HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndian Lakes Ph1 Pg2of7 RESUBFIELD NOTES Rem notes of a 30.02 «re tract or parol of fond, lylrig and being Adult in Ne 1 M. Gomm Survey, ILsbam No 69, Bomoe Commit. Tena and CAN part of She 3W,W ache Tmd One and part of the 103724 dean Tract Two des dI In the dead from Thousand MM Envelopment Company Joest Venture to Smlling Mallard O elopmsM Ltd, recorded In Volume 4247. Page 51, 01 the ONicial Records of Brazos County. Tens, and mid 399,02 acre tract "Ing more particull deecrl6N oe fallow.: BEGINNING: at the 1/2' 1and se t the northwest co of the Wo=n MlonW hill den mitract, Same bang o the lire of o =Ilea 96,252 gam treat doweemoa m the dead to the Bewley Trust retarded in Volume 2259. Page 19 of the Oft l Rwanda of Bernal County. Tom*: THENCE: N 89. 04 25" E all the common Ione of the beforementloned 1039.24 earn front and the beforementwned 7dean.252 actract, adjacent to a fence, far a targets of 390.39 feet to a 1/2'.rad set at the north ... \ o ro north of No 50' wide Citgo Panama easementa enhanced n Volume 4050. Page 98 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Name, from entries o 318' n me found In as = Concrete at a 8 c et fence co morning the mainframeco r of the Mfanmanicned 1037.24 acre tract boon N 89'004 25' E a Contends of 5221.16 feel THENCE. b4. 21' 53' E through the nt.nor of the bOoremenaoned 1037.24 dead and MOOD acre tral and alarg the northwn law of the beforementloned W wide CRgo Pipeline Easement. for o distance of 191778 Mt to a X' Iron red W In the north right -M -way fort' CgM-of-nay) line of Mean Verde Drive, mm. Irving acurve ve m the north having o radius of 2450.00 fen; THENCE .long the heart, right -m- % nIs Vera Drive 000 right-of-eay ) as follow 1) WesteNy along said curve far on sac length of 13652 feet to a %' Iron red get at the and of this Curve, me chord boon S 89' 59 33' W - 13650 lestand 2) N 89' 24' 35' Wfar o distance of 37384 ten to o %'n rod mt. THEnKE 5 Cl- 35' 25' W aarv.e Man Verde EMe (IN tight-ofmy) for a distance of 10600 4n to a NO Iron rad en in me eaNh right -of -eq of Mae Verde 0...: THENCE'. along tax south right of say line of Mesa Verde IMvo (100' right-of-Wq) as folio" 1) 5 BT 24' 35 E for a distance of 37384 feel to a K' inor, red est at the bginning of a curve concave to the noon having a radius of fool fact gad 2) EaarNy abng aaid curve for a are length Of 2052 lM to a X' Iron our an on the northeast Ione M the beforementloned 50' wade CHga Rp9ns Eanment. the count Mcle N 111 33' H' E - 288.40 fan: TNI abng the northeast line of the bebrementiwea W' wide Citgo Pipeline Eaame as follows'. 1) S 54. 211 BY E ter a distance of 158.16 M1n to a %' Iron rad mt. 2) S 64' I9' 23' E for a dinana of 979 45 feet to a %' Iran roe mt and 3) S 54' 05' 24' E for a distance M 493eO fast to a Sl THOMAS: N W' oY 45 E for a distance of 410.21 fat to a %Tara r hada i TN , N H' 34' 53' E for o distance of 397.64 font to a X' iron rod W. 1HE4i 5 15' 25' 07' E for o distance of ISO.13 fast to o Im iron roe eel In lM north cul -do -ac Nht-M-Way line of Calved Sorrow 0rlw (70' right-W-wuy7 . me being a ave m the south having a radius of 50 fast THENCE: among the north and Som right of way on .f Call Springs oars (70' fight -of -way) on follows. 1) Ealnly along mid curve for o e length of 110.71 Int to a X' iron red se at the bglnnlng d Reverse Recurve having a radius Of 25.W fM. No cram bran a a8. 42'03- E - 89.44 fast, 2) Scnbry abng vote curve for on arc bn9rh of 1603 fast W a X' iron had ones at the end of this curve, the chord board S 0r 42' 43' E - 15.BI Not, 3) 5 20' 06' 49' E for a durance of 220.81 feet to a X" Iran had W at the b irnmg of a curve concave to the southwest haNy ,redia W 43503 fen, 4) BoNMtly along mm curve for a art length of 146.93 fat to a %" iron res mt W the and N this curve. me chore boon S 10. 32' 1r E - 10.24 M 5) S W 55' 35' E for o distance of 1109.13 len to o %' inch rod an at the beginning of a curve concave W the went having a radius of 43503 feet. 6) $a tN long mid curve for on arc length a 259.N fan to a %' Iron red set at See end of this curve, the front boon S 16- 07' S8' W - 255.22 fM 7) G 33' 11. 31' W for a distance of 76.32 fat to a %' iron had set at the beginning of the wnemmn Curve from Calera Springs 06" to lMlon lake pion (80' right -of -war), royal , haeme a 2503 fast one 8) So " o" wad tnne8ion gum for anm length of 3283 fee to a %' ran red an at the and of this curver and In the nortaxoal rgrt-a-war line of Indian lakes Drive (80' nghl-of-soy), some Irving a wi an.... to the mutbwwt horng a radius of 89OX feel, the Nwrd ban 5 09' S5 41' E - 34.15 fan. THENCE along N4 rgrrbaet ght-of-way line of Il Lokes Drum (00' NA-of-eo9) an follows: 1) BouMwobrtf alar. sold =m for on art length or 264.40 fen to a X' Iron red not at the and Of this Curve. the mom boon 5 44. 32 15' - 263.43 Net and 2) 5 36. 91' 3e' E for a distance of 740.61 feel to a %' 'on rW at: 1NENCE: 5 S3. 56' 24- W across Indian takes DCw (W' Rout.) for a distance Of 80.00 feet to a %' Iran N rel at the col of Ne transition rw flu n Indiana Labe pow to Chaco Carryon Drive (70' right-of-way) having a ndiva of 2500 fat, TME: acing; Ne wu a right-of-way line of Chaco Conyon Orion (70' right -al -ray) oe fWowe: 1) w4Mx% abng mid tartan curve for on an length of 39.27 fast to a X' Iran rod ent at the end of this cam, the chord boom N fit' 01- 36, r36' W - 3538 feel, 2) S 53' S8' 24' W for o distance of 507,55 feat to o X' Iron rod al at the morning of a curve ...cove to the .ouUwst "AN o nal of 56,00 fat, 3) Southeasterly along mid curve for an arc length of 16276 fat to a %" rude rod vet at the end of this curve, the chorm fawn S 45. 43' 11' W - 16232 teal, 4) 5 37' 27' S9' W for o distance of 812.87 last to a X' iron and net M the beginning of a cum ...cove to the southwest hating o radion Of 96.03 fat. 5) SouthmaWy abng said cum for an are length of 127.03 Net to a %' iron rod mt of She eM of this curve, the choN Nan 5 33' al' 41' W - 128.94 feet, 6) S 29. 55 25' w far a clothes .f 944.16 fat to e W inn Had W at the beginning Of a cum concave m the southeast. having a radius of 56500 Neer 7) Sauthwoeedy along mid curve for an arc length OI 178.39 feet to o %' iron red mt at the and of Nle cum, the chard bean 5 20' 52' 42' W - 177A5 fast. e) 8 n' 49' S8' w for a distance of Mun fast to a %' Iron rod se at the beginning of Ne ml-de-eoc transition tam. having o radia. of 25.00 last, 0) Seasonal along sea curve lar on am length Of 1609 Nee to o it Iran rod wt at the beginning of the cul-m-agic cora, having o radius Of 50.00 feet. the mina dean S 06. 36' OB' E - 1561 Nen and 10)geothewbM along mid cul-de-sac curve r an arc length of 155.16 fat to a %' Iran and sy, et OI the end of this vuryMe chem boon S BY 51' 49' W - 9998 tat; THENCE: S 62' 45' S0' W for a dhtance of 4616 fear to a %' Iron end wt: THENCE: 5 11' W' 51 W for a distance of 294.36 fest to a % ;nn red flatl THENCE: S 65' 35' 22- W for a distance of 112.33 tat to . cmfetie fence wmw found In the common fine between the beforementloned 360.00 Core Trod One and tb 101 acn Treat Too, and creation fence comer also Bing Are occupad northeast corm of the tolled 320 acre tact - Frank B. McWgvr d HC In Volume 'P'. Page 387, of the Ned Records of Brazos County Tezae, the southwest comes of the said 360.03 acre trml been S W' 15' 3B' W - Sol feet; HENCE: Wrg the comm= Nne MNan the Nbnmentioned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and the WGNI 320 core tract, adjacent b 0 fence, av falba: 1) S 89' K 22' W for a distance of 185696 fast to a C cmeoN poet fence coming, 2) N 02' CA' 26' W fora distance of 556.07 fee! to reason Noce c and m 3) S 69. 32' 01 W for o distance of 622,21 fast m a 10' Cheatham "at fence a morning the co comer between the 103724 0 Tree Two am the 46645 acre train eaclbee in the aaa to William W. Smith remworrded in Volume 2533. P 315. of the 01Wb1 RmbN. of Brazos County, Tenet THENCE'. along the common line between the beommendoned 1037.24 acre Tract Two and She Smith 46148 acre tract adjacent to a fence on fall 1) N a0. 29' 32- W far a due .... .f 1296.07 feet to a 10' cmwN Pont. 2) N W' 26' 20' W for a distance of 292495 fat to . 8' a0th pgad 3) N W' 29' 53' E fon a distance of 135.56 feet to o %' o0ct red a( THENCE; S 45' 17' 40' E through the [neutron of the beNnmentianee 1037.24 lore tract for o distance of 103535 fast b 0 %' inch roC at lot 1NFNCE: N 4P 42' 20' E fon a damage Of 144.16 tool to o K' Imh had ap Thi 5 W 13' 6' E M a chance of 95.45 feet to a %' iron red me. HENCE: 5 5B W 42H E fa a tl ob of 6-04 feet to a %' iron red at THENCE: 5 76' 9' 16' E fon a Me" n 112.57 feet to a %' ;ran red W 1HENCE: N 74. 33. 31- for a AONma Of 116.31 fast to a %' imn rod y! THENCE: 5 87 b' OT E Ion a Jnance of 104.49 fest to a K' Iran N mt; 1 : N CC 33' 42' E for o dYbma Of 106.03 feel to a %' Iron rod set T KE: N W 01' 17' W for a dlMrce W 1050 few to a X' iwn ne W, 1 KE: S 78 Be 31' E Be a AYtance a 201.56 field to to a %' iron rod se HENCE: N 25. 47' 19 _ W fair a Mance a Moo Net to a %" inn Cod mt TNENCE N 24' T' M' W fa a d ,ce o 324.W feet to a %' inn rod wt: THENCE: N 45. 17' 40' W fa o Manw of 225,03 family to a %' Iran M wt; THENCE: N 42. 51' 47' W fon o d nm Of 96.50 Nixon W a K' Iran rod M in Ne wont ngh l-Wq fres. of Mwa Verde Drive (100 Wgho-n-say); THENCE. S 6. 24. 35' E along the wi right-of-way tine of Sana Verde pion (103' rght-of-war) for a distance of 213.05 feel to o %' Iran red W: THE)i N 01' 35' 25' E across n Verde ortve (too dgM-of-way) for o distance of 100.00 feet to a %" Iran rod at at the hogonnong Of the tmral curve fears Mm Verde Mw to Indbn take ante (50' right-of-way)a to 1M northwest having a radius of 25.00 Mt: THENCE all the wwh~ r;rl-a-way 9f Hwa Verde Chun wa (Bo' Nht-of-y) os mba: 1) NoMsaaWy obng said curve for an arc length of SSW feel W a X' Iron rod an Of the beginning of o curve concave to the northeast hi o radius of III few, the chow boon N X' 51' X' E - 43.62 fan. 2) NedhmNdy long sum mm lar an oe, margin of 45.6 fat to a %' Iron red vel of the and of this cum, the mem beam N 28. 23- N' W - 4564 fee, 3) N 28. 55' W" W lar a distance of 37276 false to o ti Iron rad W at the Nginning Of n curve cone... to the southeast hwinq a wdiw Of 810X fee. 4) Nommeadary Zang said win for m aro length of 3876 lost to a %' iron half net at Ne end of do =m, the chem Nam N 40. 38' 51' W - 384.15 feet, 5) N Sam 21' SS W for o durance of 34332 fast W o %' inn rad W at the l gal of a =m cm=m W the south having a radius of WOW feet and 6) NadheegaM along said curve for o am length of 352.87 fear to a %' Iran rod ao In the common line NNeen the of orementioned 103724 n Troe Two and the Smith 06,48 Card tract. the chord boon N 72' 38' N' W - 376H1 fest; NENCEa07 04' 25' W ter , ANN... Of 8391 Nast W a %' [ran roC W for comen HENCE'. N OP 20' 53- E along the common fins NMan the Nfonmmtianed 1037.24 acre Treat Too and the Smith 46.48 acn lour, adjacent to a Nna. Nr o distance of SO 02 Ial In fire PUCE OF BEGINNING containing 399.02 acne of Icnd, mon or few. CERIIRGTE OF SURVEYOR r 1 }QBTpA�INEryOF TFW.S gY0` • L W 73731105 I, Kaln R. McClure, Registered Prolaabnol Land Signa r No. 5650. In the State of Tesos, hereby g R,Mf Phil Nn axis Pot Is true and carrW and w® pre00'ed fromacWw al rwy a the property and {0310 /vrawrty m M« ore mmummb were totes der my wpvamm on Ne gwrd. r h4aarv. r� �A lure LNwW 4�4�W S KWn R. MCC. .P. Dae Bk Vol Pg 00851850 OR 5998 151 LOVE TABLE LINE LINE BEARING 01511 L J six 0131 W 76.32' L1 Ill 1oil E 76.31' LJ 511-49:58w 35.83• Let N34J0''ll 138.95' 45 S34'JO•l6w IJ8.95' L6 5173201£ 1 60.00' L7 AWW"M23E 75.00' LB N261174W 6280' 49 NM2974£ 19.86' 410 N470705E 19.)9' 411 52021'147 6180' L12 S09•Jo2J-W 75:00' GIJ ilM`2958w 841 L14 NMW'I2w 8.41• L15 NS JJ'2f w 1. 116 N5450'IJw J7.54' Liz .570'00100£ 29.16' LIB SW'ILI 65.51' 119 S1 WT 90.31' LX SLP 27E 1117 I SJ6 854E 1 70.96' 422 111750441w 1 122.61' 42J N75'IJ:29E flet L24 SJ,'5431E ,29.70' Li SAVIDIffill tam' L26 NL05535'1Y U33 L1J NSTJ420E .OB' 428 M55'01'!lw BJ31' 419 A0J'W'46E 75.15' L30 NiMme L IJ7 LJI LJ2 LJJ L34 L35 Nihil 5 T NO3'24'19E N44• 0 £ NJI.OJ06W NJI'0JMaW 1 178.81' 132)1' 20289' 6335' 92, L36 GJ7 LM LJ9 NI60036w N2 41)03 NMIM24W 57XO81WV 206.54' 108) ' 51. Lf0 I N40' '1 LIN L41 N1J5071 E 91 442 S2JJ2'42E fliatill 443 Wr19 •live Lierl LH 559isfel ' LN S4T1/30 7' 146 55622403E 163.44' L47 A95N SZE l LN Ail"521Mr JH L49 11I4W Ion .16' 450 ?V7$4 I mr 117,87' L51 NIB'4803£ 113 1051 N16J42517 116 LSJ NI4'15'4JW / 1. L54 11/4954.7•W 91. L55 I NM13'4703 Ili L56 N7620'!7W 1155 L57 I 26MT L 157 L 138 L159 I I NW102'47 11 L59 /40.14727'W l7. LX 8110' 41M.5BB'G725Ia L61 mi'm om W I i/5/5• L62 N1755 J2W ii1.80• 1063 NBrO6S.w JX. IJ' L54 N75J191W lal 463 a "H 11v 61 466 WX261JYE 68.82• L67 5855156E 141.61' L68 5692953E 12497• L69 5895903E 141 IM 628W Mi L71 NJreffie w 1716.60' L72 NJl Y6'HW Imill L73 27'05£ JW. 49' L74 Wr0924E 127.19' 475 AoEQFWMT i ' L76 00E 101,N' 477 17'17W 280.,8' UB S25617'Ji 48.96' LJ9 19561' 755' LX AAWIKI Of 6a 67' L81 N71.Of i1Ar V. ' LB2 1263' 84 75' LBJ N7440041T 12451' LW s69'1629E 14.84• LBS Il'09w L 197 486 572'S5'Xw IOB.H' L87 SH25'I7w 5611 • LBB 517417J1Y W.14' 499 IT422JW 1 97 1090 J7'JO Li 491 SJg20'S?E 60.14' L92 sH'Ob"SSE IH60' L9J N7l'1159w 48.80' 1094 N541Tz'S6w 49.07' L95 569' 41.78' L96 L97 LM L99 LIX SOTSI'M-C 5162214003 51622"40w S2J'5e 32 t- 508'3721w it"i .N' 2011125' 17700' Dae Bk Vol Pg 00851850 OR 5998 151 LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L 101 SI5'0322 •W 10746' LW 54242210E 67. J7' LJOJ 543'4639W ZIPT LIM LIDS 517,1430E SOT523]E 01.74 19.98' LIM LIM LIM L109 LIIO N9''44M vC N]9'44'08E N10'01'5927 NJ92125E N23'07"04E )9.96' 6490' 5IA3' -Al jiliI7' Lill _ L,I1 LI )3 N56'4629E N13'16'09E N04'06'I4E 12211' 185/6' 5713' L114 N31uT'SlE 1 71.86' L115 509'18-47£ .IB' L116 s007952w 101.96' L117 S33'05'10£ 8697' L,1B S69'0931£ 7704' L119 N7J12 M7 120.65' L119 N55-Mi'M 75. L 111 N39565/E 3798' L 112 ss1'4550W 40.16' L 121 N69'4152E M..90' L 12 SJ60433w 60.01' L 124 54 JI POLY W 48.31' L 115 sell WV 91.02' L 126 56659X19 9392' 1117 Sill 3503 100.24' G 128S6 ' SJ'%' M.51' L119 5 976W 99. 5' L IJO 52616.T00E I 17666' LlJJ 556495Jw 1 32.14' L132 I vViElit"litYSFW 1 1 el U33 111 'IJW ' LlJ SJ1' w 7' LIDS 514' 2 w 119.76' (IJ6 SOF' 225E 102,971 L IJ7 S 627E 51,68' L 156 SB6IJ05W JOI.JI' Lim WrIll 8775' LIN NSP5856W 5465' L 141 0V76'26'S4W Sam, 4142 50117`1638£ 1545)' L 141 N50'X 3503 91.56' L/H S W 67. LIN 553.59141 E 15J.07' L,166 Sill"Im .5E W. W' LI47 530.1535E 11.61' L1N 5551603E ill L149 'IOW 7ml LIM 5dr2l41I 11J.10, L 15/ J85Bw 74 ' 031 506 20E 121 LIS) S.T7I57E 4298' LIS{ 5vW 11717 I 4)65 539"09•!911' 67.14' 1155 SIT 55017_ 5559' L 157 L 138 L159 56J'mill Z" 512.2'!219 Y l "0917 _ 4318' 98.36' 99, LIM L161 L162 L163 01_4 S661679E s69'1629E NJI'5673W N2T5248W 74'10'!003 76.9 ' _ tial Bil T 1221 76. L183 SB1'!9'IfW 8110' 41M.5BB'G725Ia N05'007w 1'a L 167 N7J)474w 111.44' LIMB 589')0' 803 LIM 4 4 ' LIM H" ISBW 75. L 171 NIB' w 47 L 171 N75miii I Mel L1Via NIT '5E X! 1' L 174 7' 55.00' LlJ J302w 74. L178 N560528E 0,51, L177 SS 35WY 1 74.82 L i7B SJ/316 J2E /IH Li 525.03,'5103 iJ9.7g' L NJ 1 2w /16. 30 ' Lie,ist L 182 LILLY 418f S372758w _-r N51:T1 qTW NJ727'SBE T 4T12W 5503' W.74' 55.00' 14211' LIM LIM L 187 LIM 1405419E 502" 33_Z Wr.W52Y S16aJ29E_ _ 1190!' _ 151.62' _ 149.69' IWOO, LIM SIS!?7`t 85.12' LIW 532`6mlE 19561' 4191 5J736'47E 31.77' L 192 N54?656 E 43]5' L 193 N 3856E 1263' L 103 W7 '47`1111` 51. L 195 N31S4'Nw 201.X' LITH N!J'2527W 91.07' L 197 NIOW294111V 17346 LIM N161329V 1.87' L199 NO707'Xw ing, Dae Bk Vol Pg 00851850 OR 5998 151 LOVE TABLE LAVE I BEARING I DISTANCE L1W M22552 RE 51119' 4201 W2.OB33W /4541' 1202 1121'05'19W 4716' L11V 55445047E 111.91' L204 SYJ774E 91.10' L205 552'05')1£ MI L206 549-48imliM JOlA7 L207 S55J728E 17 Li S55'ilmi 72 J9' L209 559JJ•IJE 12. JB' L210 N59'Ji'!JW 21.92' L211 N55'J718w 62.29' L212 L11J L2J4 N55'37'28 mW - N49.tiffil W10I 29.25' 30!.53• 9734• L215 UI'4 50£ NOTJBiSW L216 L217 N54'W47w 5153929E _681.38' 102 IJ' 13,56' Li S19'04 i3E 8552' L119 509'Wiili 4775' L220 5 aottf6'16 3)423' L221 S4TJ325E mill Li N863J'31E X..00' Li 1 SX•2628E M. W' L214 .£5i•1050E 68406' L215 S56al 4749' L226 56)50'40E 12. mW U27 N61.50'IOW 1.48' L228 Rimia OJW 14161' 4219 T ' L2W ASl•J7153'W 110.90' L231 ACW1415'W 68.43' L2J1 N4rJJ25W 1866' 4233 W22552E 15651' L1J4 S43'3J 25E frill, 4215 554'052417 29.77' 4236 554'057417 2a.J7' 4237 555414415E M L238 55137403E 109,56' L239 =07iiI S6II5.0101 E L240 N81'X'19E 42,I8' U41 553.59141 E 15J.07' L242 53129441E W. W' Li SWuMilIF 15307 L244 NJ6'W' O mC I 7' LZN S8l'W'19w 15207' L141F L241 N 5914119 WI2941 w 15J OJ' I 50.X' L249 N08'S9'10AN, 15JOI U49 NJ6'W'19 E 112.)1' L251 NHi220 E 114.16' imi SJO.1J'S5E 95.45' L253 5560042E 60.04' L254 365776E 11257' L255 I Af! 31 IF JI • L2M S871B'07E 1 !04.49' 4257 A08JJ42£ 1061 L258 N05'007w 10564' L280 1115.1121 652)' LMI `21'5vll 5.7,251 L267 515.1120w 76'.83' I S15'1120w 97. L26f S74. tig J800 41.59' L265 frlxll' E 7' L EM W754' w X! 1' Li inglEEVI 55.00' UM 0375432£ mili L269 N1Jsinial 750) UM 5661957£ ME 00' U71 40'0303 74. Li 525.03,'5103 iJ9.7g' U73 S6456'09 OF 11.17' L274 N25.0J5IE IM L275 520•XEla W C72 U76 s7o•X'XE 101. 17' I N26WOOE_ 5X00, U78 S1T51101 E 61.88' U79 N4z'4636E ESOT G2B0 N89'MiJ2E 68.144' imi NI 51' 0772728'040 Ivil 5165431£ 201.36' L189 5N'3522IF M. 14' L19/ itaX09'NE 15,.)4' 0642 A109'W24W C79 Li N19'04mi . 7' LPW W1 J9.903 higg, 99' Li NIO.1J29w 1,1112, Li ALPY183Bw 56.14' LiWi 523•.`.-431£ 70. L199 millip 77 LJ00 566052803 7715' LWl 0937w 30.82' LJ01 N8l'3l'O7£ X. 9' LJO.J NBIJIOJE 5al LJL4 N8.9'Ill W.W' L.3O5 A002931'W I 35X' I 5M'16:57W X..00' 4307 400'153819 JSX' 4" AW"fa 2217 Ml LJ09 I wimW E 61. Dae Bk Vol Pg 00851850 OR 5998 151 LOVE TABLE CURVE TABLE LME BFAR/Nf. I DETANI 010 aVlb7Z5'25aW 1 21.31' Lill ACEPal 1E 1 2276' 012 516'5900£ 1 52.41' LJIJ N002931W 8230' L314 N71474979 X.X' L515 N82'JI'lil 601 Life 57T408E 60.657 L317 582.31'I7E W. 00' L318 AYA037'31w 5LB1' LJ)f9 SI89f'I1E 8J.11• LJW s5646'fl H.H' LMI 5725121£ B17J' LM2 ANZYDe 7E 03.75' LJ1J NOTJBiSW 61495' L324 N462826W 89.28' LM5 NB6'IBi4W 149.47' LJ26 N23'15'15W W.21' LJ27 N04'JJ29W 151.07' I N61'3609W 6309' IJ29NJ 0928E 116.]0' L"558')45017 26343' 213.75' LJJI 558'345017 Shl L332 S502251E 110.18, 1 5502251E 2736' LJJ4 500'57'1519 167.76' I 1336 N624239W N674IW N4f'S77JW 108.99' 75.26' 150.57' LJMLJJI 1 )0167 JulL389 '16'ixi57"W _ 156,05' L310 L341 L342 N14'I657W NJ4'14'O4W_ NOTX 3619 _ N09'ifel 9.87' 69.83' 161.55 10279' I NIOrmif 41 LT4f 0101741 w 94,59, LJ415 NIX19' w 747' LJ46 N/51655 17387' LN7 /489 XE .79' ii SO.T'1907w IN.91' LJ4.9 S 6• lY/ l . ' LJ50 S6II5.0101 E 87.18' LJ51 51J2J'Xw 71.12' 052 SJ5.2729w 110.77' L.W solowxw 101.73' L354 I S 60057E 114.11' LJW SB9.165Jw /J6. 4356 52120419E 79 14' 4J57 SJYJ625V 79.14' LJ38 50B'JIi7W 104.92' LIM 521 464 ' 4.%0 NI6,BO9w )69.05' Emir N739i7W 2160' L.1B2 NJ4'31I 101.22' LJ6) A01-243IST 64.49' 13141 NIXM36W 1 66.79' Li NW48 Jfw IHS. 7' LJM Sir -:54 OJE !36.23' L387 N01•N' SW I V.75' Lim 54265 055AE1 H. 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