HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetterak Lts1R, 2AR RPHeldnotes for 4.2566 acres of land out tithe Crawford Burnett Le rgue,Abstract No. Tin 13MOS CDYnty, Texas, being all of Lot 1, Lot 2A and Lot 26, Block A of Permask SubdMsion, the map or pix thereof recorded In Volume 800, Page 171 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, and all of thatcertaln 0.768 dretrax of hand conveyed to Myrna Hughes (previous In chain), as dettribed in deed recorded In Volume 889, Page 315 of the said Offidal Public Records, and Further being that same treat of land conveyed to 803 Wellborn, Ltd., as described in deeds recorded in Volume 1375, Page 164, Volume 2515, Page 169, Volume 7667, Page 148, and Volume 11337, Page 1Ha, all of the said Offs l Public Records, said 4.2566 acre pact of (alk being more particolarly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a SID inch steel rod with cap set In the Northeast line of F.M. Hwy. No. 2154 Iaka Wellborn. Road(, x He Intersection with the Southeast line a Luther Road, Mid Point being the most Weste liy comer of sold Lot 1, Block A and the herein described tectl Thence, North W22VW East, 29932 feat with the Southeast line of said Luther Street and the Northwest line of said Block A to a 1/2 Inch steel and (control monument) found marking the most Northerly or Northeast comer of said Block A and the herein described tract, said point also being the most Westerly corner of Southgate Village, the map or plat thereof recorded In Volume 206, Page 698 of the said Official Public Records; Thence, South 2-52'00° East, 577.65 feet with the Southwest line of saitl Southgate Village and the Northeast line of said Block A to a 5/8 Inch steel rod with cop set for an exterior ell corner of the herein described tract, said point being the most Easterly corner of said Lot 2B, Block A, said Point also being an Interior ell comer of said Southgate village; Thence, South 63.4499" West, 91.41 fed with the common line of sand Southgate Village and said Block A to a 5/8 inch steel rad with cap sat at an Interior ell comer of the herein described tract, said Point being an exterior ell corner of Mid Southgate Village, said point also being the most Northerly corner of the said 0.760 acre tract, from which Point, a 1/2 Inch steel rod bean South 59.40' East, 19 f«t Thence, South 27.43'04" East, 168.10 fed with the Southwest line of Mid Southgate Village and the Northeast line of the Mid 0.70 acre tract to a 1/2 inch steel rod (control monument) found marking He most Easterly or Southeast owner of she herein described tract, said point being an interior ell corner of said Southgate Village; Thence, South 62'Q'30P West, 199.67 feet with the Southeast line of the said 0.768 acre tract and the common line of said Southgate Village to a 5/8 inch steel rod with cap set in the Northeast line of said Wellborn Read for the most Southerly or Southwest corner of the said 0.7% acre tract and the herein described teat, said point being an exteriorell caner xsand Southgate Village; Thence, North 2737'30" West with the Northeast line d said Wellborn Road and the Southwest fine of the said 0]68 acre ares, along a line looted parallel to and 106 feet Easterly of the centerline gyre Southern Pacific Railroad, at 168.1 het passing the most Wede1V comer of the said 0.768 awe tract and the most Southerly owner of Mnd Block A, and commumit in all, a total distance of 649.92 feet to the PIACE OF BEGINNING and containing4.2566 acres or 185,417 square feetof land, more or less. RELIANT CAP V11—SOUTHGA7E LP (VOL. 10726, PG. 244 O.P.R.B.C.) WATER IME STORM ME ZINE SANITMY deER UNE WS UNE sumr aaMEVey UIE (Warsaw pO (MES YM RMMS OF @UZ9S COUNTY OFFICIAL PUBIC MA 5 OF RRAMS 031 DEED Aecams or MADDS ccul ORA;ED OgMTY sPPRNSAL OISMCT FFUND A'x"od OF O MMaNs PLACE OF a NNNO RUNT -OF -WAY WLUW PAM Ca1mOL Mg MOT PUSUC "UW EASEMENT PUSUC DRAIN&W FASEWENT CITY OF COLLEGE STAnON (VOL. 1567, PG. 1 O.P.R.B.C) Dae Ek Vol P, 14d GRAPHIC SCALE o M M rm as ( R2 FEET ) 1 heah = Bo ft. PLAT NOTES: 1. The Base of Beemga for this Sunray IB the Texas Slate Mane Coordinate System, Central Zwa. HAD 63 datum and were dearminetl by using a TdmMe R6 VRS Network GPS. 2. The subject property is located in Zone •X• which is an area coma Bred to be outside the 100 year goptl plain as Texas d eF.E.M.. Fl od Ins deals r 2, 201 on Rare Map Panel No. 48041 C0305F for Brame County, 3. Mainalnanm or the private access somemenis shown hereon h the responsibility at the owners. FINAL PLAT OF PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, LOTS 1 R AND 2AR 4.2566 ACRES 2 LOTS, ONE BLOCK BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2A & 2131 BLOCK A, PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, VOLUME 800, PAGE 171 O.P.R.B.C. AND THE ADJOINING 0.7681 ACRE TRACT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, ABSTRACT No. 7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS DATE: 05/27/2016 SCALE: 1" = 60' OWNERIDEVELOPER: STILLWATER WELBORN, LLC 4145 Travis St., Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75204 PHONE:(214) 912-8006 E—MAIL: aaron.sherman@etillwatercap.com SURVEYOR: THOMAS LAND SURVEYING 14340 Torrey Chace. Suite 270 Houston, Texas 77014 PHONE : (281) 440-7730 FAX (281) 440-7737 Jim@thomoslandsur"e ng.com PAGE: 1 OF 2 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATEOFTEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I Aaron Sherman owner and developer M the lard shown on this plat, and designated herein as the PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, Subdivision to the City of College Station, Texas, and whose names) Islam sularmil,etl hereto, hereby dedicate 0 the use of the public forever all stress, alleys, perks, nfrlrebuc'lu e, aecemchs, and publd places Ramada shown for the purpose and confederation therein expressed. Maobger STATEOFTEXAS COUNTY OF ZA11(45 Someone me, Ma undersigned authority, an this day personally sppesred,yti/'d/t 21 rFML2NI known to me to be the pemOn(s) whose namels) base subscribed to ties toregoirMg instrument and admoodedged to me that hellhey moderated the same for Ne purpose and consideration BNrein stated. Given under my hard and meal on this � day of 2�2 201E v �.—„—� MO141YAp1A tl1 CONeYMMSlpmre Nolery Pa1rIG County, State of Teras ® APA 1E. 201g CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER 1 IL`mf • 6495 , City Engineer of the City of College Station, Teres, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat confdms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulabow of the City of College Station. b City n Inver (•j CI IN/y0 College Cation �/ ) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission IN Me CM of College mediNd plat was duly approved by Me Commiseian on the day of iLW4 �� I N 0\. NAL . • / CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK STATE OF TEXAS P uR2}�(a7:F I, nedo Y1 t' MC.WIAPPn . County Clark, h and for said aur ith do hereby certify, that this plot together with its certificates of aulhenficalon was filed for record in my office Me 5 day 0 k25x�, 2017, in tore Dead Rends IN Brazen County, Trade, In V01Mm ilk Page WIPLNR WIFNESS my hand anal official Seal, at my, officer in 9ryan, Texas County Clerk Stamps County, Texas II Ue1"A” CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, James H. Thornes, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5736• in the Share of Taxes, hereby certify Sant MIs plat Is We and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property and Met property marbem and monument were placed under my supervision on the ground. (J. EEd - James H.to as, RPLS No. 5738 � g s,R, 9 s ya'$g4+0 Ny R m Doc E2288 OF Vol Fe G3 Sf] STAT-: rued: and wen of the Filed Imp Ramrd 88AZO8 COUNTY Arlt Feb 03,2411 ab C3a4F AS a F1=:s Pocurrent Number 0=188 Amount Race in Number - E94]SE e, Debbie Raker OF TFena 8FAzF m d,l y as steered hereon ba me. Fab 97001? Y.aren "Keen, trams County C1mru 9RAzoS COUNTY FINAL PLAT MM REapga OF ORMS MNW 099NAL Focus MC=S OF EMkrG5 COUNTY om REC m m mU CdAltt 002011 COUNTY ,NPRMe/L p61NLT FOUND OF cpUMFMCNG PUACE 6 "NNNG FIGHT -or -WAY VOLUME PM£ CONTROL MGNMa1T PUBLIC UTNIY ExSMpn VLLS UR.UN/.CE EASEMENT RELIANT CAP WI-SOUTHGA7E LP (VOL. 10726, PG. 244 O.P.R.B.C) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (VOL. 1567, PG. f O.P.R.B.C.) GRAPHIC SCALE so 0 30 so in Geo ( IN FEET I 1 inch = 80 ft. PLAT NOTES: 1. The Bases of Basinger for this Survey is the Texas Saudi Phone Coordinate System, Central Zane, NAD 83 datum and were determined by along a Tdmble RB VRS hermark GPS. 2. The subject property is located in Zone 'r which is an was considered W be outlets Me 100 year flood plain as reflected on RE.MA. Flood LNuranee Rate Map Commundy Panel No, d8041C0305F far Smzos County, Taxes and Incorporated Arees, dated April 2, 2014. 3. Mainsinancer of Me prlvote access eaesmens shown hereon Is That responsisiiry of Me memory. FINAL PLAT OF PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, LOTS 1 RAND 2AR 4.2566 ACRES 2 LOTS, ONE BLOCK BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 11 2A & 2B5 BLOCK A, PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, VOLUME 800, PAGE 171 O.P.R.B.C. AND THE ADJOINING 0.7681 ACRE TRACT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, ABSTRACT No. 7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS DATE: 05/27/2016 SCALE: 1" = 60' OWNER/DEVELOPER: STILLWATER WELLBORN, LLC 4145 Travis St., Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75204 PHONE! (214)723-6063 E—MAIL: aaron.shemnan®mtilwatercap.com SURVEYOR: THOMAS LAND SURVEYING 14,340 Torrey Chase, Suite 270 Houston, Texas 77014. PHONE : (281) 440-7730 FAX : (281) 440-7737 Jim®thomeslandsurveying.com PAGE: 2 OF 2 TARE LINE REARING WAKE U N 50.20'35" E 15.0' U N 29'39'25" W 15.0- .3 SSO2VM'w 15.0' W N 59'55'02" E 19.0- 1.5 N30°04'58"W 20.0' 16 5 59.55.02' W 19.0' L7 N 50"20'35" E 7.62' a 5 29"39.25' E 10.0' 0 N 60.20'35" E 10.0' 1.10 N29 -391251-W 1109 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (VOL. 1567, PG. f O.P.R.B.C.) GRAPHIC SCALE so 0 30 so in Geo ( IN FEET I 1 inch = 80 ft. PLAT NOTES: 1. The Bases of Basinger for this Survey is the Texas Saudi Phone Coordinate System, Central Zane, NAD 83 datum and were determined by along a Tdmble RB VRS hermark GPS. 2. The subject property is located in Zone 'r which is an was considered W be outlets Me 100 year flood plain as reflected on RE.MA. Flood LNuranee Rate Map Commundy Panel No, d8041C0305F far Smzos County, Taxes and Incorporated Arees, dated April 2, 2014. 3. Mainsinancer of Me prlvote access eaesmens shown hereon Is That responsisiiry of Me memory. FINAL PLAT OF PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, LOTS 1 RAND 2AR 4.2566 ACRES 2 LOTS, ONE BLOCK BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 11 2A & 2B5 BLOCK A, PETTERAK SUBDIVISION, VOLUME 800, PAGE 171 O.P.R.B.C. AND THE ADJOINING 0.7681 ACRE TRACT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, ABSTRACT No. 7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS DATE: 05/27/2016 SCALE: 1" = 60' OWNER/DEVELOPER: STILLWATER WELLBORN, LLC 4145 Travis St., Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75204 PHONE! (214)723-6063 E—MAIL: aaron.shemnan®mtilwatercap.com SURVEYOR: THOMAS LAND SURVEYING 14,340 Torrey Chase, Suite 270 Houston, Texas 77014. PHONE : (281) 440-7730 FAX : (281) 440-7737 Jim®thomeslandsurveying.com PAGE: 2 OF 2