HomeMy WebLinkAboutArticles of Incorporation - 03/01/2017ALLEN BOONE HUMPHRIES ROBINSON LLP
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Direct Line: (713) 860-6427 Yvonne Onak
Direct Fax: (713) 860-6627 yonak@O abhrcom Legal Assistant
March 1, 2017
Ms. Sherry Mashburn
City Secretary
1101 Texas Avenue
College Station, TX 77840
Re: Brazos County Municipal Utility District No. 2 (the "District")
Dear Ms. Mashburn:
Please find enclosed for your files the following:
(1) Petition to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for Creation
of the District;
(2) Five (5) copies of a Certificate verifying that the Petition for Creation of
the District has been filed in your office; and
(3) Self-addressed Federal Express return envelope, for your convenience.
The creation of the District within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of
College Station, was approved by the City Council on June 9, 2016, by Resolution No.
Please sign, seal and date the certificates to evidence this filing and return the
signed certificates to me. We would like to be able to file them with the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality as soon as possible. Thank you very much for
your attention to this matter.
Yvonne Onak
Legal Assistant
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-178
Electronically Filed Document
Brazos County, TX
Karen McQueen
County Clerk
Document Number: 2017-1290123
Recorded On: February 28, 2017
Recorded At: 02:44:36 pm
Number of Pages: 15
Book-VI/Pg: Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-178
Recording Fee: $82.00
Indirect -
Receipt Number: 596509
Processed By: Cathy Barcelona
************ THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT ************
Any provision herein which restricts the Sale, Rental or use of the described REAL PROPERTY
because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law.
I hereby certify that this instrument was filed on the date and time
stamped hereon by me and was duly recorded in the volume and page
of the Official Public records of BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS
Honorable Karen McQueen, County Clerk, Brazos County
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-179
PEACH CREEK PARTNERS, LTD., a Texas limited partnership; MCFARLANE
INTERESTS, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, formerly 5271 Memorial Partners, Ltd.,
a Texas limited partnership; RB VENTURES I, LLC, a Texas limited liability company;
CONSERVATION PARTNERS, LLC, a Texas limited liability company (collectively,
the "Petitioners"), holding title to a majority in value of the land described in Exhibit A
attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Property"), as indicated
by the certificate of ownership provided by the Brazos Central Appraisal District, acting
pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 49 and 54, Texas Water Code, together with all
amendments and additions thereto, respectfully petition the Commissioners of the
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (the "TCEQ") for the creation of a
municipal utility district, and in support thereof would respectfully show the following:
The name of the proposed District shall be BRAZOS COUNTY MUNICIPAL
UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2 (herein, the "District"). There is no other conservation or
reclamation district in Brazos County, Texas, with the same name.
The District shall be created and organized under the terms and provisions of
Article XVI, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution and Chapters 49 and 54, Texas Water
Code, together with all amendments and additions thereto.
The District shall have all the rights, powers, privileges, authority and functions
conferred by and be subject to all duties imposed by the Texas Water Code and the
general laws relating to municipal utility districts. The District shall contain an area of
approximately 995.30 acres of land, more or less, situated in Brazos County, Texas. All
of the land proposed to be included may properly be included in the District.
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-180
The District is located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (as such term is
defined in Local Government Code Section 42.001 et seq., as amended) of the City of
College Station, Texas, and no portion of land in the District is within the corporate
limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of any other city, town or village in Texas.
The Petitioners hold fee simple title to the Property, as indicated by the certificate
of ownership provided by the Brazos Central Appraisal District.
The general nature of the work proposed to be done by the District at the present
time is the purchase, construction, acquisition, maintenance and operation of a
waterworks and sanitary sewer system for commercial and residential purposes, and
the construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, maintenance and operation of
works, improvements, facilities, plants, equipment and appliances helpful or necessary
to provide more adequate drainage for the District, and to control, abate and amend
local storm waters or other harmful excesses of waters, and road facilities, all as more
particularly described in an engineer's report filed simultaneously with the filing of this
petition, to which reference is hereby made for more detailed description, and such
other purchase, construction, acquisition, improvement, maintenance and operation of
such additional facilities, systems, plants and enterprises, as shall be consistent with all
of the purposes for which the District is created (the "Project").
There is a necessity for the improvements above described. The territory to be
included in said proposed District will be developed for commercial and residential
purposes. There is not available within the area proposed to be included in the District
an adequate waterworks system, sanitary sewer system, drainage and storm sewer
system, or road facilities, and the health and welfare of the present and future
inhabitants of the District and of the areas adjacent thereto require the purchase,
construction, acquisition, maintenance and operation of an adequate waterworks
system, sanitary sewer system, and drainage and storm sewer system, and road
The proposed improvements are feasible and practicable. There is an ample
supply of water available, and the terrain of the territory to be included in the proposed
District is such that a waterworks system, a sanitary sewer system, drainage and storm
sewer system, and road facilities can be constructed at a reasonable cost. The District
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-181
will develop and finance its internal water, sanitary, and drainage facilities. To connect
to Brazos County Municipal Utility District No. 6, the proposed master district, which
will provide the regional water supply and wastewater treatment services to four
districts, including the proposed District, the District will pay its pro-rata share of the
development costs.
A preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the internal
water, sewer and drainage facilities of the Project and it is now estimated by the
Petitioners, from such information as they have at this time, that the cost of the internal
water, sewer and drainage facilities of the Project will be approximately $10,760,000.
A preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the District's
pro-rata share of the master district trunk water, sanitary and drainage facilities, and it
is now estimated by the Petitioners, from such information as they have at this time,
that such cost will be approximately $9,904,000.
There is not available within the area proposed to be included in the District
adequate road facilities, and the health and welfare of the present and future
inhabitants of the District and of the areas adjacent thereto require the purchase,
construction, acquisition, maintenance and operation of adequate road facilities. The
proposed improvements are feasible and practicable, and can be constructed at a
reasonable cost.
A preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the road
facilities of the Project and it is now estimated by the Petitioners, from such information
as they have at this time, that the cost of the road facilities of the Project will be
approximately $2,474,000.
The total cost of the proposed District's projects is estimated by the Petitioners to
be approximately $23,138,000.
WHEREFORE, the Petitioners respectfully pray that this petition be properly
filed, as provided by law; that all interested persons be notified of the procedures for
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-182
requesting a public hearing on this petition as required by 30 Tex. Admin. Code
f 293.12; that this petition be set for consideration at a date to be fixed in keeping with
the provisions of Chapters 49 and 54, Texas Water Code, and the rules of the TCEQ;
that, if necessary, a hearing be held and notice thereof be given as provided in Chapters
49 and 54, Texas Water Code, and the rules of the TCEQ; that this petition be in all
things granted; that the District be created and five directors thereof appointed to serve
until their successors are duly elected and qualified; and that such other orders, acts,
procedure and relief be granted as are proper and necessary and appropriate to the
creation and organization of the District, as the TCEQ shall deem proper and necessary.
[Signature pages follow this page.]
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-183
RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this Lday of h.ecQtAitbor2016.
By: Peach Creek Investment Corporation, a
Texas corporation, its General Partner
E. McFarlane,
This instrument was acknowledged before me this 611 day of
teekrilbef , 2016, by John E. McFarlane, Jr., President of Peach Creek Investment
Corporation, a Texas corporation, General Partner of PEACH CREEK PARTNERS,
LTD., a Texas limited partnership, on behalf of said limited partnership and said
My Commission Expires
December 4, 2017
Notary,Ptblic, State of Texas
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-184
McFARLANE INTERESTS, LTD., a Texas limited
By: East Texas Products, Inc., a Texas
corporation, its General Partner
n E. McFarlane, Jr.
e President
This instrument was acknowledged before me this _ _ day of La* n %e/ ,
2016, by John E. McFarlane Jr., Vice President of East Texas Products, Inc., a Texas
corporation, General Partner of MCFARLANE INTERESTS, LTD., a Texas limited
partnership, on behalf of said Limited partnership and said corporation.
My Commission Expires
Dumber 4, 2017
Notary Public,(Stz to of Texas
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-185
RB VENTURES I, LLC, a Texas limited liability
This instrument was acknowledged
2016, by John E. McFarlane, Jr., Manager
liability company, on behalf of said limited
My Commission Empires
December 4. 2017
E. McFarlane, Jr.
before me this 6/ 1 day of i oxY ,
of RB VENTURES 1, LLC, a Texas limited
liability company.
Notary PuState of Texas
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-186
This instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of tett.ty1 be./ ,
2016, by JOHN E. McFARLANE, JR.
My Commission
December 4. 2017 Expires
4"'�` Notary Pub1 ,`State of Texas
This instrument was acknowledged before me this rt day of twi.f'rali...t''
2016, by ERIN McFARLANE.
My Commission Expires
December 4. 2017
Notary Public State of Texas
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-187
PARTNERS, LLC, a Texas limited
liability company
E. McFarlane, Jr.
This instrument was acknowledged before me this Pi_ day of _ m ,
2016, by John E. McFarlane, Jr., Member of ROCK BARN CONSERVATION
PARTNERS, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, on behalf of said limited liability
— r
My Commisslon Expires
December 4, 2017
Exhibit A - Description of the Property
Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP
Attn: Yvonne Onak
3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2600
Houston, Texas 77027
Notary Pulj lic,State of Texas
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-188
Municipal Utility District No. 2 (MUD 2)
995.30 Acres
A METES AND BOUNDS description of a certain 995.30 acre tract of land out of the Jose Maria
Barrera Survey, Abstract No. 67, the Jose Maria Barrera Survey, Abstract No. 68, the Jose Maria Barrera
Survey, Abstract No, 69, the Thomas Henry Survey, Abstract No. 130, the Henry G. Hudson Survey,
Abstract No, 140, the Andrew Miller Survey, Abstract No. 165, the Bartlett McGregor Survey, Abstract
No. 171, the Archibald McLaughlin Survey, Abstract No. 158, the Diadem Millican Survey, Abstract No.
178, the Jefferson P. Mitchell Survey, Abstract No. 179, the Clement Raney Survey, Abstract No. 201,
and the John W. Stewart Survey, Abstract No. 213, Brazos County, Texas, being all or a portion of the
following tracts of land:
1. A called 82.453 acre tract to RB Ventures I, LLC, recorded in Volume 12300, Page 5, of the
Official Public Records of Brazos County (OPRBC);
2. Remainder of a called 170.748 acre tract to RB Ventures I, LLC, recorded in Volume 12300,
Page 20, OPRBC;
3. A called 10.001 acre tract to John E. McFarlane, Jr. and Erin M. McFarlane, recorded in
Volume 9422, Page 180, OPRBC;
4. A called 122,98 acres (Tract One) to 5271 Memoriat Partners, LTD., as recorded in Volume
6396, Page 106, OPRBC;
5. Remainder of a called 170.748 acre tract to Peach Creek Partners recorded in Volume 12300,
Page 13, OPRBC;
6. A called 39.705 acre tract to Peach Creek Partners, LTD., described In Volume 12468, Page 57,
7. The property conveyed to Peach Creek Partners, LTD., as recorded in Volume 04227, Page
00119, OPRBC, and in Volume 04227, Page 00145, OPRBC;
8. A called 235.123 acre tract to Peach Creek Partners recorded in Volume 04227, Page.00135,
Said 995.30 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all bearings
being based on the most north line of said 1215.830 acre tract having a record bearing of South
88'34'00" East recorded in Volume 04227, Page 00145, OPRBC;
BEGINNING at the north corner of aforementioned 82.453 acre tract, same being the east corner of the
16.68 acre tract recorded in Volume 8531, Page 011, OPRBC, and being in the southwest right-of-way of
State Highway No. 6;
THENCE South 39°30'34" East, along the southwest right-of-way of State Highway No. 6, same being an
easterly line of said 82.453acre tract, 1524.59 feet to a point -for -corner;
THENCE continuing along said southwest right-of-way and easterly line of said 82.453 acre tract the
following two (2) courses and distances:
1. South 21°04'28" East, 103.75 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. South 39'30'37" East, 80.88 feet to a point -for -corner;
THENCE over and across said 82.453 acre tract, aforementioned 122.98 acre tract, aforementioned
1213,537 acre tract, and aforementioned remainder tracts of the caller" 170.748 acre tract the following
eighteen (18) courses and distances:
1. South 71°42'07" West, 684.53 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. North 76'33'36" West, 367.98 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. South 37°36'11" West, 489.75 feet to a point -for -corner;
4. South 85"S5'01" West, 1114.30 feet to a point -for -corner;
5. South 30'40'07" West, 244.29 feet to a point -for -corner;
6. South 02°33'49" East, 246.04 feet to a point -for -corner;
7. South 12°34'02" East, 384.10 feet to a point -for -corner;
8. South 38°49'41" West, 182.69 feet to a polnt•for-corner;
9. South 66'15'42" West, 253,06 feet to a point -for -corner;
10. North 88°24' 18" West, 340.45 feet to a point -for -corner;
11. South 55'33'30" West, 386.2] feet to a point -for -corner;
12. South 16'44'55" East, 156.95 feet to a point -for -corner;
13. South 08'40'55" West, 406.85 feet to a point -for -corner;
Page 1 of 5
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-189
Municipal Utility District No. 2 (MUD 2)
995.30 Acres
14, South 51"55'S6" West, 268.66 feet to a point -for -corner;
15. South 17'45'20" West, 273.38 feet to a point -for -corner;
16. South 77'16'18" West, 76.56 feet to a point-for•corner;
17. North 61'48'13" West, 323.52 feet to a point-for•corner;
18, South 64'13'23" West, 605.99 feet to a point -for -corner, being in aforementioned 141.460 acre
THENCE over and across said 141,460 acre tract, the following four (4) courses and distances:
1. South 57'08'38" East, 565.05 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. South 86°50'52" West, 552,43 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. South 73°40'37" West, 1177.10 feel to a point -for -corner;
4. North 864'00'38" West, 596.88 feet to a point -for -corner being in aforementioned 1213.537 acre
THENCE South 57'44'45" West, 394.02 feet to a point -for -corner in said 1213.537 acre tract;
THENCE North 58'42'27" West, continuing over and across said 1213,537 acre tract, 495.48 feet to a
point -for -corner being In aforementioned 235,123 acre tract;
THENCE over and across said 235,123 acre tract, the following five (5) courses and distances:
1. South 51°31'02" West, 198.60 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. North 41'32'31" West, 413.39 feet to a point -for -corner;
3, North 77'31'31" West, 369:11feet to a point -for -corner;
4. South 09'06'20" East, 2198.58 feet to a point -for -confer;
5. North 86'12'14" West, 378.58 feet to a point -for -corner, being in a common line of said 235.123
acre tract and the 83.159 acre tract recorded in Volume 12536, Page 294, OPBBC;
THENCE along the common lines of said 235.123 acre tract and said 83,159 acre tract the following three
(3) courses and distances:
1. North 08°48'56" East, 326.38 feet to a point -for -comer;
2. North 14°30'53" West, 493.85 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. North 55'27'30" West, 544.47 feet to a point -for -corner;
THENCE North 85'59'18" West, along a northerly line of said 83.159 acre tract, 699.47 feet to a point -
for -corner, same being the most northerly corner of said 83.159 acre tract;
THENCE continuing along the common tines of said 83.159 acre tract and saki 1215.830 acre tract the
following four (4) courses and distances:
1. South 38°39'12" West, 506.11 feet to a point -for -corner;
2, South 86'39'45" West, 264.29 feet to a poInt-for-corner;
3. South 40'06'02" West, 905.25 feet to a point -for -corner;
4, South 49'52'07" East, 1114,82 feet to a point -for -corner marking the beginning of a tangent
curve to the right;
THENCE along said curve to the right, having a radius of 3050.00 feet, an arc length of 630.27 feet, a
delta angle of 11'50'24", a chord bearing of South 43'56'55" East, and a chord length of 629.15 feet, to a
point -for -corner marking a point of tangency and being the south corner of said 83.150 acre tract;
THENCE over and across aforementioned 1215.830 acre tract, the following thirteen (13) courses and
1. South 53'19'25" West, 1938,66 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. South 03'25'08" West, 409.10 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. South 29'39'21" West, 379.66 feet to a point -for -corner;
4. South 44'06'24" West, 1168.08 feet to a point -for -corner;
5. South 33°19'41" East, 1142,14 feet to a point -for -corner;
6. South 74'20'36" West, 191.27 feet to a point -for -corner;
7. South 24°51'24" East, 293.88 feet to a point -for -corner;
8. North 62'04'40" East, 865.68 feet to a point -for -corner;
9. North 32'07'46" East, 449.62 feet to a point -for -corner;
Page 2 of 5
Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-190
Municipal Utility District No. 2 (MUD 2)
995.30 Acres
10, North 16'56'29" East, 484.44 feet to a point -for -corner;
11. North 04'30'39" East, 823.17 feet to a point -for -corner;
12. North 15°42'38" East, 459.11 feet to a point -for -corner;
13. South 37°06'59" East, 553.34 feet to a point -for -corner, same being the northwest corner of a
called 20 acre tract recorded in Volume 10069, Page 264, OPRBC;
THENCE South 00°53'00" East, along the west line of said 20 acre tract, 2083.06 feet to a point -for -
THENCE South 02'02'00" East, 728.06 feet to a point -for -corner, same being the northeast corner of a
called 23.85 acre tract recorded In Volume 11639, Page 022, OPRBC and being in the west line of a called
43.05 acre tract recorded In Volume 11890 Page 225 OPRBC;
THENCE South 89'04'00' West, along the north line of said 23.85 acre tract. 1217.50 feet to a point•for-
corner, sane being the northwest corner of said 23.85 acre tract;
THENCE South 04.27'00' West, along the west line of said 23.85 acre tract, 849,85 feet to a point -for -
corner, same being a westerly corner of the 0.14 acre tract recorded in Volume 10577, Page 237, OPRBC
and being in the north right-of-way of Farm to Market Highway 2154;
THENCE North 70°59'09" West, along said right-of-way, 531.25 feet to a point -for -corner marking the
beginning of a curve to the right;
THENCE along said curve to the right, having a radius of 5305.46 feet, an arc length of 1643,96 feet, a
delta angle of 17°45'14", a chord bearing of North 61'33'22" West, and a chord length of 1637.39 feet,
to a point -for -corner;
THENCE North 53`20'32" West, continuing along said right-of-way, 2655.74 feet to a point -for -corner;
THENCE North 01'05'00" West, 21.41 feet to a point -for -corner, being in the west line of
aforementioned 1215.830 acre tract;
THENCE North 03'12'43" West, continuing along a west line of said 1215.830 acre tract, 782.28 feet to a
point -for -corner, being the southwest corner of a 26.587 acre tract conveyed as a 1/2 undivided Interest
to DuBois Children's Oinked Partnership, LTD, recorded In Volume 12468, Page 57, OPRBC;
THENCE along the south and east lines of said 26.587 acre tract the following five (5) courses and
1. North 8811'03" East, 371.48 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. North 68'06'25" East, 581.47 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. North 21°30'46" West, 343.01 feet to a point -for -corner, marking the beginning of a tangent
curve to the right;
4, Along said curve to the right, having a radius of 3000.00 feet, an arc length of 1157.30 feet, a
delta angle of 22'06'10", a chord bearing of North 10°27'41" West, and a chord length of
3150.14 feet, to a point -for -corner marking a point of tangency;
5. North 00'35'24" East, passing at a distance of 86.88 feet the northeast corner of said 26.587
acre tract anal the southeast corner of a called 5.763 acre tract conveyed to DuBois Children's
Limited Partnership, LTD, recorded In Volume 12468, Page 57, OPRBC, continuing in al a total
distance of 508.48 feet to a point -for -corner in the south line of an 86.835 acre tract conveyed
to Mitlican DPC Partners, LP, recorded in Volume 9981, Page 290, OPRBC;
THENCE North 69'40'32" East, with the south line of said 86.835 acre tract, 2301.29 feet to a point, for -
corner being the south corner of a 11.972 acre tract conveyed to John T. Jaques and Kamela A. Jaques
recorded in Volume 9960, Page 271, OPRBC;
THENCE North 69'40'33" East, with the southeast line of said Jaques tract and the southeast line of the
remainder of a 103.4 acre tract conveyed to Mitlicar> DPC Partners, LP, recorded in Volume 9981, Page
276, a distance of 1644.73 feet to a point -for -corner;
THENCE, North 00'11'39" West, with the east line of the remainder of said 103.4 acre tract a distance of
944.63 feet to a point -for -corner, being in a west line of aforementioned 1215.830acre tract;
THENCE with the west and north lines of said .1215.030 acre tract, the following four (4) courses and
1. North 00°03'00" East, 937.50 feet to a point -for -comer;
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Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-191
Municipal Utility District No. 2 (MUD 2)
995,30 Acres
2. North 19'35'00" West, 460,00 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. North 13°17'00" East, 680.56 feet to a point -for -corner;
4, South 88'34'OO" East, 1930.00 feet to a point -for -corner, being the northeast corner of said
1215.830 acre tract and the northwest corner of a called 235.123 acre tract conveyed to Peach
Creek Partners, LTD, recorded in Volume 4227, Page 135, OPRBC;
THENCE with the north line of said 235.123 acre tract, the following four (4) courses and distances;
1. North 87'19'00" East, 219.61 feet to a point -for corner;
2. North 87'50'00" East, 1157.69 feet to a pobri•for-corner;
3. North 60'08'00" East, 136.11 feet to a point -for -corner;
4. North 47°16'00" East, 246,14 feet to a point -for -corner, being the northeast corner of said
235.123 acre tract and the most westerly northwest corner of a called 1213.537 acre tract
conveyed to Peach Creek Partners, LTD, recorded In Volume 4227, Page 145, OPRBC;
THENCE with the north fine of said 1213.537 acre tract, the following three (3) courses and distances:
1. North 47'28'00" East, 173,89 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. South 64'25'00' East, 234.17 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. North 62°30'00" East, 637.50 feet to a point -for -corner, being a northeast corner of said
1213.537 acre tract and the northwest corner of a called 141.460 acre tract (Tract Three)
conveyed to Peach Creek Partners, LTD, recorded in Volume 4227, Page 145, OPRBC;
THENCE North 89°21'00" East, along the north line of said 141.460 acre tract, 2494.56 feet to a point -
for -corner, being said tract's northeast corner and being in the west line of the remainder of a called
170.748 tract conveyed to RB Ventures I, LLC, recorded in Volume 12300, Page 20, OPRBC;
THENCE with the west and north lines of said remainder tract, the following seven (7) courses and
I. North 00°10'21" West, 2075.08 feet to a point -for -corner;
2. North 40'29'41" West, 18.39 feet to a point -for -corner;
3. North 04'05'22" West, 102.71 feet to a point -for -corner;
4. North 70.09'13" East, 92.81 feet to a point -for -corner;
5. South 88'43'16" East, 348.00 feet to a point -for -corner;
6. North 88'03'52" East, 297.93 feet to a point-forcorner;
7. South 89.58'11" East, 538.46 feet to a point -for -corner, being the northeast corner of said
remainder tract and the northwest corner of a called 10.001 acre tract conveyed to. John E.
McFarlane, Jr., and Erin M. McFarlane, recorded In Volume 9422, Page 180, OPRBC;
THENCE North 85'28'53" East, along the north line of said 10.001 acre tract, 491.52 feet to a point -for -
THENCE South 89'47'44" East, passing the northeast corner of said 10.001 acre tract being a northwest
corner of aforementioned 82.453 acre tract, continuing with the north line of said 82.453 acre tract, for
a total distance of 999.70 feet to a point -for -corner at an interior corner of aforementioned 1213.537
acre tract;
THENCE North 00'17'51" East, 1592.78 feet to a point -for -corner in the southwest right-of-way of State
Highway No, 6;
THENCE South 47'21.'49" East, with .said right-of.way, 81,40 feet to a point -for -corner;
THENCE South 00"18'00" West, with an east line of said 1213.537 acre tract, 1537.89 feet to a point -for -
corner in a north line of aforementioned 82.453 acre tract;
THENCE North 89'59'15" East, with a north line of said 82.453 acre tract, 579.03 feet to a point -for -
THENCE North 02°113'53" East, 795.80 feet to the POINT 05 BEGINNING, CONTAINING 995.30 acres of
land in Brazos County, Texas.
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Doc-1290123 Bk-OR VI-13877 Pg-192
Municipal Utility District No. 2 (MUD 2)
995.30 Aeres
The metes and bounds description of MUD 2 was prepared under 22 TAC 4663.21, and does not reflect
the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to he used to convey or establish interests in real
property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of
the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared.
A separate plat bearing DWG No. 1363 was prepare. in conjunction with the foregoing metes and
bounds description and is available in the offices of JonesJCarter in College Station. Texas.
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I, the Secretary of the City of College Station, Texas, do hereby certify that a
signed copy of the Petition for Creation of Brazos County Municipal Utility District
No. 2 has been filed in my office. The City consented to creation of the District by
Resolution No. 06-09-16-02 on June 9, 2016.
MithdA , 2017.
City Secretary
City of College Station, Texas
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