HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments 03/16/00 THU 17:42 FAX 4 002 FOR OFFICE USB ONLY CASE NO.: nr, v C� Jr-0 DATE SOBWITED: S a CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Fi1 ng Fm of SSU.00. Application co ptK d in full Additional materiels may be required of the applicant such as yid pints.elevation draw, and floor plans. The Badding Otcial shall inform the applicant of any extra materials nsiuin;cl. APPLIC.ANT/PRO]ECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION(Primary Cruet fir the Project): Name - sovt - Maiiiag Address Ito s eet it;1 City v;h . - X03'1 State ---( Zip Code - B-14A �Addrese . Ph2-17 .Gc one Number €1 �$Zv- �1 Z 1 Fax Number "w(4' G 71-I'144- 1 7 4 PROPERTY(MMUS S INFORMATION: Name . L1 (,.--.--LPL-PEP Pelt- Zr.-Mailing Address I i 6U 4 eozin eAv5-rt P 04 q E" efroi t.ay ( t , .-._C Sr -r k o .. Stare -1-)( Zip Code _17 g`k,D E-Mail Address Phone Number 401 f lour- 1444 Fax Number_20'11(AA, — 3 to Sl LOCATION OF PROPERTY: !Fess Ci- L..r1 a-0z . c o P-Gi-k Sc \)ttco 1, r S-r t 'rp 1N et n1 a.,J TN& __ _O L-O tat ---„-- ^ Block Subdivision o12--41 C. Deeelippae if applicable • -v . . we : = . -'.. %.- - AGS Maquesrai V pWL.116,Ni nI N a C. RT G.L.t. 33G-5 TO ALL-ex..) PE N c454 s't 4 5TH 601L-og Al 45 of woo, cor ' , - vcon owl D' . C4 ' 1r LJ RIP(- Current Zoning of Subject Property C-' _(-q_-- C enAA ev k41.. (JbrLTK ApQtisable 8rdi ncc Se ion / 91& ill a i a C 6(e-G e N 45 6) _ _ CP - S6a� COVARIANCE REQUEST f ds cSTAPP.b eawn 03/16/00 THU 17:42 FAX 41003 VARIANCE REQUEST The following specific variation from the ordinitfCo is requested: _V -1A1466 telt'j „j4 GLt 3?G -5 To Pt MM . =1./c N 5 0g cc>lc.p 1\1 5 • Woo . GorJ5'y¢U4t v 0' CI r Ciu This variance is necessary due to the following special conditions: 114 TiSAS/ • 1t.L . I. ' 0 • 55.) 6. ComG4 rof--1 Of fI1S �t 04 N 4606P Q p r-(T - 0 8 +•l 2002 _' or-1, • The unnecessary hardship (s) involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinance other than financial hardship isfare; 1F Gor-(Dust _ 1100' Gori510e4.)Griot►.t, THE 5Ttc14.714 j N egg, L of i' l; .v _ 1 15 11.4-• 1• ' 0 t • . ct. The following alternatives to the requested variance are pestle: -1 1 1'1 G ►[ 1• G tt C . This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following foci= S J.. A =,.. C. O D .' , . 1 Vg p, ,�1 9 HE c off 110 � w Gc► ., 14i15T1rf ppcc i'_a YA�tI rn µ.o�+ 1. rrPE NM 114 4 ST+ +( )3014 DIN Fog. 0A404Ce Grpctiff5. 'emit To 41i/ of Au 51114 MEtrwat . M�+1tNvros. The applicant hed ptegoree this appItcarion and certifies that the fGris stated huefi cod exhibltr attached hereto are true.correct and complete- . ;ii,./ 5.,1>4-r PC% 'Date -INCE REQUEST 2012 CSTorp.DOC304610 03/16/00 THU 17:43 FAX 43004 Sent by: CODE CONSULTANTS 314 991 2076; 03/06/00 16:50; JetFax ##236;Page 2/3 CITY OF AUSTIN ELECTRIC AL BOARD March 31,1999 METING MINU'T'ES The regular meeting of the Electrical Board was held on Math 31, 1.999 lit the second floor conference room of the Municipal Annex building,301 West 2nd Street.Austin.Texas 78701. $oard Members Present City Stats Menibers busenl • Thomas Walden.Chair • Jana.Gallagher.Inspection Services Manager • Gary Grimes,Co-Chair ■ Alex Verver,Chief Rletnical Inspector a Ralph Merdwealher ▪ Robert Schmidt • Gordon Byrum • hoard MembluAigau • Kenneth Ewald Call To Order Gary Orinies called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. 1. Approval of Meeting Minutes Bobby Schmidt made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Ralph Merriweather seconded and the=non passed 4- 0-0. Citizen Communication Old Business 2. Dissuasion with possible action regarding Section 206(Reciprocal License Janet L.Gallagher outlined the City Counclll's request to the Electrical Board to reword the reciprocal license language. Gordon Byram stated"the good neighbor policy"did not work and the language had to be tightened up. Ho asked if the reciprocal agreements were good legal documents. Ms.Gallagher will run the agreements by the legal staff The Board agreed to have two work sessions,one on the 8th of April and one on the 2D of April at 9:30 a.m.to draft wording for reciprocal licenses. Dan Garcia stated that there were 30 questions ready for a test on the ordiaarsws and the criteria manual. 3, Further responses by Roger Duncan of Austin Energy Clint Rocas read a memo from Gary Williams regarding the ball fields and arca lighting(memo attached). The Board and Mr.Ragas held a discussion on the items dlsctismed in the memo. Mr.Ragas said he would get lack to the Board on who inspected the Fields. Bobby Schmidt requested Gary Williams contact him regarding the area lighting issues. 03/16/00 THU 17:43 FAX10 Sent by: CODE CONSULTANTS 314 y91 ZU/t); UJ/Ua/UU to.oii jecrax ffeooirage J 005 March 31. 1999 Electrical Board Minutes Page 2 Mr_ Ragas aakod for comment_i front tit;Electrical Board Members regarding their concerns if Austin Energy decides to set up maintenance agreements with their large energy users. Mr.Rogas explained that the point of attachment would at the transformer owned by the customer. Vlbcn the power goes out at night Austin Energy will repair and replace the transformer. The problem occurs if the secondary wire going to a structure is damaged, they will also replace these wines in order to restore power to the structure. Austin Energy will then permit the work the following workday and call for inspections. There was an extensive discussion by the Board. Gordon Byram explained to Mr. Ragas that he personally had a problem with this,however,as an Electrical Board member it could not be desk with as long as they followed the City of Austin ordinances. 4. Response to research recanting RN and MC cable by Alec Verver Alex Vetoer explained his lack of time to research the past minutes. The Board agreed to discuss this at a future meeting to make the required changes. 5- New Business . Request for approval of a modification for the Pole Yard Project Kent Collins with Post Properties and Michael L.Perrino with Code Consultants,Inc.were present to%peak Mr. Collins gave background information on the project. Milo Perrino made the presentation for the use of Non-Metallic cable` The Board had a discussion with Mr. Perrino. Bobby Schmidt made a motion to accept risco iu four story apartments in conduit from the main switch board to the sub parnels,Non-Mesellic cable only in the apartments; all other areas including corridors,stairwell and exterior to be in conduit as required by the National Electrical Code. Three story units are to be as per National Electrical Code at this time. Ralph Meal weather secontled;motion passed 5-0-0. Set Next Agenda 1. Section 206 2. BX and MC cable b, Adjournment Ralph Mcrriweather moved, with Gary Grimes seconding,to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed 5.0-0. Randy Walden adjourned the meeting at 11:03 s_m. Li D 03/16/00 THU 17:44 FAX 3ent By: TOWN OF ADDISON; 9724502837; Mar-16-00 4:03PM; Page 2/33 5 18-229 ADDISON CODE building official shall be notified in writing in the Subdivision II, Deletions, Amendments and event the journeyman electrician is replaced by Additions another journeyman electrician. Code 1982, § 5-95.08) Sec. 18-206. Deletions,amendments,and ad- ditions. Sec. 18-230. Requirements for elevator con- The National Electrical Code, 1996 edition, as tractors. adopted in section 18-246 is hereby amended by the deletions, amendments, and additions pro- An elevator contractor's license shall entitle vided in this division. the holder to engage in the business of, and to (Code 1982, § 5-96) secure permits for, the installation, repairs, and alteration of any electrical wiring and equipment Sec. 18-267. Aluminum wiring. connected with the installation of electrical sieve Section 110,5 of the National Electrical Code is tors. The actual work of installation shall be amended by adding the following: under the direct supervision of a qualified master, journeyman or specialist elevator electrician. Aluminum conductors shall be number 8 or (Code 1982, § 5-95.09) larger and shall not be used on branch circuits. (Code 1982, § 5-96.01; Ord. No. 098-017, § 7(5- 96.01), 4-144998) Sees. 18-231-18-240. Reserved. Sec. 18-268. Unfused service entrance con- ductors. DIVISION 4. TECHNICAL STANDARDS Section 230-70{a} of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following: Subdivision I. In. General Unfused service entrance conductors entering buildings shall be enclosed in rigid metal con- Sec. 18-246. Adopted. duit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, intermediate metal conduit, wireways, auxiliary gutters, or (a) The rules and regulations of the Interna- as busways. Unfused service conductors extend- tional Fire Protection Association embodied in the ing within buildings above the third floor shall National Electrical Code, 1996 edition,are hereby be enclosed in at least two inches of concrete. adopted as the rules and regulations to govern except in meter rooms. and be observed and followed in all the construe- (Code 1982, § 5-96.03) tion,installation,repair,alteration,operation and maintenance of electrical wiring, apparatus and Sec. 18-269. Overcurrent devices in closets. fixtures in the town. Section 240.24(d) of the National Electrical (b) The National Electrical Code, 1996 edition Code is amended by adding the following: (a copy of which authenticated by the signature of Overcurrent devices shall be permitted in clothes the mayor and city secretary, and made a public closets if the working clearances required in record by ordinance,is on file in the city secretary's section 110-16 are maintained. office)is hereby adopted as the National Electri- (Code 1982, § 5-96.05) cal Code of the town as fully as if copied at length Sec. 18-270. Nonmetallic-sheathed cable. in this article, but with the changes therein and additions thereto provided in this article. Section 336-5(6)(I) of the National Electrical (Code 1982, § 5-82; Ord. No. 098-017, § 1(5-82), Code its amended by changing the exceptions to 4-14-1998) read a:$ follows: Exception. No. 1: An additional level shall be Secs. 18-247-18-265. Reserved. permitted where the renovation of attic, vehi- (:U18_:38 03/16/00 THU 17:45 FAXl¢]007 Sent By: TOWN OF ADDISON; 9724502837; Mar-16-00 4:03PM; Page 3) BUILDINGS AND BUIL.I)INC REGULATIOrCS tile-312 de parking, or storage space creates a habit- DIVISION 2. DELETIONS. AMENDMENTS able floor level in an existing single-family AND ADDITIONS dwelling, Sec. 18-311. Generally. Exception No. 2: An additional level shall be permitted when the entire structure is pro- The Uniform Mechanical Code as adopted in tected throughout by an approved automatic this article is hereby modified by the deletions amendments and additions provided in this divi- sprinkler system. (Code 1982, g 5-96.08; Ord. No_ U98-U17, § 8(5- skin_ (Ord. No. 098-014, § 1(5-67), 4-14-1998) 96.08), 4-14-1998) Sec. 18-312. Board of appeals. Sees. 18-271-18-290- Reserved. The Uniform Mechanical Code is amended by, changing subsection 110.1 to read as follows: 110.1. Gen.em,l. In order to determine the suit- ARTICLE V. MECHANICAL CODE" ability of alternate materials and type of con- struction and to provide for reasonable inter- pretations of the provisions of article V of DIVISION 1. GENERA .T Y chapter 18 of the Addison Code, there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals con- sisting of three members and two alternates Sec. 18-291. Adopted. appointed by the city council. The building official shall be an ex officio member and shall (a) The rules and regulations of the 'Uniform act as secretary of the board. Mechanical Code, 1997 edition,as adopted by the The board of appeals shall adopt reasonable International Conference of Building Officials, rules and regulations for conducting its inves- atrr, hereby adopted as the rtzlPr, and regulations tiigations and shall render all decisions and regulating and controlling the design, construe {`endings in writing.The powers of the board of tion, installation, quality of materials, location, appeals shall be as fnliovis: operation and maintenance of heating, ventilat- ing, cooling, refrigeration systems, incinerators (1) '1h hear appeals from decisions of the and other miscellaneous heat producing appli- building official. ances in the town. (2) To hear requests for the use of a material or method of construction not prescribed (b) The Uniform Mechanical Code, 1997 edi- by article V of chapter 18 of the Addison tion, (a copy of which, authenticated by the sig- Code and to authorize the use when, in nature of the mayor and the city secretary, and the hoard's judgment, the material or made a public record by ordinance,is on file in the method of construction is at least equiva- city secretary's office) is hereby adopted as the lent to that prescribed, uniform mechanical code of the town as fully as if (3) To hear complaints from the building of- copied at length in this article, but with the ficial arising against any person, firm, or changes therein and additions thereto provided in corporation licensed by the town to per- this article. form air conditioning and refrigeration (Ord. No. 098-014, § 1(5-66), 4-14-1998) work and shall have the power. after hearing to revolve or suspend the license for the following reasons: Sees. 1R-292-18-310. Reserved. a. Chronic violation of article V of chap- •crags reference—iTtiliut ,cli.82. ter 18 of the Addison Code; CD18:39 Mar-17-00 08:30pm From-CITY OF DALLAS 2144944387 T-203 P.02/02 F-553 2332 ' 9736 Conductor Types and Size RH-RHH-RHW-THHW-THW-THWN-TRAIN-XHHW-USE Y Aluminum or I Service or Feeder AWG AWG 4 2 100 3 1 110 2 110 125 1 2/0 150 1/0 3/0 175 2/0 4/0 200 3/0 250 kcmil 225 4/0 300 Komi! 250 250 kcmil 350 kcrnil 300 350 kemil 500 kcmil 350 400 kcmil 600 kcmil 400" 11. Subsection (a) of Section 336-5, "Uses No. Permitted,' of Article 336, 'Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable," of Chapter 3, "Wiring Methods and Materials," of the 1996 National Electrical Code is amended to read as follows: "(a) Types NM, NMC, and NMS. Types NM NMC, and NMS cables shall not be used: (1) In any dwelling or structure exceedin three floors above grade. For the purpose of this article, the first floor of a building shall be that floor that has 50 percent or more of the exterior wall surface area level with or above finished grade. One additional level that is the first level and not designed for hu man habitation and used only for vehicle parking, storage, or ! miler use shall be permitted. Exception No, 1: An additional level shall be permitted where the renovation of attic, vehicle parking, or storage space creates a habi able floor level in an existing one-family dwelling. Exception NQ. 2' • 1 •R: — = I-l •- •=I/1 1 =ado .! • A = I . A A•= =. 1: entire stricture is protected throughout b a a..r•v;. r' - 'rip 1:r ..•� --)e-• (2) As service-entrance cable. 24 "3 .-i a 3C) 7AcmZ :IC .=•C7 7C C7--3.-3 C7 Co Ch - m -t 7C C9"m IXC AAm m70 -3 Co OD Cop nc� rr ciCZ —3mcn miKIrn =CoI].- adz <71C71 4-4 —m 44 A C7 0 Cb -_1.-,C]C] hr f-. Co . h-1 mx\ mrxm --3 C3)wv3 -i Ma C9 r .-, Co Cal C7 m7ao C]� rnrm .D .-370 - ' i m>(CO S C) D A A m -_., m C)C) Cm] C rn C]ao >c z -a i--•,--•OD 1 .-177 m .-, m -< c .. 70m :47c=,m . ,. :X7AC11 co un COulk X m£4mia m m C9 in CD .-,m-o-3 .-• m m m i '0 77-a.-, y.. CD NDN m mm� 7C m � • m * . -3 mr . m C9 C7 C7 r-- m CO 07 C]C]-i CA 7C 7C:ML N . . H L M ARCHITECTS, INC. HENSLEY LAMKIN MARTINEZ RACHEL 15 May, 2000 Marla Brewer City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 RE: Variance Request Application Fee Dear Ms. Brewer, Enclosed is a $50.00 check for the variance request application I mailed May 10, 2000. Please call if you need any additional information. Thank you, Craig M. Nix HLM Architects, Inc. DAVID W.HENSLEY,AIA ROBERT W.LAMKIN,AIA RAUL R.MARTINEZ,AIA BRUCE W.RACHEL,AIA 7557 RAMBLER ROAD SUITE 706 DALLAS,TEXAS 75231 PH 214 369-2150 FAX 214 369-2166 * ' M ARCHITECTS, INC. HENSLEY LAMKIN MARTINEZ RACHEL 10 May, 2000 Marla Brewer City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 RE: Variance Request Application Dear Ms. Brewer, Enclosed is a variance request application, seeking a variance of NEC Article 336'5: To allow type NM cable in four story buildings of wood construction, for branch circuit wiring. Also enclosed are supporting documents from the cities of Dallas, Austin, and Addison. Please call if you need any additional information. Thank you, a.H. ..27 Craig M. Nix HIM Architects, Inc. DAVID W.HENSLEY,AIA ROBERT W.IAMKIw'AIA RAUL R.MARTINEZ,AIA BRUCE W.RACHEL,AIA 7557 RAMBLER ROAD SUITE 706 DALLAS,TEXAS 75231 PH 214 369-2150 FAX 214 369-2166 COLLEGE STATION P. 0. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 20 June 2000 Via Certified mail—Return Receipt Requested Mr. Jason Lentz 600 E. Las Colinas Blvd. Suite 1400 Irving, TX 75039 RE: Variance Request Case#00-009 Dear Mr. Lentz: The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals voted unanimously (6-0) to grant a variance to allow type NM cable (AKA romex) in a four story building with the stipulation that it is only used for branch circuit wiring and installed in a fully sprinklered, wood framed structure. This vote was taken at the Board's regular meeting on 19 June 2000. Please contact me at (979) 764-3742 with any questions. Sincerely, Lan e Simms, CBO Building Official Home of Texas A&M University CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MOTION FORM Positive Motion Negative Motion Other Motion I move to authorize a variance I move to deny a variance from the I move to: from the terms of this ordinance for terms of this ordinance for the the following reasons: It would not following reasons: A variance approve / disa be contrary to the public interest; a would be contrary to the public pprove / table literal en-forcemeat of the interest; no special conditions exist ordinance would result in by which a strict enforcement of agenda item number unnecessary hardship and the provisions of the ordinance manifest injustice to this applicant. would result in unnecessary hard- for the following reasons: Further, granting this variance ship to this applicant; in addition, would observe and accomplish granting a variance would not substantial justice. G. observe nor accomplish DO -- 009 substantial justice. (ti 41-1 ! Motion made by: Motion made 11 -1 ' by: Motion made by: ,itLlei_ 1 iYIonrve Date: Date: Date: L i c 0 £ Seconded by: Seconded by: Seconded by: V1QV1r� ia<1� e� Voting Results: ce -- 0 Voting Results: Voting Results: Chair Signature: Chair Signature: Chair Signature: CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADUSTMENTS AND APPEALS GUEST REGISTREY FOR June 19, 2000 6:00 PM NAME: ADDRESS: F lyte-,2 1509 E rv‘ear4 (/-) Pk i ca4-. tea■ . -. . ?.'. ('i7t) P 526 750 136 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail See reverse Sent to �_ I, •. Street&Number / •"' A • I a ,/lid r . . Post Office,State,& IP Code r t ver, f>( cJ Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee to Return Receipt Showing to T Whom&Date Delivered n, Return Receipt Showing to Whom, < Date,&Addressee's Address 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ Postmark or Date E uL v7 a Fold at line over top of envelope to the right of the return address CERTIFIED P .526 750 136 MAIL Mr. Jason Lentz 600 E. Las Colinas Blvd. Irving, Texas 75039 (e/V Is your RETURN ADDRESS completed on the reverse side? - 0) U1 1 0) ■ ■ ■ ■ • . U) T X Cr) it �" D m s-,m Dw a.0 0111 Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and j w y CD C m 3.�o v charges for any selected optional services(See front). W / ' m a g m~N o 2 m m m 1. 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NJ Thank you for using Return Receipt Service. -I- COLLEGE STATION PO.Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station,TX 77842 C\. i • D O CO m — v cn Xea o Cn0CD o co D' N rr, 11.1N CO PS Form 3800,April 1995 a 71 o 0 41 3 m N it k p° 7Z �"9C (n Ln \ D- Q N yaY a A c ai N^L m o oy m0 m w •w� CD 7% O o m 5 0 . yea,. 0(D .--‘ ru 3 0 iiiiiir ' Ii 6 4 Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and Is your RETURN ADDRESS completed on the reverse side? charges for any selected optional services(See front). 7) 6) a 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed Skit)ti.the right of the return n ''� •co a•• • ■ ■ ■ Cr) address leaving the receipt attached, and resent the article at a post office service 3 x cb w � 3 a 3 m window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). C.) 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