HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments —— —— , ----- , ----- V - V - - V FFOR OFFICE USE ONLY - CASE NO.: 0 0-°O`; DATE SUBMITTED: q/1710 0 &OLLlGi sTA71ns. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: t Filing Fee of$50.00. Application completed in full. Additional materials may be required of the applicant such as site plans, elevation drawings, and floor plans. The Building Official shall inform the applicant of any extra materials required. APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Cr?Name (s _ 2 fcL ( - l ' n Mailing Address 7 d 11T c lve 'if. >-E - city c_5 C5 State Zip Code77(C)C40 7 Y E-Mail Address '31 *&Oar em Q tc4144 cedeot"i" Phone Number < ) f/? 1_09 f Fax Number yc7 Cc.G W PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Mailing Address City State Zip Code E-Mail Address Phone Number Fax Number LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 7;,, Address 70 ( v S t- Lot / i 1-, 3 Block a3 Subdivision �b ((e5 e 7—7c — Description if applicable Action Requested 4+ Ied< ST-, cia c'cm ue0-te c9 �ec90-07:M/1 , .‘iiS`;;/ 6 r cT L u evt eco—to(cnetco ev\i% do IA et peccttieoc44-e- 0 v w act " l-, efr-ess ► .u(0-6 s a.--1(er- re -s 4- UA we e cUtc-- p iNo C © 3 ' f� ey fes5 . �(v�cQ A etz belle e o-w rc4_4o :- to 0 c'd-e' / 8 91/6, "a) ?c 3e-ft' op,es s, /-e 5 5 I 1/2_1( (l\e.dV Cllr. (ccc, C Uv-ca.. p l mac `,r (vim Current Zoning of Subject Property _ ,9 Applicable Ordinance Section ,570 C_ ( -g I o ) 79)Z, C (oO em'e ' �`.,D.t-'0 'go-43 " oPbr. OC,C._ 1 012 CSBVARIANCE REQUEST CSTAPP.DOC 3124!99 u. ,jo,uu 1r :Jr 7S4O9 764 3496 DEVELOPMENT SVCS 0002 VARIANCE REQUEST The following specific variation from the ordinance is requested: Cwt U)rl ctce-- _ . # S- & dte COc(4 w e ref ciaem al-` 6tri rn 1 /6 ACS 3 „5-A04.-.--(-0 /, i�(d c ( *fie o Ccc_'6- 4,,,c c_ UP e;. -0 y_A-ra cied•-`(-t c l'e— ..-3---p d 02 11)/6 cc--(-- 46E,T:i This variance is necessary due to the following special conditions: _ c c,9 e U eo ✓1 rpt iJ -k'- /�c c dee ,P S (` , tits ( . • 0,x , ' L ..• • ki:� C • CaCC V. • 1'e , cO-e l r ' The unnecessary hardship (s) involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinance other than financial hardship is/are: / a / ‘2. 6' yie6e, 0 a .6ixtc- u--e me--- Lo,9 2 u. rom o A- - toe 0 -6o puk.ce.'E- co cf2c2 -- cAet.cc C by .e (d I a ((off 17/A, de3(- , :I • f wed The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible: - I U' Cii' 5 (-.k cQ 0 u.at, e a- • o(A 6'2-ccet)-- - 011,(4-- (0 C,v-f- 4 ,5 -Q CoLeD dor- (e9 'c) '• 1 • (cti 0.1 _ _ c Sc( . v-Q cr ( 1 ccc ( E -6 of r9 A,m 62 pee-s �c9 do S'u� D • 1- v- A& a- ( C "f�``` l 6_ • p !�, 0 0,c4( 0 z`c-- �s if ax_v _ . ,. This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following facts_ ,A 64 bt ck (nn — re -__ (.. z ( k `It u-e- ilt,c s - Leithk 10 ✓-9 us k_- `� (� ak,e), , �- �n c S -br ce,r-e_ , (o,-e. ,1 ccos ' l v 34 0.4-- 10 k. '.,00,,r/ I �t tivt d v<ii l /', l I .-7-6;.--5_, CJ1v.e4 ee_,e_e (,tgQc-e,jBeit,. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct and complete. e____ ::: iv t_ e or- ,e,-- Ar ( /5 , 2c' Si ature. Ti e Date 2ot2 CSSVARIANCE REQUEST CSTAPP.DOC 3/24/99 "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS December 6, 1999 6:00 P.M. Training Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears,Vice Chairman Steve Abalos Board Members George McLean,Robert Mooney, Frank Cox MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member Glenn Thomas,Helene Weber Alternate Kevin Kuddes, Alternate Shannon Schunicht STAFF PRESENT: Building Official Lance Simms, Building Technician Lisa Hankins AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call meeting to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Sears AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear visitors for items not on agenda There were no visitors AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Approve minutes from Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting on September 27, 1999. George McLean motioned to approve the minutes,Frank Cox seconded the motion, and The Board concurred, (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider Variance request 99-007,to request modification Section R-210, 1992 Cabo One&Two Family Dwelling Code. The applicant is Craig H. Blakely. Dan Sears asked for staff to explain the variance request CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS December 6, 1999 Minutes "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" Lance Simms, the Building Official, took the floor to explain the variance request to the board. He said that the applicant was requesting a variance to the minimum opening requirement on an upstairs bedroom window in a single-family home. Lance told the board that the window in question serves as emergency egress for the second floor, however, it does not meet the minimum window opening height requirement outlined in the code. Lance read the staff report to the board,which stated that the applicant was issued a permit to remodel his home at 701 Hereford on October 25, 1996. As part of the remodel, the applicant was going to convert some of the attic space into a bedroom. Lance said that the plan review comments given to the applicant at he time of permitting stated that the window opening dimensions must comply with the code requirements. Lance showed the board a copy of the plan review comment sheet with the applicants initial's on it indicating the applicant had understood the plan review comments. Lance read the code section that requires a minimum net clear opening height of 24 inches and a minimum net clear width opening of 20 inches for windows that serve as emergency egress openings for sleeping rooms. Lance stated that during a framing inspection the building inspector noted that the window that served the upstairs bedroom did not meet the code requirement for egress. He stated that the window opening width met the code requirement.but the window opening height was short of the code-required 24 inches. Lance stated that an on-site measurement revealed an actual window opening height of 15 'h inches. Lance went on to say that many deaths occur in residential buildings because of fires that block off conventional exits while the occupants are asleep. The code is designed to prevent that occurrence by requiring emergency egress openings in sleeping rooms. He said the opening requirement serves two functions;first, it allows occupants enough room to exit the bedroom, and secondly, it provides for an opening for fire department rescue personnel. Lance said that staff recommendation for this variance request was to deny it because the applicant was made aware of the code requirement when the building permit was issued and,furthermore, emergency egress in specific rooms is a critical life safety requirement and should not be compromised. Lance had some photographs to show the board that the applicant submitted. In these photographs, the applicant displayed the act of climbing in and out of the window in question to prove the window could be used for egress. Lance also had some photographs of the outside of the home to show the board the exact location of the window in question. At this time,Lance entertained questions from the board. Robert Mooney asked Lance to verify the measurement of the window. Lance confirmed that the window clear opening height was 15 Y2 inches. Robert Mooney asked Lance about the design of the window and what was it constructed out of. Lance said the window was approximately four feet in height and made with an aluminum frame. Robert asked if all construction was completed yet. Lance verified that the applicant had not notified the inspection department that the project was complete,therefore,no final inspections have been done. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS December 6, 1999 Minutes Page 2 "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" Dan Sears opened the public hearing. The applicant, Craig Blakely, took the floor to speak in favor of the variance request. Mr. Blakely stated that when he purchased the house three years ago, the previous owner had been the only occupant of the home since it's construction. Mr. Blakely stated that when he decided to purchase the house, lending institutions were skeptical of financing the property because the house was in such disrepair. Mr. Blakely said that since purchasing the house,he has been doing the remodeling himself at a pace that his budget can support,and that is why there have been no final inspections done yet. He said that he in fact did get the information on the plan review regarding the window opening requirement. However, in order to achieve that goal,he would have had to break out several rows of brick veneer, and he was trying to avoid that situation for cost reasons. He also told the board that since he was not familiar with all the codes and ordinances that it has been difficult to complete the project in an inexpensive and timely manner. Mr. Blakley told the board that there was another door with stairs to the first floor and another window that could serve as a means of egress for the bedroom.He further stated that if you take the top clips off the window in question, and remove the upper pane, it would produce another couple of inches to the opening height. He said he had been out the window several times, and didn't see any problem with it. Mr. Blakely said he was not disputing the codes and ordinances,but stated he has spent more money on the rehabilitation of the house than the actual purchase price. Robert Mooney asked Mr. Blakely if he ever planned on selling the house. Mr. Blakely said it is his primary residence,but he doesn't plan on being there forever,and yes,would possibly sell it later. Dan Sears closed the public hearing. The board held discussion. George McLean stated that based on the photographs, he could understand that the applicant could get through the window, however, he could not visualize a firefighter getting through the window wearing all the equipment that firefighters are required to wear. Robert Mooney stated that if a firefighter needed to enter the window, there's no doubt he could. Dan allowed the applicant to make another statement. Mr. Blakely stated that there were two windows,and one of the windows was near a tree that would allow the occupant to exit the window and climb down the tree to safety. The board held further discussion. George McLean asked about the window where the tree is located, he contemplated putting a small child out the window where they could climb down the tree to safety. Robert Mooney asked if the code stated anything about occupants being dropped out the window to safety. Dan Sears said he believed the code only referred to occupants being able to get out. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS December 6, 1999 Minutes Page 3 "SUBJECT TO APPROVAL" Dan Sears asked Lance to reiterate the window measurement. Lance stated the clear window opening height was 15 '/2 inches, and the code states it should be a minimum of 24 inches. Dan Sears asked for a motion. Steve Abalos made a motion to deny the variance based on life-safety issues. George Mclean seconded the motion. Motion failed for lack of four affirmative votes, (3-2). Dan Sears opened the floor to further discussion. Robert Mooney said that he could understand the applicant being able to exit the window comfortably because of his slim physique. However, if a potential future owner(s)were of larger proportions, there could be difficulty exiting the window safely. The board held further discussion. Dan Sears asked if the board was ready for a motion. Steve Abalos made a motion to deny the variance because of life safety issues. George Mclean seconded the motion. Motion passed to deny the variance request, (4-1). AGENDA I • NO. 5: Consider variance extension for Variance 9: 103, to request modification to Seca.• 1101.1.2., 1994 Standard Building Code and Sectio. 07.2.2, 1994 Standard Plumbing Code. The app ' .nt is First Federal Savings Bank. Dan Sears asked staff to brief the be: d on the request. Lance stated that in March 1998, the board : .nted a . ance to First Federal Savings bank to occupy two portable buildings used for temporary offices. .• •uildings were required by the building code to have handicap accessibility and by the plumbing •.e to ' e a public bathroom. Because these buildings were to be occupied by employees only,the be • granted the • iance with a time limit of eighteen(18) months. This time period was gran '. to allow the applican 'me to add onto the existing bank building. The proposed addition would h. e the employees currently wo 'ng in the portable office buildings, making their use unnecessa . However,design delays on the new .••ition caused the work to be postponed and the applic- t is requesting another time extension to fin • construction of the new addition. Staff Recommenda '.n is to grant the variance with the condition that a time h citation is set for the applicant to co . ete the new building addition. Dan Sea • spened the public hearing. CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS December 6, 1999 Minutes Page 4 S TATION COLLEGE P. 0. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 23 May 2000 Via Certified mail—Return Receipt Requested Craig Blakley 701 Hereford Street College Station, TX 77840 RE: Variance Request Case #00-004 & #00-005 Dear Mr. Blakley: The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals voted unanimously (6-0) to grant the requested variance for case number 00-004. The Board also voted 6-1 to deny the requested variance for case number 00-005. This vote was taken at the Board's regular meeting on 23 May 2000. Please contact me at 764- 3742 with any questions. Sincerely, Lance Simms Building Official Home of Texas A&M University • Q.) �- o vii CL �. aSm -o } 1 cc as zs ru mCD C }J N � to .,�.: a s > mail C.6 o v_ 3 a LL 0 -0 ��' r- a> o a) � %D I n n� g RJ u --icn m o C - _. a_ uj. 'LIi ? Z v u. ! PR: ' 0 � ,V o Inoo � O m . V ac H, n00o ° a n ¢ oa Ld DCCZon aU ¢ CO C D S661 IPdt/ O '008£W1O Sd L V. >,4- "J Y O (!) CU O N LU = aa) t.2N- U I. • 0 ZP8LL xi uotte1S a6apO3 • anuany sexal LO L l • 0966 x09 C . NOIIVIS 3D313O: .4111 o r , G) to '1 0I- . 0 03 ( c o c i-' o s - a`a� .-, o c3 • . Esr ,o - D �, 1. m o 4,-8 O y W LIl ru ti) cm U iiii m U c77, w' 'IV Li '3 c>' o,� Li o.[J �' (r. i o c �`° a_ z' -c "3 N .1 m N S �. .,of O CO m Qc a mrd Li m o �0 a -6 _ ) W.. m ; 4� : N- a, � in 0 ..6 rT a) 6 t E E •a Q E -r D._ o N o 0 0 a _ "a *C E E 5 6- - n- to n V c ti N e �L d o 11. D o o w u) a_ a 0 cn Cr CC>. s o f- 0_ r' X CC z o S661 Ludy'008£wood Sd N 1--- i._ (D C -o O >. 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'07 , 3 4044,46, 'w .,,„. 0le:R-f SI'- • r *# t .� pie+ Tp F r r4 k ., CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS/BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION FORMAT FOR NEGATIVE MOTION FOR A VARIANCE I move to deny a variance from the terms of this ordinance for the following reasons: A variance would be contrary to the public interest; no special conditions exist by which a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to this applicant; in addition, granting a variance would not observe nor accomplish substantial justice. • \iarnbite: (..) Motion made by 14,77 / Date 5-Z 2 '6C) —' D ./ Voting Results —0�p Seconded by �"Y'� C �C Chair Signature CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADUSTMENTS AND APPEALS GUEST REGISTREY FOR MAY 22, 2000 6:00 PM NAME: ADDRESS: � c,Qr 5 C6 co-ti- T V/ ��1/G•., / l `. 7702.E �._ �/f ,¢v th" , TX "7 y��.7'tk C's�l moi-L ' A r• 5 �f1 LJL�� 0 .� C5 7>�I�-' i/2 f iI J og �, Cf' 177,1-1 A//L/// . . , COLLEGE STATION ... I P.O.Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station,TX 77842 Iiihharr vs( CO ED . F., . k . s 3 3 3 . , 3 _33 \ . ;33. , • C------- ; . . - j \ 3-3. •" 33 ) 1 I - H I 33 i I 3 i!: •1 3 o — --, _ •_,. o i CO (C) — CD (1) n) • Cr) (D (1) 3• 1 33 • a • 1 o o (/) - 73 71 I0 \---1 x Ul 0 5 co 1 = :1 r' •i i <-.'S Or M I = a) -- it a) C.) M - C2 < ,..., -- CL CD • -41.. -1 — - CS • C) 0 CZ:, A C) (1) . AS% : ,....ii , f• 4 ...... Ex ,-. ,• I c: •— ••5 1:. ... ..-N) 'i. 7 . 074. i a ,:25: ,::, • - F ''. --tt i _ -:i i (1' 3'3 -• 'i i;> 3 , . 6 \ . .