HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/1975 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES City Council Meeting October 9, 1975 7'00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Holt, Councilmen Bell, Gardner, Dozier, Halter, Adams, City Manager Bardell; Building Official Koehler; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Planning Assistant Longley; Director of Public Works Ford; Administrative Secretary Moss MEMBERS ABSENT' Councilman Bravanec VISITORS PRESENT' See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval p,f minutes of ~the meeting_ of .S..eptember 25, 1975. Councilman Bell moved to approve the minutes.. Councilman Halter seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mrs. Willma Lewis, 1504 Caudill, expressed the disagreement of the residents on Caudill with the proposed sidewalk on that street from Gunsmith to Lawyer. She said they did not believe the children would use the sidewalk and they would recommend that Caudill from Gunsmith to Langford be made a one-way street from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and that bicycle lanes be striped. She requested to meet with the Safety Committee. Councilman Bell said she could attend the next meeting or he could deliver her written concern to the committee. Mr. J. W. Wood brought up a matter he wished to formally present for Council consideration at the next meeting. The matter concerns the possibility of the City of College Station selling water to two adjacent proposed residential subdivisions in the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction of the City. Mrs. Lynn Glazer, Southgate Village Apartments, stated that she felt there were problems of conflict between the City's building code and housing code concerning condemnation or other action against unsafe units, and that there should be a review of the codes. She said the Building Official had inspected her apart- ment concerning roof leaks but that other units had not been inspected. Council- man Dozier suggested that the Building Official inspect some of the other units. Mrs. Glazer said that she could supply a list of all the units with roof leaks and with fallen ceilings. Mr. David Ready supported Mrs. Glazer's complaint and suggested some interim revision of the code to allow condemnation action without eviction. He requested to be allowed to attend the meetings of the subcommittee of the Development Controls Review Committee that will be reviewing the Building Code. Councilman Halter recommended that Mrs. Glazer and Mr. Ready be appointed to the subcommittee, to which they both agreed. Ms. Sue Ella Foster complained of having to pay her garbage bill because she claimed she had no garbage to be picked up, and she could not afford to pay it. City Manager Bardell said the ordinance required each person to pay a garbage bill with no option provided. He said he was concerned about Ms. Foster's problem but he pointed out the problems that would likely arise if the Council were to set a precedent. The main problem concerned neighbors consolidating their garbage to pay only one fee. Councilman Dozier offered to'solve Ms. Foster's problem by paying her garbage bill himself. ~~ MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting October 9, 1975 e Page 2 Bravenec and himself, tion of b - - .... ~-oposed r ~Am~._~lanc~ Contract. Councilman Halter ~LoPOSed revisi n~ ~ Dozier questioned the mainly uxance contract from Councilman absenceC°ncerning items of m ' man Bell said Mr. Sherrill felt the ion InSurance on ~- - - ncllman Councilman Dozier sa of collie- · a~ntenance. Coo · insurance was too hig'~'= ambulance. Council_ sue ~ o. id that Without this insurance, the cities WOuld have to .... onerrill in the to be worthwhile. case of an accident that destroyed the ambulance. Mayor Holt suggested the Council delay action on the contract until the coll~sion insurance COuld be investigated. The Council agreed to include the changes SUggested by Councilman Halter. A~a Item No. 4 -- Re orr from Charter text of proposed revisions to be present ~ev~s~on Com~:~ttee Chairman. Mayor ~!tem No ~ ed by Novembe paring the ~nd Me~-- Consi~ .... 1, 1975. ~ aetar · ~ratlon of F nde for ~- - ..... '~ uenter.-~' UOuncilma, u.~3~ ~-azos Valley u ..... ~-c~man Gard~--~"-~er move~ ~ f~ ?Vu~al Health questioned the ~ representatives COncerning the -~ ~-u oOzier fact . ~ n~ had h~ard t~ ~ tlves claimed t~ .... ~mount contributed by the get the information motion until th~ ~ ~ ~o give $500~ of the = next Council meeti when they could r SeCond . e mOt'on passed un an's contribution. Councilman A enda Item No 6 C°ns~derat~on of Tele hone Rate Ordinance. Mayor Holt ~n the out of Ordinance No. COurt settlement. Councilman Dozier moved was not at the981' Councilman Bell Seconded. Councilmant~a~~ attics involved settlement meeting and felt that their original offer washe lman Gardner questioned the proposed twenty_five cent COin telephone rate. He stated that this WOuld have to be adjusted before he could Vote for it; for example, distribute that increase OVer the residential and/or business phones. Some ~n the audience Were also against the pay phone increase. Councilman Dozier stated that he did not feel most people made that many pay phone calls and that this is not the real iSSue anyway. He felt the Council had agreed to the OVerall rate increase in good faith and Should Stand by it. The motion passed by the following Vote: FOR: Councilmen Doz AGAINST: Councilmenier, Bell, Halter, Mayor Holt Gardner, Adams. A enda Item No. 7 -- Consideration of Formation of Civic Center Committee Adams stated that he felt each COuncilm of one COuncilman nominating four_ ~ .... a~.should nominate a member, instead nominated. Mayor Hol . . n · ~=" rnough he ~f,~he four apiece ~: Councilmen Dozier - - - had no objection ~ii nominat~ ~ ~ ouncilman Ga~ .... ~na Halter a _ _to the four -- ~"~ ±ater. Co,,--=~_ ~-~r added a n · gyved to nominat o ~-c&&man Bell -- - omlnat~on C ...... ed ne moved e ..... ' _ uuncllman Ada ~ =Pprove the n- ms °minations as appointments unaminously t2,~the Committee. Cou · _~ , ' ~7~?~nt~ents are:nc~lma" Dozier seconded. The ~u~a (Chairman) ........... Councilma motion passed Manuel Pen-a .... _ ........ Council n Halter . ..... ncilman Dozier ' ' · .................. Councilman Gardner MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting October 9, 1975 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of Livestock License for Jack ~ham. Councilman Dozier moved to approve the application for the livestock license for Jack W. Upham. Councilman Halter seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Consideration of Livestock License for Francis M. Martin. Councilman Dozier moved to approve the Martin license to keep horses. Council- man Halter seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Other Business. Councilman Dozier explained a situation concerning the park dedication and building permit issuance for an apartment project by E. Kelly Parker and Paul Wohlberg on Southwest Parkway. The developer had met with Councilman Dozier, the staff, and the Parks and Recreation Committee. As a result of the meeting Mr. Wohlberg had sent a letter stating that he would make the park dedication as agreed upon in that meeting as soon as he could contact the owner of the tract and settle the release. Mr. Wohlberg is requesting the issuance of the building permit now though so that he can begin construction in order to open the apartments for the spring semester at the University. Councilman Dozier moved to approve the issuance of the building permit. Council- man Halter seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Holt read a letter of resignation from Fredda Austin on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mrs. Austin is moving out of town. Mayor Holt suggested that they accept the resignation and consider a replacement at the next meeting. Councilman Bell recommended the appointment of Gall Cooper, 1203 Francis, Malon Southerland, 1700 Jersey, and George Drummond, 205 Jersey, to the College Station Safety Committee. Councilman Bell moved to appoint them to that committee. Councilman Dozier seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Holt directed the City Manager to draft a letter of appreciation from the Council to Fredda Austin. Ag. enda Item No. 11 -- Adjourn. Councilman Adams moved to adjourn. Councilman Gardner seconded. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVED Mayor ATTEST City Secretary Regular City Council Meeting October 9, 1975 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW- e 1 e 11. 12. 16. \ 26. , I /,~' . 27. 28.~ .. 29. 30. ~',.-',. ' 31. ~ ' · ,/ 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 42. 62. 43. 63,. 44. 64, 45. 65 o' 46. 66. 47. 67. 48. 68. 49. 69. 5O: 70. 51. 71, 52, 72. 53. 73, 54. 55. 56. 74. 75, 76.