HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/1977 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: VISITORS PRESENT: MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting March 24, 1977 7:00 P.M. Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer; Gardner, Dozier, Halter, Stephenson, Hazen; City Manager Bardell; Director of Public Works Ford; City Engineer Ash; City Planner Mayo; Director of Parks Wojciechowski; Community Development Planner Callaway; Planning Assistant Longley; Graduate Design Engineer Fees; Assistant Snider None See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of the minutes of the meetings of March 5 and March 10, 1977. The minutes were approved by consent. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mr. Phillip Sutton, Texas A&M Student Senate, requested that consideration of extension of late hour drinking permits until 2:00 A.M. on the weekends be placed on the agenda. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of cemetery lot cost increase. Councilman Dozier reported the Cemetery Committee recommendation on the cost of burial lots and the charge for opening and closing of a grave. City Manager Bardell recommended that the fee for opening and closing a grave be raised to $90.00 with after hour and Saturday rates to be $105.00; all based on labor costs. He further noted that the present cost for the first grave site is $70.00, the recommendation to raise this cost to $100.00 per site, and eliminate multiple lot purchases on a reduced plan as there can be no transfer of title on grave sites. Councilman Dozier again stated that the reasons for increasing the costs were to compensate the city for the cost of labor, and noted the additions and changes to various parts of the rules and regulations. Councilman Dozier moved to adopt the recommendations of the Cemetery Committee and to revise the rules and regulations that are given to the purchasers of cemetery lots. Councilman Halter seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 107 acre tract located east of the East Bypass and approximately 5000 feet south of the inter- section of Harvey Road and the East Bypass from Agricultural Open District A-O to Single Family Residential District R-1. The request is in the name of RainTree Developments, E. W. Schultz, Managing Partner. Mayor Bravenec opened the public hearing. City Planner Mayo described the area of requested rezoning. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 24, 1977 7:00 P.M. Page 2 No one spoke. Mayor Bravenec closed the public hearing. A~enda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of an ordinance rezon~n~ a 107 acre tract located east of the East Bypass and approximately 5000 feet south of the inter- section of Harvey Road and the East Bypass from A~ricultural Open District A-O to Single Family Residential District R-1. The request is in the name of RainTre, Developments, E. W. Schultz, Managing Partner. Councilman Stephenson moved approval of Ordinance No. 1071 rezoning a 107 acre tract located east of the East Bypass. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ringer and passed with Councilman Gardner voting against. Agenda Item No. 6 -- A public hearin8 on consideration of proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. City Planner Mayo described the purposes of the revision and the recommended changes. Mayor Bravenec opened the public hearing. Mr. Michael Murphy commented on various points of the plan and suggested changes. He noted that by increasing the iow density area of the city, it would considerably increase the expense to the city in providing services. Mayor Bravenec directed that the public hearing be continued at the next regular meeting of the Council. Agenda Item No. 7 --Consideration of proper zonin~ on K.F.O. and L. J. Kirkpatrick properties. City Planner Mayo described the rezoning recommendations and the reasons behind these recommendations. Mr. Joe Osoba, part owner of the K.F.O. tract, spoke against the rezoning, stating that the Council was trying to up zone his property causing him economic hardship. Mr. Frank Kahan, also part owner of the tract, spoke against the rezoning of the K.F.O. tract, pointing out a previous development plan of the city. He stated that the Council should not change the zoning of property once the owners have begun plans for development. Councilman Ringer reviewed the history of the property and the zoning controversy behind the Kirkpatrick and K.F.O. tracts. He suggested that zoning for both tracts be R-7, multifamily residential, with a maximum of 16 units per acre. Mr. L. J. Kirkpatrick stated that he was only interested in having his land zoned for apartments. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of an ordinance rezonin~ K.F.O. and L. J. Kirkpatrick properties. Councilman Gardner moved acceptance of the recommendations of the Planning and OZlg MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting Page 3 March 24, 1977 7:00 P.M. Zoning Commission, leaving the Kirkpatr±ck tract as R-1 and rezoning the K.F.O. tract from southwest of the extension of Cornell to R-7. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. Councilman Dozier stated that he felt that R-1 zoning would not develop in this area. City Planner Mayo noted that any development of apartments would require the developer to work with the City Staff in planning the project and that the staff would have an opportunity to utilize any necessary restraints. The motion failed with Councilman Gardner voting for the motion and the remainder of the Council voting against. Councilman Ringer moved and Councilman Halter seconded the motion to approve Ordinance No. 1072 rezoning the K.F.O. tract from R-3 to R-7. The motion passed with Councilman Gardner and Councilman Stephenson voting against. Councilman Dozier moved and Councilman Hazen seconded to rezone the Kirkpartick tract R-7 to a projected line approximately even with that of the K.F.O. tract. The motion failed by the following vote: FOR -- Councilmen Hazen, Ringer, Dozier AGAINST -- Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Halter, Gardner, Stephenson Councilman Halter moved that the Kirkpatrick tract be rezoned as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows: From the back of the existing C-1 zone adjacent to Texas Avenue, eastward to the northerly extension of Cornell Street to be zoned R-7, Low Density Apartments. The area east of Cornell Street to the northerly extension of Dartmouth Avenue to be zoned R-2, Duplex Residential. The remainder of the properties to remain R-I, Single Family Residential. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stephenson. The motion to approve Ordinance No. 1059 passed with Councilman Dozier voting against. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of revisions to multi-family residential district density maximums. Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Mathewson described the recommended changes. Councilman Dozier stated that he felt that R-3 zoning with 43 d.u./acre was too dense a figure for the city at its present rate of growth. Councilman Dozier moved to request that the Planning and Zoning Commission make MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting Mmrch 24, 1977 7:00 P.M. Page 4 specific recommendations to the Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stephenson. The motion passed unanimously. A~enda Item No. 10 -- Consideration of bids on ballfield fencing. Parks Director Wojciechowski, described the bond program development of the Bee Creek ballfield. He recommended the acceptance of the low bid of Allied Fence Company for $7,693.00. Councilman Dozier moved and Councilman Ringer seconded the motion to accept the recommended bid of Allied Fence Company for fencing materials and installation of the second ballfield at Bee Creek. The motion passed with Councilman Gardner voting against. Agenda Item No. 11 -- Consideration of items on the agenda of Tuesday, March 22, 1977. Councilman Halter moved to create a joint committee to meet with the Planning and Zonin~ Commission and the city staff to review the present flood plain ordinance and discuss enforcement procedures and changes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ringer. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Bravenec appointed Councilman Gardner, Chairman; Councilman Halter, and himself as members of the committee. Councilman Halter moved to remove from the table consideration of a final plat resubdividing Lots 42-52 and 55 feet of Lot 55, and Lot 56-58 of the Richards Addition. Councilman Gardner seconded the motion. City Engineer Ash noted that he had received a petition from owners of more than 51% of the land within 200 feet requesting paving and assessment. Councilman Halter moved to approve the resubdivision. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gardner and passed unanimously. Asenda Item No. 12 -- Other business. Councilman Stephenson requested the Council's early consideration of the Community Center Committee report. Mayor Bravenec suggested that a tour be arranged for the most appropriate time available to the Council. Councilman Stephenson asked about the status of the lighting proposal with the University. City Manager Bardell stated that Mr. Paul Stephens, Texas A&M Facilities Planning, has been asked to review the compatibility of the city specifications with the University construction, but had not replied as of yet. Mayor Bravenec read a resolution honoring Reagan Brown's appointment as Stat~~ Commissioner of Agriculture. Councilman Hazen moved and Councilman Ringer seconded to authorize the Mayor to MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting March 24, 1977 7:00 P.M. Page 5 sign the resolution. RESOLUTION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WHEREAS, Reagan Brown has been an esteemed, respected and beloved member of this community for many years, and WHEREAS, Reagan Brown has made many significant contributions to the civic and community life in our area, and WHEREAS, the Honorable Dolph Briscoe, Governor of Texas, has found Reagan Brown worthy of recognition and appointment to high government office, and WHEREAS, Governor Briscoe has appointed Reagan Brown to the position of Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Texas; THEREFORE, BE IT NOW RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of College Station congratulate and bestow the best of wishes upon Commissioner Reagan Brown in his new position and in all his future endeavors, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to Commissioner Reagan Brown and that a copy of this resolution be made a part of the minutes of this meeting. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of March, 1977. APPROVED /s/ Lorence L. Bravenec Mayor ATTEST /s/ Florence Neelley City Secretary The motion to adopt the above resolution passed unanimously. Mayor Bravenec read a resolution relating to the Millican Dam Project. Councilman Ringer asked that the item be delayed until other members of the Council who had not had previous public dealings with this subject could review it. Councilman Dozier agreed and asked that the item be put on the agenda of the next regular meeting. City Manager Bardell noted the tabled motion to grant sewerage access to Tony Jones, developer of Sandstone Subdivision. Councilman Halter moved to remove the item from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier and passed with Councilman Gardner voting against. Councilman Dozier moved to authorize the city to sell sewerage access to Sandstone MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting Page 6 March 24, 1977 7:00 P.M. at one and one-half times the cost to College Station citizens and that the plat carry a note to buyers that they could be assessed for future costs incurred in expanding the system. It to be also understood that the developer will maintain the required lift station. The motion was seconded by Councilman Halter and passed by the following vote: FOR -- Councilmen Ringer, Halter, Dozier; ~yor Bravenec AGAINST -- Councilmen Gardner, Stephenson, Hazen A~enda Item No. 13 -- Adjourn. Councilman Dozier moved and Councilman Halter seconded adjournment. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned. M~ayorPROVED~.~ ATTEST City Secretary Regular City Council Heettn~ Hatch 24, 1977 7:00 2. ~ - ~ 20. 4. 22. 5. 23. 12 ~ /~~ 30. 18. 36.