HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1983 - Special Minutes City Council (2)MINUTES SPECIAL NORTHGATE COMMITTEE MEETING College Station, Texas March 2, 1983 8:00 P.M. Council members in attendance: Pat Boughton & Lynn Nemec Planning & Zoning members: E. Murl Bailey Zoning Board of Adjustment members: Dan MacGilvray & Jack Upham Staff members: Mike Stevens & Shirley Volk In addition to the above citizens, there were several area merchants and some repre- sentatives of the news media in attendance. A small group of c~tizens met at the Presbyterian Church parking area to take a walking tour through part of the Northgate area of the City which has encountered the majority of the problems involving parking and overcrowded conditions due to gatherings of large numbers of people on certain evenings. Chairman of the the Northgate Study Committee, Dan MacGilvray, told the group that he would like for each of them to put together several statements regarding what they see as major problems in the area, and then to also include suggested solutions to those problems. He also suggested a survey be taken of the proprietors of the businesses in the area which would include that same information. During the walk, suggestions were made which included complete renovation and redecora- tion of the area, taking it back to the 1920's era in looks and allowing no parking at all on University Drive; giving the students in the area the option of paying the University to park or paying the City to park; changing the 2 hour parking limit to 1 hour and then enforcing the limitation; hiring several semi-retired persons to patrol the area and paying them a commission based on the monies collected from violators. Several additional problems were pointed out by area merchants which included that many cars were parked in a spot on Monday and then never moved until Friday, thus taking up spaces which would normally be used by customers of the businesses. The people doing this were referred to as "freeloaders". Difficulty in foot traffic getting across University Drive was also d~scussed, and a suggestion of a 4-way walk light at the corner of University Drive and College ~lain was made. The date of the next Northgate meeting was discussed, but no time was set. Mr. MacGil- vray said he would be in contact with committee members by mail in the next few days, and after that, would set a tlme, date and location for the next meeting. The meeting was informally adjourned at approximately 9:00 P.M. SUBMITTED BY: 'Shir~y Volk~Planning Technician ATTEST: REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Pa~t~'~Bo~ounc i1 Dian Jones,~/ity Secretary' 003'8.13