HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments U . J . nUILU11VU ILL IVU . 1oq-3614 flay 10 , JL if • JJ I v CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS RECEIVED MAR 0 eggs Case Number q -OO1 _ Name of Applicant Post Oak Mall. William R_ Silvis. GPnPral Manager 1500 Harvey Rd. Mailing Address College Station, Texas 77840 Telephone Number 764-0060 CBL and Associates Properties, Inc . Name of Property Owner c/o 1500 HarveyRd. Mailing Address College Station, Texas 77840 Telephone Number 764-0060 LOCATION OF PROPERTY Post Oak Mall, 1500 Harvey Rd. , College Station, Texas 77840 Address Lot Block Subdivision Description if Applicable Action Requested Since Post Oak Mall has some unique characteristics as it pertains to Ordinance Section 602 . 6 . 8 Fire Lane Markings, we request a modification which would allow for us to adopt option #2 as is provided for in order to satisfy compliance. Current Zoning of Subject Land _ Applicable Ordinance Section 602 . 6 . 8 Fire Lane Markings COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FOR A VARIANCE REQUEST The following specific variation from the ordinance is requested. We request that we be allowed to co.,, wit • • - - _ - : lowing option #2 as is provided for in said ordinance. This option allows for fire lanes to be marked by providing a continuous eight inch (8") red stripe painted on the drive surface. Said red stripe would contain the wordinc "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE - TOW AWAY ZONE" This variance is necessary due to �ie h11' in 'spec°ia 1 condittuub. white letter The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible. This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following This request modification will still allow for the enforcement facts: of said ordinance and will not jeopardize the spirit of the code or public safe . - • - - - • or "head in parking' anywhere around its perimeter. This inherently makes the property more accessible to emer• - • -. •o- . - _ _ _- p - - ne�yiluy than most structures, i. e. apartment buildings. The facts stated by me in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. r' - / I k. • pplicant Date (ILT1&LL MAI LL nay RECEIVED MAR 0 1 1995 February 21, 1995 City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842-9960 Attn: Building Official Building Code Board of Adjustments RE : Request for Variance Ordinance Section: 602 . 6 . 8 Fire Lane Markings Dear Sirs : We hereby respectably submit the attached application for a variance from the above referenced ordinance . We believe that Post Oak Mall is designed in such a way that the strictest requirements (painted curbs) is not necessary. For example, Post Oak Mall does not provide for "head in" parking anywhere around the structure unlike apartment complexes, strip centers, convenience stores, etc . Instead we have a 2-lane roadway around the entire building. This provides for relatively easy access to the building by emergency vehicles should the need arise . On February 3 , 1995 I met with Mr. Eric Hurt, Battalion Chief/Fire Marshall regarding this issue . Mr. Hurt agreed that residential structures; homes, duplexes, apartments and hotel/motels are much more prone to not only suffering a fire but also occurring loss of life than is Post Oak Mall . Mr. Hurt also concurred that access to Post Oak Mall would be much more easily achieved by the Fire Department during all day parts than would access to an apartment building due to its layout and continuous 2-lane roadway around the building. In addition, Post Oak Mall has over 3500 feet of curbing around the buildings perimeter. Over the years the continual painting of these curbs has resulted in layer upon layer of paint to build up. These layers are now cracking and peeling making it impossible to recoat and provide for an acceptable appearance . CBL& ASSOCIATES PROPERTIES, INC. 1500 HARVEY ROAD • COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 • (409) 764-0060 • FAX (409) 696-0977 City of College Station February 21, 1995 Page 2 We are not requesting the ability to usurp the ordinance in question or to hinder its enforcement . We are requesting the ability to sandblast the paint from the curbs and abide by the intended spirit of the ordinance by adopting option #2 . This option allows for fire lanes to be marked by providing a continuous eight inch (8" ) red stripe painted on the drive surface . This red stripe would contain the wording "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE - TOW AWAY ZONE" painted in four inch (4 " ) white letters . In summation, we believe that the requested modification will provide for the appropriate enforcement of the ordinance without jeopardizing public safety and will significantly enhance the appearance of our property. / Si cerely, I WIlif ' , tiff- ‘ illiam R Silvis General M:nager WRS/cld _ L ,.„ • TO: Eric Hurt,Fire Marshall FROM: Barbara P. DeWeese,Building Technician SUBJECT: Variance Request 95-006 DATE: March 8, 1995 Eric,here is the Variance Request Mr. Moore talked to you about. Our next scheduled meeting is tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m. in the Training Room, here at City Hall and I understand this is not a good time for you. I will check with the Board Members,but tentatively calendar March 30 at 6:30,in the Council Chambers,for the next meeting, I will send you a Agenda when it is ready. Any questions,please call. = o06 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALSBUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION FOR VARIANCE I move to authorize a variance from the terms of this ordinance for the following reasons: It would not be contrary to the public interest; a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship and manifest injustice to this applicant. Further, granting this variance would observe and accomplish substantial justice. Tom, 3 � q � Motion made by C. J ��� Date I Seconded by L c 1 Voting Results 3" Chair Signature =MP _1 a •. I ` t J O 0/6 e0Sc—O - &A z L CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEAIS/BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION FORMAT FOR POSITIVE MOTION FOR VARIANCE I move to authorize a variance from the terms of this ordinance for the following reasons: It would not be contrary to the public interest; a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship and manifest injustice to this applicant. Further, granting this variance would observe and accomplish substantial justice. Motion made by 2C Date 1I 0 3 l`�� 1 Seconded by 61" ,(„Q Voting Results -" I Chair Signature \ _� ... ..,, • • . . ... - . . . • . . . * ),,1 re!".. - - . , . . N . , .... '7 .".. • . .• . . . .. . -.,.. ., .';',.,.......,''''. • . '', . .. , . • '-- ,...:;.4,!.;7;.::-.,•- - ' :''''..'.:7;1,'i-.'\.:..'::,z-:;i?-71.:1:, :,.5,40..''':f...1 .- 1.7.,,,-,f.. ... -1: - 1*--`'s •":-.':1:1. 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