HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments k,i t I ,. t,ULt.cu.c . t H t cL NU-.LlUy-( 4- (Lt5 May 16 xQQ 1 1 :51 P .02 - FOR OFFICE USS Wax �' CASK K0.: n7--Do DATE SUBMITTED: 5-/i 7/v[ .- _. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ✓ Filing Fee of$50.00. Application completed in full. Additional materials may be required of the applicant such as site plans,elevation drawings,and floor plans. The Building Official shall inform the applicant of any extra materials required. APPUCANTIPROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION(Primary Contact for the Project): Name R' ber4 L . Pa ne. Jr. AIA )2. L. RI ne. 4A5S7Gl4feS Inc. Mailing Address I it Erne ret Id PQ rk\vc), i o4. city Gpils_ S #'c r Stare TeacaS zip Code -17845 E-Mail Address rP4 ne. e r t par`f n e .gym Phone Number (179' 6,14o- 7272 Fax Number (97'f) 9c-P- 8) 14 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name ...j rA h n Fern e m a n , Vt 4 4-e 1 I n c.• Mailing Mdress i 7 O i Roc.dc R1k IC.t e• RA • city C.o I I ti� Sk4 f t'o n State Te)(q`2 Zip Code 7 78,4 E-Mail Address phi , 4reetme4n e cles+-ill.corn Phone Number(1.19) 44,91- 4.214 Fax Number (17 9) C060 - 0 6 PJ LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Address Lot 3 Block `1 Subdivision , j--,,ne54sCen c C ec -(1 n g ,,Phosese3 Description if appticab10 Z v o , .r C-r-U_ - c.,L, IL - c... ► , • Ti II e. _Las__ ca Pant?J.112_/(12,....1.2)L______ U/re .Is W t -I' S -cue( Fv rne- c✓.1 ct-r� Sn C coc3 1 (oO � c . 7 ._ tau, (d rerA Gov dI Z� (o7I 6,F:- 1 Action Requested Pell Je s 4 -1-or V 4 r t' v, 4, q n Q II Onn)a b l e 'treq .1 c, - - c1LQ-42—P r T-(P e- J...V. , VA fr>.€4 4 c...e c ) -4v I lc/ tr v,rt lei e v reI 4-ksi o . -17:91 -let ctI, . Current Zoning of Subject Property _ Applicable Ordinance Section 1TA P5t 1.E 5 o O /-r-c� I nc_rece c.e 503. 3 . 2 a s 1 is 1 - .6hciekve ;out (.8t ,1 �•41 ' =VARIANCE REQUEST t or 2 CSTAPP_DOC 124'99 r o X1-7 �, 5 7-/' L / 000 /eVOMI k_..1 i T , L..utttut t l ILL NU .4{J ?b4-3743 May 16 ,00 11 :52 P .03 VARIANCE REQUEST EST The following specific variation from the ordinance is requested: 14 lS recue� ct �V�at \ve ke c li \ve\ 4- col s oc.� -k rAci c� afetal w k t ♦ xceec k Y _ (jl(S14' i Ta `- 0. T -c - c S This variance is necessary due to the following special conditions: \you lel be ali�‘ueci liner SecA-ion 5`J7. of tke 2o0c2, !so. ' i ( �n Ca. w r cA Ur i c1 ci u _ .C3voUp w k Bch .15 -1-v11/ \vA4k is 5otiovNe4 H (PO -feel L; co/cc-k• The unnecessary hardship (r) involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinn ee other than financial hardship is/are: dt-Yclr, -buil.1 . The s-i-vLic:}1.ira (- 1^LsS oee,z GOA ie �f� a �� tc I.Qvrca11f)r+• T me. -40 re-ceS!Gn ¢^g re lSSue \\/OU e (-le -lam pion The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible: lev,,, $ e to r-, c.22 e -o I This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following facts: The +' AS A es.tcilyxe �� 1� {,�.__1 , Ilowec vr\de( -4 Ie 2000 I1\-eyn r�.�o. �JVI �II(e-) ale \v �kCjA 4,3 rv►, 116, nee cviewe . ., J cease a ei, - ajkao �cc b. e, C. e - S }� on. Pr r _ eAu(e .\ US. -W --ime un-ti r + has bP .ocActo, 1 4r -\ . The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the faces slated herein and exhibits attached to >, a co - and complete Pres'ceY, ivtc.i.r 2000 Signature and Title Date T 58vARANCE REQUEST 2 a2 •s1 APP,Ooc 3024/99 CITY , COLLEGE STfl TEL N1J .469-764-3743 May 16 ,00 16 : 11 P .62 507,3—508.2 GENERAL etUlitaNG HEIGHTS AND MICAS as tennis.skating,swimming and equestrian activities, exit to the vutgirie of nit, building complying with in OCCapiinc'ies in(Troup A-4,provided that: Section 1005. 2:1 Exit doors directly to the outside are pro 2. The building is equipped throughout with :nt autontt+t- vided for occupants of the participar'i iC sten sprinkler system Y• t lel accordance ec iib Section sports areas,and 903,3.1.1, 2.2. The building is equipped with a fire alarm 3. The; building is aurroundetf and adjoined I>t' public system with manual fire alarm boxes ways of yards not less than hit feet (I R 788 trim) in installed in aces/idance with Section 907, width. 507.3 Two-story.The aura of a two-story,Group B,F,M or S building;shall not limited when the building is provided 507$Motion pleture theaters.In buildings of Type I or with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with construction, the arca of one-story motion picture Section 903.3.1.1 throughout,and is surrounded and adirnned thentcty shall not be limited when the budding is Ara- by public ways or yards not less than 60 feet(IS 288 mm)in vides!with an automata. sprinkler system throughout in width. uccordimec with Section 903.3.1 1 and is sarrounded and adjoined by public ways or yards not less than tW) S97.4 Reduced open space.The permanent open space of 60 feet(1 R 288 nun) in width. feet(18 288 mm)required in Sections 507.1,507.2 and 507.3 shall be permitted to be reduced to not less than 40 feet (12 SECTION $08 19? mm)provided the following requirements arc met: P t;fAL PROVISIONS I. The reduced open space shall not allowed err; more 508.1 General.Thy provisions in this section shall lamina the than 75 percent of the perimeter of the building. use of special conditions that are exempt from,or modify,the specific requirements of this chanter regarding the allowable 2, The exterior wall facing the reduced open space shall heights and areas of buildings based on the occupancy etas- have a minimum lire-resistance rating of 3 Marrs sification and type of cunatructinn,provided the special con- 3. Openings in the exterior wall,facing the reduced open dition complies with the provisions specified in this session space,shall have opening protectives with a fire-iesia. for that special condition and other applicable requirements tttncc rating of 3 hours. of this cods.. 5073 iligh.hazard use groups.Groups H-2,11-3 and H-4 508.2(:rutty S-2 enclosed parking garage with Groups A, firs areas shall he permitted in unlimited area buildings hay- B.M or R above.A basement first story abort grade plane ing occupancies in Use Groups F and S,in accordance with of a building shall he considered as a separate and distinct the limitations of this Section_ lire areas located at the building for the purpose of determining area limitations,con- perimeter of the unlimited area building shall not caeca 10 tinuity of fire walls,limitation of number of stories aims!(ype percent of the arca of the building nor the area limitations of construction,when all of the following conditions arc met: specified in Table 503 as modified by Section 506.2,based upon the percentage of the perimeter of the fire area that 1. 'Ille baser++t r+t first story above grade plane is of type fiords on a street or other unoccupied space.Other fire areas shall not exceed 25 percent of the arca limitations speeined ! cnnatruct3nt? and is separated front the building above with a horizontal assembly having a minimum s- in Table 503.l:irc-resisttnce rating requirements of fire bar- rier assemblies shall be in accordance with Table 302.3„t, how' fire resistance rating. Openitm�s in the horizontal assembly having a minimum.i-hour fire-resistance rnt- 507,6 Aircraft paint hangar.The area of a ane-stc+ry,Grouping shall be protected by shaft,xrairwtty.ramp or est;m- 11-2 aircraft paint hangar shall not be limited where such air- tutor enclosures extending above and below such opta craft paint hangar complies with the provisions of Section ings. The walls of such enclosures shall have not less 4I2.1 and is entire! surrounded bythan a 2-!tour tire.-resistance rating and openings thew- 4 public ways or yards not one-half times the height of the less in width than one andin shall be protected by opening protectives having a building. ritinimurn 1lh-hour firm-ix+,cction rating, 507.7 Group E buildings.The area of a one-story Grout? F. Exception: Where the walls of such cncaozures building of Type 11,111A or IV constnmction shall not be lin extending below the hnrirctntal assembly having a when the following criteria are asst minimum 3 hour fire-resistance rating to the rotm- dation arc provided with a fire-resistancc rating of . }tach classroom shall have riot less than two means of not less than 3 hours with openings therein protect- cgress,with one of the means of ego s.c being a direct eat ns icquired for calls forming a 3-hour fire ham- 84 2000 tNTERNA'rmOrAL BUILDING CODED CITY OF COLLEGE OPER: GNESSARRA TONER RE EIPTON** DATE; 5/17/00 00 CT DRAWER RECEIPT; 8217736 DESCRIPTION TN MISC BLDG INSp C QTY AMOUNT Tp $50.00 *lD CK RE QU EST FOR VARIANCE TENDER DETAIL&ASSOCIATES CK 10612 DATE: 5/17/00 $50.00 TOTAL PERSONAL TIME: AMOUNT TENDERED CHECK 13:16:26 $50.00 THANK YDU $50.60 COLLEGE• STATION % P. 0. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station,TX 77842 Tel. 409 764 3500 20 June 2000 Via Certified mail—Return Receipt Requested Mr. Robert Payne 1509 Emerald Parkway 104 College Station, TX 77845 RE: Variance Request Case #00-008 Dear Mr. Payne: The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals voted unanimously (6-0) to grant a variance to the area limitation of table 500, 1994 Standard Building Code for the case number referenced above. This vote was taken at the Board's regular meeting on 19 June 2000. Please contact me at 764-3742 with any questions. Sincerely, 111,, Lance Simms, CBO Building Official Home of Texas A&M University T Stick postage stamps to article to cover First-Class postage,certified mail fee,and charges for any selected optional services(See front). Is your RETURN ADDRESS completed on the reverse side? 1. If you want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return 13 cn 0 1 .. ■ ■ ■■ (p address leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service ` ( D a 3 3 Z window or hand it to your rural carrier(no extra charge). a oom XCn 0(4% • 1 ;� D 3 o< p 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked,stick the gummed stub to the right of the 9. D mrD. m a o m return address of the article,date,detach,and retain the receipt,and mail the article. u W c m .� gi D ;� a`a'mm� c po m o a S 3 3 3 3. If you want a return receipt,wr to the certified mail number and your name and address o 1 CO rO coCD co c 3co — `D`D" on a return receipt card,Form 3811,and attach it to the front of the article by means of the _ 1 N n 0 7 W j a mg a a gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise,affix to back of article. Endorse front of article 1. O m (� . - *,1,?... - a.o RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. n a) w 10 _ C n-2) s a a^ 4. 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Do not use for International Mail(See reverse) Sent to YYllr, b�r ayne Jr, Street&Num r Oc ISO°1 me�a)(A ?cork .v / / Post ,State,&ZIP Code 7---ANS— (0 IP/9 e �4 nr1 /v Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee U) Return Receipt Showing to • Whom&Date Delivered . Return Receipt Showing to Whom, < Date,&Addressee's Address O TOTAL Postage&Fees $ c0 c) Postmark or Date E U- co a Fold at line over top of envelope to the right of the return address CERTIFIED P 526 750 135 MAIL Mr. Robert Payne Jr. 1509 Emerald Parkway 104 College Station, Texas 77845 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS MOTION FORM Positive Motion Negative Motion Other Motion I move to authorize a variance I move to deny a variance from the I move to: from the terms of this ordinance for terms of this ordinance for the the following reasons: It would not following reasons: A variance approve disapprove / table be contrary to the public interest; a would be contrary to the public ..,_. literal en-forcemeat of the interest; no special conditions exist agenda item number ordinance would result in by which a strict enforcement of unnecessary hardship and the provisions of the ordinance for the following reasons: manifest injustice to this applicant. would result in unnecessary hard- Further, granting this variance ship to this applicant; in addition, would observe and accomplish granting a variance would not substantial justice., observe nor accomplish ,�c _ cc ' substantial justice. Motion made by: Motion made by: Motion made by: \-"caA-1 e_ J4C t-carSC (f\ttc'n�' Date: , Date: Date: o/ / `1/0O (P 1 t5 1 0 C) Seconded by: Seconded by: Seconded by: '1 ) l' \ ifionfIC:4 Voting Results: (17 - 0 Voting Results: Voting Results: ( ( ). Chair Signature: Chair Signature: Chair Signature: CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADUSTMENTS AND APPEALS GUEST REGISTREY FOR June 19, 2000 6:00 PM NAME: ADDRESS: 2 "5i t E w r4 [cl Pk 104, MGN) -7Z7Z- COLLEGE STATION P. 0. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 \ / Tel: 409 764 3500 Memorandum DATE: February 29, 2000 TO: Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals FROM: Jon Mies, Fire Marshal RE: Variance 00-008 (Viatel) The Fire Department supports the variance requested in this application. Many options were investigated and when the Building Official and I looked in the International Code that is being reviewed for adoption later in 2000 we discovered that this area increase would be allowed without a variance. Therefore, I can see no reason this should not be granted. Home of Texas A&M University COLLEGE STATION P 0 Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station,TX 77842 /'', J i 1 i i } • 00 - mcfl33 CO m cr cnm O CL v PS Form 3800,April 1995 C —1 O 70 $37 7] 1 O O W X T� !? y r v°D 3 3 w • c p n A N ~ rev m co o N o o m • m 'a'- u, -,1 Oa -� _ d m m • om ^'� ap`G Q' (EY �. v m .liu m = O 0 f]` U1 r' m m cD 5 Ca o ca o L—.1 � (D -gyp < -w - (D �' SD nm CD a. < L31 a (D _ cn ca r 4 Is your RETURN ADDRESS completed on the reverse side? Stick postage stamps to article to cover First Class postage,certified mail fee,and a) c)-1 _ w a• •-o DR,"°c o m charges for any selected optional services(See front). CA a 3 3 1. 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