN, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION ADDRESS -7 6~-I- C ~ 7-.k' 1 ' C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEV. ISION TO K t~P WGN, ~ NAI4E ADDRESS PHONE C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN, NA~E DO KEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION ADDRESS PHONE # 14. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NA~E DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION ADDRESS .8. 12. lJ. 15. 16. 18. 19. 0050r~9 20. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. NAME DO HEARBY PETITION I~CCAW ADDRESS CABLE~ISION P~ON~ # C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS ~'z3o/7 o- C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, TI~ UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW ADDRESS CABLE~ISION PHONE # a'¥~ -3a70 ~'7 o.o t~e_& CF-,4'~.. gyro - & j 03 ( CITI ZEN S WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN, NA~E C.U.B.S. UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION ADDRESS PHONE 12 13. 15. 16. 20. O05flR3 (Return all signed copie s C.U.B.S. to KT...A~..0R_A_, . · (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) 1240 Villa Marxa) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION ~o ~:P we.. · RECEIV. ED JUN 1 3 1985 NANE ADDRESS PHON~ ~ , Return all signed C.U.B. ~o KT...A~0R~.. , copies S. 1240 Vxlla Marxa) (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN. NAME HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION ADDRESS PHONE cgcq C~~ "17~- 5"loq . (Return all signed copies C.U.B.S. ¢o. KT...A~/..KORA, . . (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) 12~0 Vzlla Marza) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION ' WGN~ , ' / ' ~'/("~ ' J ADDRESS PHON~ # 10. "12 :i. 5. 16. 18. 19. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION UCCAW CABLEVISIO~..~T~KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 1 2. 3. 4. e 10. 11 12. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24, 25. 0O5-06-/ ~'- /40¥ 005070 C.U.B.S. {CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE # 10. 11 12.( 13. 14 15. 16. 17 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. C-5 · ;,'.,'/.- W7/ ~50T~ o 00S072 0050/' I ;) - " C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITE. D FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE', THE UNDERSIGNED, DO"t~EREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. ADDRESS PHONE # 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 14. 15. 16. (ci~IZ~S 6~i~~°R BETT~ STAT~O'~S) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO ~Y PETITION MCCA~ C~ISION TO K~ WGN. N~ ~DRESS PHONE 11 10. 1.2. "' "' ~' ~' STATIONS) (cITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO TO KEEP WGN. NA~E HEARBY PETITION ~CCAW CABLEV. ISION ADDRESS PHONE ---005 t") r: %~- ~oo U.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NA~E ADDRESS p~oN= # s._ -0050 ~',. 9. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, TO KEEP WGN. DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE¥ISION ADDRESS PHON~ # 12. 16. 17. OLT50~2 C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 3.( 7 8. 7?- OJ~k ~' 15. o? ~ ~ - 3/3-3 17 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. &~? ,.,' ./' ,y' ¢2z-vt~ ¢/ WE, THE UNDEBSIGNED, DO ADDRESS . 19. nn~n~/, t~emurn a~- smgnea col)xes C.U.B.S, to KTAM/KOR_A_, , (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) 1240 Villa Maria) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAll CABLE¥ISION T0 KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHON~ ~ 12. 16. 18. 0n i85 19. 20. C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) RECEIVED JUN J 3 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO KEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN, RECEIVED JUN 1 3 I.?.5 NA~[E ADDRESS PHONE # _---- g9 ?-/D/~ '> __ fl)' K VI,~ 6q'3 ,"7 I~oO 5-~Co 15. 18. 19. 20. Return all signed copies C.U.B.S. to. KTAM/KORA, . (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) 12~0 Villa Maria) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARBY PETITION MCCAW CABLE~ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHON]~ ~e-curn a~£ s~g;nec~ c~ples C,U,B. ~ to. KTA/~/KORA, . (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) 12~0 Villa M~ia) ~, T~ ~DERSIGNED, DO ~BY PETITION MCCAW C~ISION TO K~P WGN. NA~E ADDRESS 7:K'- z47! .. 12. 15. 16. xg. nn.~ 8 0 0 5.0.' 9,,""1 i~re] ,t-'/-',"f,,LOLqZC 'fi t,6% C" ~-] 7& L [- yt) '? ?,.)--.5 ~ ~qc. -'~' ~-- ~z'? LL'- c-,.~ P, D '/" ,::',-',-' ~/ .~q6 - zos' 3 005091 UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE 77m - ~ 71,5" 17. 22. :?2 /I b ?P -- 00509P C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION MCCAW CABLEVISION TO KEEP WGN. ~, NAME_ ADDRESS PHONE ~ 8. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. C ~, ._c /// d' .5 00509/~ ii / 9o a. ge, E? c Q K. (,:'ir. ~7. I01. 00509.~ WE, C.U.B.S. (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BET.TER STATIONS) THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY PETITION I.tCCAW CABLE¥ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHONE (Return .all signed copies C.U.B.S. to. KT...~..0RA, . (CITIZENS UNITED FOR BETTER STATIONS) 12~0 Vxlla Maria) WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEARB'Y PETITION MCCAW CABLE.~ISION TO KEEP WGN. NAME ADDRESS PHON$ 10. 7 ?y- I?1 o 16 19. 20. RESOLUTION NO. 06-13-85-14 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN A SECOND PLAT FOR THE COLLEGE STATION CITY CEMETERY. WHEREAS, the Second Plat for the College Station Cemetery was accepted by the College Station City Council at its meeting on June 13, 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of College Station that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Second Plat for the College Station Cemetery on behalf of the City of College Station. PASSED and APPROVED this 13th day of June , 1985 ATTEST: City S~ry 005098 RESOLUTION NO. 06-13-85-20 WHEREAS, the City of College Station having determined the necessity of extending Holleman Drive west of FM 2154; WHEREAS, the City Council having determined that it is necessary to obtain the right-of-way on property owned by Southern Pacific Transportation Company, and that the pub- lic need requires the acquisition of same in such manner as to make the property available for lawful use for such purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of College Station that the right-of-way area owned by Southern Pacific Tranportation Company west of FM 2154 shall be acquired by the City; and the reasonable cash mar- ket value of same shall be determined and paid according to law, either by voluntary purchase or by condemnation; and that the City Manager, the Mayor, and the City Attorney are authorized to take any and all necessary actions to obtain and pay for such property, including the marketable title thereto, free and clear of any restrictions or covenants inconsistent with the use of same for all lawful public utility purposes. Further, that the City Attorney is by this resolution expressly authorized to initiate and pursue condemnation Droceedings and any other necessary litigation incident to the purpose herein set forth. PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of June , 1985. ATTEST: 005099 GUEST REGULAR CITY THURSDAY, 7:00 P.M. REGISTER COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 13, 1985 8. 26. ~ 13. 14. 32. 15. 33. 16. 34. 005100