HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/2017 - Regular Minutes - City Council MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FEBRUARY 23, 2017 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Blanche Brick Jerome Rektorik Linda Harvell Barry Moore Julie Schultz James Benham City Staff: Student Liaison Kelly Templin, City Manager Spencer Davis, VP Municipal Affairs Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney at 7:22 p.m. on Thursday, February 23,2017 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request. Presentation from the Arts Council& Jennifer Chenoweth on her XYZ Atlas Project. Jennifer Chenoweth, visual artist and activist, provided a short informational presentation about the XYZ Atlas Project, a multi-year project mapping shared experiences through art. XYZ Atlas is an interactive and collaborative public art initiative that reveals and visualizes how we are connected—both to one another and to our surroundings. Proclamation to recognize Community Volunteers for National Service Day. Mayor Mooney proclaimed April 4, 2017 as National Service Day and presented the proclamation to Curt Sterner, Project Coordinator, RSVP of Southeast Texas. RM022317 Minutes Page 1 Hear Visitors Comments Ben Roper,College Station,came before Council to honor the service and sacrifice of Sgt. William C. Eckhart. Mike Clements, College Station, President of College Station Fire Fighters Association, honored Joe Warren, Interim Fire Chief. CONSENT AGENDA 2a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for: • February 9, 2017 Workshop • February 9, 2017 Regular Meeting • February 10,2017 Council Retreat 2b. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the annual traffic contact report required by Senate Bill 1074 of the Texas 77th legislative session. 2c. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Resolution 02-23-17-2c, authorizing the City Manager or his designees as authorized officials to execute documents necessary for the submission of a grant application for Criminal Justice Division funds from the Office of the Governor to provide funding for 80% of the salary and benefits for employment of a Crime Victim's Advocate. 2d.Presentation,possible action,and discussion concerning Ordinance 2017-3862,amending Chapter 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station,TX, by adding section 1- 32 "Creation of an Audit Committee". 2e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of Resolution 02-23-17-2e, consenting to the City Council of the City of Bryan providing economic development incentives to ViaSat, Inc. 2f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Professional Services Contract (Contract No. 17300251) with Freese and Nichols, Inc., in the amount of$4,788,765; for the design, bidding, and construction phase services associated with the Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Project and approval of Resolution 02-23-17-2f, declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. 2g. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a change order to Contract 14-239 between the City of College Station and BerryDunn increasing the contract amount by $279,500 for additional project management services and expenses. 2h. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of Resolution 02-23-17- 2h,authorizing the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Bryan, extending the College Station/Bryan Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) common boundary. RM022317 Minutes Page 2 2i. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of the Semi-Annual Report for Impact Fees 92-01, 97-01, 97-02B, 99-01, and 03-02. 2j. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of exercising the option in the Building Use Agreement between the City of College Station and the Arts Council of Brazos to renew the Use Agreement for one year through March 6, 2018 for the building located at 2275 Dartmouth Drive. 2k. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of Resolution 02-23-17- 2k, of support for the Rock Prairie Village, LP application for 2017, 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) through the process managed by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Rektorik and a second by Councilmember Schultz, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried unanimously. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2017- 3863, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R-4 Multi-Family to MU Mixed-Use for approximately 2.973 acres being Melrose Subdivision,Block 1,Lot 4, recorded in Volume 2970,Page 211 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at 501 Luther Street West, more generally located near the southeast of Luther Street West and Jones Butler Road. Councilmember Moore recused himself from this item. Jennifer Paz, Planning and Development Services, stated that the subject property is designated as Urban on the Future Land Use & Character Plan, and the Concept Map shows it within Growth Area VI. The proposed rezoning, Mixed-Use, allows for the development of vertical mixed-use, multi-family, and commercial. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at their February 2, 2017. meeting and voted 6-0 to recommend approval. Staff recommends approval. At approximately 7:48 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:48 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Rektorik and a second by Councilmember Harvell, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, with Councilmember Moore having recused himself and absent from the dais, to adopt Ordinance 2017-3863, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R-4 Multi-Family to MU Mixed-Use for approximately 2.973 acres being RM022317 Minutes Page 3 Melrose Subdivision, Block 1, Lot 4, recorded in Volume 2970, Page 211 of the Official Records of Brazos County,Texas, generally located at 501 Luther Street West,more generally located near the southeast of Luther Street West and Jones Butler Road. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2017- 3864, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to MF Multi-Family for approximately 12 acres being Augustus Babille Survey,A-75,Brazos County,Texas and being all of the 12 acre tract described in the deed from Rodrick K. Wolf to Rodrick K. Wolf and Sharon B. Wolf, as Co- Trustees of the Rick and Sharon Wolf Revocable Trust,recorded in Volume 13033,Page 235 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at 1650 Arrington Road, more generally located south of the intersection of South Oaks Drive and Arrington Road. This item was taken out of order and after Item 3. Rachel Lazo, Planning and Development Services, stated that the request is to rezone the subject property from Rural to Multi-Family. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on January 19 and voted 4-2 to recommend denial of the request. At approximately 8:37 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Public Hearing. Marie Wolfe,Nantucket, provided written comments, attached. Steve Moore, College Station, provided written comments, attached. Jim Maness,Nantucket, spoke on the narrowness of Arrington Road and expressed his opposition to the zoning change. He proposed zero lot line, single family homes are an alternative. He provided a petition, attached. Karen Pitts, College Station, representing the Tracking Roads Advisory Committee, provided written comments and spoke to say said their intent is to preserve the neighborhood and keep it safe. They have met with the developers, but nothing has been resolved. They request that traffic be kept away from Arrington and buffers placed. She asked those in attendance to stand to show their opposition to this change. Randel Whittlesey, Nantucket, stated his agreement with Mr. Maness and Mr. Pitts. The excess traffic is occurring now and will only get worse. Karen Weir, Nantucket, asked Council to look at the issue through her eyes and how this will impact the neighborhood. Progress at the price of safety and uniqueness is progress for profit. Tim Powell, Nantucket, provided written comments and stated his position until such time as a new comprehensive road plan in the area takes into account existing neighborhood integrity. The Planning Department needs to come up with a new thoroughfare plan. RM022317 Minutes Page 4 Sherry Bame,Nantucket,multi-family housing in this instance violates the neighborhood integrity. There are no sidewalks, no parks, alternative transit, and no walkable shopping. This is not an environment for high density living. John Bryant, College Station, played an audio recording of traffic noise at his driveway at 7:30 a.m. That is one car every six seconds. He noted this is not even peak time. What is an acceptable level of service on these roads? Glenda Elledge, South Oaks, stated her opposition to The Ranch and supported others who have spoken in opposition. She noted significantly increased cut-through traffic, speeds in excess of the posted 35 MPH limit at all hours, and seeming disregard for the safety of the residents. Keep in mind the graceful old neighborhoods and their residents. Joe Guerra, Jr., College Station, stated his support of the Nantucket, Indian Lakes, and the South Oaks neighborhoods. He proposed townhomes as an alternative. Gonzalo Sandoval,Nantucket, said he has seen increased traffic in just the short time he has been here and stated his opposition to this project. He would like to see a road plan and have it implemented. Sharon Mills,Nantucket, said she is directly across from the project. Rezoning these twelve acres is not consistent with the existing nature of the area. Her driveway is being used as a turn-around now. The TIA needs to be updated; it did not take into account the additional 2,700 homes also being proposed. David Ogden,Nantucket, said he has trouble wrapping his head around the growth data provided. Cut-through traffic is already occurring. There are blind curves on the streets, and there are no sidewalks. The traffic will expand throughout the neighborhood and impact everyone. Elizabeth Varvel, Indian Lakes,voiced her opposition. There has been a shift in the past few years to change the character of the area, going from a rural feeling to an urban feeling. There will be impacts on the resources of the neighborhood. Amy Swinford, Nantucket, said she has to wait to get out of her driveway everyday due to the increased traffic. She has had to jump out of the way of cars when walking the dog. David Wells,College Station,said this is a unique neighborhood. There have been public meetings with the county and said he was surprised that the City has not provided information regarding the traffic pattern. Derek Mills, Nantucket, said to get out of the driveway, one has to really accelerate to get out on the road. Trash and garbage line the road. WE need to consider the integrity of the neighborhood and safety of it residents. Nick McKernan, Castlegate, echoed the same sentiments that have been shared. RM022317 Minutes Page 5 Spencer Davis, Student Liaison, voiced his support of developments for young professionals. There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:26 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Rektorik and a second by Councilmember Schultz,the City Council voted six(6) for and one(1)opposed,with Councilmember Brick voting against,to adopt Ordinance 2017-3864,amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to MF Multi-Family for approximately 12 acres being Augustus Babille Survey,A-75, Brazos County, Texas and being all of the 12 acre tract described in the deed from Rodrick K. Wolf to Rodrick K. Wolf and Sharon B. Wolf, as Co-Trustees of the Rick and Sharon Wolf Revocable Trust, recorded in Volume 13033, Page 235 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at 1650 Arrington Road, more generally located south of the intersection of South Oaks Drive and Arrington Road. The motion carried. 3. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2017- 3865, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to WC Wellborn Commercial for approximately one acre being all of Lots 4, 5, 6, and 11, parts of Lots 7, 10, 12, and the 20-foot wide alley, Block"A", Benjamin Graham Subdivision as recorded in Volume 12, Page 394 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being all of the same land described in Tracts One, Two, Three and Four in the deed form Lillian Ruth Brown and Glenda Mae Brown Goodman to South Wellborn Ltd., recorded in Volume 8819, page 82 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas plus the adjoining 20-foot wide alley in Block A as closed by the Brazos County Commissioner's court on September 30,2008, generally located at 14973 FM 2154, more generally at the north east intersection of Wellborn Road and Greens Prairie Road West. This item was taken out of order and before item 2. Rachel Lazo, Planning and Development Services, reported that the applicant is requesting a rezoning from Rural to Wellborn Commercial in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map and the Wellborn Community Plan. When this area was annexed, it received a Rural Zoning designation. This was meant to serve as a placeholder until rezoning was requested and was not intended to represent existing uses or what is most suitable for the property. Wellborn Commercial is a new zoning district created uniquely for this area to allow small scale commercial uses. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at their February 2, 2017 meeting and voted 6-0 to recommend approval. Staff recommends approval. At approximately 7:55 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m. RM022317 Minutes Page 6 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember Rektorik, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2017- 3865, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to WC Wellborn Commercial for approximately one acre being all of Lots 4, 5, 6, and 11,parts of Lots 7, 10, 12, and the 20-foot wide alley, Block"A", Benjamin Graham Subdivision as recorded in Volume 12, Page 394 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being all of the same land described in Tracts One, Two, Three and Four in the deed form Lillian Ruth Brown and Glenda Mae Brown Goodman to South Wellborn Ltd., recorded in Volume 8819,page 82 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas plus the adjoining 20-foot wide alley in Block A as closed by the Brazos County Commissioner's court on September 30, 2008, generally located at 14973 FM 2154, more generally at the north east intersection of Wellborn Road and Greens Prairie Road West. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the creation of the Spring Creek Local Government Corporation including adoption of Resolution 02-23-17-04,approving the Certificate of Formation and Bylaws and appointment of initial directors. Natalie Ruiz,Director of Economic Development,briefly discussed the possible candidates. There are two positions to be filled. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember Rektorik, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to appoint John Nichols and Jane Kee to the board of directors. The motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Brick and a second by Councilmember Schultz,the City Council voted seven(7) for and none(0)opposed,to adopt Resolution 02-23-17- 04, approving the Certificate of Formation and Bylaws and appointment of initial directors. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items and review of standing list of Council generated agenda items: A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Councilmember Benham asked to revisit the rental registration fee and policy, and for an update on capital projects. Councilmember Rektorik asked for an update on the projects discussed at the Council retreat. RM022317 Minutes Page 7 6. Adjournment. There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 10:18 p.m. on Thursday, February 23, 2017. arl M••ney Mayor ATTEST: Sherry M bum, City Secretary RM022317 Minutes Page 8 AFFIDAVIT OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § I, t� 7- `..`J62. , as a member of the City of College Station C'titi( 6s01-sc make this affidavit and hereby, on oath, state the following: I, and/or a person or persons related to me, have a substantial interest in a business entity that would be peculiarly affected by a vote or decision of the above body, as those terms are defined in Chapter 171, Texas Local Government Code. Date of Meeting: 2...Z:'?. VA- Agenda Item Number: The business entity is: -5•174 v..0 1?)t..4F1/47e---c,t----"2:V-`'i�- So 1 (have/has) a substantial interest in this business entity for the following reasons: (Check all that are applicable.) ❑ I own 10% or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity; (l I own either 10% or more or $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business entity; 1Y Funds received by me from the business entity exceed 10% of my gross income for the previous year; ❑ Real property is involved and (I/we) have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair market value of $2,500 or more; 17 A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the business entity or property that would be affected by a decision of the public body of which I am a member. Upon the filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this business entity and from any further participation on this matter whatsoever. Signed this 23 day of r'gC--"*"--‘ , 20 \ c . b. ce.,,„(--- ,s--- Signature of Official &0)-sr-,i,- t--ce3,-(20V., {91--:u--L 14 Title BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared D. &i/i,24/PLOO, who after being by me duly sworn and on his oath deposed and says that he/she has ready the above and foregoing and that every statement contained therein is with his/her personal knowledge and is true and correct. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME on this 23 day of fejA,L,L66- , 20/ 7 . v TANYA McNUTT 1� /L ' 1 o{Pay.?awe t � _ . _` 11652789•5 ota y g ublic, State of Texas t ,.\)\ �* Notary Public,State of Texas t I ',,€ Fs�,y My Commission Expires February 14,2018 i CITY OF COLI r Gr:STATION Home of Texas A&M University" College Station City Council Workshop&Regular Agenda Mayor Council Members Sign In Sheet Karl Mooney Blanche Brick Thursday,February 23,2017 at 4:30&7:00 p.m. Mayor ProTem Jerome Rektorik City Hall Council Chamber Julie Schultz Linda Harvell City Manager Barry Moore Kelly Templin James M.Benham Name Address ` Email or Phone No. 1. S/'t/1,L car) _ a/'r/ gV /ems ,Lit ! - ( ***Note this not a Hear Visitors form*** To speak on a particular item please file out the Citizen Speakers Form next to sign in sheet. (* " -amagglititl CITY OF COI.1.I?GE STATION Home ofTexas A&MF1 University" College Station City Council Workshop&Regular Agenda Mayor Council Members Sign In Sheet Karl Mooney Blanche Brick Thursday,February 23,2017 at 4:30&7:00 p.m. Mayor ProTem Jerome Rektorik City Hall Council Chamber Julie Schultz Linda Harvell City Manager Barry Moore Kelly Templin James M.Benham Name Address Email or Phone No. 1. . (Q.6,___;_____1,t, Tk---.-------_ —190 9 Oti t blip 0 'L GI' , 2. r w ore S/ dk .-- / ***Note this not a Hear Visitors form*** To speak on a particular item please file out the Citizen Speakers Form next to sign in sheet. Y F��n CITY F COI.1 STATION Home of Texas A6-114 University" College Station City Council Workshop&Regular Agenda Mayor Council Members Sign In Sheet Karl Mooney Blanche Brick Thursday,February 23,2017 at 4:30&7:00 p.m. Mayor ProTem Jerome Rektorik City Hall Council Chamber Julie Schultz Linda Harvell City Manager Barry Moore Kelly Templin James M.Benham Name Address Email or Phone No. 1. I v\ z M s C r ***Note this not a Hear Visitors form*** To speak on a particular item please file out the Citizen Speakers Form next to si2n in sheet. 4.#"1111414 CITY(.)F COI.I.EGP.STATION Home of Texas AerM Universisy" College Station City Council Workshop&Regular Agenda Mayor Council Members Sign In Sheet Karl Mooney Blanche Brick Thursday,February 23,2017 at 4:30&7:00 p.m. Mayor ProTem Jerome Rektorik City Hall Council Chamber Julie Schultz Linda Harvell City Manager Barry Moore Kelly Templin James M.Benham Name Address Email or Phone No. 1. VA YU-CA Ks-go \cj C ' c15 2. 3. 4. • 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ***Note this not a Hear Visitors form*** To speak on a particular item please file out the Citizen Speakers Form next to sign in sheet. �al CITIZEN COMMENT SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 02_%23 / 7 Home ofTexasAcM University" MM I DD I YY **Please PRINT all information ** Name: 13.e u )'C/�O`A -e•►•• Phone: ' Address: Email: Comments: WRITTEN [ ORAL Comments are presented for: K\HEAR VISITORS AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office - City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 �/ Fax: 979-764-6377 I Email: smashburnAcstx.gov RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS LITY OF COLLI:Gis STATION Home of Texas AeeM University" Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a • speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. Tonight I want to highlight and honor the service and sacrifice of Sergeant William C. Eckhart Army Sgt. William Eckhart of Rocksprings, Texas was killed April 10, 2004 while he was on an anti-mortar mission in Baqubah, Iraq. Eckert, a cavalry scout, was assigned to F Troop, 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division, Schweinfurt, Germany. Sgt. Eckhart, who conducted reconnaissance, had deployed previously to Bosnia and Kosovo. He had been in Iraq since February. William Eckhart graduated from Rocksprings High School in 1997. He was a member of the State Cross Country 1 -A Championship Team and the Boy Scouts. When his father saw a military representative at his front door on that Sunday morning, he realized the news that Army parents dread most had arrived at his home. "Ronnie went to the door and saw the uniform, and he walked away," his wife, Terri, said, "like he was trying to wish him from the porch." William was a poor student who struggled with what he wanted to do after high school, Terri Eckhart said. He excelled as a cross-country runner. He loved being outside and found himself in the Army. But it was only during a trip home at Christmas that he discussed his secretive job with his family for the first time. "He wasn't going anyplace that was going to be a safe duty station," his mother said. "He liked the adventure, the excitement and the whole big deal of it." Those who knew him found him to be a different person than the skinny loner they had been acquainted with in his teenage years, she said. "He liked rappelling down mountains out of helicopters," she said. "The Army gave him a confidence. Everyone who saw him after he joined the Army was totally amazed by the person he changed into," she said. "The Army has been so good to him," she said. "Even in losing him this way, he was happy there." William Eckert was 25. Lest we forget. CITIZEN COMMENT SIGN-UP FORM 02/23/2016 i•Y{ F C{::�I c I�,c.CI SiION Regular Meeting Date: Ci Home of Irx�ts A614 University M M/DD I YY **Please PRINT all information** Name: Mike Clements Phone: Address: Email: Comments: WRITTEN ORAL Comments are presented for: • HEAR VISITORS AGENDA ITEM# FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: n COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office—City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 ---DN) Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: commentform@cstx.gov a. RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COI]l 13G1:,S'!"SI'IO' [Ionic of le asA r,4/University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot he transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM W: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: Da_ aS '.,01 Home of TexasAecM University' MM /DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** Name: Mari e ,iO0($e_. Phone: Address: ` 7(.0 Ja 0 UP. � ;pe-c Cow- 7- k` ( Email: © Comments: WRITTEN ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: �2 2 a-q e a or() I'1'1 ext-f5 COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburncstx.qov *)," ( ,..„.4t„- -t<Aflib -41 '' RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OP COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. Raney Whitwell From: Sherry Mashburn Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 11:59 AM To: Raney Whitwell Subject: FW: Tonight City Council Meeting Item No. 17-0077 Raney: Please prepare a Public Comment form for this person and note written comments. Thanks! From: Marie Wolfe [ Sent:Thursday, February 23, 2017 11:27 AM To:Sherry Mashburn <smashburn@cstx.gov> Subject: Fw:Tonight City Council Meeting Item No. 17-0077 ***** This is an email from an EXTERNAL source. DO NOT click links or open attachments without positive sender verification of purpose. Never enter USERNAME, PASSWORD or sensitive information on linked pages from this email. ** Sorry I had a typo with your id Cheers, Marie Wolfe Forwarded Message From: Marie Wolfe < To: Karl Mooney <kmooney@cstx.gov>; Blanche Brick <bbrick@cstx.gov>; Linda Harvell <Iharvell@cstx.gov>; "irektorik@cstx.gov" <jrektorik@cstx_gov>; "dbmoore@cstx.00v" <dbmoore apcstx.gov>; "jschultz@cstx gov" <jschultz@cstx.gov>; "ibenham@cstx.gov" <jbenham@cstx.gov> Cc: Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 11:25 AM Subject: Tonight City Council Meeting Item No. 17-0077 Howdy City Council, I live in Nantucket and won't be able to make tonight's City Council Meeting due to illness and not wanting to contaminate the crowd. I did want to speak at the Public Hearing in opposition to Item No. 17-0077 - 12 acres at 1650 Arrington Road rezoning from R (Rural) to MF (Multi-Family). There are a number of reasons that I oppose this rezoning and they are as follows (not prioritized): 1. The TIA process needs updating so the information that Staff and Council receives is more meaningful and accurate. The TIA did not take into account the City's redefining the Margraves/Windham Ranch Future Land Use to Suburban Restricted for a total of 2700 homes (back in December 2015) that would have to use the same County Roads as this new Apartment Complex. The TIA also fails to take into account human nature of avoiding things that slow them down and take longer routes without obstacles (which 2 of the P&Z Commissioners did say they did at the 1/19/2017 meeting) thus cutting thru our neighborhoods. It also doesn't take into account the latest technology used by people when driving (e.g. GoogleMaps and GPS) that would cause the traffic to come thru South Oaks and Nantucket and someday Indian Lakes. I don't know how many TIAs have been done since the City approved that process, but this is the second one I looked at and both say that everything is okay and no road updates are needed. This makes me very suspicious of the data/conclusion. I believe the process should also include updates to the TIA after occupancy, +5 years, +10 years. I realize Developers want to get in and get out, but they leave the problems for the residents and this might help make them accountable in the future if their TIAs weren't accurate/realistic. 2. While I'm not opposed to apartment complexes, I have an issue with this one because part of our neighborhood is directly opposite it on Arrington Road. This land use is not consistent with areas immediately around the 12 acres. 3. 1650 Arrington Road is a Brazos County Road. It's a very narrow 2 lane road and if it ever is required to become 3 lanes to match the City portion up by Old Arrington Road, then I'm very concerned for the Nantucket Homeowners that would have to give up more property and the road would be very close to their front doors. I don't see that this development is creating a Right Of Way that would allow the width expansion to come from that side of the road completely. So for the good of my Nantucket neighbors, unless that ROW is given I believe this should be opposed. 4. This apartment complex would have only one entrance/exit and that would be onto Arrington Road. This sounds like a safety hazard for those residents. What does City Fire Chief think of that? 5. The City keeps growing south which has been great in some respects for us, but it also needs to grow in a more planned fashion. There is no mass transit available in this area and this will be the second Multi-Family complex within a 1/2 mile of each other and 4 within 1 mile. Please take the time to consider having Mass Transit available. Which also brings up 3 have been approved, but none have been built so is this one really necessary? 6. There is to be a signal light at Arrington Road and Greens Prairie Road. Why doesn't the City wait to see if this improves matters or makes things worse? I believe the TIA mentioned a minute wait at the light and that's only going to push people to go thru our neighborhoods. 7. While I was hopeful at a P&Z Commissioners meeting when I observed them giving Southern Pointe (The Speedway) variances to stop cut-thru traffic for that neighborhood, it seems the concern is only for new neighborhoods and not existing neighborhoods. South Oaks and Nantucket receive a large amount of cut-thru speeding traffic now and with the addition of Multi-Family zoning on Arrington Road, that will only increase in the future. I'm looking for the City and County to come up with a solution that will mitigate out roadway safety issues now and for future development. We have asked for a Area Wide Traffic Study at the P&Z Meetings and at the City Council Meeting on 2/9. Maybe we 2 are not using the right terms, but I think it's clear that we want the City/County to work with the neighborhoods being impacted by the City Development in this area. Doesn't the City want to help mitigate known roadway safety issues in our neighborhoods and be part of the solution? I definitely don't want to see something tragic happen before the City helps and I'm hoping you don't either. Nantucket's roads are rural county roads that are barely 22-24 feet wide. Our residents walk, run and bike on these roads. There are no shoulders, no sidewalks and drainage ditches on both sides of the roads. Our driveways enter directly onto those streets. Our neighborhood park can only be gotten to by traveling Harpers Ferry Road. All of these road characteristics are what makes Nantucket rural, but it also causes dangerous situations when others cut-thru because they speed and don't stop at Stop Signs. I thank you for you time and wish this to be entered into the 2/23/2017 City Council Meeting Minutes on my behalf. There is also another item that is just some cleanup. On the agenda under "Consent Agenda", Item 17-0081, RTRT021017Minutes on Page 3, it has Nancy Berry as Mayor. That should be corrected. If you have any questions, you can call me at Unfortunately, today I won't be able to talk very long due to my throat problem but I'll try. Sincerely, Marie E. Wolfe 4576 Sandpiper Cove College Station, TX 77845 3 ? PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM y CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: a a3a01 Home ofTexas A&M University' M /DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** MOCK Phone Address: Is- 1 lomfIQuVk dkk (PIA)l l SGlif"e t(DI e 7 'e.5'f 4"f- Bh/ 1y1- vevi eR1 leomments. ,, WRITTEN n ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA EM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: AfouiL ^ COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn@cstx.qov RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT f CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of"Texas11&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. Regualr Item 2 Ranch at Arrington Council Members, As the manager of Anytime Fitness in the Tower Point shopping center, I would like sho my full support of multi-family developments near our businesses.The Ranch at Arrington has rec ntly been brought to my attention as a multi-family project that is geared toward young pro essionals. I feel this would provide my business with additional traffic that we need and expect.The pla ement of our location in Tower Point was a very strategic decision and was done so based upon the exp ctation of growth and density nearby.Thank you for your time on council and I hope that you can rela e with the needs of all business owners here in the South College Station market. / .illiriar !� 2 -/' /2 Ste e Moore/Director of Operations An ime Fitness College Station 95 William D Fitch Parkway(Suite 401) Col ege Station,TX 77845 Dir•ct Line: 979.690.8463 Em:il: collegestationtxC>anytimefitness.cam Ag ie owned and operated! PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: /a)// '] Home of lexasAd'M University" MM /DD/YY �^ **Please PRINT all information ** Name: <T / ,�' 1 /\ /V l� ¶S Phone: Address: 1 7 3 3 R 1 Otero/l/ prQ Email: . flkTComments: WRITTEN MORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # V FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (#i in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-63773 Email: smashburnna,cstx.gov lj RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University" Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. ' Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. PETITION We the undersigned, Arrington Road Home Owners, respectfully request no real estate be expropriated from the Nantucket side of Arrington Road for the expansion of Arrington Road. In support of this request we present the following facts: 1. Arrington Road is a high traffic count road which has already exceeded its designed carrying capacity. 2. Expansion on the Nantucket side would greatly diminish the property value of the existing homes and place high volume road traffic within approximately 50 feet of the front doors of the current homes. 3. A high number of utility wires and water pipes are currently buried in the easement area affected. 4. Drainage would be impacted thereby subjecting our homes to flooding. Signature Name Address >iti./"Vbil,6-0 0 k (441,,,q/k(),..0.---7 Al A if r; .4) ‘-7 7,-, / / )3-5 al/VLA--1-`1- '--r--, (12----6, I (k/ CV"ej-CgC,A, tril'i 9(1 ri I. /66 /1rivior I , TZ c/ fRi:? 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S-#0tkovi yg 7'7E-Y'- Email: Comments: R'WRITTEN ✓ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: Se,c a t•kavet. n✓/COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF I PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn@_cstx.gov A.407 0: RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. Feb. 23 City Council Public Hearing on The Ranch My name is Karen Pitts, and I live at 4580 Cricket Pass in College Station. As Chair of the Tracking Roads Advisory Committee, I am authorized to speak on behalf of the current 232 households in Nantucket. Our Committee members and many homeowners have addressed you before. Our intent is to preserve the integrity of our neighborhoods and to keep them safe. With the City's ongoing drive to produce more rooftops, the input from homeowners has been sidestepped. So we have met with developers to discuss issues, but nothing has been firmly resolved. We have asked that the land bordering Arrington Road be used appropriately, not to rezone rural-classified areas into more urban apartment complexes and 2,700 homes on small lots. We have asked that developers feed traffic away from Arrington and provide buffers. Our Committee has drafted an alternative road design to prompt discussion. We have cited legitimate traffic overload concerns, based on the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines and Institute of Transportation Engineers. Already the City has approved CapRock 10 Apts., 242 units that are estimated to generate over 1,600 cars/day, while The Ranch with 272 units should bring over 1,800 cars/day. If the Margraves tract developer constructs 950 homes alone, as is expected for its first phase (generating 9,500 cars/day), added to just one of these apartment complexes, Arrington Road as a 4-lane major collector (as shown on the MPO map) will exceed capacity of 10,000 cars/day and will have bumper to bumper traffic. By continuing to approve projects on an individual basis--not taking into account all proposed development--the City will push a massive overload of traffic onto Arrington, and our neighborhoods will be used as cut-through roads to reach Texas 6. This will be especially true, if you approve The Ranch. The main entrance is virtually across from South Oaks Drive and Nantucket homes whose driveways enter Arrington. We know that City and County officials have met with The Ranch and Margraves developers. You can request preliminary traffic statistics to show your responsibility to residents. Rather than vote on each new project piecemeal, you should view the overall picture-to-come. The City needs to factor in the known proposed developments along Arrington in order to reach a valid decision. We ask again for an area-wide traffic study of the Arrington Road region to determine the impact on our neighborhoods. We hope you will support the P&Z's original denial of rezoning for The Ranch. Thank you. Je A PN PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY or COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: II 3- Home of Texas AM d University"' M /D /YY **Please PRINT all information ** Name: K;')Hiq De-L tiffrrri_e3e-1Phone: ) Address: /79-f A iL// -T-co 70 g I eA TAT- ' ` r Email: ,,,,,, Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # l fes - D, FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 5--- Email: smashburn(c�cstx.gov Ar* VV RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Zexas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. ( )0 .Ccep,,,,.: fe- PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM *ANE Re ular Meetin Date: a -33_jCITY OF COLLLGI3 STATION g gHorne of Texas A&M University" MM/DD/YY lf **Please PRINT all information ** ame: ;: cZ11 ✓� • �/L t rte- Phone: /® 1ddress: 51 / 6C o6,...s,-�..4o w's2-----`.mail: // WRITTEN ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 Ce Email: smashburnna,cstx.gov RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT A PY CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE E STATION Home of Texas Ac'M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must slate their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. �j PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CIT v'OF COQ- EGESTATION Regular Meeting Date: OVZ5/20/ ? Home ofTexas Ae7M University' MM/DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** � Name: /9J7 /tee 7/ Phone: -- Address: c3 '/Z Email: // --"- Comments: WRITTEN H ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # 2----- FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: c_lee, d' 73"C A,e of COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF -----PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn(a�cstx.gov r �r F , k RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas AesM University" Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. City Council Meeting The Ranch Public Hearing 2/23/2017 My name is Tim Powell I live at 3429 Tahoma Trail I am also on the Tracking Roads Advisory Committee with Karen Pitts I am opposing The Ranch Apartment development at this time until a new comprehensive road plan in the area which takes into account existing neighborhood integrity can be agreed to by the City of College Station. We have met with developers and representatives of the Ranch development. They have been considerate of the existing neighborhoods and even devised plans to minimize traffic (multiple exits to Greens Prairie and Arrington) and impact to the area. In addition,they have involved developers of the Margraves property Oldham and Goodwin. We all met at the same time. Hunter Goodwin was also considerate of the area neighborhoods and their group came up with some ideas on Arrington road to minimize cut through traffic. However,we have met with many city officials over the past year and have never received any feedback when making our case.The City by their inaction and unwillingness to discuss changes to the current plan,have placed the developers in an awkward position of having to deal with area residents.We certainly appreciate the developer's willingness to meet with us. But the City Planning Department is the only group that can make major changes to the current road plan.This road plan has not been modified since changes in land use from rural to restricted suburban have been in place for the Margraves and Windham tracts. The current plan shows 4 exits onto Arrington Road and only 2 onto Greens Prairie.When you include The Ranch apartment exit onto Arrington we will have 5 exits from 2700 homes and 272 apartment units. This results in a potential of 28,811 trips per day according to accepted local guidelines. Based on the number of exits onto Arrington Road vs. Greens Prairie,Arrington will bear the bulk of this traffic increase. This will most certainly cause a significant amount of cut through traffic in our Neighborhoods as they seek access to TX6. Instead of the developers working with area citizens to make modifications on a one off basis,the City of College Station should work to devise a plan that incorporates all development and existing neighborhoods of the area. Thereby coming up with a true comprehensive plan that is satisfactory to all stakeholders. The Tracking Roads Advisory Committee has a plan that we have shown to numerous City, County and MPO officials and staff. This plan is not a hard and fast declaration but a document for discussion and modification to arrive at an alternative that we can all live with. There is no reason that the representatives from the City, County, MPO, Developers and area residents cannot meet together to resolve some of the road planning issues. The BCSMPO is asking for input into its road plans. The Developers have met with us and have offered solutions albeit one off. Where is the City in all of this?The City is supposed to be a governmental body by the people of College Station serving its citizens.They should be welcoming our input and be willing to discuss options with us. It is time that the City Council and Mayors office tell the City Planning Department to do their job and actively discuss road plan options with the ETJ residents. By making long range plans with the involvement of area residents we can avoid these difficult and awkward situations where we have to oppose one project due to a lack of planning on the City's part. Recommended Road Plan(Tracking Roads Advisory Committee 1-2017) L 2700 Home ,;^�,r��';on Development e / ♦ ' 00,�rF;it ♦♦ 1500 Home 1 r annons �, ♦♦ Development �. ��r_ ` ,� ♦ Preliminary Plan ♦ - .. '''' ..s."...."' ..s"r� \) es"' ♦\.....w: �. �_ _ II GStlegate ,Fire StIt r e� I 1--- ^ /4'• .> ' \ •• '•a .. `.4 ✓ \\ "r/ \\ / \\`VI �,`\ t r_ 1_pr- ♦ so gni P•' 1 /1e \\ •i % Yp a: Nantucket ovi. I ``(�7 % ▪ / NRERRV \\ ♦6 V O t.ner1t NANLUCK.'1 may,♦. % \\ \\ I '� ` 1/ t \ \\ \ "21ane overpass 1 SwEEiwA • air `, 1 \\ 1" Y NANTUCKET COVE I �♦ ,�/?"�+• DEER PARK / I it is , 1 ,eo1 \\ Ii\ / j Mesa Verde . ��. ' \ IF I .p % /��,/ \�/\\\ `1 ♦♦.• \\1 samast naerwwv 1, / N e \ /� IndianLs[nKEs id MA„`�re�ca,ci° dAiir;oao• \y ♦\ / r i �nwv aY'F*Pvss»ay ®B Lena M gorAKeml % ; •v rPrgwseU6 Lena MgorAda�l ; .-a e Levo MgorAnerel / / I a-r Pmposee a Lena MaRvAne. / s 4 Lana MinorMSW / _ Propos..Lena M ForAMM " - -xLone MgarcaPetlor o Millicanreseve PmposeE2 Lena ugorCdNtlor , �RLMra MFor Gdktlor ! � rRoposeERlaneMForCapedar 4 _ ( ,,,l' -4 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: Da 17 Horne of Texas A&M University"' M /DD/ Y Please PRINT allinformation **Name: E y 6t 'r4 I Phone: Address: VO2 5N LC f f 072_ Email: ) Comments: WRITTEN PORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 Vn Email: smashburncstx.gov 4i RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT *49 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of TexasAe'rM University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must slale their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. h ( iier'N, ,,,, PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP F RM CIT'I OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 25 i i1 Home ofTexas AdM University' MM /DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** Name: 3Q6r /�� / � Phone: (��(' —/ () Address: 1 t Z , -gel N(D e N pl. Email: Comments: WRITTEN 7(ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # 2- FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office - City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 De Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn(a�cstx.gov P RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 1.0 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must stale their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. SAII PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 021P VD/VYi 7 Home ofTexasA�'rM University"' M /D 'n, / r **Please PRINT all information ** Name: X1& (( (a I I edciQ Phone: & Address: f Z 11 ci)(t,"1 Y ! FS J)v. , Ci'/e ,513-fialif 11` 775215 Email: Comments: WRITTEN AORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 D Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn@cstx.gov < RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT *,,,,,, ;:i.,,,i.1, CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 6 2 /Zi /2 0 l 7 Home ofTexas A6M University' MM/DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** � C-� J t%�lz.4- J !z- Phone: � �' Address: eo7�' I/�;AL)%r _J LD0 p Email:) LTComments: WRITTEN .t6RAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # Z FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 I Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn@cstx.gov y RULES FOR PUBLIC �:f, COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas Ad'M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. ( ,...: .4s,„4,,t , * ilf PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 272 31 11 Home of Texas A6114 University' MM /DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** / (/ / Name: 7'O/� J 51-44/1)0 VA- c- Phone: Address: /& Email: Comments: WRITTEN ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # Z' FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office - City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 / 2, Email: smashburn@cstx.gov z�. ( 7: 'y/..,-7 * : RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. however, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must stale their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. ..* „iiit 40(r- PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 0217-1//7 Horst of TexasAe7M University's MM I DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** Name: Sicicrfiq '11s Phone: Address: /6 t( firmI 104 ,i4l/ Email: Comments: WRITTEN VI ORAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (4 in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 1 ';:i7 Email: smashburncstx.gov cni L { 3' RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT AY f CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: Home of TexasAe'rM University' MM/DD/YY **Please PRINT all information ** Name: /�G'� / l iG�1� Phone: ✓ Address: 9.3r / %" (1,/ KG Pe Email: Comments: WRITTEN /ARAL Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office — City Hall (# in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Fax: 979-764-6377 ILA Email: smashburncstx.qov RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University' Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. I lowever, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, inliniidalion, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. N PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP FORM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular Meeting Date: 2, - 23H1 Home of TexasAe7M University" MM/DD/YY r„, **Please PRINT all information ** Name: v/17I —e 9—I-, \KYVA-A Phone: Address: I, 5--YO lCru ct. (Al • Email: _ Comments will be presented for PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM # cL (ii- 079 FOR WRITTEN COMMENTS, PLEASE WRITE BELOW: COMMENTS CONTINUED ON ATTACHED DOCUMENT OF PAGE(S) FOR ORAL COMMENTS: 1. YOU MUST SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MEETING (At the City Secretary's Office during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting.); 2. YOU WILL HAVE ONE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK; AND 3. YOU MUST OBSERVE THE 3-MINUTE TIME LIMIT. (Time cannot be transferred to another speaker.) Inquiries from speakers about matters not listed on the agenda will either be directed to the Staff or placed on a future agenda for Council consideration. See reverse side for additional rules. MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: City of College Station OFFICE USE ONLY: City Secretary's Office —City Hall (#in which received) 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 15 Fax: 979-764-6377 Email: smashburn(a�cstx.gov 7, u_ba.,_ or_a,u, 4,2 cyn \ 2\-\ ema Ea/i1/0-- OVei-k flJ /(/i a 1x,61 611 Snad ' tom ��\ e v� RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University" Public Comments: The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from the public at regular meetings. Individuals wishing to speak must sign in at the City Secretary's Office at City Hall during regular business hours, or from 5:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary before the Hear Visitors period is finished or the agenda item has been finished. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Written Comments / Handouts / PowerPoint: Individuals may use the comment sheets provided in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall. Comment sheets submitted to the City Secretary by 6:45 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. An individual who wishes to submit other written material should submit 10 copies to the City Secretary for distribution to Council Members and senior staff. Individuals wishing to provide a PowerPoint presentation must submit the presentation to the City Secretary's office no later than noon the day of the meeting. This will allow staff time to review any type of video or PowerPoint to determine appropriateness for display at a public meeting, and to give the IT department enough time to check the files or CDs to make sure that there are no viruses prior to loading on the City computers. Hear Visitors Period: The Hear Visitors section is set aside during Regular Meetings in order to give the public the opportunity to speak on City-related matters not covered by the agenda. However, no formal action will be taken on any matters not listed on the agenda. The response of the Council to any comment under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information in response to the inquiry, or reciting existing policy in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation of the issue is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda for a later meeting. Consent and Regular Agenda Items: At the discretion of the Mayor, individuals may be allowed to speak on either a Consent or Regular Agenda item. Individuals who wish to address the Council on either a Consent or Regular agenda item shall register with the City Secretary during regular business hours, or from 5:00- 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting. Speakers who have not registered by 6:45 p.m. may be allowed to speak after first registering with the City Secretary. Speakers will have one opportunity to speak during the time period, and they must observe the three-minute time limit. Time cannot be transferred. When a speaker yields the floor, he/she waives their remaining time, but that remaining time does not get added to another speaker's time. Comments on the agenda items must be made when the agenda item comes before the Council. Public Hearings: Registering to speak at a Public Hearing is the same as for a regular agenda item. After a Public Hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. Rules for Speakers: 1. Members of the public may address the City Council at the following times during a meeting: • During Hear Visitors Period, if such a period is on the agenda for the meeting. • During a public hearing on an agenda item. • During Consent and Regular Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. • During Work Study Agenda items with the permission of the presiding officer. 2. Speakers must state their name and address for the record. 3. Speakers must address all comments and questions to the presiding officer. 4. Speakers must limit their comments to three minutes. 5. Speakers may not employ tactics of defamation, intimidation, personal affronts, profanity, or threats of violence. --abecel 7 I- uG[o�dd�: alll Rrvitt+t,L. (2Q gritaLP, ' / i 'Cor,e wg1( //c4fliao Q.q°di¢a2230 P°4-ishj'�iaG� tOop c/tG.,_D ' Ian Whittenton Subject: FW: College Station Multi Family Regular Item 2 Ranch at Arrington Mayor, Council and Planning Commission, I am reaching out to you today in reference to a Multi Family project that I believe will be called "The Ranch" that has been met with concerns from the planning and zoning board. After learning about the type of product and the young professional tenants that this development will be targeting, I would like to express my full backing for this type of density surrounding the tower point and cap rock areas.These young professionals are exactly the type of clients that my business depends on to open new accounts and continue to grow. When I decided to open my doors in South College Station, I was depending on density and have paid rents that reflect the anticipated growth in the area.Thank you for understanding the needs of my business and I hope that you too will be in favor of these much needed living accommodations in South College Station. Best Regards, Lucas Coffey Lucas Coffey Financial Advisor Edward Jones 4519 Mills Park Cir Ste 400 College Station,TX 77845-1101 (979) 690-7357 www.edwardjones.com If you are not the intended recipient of this message(including attachments)or if you have received this message in error,immediately notify us and delete it and any attachments. If you do not wish to receive any email messages from Edward Jones,excluding administrative communications,please email this request to Opt- Out(ciledwardiones.com from the email address you wish to unsubscribe. For important additional information related to this email,visit www.edwardiones.com/disclosures/email.html.Edward D.Jones&Co.,L.P.d/b/a Edward Jones, 12555 Manchester Road,St.Louis,MO 63131©Edward Jones.All rights reserved. Lucas Coffey I Financial Advisor Edward Jones I Making Sense of Investing 4519 Mills Park Cr Suite 400 I College Station,TX 77845 Located In Caprock Crossing I Across from Blue Baker T:979-690-7357 I TF:866-833-7861 I T: 855-479-6816 lucas.coffey@edwardiones.com www.edwardiones.com/lucas-coffey Your recommendation is a honor and compliment that we greatly appreciate. 1