HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/13/2017 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APRIL 13, 2017 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Blanche Brick Jerome Rektorik Linda Harvell Barry Moore Julie Schultz James Benham, arrived after roll call City Staff: Student Liaison Kelly Templin, City Manager Spencer Davis, VP Municipal Affairs Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager Absent Carla Robinson, City Attorney Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2017 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 2. Executive Session In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, and §551.072-Real Estate, the College Station City Council convened into Executive Session at 5:07 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2017 in order to continue discussing matters pertaining to: A. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation;to wit: • Kathryn A. Stever-Harper as Executrix for the Estate of John Wesley Harper v. City of College Station and Judy Meeks; No. 15,977-PC in the County Court No. 1, Brazos County, Texas; and • Charlton F. Clayton v. City of College Station; Case: 4:16-cv-03485 in the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division. WKSHP041317 Minutes Page 1 B. Deliberation on the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; to wit • Potential conveyance of property interest in the City's water well field properties located generally in the north western portion of Brazos County and the south eastern portion of Robertson County The Executive Session recessed at 5:30 p.m. 3. Take action, if any, on Executive Session. No action was required from Executive Session. 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion on items listed on the consent agenda. Items 2d, 2e, and 2f were pulled from Consent for clarification. (2d) and(2e): Troy Rother, Traffic Engineer, explained the rationale for determining the need for four-way stops, such as the number of cars in a specified time frame, etc. (2,f): Donald Harmon,Director of Public Works,clarified the trail section that realized the savings. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau update. Jim Ross provided an update on the CVB to Council and detailed the Board priorities. They strengthened the Board and improved the marketing focus. He expressed appreciation for the HOT grant program. He noted hotel growth and their importance to the community. Shannon Overby introduced the new name of the organization . . . Experience Bryan College Station. They anticipate moving into their new office in early June. There has also been a restructuring of the organization, and they have created working committees. They are very involved with economic development and local awareness marketing. A video was shown that will be used for marketing the community. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a capital improvement plan update. Donald Harmon, Director of Public Works, provided a status update on the Capital Improvement Plan. He recapped some of the recently completed projects. He then discussed projects that are under construction and in design. At 7:14 p.m., Mayor Mooney recessed the Workshop. Workshop reconvened at 8:30 p.m. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the 2017 City Council Strategic Plan. WKSHP041317 Minutes Page 2 Aubrey Nettles, Special Projects Coordinator, updated the Council regarding the Strategic Plan. The core values were presented, and it was noted that one more was added: Plan and collaborate with Texas A&M University. The core value of Good Governance was amended to add the underlined phrase: The city is governed in a transparent, efficient, accountable and responsive manner on behalf of its citizens that actively promotes citizen involvement. Improving mobility was amended to add the word "innovative". A brief overview of 2017 projects was provided. Some of these will build upon each other and will continue into 2018 and 2019. Staff will provide progress report updates through weekly updates and other means. 8. Council Calendar Council reviewed the calendar. 9. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Animal Shelter Board,Annexation Task Force,Arts Council of Brazos Valley,Arts Council Sub-Committee, Audit Committee,Bicycle,Pedestrian,and Greenways Advisory Board,Bio-Corridor Board of Adjustments, Blinn College Brazos Valley Advisory Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce, Budget and Finance Committee, BVSWMA, BVWACS, Compensation and Benefits Committee, Convention & Visitors Bureau, Design Review Board, Economic Development Committee, FBT/Texas Aggies Go to War, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association,Intergovernmental Committee,Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission, Library Board, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Research Valley Partnership, Research Valley Technology Council, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Sister Cities Association,Transportation and Mobility Committee, TAMU Student Senate, Texas Municipal League, Twin City Endowment, YMCA, Youth Advisory Council, Zoning Board of Adjustments. Mayor Mooney reported on BVSWMA. 10. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the workshop of the College Station City Council at 8:46 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2017. i A11 rl •oney Mayor ATTEST: Sheei-ry Mash! rn, City Secretary WKSHP041317 Minutes Page 3