HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY 2008-2009 Capital Improvements Program Budget2008 -2009 City of College Station, Texas CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BudGET www.cstx.gov www.cstx.gov CCiittyy ooff CCoolllleeggee SSttaattiioonn CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTTSS PPRROOGGRRAAMM BBUUDDGGEETT FFOORR FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000099 OOCCTTOOBBEERR 11,, 22000088 ttoo SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 3300,, 22000099 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................................................. 1 General Government Capital Improvement Projects Streets, Traffic, Sidewalks and Trails ........................................................................ 11 Street Rehabilitation Projects ................................................................... 17 Street Extension Projects ......................................................................... 25 Street TxDOT Projects ............................................................................. 44 Traffic Projects ......................................................................................... 49 Sidewalks and Trails ................................................................................ 61 Parks Projects ........................................................................................................... 71 General Government Facilities and Technology ....................................................... 91 Public Facilities ........................................................................................... 94 Technology Projects .................................................................................. 105 Drainage Utility ........................................................................................................ 119 Special Revenue Capital Improvement Projects Parkland Dedication ................................................................................................ 133 Convention Center .................................................................................................. 163 Enterprise Funds Capital Improvement Projects Electric Service ........................................................................................................ 167 Water Service .......................................................................................................... 171 Production Projects ................................................................................ 176 Distribution ............................................................................................. 189 Rehabilitation Projects ........................................................................... 203 TABLE OF CONTENTS Wastewater Service ........................................................................................... 209 Collection ........................................................................................... 214 Rehabilitation Projects ...................................................................... 222 Treatment .......................................................................................... 225 Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency .............................................. 241 Estimated Operations and Maintenance Costs General Government Capital Improvement Projects O & M Costs. ........................ 260 Special Revenue Capital Improvement Projects O & M Costs ................................ 261 Enterprise Funds Capital Improvement Projects O & M Costs ................................ 262 Index by Project/Work Order Name .................................................................................... 263 Index by Project/Work Order Number ................................................................................. 265 FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following is the annual City of College Station Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Budget document. The CIP budget provides the framework for capital improvement projects to be conducted in the 2009 fiscal year that begins October 1, 2008 and ends on September 30, 2009. The City of College Station develops and adopts a five-year Capital Improvements Program budget. The budget is updated annually and is presented for City Council review as a part of the annual budget process. The program consolidates all anticipated capital needs for which funding authorization exists, while separating the projects into several sections depending on the services provided and the respective funding source. Once the budget is approved by the City Council, the assigned project managers manage their respective projects with budgetary oversight from the Office of Budget and Strategic Planning and the Finance Department. While summary capital project schedules have been included in the annual College Station Approved Budget, this CIP budget document permits greater communication among City staff, administration, Council and citizens regarding capital projects. Areas of enhanced information conveyed within this document include individual project detail pages and corresponding maps, where applicable. The project sheets detail the project number, project manager, funding source(s), description of purpose and need, funding per year and category, and the impact, if any, on future operating budgets. The maps provide citizens and officials a greater understanding of the scope and the impact of the specific projects through the illustration of the planned action. The projects presented in this document are grouped according to major funding source. For example, projects for which the major funding source is the Streets Capital Improvement Projects Fund are included in the Streets, Traffic, Sidewalks and Trails section of the document. A number of projects included in this document have multiple funding sources. The project sheets for these projects include an expenditure summary for each funding source as well as a combined expenditure summary that reflects the total projected expenditures for the project. The project sheets for projects with multiple funding sources are included in the section of the CIP document that reflects the project’s primary funding source. CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDING The City operates under the laws of the State of Texas and the City of College Station's Home Rule Charter. On an annual basis, the City of College Station prepares a five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The CIP is presented for City Council review as part of the annual budget process. The program consolidates all anticipated capital needs for which funding authorization exists. The program is divided into several sections depending on the services provided and the funding source. Two categories of capital expenditures are defined by the City. The first category of capital expenditure is for major capital projects. Major capital projects are projects that cost more than $50,000 and provide a fixed asset or equipment that has a useful life of three years or more. The second category of capital expenditure is for minor capital projects. Minor capital projects are projects that cost more than $5,000 and less than $50,000 and provide a fixed asset or equipment that has a useful life of three years or more. The approved Capital Improvements Budget for FY09 totals $47,939,073 for all funds that include capital projects. This budget amount does not, however, reflect all projected capital expenditures for FY09. In the case of projects for which funds have already been approved and budgeted, the City may continue to spend money to complete these projects without including the projected FY09 expense as a new appropriation. The project budgets that have been appropriated carry forward until the project is complete. Only portions of the projects that have not been previously appropriated are included as new appropriations in the FY09 budget. The total projected to be spent in FY09 on capital projects including both new appropriations as well as existing appropriations is approximately $83,000,000. The City only has legal authority to issue General Obligation (GO) debt after a successful citizen referendum. GO debt is debt that obligates the City to repay the issue with ad valorem tax revenues. The City uses GO debt for the acquisition and development of parks and recreation facilities, rights- of-way acquisition, construction of arterial streets, reconstruction of major arterial streets, and for public buildings such as City offices, libraries, swimming pools and other general use facilities. 1 The most recent 5-year General Obligation bond election was held in November of 2003. The 2003 November election granted the City authority to issue $38,405,000 in General Obligation debt. The proceeds from this debt issuance will fund the relocation of Fire Station 3, renovations to the police station, the development of Veterans Park Phase II, traffic enhancements, street improvements and improvements to various parks throughout the City. In FY08, the City issued $9,455,000 in GO debt for various General Government capital projects. Of this, $40,000 was issued for Park improvements. This is the last portion of the Parks GOB funds, and it is expected that these funds will be used toward the Adamson Pool Bath House Replacement project. $1,304,000 will be used for continued street rehabilitation in the Northgate area, including the Church Street and the Tauber and Stasney Street rehabilitation projects. $602,000 will be used for new traffic signal and safety improvement projects including a new signal at W. D. Fitch and Lakeway. $540,000 was issued for street oversize participation projects. These funds will be used toward building increased capacity into the streets that are being constructed by developers. $100,000 will be used for various sidewalk improvements throughout the City. $600,000 was included for hike and bike trails. These funds will be used toward completion of the Bike Loop project. $1,000,000 was included for the Barron Road Rehabilitation project. These funds will be used for design and the first phase of construction on Barron Road. In addition, $1,969,000 was included for design and land acquisition costs associated with Rock Prairie Road Widening. Additional funds from a future bond issue will be needed for the construction of the widening of Rock Prairie Road. In addition, $3,300,000 was included for the design and construction of phase II of the William D. Fitch Widening project. The FY09 Approved Budget includes the issuance of $1,095,000 in GO’s. Included is $540,000 for street oversize participation projects. These funds will be used toward building increased capacity into the streets that are being constructed by developers. An additional $100,000 has been included for sidewalk improvements throughout the City. $355,000 is included for new traffic signal projects and $100,000 is projected for traffic system safety improvements. The City has statutory authority, and City Council policy allows for the use of non-voter authorized debt instruments such as certificates of obligation and contract obligations (generally referred to as CO's). City Council policy allows the City to use such instruments for capital items such as the following: • The purchase and replacement of major computer systems and other technology-based items that have useful lives of not more than ten years. • The purchase and replacement of major equipment items such as firefighting equipment. The City has, however, developed policies and procedures to provide almost all of this equipment without issuing debt. • The purchase of land and development of land for economic development uses. In FY08, the City issued $26,440,000 in CO debt. Included was $10,425,000 for a variety of General Government Capital projects. $6,748,000 was included for construction costs of the new City cemetery. Funds in the amount of $250,000 were issued for the completion of the second floor of the Municipal Court Building. Also included was $200,000 for a Wireless Infrastructure project that will establish wireless networking for City employees at various locations throughout the City. Parks projects for which CO’s were issued include $900,000 for the construction of the Adamson Pool Bath House and $330,000 for the construction of a new Bath House at Thomas Pool. However, due to increased construction costs, it is anticipated that a portion of the CO’s that were issued for the Thomas Pool Bath House will be used instead on the Adamson Pool Bath House. This will result in a delay in the construction of the Thomas Pool Bath House. An additional $197,000 was issued for the installation of new lights at the Southwood Athletic Field. Transportation projects for which FY08 debt was issued include $1,000,000 for phase II of W.D. Fitch Widening. GO debt was also issued for this project, but as it is anticipated that the cost will exceed the amount of GO debt authorized, additional CO debt was issued. Finally, $800,000 was issued for the extension of Eagle Avenue. Eagle Avenue will be extended so that it connects from College Station Independent School District property eastward to Longmire Drive. In addition to the issue of CO debt for General Government Capital projects, $15,800,000 in CO debt was issued for Utility projects. Utility Revenue Bond debt is typically used for the Utility projects. However, based on the recommendations from the 2 City’s financial advisors, and due to the marketability of the bonds as well as the volatility of the bond market, CO debt was issued for these projects in FY08. $6,700,000 was issued for Electric projects, $6,900,000 for Water projects and $2,200,000 for Wastewater projects. Finally, $215,000 was issued to cover debt issuance costs. The FY09 Approved Budget includes the issue of $3,040,000 in CO debt for General Government projects. The amount includes $2,490,000 for the replacement of the City’s 800 MHz radio system. The current total budget for this project is $4,885,000. The additional funds for the project will come from funds set aside in the Equipment Replacement Fund for the replacement of the radio system. Funds in the amount of $250,000 are projected for the enhancement of the City’s i5 computer system. This is the City’s computer system which runs several of the City’s key operational databases and software. The system’s hardware must be upgraded every 3-4 years to ensure that the system is performing at the level of efficiency required for daily use. It is currently scheduled for replacement in FY10. $150,000 is projected for Server Consolidation. This project provides additional hardware to accommodate the increasing demands for additional electronic storage and the software to better manage the data. The hardware upgrades will permit an increase in the current storage allotted to each employee. Finally, $150,000 is projected to be issued for a Fiber Optic Infrastructure project. This project will support the installation of fiber optic cable to continue expansion of the city's network to new buildings and facilities, and to permit the connection of existing facilities that are not currently on the network. In addition to the CO debt projected to be issued for General Government projects, $5,862,500 in CO debt is projected in for the construction of the new Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency (BVSWMA) landfill. A total of $11,725,000 is projected to be issued in FY09; however, it is anticipated that both the City of College Station and the City of Bryan will participate in the debt issue with each entity issuing one half of the debt. It is expected that the debt service for this debt issue will be paid from tipping fees and other revenue generated by the landfill. The City will continue those remaining authorized projects in accordance with the five-year CIP plan presented to the City Council. Traditionally, revenue bonds are authorized to be issued any time there is a need for financing capital construction or acquisition and where the asset will reside in one or more of the City's enterprise funds. The City's enterprise funds include Electric, Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Collection. In FY08, Certificates of Obligation were issued in lieu of utility revenue bonds. In FY09, either Utility Revenue Bonds or Certificates of Obligation will be issued for Utility capital projects. Generally, Certificates of Obligation and Utility Revenue Bonds do not require voter approval. The debt will be repaid from revenues generated by the utilities. Funds in the amount of $10,750,000 are estimated for Water capital projects and funds in the amount of $3,750,000 for estimated for Wastewater capital projects. Among the decisions and proposals that accompany capital project recommendations is an analysis of potential ongoing costs and any potential impact on utility rates that a project may have. GOVERNMENTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS Below are descriptions of the governmental capital projects included in the FY09 Approved Budget. The funds expended on these projects are considered significant and nonroutine. STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS AND TRAILS CAPITAL PROJECTS Street Rehabilitation Projects In FY09, funds in the amount of $2,062,882 are included for street rehabilitation in the College Park/Breezy Heights area in Southside College Station. This is the area bounded by George Bush Drive, West Dexter Drive, Hereford Street, Holleman Drive, Eleanor Street and Fairview Avenue. This project is part of a multi-year effort to rehabilitate the infrastructure in older parts of College Station. Funds are also projected in FY09 for rehabilitation projects in the Northgate area. It is anticipated that $2,074,562 will be expended for the rehabilitation Tauber Street and Stasney Street from University Drive to Cherry Street. Also included in this project is the construction of sidewalks on College Main. The construction funds for the Northgate Street rehabilitation projects were authorized part of the 2003 GO bond election. 3 Street Extension Projects $8,306,247 is included in FY09 for various street extension and widening projects. Funds in the amount of $540,000 are included for oversized participation (OP) projects throughout the City. $22,014 is projected for the OP of Manuel Drive. OP funds are used to help meet future capacity needs by oversizing streets above the minimum size required to serve a development. $260,810 is included for the design and land acquisition related to the extension of Corsair Drive. An estimated $1,898,500 is included for extension of Discovery Drive north of Raymond Stotzer Parkway on the Texas A&M campus. $750,000 is estimated for the extension of Eagle Avenue. Eagle Avenue is being extended from the future Creekview Elementary eastward to connect with Longmire Drive. The extension should be complete in time for the opening of Creekview Elementary in the summer of 2009. $1,123,264 is the projected FY09 expenditure for the Rock Prairie Road Widening project. These funds will be used for design and right-of-way acquisition costs related to the future widening of Rock Prairie Road. Construction funds are not included in the project budget. In addition, $1,038,659 is included for the design and first phase of construction associated with the rehabilitation of Barron Road. Additional funds from a future bond issue will be needed for the completion of the widening of Barron Road. Finally, $2,673,000 has been included for the construction of phase II of the widening of William D. Fitch Parkway. This project will widen William D. Fitch Parkway between Pebble Creek Parkway and Rock Prairie Road. Street TxDOT Projects $194,526 is the projected FY09 expenditure street- scaping along Texas Avenue. This streetscaping follows the completion of the TxDOT Texas Avenue Widening project. In addition, $3,875 is projected for the landscaping on Wellborn Drive from FM 2818 to State Highway 40. This project is part of an Advanced Funding Agreement (AFA) with TxDOT. Traffic Projects The FY09 Approved Budget includes funds in the amount of $792,926 for traffic management improvements, traffic system safety improvements, new traffic signal projects and traffic signal communication projects. Included is an estimated $125,000 for a new signal at Lakeway and W.D. Fitch. The total budget for this project is $200,000. Additional signal projects will be added as traffic warrants are met. In addition, $32,810 is included in the budget for traffic signal communication projects. These projects support traffic signal connectivity as well as other City data and voice services. Sidewalks and Trails Projects The City of College Station has worked over the years to ensure adequate transportation infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists. The City has an adopted sidewalk and bike loop plan. $458,756 is the projected expenditure for the hike and bike trail projects. These funds will be used for the completion of the City’s bike loop. This project will consist of signed bike routes, on-street bike lanes, and off-street bike paths to link the Texas A&M campus, City of College Station parks and local housing areas. In addition, the project will include improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists at the Longmire/FM 2818 intersection. A portion of the expenditures for the Bike Loop project will be reimbursed by TxDOT as part of an ISTEA grant received by the City. As new development occurs, sidewalks are an important aspect that must be considered. In FY09, $100,000 is included for sidewalk improvements throughout the City. Also included is an estimated $300,000 for City of College Station Beautification Improvements. This may include enhancements at entrance points into the City. PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS In FY09, funds in the amount of $1,535,173 are estimated for Park capital improvement projects. Included is $80,500 for field redevelopment projects. A portion of these funds will be used to replace the irrigation system at the Southwood Athletic Park Little League field. Remaining funds will be used for turf repair on other athletic parks. The funds for these projects are collected from the fees paid by players and teams from both City leagues and outside user groups. The funds are used to pay for replacement items and facility upgrades at City athletic facilities. $148,170 is the projected FY09 expenditure the completion of University Park. University Park will be a neighborhood park that will include a fenced “Bark Park” for unleashed dogs. The park will also include amenities typical of the City’s neighborhood parks, such as walks, benches, and tables and lighting. Funds in the amount of $100,034 have been included in FY09 Approved Budget for the completion of Woodland Hills Park. The Woodland Hills Park will be adjacent to the Woodland Hills development and will include features such as a playground, walks area lights and other amenities. Funds in the amount of $1,025,000 are estimated in FY09 for the construction of a new bath house at 4 Adamson Pool. The design of the bath house began in FY07 and construction is anticipated to begin in FY08. It was originally anticipated that a portion of the funds projected for the Adamson Pool Bath House would be used for the design and construction of a new bath house at Thomas Pool. However, due to increased construction costs, it is anticipated that the funds will be used instead on the Adamson Pool Bath House. This will result in a delay in the construction of the Thomas Pool Bath House. Also included in the FY09 Approved Budget is $98,600 for the purchase and installation of an ultraviolet (UV) treatment system at Adamson Pool. The UV treatment system is a water treatment system which uses ultra-violet lights to sanitize water on a continuous basis. $82,869 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are anticipated to be used for the completion of improvements at Oaks Park. These improvements may include a sidewalk, area lights and benches to improve the appearance of this heavily used neighborhood park. The funds for this project will initially be expended out of the Parks CIP Fund but will be reimbursed with CDBG funds. GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND CAPITAL EQUIPMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS General government and capital equipment projects are planned assets that have value to more than one specific area of City operations. The two main divisions within this category are public facilities and technology projects. In FY09, it is projected that $4,559,553 will be spent on public facilities. Included in this amount is $2,042,579 for the construction of a new City cemetery. The new cemetery will be located on the northwest corner of FM 2818 and FM60, and will have an area designated for students, faculty, staff, family and friends of Texas A&M University. Completion of the construction on this project is estimated for spring of 2009. It is anticipated that sufficient revenue will be generated by the sale of cemetery lots to ultimately support the debt service payment and associated costs of the cemetery. Funds in the amount of $559,321 have been included for renovations to the existing Police Station. The project provides for the expansion of the Police Department into the space vacated by Municipal Court and for renovations of the existing space. The improvements will provide the Police Department with much needed additional space. Construction of the renovations began in FY08 and should be completed early FY09. $340,500 is included for improvements in the Northgate area. These improvements include an estimated $240,500 for the construction of public restrooms in the Northgate area. It is estimated that $1,597,153 will be spent on the completion of the second floor of the Municipal Court Building. This space is currently unfinished and it is expected that this area will be occupied by the Capital Improvements Department upon completion. Finally, $20,000 is included for the purchase of library books. The funds for the purchase of these books come from donations collected for this purpose. The FY09 Approved Budget also includes a projected expenditure of $2,931,983 for technology projects. A projection of $6,960 is included for the replacement of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units and battery cabinets supporting the City’s telephone, computer network and radio systems. Funds for the UPS Replacement project will come from the Equipment Replacement Fund where they have been set aside for this purpose. An estimated expenditure of $2,268,950 has been included for the replacement of the City’s 800 MHz radio system. A portion of the funds for this project ($2,310,000) will come from the Equipment Replacement Fund where they have been set aside for this purpose. The remainder will come from CO’s. The City, along with a number of local entities, was awarded a federal grant that will help fund a County-wide radio system. The funds received for this project will be used toward the City’s portion of the system. $230,000 has been included for the replacement of the City’s (Asynchronous Transmission Mode) ATM Network. It is anticipated that a faster and more cost effective Gigabit Ethernet switching network will be installed to support existing services as well as provide greater capability to support future communications. This project began in FY08 and should be completed early FY09. $100,000 is projected for the Wireless Infrastructure project which will provide funds for the installation of equipment that will allow wireless access by City employees at various locations throughout the City. $150,000 is projected for Server Consolidation. This project provides additional hardware to accommodate the increasing demands for additional electronic storage and the software to better manage the data. The hardware upgrades will permit a doubling of the current storage allotted to each employee. $149,737 is projected for a Fiber Optic Infrastructure project. This project will support the installation of fiber optic cable to continue expansion of the city's network to new buildings and facilities, and to permit the connection of existing facilities that are not currently on the network. Finally, $26,336 is projected for 5 miscellaneous IT projects. These funds reflect remaining balances of closed projects for which debt was issued. DRAINAGE PROJECTS Drainage capital projects are funded by revenue generated through a drainage utility fee that is collected from residential and commercial utility users. The FY09 drainage capital projects budget includes a projected expenditure of $2,120,225 for improvements to the City’s drainage system. Significant projects include a projected $1,161,865 for Bee Creek IV and V. This project is for storm drainage improvements to the flow capacity of Bee Creek Tributary “A.” These improvements include bank stabilization from Brothers Boulevard to Longmire Drive. $400,000 is projected for Greenways land acquisition throughout the City. The City’s Greenways Master Plan calls for future trail development in urban and suburban greenways. $200,000 is included for Minor Drainage Improvement projects. These funds are used for minor unscheduled drainage projects that arise throughout the fiscal year. $208,360 is included for drainage improvements occurring in the College Park/Breezy Heights area in conjunction with the Street Rehabilitation project. $50,000 is included for Stormwater Mapping projects. Finally, $100,000 is included for the construction of a fence along the Arrington/Decatur street extension that is required by TxDOT for protection of the Navasota Ladies Tress plants. SPECIAL REVENUE CAPITAL PROJECTS Below are descriptions of the special revenue capital projects included in the FY09 Approved Budget. The funds expended on these projects are considered significant and nonroutine. Parkland Dedication Capital Improvement Projects The Parkland Dedication Funds account for the receipt and expenditure of funds received by the City from residential land developers who dedicate land, or money in lieu of land, for use in the development of neighborhood parks in residential areas. The projects in the Parkland Dedication Capital Improvement Projects Fund are funded using the dedicated parkland funds. Parkland dedication funds must be used for the development of parks within the zone to which the funds are dedicated. In FY09, appropriations in the amount of $944,957 are included in the budget. Total expenditures are estimated at $1,454,293 for projects that are anticipated to be completed in the various park zones. Funds in the amount of $71,733 are estimated for the development of University Park and $11,900 for the Woodland Hills Park. The primary source of funding for these parks is through the Parks CIP Fund, but Parkland Dedication funds will also be used. $20,000 is included for improvements at Parkway Park. $115,000 is included for improvements at the Steven C. Beachy Central Park. Improvements include a concrete sidewalk around the third pond. $260,000 is projected in Zone 6 for the development of Southwest Park. This park will have amenities found in typical neighborhood parks such as a playground, walks and picnic tables. $114,000 is the proposed FY09 expenditure for phase III of John Crompton Park and $48,000 is projected for improvements at Emerald Forest Park. An expenditure of $137,552 is projected for the development of Edelweiss Gartens Park. Amenities anticipated to be included at this park are a playground, basketball court, walks and lights. $110,000 is proposed for completion of a trail and lights at Southern Oaks Park. Additional funds are projected in a number of Park zones but have not yet been obligated to specific projects. These funds will be obligated to specific projects within these zones throughout the fiscal year as the projects arise. Funds not used in the fiscal year will carry over to future fiscal years. Convention Center Capital Projects The Convention Center Fund accounts for the receipt and expenditure of funds received by the City for the operation and maintenance of a convention center. In FY09, there is projected expenditure of $7,130,671 in the Convention Center Fund. $7,000,000 is projected for a land purchase related to the Convention Center. These funds will be transferred into the Convention Center Fund from the Hotel Tax Fund where they have been collected for this purpose. In addition, funds in the amount of $130,671 will be transferred to the Streets Capital Improvement Projects Fund for expenditure on future street landscaping projects. These funds reflect the balance of the Highway 30/60 Landscaping project. UTILITY CAPITAL PROJECTS Below are descriptions of the utility capital projects included in the FY09 Approved Budget. The funds expended on these projects are considered significant and nonroutine. Electric Capital Projects $10,188,378 is the approved appropriation for 6 electric capital projects in FY09. As the electric capital projects are considered competitive matter under Texas Senate Bill No. 7, details of these projects cannot be outlined in this summary, but will be provided to the City Council. Water Capital Projects In FY09, $12,171,159 is the approved appropriation for water capital projects. Water production projects include an estimated FY09 expenditure of $9,490,079. This includes $2,992,087 for the construction of the Well #7 collection line. This line will progress from Water Well #7 to a connection point in the existing wellfield. Construction of Water Well #7 and the collection line is anticipated to be complete in time for the peak demand in the summer of FY09. The additional capacity is required to meet TCEQ regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. Also included in the budget is $840,000 for the design and start of construction on a water line that will run parallel to the existing water line. The existing line is currently operating at maximum capacity. The parallel line will increase system capacity. $3,100,000 is included for the purchase of land for future well sites. As capacity needs grow, the City is preparing for the construction of new wells. A component of this is the land acquisition for new future wells. Also included in the FY09 Approved Budget are funds in the amount of $500,000 for the design of Well #8 and funds in the amount of $950,000 for design of the Well #8 Collection Line. $200,578 is projected for the completion of the SCADA system replacement. This project will replace the control equipment that has exceeded its useful life. A projected $457,414 is included for the completion of water plant security upgrades that will help to minimize risks and threats to the water production infrastructure. A projected $450,000 is included for the Sandy Point Pump Station Fiber Optic Line. This line will provide communications between Dowling Road Pump Station and Sandy Point Pump Station which will result in more effective communications in the utility. Funds in the amount of $4,625,184 are projected to be expended on Distribution projects in FY09. This includes $100,000 of general oversize participation (OP) funds. These funds are used to help meet future capacity needs by oversizing water lines above the minimum size required to serve a development. $381,000 is included in the FY09 budget for land acquisition and engineering on the Reclaimed Water project. This is a multi-phase project to deliver irrigation water to major users in College Station. Phase I includes delivery of reclaimed water to Veterans Park. $921,020 is the projected FY09 expenditure for the Wellborn Widening project. This project was for the relocation of water lines outside of future pavement areas in conjunction with Wellborn Widening. A final phase is expected to be completed in FY09. $723,164 is included for the completion of the Barron Road water line extension. This project is for the installation of water lines along Barron Road. A projected expenditure of $1,300,000 is included for the purchase of water service territory in the five areas annexed by the City in 2002. An additional $1,000,000 is included for the Raymond Stotzer West project. This project will provide water to areas along Raymond Stotzer West. Finally, $200,000 is included for the W. D. Fitch East project. This project is for the installation of a lift station, gravity line and force main to serve the annexed area along W. D. Fitch. Rehabilitation projects included in the FY09 Approved Budget include $120,000 for the adjustments to water lines that will occur as part of the Bee Creek IV and V drainage project which will provide storm drainage improvements to the flow capacity of Bee Creek Tributary "A." An estimate of $254,944 is included for the replacement of water lines along Tauber Street and Stasney Street and $997,908 is included for the replacement of water lines in the College Park/Breezy Heights area. These last two projects are being completed in connection with the Streets rehabilitation projects. The existing infrastructure is being replaced in conjunction with this project and capacity should increase as a result. $885,000 is projected for the South Knoll/The Glade project. This project is for the replacement of water lines in the area bounded by Haines, Southwest Parkway, Glade and Langford. These aging lines were identified in a 2003 water study as in need of replacement. In addition, $786,100 has been estimated for the Southwood 5-7 project. This project is for the replacement of water lines in an area bounded by Southwest Parkway, Harvey Mitchell Parkway, Welsh and Shadowood. Contingency in the amount of $150,000 has been included in the FY09 Approved Budget. These funds will be available for use on unanticipated projects as well as to offset project overruns. Finally, $360,000 has been included for the meter replacement program that was implemented in FY08. This program is for the replacement of water meters on a routine basis to ensure efficient water readings. 7 The FY09 Approved Budget includes $3,600,000 in current revenues that will be transferred from operations to fund water capital projects. Additionally, a debt issue of $10,750,000 is projected in FY09 for water capital projects. Wastewater Capital Projects The FY09 Approved Budget includes $5,974,656 in appropriations for numerous wastewater capital projects. Collection projects include $100,000 for oversize participation and planning (OP). These funds are available to meet future anticipated capacity in the construction of wastewater lines above the minimum size needed to serve the development. $1,580,000 is the estimated expenditure for the construction of wastewater lines in annexed areas along Raymond Stotzer West. Due to annexation, development and expected future development, wastewater services are necessary. $300,000 is the projected expenditure for the Koppe Bridge Lift Station project. This project is for the construction of a force main sewer line from the existing Meadow Creek Lift Station to Creek Meadow Lift Station. This project will allow for the Meadow Creek Package Plant to be taken off line. An expenditure of $100,000 is estimated for the Nantucket Gravity Sewer project. This project will include the installation of a gravity sewer line. $750,000 is projected for land acquisition and engineering associated with the Lick Creek Replacement Trunk Line. This project involves the replacement of a trunk line in Lick Creek Park. This trunk line serves areas south of Barron Road. Funds in the amount of $198,898 are projected for the installation of a water line, lift station, force main and gravity line to serve Rock Prairie Road South of Carter Lake. In addition, $450,000 is included for the completion of wastewater improvements in the annexed William D. Fitch area. These include the installation of a lift station, gravity line and force main. Rehabilitation projects included in the FY09 Approved Budget include $291,094 for the alignment of a wastewater collection line in the Emerald Parkway/Bent Oak area that will correct poor flow conveyance. $100,000 has been estimated for the relocation of wastewater lines along Barron Road that need to be moved in conjunction with the upgrade of Barron Road from a two lane rural highway to a minor arterial road. $300,000 is projected for the adjustments to wastewater lines that will occur as part of the Bee Creek IV and V drainage project which will provide storm drainage improvements to the flow capacity of Bee Creek Tributary "A." An estimate of $504,182 is included for replacement of wastewater lines along Tauber Street and Stasney Street and an estimate of $1,209,203 is included for the replacement of wastewater lines in the College Park/Breezy Heights area. Funds totaling $611,200 are projected for the South Knoll/The Glade project. This project is for the replacement of wastewater lines in the area bounded by Haines, Southwest Parkway, Glade and Langford. These aging lines were identified in a 2003 wastewater study as in need of replacement. Finally, $936,000 has been included for the Southwood 5-7 project. This project is for the replacement of water lines in an area bounded by Southwest Parkway, Harvey Mitchell Parkway, Welsh and Shadowood. Funds in the amount of $1,804,928 have been projected for Treatment and Disposal projects. $285,000 is included for clarifier improvements at the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (CCWWTP). These improvements should improve the effectiveness of the clarifiers. An additional $450,000 is included for improvements to the Carters Creek service water system. This will include the installation of a complete bleach injection system with a bulk liquid bleach tank, an above ground level PVC injection point, an improved bleach pump, a cover for the entire system, and a paved drive for the bulk delivery of bleach. In addition, $150,000 is projected for the construction of catwalks around the Lick Creek clarifiers. The catwalks will provide safe access for the operators to operate and maintain the clarifiers. $25,000 is included for engineering related to the Lick Creek Holding Tank Improvements. This project will ultimately expand the size of the waste sludge holding tank at the Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (LCWWTP). An additional $200,000 is estimated for ATAD improvements at the CCWWTP. These include constructing catwalks around the ATAD reactors, replacing the ATAD motor operated valves, and rehabilitating the ATAD cooling water system. $60,000 is projected for Lick Creek Return Activated Sludge Improvements. This project is for the hiring of an engineer to modify the existing pumps, flow measurement and sludge waste set up and for the implementation of necessary modifications. Funds in the amount of $163,928 are estimated for the SCADA replacement project. This project will replace the control equipment that has exceeded its useful life. $100,000 is the projected expenditure for the Carters Creek Lab and SCADA Building project. The existing building no longer meets laboratory 8 standards. The funds estimated in FY09 will be for the design of the new building. Construction is estimated for FY10. In addition, $371,000 is estimated for Process Control Improvements at the CCWWTP and the LCWWTP. These include the installation of flow meters on each plant’s influent line, the purchase and installation of positive displacement pumps in each waste sludge line and additional improvements. Finally, contingency in the amount of $150,000 has been included in the FY09 Approved Budget. These funds will be available for use on unanticipated projects as well as to offset project overruns. A total of $3,750,000 in current revenues from operations is estimated to be used to fund wastewater capital projects. Additionally, a debt issue of $3,750,000 is projected in FY09 for wastewater capital projects. BVSWMA Appropriations in the amount of $7,212,448 are included in BVSWMA for capital project expenditures. These expenditures are related to construction of the Twin Oaks Landfill. Twin Oaks projects for which appropriations are approved include Construction Project Management, Access Improvements, Design Services, Buildings and Infrastructure construction, and Landfill Communications. It is anticipated that Certificates of Obligation will be issued for some of these projects. In addition, $4,700,000 is included in the approved budget for costs over the next two years associated with the cell construction at the Twin Oaks Landfill site. ADDITIONAL O&M COSTS The FY09 Approved Budget includes a number of capital projects that have been recently completed and have added operations and maintenance (O&M) expense. In particular, the City’s general fund has been and will continue to be impacted by capital projects as they come online. In some situations, the O&M cost of a project is minimal and can be absorbed by the City department that is benefiting the most from the project. In other situations, the O&M cost is more significant and funding for these additional expenses is addressed through the Service Level Adjustment (SLA) process. In these situations, SLAs are submitted for the O&M needs of the capital projects and funding is considered as part of the budget process. Departments are expected to consider the impact of current and planned capital improvement projects on operations and maintenance (O&M) budgets. This analysis is a component of the 5-year Strategic Business Plans that are completed by all City departments. Projections as to the impact of capital projects on O&M budgets that are included in the Strategic Business Plans are used by the Finance Office in financial forecasting. Governmental Projects O&M The FY09 Approved Budget includes funding for a number of capital projects that were either recently put into operation or are anticipated to go-live in FY09. Additional O&M funds are included in the FY09 Approved Budget for a number of governmental capital projects. Funds for several projects that will be completed in FY09 were included in the FY08 budget. This allowed the departments to begin hiring and training prior to the completion of the project. $151,490 was included in the FY08 budget for the new cemetery. Included were funds for a full-time administrative support position. The incumbent in this position will be responsible for paperwork and related administrative duties. Also included were funds for a Crew Leader position and a Groundsworker position. These positions were funded for one quarter of FY08 and will be funded for a full year in FY09 to coincide with the cemetery becoming fully operational. Funds were also included for the purchase of equipment such as a truck, tractor, trailer and mower. Funds were also included in the Parks O&M budget in FY08 for the costs associated with the opening of several new parks that are expected to be completed in FY09. These include University Park and Woodland Hills Park. Funds were included for mowing contracts at each of these parks, supplies and utility costs. Several other Parks capital projects will have O&M costs, but these will be absorbed within the existing Parks budget. Other governmental projects for which O&M funds are included in the FY09 Approved Budget include the additional funds for information technology projects. The O&M costs associated with several information technology projects were included in the Information Technology department’s budget. Included funds were for software maintenance and upgrades. The O&M costs for the information technology software products are evaluated on an annual basis. In addition, funds are included in the FY09 Approved Budget for the O&M costs associated with the Radio System Replacement project. $69,264 has been included for these costs in FY09. It is anticipated that these costs will be for maintenance and operations costs. The City will contribute to the BVCOG a portion of the salary and benefits for the personnel that will be hired on behalf 9 of participating entities for the management of the program. Special Revenue Projects O&M Funds were also included in the Parks FY08 O&M budget for the costs associated with the opening of several new parks in FY09. These included Edelweiss Park. Funds were included for mowing contracts at each of these parks, supplies and utility costs. Several other Parks capital projects will have O&M costs, but these will be absorbed within the existing Parks budget. Utility Projects O&M The FY09 Approved Budget includes funds in the amount of $88,000 for the operations and maintenance costs associated with new lift stations. This is for the funding for the purchase of electricity to operate the lift stations and for and landscaping service for grounds maintenance for the addition of up to seven wastewater lift stations and one wastewater package plant. In addition, funds are included for the addition of one Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator position and a vehicle. This position will be responsible for the seven additional sewage lift stations and one additional package plant that are anticipated to come on-line due to the continued growth of the City. $152,000 was included in the FY08 Approved Budget for the O&M costs related to the operation of Well #7. Included in this amount is $150,000 for the annual electric utility costs associated with the operation of the well and $2,000 for the annual landscaping service costs that will be required for the site. More detailed sheets that reflect the estimated O&M costs associated with the capital projects have been included in the final section of the CIP document. UNFUNDED PROJECTS The City has identified a number of unfunded projects that have not been presented in the current Capital Improvements Program. Some of these projects may be presented for consideration as part of a future bond issue. 10 GGEENNEERRAALL GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT-- SSTTRREEEETT,, TTRRAAFFFFIICC,, SSIIDDEEWWAALLKK AANNDD TTRRAAIILL CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 11 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY 07-08 FY 08-09 NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:16,043,907 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 5,454,000 1,095,000 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS 150,000 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - - INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - 130,671 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 257,000 279,000 OTHER - SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 5,861,000$ 1,504,671$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 5,861,000$ 17,548,578$ STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS (SOUTHSIDE) ST0507 2,463,020 2,463,020 - - 2 CHURCH AVE REHAB PHASE II ST0523 1,687,063 1,687,063 - - 1/2 TAUBER AND STASNEY REHAB/NG SIDEWALKS ST0505 2,252,110 2,252,110 - - CLOSED PROJECTS - SUBTOTAL 6,402,193$ -$ -$ STREET EXTENSION PROJECTS DARTMOUTH EXTENSION PHASE II ST0211 3,575,000 3,575,000 - - 2 OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION ST0519 2,320,565 700,565 - 39,435 CORSAIR (AMS) STREET EXTENSION ST0612 329,000 329,000 - - MANUEL DRIVE OP ST0802 27,004 27,004 - - ARRINGTON/DECATUR EXTENSION ST0606 4,159,000 4,159,000 - - DISCOVERY DRIVE EXTENSION ST0804 2,000,000 1,455,979 1,060,958 - EAGLE AVENUE EXTENSION ST0809 825,000 25,000 800,000 - EISENHOWER LAND PURCHASE ST0814 73,000 - 73,000 - ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD PROJECTS 2 ROCK PRAIRIE RD WIDENING - DESIGN & ROW ST0417 2,969,000 1,500,000 421,490 1,047,510 BARRON ROAD PROJECTS - * BARRON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY ST0006 431,000 431,000 - - BARRON ROAD INTERCHANGE DESIGN ST0212 735,220 735,220 - - 2 BARRON ROAD REHABILITATION ST0409 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 - W.D FITCH ROAD PROJECTS 2 WILLIAM D. FITCH PKWY WIDENING PH II ST0520 4,530,000 - 4,530,000 - CLOSED PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 14,937,768$ 7,885,448$ 1,086,945$ STREET TXDOT PROJECTS TX AVE STREETSCAPE PH II ST9915 999,552 999,552 - - WELLBORN RD WIDENING LANDSCAPING - 2818 to 40 ST0812 96,859 - 96,859 - WELLBORN RD GRADE SEPARATION LANDSCAPING ST0815 382,054 - 382,054 - TXDOT ROW - UNIVERSITY DRIVE WIDENING ST0807 484,200 247,000 237,200 - CLOSED TXDOT PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 1,246,552$ 716,113$ -$ BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 12 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 24,049,456 21,807,526 16,043,907 2,762,122 1,524,032 1,474,632 980,067 981,067 2,700,000 9,415,000 1,095,000 540,000 540,000 - - - - 1,800,000 - - - - - 386,478 - - - - - - - 2,483 - 130,671 - - - - - 1,218,581 600,000 279,000 65,000 46,000 36,000 31,000 31,000 25,000 - - - - - - - 4,332,542$ 11,815,000$ 1,504,671$ 605,000$ 586,000$ 36,000$ 31,000$ 31,000$ 28,381,998$ 33,622,526$ 17,548,578$ 3,367,122$ 2,110,032$ 1,510,632$ 1,011,067$ 1,012,067$ 160,416 38,607 201,115 2,062,882 - - - - - 55,391 16,291 1,615,382 - - - - - - 101,031 8,130 68,387 2,074,562 213,373 918,190 105,417 - - - - - - 530,211$ 981,218$ 1,990,301$ 4,137,444$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 65,277 965,724 2,543,999 - - - - - - - - 200,000 540,000 540,000 540,000 500,565 - - 2,031 56,159 10,000 260,810 - - - - - - - 4,990 22,014 - - - - - 68,938 812,378 3,277,684 - - - - - - - - 101,500 1,898,500 - - 75,000 750,000 - - 73,000 - - - - - - - 532,473 161,465 451,798 1,123,264 700,000 - - - - - 150,882 79,222 200,896 - - - - - - 378,187 292,382 64,651 - - - - - - 220,948 163,140 1,577,253 1,038,659 - - - - - - - 1,857,000 2,673,000 - - - - - 1,319,931 25,000 - - - - - - 1,418,736$ 3,850,401$ 10,462,771$ 8,306,247$ 1,240,000$ 540,000$ 500,565$ -$ -$ 315,733 193 489,100 194,526 - - - - - - - 92,984 3,875 - - - - - - - 382,054 - - - - - - 0 484,200 - - - - - - 484,957 315,733$ 485,150$ 1,448,338$ 198,401$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 13 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY 07-08 FY 08-09 NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TRAFFIC PROJECTS * TRAFFIC MGMT. IMPROVE. ST0011 50,116 50,116 - - HARVEY RD IMPROVEMENTS ST0808 84,174 17,029 67,145 - 2 TRAFFIC SYSTEM SAFETY IMPR. ST0511 186,664 36,702 49,962 100,000 MEDIAN ON GLENHAVEN @ DOMINIK ST0811 50,000 - 50,000 - CLOSED TRAFFIC SYSTEM SAFETY IMP PROJECTS 201,966 201,928 38 - 2 NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS ST0512 773,063 213,063 200,000 111,937 2 NEW SIGNAL @ROCK PRAIRIE/RIO GRANDE ST0414 120,000 120,000 - - 2 NEW SIGNAL @WELSH/HOLLEMAN ST0415 120,000 120,000 - - 2 SIGNAL @ WD FITCH PKWY AND LAKEWAY ST0810 200,000 - 200,000 - CLOSED NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS 736,737 736,737 - - SIGNAL @ GB DRIVE EAST & DOMINIK ST0205 133,000 133,000 - - 2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS ST0411 140,240 140,240 - - CLOSED PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 1,768,815$ 567,145$ 211,937$ SIDEWALKS & TRAILS 2005 BIKE LOOP - BIKE LOOP COMPLETION ST0530 327,202 327,202 - - MISC. BIKE TRAILS - BIKE LOOP COMPLETION ST9803 169,000 169,000 - - 2 HIKE AND BIKE TRAILS - LONGMIRE IMPROVEMENTS ST0521 981,624 581,624 400,000 - CLOSED HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL PROJECTS 18,376 18,376 - - COCS BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS ST0515 300,000 300,000 - - PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ON FM 2818 ST0516 1,069,900 1,069,900 - 2 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ST0517 164,479 64,479 - 100,000 OAKWOOD/CONSOLIDATED PEDESTRIAN IMP ST0805 37,261 37,261 - - SPRING LOOP SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ST0813 30,000 30,000 CLOSED SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - 218,224 118,224 100,000 - CLOSED PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 2,716,066$ 500,000$ 100,000$ CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 27,071,394$ 9,668,706$ 1,398,882$ OTHER 157,000 - LEGISLATIVE CONSULTING - - DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS 25,000 11,000 GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES 705,667 424,682 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,556,373$ 1,834,564$ ENDING FUND BALANCE:15,714,014$ * - Indicates projects funded through November 1998 G.O. Bond Authorization 1 - Funded through CDBG Funds. 2 - Indicates projects funded through 2003 G.O. Bond Authorization 14 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   STREETS, TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS, AND TRAILS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 PROJECTED EXPENDITURES - - 15,000 35,116 - - - - - - - 84,174 - - - - - - - - 86,664 100,000 - - - - - - - 50,000 - - - - - - 100,657 1,309 100,000 - - - - - - - - 25,000 500,000 248,063 - - - - 25,051 - 94,949 - - - - - - 41,478 - 78,522 - - - - - - - - 75,000 125,000 - - - - - 251,215 485,521 - - - - - - - 33,373 - - - 99,627 - - - - 22,430 - 85,000 32,810 - - - - - 9,760 34,348 - - - - - - 474,204$ 496,591$ 728,657$ 792,926$ 347,690$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0 1,236 325,966 - - - - - - - - 169,000 - - - - - - 6,244 - 516,624 458,756 - - - - - 18,376 - - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 - - - - - 2,894 196,613 870,393 - - - - - - 14,112 - 50,367 100,000 - - - - - - - 37,261 - - - - - - 30,000 125,748 61,200 31,275 - - - - - - 47,504 - - - - - - - 167,373$ 306,554$ 2,030,886$ 858,756$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,906,258$ 6,119,913$ 16,660,952$ 14,293,774$ 1,587,690$ 540,000$ 500,565$ -$ -$ (450,513) 100,000 57,000 - - - - - 63,193 - - - - - - - 5,867 112,000 11,000 5,400 5,400 - - - 836,011 705,667 424,682 250,000 90,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 6,574,472$ 17,578,619$ 14,786,456$ 1,843,090$ 635,400$ 530,565$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 21,807,526$ 16,043,907$ 2,762,122$ 1,524,032$ 1,474,632$ 980,067$ 981,067$ 982,067$ 15 the heart of the Research Valley 16 SSTTRREEEETT RREEHHAABBIILLIITTAATTIIOONN PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 17 PROJECT: College Park/Breezy Heights Street Improvements FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0507 $2,463,020 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF0595915 $1,640,000 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Wastewater: WF0595926 $1,305,000 912 - Drainage Utility Fund Drainage: SD0601 $443,525 Total Project Budget: $5,851,545 PROJECT MANAGER:Edward McDonald FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - CO's CLIENT:Public Works W/WW - URB Drainage - Drainage Utility Streets: Original Budget = $2,500,000; $36,980 transferred to West Park - FY08 Drainage: Original Budget = $485,000; $41,475 transferred to West Park - FY08 This project includes street improvements in the area bounded by George Bush Drive, West Dexter Drive, Hereford Street, Holleman Drive, Eleanor Street and Fairview Avenue. As part of this project, the water and wastewater lines will be replaced. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years -$ 398,123$ 1,962$ -$ 2007-08 0 48,900 869,656 3,000 51,550 2008-09 0 39,052 4,220,355 2,400 216,546 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 $400,086 $973,106 $4,478,353 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $268,096PROJECT TOTAL $5,851,545$0 $486,075 $5,091,973 $5,400 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 18 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $199,024 $199,024 2007-08 25,000 169,656 3,000 3,459 $201,115 2008-09 25,000 2,000,002 2,400 35,480 $2,062,882 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Streets Total $0 $249,024 $2,169,658 $5,400 $38,939 $2,463,020 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $85,505 $1,962 $87,467 2007-08 10,000 500,000 44,625 $554,625 2008-09 6,015 911,601 80,291 $997,908 2009-10 0$0 2010-11 0$0 2011-12 0$0 2012-13 0$0 2013-14 0$0 Water Total $0 $101,520 $1,413,563 $0 $124,916 $1,640,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Pi Y $85 797 $85 797 PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND College Park/Breezy Heights Street Improvements Prior Years $85,797 $85,797 2007-08 10,000 $10,000 2008-09 5,746 1,106,164 97,292 $1,209,203 2009-10 0$0 2010-11 0$0 2011-12 0$0 2012-13 0$0 2013-14 0$0 Wastewater Total $0 $101,543 $1,106,164 $0 $97,292 $1,305,000 Drainage Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OH PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $27,798 $27,798 2007-08 3,900 200,000 3,466 $207,366 2008-09 2,290 202,588 3,483 $208,360 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Drainage Total $0 $33,988 $402,588 $0 $6,949 $443,525 PROJECT TOTAL $0 $486,075 $5,091,973 $5,400 $268,096 $5,851,545 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 19 PROJECT: Church Avenue Rehab - Phase II FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0523 $1,687,063 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF0632256 $51,000 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Wastewater: WF0632257 $103,313 Total Project Budget: $1,841,376 PROJECT MANAGER:Donald Harmon FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - 03 GOB Funds CLIENT:Public Works W/WW - URB Streets Funding: $800,000 transferred from ST0518 in FY05 for Streets portion of budget - FY05. $887,063 included on FY07 BA#2 - transferred from NG Street Rehab (ST0518) - FY07. Church Avenue will be rehabilitated between College Main and Nagle. As part of this project water lines and meters as well as wastewater lines will be rehabilitated. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 90,169 0 0 0 2007-08 140,000 50,000 1,474,500 45,000 41,706 2008-09 0 0 0 0 0 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,706PROJECT TOTAL $1,841,376$140,000 $140,169 $1,474,500 $45,000 $90,169 $1,751,206 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 20 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $71,682 $0 $71,682 2007-08 $140,000 $50,000 $1,350,000 $45,000 $30,382 $1,615,382 2008-09 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Streets Total $140,000 $121,682 $1,350,000 $45,000 $30,382 $1,687,063 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $2,175 $0 $2,175 2007-08 $0 $0 $44,500 $0 $4,325 $48,825 2008-09 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Water Total $0 $2,175 $44,500 $0 $4,325 $51,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG CONSTR MISC OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Church Avenue Rehab - Phase II FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG.CONSTR.MISC.OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $16,313 $0 $16,313 2007-08 $0 $0 $80,000 $0 $7,000 $87,000 2008-09 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $16,313 $80,000 $0 $7,000 $103,313 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS $45,000 $41,706 $1,841,376PROJECT TOTAL $140,000 $140,169 $1,474,500 21 PROJECT: Tauber/Stasney Rehab and Northgate Sidewalks FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0505 $2,252,110 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF0625888 $279,347 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Wastewater: WF0625893 $526,671 Total Project Budget: $3,058,128 PROJECT MANAGER:Edward McDonald FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - CDBG, GOB's CLIENT:Public Works W/WW - URB March 2007 Status: Sidewalk Design Complete and Land Agent working on obtaining needed easements. Tauber and Stasney Street Rehab Design expected to be complete in April 2007. Anticpate all easements identified and possibly two needs resolutions, one for each street dependent on when the Engineer and Surveyor get all the information to the Project Manager, beginning in late March early April 2007. Construction to begin in late summer early fall 2007. Streets Funding Break Down: $252 110 from CDBG funding &$2 000 000 transferred from ST0518 in FY07 Design for rehabilitation of Tauber and Stasney Street from University Drive to Cherry Street. Design and construction of new sidewalks on College Main. The project also includes the water and wastewater line rehabilitation on Tauber and Stasney streets from University Drive to Cherry Street. The water lines will be replaced with 8" lines and the wastewater lines replaced with 6" lines. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Streets Funding Break Down: $252,110 from CDBG funding &$2,000,000 transferred from ST0518 in FY07 Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 149,871 0 182 0 2007-08 54,304 19,841 0 0 242 2008-09 310,000 16,260 2,416,403 0 91,026 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $91,268PROJECT TOTAL $3,058,128$364,304 $185,972 $2,416,403 $182 $0 $150,053 $74,387 $2,833,688 $0 $0 22 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 108,979$ 182$ $109,161 2007-08 54,304 13,841 - 242 $68,387 2008-09 310,000 11,260 1,722,953 30,349 $2,074,562 2009-10 - $0 2010-11 - $0 2011-12 - $0 2012-13 - $0 2013-14 - $0 Streets Total $364,304 $134,080 $1,722,953 $182 $30,591 $2,252,110 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 21,403$ $21,403 2007-08 3,000 - $3,000 2008-09 2,000 232,593 20,352 $254,944 2009-10 - $0 2010-11 - $0 2011-12 - $0 2012-13 - $0 2013-14 - $0 Water Total $0 $26,403 $232,593 $0 $20,352 $279,347 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 19 489$$19 489 PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Tauber/Stasney Rehab and Northgate Sidewalks Prior Years 19,489$ $19,489 2007-08 3,000 - $3,000 2008-09 3,000 460,857 40,325 $504,182 2009-10 - $0 2010-11 - $0 2011-12 - $0 2012-13 - $0 2013-14 - $0 Wastewater Total $0 $25,489 $460,857 $0 $40,325 $526,671 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $364,304 $185,972 $2,416,403 OPERATING COSTS $182 $91,268 $3,058,128 23 the heart of the Research Valley 24 SSTTRREEEETT EEXXTTEENNSSIIOONN PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 25 PROJECT: Dartmouth Extension FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0211 $3,575,000 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF0350795 $220,000 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Wastewater: WF0350773 $254,000 Total Project Budget: $4,049,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Donald Harmon FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - CO's CLIENT:Public Works W/WW - URB Streets: Original Budget = $3,600,000; $25,000 transferred to ST0809 - FY08 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Dartmouth Drive will be extended from Krenek Tap Road ot Harvey Mitchell Parkway. As part of this project, it will be necessary to replace three 100 linear feet wastewater crossings (one 15", one 24" and one 30" crossing) and extend 2,300 linear feet of 12" water line. Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $7,892 $217,804 $1,254,036 $12,428 $0 2007-08 $0 $50,000 $2,391,745 $70,000 $45,096 2008-09 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $45,096PROJECT TOTAL $4,049,000$7,892 $267,804 $3,645,781 $82,428 $0 $1,492,160 $2,556,841 $0 $0 $0 26 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $7,892 $202,137 $808,544 $12,428 $1,031,001 2007-08 $0 $50,000 $2,380,245 $70,000 $43,754 $2,543,999 2008-09 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Streets Total $7,892 $252,137 $3,188,789 $82,428 $43,754 $3,575,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $9,508 $199,575 $0 $209,083 2007-08 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $917 $10,917 2008-09 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Water Total $0 $9,508 $209,575 $0 $917 $220,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Dartmouth Extension Prior Years $0 $6,159 $245,917 $0 $252,076 2007-08 $0 $0 $1,500 $0 $424 $1,924 2008-09 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $6,159 $247,417 $0 $424 $254,000 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $7,892 $267,804 $3,645,781 OPERATING COSTS $82,428 $45,096 $4,049,000 27 PROJECT: Oversize Participation PROJECT #: ST0519 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $2,320,565 PROJECT MANAGER:Alan Gibbs FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GO Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Parent Project Funds provided for City-wide oversize participation projects. Original project budget = $2,700,000. $516,569 transferred to Corsair/AMS Street Extension (ST0612) in FY06. $23,431 transferred to Waterwood OP in FY06. $187,569 transferred back from ST0612 in FY07. $27,004 transferred to ST0802 - FY08. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 200,000 $200,000 2008-09 540,000 $540,000 2009-10 540,000 $540,000 2010-11 540,000 $540,000 2011-12 500,565 $500,565 2012-13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $ 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,320,565 $0 $2,320,565 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 28 PROJECT: Corsair (AMS) Street Extension PROJECT #: ST0612 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $329,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Chad Mallett FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GO Bonds PROJECT transferred from ST0519 CLIENT: Public Works This project is for the land acquisition and deisgn of the extension of AMS road from its terminus in the Century Hill Subdivision to intersect with Emerald Parkway. Construction will be completed as area is developed. $516,569 transferred from ST0519 in FY06 $187,569 transferred back to ST0519 - FY07 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $1,500 $56,690 $0 $0 $58,190 2007-08 5,500 4,500 0 0 $10,000 2008-09 260,810 $260,810 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $267 810 $61 190 $0 $0 $329 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $267,810 $61,190 $0 $0 $329,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 29 PROJECT: Manuel Drive OP PROJECT #: ST0802 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $27,004 PROJECT MANAGER: Alan Gibbs FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GO Bonds PROJECT transferred from ST0519 CLIENT: Public Works This project is to fund Street oversize participation. Funds were included in the 2003 bond authorization for street oversize participation projects throughout the City. These funds will be used to upsize Manuel Drive extension from a local to a minor collector. $27,004 transferred from ST0519 - Oversize Participation - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $4,990 $4,990 2008-09 $22,014 $22,014 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $27 004 $0 $27 004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $0 $0 $27,004 $0 $27,004 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 30 PROJECT: Arrington/Decatur Extension PROJECT #: ST0606 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $4,159,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works The extension of Arrington and Decatur will improve north-south traffic flow on the west side of SH6 by providing local streets that will make a connection from the future SH40 to Barron Road. Original purchase order was $3,561,732.95 Purchase Order with C.O. #1 and #2 = $3,645,877.95 Soils testing projected to be $17,500 John Logan and Craig Jordan time = $7,500.00 Possible future change orders = $10,000.00 Original project budget = $4,000,000 $110,000 transferred from ST0701 - FY07. $25,000 transferred from ST0701 - FY08. $24,000 transferred from ST0701 - FY08. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $416,783 $462,602 $1,931 $881,316 2007-08 $44,982 $3,183,275 $13,750 $35,678 $3,277,684 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $461,764 $3,645,877 $15,681 $35,678 $4,159,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 31 PROJECT: Discovery Drive Extension PROJECT #: ST0804 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $2,000,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Chad Mallett FUNDING SOURCES: * see description below PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is for an extension to Discovery Drive noth of University Drive to serve the new TIP facility at the Texas A&M Research Park. *Project Funding: $750,000 from ST0701 - Future Street Extension project (Certificates of Obligation) $416,937 from ST0518 - Northgate Street Rehab funds (2003 GOB) $100,000 from ST0512 - (2003 GOB) $189,042 balance of original University Drive Pedestrian Imp funds (2003 GOB) $544,021 from fund balance Total: $2,000,000 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 100,000 1,500 $101,500 2008-09 46,600 1,822,843 1,000 28,057 $1,898,500 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 46,600 1,822,843 1,000 28,057 $1,898,500 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $146,600 $1,822,843 $1,000 $29,557 $2,000,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 32 the heart of the Research Valley 33 PROJECT: Eagle Avenue Extension FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0809 $825,000 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF1095364 $92,000 Total Project Budget: $917,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Ed McDonald FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - CO's CLIENT:Public Works Water - URB The extension of Eagle Avenue from Victoria Avenue to Alexandria Drive. Design is to be paid for by a private developer who has agrees to also dedicate the required Right of Way. Construction of the project is the responsibility of the City of College Station. As part of the project, a water line will be extended along Eagle Avenue. Streets: Original Budget = $800,000; $25,000 transferred from ST0211 - FY08 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $0 2008-09 $0 $0 $834,598 $0 $7,402 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $7,402PROJECT TOTAL $917,000$0 $0 $909,598 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 $842,000 $0 $0 34 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $75,000 2008-09 $750,000 $750,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Streets Total $0 $0 $825,000 $0 $825,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $84,598 $7,402 $92,000 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 Water Total $0 $0 $84,598 $0 $7,402 $92,000 PROJECT TOTAL $0 $0 $909,598 $0 $7,402 $917,000 PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Eagle Avenue Extension First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 35 PROJECT: Eisenhower Street Land Purchase PROJECT #: ST0814 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $73,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Bob Cowell FUNDING SOURCES: Streets Fund Balance PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is for the acquisition of property totaling 1.22 acres which is needed for the future extension of Eisenhower Street. The future extension will cross Lincoln Avenue and connect with Foster. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 73,000 $73,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $73,000 $0 $0 $0 $73,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 36 PROJECT: Rock Prairie Road East Widening & PROJECT #: ST0417 Design & ROW FUND: 139 - Street Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $2,969,000 PROJECT Craig Jordan MANAGER: FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GOB's PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works All design services for the widening of Rock Prairie East to a minor arterial section as shown on the Thoroughfare Plan from SH 6 Frontage Road to Greens Prairie Road. This includes design for the minor arterial section, sidewalks, storm drain facilities, lighting plan, etc. This budget also includes monies for all Right of Way Acquisition for the full minor arterial section. This is design and ROW money only. No money for construction. Bleyl & Associates was awarded the engineering design by the City Council on February 10, 2005 for $795,000. This is a professional services contract for the engineering design for the proposed widening of Rock Prairie Road to a minor arterial from Highway 6 to Greens Prairie Road. The conceptual design will include topographic and utility surveys and provide an assessment of the interrelationship between rights-of-way, utilities, existing easements and drainage. The contract includes development of plans, specifications and final cost estimates. It will also provide survey work and legal descriptions for purchase of right-of-way. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $1,000 $692,702 $0 $235 $693,938 2007-08 300,000 138,798 $13,000 $451,798 2008 09 1 119 264 $4 000 $1 123 264 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 1,119,264 $4,000 $1,123,264 2009-10 700,000 $700,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $2,120,264 $831,500 $0 $235 $17,000 $2,969,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 37 PROJECT: BARRON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY PROJECT #: ST0006 FUND: 139 - Street Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $431,000 PROJECT MANAGER: CHAD MALLETT FUNDING SOURCES: 1998 General Obligation PROJECT Bond Funds CLIENT: Public Works Barron Road would be upgraded from a two lane rural highway to a minor arterial road as reflected on the Thoroughfare Plan. This project would establish an alignment and acquire the necessary right-of-way. Original budget = $316,000 2003 budget amendment added $115,000 for land purchase FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $204,887 $25,217 $0 $0 $230,104 2007-08 $185,896 $15,000 $200,896 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $390,783 $40,217 $0 $0 $431,000 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS TOTAL $390,783 $40,217 $0 $0 $431,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 38 PROJECT: BARRON ROAD INTERCHANGE PROJECT #: ST0212 DESIGN FUND: 139 - Street Capital Projects PROJECT $735,220 BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works The Project is for an outside private consultant to design a TxDot Highway Interchange at the intersection of Highway 6 and Barron Road. This interchange will move traffic east to west with no off ramps. The City of College Station is providing a 100% design plans of this Interchange as per TxDOT specifications. Jacobs, Inc. was awarded the design of Barron Road Interchange for $699,973.00 by City Council on February 12, 2003. Original budget = $675,000 $10,000 transferred from ST0214 - FY05 $17,195 transferred from ST0214 - FY07 $33,025 transferred from ST0005 - FY07 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $670,569 $0 $0 $0 $670,569 2007-08 $54,651 $10,000 $64,651 2008-09 $0 $ PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $725,220 $0 $0 $10,000 $735,220 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 39 PROJECT: Barron Road Rehabilitation FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0409 $3,000,000 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF0654325 $100,000 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Wastewater: WF0654332 $100,000 Total Project Budget: $3,200,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Chad Mallett FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - 03 G.O.B.: $3,000,000 CLIENT:Public Works W/WW - URB This project includes the upgrade of Barron Road from a two lane rural highway to a minor arterial road as reflecting on the Thoroughfare Plan. The Streets portion provides design services for the entire project and the first phase of construction. Water lines and meters as well as wastewater lines and manholes will be relocated. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 383,744 0 344 0 2007-08 0 269,000 1,399,419 1,000 7,834 2008-09 0 38,659 1,092,166 0 7,834 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $15,668PROJECT TOTAL $3,200,000$0 $691,403 $2,491,585 $1,344 $0 $0 $0 $0 $384,088 $1,677,253 $1,138,659 $0 40 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $383,744 $0 $344 $0 $384,088 2007-08 269,000 1,307,253 1,000 $1,577,253 2008-09 38,659 1,000,000 $1,038,659 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Streets Total $0 $691,403 $2,307,253 $1,344 $0 $3,000,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 92,166 7834 $100,000 2008-09 0$0 2009-10 0$0 2010-11 0$0 2011-12 0$0 2012-13 0$0 2013-14 0$0 Water Total $0 $0 $92,166 $0 $7,834 $100,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Barron Road Rehabilitation Prior Years $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 92,166 7834 $100,000 2009-10 0$0 2010-11 0$0 2011-12 0$0 2012-13 0$0 2013-14 0$0 Wastewater Total $0 $0 $92,166 $0 $7,834 $100,000 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $1,344 $15,668 $3,200,000$0 OPERATING COSTS $2,491,585$691,403PROJECT TOTAL 41 PROJECT: W. D. Fitch Parkway Widening Phase II FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0520 $4,530,000 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF1092576 $25,000 Total Project Budget: $4,555,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Danielle Charbonnet FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - 2003 GOB and CO's CLIENT:Public Works Water - URB Widening of William D. Fitch Pkwy between Pebble Creek Parkway and Rock Prairie Road to a minor arterial. As part of the project, a water line will be extended. A sewer line will also be extended as part of the W. D. Fitch East (Area 6) project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 $350,000 $1,525,000 $1,000 $6,000 2008-09 $0 $0 $2,537,000 $45,000 $91,000 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,062,000 $46,000 $0 $0 $1,882,000 $2,673,000 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $97,000PROJECT TOTAL $4,555,000$0 $350,000 $0 $0 WDFitch  Widening Ph II 42 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 $350,000 $1,500,000 $1,000 $6,000 $1,857,000 2008-09 $2,537,000 $45,000 $91,000 $2,673,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Streets Total $0 $350,000 $4,037,000 $46,000 $97,000 $4,530,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $25,000 $25,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $25,000 PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND W. D. Fitch Parkway Widening Phase II PROJECT TOTAL $0 $350,000 $4,062,000 $46,000 $97,000 $4,555,000 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 43 SSTTRREEEETT TTXXDDOOTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 44 PROJECT: TEXAS AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT #: ST9915 PHASE II FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $999,552 PROJECT MANAGER: TROY ROTHER FUNDING SOURCES: STREETS CIP PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This is a part of the Texas Avenue Widening Phase II project. This is for the cost of streetscape improvements such as raised medians and streetscape light poles. Project combined with George Bush Drive Median project in FY06. Budget of $499,552.00 transferred from ST0102. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $315,733 $193 $315,926 2007-08 $69,100 $420,000 489,100 2008-09 $194,526 194,526 2009-10 0 2010-11 0 2011-12 0 2012-13 0 2013-14 0 TOTAL $0 $69,100 $930,259 $193 $0 $999,552 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 45 PROJECT: TxDOT Landscaping - Wellborn Rd PROJECT #: ST0812 FM 2818 to SH 40 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $96,859 PROJECT MANAGER: Ross Albrecht FUNDING SOURCES: Street CIP - Fund Balance PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is an Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to install, as part of the Wellborn Road Widening project, landscape and hardscape improvements on Wellborn Road from FM 2818 to SH 40. The AFA is for cost participation by the city in the design and construction of the landscape hardscape elements, and also indicates that the city will take over maintenance and responsibilities in the future. The majority of the landscape and hardscape improvements will be located in raised medians. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $92,984 92,984 2008-09 $3,875 3,875 2009-10 0 2010-11 0 2011-12 0 2012-13 0 2013-14 0 TOTAL $0 $0 $96 859 $0 $0 $96 859 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $0 $0 $96,859 $0 $0 $96,859 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 46 PROJECT: TxDOT Landscaping - Wellborn Rd PROJECT #: ST0815 Grade Separation Landsaping FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $382,054 PROJECT MANAGER: Ross Albrecht FUNDING SOURCES: Street CIP - Fund Balance PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is an Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to install, as part of the Wellborn Road Widening project, landscape and hardscape improvements on Wellborn Road from along the grade separation. The AFA is for cost participation by the city in the design and construction of the landscape hardscape elements, and also indicates that the city will take over maintenance and responsibilities in the future. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $382,054 382,054 2008-09 0 2009-10 0 2010-11 0 2011-12 0 2012-13 0 2013-14 0 TOTAL $0 $0 $382 054 $0 $0 $382 054 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $0 $0 $382,054 $0 $0 $382,054 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 47 PROJECT: TxDOT ROW - University Drive PROJECT #: ST0807 Widening FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $484,200 PROJECT MANAGER: Troy Rother FUNDING SOURCES: Street CIP - Fund Balance PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is an Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the City's portion of the right-of-way costs for the widening of University Drive from State Highway 6 to FM158. The agreement is for the City to pay 10% of the estimated right-of-way costs for the highway widening project. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 484,200 484,200 2008-09 0 2009-10 0 2010-11 0 2011-12 0 2012-13 0 2013-14 0 TOTAL $484 200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $484 200 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $484,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $484,200 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 48 TTRRAAFFFFIICC PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 49 PROJECT: Traffic Management Improvements PROJECT #: ST0011 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $50,116 PROJECT Holding Account MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCES: 1998 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project serves to hold funds for new traffic management projects. As new projects are created, funds will be allocated to those projects and this project balance will be reduced. Original project budget - $728,000 84,174 transferred to ST0808 $140,000 used for ST9810 $30,000 used for ST0015 $12,000 used for ST9921 $402,000 transferred to ST9804 $9,710 transferred to ST0403 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 15,000 $15,000 2008-09 35,116 $35,116 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $50,116 $0 $50,116 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 50 PROJECT: Harvey Rd Improvements PROJECT #: ST0808 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $84,174 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Troy Rother SOURCES: 1998 GOB (transferred from ST0011) PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 84,174 $84,174 2008-09 $0 2009 10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR On March 27, 2008, Council approved an AFA with TxDOT for the construction of improvements to Harvey Road between Texas Avenue and George Bush East. The improvements will include the construction of an additional eastbound travel lane on Harvey Road. This widening of Harvey Road will allow the eastbound left turn lane into the adjacent development to be lengthened, thus reducing potential congestion in the area by removing the turning traffic from the through travel lanes. 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $84,174 $0 $84,174 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 51 PROJECT: Traffic System Safety Improvements PROJECT #: ST0511 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $186,664 PROJECT Holding Account MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GOB - $500,000 PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project serves to hold funds for new traffic signal projects. Original budget was $500,000. As new signal projects are created, funds will be allocated to those projects and this project balance will be reduced. Projects on which these funds are currently used include: Original project budget = $500,000 $6,827 transferred to ST0525 - FY07 $34,290 transferred to ST0525 - FY05 $382 transferred to ST0528 - FY07 $27,500 transferred to ST0527 - FY05 $38 transferred to ST0602 - FY08 $7,500 transferred to ST0528 - FY05 $50,000 transferred to ST0811 - FY08 $945 transferred to ST0605 - FY06 $3,516 transferred from ST0527 - FY08 $61,370 transferred to ST0516 - FY06 $28,000 transferred to ST0602 - FY06 $100,000 to be tranferred to ST0602 - FY07 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 86,664 $86,664 2008 09 100 000 $100 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $186,664 $0 $186,664 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 52 PROJECT: Median on Glenhaven @ Dominik PROJECT #: ST0811 FUND: ST0511 PROJECT BUDGET: $50,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Troy Rother SOURCES: 2003 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works To construct a median on Glenhaven at the intersection with Dominik to address vehicles speeding through the T-intersection, loosing control, and crashing into adjacent parked cars or houses. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 10,000 35,000 5,000 $50,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $10,000 $35,000 $5,000 $50,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 53 PROJECT: New Traffic Signal Projects PROJECT #: ST0512 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $773,063 PROJECT MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project serves to hold funds for new traffic signal projects. Original budget was $2,250,000. As new signal projects are created, funds will be allocated to those projects and this project balance will be reduced. Projects on which these funds are currently used include: Original project budget = $2,250,000 ST0415 - $120,000 FY04 ST0608 - $19,000 FY06 ST0516 - $200,200 FY07 ST0414 - $120,000 FY04 ST0607 - $19,000 FY06 ST0416 - $100,000 FY08 ST0421 - $7,322 FY04 ST0610 - $241,300 FY06 $38,512 transferred back from ST0610 - FY08 ST0302 - $25,000 FY05 ST0614 - $60,000 FY06 ST0810 - $200,000 FY08 ST0603 - $9,527 FY06 ST0607 - $190,000 FY07 ST0604 - $14,100 FY06 ST0608 - $190,000 FY07 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 25,000 $25,000 2008-09 500,000 $500,000 2009-10 248,063 $248,063 2010-11 $0 2011 12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $25,000 $748,063 $0 $773,063 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 54 PROJECT: New Traffic Signal Rio Grande/ PROJECT #: ST0414 Rock Prairie PROJECT FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund BUDGET: $120,000 PROJECT FUNDING 2003 GOB MANAGER: Lee Robinson SOURCES: CIP Funds We recently received traffic signal construction bids for this project. Anticipate going to council to award bids, once contracts and signatures are routed we should start construction mid May. Signal slated to go active within 60 days of starting the project. Estimated completion mid to end of July 2008. $120,000 transferred from ST0512. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $2,753 22,298 $0 $25,051 2007-08 2,500 75,000 17,449 $94,949 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $5,253 $97,298 $17,449 $120,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $1,200 Capital $0 TOTAL $1,200 First Fiscal Year Annually OPERATING COSTS $0 $1,200 $1,200 55 PROJECT: Traffic Signal at Welsh/Holleman PROJECT #: ST0415 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $120,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Lee Robinson SOURCES: 2003 GOB CIP Funds We recently received traffic signal construction bids for this project. Anticipate going to council to award bids, once contracts and signatures are routed we should start construction mid May. Signal slated to go active within 60 days of starting the project. Estimated completion mid to end of July 2008. $120,000 transferred from ST0512. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $9,745 31,733 $0 $41,478 2007-08 2,200 58,322 18,000 $78,522 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $11,945 $90,055 $18,000 $120,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $1,200 Capital $0 TOTAL $1,200 OPERATING COSTS AnnuallyFirst Fiscal Year $0 $1,200 $1,200 56 PROJECT: Traffic Signal at Fitch Pkwy at Lakeway Dri PROJECT #: ST0810 FUND: Traffic Signal Capital Project PROJECT BUDGET: $200,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Lee Robinson SOURCES: 2003 GOB CIP Funds Increased traffic along WD Fitch Parkway and increased vehicle delays on Lakeway Drive has created a need to construct and signal at this intersection. Also the proposed extension of Lakeway Drive north will make this location more difficult for motorist crossing Fitch Pkwy. Signal warrants were met several months ago and funds are now in available for survey, design and construction. Project funding from ST0512 - New Traffic Signals (03 GOB's) FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 20,000 55,000 $75,000 2008-09 125,000 $125,000 2009 10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $20,000 $125,000 $55,000 $200,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $1,200 Capital $0 TOTAL $1,200$0 $1,200 $1,200 First Fiscal Year Annually OPERATING COSTS 57 PROJECT: SIGNAL @ GEORGE BUSH/DOMINIK PROJECT #: ST0205 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $133,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: LEE ROBINSON SOURCES: 1998 G.O. BONDS CIP FUNDS Since the widening of G Bush East a new traffic warrant study was conducted, at that time the intersection did not meet traffic volumes to warrant a signal. It has been decided to do another warrant study after Texas Avenue Phase II project is completed. Most all materials are in-stock to build this traffic signal. More than likely if this location meets warrants during the next study it will be built in 2009-2010 fiscal year FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $5,309 20,032 $8,033 $33,373 2006-07 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 10,000 89,627 $99,627 2010-11 $0 2011 12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 TOTAL $0 $15,309 $109,659 $8,033 $133,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service Utilities $1,800 Capital $0 TOTAL $1,800$0 $1,800 OPERATING COSTS Annually 1,800 First Fiscal Year 58 PROJECT: Traffic Signal Communications PROJECT #: ST0411 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $140,240 PROJECT Holding Account MANAGER: Lee Robinson FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GOB - $250,000 PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project will consist of installing fiber optics to interconnect traffic signals and in some cases we will utilize wireless technology. Presently we have 15 signals that are not interconnected. Communications provides instant upload and download of data, ability to monitor the system and possible make repairs from the signal shop.Installed wireless radios on Texas, installed conduit for fiber optics at Holleman & G Bush. Will continue to to udgrade from copper cables to fiber optics and add communications to signals without. Original project budget = $250,000 $50,000 transferred to ST0607 in FY06 $240 transferred from ST0703 - FY08 (balance of project) $50,000 transferred to ST0608 in FY06 $10,000 transferred to ST0703 in FY07 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $22,430 $0 $22,430 2007-08 85,000 $85,000 2008-09 32,810 $32,810 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $140,240 $0 $140,240 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS AnnuallyFirst Fiscal Year $0 $0 59 the heart of the Research Valley 60 SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS AANNDD TTRRAAIILLSS 61 PROJECT: BIKE LOOP - 2005 PROJECT #: ST0530 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects PROJECT BUDGET: $327,202 PROJECT MANAGER: Danielle Charbonnet FUNDING SOURCES: 1989 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is Phase III of the ST9409 Bike Loop project. It will extend the bike path which terminates in Bee Creek Park along the Bee Creek maintenance shelf and loop around the Arboretum. ST9409 included the construction of a bike loop system consisting of signed bike routes, on-street bike lanes, and off-street bike paths to link the Texas A&M University Campus, City of College Station Parks, and local housing areas. Phases I & II are complete. Funds from ST9803 and ST0521 are expected to be spent in conjunction with this project's funds to complete the bike loop project. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $1,021 $0 $214 $1,236 2007-08 35,350 286,616 4,000 $325,966 2008-09 $0 2009 10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $36,371 $286,616 $214 $4,000 $327,202 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 62 PROJECT: MISC BIKE TRAILS - BIKE LOOP PROJECT #: ST9803 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $169,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Danielle Charbonnet FUNDING SOURCES: 98 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project serves to hold funds for bike trail projects. Original budget was $180,000. As new bike trail projects are created, funds will be allocated to those projects and this project balance will be reduced. Projects on which these funds have been used include: ST0203 - Anderson Street Sidewalks NOTE : These funds will be spent on the completion of the Bike Loop in conjunction with project ST0530, 2005 Bike Loop Project. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 34,610 134,390 $169,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $34,610 $134,390 $0 $169,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 63 PROJECT: PROJECT #: ST0521 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $981,624 PROJECT MANAGER: FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $6,244 $0 $6,244 2007-08 25,000 481,624 10000 $516,624 2008-09 450,756 8000 $458,756 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 Hike & Bike Trails - Longmire Imp $75,000 transferred in FY2004-05 to Brison Park Bike & Ped Path ST0524. $2625 was approved for as a match for a grant for a Safe Routes to School course at the 2-24-05 Council meeting. $56,624 transferred from ST0524 in FY07 - project completed under budget. NOTE: These funds will be spent on intersection improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians at FM 2818 and Longmire, bike lanes, and a bridge over Bee Creek in connection with the Bike Loop project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Danielle Charbonnet PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $25,000 $938,624 $0 $18,000 $981,624 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 64 PROJECT: COCS BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT #: ST0515 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $300,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. Overhead PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 $0 2008-09 10,000 285,152 $4,848 $300,000 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project is to design and construct facilities just south of the Rock Prairie Bridge at Highway 6. These facilities include retaining walls, landscaping, beautification of the existing bridge railing and bridge siding texture. These new facilities will occur on the side slopes of Highway 6 in the TxDOT right-of-way and on the existing bridge at Rock Prairie Road and Highway 6. 2013-14 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $10,000 $285,152 $0 $4,848 $300,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 65 PROJECT: Pedestrian Improvements on FM2818 FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 139 - Streets Capital Fund Streets:ST0516 $1,069,900 238 - Water Capital Fund Water: WF0614950 $150,025 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Wastewater: WF0921531 $72,000 Total Project Budget: $1,291,925 PROJECT MANAGER:Chad Mallett FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Streets - GOB, CO's and CLIENT:Public Works Streets CIP* W/WW - URB Streets Funding ST0517* Sidewalk Improvements $50,036 FY06 (2003 GOB) ST0511* Traffic Safety Improvements $61,370 FY06 (2003 GOB) ST0512* New Traffic Signal Projects $200,200 FY07 (2003 GOB) Dean Int'l $102,000 FY06 ST0516*P d I 2818 $50 000 FY06 ($50 000 FY05 CO I ) Pedestrian improvements will be installed at the intersection of FM 2818 and Welsh as well as the approaches to the intersection. TxDOT will design the project and the City of College Station will construct the project. The redesign of the instersection involving ROW acquisition will result in the need to relocate and /or adjust the existing utilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS ST0516* Ped Imp on 2818 $50,000 FY06 ($50,000 - FY05 CO Issue) ST9928* Victoria OP $280,361 FY06 (1998 GOB) ST0005* Jones Butler St Ext $325,933 FY07 $1,069,900 $72,000 wastewater portion of budget transferred from Oversize Participation. Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 14,313 180,062 6,149 0 2007-08 0 0 974,642 0 21,061 2008-09 0 0 0 0 0 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT TOTAL $1,196,227$0 $14,313 $1,154,704 $6,149 $200,524 $974,642 $0 $21,061 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 66 Streets Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $13,982 $179,376 $6,149 $199,507 2007-08 $857,530 12,863 $870,393 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Streets Total $0 $13,982 $1,036,906 $6,149 $12,863 $1,069,900 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $332 $686 $0 $1,017 2007-08 74,118 5,188 $79,306 2008-09 0$0 2009-10 0$0 2010-11 0$0 2011-12 0$0 2012-13 0$0 2013-14 0$0 Water Total $0 $332 $74,804 $0 $5,188 $80,323 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Pi Y $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT: Pedestrian Improvements on FM2818 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 42,994 3,010 $46,004 2008-09 0$0 2009-10 0$0 2010-11 0$0 2011-12 0$0 2012-13 0$0 2013-14 0$0 Wastewater Total $0 $0 $42,994 $0 $3,010 $46,004 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS $6,149 $21,061 $1,196,227PROJECT TOTAL $0 $14,313 $1,154,704 67 PROJECT: Sidewalk Improvements PROJECT #: ST0517 FUND: 139 - Streets CIP Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $164,479 PROJECT MANAGER:Charles McLemore FUNDING SOURCES: 2003 GO Bonds - $500,000 PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Funds provided for sidewalk improvement projects throughout the City. Plan to build sidewalks along thoroughfares and collectors and to retrofit older neighborhoods. Original Budget = $500,000; $4,078 transferred back to ST0517 from ST0609 - $86,400 transferred to ST0529 FY05 balance of proj - FY07 $36,000 transferred to ST0609 FY06 $28,580 transferred to ST0702 - FY08 $50,036 transferred to ST0516 FY06 $75,700 transferred to ST0803 - FY08 $11,349 transferred to WP9905 FY06 $44,623 transferred to ST0805 - FY08 $50,000 transferred to ST0516 in FY07 $73,005 transferred back to ST0517 from ST0803 - FY08 $2,058 transferred to ST0529 - FY07 $35,377 to be transferred to ST0805 - FY08 $2,500 transferred to ST0529 FY07 $30,000 transferred to ST0813 - FY08 $2,720 transferred to ST072 FY07 $42,739 transferred from ST0805 (balance of project) - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $512 $13,600 $0 $14,112 2007-08 50,367 $50,367 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2007 08 50,367 $50,367 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $512 $163,967 $0 $0 $164,479 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 68 PROJECT: Oakwood/A&M Consolidated Pedestrian PROJECT #: ST0805 Improvements FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $37,261 PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING SOURCES: ST0517 - 03 GOB's PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works The project includes the installation of sidewalks along Holik Street and Anna Street as part of the Safe Routes to School program. $44,623 transferred from ST0517 - FY08. Additional $35,377 to be transferred from ST0517 in FY08. $42,739 transferred back to ST0517 - balance of project - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 8,000 26,828 1,000 1,433 $37,261 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $8,000 $26,828 $1,000 $1,433 $37,261 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 69 PROJECT: Spring Loop Sidewalk Improvements PROJECT #: ST0813 FUND: 139 - Streets Capital Projects Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $30,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Gary Balmain SOURCES: ST0517 - 03 GOB PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Spring Loop Sidewalk Improvements - To bring into ADA compliance - Construction of ADA ramps and ensure continuity of sidewalk flow along Spring Loop. Sidewalk improvements will be made at carious locations on Spring Loop from Tarrow Street to April Bloom. $30,000 transferred from ST0517 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 30,000 $30,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $30,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 70 GGEENNEERRAALL GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT-- PPAARRKKSS PPRROOJJEECCTTSS CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 71 55 88 44 66 99 1111 22 33 1414 1010 1313 1212 77 11 1515 1616 1212 Parkland Dedication Zones 1-16 72 the heart of the Research Valley 73 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   PARKS PROJECTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY 07-08 FY 08-09 NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:3,331,429 $1,651,207 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 40,000 - CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS 1,175,000 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - - INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS 225,000 86,896 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 21,000 28,000 OTHER 72,500 86,700 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES $1,533,500 $201,596 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE $4,864,929 $1,852,803 PARK PROJECTS FIELD REDEVELOPMENT PK0300 ANNUAL - 88,500 80,500 UNIVERSITY PARK DEVELOPMENT PK0410 410,000 410,000 - - # VETERANS PARK PHASE II PK0501 6,922,000 6,922,000 - - WOODLAND HILLS DEVELOPMENT PK0523 305,000 305,000 - - ADAMSON POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT PK0701 1,280,000 90,000 1,190,000 - THOMAS POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT PK0802 83,000 3,000 80,000 - BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS THOMAS POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT PK0802 83,000 3,000 80,000 UV TREATMENT SYSTEM AT ADAMSON POOL PK0902 98,600 - - 98,600 * OAKS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PK0705 85,460 85,460 - - * LINCOLN CENTER ENTRY SIDEWALK PK0803 15,000 - 15,000 - * LIONS PARK SWING SET PK0804 15,000 - 15,000 - CLOSED PROJECTS 400,000 - CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL $7,815,460 $1,788,500 $179,100 MISCELLANEOUS - - DEBT ISSUANCE COST 11,500 - GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES 21,420 74,211 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,821,420 $253,311 ENDING FUND BALANCE:$3,043,509 $1,599,492 * - FUNDED THROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT # - Indicates projects funded through November 2003 G.O. Bond Authorization 74 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   PARKS PROJECTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $3,329,533 $2,344,047 1,651,207 243,419 238,819 277,019 318,019 $361,819 1,230,000 40,000 - - - - - - 414,312 1,427,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 351,501 582,343 86,896 - - - - - 108,806 55,000 28,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 83,858 85,000 86,700 88,400 90,200 92,000 93,800 95,700 $2,188,477 $2,189,343 $201,596 $95,400 $98,200 $101,000 $103,800 $106,700 $5,518,010 $4,533,390 $1,852,803 $338,819 $337,019 $378,019 $421,819 $468,519 124,867 46,792 88,500 80,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 4,162 - 257,668 148,170 - - - - - 3,940,955 2,264,378 716,667 - - - - - - - 617 204,349 100,034 - - - - - - 74,200 180,800 1,025,000 - - - - - --83,000 ------ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 83,000 - - - 98,600 - - - - - - 425 2,166 82,869 - - - - - - - 15,000 - - - - - - - - 15,000 - - - - - - 109,632 754,644 1,282,613 - - - - - - $4,179,615 $3,141,057 $2,845,763 $1,535,173 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 3,822 - - - - - - - 14,123 15,000 - - - - - - 14,961 21,420 74,211 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 $3,173,963 $2,882,183 $1,609,384 $100,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $2,344,047 $1,651,207 $243,419 $238,819 $277,019 $318,019 $361,819 $408,519 75 PROJECT: FIELD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT #: PK0300 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET:Annual PROJECT MANAGER: PETER LAMONT FUNDING SOURCES: Field Redevelopment Fees PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $33,705 $0 $137,954 $171,659 2007-08 88,500 $88,500 2008-09 80,500 $80,500 The FY09 funds will be used to replace the hydraulic irrigation system at Southwood Athletic Park Little League Fields. The system is 24 years old and replacement parts are no longer readily available and extremely expensive. Additionally, it will provide fund for limited turf repair at various fields at all Athletic parks. 138 - Parks CIP Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 50,000 $50,000 2010-11 50,000 $50,000 2011-12 50,000 $50,000 2012-13 50,000 $50,000 2013-14 50,000 $50,000 TOTAL $0 $33,705 $0 $556,954 $590,659 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 76 the heart of the Research Valley 77 PROJECT: University Park Development FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 138 - Parks Capital Fund Parks: PK0410 $410,000 172 - Zone 2 Parkland Dedication Fund Parkland Ded: PK0410 $147,305 Total Project Budget: $557,305 PROJECT MANAGER:David Wood FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:138 - Certificates of Obligation CLIENT:Parks and Recreation 172 - Zone 2 Parkland Dedication Parks Fund Budget: Original budget = $400,000; $10,000 transferred from PK0523 - FY08 Parkland Dedication Budget: Original budget = $115,837; add'l $31,468 appropriated as part of FY08 budget amendment #3 Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG CONSTR MISC PROJECT TOTAL Neighborhood park development to include a fenced "Bark Park" for unleashed dogs. Other amenities will be typical of Neighborhood Parks, including walks, benches, drinking fountains, tables, lights and small shelter. In addition, a small parking lot and restrooms would be required. The location is the 10-acre undeveloped neighborhood park site in Park Zone 2. This site is adjacent to Burton Creek in the University Park Subdivision. Construction completion is expected in September 2008. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 4,872 85 2007-08 0 1,067 331,378 0 2008-09 0 0 219,903 0 2009-10 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,957 $332,445 $219,903 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $557,305$0 $1,067 $556,153 $85 78 Parks Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 4,162 0 $4,162 2007-08 1,067 256,601 $257,668 2008-09 148,170 $148,170 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Parks Total $0 $1,067 $408,933 $0 $410,000 Parkland Dedication Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 710 85 $795 2007-08 74,777 $74,777 2008-09 71,733 $71,733 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Parkland Total $0 $0 $147,220 $85 $147,305 University Park DevelopmentPROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND $85 $557,305PROJECT TOTAL $0 $1,067 $556,153 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies 2,295 $2,295 Service 8,925 $8,925 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $11,220 $11,220 OPERATING COSTS 79 PROJECT: PROJECT #:PK0501 PROJECT FUND: 138 - Parks CIP Fund BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Pete Vanecek FUNDING SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation Original budget = $6,925,000 $3,000 transferred to PK0802 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $534,761 $5,655,549 $15,022 $6,205,333 2007-08 716,667 $716,667 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 VETERANS PARK & ATHLETIC COMPLEX, PHASE II PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $6,922,000 2003 General Obligation Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Phase II of Veterans Park & Athletic Complex to include parking, utilities, shop addition, Veterans Parkway extension, three (3) soccer fields, three (3) softball fields, large group pavilion, and a softball concession stand/restroom building. Project design began in January 2005 and construction began in March 2006. The completion of Veterans Parkway has been added because of available funds. 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $534,761 $6,372,216 $15,022 $6,922,000 Total Personnel $239,101 Supplies $48,200 Service $288,240 Capital $78,900 TOTAL $654,441 $56,731 21,850 $182,370 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 117,380 78,900 $274,861 26,350 170,860 $379,580 80 the heart of the Research Valley 81 PROJECT: Woodland Hills Park Development FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 138 - Parks Capital Fund Parks: PK0523 $305,000 179 - Zone 9 Parkland Dedication Fund Parkland Ded: PK0523 $34,000 Total Project Budget: $339,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Pete Vanecek FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:138 - Certificates of Obligation CLIENT:Parks and Recreation 179 - Zone 9 Parkland Dedication Parks Fund Budget: Original budget = $315,000; $10,000 transferred to PK0410 - FY08 Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG CONSTR MISC PROJECT TOTAL Typical neighborhood park development to include a playground, bridges, basketball court, shelter, walks, area lights, etc. The first public hearing for development was held on March 7, 2007. Construction completion is expected by September 2008. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 617 2007-08 0 0 226,449 0 2008-09 0 0 111,934 0 2009-10 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 $0 $0 $226,449 $111,934 $0 $617 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $339,000$0 $0 $338,383 $617 $0 82 Parks Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 617 $617 2007-08 204,349 $204,349 2008-09 100,034 $100,034 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Parks Total $0 $0 $304,383 $617 $305,000 Parkland Dedication Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 22,100 $22,100 2008-09 11,900 $11,900 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Parkland Total $0 $0 $34,000 $0 $34,000 $338,383$0 $0 $617 PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Woodland Hills Park Development $339,000PROJECT TOTAL First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies 610 $610 Service 6,825 $6,825 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $7,435 $7,435 OPERATING COSTS 83 PROJECT: PROJECT #: PK0701 PROJECT FUND: BUDGET: $1,280,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation Original prject budget = $990,000 $40,000 transferred from PK0521 - FY08 $250,000 transferred from PK0802 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $74,200 $0 $0 $74,200 2007-08 15,800 165,000 $180,800 2008-09 1,025,000 $1,025,000 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Replacement of the bath house at Adamson Lagoon pool due to its poor condition - leaking/rotten roof and structural problems. The bath house was constructed in 1976. The facility needs to be larger to handle current crowds and meet current Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards. The replacement structure needs to be approximately 5,000 SF. Asbestos abatement will be required in the existing structure. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project will be re-bid in July 2008. ADAMSON POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT Pete Vanecek Certificates of Obligation 138 - Parks CIP Fund 2009 10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $90,000 $1,190,000 $0 $1,280,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 84 PROJECT: THOMAS POOL BATH HOUSE PROJECT #: PK0802 PROJECT FUND: BUDGET: $83,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation is open air and does not meet current Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards. The building is small (980 SF). Design for the new structure will begin in early 2008. Construction is expected to begin in the fall of 2008. Original budget = $330,000 $3,000 transferred from PK0501 - FY08 $250,000 transferred to PK0701 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 23,000 60,000 $83,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 138 - Parks CIP Fund REPLACEMENT Pete Vanecek Certificates of Obligation PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Replacement of the Thomas Pool Bath House. Thomas Pool was constructed in 1980. The bath house is in poor condition and does not adequately serve the needs of the pool patrons. The structure PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009 10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $23,000 $60,000 $0 $83,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 85 PROJECT: Ultra Violet (UV) Light PROJECT #: PK0902 Sanitation for Adamson Pool FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $98,600 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER:TBD SOURCES: Parks CIP Fund Balance PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 0 $0 2008-09 9,860 88,740 $98,600 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 gy p g y p yp p , g that caused considerable problems in two College Station pools in 2006. Normal chlorine levels are not effective in controlling crypto. This would also improve the water quality. The funds budgeted in FY09 will be used to install the system at the two pools located at Adamson Lagoon. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $9,860 $88,740 $0 $98,600 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $15,000 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $15,000$0 $15,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 15,000 86 PROJECT: PROJECT #: FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: DAVID WOOD FUNDING SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation Original budget = $143,000 $47,000 transferred to PK0706 - FY07 $10,540 transferred to PK0706 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $425 $0 $425 2007-08 2,166 $2,166 2008-09 82,869 $82,869 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Improvements to Oaks Park to include a one-half (1/2) mile sidewalk, fifteen (15) area lights; and, four (4) benches to improve the appearance of this heavily used neighborhood park. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PK0705 $85,460 CDBG Funds OAKS PARK IMPROVEMENTS 138 - Parks CIP Fund 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $85,460 $0 $85,460 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $1,000 Service $4,000 Capital $0 TOTAL 0 $5,000 4,000 1,000 Annually $0 $5,000 First Fiscal Year OPERATING COSTS 87 PROJECT: Lincoln Center Entry Sidewalk PROJECT #: PK0803 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $15,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: David Wood SOURCES: CDBG Funds PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 15,000 $15,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 $ 138 - Parks CIP Fund This project would replace the current sidewalk entry to the Lincoln Center. This extends from the south entrance to the parking lot. The new sidewalk would be larger, provide a better outdoor gathering area. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 First Fiscal Year Annually OPERATING COSTS 88 PROJECT: LIONS PARK SWING SET PROJECT #: PK0804 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $15,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: David Wood SOURCES: CDBG Funds PROJECT Parks and Recreation CLIENT: This project would install a swing set in Lions Park on University Drive. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 0 $0 $0 2007-08 15,000 $15,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 $ 138 - Parks CIP Fund PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $15,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 89 the heart of the Research Valley 90 GGEENNEERRAALL GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT-- FFAACCIILLIITTYY AANNDD TTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYY CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 91 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:9,010,730$ 7,719,714$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS -$ -$ CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATIONS 8,365,000 3,040,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - - INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS 99,552 643,240 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 154,000 172,000 OTHER - - SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 8,618,552$ 3,855,240$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 17,629,282$ 11,574,954$ PUBLIC FACILITIES LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONS GG9901 291,348 271,348 20,000 - NEW CEMETERY GG9905 9,930,000 2,696,476 7,233,524 - 1 RELOCATION OF FIRE STATION #3 GG0401 2,659,000 2,659,000 - - 1 POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS GG0402 3,686,000 3,610,000 76,000 - 1 CITY HALL GG0408 4,300,000 645,000 - - NORTHGATE IMPROVEMENTS GG0803 271,161 271,161 - - NORTHGATE RESTROOMS GG0522 350,000 350,000 - - MUNICIPAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS GG0701 2,000,000 1,750,000 250,000 - CLOSED PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 12,252,985$ 7,579,524$ -$ TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS POLICE FIELD REPORTING CO0516 268,252 268,252 - - MDT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CO0701 100,000 100,000 - - EMS REPORTING SYSTEM CO0702 120,000 120,000 - - PD SCHEDULING SYSTEM CO0703 71,300 71,300 - - i5 ENHANCEMENT TBD 250,000 - - - UPS REPLACEMENT CO0603 96,160 36,568 14,552 3,240 PBX (PHONE SYSTEM) REPLACEMENT CO0400 990,328 990,328 - - RADIO SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CO0601 4,885,000 4,885,000 - - ATM NETWORK REPLACEMENT CO0522 453,172 453,172 - - WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE CO0704 200,000 200,000 - - SERVER CONSOLIDATION CO0901 150,000 - - 150,000 FIBER OPTIC INFRASTRUCTURE CO0902 1,000,000 - - 149,737 *MISC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS CO0801 NA - - - CLOSED PROJECTS 9,000 - SUBTOTAL 7,124,620$ 23,552$ 302,977$ CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 19,377,605$ 7,603,076$ 302,977$ DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS 66,000$ 30,000$ TRANSFERS - - OTHER - - GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES 170,647 96,427 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,839,723$ 429,404$ ENDING FUND BALANCE:9,789,559$ 11,145,550$ 1 - Indicates projects funded through 2003 G.O. Bond Authorization BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 92 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 7,842,561$ 12,509,488$ 7,719,714$ 3,956,990$ 1,041,943$ 2,532,104$ 504,414$ 493,057$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,655,000$ -$ -$ -$ 3,545,688 7,198,000 3,040,000 324,300 237,000 245,000 115,000 - 64,871 - - - - - - - 2,446,892 99,552 643,240 14,960 15,640 11,200 - - 543,679 400,000 172,000 74,000 53,000 45,000 15,000 15,000 4,084 - - - - - - - 6,605,214$ 7,697,552$ 3,855,240$ 413,260$ 3,960,640$ 301,200$ 130,000$ 15,000$ 14,447,775$ 20,207,040$ 11,574,954$ 4,370,250$ 5,002,583$ 2,833,304$ 634,414$ 508,057$ 126,103 13,884 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,488,225 451,034 5,948,162 2,042,579 - - - - - 214,770 492,841 1,951,390 - - - - - - 217,285 157,057 2,752,338 559,321 - - - - - 40,870 124,526 25,475 - - 2,109,129 2,000,000 - - - - 171,161 100,000 - - - - - - - 109,500 240,500 - 21,847 381,000 1,597,153 - - - - - 121,633 - - - - - - - (1,382,822)$ 1,382,822$ 11,359,025$ 4,559,553$ 20,000$ 2,129,129$ 2,020,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 236,635 - 31,617 - - - - - - - - - - 100,000 - - - - - 752 119,248 - - - - - - - - - - 71,300 - - - - - - - - 250,000 - - - - - 25,279 22,120 6,960 14,960 15,640 11,200 - - 918,689 37,408 34,231 - - - - - - 209 - 100,000 2,268,950 2,515,841 - - - - - - 223,172 230,000 - - - - - - - 100,000 100,000 - - - - - - - - 150,000 - - - - - - - 149,737 253,006 236,710 245,190 115,357 - - - - 26,336 - - - - - 188,469 162,131 251,908$ 792,519$ 2,931,983$ 3,205,107$ 252,350$ 256,390$ 115,357$ -$ 1,634,730$ 12,151,544$ 7,491,536$ 3,225,107$ 2,381,479$ 2,276,390$ 135,357$ 20,000$ 86,401$ 72,000$ 30,000$ 3,200$ 39,000$ 2,500$ 1,000$ -$ (29,064) 8,136 - - - - - - 32,000 85,000 - - - - - - 214,219 170,647 96,427 100,000 50,000 50,000 5,000 5,000 1,938,287$ 12,487,326$ 7,617,963$ 3,328,307$ 2,470,479$ 2,328,890$ 141,357$ 25,000$ 12,509,488$ 7,719,714$ 3,956,990$ 1,041,943$ 2,532,104$ 504,414$ 493,057$ 483,057$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 93 PPUUBBLLIICC FFAACCIILLIITTIIEESS 94 PROJECT: LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONS PROJECT #: GG9901 FUND: General Government, CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $291,348 PROJECT MANAGER: David Gerling FUNDING SOURCES: Funds raised by donations PROJECT for library materials CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR HARDWARE SOFTWARE CONS/TRAIN OTHER PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $139,987 $139,987 2007-08 $20,000 $20,000 2008 09 $20 000 $20 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This money was raised through donations for adding to the collection of books and other items in the Larry J. Ringer Library. Based on history we anticipate spending $20,000 per year until the funds are depleted. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 $20,000 $20,000 2009-10 $20,000 $20,000 2010-11 $20,000 $20,000 2011-12 $20,000 $20,000 2012-13 $20,000 $20,000 2013-14 $20,000 $20,000 future years $11,361 $11,361 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $291,348 $291,348 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 First Fiscal Year Annually OPERATING COSTS Larry J. Ringer Library 95 PROJECT:Memorial Cemetery FUND(S):137 - General Government CIP PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: Gen'l Gov't:GG9905 $9,930,000 Water: WF1048137 $120,000 Total Project Budget: $10,050,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Craig Jordan FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:Gen'l Gov't - CO's CLIENT:Parks and Recreation W/WW - URB $275,000 debt issued in 1999 (CO's) $600,000 debt issued in 2005 (CO's) $1,000,000 debt issued in 06 (CO's) $625,000 debt issued in FY07 (CO's) $6,748,000 projected FY08 debt issue (CO's) (includes debt issuance costs) Construction cost includes $200,000 to move overhead electrical lines underground. $640,000 appropriated to budget as part of FY08 budget amendment #3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Development of a new municipal cemetery that will include an area designated for the Aggie Field of Honor. Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $1,476,048 $463,007 $0 $204 $0 2007-08 $0 $228,162 $5,820,000 $20,000 $0 2008-09 $0 $30,000 $2,012,579 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1,939,259$ 6,068,162 2,042,579 - - - - - $0PROJECT TOTAL $10,050,000$1,476,048 $721,169 $7,832,579 $20,204 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 96 General Government Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $1,476,048 $463,007 $0 $204 $1,939,259 2007-08 228,162 5,700,000 20,000 $5,948,162 2008-09 30,000 2,012,579 $2,042,579 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Streets Total $1,476,048 $721,169 $7,712,579 $20,204 $9,930,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 120,000 $120,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $0 $120,000 $0 $120,000 PROJECT TOTAL $1,476,048 $721,169 $7,832,579 $20,204 $0 $10,050,000 PROJECT: Memorial Cemetery PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $50,383 $103,300 $153,683 Supplies 5,660 4,660 $10,320 Service 9,947 35,738 $45,685 Capital 85,500 $85,500 TOTAL $151,490 $143,698 $295,188 OPERATING COSTS 97 PROJECT: Relocation of Fire Station #3 FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 137 - General Government Capital Projects Fund Facilities: GG0401 $2,659,000 238 - Water Capital Projects Fund Water: WF0632255 $28,000 Total Project Budget: $2,687,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Donald Harmon FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:2003 GOB: $1,710,000 CLIENT:Fire Department CO's: $991,000 W/WW - URB: $28,000 Facitities: Original Budget = $2,701,000; $42,000 transferred to GG0804 - FY08 Fire Station No. 3 will be located at 1900 Barron Road to provide services to a high growth area of the City. The facility is expected to have two equipment bays of 2,300 square feet with an additional estimated 7,100 square feet for living quarters, training, kitchen, storage, exercise and decontamination areas. The project includes the extension of water service. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $154,339 $92,985 $486,323 $2,202 $0 2007-08 $0 $35,000 $1,758,723 $120,000 $37,667 2008-09 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $735,848 $1,951,390 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $0 $0 $37,667PROJECT TOTAL $2,687,238$154,339 $127,985 $2,245,045 $122,202 $0 98 Facilities Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $154,339 $90,397 $460,673 $2,202 $0 $707,611 2007-08 $0 $35,000 $1,758,723 $120,000 $37,667 $1,951,390 2008-09 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Facilities Total $154,339 $125,397 $2,219,395 $122,202 $37,667 $2,659,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $2,588 $25,650 $0 $0 $28,238 2007-08 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2008-09 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2009-10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2012-13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Water Total $0 $2,588 $25,650 $0 $0 $28,238 $$$$$ PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Relocation of Fire Station #3 $ First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies 10,000 10,000 $20,000 Service 10,000 10,000 $20,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $20,000 $20,000 $40,000 $2,245,045 $122,202 $37,667$127,985 $2,687,238 OPERATING COSTS PROJECT TOTAL $154,339 99 PROJECT: POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT #: GG0402 FUND: 137 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $3,686,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Edward McDonald FUNDING 2003 GENERAL OBLIGATION SOURCES: BOND FUNDS ($3,310,000) PROJECT 2006 CERTIFICATES CLIENT: Police Department OF OBLIGATION ($300,000) This project provides for the expansion of the Police Department into the space vacated by Municipal Court and renovation of the existing facility. Construction Began in December 2007. Original budget = $3,310,000 Additional $300,000 added during FY06 budget process $76,000 transferred from Equipment Replacement for generator replacement - FY08. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $370,487 $0 $3,855 $374,342 2007-08 $55,000 $2,400,000 $250,000 $47,338 $2,752,338 2008-09 $28,811 $324,693 $196,197 $9,620 $559,321 2009-10 $0 $0 2010-11 $0 $0 2011-12 $0 $0 2012 13 $0 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 $0 2013-14 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $454,298 $2,724,693 $450,052 $56,957 $3,686,000 Total Personnel Supplies Service Capital TOTAL OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 100 PROJECT: City Hall PROJECT #: GG0408 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT 4,300,000 BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Mark Smith FUNDING 2003 General Obligation SOURCES: Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: CMO A portion of the prior years' spending on this project reflects the design of concept plans for a new city hall. On November 4, 2008, a proposition for the construction of a new City Hall was brought forth to the voters and was unsuccessful. If it had been successful, the funds remaining in this project were to have been used toward the construction of the new City Hall. At this time, the use of remaining funds is to be determined. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $10,737 $91,640 $0 $63,020 $165,396 2007-08 25,475 $25,475 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 2,109,129 $2,109,129 2011-12 2,000,000 $2,000,000 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2013 14 $0 TOTAL $10,737 $117,115 $4,109,129 $63,020 $4,300,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL TBD OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually TBD TBD 101 PROJECT: Northgate Improvements PROJECT #: GG0803 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $271,161 PROJECT MANAGER: David Gwin FUNDING SOURCES: 2005 Certificates PROJECT of Obligation CLIENT: Economic Development Construction of improvements in the Northgate area. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $171,161 $171,161 2008-09 $100,000 $100,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $271 161 $0 $271 161 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $0 $0 $271,161 $0 $271,161 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL TBDTBD TBD OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 102 PROJECT: Northgate Restroom Facilities PROJECT #: GG0522 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $350,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Edward McDonald SOURCES: 2005 Certificates of Obligation The Northgate restroom project is currently in the planning stage. The restrooms will be generally located on the City's surface parking lot on Church Street however, a specific location has not been determined to date. A team made up of staff from the Parks, Public Works, and Economic Development Departments has been organized to work with local merchants to determine a specific location for the facility. Original budget = $300,000 $50,000 transferred from GG0521 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $40,000 $68,000 $1,500 $109,500 2008-09 $240,500 $240,500 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $40,000 $308,500 $1,500 $350,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $5,000 Service $25,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $30,000 $25,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $30,000 $5,000 $25,000 $30,000 $5,000 103 PROJECT: Municipal Facility Improvements PROJECT #: GG0701 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT 2,000,000 BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Chad Mallett FUNDING SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works This project is for the completion of the second floor of the Municipal Court building which will be used for City office space. Also included are funds for renovations to existing facilities. Original budget = $1,750,000 $250,000 transferred from GG0801 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $19,440 $0 $2,406 $21,847 2007-08 $180,000 $200,000 $1,000 $381,000 2008-09 $80,000 $1,516,153 $1,000 $1,597,153 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR TOTAL $0 $279,440 $1,716,153 $4,406 $2,000,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $34,000 Service $30,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $64,000$32,000 $17,000 $15,000 $32,000 $17,000 $15,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 104 TTEECCHHNNOOLLOOGGYY PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 105 PROJECT: POLICE FIELD REPORTING PROJECT #CO0516 FUND: 137 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $268,252 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: KEVIN JOYNER SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: Police Department This project will allow police officers to fill out report forms electronically as the data is collected. This will mean less time spent in the Police offices filling out reports. The Police Department decided to use Geac's Field Reporting Application. The application required upgraded computer hardware in the vehicles, therefore prior to implementation, the MDT Replacement project required completion. The Scope of Work, to be incorporated into an addendum to the Master agreement, with Geac was approved and the contract was approved by Council on August 8,2005. Implementation of the application began in 1st Qtr FY 06. The Message Switch and Field Reporting part of this project are complete. The only outstanding item is the conversion of the TLETS connection to the State to a TCP/IP (Internet based) connnection. This item has a vendor cost of $4,800 and is incuded in the project budget as an encumbered amount. Completion of this item is dependent on the State conversion schedule. TLETS project's paperwork agreement with DPS is being finalized. GEAC still working on coding. (10,581.42) Original project budget = $229,000 ($129,000 from CO0404 - Add'l Technology Improvements) $21,500 transferred from CO0022 in FY05 $29,729 transferred from CO0401 in FY05. $11,977 transferred to CO0503 - FY08 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR HARDWARE SOFTWARE CONS/TRAIN OTHER PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $5,060 $147,106 $41,600 $42,869 $236,635 2007-08 31,617 $31,617 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $5,060 $178,723 $41,600 $42,869 $268,252 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $23,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $23,000$0 23,000 $23,000 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 106 PROJECT: MDT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT PROJECT #: CO0701 FUND: 137 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $100,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: TBD SOURCES: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND PROJECT CLIENT: Information Services FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 30,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 $100,000 2010-11 $0 upgrade.To a lesser extent, the data system is experiencing the same coverage limitations as the voice system. addressed by project CO0601. If the data side requires expansion to a multisite system to support current and projected City growth, costs will likely exceed $100,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This project replaces the electronic equipment that provides the interface.between radio frequency system (800 MHz radio system) and the Internet Protocol system (Computer Aided Dispatch). This equipment is located at the Radio Tower and is anticipated to be upgraded in conjunction with the Radio System Replacement. Current funding is estimated as sufficient to replace existing infrastructure, not enhance or PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010 11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $10,000 $100,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 107 PROJECT: EMS Reporting System PROJECT #: CO0702 FUND: 137 - General Gov't CIP PROJECT $120,000 BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Don Davis FUNDING Certificates of Obligation SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Fire Department FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $576 $0 $0 $176 $752 2007-08 57,076 30,866 4,171 27,135 $119,248 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS The Fire Department needs to update the EMS reporting system. It takes staff 1.5 to 2 hours to complete a EMS report with the current system. In order to provide better reports in a quicker time frame the current system needs to be replaced with one of the newer more efficient EMS reporting systems. City representatives from Fire, IS and Finance researched various system and developed requirements and drafted the RFP. RFP 07-60 was released in Feb 2007. System go- live occured on March 5, 2008. Original Budget = $100,000; $20,000 added through FY07 budget amendment #3 - 9/27/07. This project is essentially complete as far as implementation. The project must remain open until September 30, 2008 to allow for monthly wireless card charges that will continue to come out of project funds until the end of the FY. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL 57,652 30,866 4,171 27,311 $120,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $20,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $20,000$0 0 20,000 0 $20,000 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 108 PROJECT: PD Scheduling System PROJECT #: CO0703 FUND: 137 - General Gov't CIP PROJECT $71,300 BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Kevin Joyner FUNDING Certificates of Obligation SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Police Department FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 15,000 50,000 5,300 1,000 $71,300 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This will provide the Police Department the same type of scheduling used in the Fire Department. This system will expedite the creation of work schedules, rosters, back-fill for absentees and entry of work hours in the payroll system. This project is not expected to be implemented until FY 09. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $15,000 $50,000 $5,300 $1,000 $71,300 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $9,300 Capital $0 TOTAL $9,300 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 0 9,300 0 $9,300 109 PROJECT: i5 ENHANCEMENT PROJECT #:TBD FUND: 137 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $250,000 PROJECT MANAGER: ROGER EARWOOD FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: Future Certificates CLIENT: Information Technology of Obligation ($250,000) The city's midrange computer system consists of two IBM I5e computers and the OS 400 operating system to run several of the City's key operational databases and software applications. Some of these include Utility Customer Service, Finance, Budget, Fleet Management, and Development Services. An upgrade to the hardware is anticipated every three to four years to ensure that the system is performing at the level of efficiency required for its daily use. The project will provide the necessary funding to upgrade the system during the particular year of implementation. The current hardware is now referred to as an IBM i5. The old AS/400 was replaced in January of 2005 with 2 IBM i5s. Additional software was also purchased to enable replication of data from one i5 to the other. This ensures data access on the primary machine 24/7 and provides business continuity and disaster recovery for this system. The next upgrade is scheduled for FY 09-10 FISCAL YEAR HARDWARE SOFTWARE CONS/TRAIN OTHER PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $$$$$ 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 150,000 90,000 5,000 5,000 $250,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $150,000 $90,000 $5,000 $5,000 $250,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service FY10 $18,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $18,000 *The annual HW maintnance cost is projected to be $18,000 when the next upgrade is implemented in FY10. $0 18,000 $18,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually* 110 PROJECT: UPS Replacment PROJECT #: CO0603 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $96,160 PROJECT MANAGER: Jon Schlandt FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: Equipment Replacement Fund CLIENT: City Wide FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $25,279 $0 $0 $0 $25,279 2007-08 $21,120 $1,000 $22,120 2008-09 $6 960 $0 $6 960 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Replacement of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units and associated Battery Cabinets supporting the City's telephone, computer network, and radio systems. Recommended replacement schedule of 9 years for UPS units and every 3 years for associated Battery Cabinets. 2008-09 $6,960 $0 $6,960 2009-10 $12,960 $2,000 $14,960 2010-11 $12,640 $3,000 $15,640 2011-12 $9,200 $2,000 $11,200 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $88,160 $0 $0 $8,000 $96,160 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 111 PROJECT: PBX (PHONE SYSTEM) REPLACEMENT PROJECT # CO0400 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $990,328 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Jon Schlandt SOURCES: General Government CIP/ Equip Replacement Fund PROJECT CLIENT: City-wide Original project budget = $917,000 $46,828 transferred from CO0522 in 2005 $26,500 transferred from CO0523 in 2005 FISCAL YEAR HARDWARE SOFTWARE CONS/TRAIN OTHER PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $93,888 $606,826 $69,314 $186,067 $956,097 2007-08 34 231 $34 231 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This project provides for the scheduled replacement of the city's PBX phone system. As of FY04, the system was 10 years old and had reached the end of its expected service life. In August 2005, a contract was awarded to eLinear Solutions of Houston to implement the new phone system. Cut over to the new system occurred on April 21, 2006. Implementation of the phone project through out the City is complete, with the exception of the PD building. Remaining funds are held in reserve to fund conversion of the old PD phones (analog system) to the new phone system (digital, Voice Over Internet Protocol). Completion expected by end of FY 08. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 34,231 $34,231 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $128,119 $606,826 $69,314 $186,067 $990,328 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $34,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $34,000$0 $34,000 Annually $34,000 First Fiscal Year 112 PROJECT: RADIO SYSTEM REPLACEMENT PROJECT #: CO0601 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $4,885,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Mike Hare FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: Equipment Replacement Fund CLIENT: Information Technology Certificates of Obligation explored the option of participating in a wide area interoperable communications system. The implementation phase of this project cannot begin until the Federally mandated 800 MHz radio rebanding is complete. Original budget = $4,900,000 $15,000 transferred to Area Wide Communications System (CO 0706) - FY 07 FISCAL YEAR HARDWARE SOFTWARE CONS/TRAIN OTHER PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $209 $209 2007-08 100,000 $100,000 2008-09 1,500,000 200,000 329,700 239,250 $2,268,950 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR The City's 800 MHz radio system was installed in 1996. It was scheduled to begin its replacement in FY07. Project costs are based on replacing the existing radio system with equivalent features. Public Safety Staff have raised the issue of upgrading the current radio system with a more robust, dynamic system which would improve the current, inadequate coverage in south College Station. A RFQ was issued on 9/18/2006 for a consultant to assist in analysis and recommendations for a replacement system. The unilateral replacement of the radio system was deferred while the city. ,,,,,$, , 2009-10 1,746,891 200,000 329,700 239,250 $2,515,841 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $3,346,891 $400,000 $659,400 $478,709 $4,885,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $150,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $150,000$0 150,000 $150,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 113 PROJECT: ATM NETWORK REPLACEMENT* PROJECT #: C00522 *Asynchronous transmission mode FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $453,172 PROJECT MANAGER: Jon Schlandt FUNDING SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: City Wide In April 2005, $46,828 was moved from this project to project CO0400 (Phone System) to fund network related upgrades. This transfer reduced the original project budget from $500,000 to $453,172. Original project budget = $500,000 $46,828 transferred to CO0400 in 2005 FISCAL YEAR HARDWARE SOFTWARE CONS/TRAIN OTHER PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 100,000 43,172 50,000 30,000 $223,172 2008-09 200,000 20,000 10,000 $230,000 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR The City began construction of a high speed network in 1996 that supports data, communication, and traffic systems. The network system's backbone, Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM), switching equipment will need to be replaced in FY06. It is anticipated that a faster and more cost effective Gigabit Ethernet switching network will be installed to support existing services as well as provide greater capability to support future communications. Although approved for FY 05 start, project was placed on hold pending completion of the telephone replacement project. An RFQ for consultant services to aid in planning and implementing this project was released in February 2008. A contract is expected to be awarded in May 2008 and the project completed by the end of CY 2008. 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $300,000 $43,172 $70,000 $40,000 $453,172 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $40,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $40,000 AnnuallyFirst Fiscal Year OPERATING COSTS $0 $40,000 40,000 114 PROJECT: Wireless Infrastructure PROJECT #: CO0704 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT $200,000 BUDGET: PROJECT MANAGER: Jon Schlandt FUNDING Certificates of Obligation SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Information Technology FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 60,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 $100,000 2008-09 60,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 $100,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project will allow the use of Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), by city employees in selected areas of the city, both internal to buildings and externally in designated "hot zones". A revised wireless plan is being developed and will be prsented to Council for approval when completed. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $120,000 $40,000 $20,000 $20,000 $200,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $5,000 Service $5,000 Capital $10,000 TOTAL $20,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 5,000 5,000 10,000 $20,000 115 PROJECT: Server Consolidation PROJECT #: CO0901 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $150,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Erik Bodholt SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 115,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 $150,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012 13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project provides additional hardware to accommodate the increasing demands for additional electronic storage and the software to better manage the data. The hardware upgrades will permit an increase in the current storage allotted each employee. The software will assist in data management by storing only a single copy of each file or document and assist uses to better manage and delete old files. 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $115,000 $20,000 $10,000 $5,000 $150,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $15,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $15,000$0 0 15,000 0 $15,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 116 PROJECT: Fiber Optic Infrastructure PROJECT #: CO0902 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: $1,000,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Jon Schlandt SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 68,957 65,780 15,000 $149,737 2009-10 105,580 127,426 20,000 $253,006 2010-11 78,389 138,321 20,000 $236,710 2011-12 68,788 156,402 20,000 $245,190 2012-13 40 000 60 000 15 357 $115 357 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project will support the installation of fiber optic cable to continue expansion of the city's network to new buildings and facilities, and to permit the connection of existing facilities that are not currently on the network. 2012-13 40,000 60,000 15,357 $115,357 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $361,714 $0 $547,929 $90,357 $1,000,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 0 0 0 $0 117 PROJECT: Miscellaneous IT Projects PROJECT #: CO0801 FUND: 137 - General Government CIP PROJECT BUDGET: NA PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: TBD SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation These funds in this project reflect remaining balances of closed projects for which debt was issued. The balance can be used on other IT projects for which additional funds are needed. $19,225 transferred from CO0402 - FY08 $7,110 transferred from CO0503 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR Hardware Software Cons/Training Other PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 26,336 $26,336 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011 12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $26,336 $0 $0 $0 $26,336 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 $0 0 0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 0 118 GGEENNEERRAALL GGOOVVEERRNNMMEENNTT-- DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 119 DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:3,504,256$ 2,294,665$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: UTILITY REVENUES 1,236,800$ 1,758,670$ INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 60,000 39,000 BOND PROCEEDS - - INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - - INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - - TRANSFERS OUT - - OTHER - - SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 1,296,800$ 1,797,670$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 4,801,056$ 4,092,335$ BEE CREEK (COMBINED) SD9802 3,147,000$ 3,147,000 - - BEE CREEK PH. IV & V. SD0001 1,400,000$ 753,000 605,000 42,000 GREENWAYS PROJECTS SD9903 3,640,000$ 3,640,000 - - MINOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SD0903 ANNUAL - 3,480 200,000 SW PKWY STORM DRAIN REPLACMENT SD0804 102,585$ - 102,585 - SC COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS SD0601 443,525$ 443,525 - - STORMWATER MAPPING SD0523 133,000$ 50,000 33,000 50,000 BEE CREEK - Letter of Map Revision SD0703 92,000$ 82,000 10,000 - HARVEY ROAD FLOOD STUDY SD0805 7,000$ - 7,000 - MTIGATION FENCING - ARRINGTON/DECATU SD0901 100,000$ - - 100,000 CLOSED PROJECTS 93,935 CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 855,000$ 392,000$ OTHER COSTS 7,200 7,200 BEE CREEK MITIGATION MONITORING/REPORTING - 20,000 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE ANNUAL 740,480 897,622 DRAINAGE SLA's ANNUAL - 265,447 TRANSFERS OUT - - GENERAL & ADMIN. 462,059 501,425 DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,064,739$ 2,083,694$ ENDING FUND BALANCE: 2,736,317$ 2,008,641$ SC=Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Streets section of CIP document. BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 120 DRAINAGE UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 5,409,427$ 3,494,526$ 2,294,665$ 231,809$ 45,834$ 62,959$ 323,959$ 623,359$ 1,199,565$ 1,254,000$ 1,710,064$ 1,861,500$ 1,917,300$ 1,974,800$ 2,034,000$ 2,095,000$ 227,207 86,000 39,000 7,000 5,300 12,000 23,000 35,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,426,772$ 1,340,000$ 1,749,064$ 1,868,500$ 1,922,600$ 1,986,800$ 2,057,000$ 2,130,000$ 6,836,199$ 4,834,526$ 4,043,728$ 2,100,309$ 1,968,434$ 2,049,759$ 2,380,959$ 2,753,359$ 1,403,307 1,412,883 330,810 - - - - - - 166,842 21,293 50,000 1,161,865 - - - - - 2,319,746 3,104 300,000 400,000 411,575 205,575 - - - - - 3,480 200,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 - - 102,585 - - - - - - 18,053 9,745 207,366 208,360 - - - - - - - 33,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - 239 91,761 - - - - - - - - 7,000 - - - - - - - - - 100,000 - - - - - 670,900 197,503 2,118,164$ 1,323,505$ 2,120,225$ 561,575$ 405,575$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 15,798 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 - - 20,000 36,000 13,000 8,000 8,000 - 803,365 747,097 897,622 924,600 952,300 980,900 1,010,300 1,040,600 - - 265,447 75,100 77,400 79,700 82,100 84,600 - - - - - - - - 404,346 462,059 501,425 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 - - - - - - - - 3,341,673$ 2,539,861$ 3,811,919$ 2,054,475$ 1,905,475$ 1,725,800$ 1,757,600$ 1,782,400$ 3,494,526$ 2,294,665$ 231,809$ 45,834$ 62,959$ 323,959$ 623,359$ 970,959$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 121 PROJECT: Bee Creek Combined Drainage FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 239 - Wastewater Wastewater:WF0738214 $164,500 912 - Drainage Drainage: SD9802 $3,147,000 Total Project Budget: $3,311,500 PROJECT MANAGER:Danielle Charbonnet FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:W/WW - URB CLIENT:Public Works Drainage - Drainage Utility Construction began April 2006. $605,000 transferred from SD0001 following FY06 Budget Amendment #1 increasing Drainage budget from $2,500,000 to $3,105,000. $42,000 transferred from SD0001 - FY08 $8 500 transferred from WW Collection System Rehab in FY07 and $6 000 transferred from Jones Butler Extension in FY07 increasing This project will widen the existing drainage channel of Bee Creek Main Channel from Texas Avenue upstream to Southwest Parkway and Bee Creek Tributary B from its confluence with the Main Channel upstream to Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Project includes some water and wastewater improvements. Construction to be complete in April 2008. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS $8,500 transferred from WW Collection System Rehab in FY07 and $6,000 transferred from Jones Butler Extension in FY07 increasing WW budget from $150,000 to $164,500. Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 98,603 193,353 2,679,456 4,098 0 2007-08 0 0 330,990 0 5,000 2008-09 0 0 0 0 0 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT TOTAL $3,311,500$98,603 $193,353 $3,010,446 $4,098 $2,975,510 $335,990 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 122 Drainage Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $98,603 $193,353 $2,520,136 $4,098 $2,816,190 2007-08 325,810 5,000 $330,810 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Drainage Total $98,603 $193,353 $2,845,946 $4,098 $5,000 $3,147,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $159,320 $0 $0 $159,320 2007-08 5,180 $5,180 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $0 $164,500 $0 $0 $164,500 $193,353 $3,010,446 PROJECT: Bee Creek Combined Drainage PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND $4,098 $5,000 $3,311,500PROJECT TOTAL $98,603 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 123 PROJECT: Bee Creek IV and V FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: 238 - Water Capital Fund Drainage: SD0001 $1,400,000 239 - Wastewater Capital Fund Water: TBD $120,000 912 - Drainage Utility Fund Wastewater: TBD $300,000 Total Project Budget: $1,820,000 PROJECT MANAGER:Danielle Charbonnet FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES:W/WW - URB CLIENT:Public Works Drainage - Drainage Utility Design is 90% complete. Project is in permit review with the US Army Corps of Engineers. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Channel improvements to Bee Creek Tributary "A" including bank stabilization and increased flow capacity from Brothers Boulevard pass Longmire Drive to Texas Avenue. Water and sewer line relocations are included with this project. R OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 186,664 0 1,471 0 $188,135 2007-08 0 44,858 0 5,142 0 $50,000 2008-09 0 13,723 1,513,242 0 54,900 $1,581,865 2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 $0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 $0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 $0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 $0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $54,900PROJECT TOTAL $0 $245,245 $1,513,242 $6,613 $1,820,000 124 Drainage Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $186,664 $0 $1,471 $0 $188,135 2007-08 44,858 0 5,142 $50,000 2008-09 13,723 1,127,142 21,000 $1,161,865 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Drainage Total $0 $245,245 $1,127,142 $6,613 $21,000 $1,400,000 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 110,300 9,700 $120,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $0 $110,300 $0 $9,700 $120,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Pi Y $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT: Bee Creek IV and V PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 275,800 24,200 $300,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $0 $275,800 $0 $24,200 $300,000 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS $6,613 $54,900 $1,820,000PROJECT TOTAL $0 $245,245 $1,513,242 125 PROJECT: GREENWAYS PROJECTS PROJECT #: SD9903 FUND: 912 - DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND PROJECT BUDGET: $3,640,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER:Venessa Garza SOURCES: General Obligation Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Planning & Development Services This project serves to hold funds for new greenways projects. Original budget was $3,640,000. $1,194,124 of Greenways funds were spent on the City Center land purchase. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $2,264,656 $55,957 0 $2,237 $2,322,850 2007-08 292,500 7,500 $300,000 2008-09 390,000 10,000 $400,000 2009-10 400,000 11,575 $411,575 2010-11 200,000 5,575 $205,575 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $3,547,156 $55,957 $0 $36,887 $3,640,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 126 PROJECT: MINOR DRAINAGE PROJECT #: SD0903 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT FUND: 912 - DRAINAGE FUND BUDGET:ANNUAL PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Gary Balmain SOURCES: DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Funds budgeted on an annual basis as available for minor drainage improvements throughout the City. FY09 budget = $200,000 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 3,480 $3,480 2008-09 200,000 $200,000 2009-10 100,000 $100,000 2010-11 200,000 $200,000 2011-12 200 000 $200 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 200,000 $200,000 2012-13 200,000 $200,000 2013-14 200,000 $200,000 TOTAL $0 $0 $1,103,480 $0 $1,103,480 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 127 PROJECT: SW Parkway: Colony Apts to Dexter PROJECT #: SD0804 Storm Drain Repair PROJECT FUND: 912 - DRAINAGE FUND BUDGET: $102,585 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Gary Balmain SOURCES: DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Project to replace collapsed storm draint on SW Parkway between Colony Apts and Dexter Dr; 912-9111-975-30-20 $103,370 transferred from SD0801 - Minor Drainage Projects - FY08 $785 transferred to SD0806 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2006-07 $0 2007-08 102,585 $102,585 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012 13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $102,585 $0 $102,585 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 128 PROJECT: STORMWATER MAPPING PROJECT #: SD0523 FUND: 912 - DRAINAGE FUND PROJECT BUDGET: $133,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: MARK SMITH SOURCES: DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Parent Project Mapping of College Station stormwater infrastructure. Original Budget 200,000 $50,000 transferred to SD0703 Bee Creek - LOMR in March 2007 $7,000 transferred to SD0805 - FY08 $10,000 transferred to SD0703 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 33,000 $33,000 2008-09 50,000 $50,000 2009-10 50,000 $50,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $133,000 $133,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 129 PROJECT: BEE CREEK - Letter of Map Revision PROJECT #: SD0703 (LOMR) FUND: 912 - DRAINAGE FUND PROJECT BUDGET: $92,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: DANIELLE CHARBONNET SOURCES: DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works To obtain a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA for the Bee Creek Combined Channel Improvements Project area and extending downstream to its confluence with Carter's Creek. $50,000 transferred from SD0523 - FY07 $21,000 transferred from SD0204 - FY07 $11,000 transferred from SD0301 - FY07 $10,000 transferred from SD0523 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. OVERHEAD PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $239 $239 2007-08 84,000 6,000 1,761 $91,761 2008-09 $0 2009 10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $84,000 $0 $6,239 $1,761 $92,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 130 PROJECT: Harvey Road Flood Study PROJECT #: SD0805 FUND: 912 - DRAINAGE FUND PROJECT BUDGET: $7,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Alan Gibbs SOURCES: DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Funds will be used for a flood study on Harvey Road. Funds transferred from the Stormwater Mapping project. $7,000 transferred from SD0523 - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 7,000 $7,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 131 PROJECT: Fence for Mitigation at Arrington/ PROJECT #: SD0901 Decatur FUND: 912 - Drainage Utility Fund PROJECT BUDGET: $100,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Craig Jordan SOURCES: Drainage Utility Funds PROJECT CLIENT: Public Works Funds will be used to construct a fence along the Arrington/Decatur Road extension. This fence is required by TxDOT and will protect the Navasota Ladies Tress plants in the area. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 132 SSPPEECCIIAALL RREEVVEENNUUEE -- PPAARRKKLLAANNDD DDEEDDIICCAATTIIOONN CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 133 55 88 44 66 99 1111 22 33 1414 1010 1313 1212 77 11 1515 1616 1212 Parkland Dedication Zones 1-16 134 the heart of the Research Valley 135 GENERAL GOVERNMENT    PARKLAND DEDICATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY 07-08 FY 08-09 NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:1,372,359$ 1,388,680$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CONTRIBUTIONS 290,000$ 290,000$ INVESTMENT EARNINGS 20,000 25,000 INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - - OTHER - - SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 310,000$ 315,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 1,682,359$ 1,703,680$ PARKLAND DEDICATION FUND ZONE 1 PARK PK0051 - - 947 ZONE 2 PARK PK0052 31,961 - - 31,961 PC UNIVERSITY PARK PK0410 147,305 - 147,305 - PARKWAY PARK PK0903 20,000 - - 20,000 ZONE 3 PARK PK0053 115,000 - - 115,000 S. BEACHY CTRL PK POND SIDEWALK PK0805 115,000 - 44,390 70,610 ZONE 4 PARK PK0054 34,035 - 10,798 34,035 ZONE 5 PARK PK0055 810 - 2,522 810 ZONE 6 PARK PK0056 - - - - SOUTHWEST PARK DEVELOPMENT PK0806 260,000 - 202,761 57,239 ZONE 7 PARK PK0057 - - 8,980 - JOHN CROMPTON PARK PHASE II PK0712 263,000 263,000 - - JOHN CROMPTON PARK PHASE III PK0904 114,000 - - 114,000 ZONE 8 PARK PK0058 - - - - EMERALD FOREST PARK IMP. PK0713 48,000 41,000 - 7,000 ZONE 9 PARK PK0059 3,677 - 2,766 3,677 PC WOODLAND HILLS PARK DEV. PK0523 34,000 - 34,000 - ZONE 10 PARK PK0060 151,812 - 110,574 151,812 EDELWEISS GARTENS PK0613 376,000 366,000 10,000 - SOUTHERN OAKS TRAIL AND LIGHTS PK0905 110,000 - - 110,000 ZONE 11 PARK PK0061 2,746 - 2,819 2,746 ZONE 12 PARK PK0824 26,308 - - 26,308 ZONE 13 PARK PK0807 632 - 617 632 ZONE 14 PARK PK0717 81,871 - 74,510 81,871 ZONE 15 PARK PK0808 107,136 - 18,909 107,136 ZONE 16 PARK TBD - - CLOSED PROJECTS 95,364 CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 670,000$ 767,262$ 934,837$ OTHER - - GENERAL & ADMIN. CHARGES 21,420 10,120 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 788,682$ 944,957$ ENDING FUND BALANCE:893,677$ 758,723$ PC = Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Parks section of CIP document. BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 136 GENERAL GOVERNMENT    PARKLAND DEDICATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 1,465,681$ 1,558,514$ 1,388,680$ 249,387$ 248,387$ 247,387$ 247,387$ 247,387$ 496,428$ 350,000$ 290,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 79,963 65,000 25,000 9,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 576,391$ 415,000$ 315,000$ 9,000$ 9,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 2,042,072$ 1,973,514$ 1,703,680$ 258,387$ 257,387$ 257,387$ 257,387$ 257,387$ - - - - - - - - - - - - 31,961 - - - - - 795 - 74,777 71,733 - - - - - - - - 20,000 - - - 115,000 - - - - - - - - 115,000 - - - - - - - - 34,035 - - - - - - - - 810 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 260,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53,611 115,439 - - - - - - - - - 114,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 48,000 - - - - - - - - 3,677 - - - - - - - 22,100 11,900 - - - - - - - - 151,812 - - - - - 1,565 - 236,883 137,552 - - - - - - - - 110,000 - - - 2,746 - - - - - - - - 26,308 - - - - - - - - 632 - - - - - - - - 81,871 - - - - - - - - 107,136 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 392,768 114,215 2,360$ 446,380$ 563,414$ 1,444,173$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000 - - - - - - - 7,179 21,420 10,120 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 483,559$ 584,834$ 1,454,293$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 1,558,514$ 1,388,680$ 249,387$ 248,387$ 247,387$ 247,387$ 247,387$ 247,387$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 137 PROJECT: ZONE 1 PARK PROJECT #: PK0051 FUND: 171 - Zone 1 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $0 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 1 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 1. $ 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 138 PROJECT: ZONE 2 PARK PROJECT #: PK0052 FUND: 172 - Zone 2 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $31,961 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 2 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 2. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 31,961 $31,961 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $31,961 $0 $31,961 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 139 PROJECT: PARKWAY PARK PROJECT #: PK0903 FUND: 172 - Zone 2 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $20,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 2 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation These funds will be used for improvements at Parkway Park. These improvements will include the addition of a concrete curb south of Parkway Park along Woodland Parkway FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 20,000 $20,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013 14 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $20,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 140 PROJECT: ZONE 3 PARK PROJECT #: PK0053 FUND: 173 - Zone 3 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $115,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 3 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 3. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 115,000 $115,000 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $115,000 $0 $115,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 141 PROJECT: Steven C. Beachy Central Park PROJECT #: PK0805 Pond Sidewalk FUND: 173 - Zone 3 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $115,000 PROJECT MANAGER: David Wood FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 3 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation These funds will be used for improvements at Steven C. Beachy Central Park. Improvements will include the addition of a concrete sidewalk around the third pond at the park. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 115,000 $115,000 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $115,000 $0 $115,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 142 PROJECT: ZONE 4 PARK PROJECT #: PK0054 FUND: 174 - Zone 4 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $34,035 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 4 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 4. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 34,035 $34,035 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $34,035 $0 $34,035 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 143 PROJECT: ZONE 5 PARK LAND PROJECT #: PK0055 FUND: 175 - Zone 5 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $810 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 5 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 810 $810 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvements and renovation projects identified in Zone 5. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $810 $0 $810 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 144 PROJECT: ZONE 6 PARK PROJECT #: PK0056 FUND: 176 - Zone 6 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $0 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 6 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 6. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 145 PROJECT: Southwest Park Development PROJECT #: PK0806 FUND: 176 - Zone 6 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $260,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Pete Vanecek FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 6 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 260,000 $260,000 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Southwest Park will be developed as a typical neighborhood park with features that may include items such as a playground, walks, picnic units, basketball court, etc. 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $260,000 $0 $260,000 Total Personnel $20,000 Supplies $800 Service $7,000 Capital $750 TOTAL $28,550 $20,000 800 $0 $28,550 7,000 750 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 146 PROJECT: Zone 7 Parkland PROJECT #: PK0057 FUND: 177 - Zone 7 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $0 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 7 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement projects in John Crompton Park in Park Zone 7. Features such as walks, lights, gazebo, pond improvements, and signage may be included. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 147 PROJECT: John Crompton Park, Phase II PROJECT #: PK0712 FUND: 177 - Zone 7 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET:$263,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Pete Vanecek FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 7 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation Phase II of this project is expected to come in under budget. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $400 $0 $53,211 $0 $53,611 2007-08 115,439 $115,439 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Phase II development of Crompton Park. This may include items such as trees, walks, pond improvements, signage, and disc golf. 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $400 $0 $168,650 $0 $169,050 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $2,000 Service $1,000 Capital $1,000 TOTAL $4,000 2,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $4,000 1,000 1,000 148 PROJECT: John Crompton Park, Phase III PROJECT #: PK0904 FUND: 177 - Zone 7 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $114,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Pete Vanecek FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 7 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 114,000 $114,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011 12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Phase III development of Crompton Park. Improvements include the addition of concrete sidewalks, area lights and pond improvements. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $114,000 $0 $114,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $2,000 Service $1,000 Capital $1,000 TOTAL $4,000 1,000 $0 $4,000 2,000 1,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually John Crompton Pk Ph III 149 PROJECT: ZONE 8 PARK PROJECT #: PK0058 FUND: 178 - Zone 8 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $0 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 8 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 8. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 150 PROJECT: EMERALD FOREST PARK PROJECT #: PK0713 IMPROVEMENTS FUND: 178 - Zone 8 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $48,000 PROJECT MANAGER: David Wood FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 8 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation Improvements to Emerald Forest Park may include a swing set, concrete fencing, new sign, and benches. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 48,000 $48,000 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $48,000 $0 $48,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 151 PROJECT: ZONE 9 PARK PROJECT #: PK0059 FUND: 179 - Zone 9 Parkland PROJECT BUDGET: $3,677 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 9 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement projects at Woodland Hills Park in Park Zone 9. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 3,677 $3,677 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $3,677 $0 $3,677 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 152 PROJECT: PROJECT #: PK0060 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $151,812 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 10 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 151,812 $151,812 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 ZONE 10 PARK 180 - Zone 10 Parkland PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 10. $ TOTAL $0 $0 $151,812 $0 $151,812 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 153 PROJECT: Edelweiss Gartens Park PROJECT #:PK0613 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $376,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Pete Vanecek FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 10 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation These funds are for the development of an Edelweiss Gartens Park. The park will include a playground, basketball court, walks, bridge and lights. Public hearings and design work are complete. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 959 173 432 $1,565 2007-08 236,883 $236,883 2008-09 137,552 $137,552 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 180 - Zone 10 Parkland 2011 12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $959 $374,608 $432 $376,000 Total Personnel $15,441 Supplies $637 Service $8,700 Capital $0 TOTAL $24,778 $637 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $24,778 $8,700 $15,441 154 PROJECT: Southern Oaks Trail and Lights PROJECT #: PK0905 PROJECT FUND: BUDGET: $110,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: TBD SOURCES: PROJECT CLIENT: Parks and Recreation This project is for the construction of concrete sidewalks and the installation of area lights in the southern portion of Southern Oaks Park. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 110,000 $110,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 Zone 10 Park Land Dedication Funds Zone 10 Dedication Fund PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 00 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $110,000 $0 $110,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 155 PROJECT: ZONE 11 PARK PROJECT #: PK0061 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $2,746 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 11 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 11. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 2,746 $2,746 2009-10 $0 181 - Zone 11 Parkland PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,746 $0 $2,746 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 156 PROJECT: ZONE 12 PARK PROJECT #: PK0824 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET:$26,308 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 12 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park improvement and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 12. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 26,308 $26,308 2009-10 $0 182 - Zone 12 Parkland PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $26,308 $0 $26,308 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 157 PROJECT: ZONE 13 PARK PROJECT #: PK0807 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $632 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 13 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 632 $632 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 183 - Zone 13 Parkland improvements and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 13. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $632 $0 $632 Total Personnel $5,000 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $5,000$0 $5,000 $5,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 158 PROJECT: ZONE 14 PARK PROJECT #: PK0717 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $81,871 PROJECT MANAGER: PETE VANECEK FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 14 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 81,871 $81,871 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 184 - Zone 14 Parkland improvements and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 14. 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $81,871 $0 $81,871 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 159 PROJECT: ZONE 15 PARK PROJECT #: PK0808 FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $107,136 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 15 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 107,136 $107,136 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 185 - Zone 15 Parkland improvements and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 15. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $107,136 $0 $107,136 Total Personnel $5,000 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $5,000$0 $5,000 $5,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 160 PROJECT: ZONE 16 PARK PROJECT #: TBD FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $0 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Zone 16 Parkland Dedication PROJECT Funds CLIENT: Parks and Recreation In accordance with the Parkland Dedication Ordinance, these funds have been set aside for park FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 186 - Zone 16 Parkland improvements and renovation projects as identified in Park Zone 16. 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 161 the heart of the Research Valley 162 SSPPEECCIIAALL RREEVVEENNUUEE-- CCOONNVVEENNTTIIOONN CCEENNTTEERR CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 163 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   CONVENTION CENTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:609,057$ 337,862$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION -$ -$ INTERGOVERNMENTAL - - INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFERS - 7,000,000 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 6,000 8,000 OTHER - - SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 6,000$ 7,008,000$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 615,057$ 7,345,862$ PUBLIC FACILITIES CONVENTION CNTR GG0523 TBD -$ -$ 7,000,000$ CLOSED PROJECTS CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL -$ 7,000,000$ OTHER - TRANSFER OUT - 130,671 DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS - - GENERAL & ADMIN CHARGES - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES -$ 7,130,671$ ENDING FUND BALANCE:615,057$ 215,191$ BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 164 GENERAL GOVERNMENT   CONVENTION CENTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 588,842$ 328,188$ 337,862$ 215,191$ 196,191$ 177,191$ 167,191$ 172,191$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - - - - - - - - - 7,000,000 - - - - - 29,769 10,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - - - - - 29,769$ 10,000$ 7,008,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 618,611$ 338,188$ 7,345,862$ 221,191$ 202,191$ 182,191$ 172,191$ 177,191$ 295$ 295$ -$ 7,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 285,372$ 326$ 285,667$ 326$ 7,000,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - - - - - - - - - 130,671 - - - - - - - - 4,756 - - 25,000 25,000 15,000 - - 290,423$ 326$ 7,130,671$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 15,000$ -$ -$ 328,188$ 337,862$ 215,191$ 196,191$ 177,191$ 167,191$ 172,191$ 177,191$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 165 PROJECT: PROJECT #: GG0523 PROJECT FUND: 128 - Convention Center Fund BUDGET: TBD PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: SOURCES: Certificates of Obligation PROJECT CLIENT: CMO FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $295 $295 2007-08 $0 2008-09 7,000,000 $7,000,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 Convention Center Ph III TBD Design and constructuion of Convention Center / Hotel. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $7,000,000 $0 $0 $295 $7,000,295 Total Personnel TBD Supplies TBD Service TBD Capital TBD TOTAL TBD OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually TBD TBD 166 EELLEECCTTRRIICC CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001122--22001133 167 ELECTRIC SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 ACTUAL FY 07-08 ESTIMATE FY06 - 07 REVISED BUDGET FY07-08 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:$6,410,352 $2,805,968 $2,805,968 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES $5,359,064 $11,962,000 $7,754,000 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE $11,769,416 $14,767,968 $10,559,968 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $11,211,309 $12,518,757 $9,687,408 MEASUREMENT FOCUS ADJUSTMENT 2,247,861$ ENDING FUND BALANCE:$2,805,968 $2,249,211 $872,560 168 ELECTRIC SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013 FY 08-09 APPROVED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED BUDGET FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 FY12-13 $872,560 $435,182 $69,182 $22,182 $90,182 $9,751,000 $8,450,000 $6,626,000 $5,083,000 $7,281,000 $10,623,560 $8,885,182 $6,695,182 $5,105,182 $7,371,182 $10,188,378 $8,816,000 $6,673,000 $5,015,000 $7,185,000 $435,182 $69,182 $22,182 $90,182 $186,182 169 the heart of the Research Valley 170 WWAATTEERR CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 171 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 PROJECT REVISED PROPOSED PROJECT WORK REQUEST BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:11,127,771$ 84,326$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: UTILITY REVENUE BONDS/CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION 15,100,000$ 10,750,000$ INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 16,000 12,000 TRANSFERS FROM OPERATIONS 1,000,000 3,600,000 OTHER - 3,525,260 SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 16,116,000$ 17,887,260$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 27,243,771$ 17,971,586$ PRODUCTION PROJECTS SOURCE AND SUPPLY PLANT - WSWOC WELL #7 WT0106 WF0353607 3,607,952 3,607,952 - - WELL #7 COLLECTION LINE WT0203 WF0353621 3,719,876 808,850 2,911,026 - PARALLEL WELLFIELD COLL LINE PH I - WF0352553 4,262,746 1,355,000 920,191 1,987,555 PARALLEL WATER TRANS LINE - SH21 - VILLA MARIA WT0116 WF0352317 9,138,793 5,930,864 3,207,929 - LAND ACQUISITION - WELLS WT0206 WF0377324 6,622,614 600,000 2,880,614 3,142,000 WELL #8 - WF1097966 4,200,000 - - 500,000 WELL#8 COLLECTION LINE - WF1097967 3,600,000 - - 950,000 WATER PUMPING AND TREATMENT PLANT - WPWOC SANDY POINT CHEMICAL SYS REPLACEMENT - TBD 1,698,964 - - - WATER WELL #2 PUMP REPLACEMENT - WF1048923 185,000 - 185,000 - WATER GENERAL PLANT - WGWOC SCADA REPLACEMENT - WF0742940 351,751 123,751 228,000 - WATER PLANT SECURITY - WF0466439 1,567,969 1,492,969 75,000 - SPPS FIBER OPTIC LINE - WF1062516 500,000 500,000 - - CLOSED PROJECTS 250,000 SUBTOTAL 10,657,760$ 6,579,555$ DISTRIBUTION PROJECTS TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION PLANT - WTWOC OVERSIZED PARTICIPATION - WF0934457 ANNUAL - 100,000 100,000 VICTORIA WATER OP - WF0537425 100,000 100,000 - - WATER RECLAIM / IRRIGATION WT0110 WF0995711 3,606,730 575,730 - - WELLBORN WIDENING - WF0613546 4,250,000 4,250,000 - - BARRON ROAD WATER SERVICE EXT - WF0379197 2,383,253 2,384,475 - - PURCHASE ANNEXED AREAS - TBD 1,300,000 - - 1,300,000 RAYMOND STOTZER WEST - TBD 1,500,000 - - 1,000,000 SC EAGLE AVENUE EXT - WF1095364 92,000 50,000 42,000 - SC W.D. FITCH WATER LINE EXTENSION - WF1092576 25,000 25,000 - - 2002 ANNEXATION PROJECTS ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) - WF0805789 178,811 434,000 - - WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) - WF0805807 672,000 397,000 275,000 - FC WATER LINE - NEW CEMETERY WF1048137 120,000 - 120,000 - DONATED WATER NA CLOSED PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 537,000$ 2,400,000$ BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 172 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 5,874,694$ 11,127,771$ 84,326$ 112,614$ 124,934$ 75,034$ 124,034$ 413,034$ 10,750,000$ 6,900,000$ 10,750,000$ 15,000,000$ 1,200,000$ -$ 500,000$ -$ 250,291 167,700 12,000 12,400 11,900 9,000 4,000 4,000 - - 3,600,000 1,025,000 900,000 750,000 500,000 350,000 - - 3,525,260 - - - - - 11,000,291$ 7,067,700$ 17,887,260$ 16,037,400$ 2,111,900$ 759,000$ 1,004,000$ 354,000$ 16,874,985$ 18,195,471$ 17,971,586$ 16,150,014$ 2,236,834$ 834,034$ 1,128,034$ 767,034$ 273,611 112,211 3,222,130 - - - - - - 151,476 28,098 548,215 2,992,087 - - - - - 17,691 26,595 355,000 840,000 3,023,460 - - - - 2,071,564 281,780 6,785,449 - - - - - - 22,613 182,058 3,317,943 3,100,000 - - - - - - - 500,000 3,700,000 - - - - - - 950,000 2,650,000 - - - - - - - - - 259,164 1,439,800 - - - - - 185,000 - - - - - - - 18,751 90,422 42,000 200,578 - - - - - 910,662 150,118 49,775 457,414 - - - - - - 50,000 450,000 - - - - - 382,648 181,023 3,466,368$ 1,253,929$ 14,736,536$ 9,490,079$ 9,632,624$ 1,439,800$ -$ -$ -$ - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 18,061 11,895 70,044 - - - - - - 41,730 84,000 381,000 3,100,000 - - - - 891,225 2,400,876 36,879 921,020 - - - - - 1,136,924 23,165 500,000 723,164 - - - - - - - - 1,300,000 - - - - - - - - 1,000,000 500,000 - - - - - - 92,000 - - - - - - - - 25,000 - - - - - - - 3,812 15,489 159,510 - - - - - - 2,944 998 57,002 200,000 411,056 - - - - - - 120,000 - - - - - - 24,380 679,590 456,832 2,094,697$ 3,156,392$ 1,701,267$ 4,625,184$ 4,111,056$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 173 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 PROJECT REVISED PROPOSED PROJECT WORK REQUEST BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS REHABILITATION PROJECTS: SC BARRON ROAD REHAB - WF0654325 100,000$ 100,000 - - DC BEE CREEK PHASES IV & V TBD 120,000 - 120,000 - SC TAUBER & STASNEY - WF0625888 279,347 70,000 50,000 159,347 SC COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS - WF0595915 1,640,000 1,640,000 - - SOUTH KNOLL/THE GLADE - WF1044480 1,725,000$ - 900,000 825,000 SOUTHWOOD 5-7 - WF1105425 1,507,500 - - 1,507,500 SC CHURCH AVE PHASE II WF0632256 51,000 51,000 - - CLOSED PROJECTS 6,743 SUBTOTAL 1,076,743$ 2,491,847$ CAPITAL PROJECTS CONTINGENCY - WF0608079 30,000 150,000 METER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 360,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 59,106,306 12,301,503$ 11,981,402$ (20,332,443) GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 309,836 83,757 DEBT ISSUANCE COST 114,000 106,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,725,339$ 12,171,159$ MEASUREMENT FOCUS ADJUSTMENT ENDING FUND BALANCE:14,518,432$ 5,800,427$ SC = Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Streets section of CIP document. FC = Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Facilties section of CIP document. DC = Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Drainage section of CIP document. 174 WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 - - 100,000 - - - - - - - - - 120,000 - - - - - 21,403 - 3,000 254,944 - - - - - 68,572 18,895 554,625 997,908 - - - - - - - 40,000 885,000 800,000 - - - - - 786,100 721,400 - - - - 2,175 - 48,825 - - - - - - 511,884 158,056 - - - - - - 92,150$ 530,779$ 904,506$ 3,043,952$ 1,521,400$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 4,941,100$ 17,732,309$ 17,669,215$ 15,775,080$ 2,049,800$ 610,000$ 610,000$ 610,000$ 214,339 309,836 83,757 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 5,880 69,000 106,000 150,000 12,000 - 5,000 - 5,161,319$ 18,111,145$ 17,858,972$ 16,025,080$ 2,161,800$ 710,000$ 715,000$ 710,000$ (585,896)$ 11,127,771$ 84,326$ 112,614$ 124,934$ 75,034$ 124,034$ 413,034$ 57,034$ 175 PPRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 176 WORK ORDER #: WF0353607 PROJECT: WELL #7 PROJECT #: WT0106 FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET:$3,607,952 PROJECT MANAGER: FRED SUROVIK FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Purchase land, conduct engineering design, and construction of additional 4 MGD water well. This will also include security, electrical, SCADA, and drainage infrastructure. The additional capacity is required to meet TCEQ regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 25,694 359,599 515 14 $385,822 2007-08 1,130 21,000 3,200,000 $3,222,130 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009 10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $26,824 $380,599 $3,200,515 $14 $3,607,952 Total Personnel $1,601 Supplies $240 Service $152,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $153,841$368 192 152,000 0 $153,473 48 1,281 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 320 177 WORK ORDER #: WF0353621 PROJECT: WELL #7 COLLECTION LINE PROJECT #: WT0203 FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $3,719,876 PROJECT MANAGER: FRED SUROVIK FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Project provides for land purchase, engineering design, and construction of collection line progressing from Water Well #7 approximately 10,400 linear feet to a connection point in the existing wellfield collection line. The additional capacity is required to meet TCEQ regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. Project is in design phase. LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 24,005 155,569 0 0 $179,574 2007 08 3 215 45 000 500 000 $548 215 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 3,215 45,000 500,000 $548,215 2008-09 2,992,087 $2,992,087 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $27,220 $200,569 $3,492,087 $0 $3,719,876 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $3,780$0 0 0 0 $3,780 $3,780 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 178 WORK ORDER #: WF0352553 PROJECT: PARALLEL WELLFIELD COLLECTION PROJECT #: WSWOC LINE PHASE I FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET:$4,262,746 PROJECT MANAGER: ED SAVAGE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Construction of a collection line for the water wells parallel to the existing line. The existing line is operating at maximum design capacity with the input of six wells. The construction of Well #7 will require this additional pipeline to deliver water to Sandy Point Pump Station. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 12,518 31,768 0 0 $44,286 2007 08 255 000 100 000 $355 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 255,000 100,000 $355,000 2008-09 340,000 500,000 $840,000 2009-10 3,023,460 $3,023,460 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $267,518 $471,768 $3,523,460 $0 $4,262,746 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 179 WORK ORDER #: WF0352317 PROJECT: PARALLEL WATER TRANSMISSION SH 21 PROJECT #: WT0116 VILLA MARIA FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $9,138,793 PROJECT MANAGER: ED SAVAGE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Construct parallel water transmission line along FM2818 from Hwy 21 south to Villa Maria Road; approximately 21,000 LF of 36" diameter pipe. The additional system capacity required to support Northgate area and provide water service to annexed area west of FM2818 along FM60. Project supports additional water distribution interconnection with TAMU. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 1,769,221 565,787 18,336 0 $2,353,343 2007-08 438,432 6,100,000 247,017 $6,785,449 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $1,769,221 $1,004,219 $6,118,336 $247,017 $9,138,793 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 180 WORK ORDER #: WF0377324 PROJECT: LAND ACQUISITION - WELLS PROJECT #: WT0206 FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET:$6,622,614 PROJECT MANAGER: DAVE COLEMAN FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Land to be purchased for future Well Sites #8, #9, and #10. 930 acres has been purchased and it is anticipated that 1,500 more will be purchased for future wells. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 204,671 0 0 0 $204,671 2007-08 3,317,943 $3,317,943 2008-09 3,100,000 0 $3,100,000 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $6,622,614 $0 $0 $0 $6,622,614 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 181 WORK ORDER #: WF1097966 PROJECT: WELL #8 PROJECT #: WSWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $4,200,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: FRED SUROVIK SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 500,000 $500,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This project will construct Water Well Simsboro 8 with its associated electrical, SCADA, security, and drainage infrastructure. Land acquisition costs are included in a separate project. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 008 09 500,000 $500,000 2009-10 200,000 3,500,000 $3,700,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $700,000 $3,500,000 $0 $4,200,000 Total Personnel $7,000 Supplies $500 Service $60,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $67,500 0 $0 $67,500 $7,000 500 60,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 182 WORK ORDER #: WF1097967 PROJECT: WELL #8 COLLECTION LINE PROJECT #: WSWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $3,600,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: FRED SUROVIK SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Project provides for engineering design, and construction of collection line progressing from Water Well #8 to a connection point in the existing wellfield collection line. The additional capacity is required to meet TCEQ regulations for pumping capacity to match projected population. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 700,000 250,000 $950,000 2009-10 2,550,000 100,000 $2,650,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 009 0 ,550,000 00,000 $ ,650,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $700,000 $2,800,000 $100,000 $3,600,000 Total Personnel $4,000 Supplies $0 Service $300 Capital $0 TOTAL $4,300 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $4,000 0 $0 $4,300 300 0 183 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: SANDY POINT PUMP STATION PROJECT #: WPWOC CHEMICAL FEED & STORAGE SYSTEM FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $1,698,964 PROJECT MANAGER:FRED SUROVIK FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services The Chemical Feed and Storage facilities at Sandy Point Pump Station require upgrading to accommodate current expansion of its Water Production infrastructure and to be in compliance with current fire codes. Engineering investigations supporting the expansion effort have identified the need to replace the existing Chlorine Disinfection System to improve personnel safety and operating reliability and cost efficiency. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 259,164 $259,164 2010-11 1,439,800 $1,439,800 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $259,164 $1,439,800 $0 $1,698,964 Total Personnel $1,200 Supplies $30,000 Service $4,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $35,200 1,200 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 30,000 0 $0 $35,200 4,000 184 WORK ORDER #: WF1048923 PROJECT: Water Well #2 Pump Replacement PROJECT #: WPWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $185,000 PROJECT MANAGER: FRED SUROVIK FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water ServicesCLIENT:Water Services This project was for the emergency replacement of the pump in Water Well #2. The pump experienced catastrophic failure during high water demands. Funds for this project were transferred from the Parallel Wellfield Collection Line project which has been delayed due to easement acquisition delays. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 185,000 $185,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $185,000 $0 $185,000 Total Personnel $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 185 WORK ORDER #: WF0742940 PROJECT: SCADA REPLACEMENT PROJECT #: WGWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET:$351,751 PROJECT MANAGER: MIKE KELLOGG FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services This project will facilitate the replacement of control based equipment that has exceeded its useful service life. It will upgrade the control of the plants into a more integrated architecture that will: 1. Reduce development time and cost by the re-use of engineering practices. 2. Maximize returns from existing assets, through greatly improved control and monitoring. 3. Reduce future installation cost by utilizing standard bus technologies. 4. Provide a means of being proactive in maintaining equipment with available diagnostic tools. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 109,173 0 $109,173 2007-08 42,000 $42,000 2008-09 200,578 $200,578 2009 10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $351,751 $0 $351,751 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 0 0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 186 WORK ORDER #: WF0466439 PROJECT: WATER PLANT SECURITY PROJECT #: WGWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET:$1,567,969 PROJECT MANAGER: MICHAEL KELLOGG FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Design, construct, and install equipment and systems to strengthen security and minimize risks of potential terrorists activities and other threats to City's Water Production infrastructure including geographically isolated water wells, pumping stations, and storage reservoirs. Vulnerability Assessment consultant Contract 03-66 mandated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved by City Council 03-13-03. February 26, 2004 Engineering Contract #04-062 approved by Council, Item #11.7 Transferring $75,000 from Greens Prairie Elevated Storage Electric Upgrade Project to Water Plant Security Project. Projects are being combined. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL $ PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Prior Years 0 176,440 823,584 60,757 $1,060,780 2007-08 19,775 30,000 $49,775 2008-09 451,225 6,189 $457,414 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $196,215 $1,304,809 $66,946 $1,567,969 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $45,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $45,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 45,000 $45,000 187 WORK ORDER #: WF1062516 PROJECT: SANDY POINT PUMP STATION (SPPS) PROJECT #: WGWOC FIBER OPTIC LINE FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $500,000 PROJECT MANAGER: MICHAEL KELLOGG FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Design, procure, and install fiber optic communications between Dowling Road Pump Station and Sandy Point Pump Station. This link will allow for data communications for Plant Control, Security and Computer Workstations. The approximate length of fiber is 17 miles and allows for 24 fibers minimum. This project is to be coordinated with the Water Transmission - SH21 to Villa Maria completion. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 50,000 $50,000 2008-09 450,000 $450,000 2009 10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $500,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 0 0 $0 188 DDIISSTTRRIIBBUUTTIIOONN PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 189 WORK ORDER #: WF0934457 PROJECT: OVERSIZE WATER LINES PROJECT #: WTWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET:Annual PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services These funds are available for oversize participation with developers in the construction of water lines above the minimum size needed to serve the development. This allows lines to be built large enough to meet future development without having to go back and install larger lines. Projects are identified based on development activity. Projects funded for FY 06-07: Sonoma Phase II - 24" water line 167,050.00 WF0934457 / 001 Projects funded for FY 05-06 - WF0763380: Valley Park 102,050.00 WF0763380 / 001 CANCELLED Projects funded for FY 04-05 - WF0592456: Quality Inn Ponderosa $30,067.00 WF0592456 / 001 Waterwood - Central Park Lane Extension $3,670.00 WF0592456 / 002 Cotton - Dartmouth Dr Extension $6,174.55 WF0592456 / 003 CANCELLED Dove Crossing Subdivision, Phase I $14,336.00 WF0592456 / 004 Castlegate - Section 6 $5,784.00 WF0592456 / 005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Projects funded for FY 03-04 - WF0472461: Shenandoah Phase 9 $16,142.82 WF0472465 Westfield Village Phase 6 $8,324.60 WF0472458 Shenandoah Phase 8A $8,957.20 WF0477949 Shenandoah Phase 12 & 13 $7,524.25 WF0579115 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 100,000 $100,000 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 100,000 $100,000 2010-11 100,000 $100,000 2011-12 100,000 $100,000 2012-13 100,000 $100,000 2013-14 100,000 $100,000 TOTAL $0 $0 $700,000 $0 $700,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 190 WORK ORDER #: WF0537425 PROJECT:VICTORIA STREET OP PROJECT #: WTWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $100,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services This project will extend Victoria Street water line from Barron Road to SH40. It will be necessary to extend oversized 12" water approximately 3,000 linear feet. This project will be coordinated with Streets Project ST9928, which is needed to provide a north-south access to a future CSISD school. Projects funded from this Victoria Street Water OP Project: FY 03-04: Westfield Village Phases 2 & 3 $18,061.20 WF0537425 / 001 FY04-05 - Westfield Village Phases 4 & 5 $11,895.08 WF0537425 / 002 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 29 956 0 $29 956 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Prior Years 0 0 29,956 0 $29,956 2007-08 70,044 $70,044 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 191 WORK ORDER #: WF0995711 PROJECT: WATER RECLAIMED - IRRIGATION PROJECT #: WT0110 FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $3,606,730 PROJECT MANAGER: DONALD HARMON FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services Engineering, design, and construction of the Irrigation Water System from Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to Veterans Park. This will be a multi-phase project to deliver irrigation water to major users throughout College Station. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 41,730 0 0 $41,730 2007-08 84,000 $84,000 2008 09 65 000 316 000 $381 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 65,000 316,000 $381,000 2009-10 3,000,000 100,000 $3,100,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $65,000 $441,730 $3,000,000 $100,000 $3,606,730 Total Personnel $20,000 Supplies $26,000 Service $30,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $76,000 20,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 26,000 30,000 $76,000 192 WORK ORDER #: WF0613546 PROJECT: WELLBORN WIDENING PROJECT #: WTWOC FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $4,250,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services TXDOT will be widening Wellborn Road. Water lines from FM 2818 to SH 40 must be relocated outside future pavement areas. It is expected that partial reimbursement will be forthcoming from TxDOT on this utility project. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 216,384 3,075,717 0 $3,292,101 2007-08 4,644 32,235 $36,879 2008 09 18 972 902 048 $921 020 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 18,972 902,048 $921,020 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $240,000 $4,010,000 $0 $4,250,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 193 WORK ORDER #: WF0379197 PROJECT: BARRON ROAD WATER SERVICE PROJECT #: WTWOC EXTENSION FUND: WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $2,383,253 PROJECT MANAGER: Fred Surovik FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services This project will install a 18" water line along Barron Road, a 12" water along Barron Cut Off, and a 12" water line along Wellborn Road up to Southern Trace. This project provides water service to residents within College Station's Water CCN who are currently served by Wellborn Special Utility District. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 223,393 936,696 0 $1,160,089 2007-08 150 000 350 000 $500 000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 150,000 350,000 $500,000 2008-09 723,164 $723,164 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $373,393 $2,009,860 $0 $2,383,253 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 194 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: PROJECT #: WTWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $1,300,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DAVE COLEMAN FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 PURCHASE ANNEXED AREAS WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS These funds will be used if the City reaches an agreement with Wellborn Special Utility District for the purchase of water service territory (CCN) in the five areas annexed by College Station in November 2002. All together, these areas include 184 water customers and approximately 3,500 acres of mostly undeveloped land. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2007-08 $0 2008-09 1,300,000 $1,300,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $1,300,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,300,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 195 PROJECT: RAYMOND STOTZER WEST FUND(S): WORK ORDER NUMBERS & BUDGET: Water: TBD $1,500,000 Wastewater: TBD $1,978,000 Total Project Budget: $3,478,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Danielle Charbonnet FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: CLIENT: Water Services PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS Utility Revenue Bonds This project will provide water and wastewater to areas along Raymond Stotzer West. The majority of this area was annexed in 1995 with the remainder of the area just recently annexed (2004). Development of Traditions in College Station will necessitate the extension of College Station water and wastewater lines. This project is also designated for a future wastewater lift station and force main near Easterwood Airport. Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 2007-08 183,000 215,000 0 0 2008-09 20,000 80,000 2,480,000 0 2009-10 0 0 500,000 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 $0 $398,000 $2,580,000 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $3,478,000$203,000 $295,000 $2,980,000 $0 196 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 20,000 80,000 900,000 $1,000,000 2009-10 500,000 $500,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $20,000 $80,000 $1,400,000 $0 $1,500,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 183,000 215,000 0 $398,000 2008-09 1,580,000 $1,580,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $183,000 $215,000 $1,580,000 $0 $1,978,000 First Fiscal Year Annually Total $ PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND RAYMOND STOTZER WEST OPERATING COSTS PROJECT: Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 197 PROJECT: ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD SOUTH OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: Water: WF0805789 $178,811 Wastewater: WF0805744 $221,000 Total Project Budget: $399,811 PROJECT MANAGER: FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: CLIENT: Water Services WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS Utility Revenue Bonds TBD Installation of waterline, lift station, force main, and gravity line to serve Area 5 (2003). Lift station costs are being shared with Area 6. Also includes a 4" water line along Rock Prairie Road from W. D. Fitch to Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to loop the system. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 41,403 0 0 2007-08 0 9,510 150,000 0 2008-09 0 0 198,898 0 2009-10 0 0 0 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL $399,811$0 $50,913 $348,898 $0 $0 $41,403 $159,510 $198,898 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 198 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 19,301 0 0 $19,301 2007-08 9,510 150,000 $159,510 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $28,811 $150,000 $0 $178,811 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 22,102 0 0 $22,102 2007-08 $0 2008-09 198,898 $198,898 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $22,102 $198,898 $0 $221,000 $0PROJECT TOTAL $0 $50,913 $348,898 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD SOUTH OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5)PROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND $399,811 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 199 PROJECT: WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: Water: WF0805807 $672,000 Wastewater: WF0805756 $638,000 Total Project Budget: $1,310,000 PROJECT MANAGER: FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: CLIENT: Water Services Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS TBD Installation of lift station, gravity line, and force main to serve Annexation Area 6 (2003). Installation of water line to serve Area 6 in City's CCN. In addition, possible 2007 annexation Area 2 to add to facility. This project formerly knows as "Greens Prairie Road Corridor East (Area 6). Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 32,322 0 0 2007-08 0 66,623 0 0 2008-09 0 0 650,000 0 2009-10 0 0 561,056 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT TOTAL $1,310,000$0 $98,944 $1,211,056 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,322 $561,056 $0 $66,623 $650,000 200 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 3,942 0 0 $3,942 2007-08 57,002 $57,002 2008-09 200,000 $200,000 2009-10 411,056 $411,056 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $60,944 $611,056 $0 $672,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 28,379 0 0 $28,379 2007-08 9,621 0 $9,621 2008-09 450,000 $450,000 2009-10 150,000 $150,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $38,000 $600,000 $0 $638,000 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND $1,310,000 WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) $0 PROJECT: PROJECT TOTAL $0 $98,944 $1,211,056 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 201 the heart of the Research Valley 202 RREEHHAABBIILLIITTAATTIIOONN PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 203 PROJECT: SOUTH KNOLL / THE GLADE REHAB FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: Water: WF1044480 $1,725,000 Wastewater: WF1044485 $1,215,400 Total Project Budget: $2,940,400 PROJECT MANAGER: Edward McDonald FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: CLIENT: Water Services Water Wastewater C il A d f C i C S i 2009 Utility Revenue Bonds Council Award of Engineering Contract: Fall 2008 Council Award of Construction Contract: Spring 2009 Council Award of Engineering Contract: Fall 2008 Replacement of water and wastewater lines in area bounded by Haines, Southwest Parkway, Glade, and Langford. These water lines were identified by the Freese & Nichols Southside Water Study (July 2003). The wastewater lines in the Southside area were identified by the CDM Capacity/Infiltration/Inflow Management Project 2002-2003 Sanitary Sewer Evaluations. WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Council Award of Construction Contract: Spring 2009 Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 2007-08 0 80,000 0 0 2008-09 0 132,000 1,364,200 0 2009-10 0 0 1,364,200 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 $1,364,200 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $0 $0 $80,000 $1,496,200 $0 $0 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $2,940,400$0 $212,000 $2,728,400 $0 204 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 40,000 $40,000 2008-09 85,000 800,000 $885,000 2009-10 800,000 $800,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $125,000 $1,600,000 $0 $1,725,000 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 40,000 $40,000 2008-09 47,000 564,200 $611,200 2009-10 564,200 $564,200 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $87,000 $1,128,400 $0 $1,215,400 SOUTH KNOLL / THE GLADE REHABPROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND $0 $2,940,400PROJECT TOTAL $0 $212,000 $2,728,400 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 205 PROJECT: SOUTHWOOD 5 - 7 REHAB FUND(S): PROJECT NUMBERS & BUDGET: Water: WF1105425 $1,507,500 Wastewater: WF1105424 $1,794,000 Total Project Budget: $3,301,500 PROJECT MANAGER: Craig Jordan FUNDING PROJECT SOURCES: CLIENT: Water Services Water Wastewater Replacement of water and wastewater lines in area bounded by Southwest Parkway, Harvey Mitchell, Welsh, and Shadowood. The water lines were identified by the Freese & Nichols Southside Water Study (July 2003). The wastewater lines were identified by the CDM Capacity/Infiltration/Inflow Management Project 2002-2003 Sanitary Sewer Evaluations. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Council Award of Construction Contract: Spring 2009 Council Award of Engineering Contract: Fall 2008 C il A d f C i C S i 2009 WATER CAPITAL PROJECTS WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS Utility Revenue Bonds Council Award of Engineering Contract: Fall 2008 Project Total FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 2007-08 0 0 0 0 2008-09 0 192,000 1,530,100 0 2009-10 0 48,000 1,531,400 0 2010-11 0 0 0 0 2011-12 0 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 $1,579,400 $0 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $0 $0 $0 $1,722,100 $0 PROJECT TOTAL $3,301,500$0 $240,000 $3,061,500 $0 Council Award of Construction Contract: Spring 2009 206 Water Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 88,000 698,100 $786,100 2009-10 22,000 699,400 $721,400 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Water Total $0 $110,000 $1,397,500 $0 $1,507,500 Wastewater Portion FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 104,000 832,000 $936,000 2009-10 26,000 832,000 $858,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Wastewater Total $0 $130,000 $1,664,000 $0 $1,794,000 SOUTHWOOD 5 - 7 REHABPROJECT: PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FUND $3,301,500PROJECT TOTAL $0 $240,000 $3,061,500 $0 First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS 207 the heart of the Research Valley 208 WWAASSTTEEWWAATTEERR CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 209 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT WORK REQUEST BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE:3,749,030$ 1,567,770$ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: UTILITY REVENUE BONDS/CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION 3,200,000$ 3,750,000$ INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 11,100 14,000 TRANSFERS FROM OPERATIONS 2,200,000 3,750,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL - 799,539 OTHER - - SUBTOTAL ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 5,411,100$ 8,313,539$ TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 9,160,130$ 9,881,309$ COLLECTION PROJECTS COLLECTION PLANT - SCWOC OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION - WF0968503 100,000 - - 100,000 KYLE VIEW LIFT STATION - WF0968503/002 85,690 - 85,690 - RIVER OAKS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - WF0968503/003 80,329 - 80,329 - WC RAYMOND STOTZER WEST - TBD 1,978,000 1,978,000 - - KOPPE BRIDGE LIFT STATION WF1097963 400,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 WESTMINSTER SEWER LINE-DESIGN/LAND - WF0786101 27,000 27,000 - - NANTUCKET GRAVITY SEWER WF1094676 125,000 25,000 - 100,000 LICK CREEK REPLACEMENT TRUNK LINE - PHASE I WF0912284 2,825,000 25,000 - 750,000 ANNEXATION PROJECTS WC ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) - WF0805744 221,000 221,000 - - WC WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) - WF0805756 638,000 488,000 150,000 - CLOSED PROJECTS - SUBTOTAL 366,019$ 1,250,000$ REHABILITATION PROJECTS: EMERALD PKWY / BENT OAK - WF0626151 297,064 150,006 - 147,058 HONDO/SOUTHWEST PKWY REHAB - WF1017719 300,000 - 300,000 - SC BARRON ROAD REHAB - WF0654332 100,000 100,000 - - DC BEE CREEK COMBINED WASTEWATER WF0738214 164,500 164,500 - - DC BEE CREEK PH IV & V WASTEWATER TBD 300,000 - 300,000 - SC CHURCH AVENUE REHAB - PHASE II - WF0632257 103,313 66,687 36,626 - SC TAUBER & STASNEY REHAB - WF0625893 526,671 120,000 - 406,671 SC COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS - WF0595926 1,305,000 1,305,000 - - WC SOUTH KNOLL / THE GLADE - WF1044485 1,215,400 - 634,200 581,200 WC SOUTHWOOD 5-7 - WF1105424 1,794,000 - - 1,794,000 CLOSED PROJECTS 200,000 SUBTOTAL 1,470,826$ 2,928,929$ BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS 210 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 4,042,118$ 3,749,030$ 1,567,770$ 376,077$ 453,877$ 324,277$ 532,977$ 494,277$ 5,300,000$ 2,200,000$ 3,750,000$ 4,400,000$ 2,750,000$ -$ -$ -$ 61,017 65,900 14,000 9,000 7,900 8,700 11,300 10,800 - 1,000,000 3,750,000 750,000 450,000 500,000 250,000 300,000 - - 799,539 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,361,017$ 3,265,900$ 8,313,539$ 5,159,000$ 3,207,900$ 508,700$ 261,300$ 310,800$ 9,403,135$ 7,014,930$ 9,881,309$ 5,535,077$ 3,661,777$ 832,977$ 794,277$ 805,077$ - 1,613 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - 85,690 - - - - - - - - 80,329 - - - - - - - - 398,000 1,580,000 - - - - - - - 100,000 300,000 - - - - - - - 27,000 - - - - - - - - 25,000 100,000 - - - - - - - 25,000 750,000 1,650,000 400,000 - - - - - 2,944 19,158 - 198,898 - - - - - 544 27,835 9,621 450,000 150,000 - - - - 1,604,980 350,748 3,488$ 1,653,586$ 1,101,388$ 3,478,898$ 1,900,000$ 500,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 4,843 1,127 - 291,094 - - - - - - - 300,000 - - - - - - - - - 100,000 - - - - - 49,382 109,938 5,180 - - - - - - - - - 300,000 - - - - - 16,313 - 87,000 - - - - - - 19,489 - 3,000 504,182 - - - - - 66,610 19,187 10,000 1,209,203 - - - - - - - 40,000 611,200 564,200 - - - - - - - 936,000 858,000 - - - - 577,819 556,393 916,406 734,456$ 686,645$ 1,361,586$ 3,951,679$ 1,422,200$ -$ -$ -$ -$ PROJECTED EXPENDITURES 211 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT REVISED APPROVED PROJECT WORK REQUEST BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FY07-08 FY08-09 NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT THROUGH FY07 APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS TREATMENT & DISPOSAL PROJECTS TREATMENT & DISPOSAL/PUMPING PLANT - SPWOC CARTERS CREEK UV IMPROVEMENTS - WF0585450 1,433,981 830,686 603,295 - CARTERS CREEK CLARIFIER IMPROVEMENTS WF1104545 285,000 175,000 30,000 80,000 CARTERS CREEK HEADWORKS IMP TBD 2,150,000 - 125,000 - CARTERS CREEK SERVICE WATER IMP WF0930104 450,000 150,000 300,000 - LICK CREEK CLARIFIER CATWALKS WF1042497 250,000 200,000 - 50,000 SLUDGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL/PUMPING PLANT - SSWOC CARTERS CREEK BLOWER OVERHAULS WF0987094 140,000 80,000 60,000 - LICK CREEK CENTRIFUGE IMPROVEMENTS TBD 400,000 - 50,000 - LICK CREEK SLUDGE HOLDING TANK IMP TBD 225,000 97,514 - - CARTERS CREEK ATAD IMPROVEMENTS WF1104547 900,000 - - 900,000 CARTERS CREEK BAR SCREENS TBD 50,000 - 50,000 - LICK CREEK RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE MODIFICATIONS TBD 60,000 - - 60,000 SEWER GENERAL PLANT - SGWOC SCADA REPLACEMENT - WF0742950 362,000 289,500 72,500 - CARTERS CREEK FUELING STATION TBD 150,000 - - - CARTERS CREEK LAB AND SCADA BUILDING TBD 600,000 - 100,000 PROCESS CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS WF1104553 371,000 35,000 - 336,000 CLOSED PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 1,290,795$ 1,526,000$ CAPITAL PROJECTS CONTINGENCY TBD 150,000 150,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS SUBTOTAL 20,146,929 3,277,640$ 5,854,929$ (8,878,622) GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 290,418 82,227 DEBT ISSUANCE COST 59,000 37,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,627,058$ 5,974,656$ MEASUREMENT FOCUS ADJUSTMENT ENDING FUND BALANCE:5,533,072$ 3,906,653$ SC =Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Streets section of CIP document. FC =Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Facilties section of CIP document. WC =Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in the Water section of CIP document. DC =Project funded through combination of sources. Project sheet reflected in Drainage section of CIP document. 212 WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 2008‐2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013‐2014 PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED THROUGH FY06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 75,667 49,391 1,308,923 - - - - - - - - 285,000 - - - - - - - - 150,000 2,000,000 - - - - - 450,000 - - - - - - 100,000 150,000 - - - - - - - - 140,000 - - - - - - - - - 40,000 360,000 - - - - - 25,000 200,000 - - - - - - 200,000 600,000 100,000 - - - - - 50,000 - - - - - - - - 60,000 - - - - - - - - 34,144 163,928 163,928 - - - - - - - - - 150,000 - - - - - 100,000 500,000 - - - - - 371,000 - - - - - 2,887,475 758,917 75,667$ 2,971,011$ 2,521,768$ 1,804,928$ 1,490,000$ 2,610,000$ -$ -$ -$ - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 813,611$ 5,311,241$ 5,134,742$ 9,385,505$ 4,962,200$ 3,260,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 250,000$ 98,149 290,418 82,227 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 3,089 22,000 37,500 44,000 27,500 - - - 5,412,479$ 5,447,160$ 9,505,232$ 5,081,200$ 3,337,500$ 300,000$ 300,000$ 300,000$ (241,626)$ 3,749,030$ 1,567,770$ 376,077$ 453,877$ 324,277$ 532,977$ 494,277$ 505,077$ 213 CCOOLLLLEECCTTIIOONN 214 WORK ORDER #: WF0968503 PROJECT: OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION PROJECT #: SCWOC WASTEWATER LINES FUND: PROJECT BUDGET:ANNUAL PROJECT MANAGER: ED SAVAGE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services These funds are available for oversize participation with developers in the construction of sewer lines above the minimum size needed to serve the development. This allows lines to be built large enough to meet future development without having to go back and install larger lines. Projects are identified based on development activity. Original FY07 appropriation - $295,000 $72,000 transferred to Pedestrian Imp on 2818 - FY07 $223,000 transferred to Sonoma WW Development Agreement project WF0954571 - FY07 Total OP annual funding $250,000. Projects funded from OP FY 05-06: Valley Park - Pornada $102,500.00 WF0763380 Total OP annual funding $250,000. Projects funded from OP FY 04-05: Year to date remaining balance available: $245,540.00 Southern Trace OP $4,850.00 WF0578968 Total OP annual funding $250,000. Projects funded from OP FY 03-04: Edelweiss Gartens Phase 5 $39,749.00 WF0473056 Reatta Subdivision (Spring Creek Line Ext) $207,676.00 WF0473164 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Prior Years 0 0 1,613 0 $1,613 2007-08 $0 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 100,000 $100,000 2010-11 100,000 $100,000 2011-12 100,000 $100,000 2012-13 100,000 $100,000 2013-14 100,000 $100,000 TOTAL $0 $0 $601,613 $0 $601,613 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 215 WORK ORDER #: WF0968503/002 PROJECT: Kyle View Lift Station PROJECT #: SCWOC FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $85,690 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT:Water ServicesCLIENT:Water Services On December 13, 2007, Council approved a development agreement which would provide for sewer collection infrastructure at Kyle View Estates. Under the agreement, the City will pay the cost of the difference to move the lift station to the east side of Wellborn Road and increase its capacity. The lift station will then serve areas West of W.D. Fitch Pkwy and north of the Barron Road cut-off. Funds for this project were transferred from WW Oversize Participation. OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 85,690 $85,690 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0$ 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $85,690 $85,690 Total Personnel $0 Sli $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 216 WORK ORDER #: WF0968503/003 PROJECT: River Oaks Development Agreement PROJECT #: SCWOC FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $80,329 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT:Water ServicesCLIENT:Water Services On August 23, 2007, Council approved a development agreement for the construction of a 15 inch wastewater line at the proposed River Oaks Townhomes Development in Wolf Pen Creek. The Oversize Participation Agreement provides for Starfish to replace the entire 1,057 foot length of clay sewer pipe, with the City paying only for the 590 feet that does require relocation for the development to proceed. Funds for this project were transferred from Oversize Partitipation and the UV System Improvements project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Funds for this project were transferred from Oversize Partitipation and the UV System Improvements project. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 80,329 $80,329 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $80,329 $80,329 Total Personnel $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 217 WORK ORDER #: WF1097963 PROJECT: Koppe Bridge Lift Station PROJECT #: SCWOC FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $400,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 50,000 50,000 $100,000 2008-09 25,000 275,000 $300,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 $ PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project provides for the construction of a force main sewer from the existing Meadow Creek Lift Station to Creek Meadow Lift Station. It will allow the Meadow Creek Package Plant to be taken off line, eliminating the ongoing operational and administrative costs for that plant. Also, eliminating the potential for drainage disputes with the landowners downstream from Meadow Creek, and possibly allow the Meadow Creek Package Plant to be dismantled and reassembled and used elsewhere. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $75,000 $50,000 $275,000 $0 $400,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0$0 218 WORK ORDER #: WF0786101 PROJECT: Westminster Sewer Line Land PROJECT #: SCWOC FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $27,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Fred Surovik FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT:Water ServicesCLIENT:Water Services TxDOT will be widening Wellborn Road from FM 2818 down to near Barron Road. A gravity sewer line will be designed to serve properties along Wellborn Road and Barron Road. The budget for this portion of the project is for land acquisition. The budget was transferred from the West Park Wastewater project which came in under budget. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 27,000 $27,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $27,000 $0 $0 $0 $27,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 219 WORK ORDER #: WF1094676 PROJECT: NANTUCKET GRAVITY SEWER PROJECT #: SCWOC FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $125,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 25,000 $25,000 $ PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This work was previously included with the Project titled "Nantucket Lift Station". The work has been separated to clarify the expenditures. This project needs to be completed as promptly as possible as installing the gravity line as opposed to maintaining and rehabilitating a lift station that does not meet TCEQ standards and represents a better value for our ratepayers. 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $25,000 $100,000 $0 $125,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $200 Capital $0 TOTAL $200$0 200 $200 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 220 WORK ORDER #: WF0912284 PROJECT: LICK CREEK REPLACEMENT TRUNKLINE PROJECT #: SCWOC Phase 1 FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $2,825,000 PROJECT MANAGER: TBD FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 25,000 $25,000 2008-09 600,000 150,000 $750,000 2009-10 1,650,000 $1,650,000 2010-11 400,000 $400,000 2011-12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR This project is for the installation of trunkline from W.D. Fitch to Lick Creek Park to replace an existing 18" sewer line with possible design to ultimately install a 36" line. The original trunkline serves all areas south of Barron Road and was installed as an 18" line to serve Pebble Creek. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $600,000 $175,000 $2,050,000 $0 $2,825,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 221 RREEHHAABBIILLIITTAATTIIOONN PPRROOJJEECCTTSS 222 WORK ORDER #: WF0626151 PROJECT: PROJECT #: SCWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $297,064 PROJECT MANAGER: ED SAVAGE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services New alignment of approximately 1,000' of 24" wastewater collection line will be installed to provide better flow hydraulics and will have sealed and bolted manholes. This construction will correct poor flow conveyance through the particular sewer segment and high levels of infiltration and inflow in the sewer basin upstream of the area. This project is development driven and CSU will be working with the land owner to construct. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 1,088 4,883 0 0 $5,970 2007-08 $0 2008-09 291,094 $291,094 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS EMERALD PARKWAY / BENT OAK PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $ 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $1,088 $4,883 $291,094 $0 $297,064 Total Personnel $9,325 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $9,325$6,200 $3,125 $3,125 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $6,200 223 WORK ORDER #: WF1017719 PROJECT: PROJECT #: SCWOCHondo/Southwest Parkway Rehab FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $300,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Fred Surovik FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT:Water Services WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS CLIENT:Water Services This project is for the replacement of a segment of wastewater line. This segment of vitrified clay tile wastewater line has become exposed due to recent erosion along its associated storm water drain way. Although it was previously scheduled for immediate replacement, it has been determined that replacement is necessary in order to protect human health and the environment. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 300,000 $300,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $300,000 Total OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 224 TTRREEAATTMMEENNTT 225 WORK ORDER #: WF0585450 PROJECT: CARTERS CREEK UV IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT #: SPWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $1,433,981 PROJECT MANAGER: FRED SUROVIK FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services This project will determine the most effective improvements to replace the existing UV system and/or controls and install the selected improvements. This system has reached its service life and no longer meets TCEQ requirements. Ultra-violet lights are used for disinfecting the effluent from the wastewater treatment plant before being released into the waterways. Original Budget = $1,900,000 $66,019 transferred to River Oaks Development Agreement - FY08 $300,000 transferred to Hondo/Southwest Pky Rehab - FY08 $50,000 transferred to Koppe Bridge Lift Station - FY08 $50,000 transferred to Carters Creek Barscreens - FY08 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 123,044 2,013 0 $125,058 2007-08 275,000 1,033,923 $1,308,923 2008-09 $0 2009 10 $0 WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $398,044 $1,035,936 $0 $1,433,981 Total Personnel $7,000 Supplies $9,000 Service $65,000 Capital $11,000 TOTAL $92,000$0 $9,000 $65,000 $11,000 $92,000 $7,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 226 WORK ORDER #: WF1104545 PROJECT: PROJECT #: SPWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $285,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Chad Mallett FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 50,000 235,000 $285,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 CARTERS CREEK CLARIFIER IMPROVEMENTS Provide funds for improvements to the Carters Creek WWTP Clarifiers. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS * Replace clarifier rake drives and walkway surfaces on Clarifiers 2B and 3B * Install safety rails around Clarifiers 2B and 3B. * Engineering to replace clarifier rake drives and walkway surfaces on Clarifiers 2B and 3B * Painting all equipment on clarifiers 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B * Install an operating platform and replace the walkway surfaces on Clarifiers 2B and 3B 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $50,000 $235,000 $0 $285,000 Total Personnel $1,500 Supplies $200 Service $1,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $2,700 $1,500 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $200 $1,000 $0 $2,700 227 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: PROJECT #: SPWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $2,150,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DOUG WALLACE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 150,000 $150,000 2010-11 2,000,000 $2,000,000 2011-12 $0 $ CARTERS CREEK HEADWORKS IMPROVEMENTS Provide funds for engineering and construction to make the following improvements to the Carters Creek WWTP Headworks. Replace the motorized bar screens with more efficient step screens. Design, construct, and install more efficient replacements for the current grit bridges. Overhaul the shaftless screw conveyor. Install mixers in the wells at the end of the grit bridges. Project stays mainly the same, except that replacement of the shaftless screw conveyor may be required. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $150,000 $2,000,000 $0 $2,150,000 Total Personnel $2,500 Supplies $1,000 Service $80,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $83,500 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $1,000 $80,000 $83,500 $2,500 228 WORK ORDER #: WF0930104 PROJECT: PROJECT #: SPWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $450,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Philip Bargas FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL $$$$ * An above ground level PVC injection point WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS * Replace the two service water pumps with more efficient model PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Provide funds for improvements to Carters Creek service water system. This project is currently in design. Aspects of the project are proposed to include: * Replace the current service water screen with a self-cleaning model * Install complete bleach injection system with a bulk liquid bleach tank * A cover for the entire system * A paved drive for the bulk delivery of bleach * An improved bleach pump CARTERS CREEK SERVICE WATER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS Prior Years $0 $00 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 50,000 400,000 $450,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $50,000 $400,000 $0 $450,000 Total Personnel $2,000 Supplies $20,000 Service $6,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $28,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 2,000 $0 20,000 6,000 $28,000 229 WORK ORDER #: WF1042497 PROJECT: LICK CREEK CLARIFIER CATWALKS PROJECT #: SPWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $250,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DOUG WALLACE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 50,000 50,000 $100,000 2008-09 150,000 $150,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013 14 $0 WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Provide funds for constructing catwalks around the Lick Creek clarifiers. The catwalks will provide safe access for the operators to operate and maintain the clarifiers. Engineering is required for this project's safety. This is an important safety and opertional project. 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $50,000 $200,000 $0 $250,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 0 0 $0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 230 WORK ORDER #: WF0987094 PROJECT: CARTERS CREEK BLOWER OVERHAULS PROJECT #: SSWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $140,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DOUG WALLACE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 140,000 $140,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011 12 $0 WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Provide funds for the purchase of services to inspect and repair as necessary seven blowers at Carters Creek WWTP. Overhaul Blowers #1, #2, #4, #6, #7, #8,and #9. Project's bid opening was 3/12/08, and should be complete by the end of FY 08. 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $140,000 $0 $140,000 Total Personnel $6,500 Supplies $500 Service $60,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $67,000$0 $500 $60,000 $67,000 $6,500 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 231 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: PROJECT #: SSWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $400,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DOUG WALLACE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 40,000 $40,000 2010-11 360,000 $360,000 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013 14 $0 LICK CREEK CENTRIFUGE IMPROVEMENTS Provide funds for improvements to Lick Creek WWTP Centrifuge. These include installing a larger sludge discharge hopper, a sludge conveyor replacing the current Moyno pump, and a work platform around the centrifuge. This work, while needed, can wait one year to allow completion of current and more pressing projects. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $40,000 $360,000 $0 $400,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 232 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: PROJECT #: SSWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $225,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DOUG WALLACE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 25,000 $25,000 2009-10 200,000 $200,000 2010-11 $0 LICK CREEK SLUDGE HOLDING TANK IMPROVEMENTS Provide funds to expand the size of the Waste Sludge Holding Tank at Lick Creek WWTP. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS 00 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $25,000 $200,000 $0 $225,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 233 WORK CARTERS CREEK ATAD ORDER #: WF1104547 PROJECT: IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT #: SSWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $900,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Philip Bargas FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 200,000 $200,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS Provide funds for constructing catwalks around the Carters Creek ATAD reactors, replacing the ATAD motor operated valves, and rehabilitating the ATAD cooling water system. * Rehabilitate the cooling water system to better cool Reactor 3 and to transfer heat to Reactors 1 and 2 * Install catwalks to minimize the need for operators to walk across the tops of the reactors to perform day-to- * Replace the motor operated valves with more efficient ones. 008 09 00,000 $ 00,000 2009-10 600,000 $600,000 2010-11 100,000 $100,000 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $900,000 $0 $900,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 234 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: Carters Creek Bar Screens PROJECT #: SSWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $50,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Fred Surovik FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT:Water Services WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS CLIENT:Water Services This project is for the replacement of bar screens at the Carter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. These bar screens are nearing the end of their useful service life. However, staff has elected to perform a major overhaul to extend the service life and defer the implementation of a larger Capital Improvement Project to replace these bar screens and other critical wastewater treatment equipment. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 50,000 $50,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 Total OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 235 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: Lick Creek Return Activated Sludge PROJECT #: SSWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $60,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Fred Surovik FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT:Water Services Modifications WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS CLIENT:Water Services Recent increases in plant loading has made it necessary to run both trains of the Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. It was found that the Return Activated Sludge Pumps will not consistently pump Return Activated Sludge at an appropriate rate. This is a critical fuction essential to meeting TCEQ mandated treatment requirements. This project will reconfigure the sludge piping so that the pumps will perform acceptably. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 60,000 $60,000 2009-10 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $60,000 $0 $60,000 Total OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 First Fiscal Year Annually 236 WORK ORDER #: WF0742950 PROJECT: SCADA REPLACEMENT PROJECT #: SGWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET:$362,000 PROJECT MANAGER: MIKE KELLOGG FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Services PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services This project will facilitate the replacement of control based equipment that has exceeded its useful service life. It will upgrade the control of the plants into a more integrated architecture that will: 1. Reduce development time and cost by the re-use of engineering practices. 2. Maximize returns from existing assets, through greatly improved control and monitoring. 3. Reduce future installation cost by utilizing standard bus technologies. 4. Provide a means of being proactive in maintaining equipment with available diagnostic tools. Part of this project will include a "radio communications survey". This survey will determine what, if any, additional communications infrastructure may be needed to communicate with new Lift Stations and potential future annexed property. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 34,144 0 $34,144 2007-08 163,928 $163,928 2008-09 163,928 $163,928 2009-10 $0 2010 11 $0 WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $362,000 $0 $362,000 Total Personnel $3,000 Supplies $0 Service $10,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $13,000$0 0 10,000 $13,000 $3,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 237 WORK ORDER #: TBD PROJECT: CARTERS CREEK FUELING STATION PROJECT #: SGWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $150,000 PROJECT MANAGER: DOUG WALLACE FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 150,000 $150,000 WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR Provide funds for replacing the above ground fuel tanks at Carters Creek WWTP. Purchase one 500 gallon unleaded gasoline tank with a spill containment box, one 500 gallon diesel tank with a spill containment box, electrical pumps, hose, and nozzles for each, electrical service from Plants 4 and 5 Blower Building, and a weather resistant enclosure for storing the fuel records. 00 50,000 $ 50,000 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $150,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 238 WORK ORDER#: TBD PROJECT: CCWWTP LABORATORY & SCADA PROJECT #: SGWOC BUILDING FUND: WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS PROJECT BUDGET: $600,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER:TBD SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 Present building was built in 1982 as a chlorinator building and no longer meets laboratory standards. It is more cost effective to build a new building. The SCADA server room is housed in a "home made" room within the other 1982 shop building that does not maintain temperature or humidity for the computer equipment. There is an advantage to construct a building to house both because each require a clean controlled climate. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 100,000 $100,000 2009-10 500,000 $500,000 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $100,000 $500,000 $0 $600,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $900 Capital $0 TOTAL $900$0 900 $900 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually 239 WORK ORDER #: WF1104553 PROJECT: PROJECT #: SGWOC FUND: PROJECT BUDGET: $371,000 PROJECT MANAGER: Philip Bargas FUNDING SOURCES: Utility Revenue Bonds PROJECT CLIENT: Water Services FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years 0 0 0 0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 50,000 321,000 $371,000 PROCESS CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS Provide funds to purchase and install improved process control instrumentation at Carters Creek WWTP. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS * Flow meters on each plant's influent line, purchase and install positive displacement pumps in each waste * In-line solids meters in the sludge processes. * In-line solids meters in the aeration basins. * Dissolved oxygen meters in each aeration basin to replace meters that have reached the end of their 2008 09 50,000 321,000 $371,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $50,000 $321,000 $0 $371,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 240 BBRRAAZZOOSS VVAALLLLEEYY SSOOLLIIDD WWAASSTTEE MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT AAGGEENNCCYY ((BBVVSSWWMMAA)) CCAAPPIITTAALL IIMMPPRROOVVEEMMEENNTT PPRROOJJEECCTTSS FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22000088--22000099 TTHHRROOUUGGHH FFIISSCCAALL YYEEAARR 22001133--22001144 241 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY (BVSWMA) PRO - FORMA FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 Revised Base Pro Forma Scenario 2 - Issue Debt for New Landfill Development and Old Landill Closure FY 08 FY07 APPROVED FY 08 ACTUAL APPROPRIATIONS PROJECTED REVENUES 1 LANDFILL CHARGES 6,218,413$ 6,125,000$ 6,964,623$ OTHER SALES - METHANE GAS - TBD - INTEREST 551,982 208,000 400,000 OTHER 66,031 - 24,993 TOTAL REVENUES 6,836,426$ 6,333,000$ 7,389,616$ EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS LANDFILL OPERATIONS 2,826,323$ 3,175,779$ 3,181,563$ ADMINISTRATION 323,606 307,467 335,473 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - - PROPOSED SLAs - - - PAY PLAN ADJUSTMENTS - - - EXPEND & TRANSFERS SUBTOTAL 3,149,929$ 3,483,246$ 3,517,036$ Cash for Capital Projects/Fill Sector Projects 958,180$ -$ 3,003,840$ NON-DEPARTMENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 20,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ OTHER 27,510 - - TRANSFERS OUT - - - DEBT SERVICE TRANSFER - - - GENERAL & ADMIN. TRANSFERS 338,761 348,505 348,505 BRYAN COMPOST FACILITY COSTS - 80,000 80,000 HOST FEES 142,924 139,000 161,000 CONTINGENCY - 75,000 75,000 NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL 529,195$ 692,505$ 714,505$ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS 4,637,304$ 4,175,751$ 7,235,381$ INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL FROM OPERATIONS, modified accrual budgetary basis 2,199,122$ 2,157,249$ 154,235$ BEGINNING WORKING CAPITAL, accrual basis of acccounting 8,954,289$ 11,256,238$ 11,256,238$ Measurement Focus Adjustment 102,827$ ENDING WORKING CAPITAL, accrual basis of acccounting 11,256,238$ 13,413,487$ 11,410,473$ 242 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY (BVSWMA) PRO - FORMA FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 FY 09 APPROVED FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 APPROPRIATIONS PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 7,270,000$ 7,270,000$ 7,484,000$ 7,705,000$ 7,932,000$ 8,166,000$ 8,407,000$ 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 447,000 447,000 489,000 528,000 532,000 501,000 451,000 - - - - - - - 7,897,000$ 7,897,000$ 8,153,000$ 8,413,000$ 8,644,000$ 8,847,000$ 9,038,000$ 2,623,780$ 2,623,780$ 2,710,000$ 2,800,000$ 2,890,000$ 2,980,000$ 3,070,000$ 275,872 275,872 290,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 566,000 566,000 600,000 404,000 725,000 1,979,000 80,000 1,116,450 1,116,450 325,600 347,100 331,763 341,716 351,967 23,401 23,401 30,600 31,200 31,800 32,400 33,000 4,605,503$ 4,605,503$ 3,956,200$ 3,882,300$ 4,288,563$ 5,653,116$ 3,864,967$ 4,710,000$ 3,110,000$ 1,600,000$ 3,126,522$ 2,329,448$ 2,374,425$ 3,678,450$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 962,363 961,856 961,325 960,761 960,176 361,067 361,067 369,000 377,000 385,000 393,000 401,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 166,000 166,000 171,000 176,000 181,000 186,000 192,000 147,000 147,000 147,000 147,000 147,000 147,000 147,000 754,067$ 754,067$ 1,729,363$ 1,741,856$ 1,754,325$ 1,766,761$ 1,780,176$ 10,069,570$ 8,469,570$ 7,285,563$ 8,750,678$ 8,372,336$ 9,794,302$ 9,323,593$ (2,172,570)$ (572,570)$ 867,437$ (337,678)$ 271,664$ (947,302)$ (285,593)$ 11,410,473$ 11,410,473$ 10,837,902$ 11,705,339$ 11,367,661$ 11,639,325$ 10,692,023$ 9,237,902$ 10,837,902$ 11,705,339$ 11,367,661$ 11,639,325$ 10,692,023$ 10,406,429$ 243 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY (BVSWMA) PRO - FORMA FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 FY 08 FY07 APPROVED FY 08 ACTUAL APPROPRIATIONS PROJECTED BVSWMA CIP BV0403 - RPR Gas Recovery and final cover 6,314,973 23,036 - 85,000 BV0404 - RPR Gas Collection System 68,088 32,557 8,306 10,000 BV0604 - RPR Rock Prairie Road Scale Installation 81,675 4,175 - 77,500 Subtotal Rock Prairie Road Capital Projects 59,768 8,306 172,500 BV0901 - Twin Oaks Construction Project Management 768,500 - - - BV0003 - Twin Oaks land purchase 2,758,500 24,476 150,000 530,664 BV0502 - Twin Oaks Permit Application/Legal Fees 1,996,136 230,274 202,142 1,366,285 BV0601 - Twin Oaks Access 4,609,972 5,202 418,330 - BV0602 - Twin Oaks Buildings & Infrastructure 2,614,000 - 1,226,710 - BV0603 - Twin Oaks Design Services 2,386,340 624,585 900,000 915,237 BV0701 - Twin Oaks Cell Construction 7,390,000 *- - - BV0802 - Twin Oaks Landfill Communications 125,000 40,000 - TBD - Twin Oaks Compost Facility Design and Construction 2,139,563 - - - TBD - Twin Oaks Petroleum Pipeline Relocation 855,954 - - - Subtotal Twin Oaks Capital Projects 32,108,701 884,537 2,937,182 2,812,186 Closed Projects 13,875 - 19,154 Total Capital Projects 958,180$ 2,945,488$ 3,003,840$ *A portion of the projected expenditures for the Twin Oaks Cell Construction project is reflected in the "Cash for Capital Projects/Fill Sector Projects" section of this pro-forma. Total projected expenditures for phase 1 construnction equal $7,390,000. 244 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY (BVSWMA) PRO - FORMA FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 FY 09 APPROVED FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 APPROPRIATIONS PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED - - - 3,000,000 - - - - 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,000 - 3,000,000 - - 768,500 553,100 215,400 - - - - - - - - - - - - 71,985 74,518 76,522 - - - 2,447,503 3,580,987 1,023,139 - - - - 813,745 2,065,455 548,845 - - - - 417,700 417,700 121,640 50,000 50,000 - - 2,680,000 2,647,778 42,222 - - - - 85,000 125,000 - - - - - - 1,185,450 - - - - - - - 7,212,448 9,462,005 2,025,764 126,522 50,000 - 1,185,450 - - - - - - - 7,212,448$ 9,472,005$ 2,025,764$ 3,126,522$ 50,000$ -$ 1,185,450$ 245 PROJECT: RPR Gas Recovery and Final Cover PROJECT #: BV0403 FUND: BVSWMA PROJECT BUDGET: $6,314,973 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for the construction of approximately 98 acres of Subtitle D Final Cover. An Active Gas Collection and Control System (GCCS) was installed in conjunction with Phase I of the project. The project also includes professional services for project design, bid administration, and quality assurance/quality control during construction, and a global positioning satellite system for compaction and grading work. Phase I construction for 49 acres reached final completion in 2006. Phase II of the project will commence when the remaining landfill footprint reaches design capacity (projected FY 2010-2011). Phase I project has annual operating costs of $7,000.00 It is projected that this project will come in under budget. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $687,595 $2,237,075 $305,303 $3,229,973 2007-08 85,000 $85,000 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 500,000 2,500,000 $3,000,000 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $1,187,595 $4,822,075 $305,303 $6,314,973 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $10,000 Service $4,000 Capital $0 TOTAL $14,000 2,000 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $7,000 5,000 2,000 $7,000 5,000 Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 246 PROJECT: RPR Gas Collection System PROJECT #: BV0404 FUND: BVSWMA PROJECT BUDGET: $68,088 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project encompasses the installation of seven horizontal gas collection trenches in the lateral expansion area. The project includes the installation and fusion welding of high density polyethelene (HDPE) pipe and rock backfill as the fill sequence progresses. This project will be constructed in-house utilizing BVSWMA forces. The first two gas collection trenchs were installed in 2005 and late 2006. Two trenches are scheduled to be installed in FY2008. The remaining trench will be installed as design elevation 276 is reached in Fill Sector 19. These horizontal trenches will be tied into Phase I GCCS once Phase II commences. It is projected that this project will come in under budget. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $48,088 $0 $48,088 2007-08 10,000 $10,000 2008-09 10,000 $10,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $68,088 $0 $68,088 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota 247 PROJECT: RPR Scale Installation PROJECT #: BV0604 FUND: BVSWMA PROJECT BUDGET: $81,675 PROJECT Pete Caler FUNDING MANAGER: Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for the installation of a new 100-ton truck scale at the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. This scale will replace an existing scale that is prone to frequent downtime. The new scale can be moved to the Twin Oaks Facility when the new landfill goes into operation provided its relocation is not cost prohibitive. This project also includes an upgrade of existing software and hardware for the Paradigm operating system that also has reached the end of its life cycle and is prone to frequent downtime. The upgrade will allow the software to be moved to a more scaleable platform that will allow for growth in traffic and operators. The new scale installation and upgrades will provide uninterrupted scale weighing services. This project will have annual operating costs of $3,500 for supplies. It is projected that this project will come in under budget. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $4,175 $0 $4,175 2007-08 77,500 $77,500 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009 10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $81,675 $0 $81,675 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $7,000 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $7,000 3,500 3,500 $3,500 $3,500 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 248 PROJECT: Construction Project Management PROJECT #: BV0901 (Twin Oaks Landfill) PROJECT FUND:BVSWMA BUDGET:$768,500FUND:BVSWMA BUDGET:$768,500 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This project includes Project Management for Phase I construction at the Twin Oaks Landfill. Phase I construction consists of all roads, structures, related infrastructure, and the initial solid waste fill sector at the site in Grimes County. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 553,100 $553,100 2009-10 215,400 $215,400 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011 12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $768,500 $768,500 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Twin Oaks Landfill Easterwood Airport Navasota River 249 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Land Purchase PROJECT #: BV0003 PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET: $2,758,500 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for the purchase of approximately 610 acres in Grimes County for the future SH 30 Landfill site. Approximately 90% of the total acreage has been purchased as of March 2007. The remaining tracts of land are expected to be condemned in May 2008. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $2,219,502 $0 0 $8,333 $2,227,836 2007-08 $470,000 $60,664 $530,664 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR $ 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $2,689,502 $0 $0 $68,997 $0 $2,758,500 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 250 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Permit Application/Legal Fees/PROJECT #: BV0502 Mitigation PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET: $1,996,136 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for the permitting process for the SH 30 Landfill site in Grimes County, Texas. This project includes off-site land acquisition and engineering fees for section 404 and other miscellaneous permits. The land acquisition will be for floodplain and NLT mitigation. This project also includes permit work for a driveway, on-site mitigation plan development, and a landfill permit modification for TMPA property. $603,000 transferred from BV0603 in FY07. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $5,000 $202,430 $199,396 0 $406,826 2007-08 $311,850 $804,435 $250,000 $1,366,285 2008-09 71,985 $71,985 2009-10 74,518 $74,518 2010-11 76,522 $76,522 2011 12 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $316,850 $1,229,890 $449,396 $0 $1,996,136 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 251 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Access Development PROJECT #: BV0601 PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET: $4,609,972 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for access development and fencing for the SH 30 Landfill. This will include a perimeter fence and gates, paved and unpaved roadways, a bridge over Alum Creek parking areas, and State Highway 30 improvements. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 5,202 $644 $5,846 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $3,580,987 $3,580,987 2009-10 $1 023 139 $1 023 139 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $1,023,139 $1,023,139 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $4,609,328 $644 $4,609,972 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 252 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Buildings & Infrastructure PROJECT #: BV0602 PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET: $2,614,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project includes the construction of buildings and related infrastructure for the future SH 30 landfill facility in Grimes County. These include a scale house and scales, maintenance facility, waste screening area, service facility for drivers, and a citizens convenience area. Related infrastructure includes landscaping, water and electric supply systems,and a waste-water management system. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 $0 2008-09 $2,065,455 $2,065,455 2009-10 $548 845 $548 845 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 $548,845 $548,845 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $2,614,300 $0 $2,614,300 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 253 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Design Services PROJECT #: BV0603 PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET: $2,386,340 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for design, engineering and architectural services for the SH 30 Landfill Facility. These services will include the design and engineering of disposal cells, access infrastructure, and utilities infrastructure. Architectural services will include the assorted facility buildings and landscaping located at the site. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $831,763 0 $0 $831,763 2007-08 915,237 $915,237 2008-09 417,700 $417,700 2009-10 121,640 $121,640 2010-11 50,000 $50,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR ,$, 2011-12 50,000 $50,000 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $2,386,340 $0 $0 $2,386,340 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually $0 $0 Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 254 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Cell Construction PROJECT #: BV0701 PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET: $7,390,000* PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for Fill Sector 1 and 2 at the future SH 30 landfill site in Grimes County. Each fill sector will encompass an area of approximately 20 acres. Construction will include the excavation, recompacted clay liner, HDPE composite liner and related leachate collection structures. Construction is expected to begin in 2008. Also included in this project are water and gas monitoring wells and quality control/quality assurance costs. * Budget reflects first phase of construction which includes projections through FY10 FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $5,747,778 $5,747,778 2009-10 $1,642,222 $1,642,222 2010-11 $0 2011 12 $2 279 448 $2 279 448 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 $2,279,448 $2,279,448 2012-13 $2,374,425 $2,374,425 2013-14 $2,493,000 $2,493,000 TOTAL $0 $0 $14,536,873 $0 $14,536,873 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Easterwood Airport State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Twin Oaks Landfill Navasota River 255 PROJECT: Twin Oaks Landfill Communications PROJECT #: BV0802 FUND: BVSWMA PROJECT BUDGET: $125,000 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA This project is for wireless communications at the Twin Oaks landfill site in Grimes County. The project will allow landfill operations to be connected to the City of College Station data network through a wireless connection. FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 40,000 85,000 $125,000 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 TOTAL $0 $40,000 $85,000 $0 $125,000 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Rock Prairie Rd Landfill 256 PROJECT: Compost Facility Design and PROJECT #: TBD Construction (Twin Oaks Landfill) PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET:$2,139,563FUND:BVSWMA BUDGET:$2,139,563 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This project includes the construction of infrastructure for a composting facility at the Twin Oaks Landfill. The estimated start of design and construction is FY2014. The facility will be located on fill sector 1of the landfill footprint. This project is anticipated to begin in FY14. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $84,675 $1,100,775 $1,185,450 Future Years $954,113 $954,113 TOTAL $0 $84,675 $2,054,888 $0 $2,139,563 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Supp es $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Twin Oaks Easterwood Airport Navasota River 257 PROJECT: Petroleum Pipeline Relocation PROJECT #: TBD (Twin Oaks Landfill) PROJECT FUND: BVSWMA BUDGET:$855,954FUND:BVSWMA BUDGET:$855,954 PROJECT FUNDING MANAGER: Pete Caler/Samantha Best SOURCES: BVSWMA PROJECT CLIENT: BVSWMA PROJECT DESCRIPTION/STATUS This project includes the relocation of a petroleum pipeline at the Twin Oaks Landfill. The estimated start of design and construction is FY2015. The pipeline is currently located within the landfill footprint and will be relocated outside the perimeter of the waste fill area. This project is anticipated to begin in FY15. PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR LAND ENG. CONSTR. MISC. PROJECT TOTAL Prior Years $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2007-08 $0 2008-09 $0 2009-10 $0 2010-11 $0 2011-12 $0 2012-13 $0 PROJECT CALENDAR OF EXPENDITURES BY FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 $0 2013-14 $0 Future Years 855,954 $855,954 TOTAL $0 $0 $855,954 $0 $855,954 Total Personnel $0 Supplies $0 OPERATING COSTS First Fiscal Year Annually Supp es $0 Service $0 Capital $0 TOTAL $0$0 $0 State Hwy 6 One Mile RadiusState Hwy 30 Rock Prairie Rd Landfill Twin Oaks Landfill Easterwood Airport Navasota River 258 EESSTTIIMMAATTEEDD OO&&MM CCOOSSTTSS 259 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 Comments Street/Traffic Projects Traffic Signal Rio Grande and Rock Prairie 1,200 1,236 1,273 1,311 1,351 Utility Costs Traffic Signal at Welsh and Holleman 1,200 1,236 1,273 1,311 1,351 Utility Costs Traffic Signal at W.D. Fitch and Lakeway - 1,200 1,236 1,273 1,311 Utility Costs Traffic Signal at George Bush/Dominik - - 1,800 1,854 1,910 Utility Costs TX Ave Streetscaping Ph II TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Landscaping service and utility costs Wellborn Rd Widening Landscaping - 6,000 12,000 12,360 12,731 Landscaping service and utility costs Street/Traffic Project Totals 2,400$ 9,672$ 17,582$ 18,110$ 18,653$ Parks Projects University Park Development 11,220 22,930 23,618 24,326 25,056 Supplies, landscaping service and utility costs Veteran's Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II 385,051 390,686 390,491 402,206 414,272 Personnel (3 positions plus temp/seasonal funds); supplies; vehicle and machinery maintenance; landscaping service, utility costs; and two vehicles Woodland Hills Park Development 14,770 15,213 15,669 16,140 16,624 Supplies, landscaping service and utility costs UV Treatment System at Adamson Pool - 15,000 15,450 15,914 16,391 Supplies and maintenance service contract Oaks Park Improvements - 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 Supplies, landscaping service and utility costs Parks Project Totals 411,041$ 448,829$ 450,378$ 463,890$ 477,806$ Facility and Technology Projects New Cemetery 143,698$ 148,009$ 152,449$ 157,023$ 161,733$ Personnel (3 positions); supplies; vehicle and machinery maintenance; landscaping service and utility costs; vehicles (1 truck, 1 trailer, 1 tractor one mower) Relocation of Fire Station #3 20,000 20,600 21,218 21,855 22,510 Supplies and additional utility costs New City Hall - - - - 206,236 Building maintenance; janitorial services; electric, gas, water, wastewater and electricity costs; garbage and landscaping service. Estimate reflects net cost - offset by funds budgeted for existing City Hall. Northgate Improvements TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Northgate Restroom Facility 15,000 30,000 30,900 31,827 32,782 Supplies, maintenance contract and utility costs Municipal Facility Improvements 15,000 32,000 32,960 33,949 34,967 Supplies, janitorial and facility maintenance and utility costs Police Field Reporting 23,000 23,690 24,401 25,133 25,887 Annual Software License and Maintenance Contract EMS Reporting System 20,000 20,600 21,218 21,855 22,510 Annual Service Cost for Vendor Hosted Application PD Scheduling System - - 9,300 9,579 9,866 Purchased Services i5 Enhancement - - 18,000 18,540 19,096 Hardware and Software maintenance contract PBX Replacement 34,000 35,020 36,071 37,153 38,267 Annual Software License and Maintenance Contract Radio System Replacement Enhancement 69,264 126,673 210,811 219,319 228,226 Professional Services contract with BVCOG ATM Network Replacement 40,000 41,200 42,436 43,709 45,020 Purchased Services - contract Wireless Infrastructure - 20,000 20,600 21,218 21,855 Supplies, Purchased Services and Capital Outlay Server Consolidation - 15,000 15,450 15,914 16,391 Purchased Services - contract Facilities and Technology Project Totals 379,962$ 512,792$ 635,813$ 657,071$ 885,347$ Drainage Projects Bee Creek Combined 20,000$ 36,000$ 13,000$ 8,000$ 8,000$ Mitigation monitoring and reporting Drainage Project Totals 20,000$ 36,000$ 13,000$ 8,000$ 8,000$ Total Estimated O&M Costs 813,403$ 1,007,293$ 1,116,774$ 1,147,071$ 1,389,806$ Governmental Funds Capital Improvement Projects Estimated Operations and Maintenance Costs* *The Operations and Maintenance costs reflected above are estimates based on anticipated costs associated with each project. In some situations, the O&M cost of a project is minimal and can be absorbed by the City department that is benefiting the most from the project. In other situations, the O&M cost is more significant and funding for these additional expenses is addressed through the Service Level Adjustment (SLA) process. As the projects become better defined, the O&M estimates may be revised. 260 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 Comments Parkland Dedication Southwest Park Development - 28,550 29,407 30,289 31,197 Personnel (1 FTE), supplies and landscaping contract John Crompton Park Ph II 4,000 4,120 4,244 4,371 4,502 Supplies and additional for landscaping contract Edelweiss Gartens Park 24,778 25,521 26,287 27,076 27,888 Personnel (1 FTE), supplies, facility maintenance, landscaping contract and utilities Parks Project Totals 28,778$ 58,191$ 59,937$ 61,735$ 63,587$ Convention Center Convention Center - TBD TBD TBD TBD Additional O&M expenses will likely be incurred as a component of a new convention center. However, estimates will not be available until the project is fully developed. Convention Center Project Totals -$ TBD TBD TBD TBD Total Estimated O&M Costs 28,778$ 58,191$ 59,937$ 61,735$ 63,587$ Special Revenue Funds Capital Improvement Projects Estimated Operations and Maintenance Costs* *The Operations and Maintenance costs reflected above are estimates based on anticipated costs associated with each project. In some situations, the O&M cost of a project is minimal and can be absorbed by the City department that is benefiting the most from the project. In other situations, the O&M cost is more significant and funding for these additiona expenses is addressed through the Service Level Adjustment (SLA) process. As the projects become better defined, the O&M estimates may be revised. 261 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 Comments Water Projects Well #7 -$ 153,841$ 158,456$ 163,210$ 168,106$ Supplies and utility costs Well #7 Collection Line - 3,780 3,893 4,010 4,131 Line Maintenance Well #8 - - 60,000 61,800 63,654 Supplies and utility costs Well # 8 Collection Line - - 4,300 4,429 4,562 Line Maintenance SPPS Chemical System Replacement - - - 35,200 36,256 Personnel (1 FTE), supplies and utility costs Water Plant Security - 45,000 46,350 47,741 49,173 Maintenance service contract Reclaimed Water - Irrigation - - 76,000 78,280 80,628 Personnel (1 FTE), supplies, vehicle maintenance, training, utility costs and vehicle (1 pickup truck) Water Project Totals -$ 202,621$ 349,000$ 394,670$ 406,510$ Wastewater Projects Emerald Parkway/Bent Oak - 6,200 3,125 3,219 3,315 Line Maintenance Carters Creek UV Improvements 92,000 94,760 97,603 100,531 103,547 Supplies, maintenance contract and utility costs Carters Creek Clarifier Improvements - 2,700 2,781 2,864 2,950 Supplies and maintenance Carters Creek Headworks Improvements - - - 83,500 86,005 Supplies, maintenance contract and utility costs Carters Creek Service Water Improvements - 28,000 28,840 29,705 30,596 Supplies, maintenance contract and utility costs SCADA Replacement - 13,000 13,390 13,792 14,205 Maintenance and service contract Carters Creek Lab and SCADA Building - - 900 927 955 Janitorial, Maintenance, Utility costs Wastewater Project Totals 92,000$ 144,660$ 146,639$ 234,538$ 241,574$ BVSWMA Projects RPR Gas Recovery and Final Cover 7,000 7,210 7,426 7,649 7,879 Maintenance and supplies for flare system RPR Scale Installation 3,500 3,605 3,713 3,825 3,939 Maintenance of scale Twin Oaks Buildings and Infrastructure - TBD TBD TBD TBD Twin Oaks Cell Construction - TBD TBD TBD TBD Twin Oaks Landfill Communications - TBD TBD TBD TBD Twin Oaks Compost Facility - - - - TBD Enterprise Funds Capital Improvement Projects Estimated Operations and Maintenance Costs* The estimated O&M costs of the new landfill are currently under review. It is anticipated that a significant portion of the O&M costs of the new landfill will be offset with the closing of the existing landfill. BVSWMA Project Totals 10,500$ 10,815$ 11,139$ 11,474$ 11,818$ Total Estimated O&M Costs 102,500$ 358,096$ 506,778$ 640,681$ 659,902$ *The Operations and Maintenance costs reflected above are estimates based on anticipated costs associated with each project. In some situations, the O&M cost of a project is minimal and can be absorbed by the City department that is benefiting the most from the project. In other situations, the O&M cost is more significant and funding for these additional expenses is addressed through the Service Level Adjustment (SLA) process. As the projects become better defined, the O&M estimates may be revised. 262 Index by Project/Work Order Name Streets Projects Project # Page Technology Projects (con't)Project # Page ARRINGTON/DECATUR EXTENSION ST0606 31 MDT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CO0701 107 BARRON ROAD INTERCHANGE DESIGN ST0212 39 MISC IT PROJECTS CO0801 118 BARRON ROAD REHABILITATION ST0409 40-41 PBX (PHONE SYSTEM) REPLACEMENT CO0400 112 BARRON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY ST0006 38 PD SCHEDULING SYSTEM CO0703 109 BIKE LOOP - 2005 - BIKE LOOP COMPLETION ST0530 62 POLICE FIELD REPORTING CO0516 106 CHURCH AVE REHAB PHASE II ST0523 20-21 RADIO SYSTEM REPLACEMENT CO0601 113 COCS BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS ST0515 65 SERVER CONSOLIDATION CO0901 116 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS (SOUTHSIDE) ST0507 18-19 UPS REPLACEMENT CO0603 111 CORSAIR (AMS) STREET EXTENSION ST0612 29 WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE CO0704 115 DARTMOUTH EXTENSION PHASE II ST0211 26-27 DISCOVERY DRIVE EXTENSION ST0804 32 Drainage Projects Project # Page EAGLE AVENUE EXTENSION ST0809 34-35 BEE CREEK - Letter of Map Revision SD0703 130 EISENHOWER LAND PURCHASE ST0814 36 BEE CREEK (COMBINED) SD9802 122-123 HARVEY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ST0808 51 BEE CREEK PH. IV & V. SD0001 124-125 HIKE AND BIKE TRAILS - LONGMIRE IMPROVEMENTS ST0521 64 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS (SOUTHSIDE) SD0601 18-19 MANUEL DRIVE OP ST0802 30 GREENWAYS PROJECTS SD9903 126 MEDIAN ON GLENHAVEN/DOMINIK ST0811 53 HARVEY ROAD FLOOD STUDY SD0805 131 MISC. BIKE TRAILS - BIKE LOOP COMPLETION ST9803 63 MINOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SD0801 127 NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS ST0512 54 MITIGATION FENCING @ ARRINGTON/DECATUR SD0901 132 OAKWOOD/CONSOLIDATED PEDESTRIAN IMPR ST0805 69 STORMWATER MAPPING SD0523 129 OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION ST0519 28 SW PKWY STORM DRAIN REPLACEMENT SD0804 128 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ON FM 2818 ST0516 66-67 ROCK PRAIRIE RD WIDENING - DESIGN AND ROW ST0417 37 Parkland Dedication Projects Project # Page SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ST0517 68 EDELWEISS GARTENS PK0613 154 SPRING LOOP SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS ST0813 70 EMERALD FOREST PARK IMP. PK0713 151 TAUBER AND STASNEY REHAB/NG SIDEWALKS ST0505 22-23 JOHN CROMPTON PARK PHASE II PK0712 148 TRAFFIC MGMT. IMPROVE. ST0011 50 JOHN CROMPTON PARK PHASE III PK0904 149 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ GB DRIVE EAST & DOMINIK ST0205 58 PARKWAY PARK PK0903 140 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ ROCK PRAIRIE/RIO GRANDE ST0414 55 SOUTHERN OAKS TRAIL AND LIGHTS PK0905 155 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ WD FITCH PKWY/LAKEWAY ST0810 57 SOUTHWEST PARK DEVELOPMENT PK0806 146 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ WELSH/HOLLEMAN ST0415 56 STEVEN C. BEACHY CENTRAL PK POND SW PK0805 142 TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS ST0411 59 UNIVERSITY PARK PK0410 78-79 TRAFFIC SYSTEM SAFETY IMPR. ST0511 52 WOODLAND HILLS PARK DEV. PK0714 82-83 TX AVE STREETSCAPE PH II ST9915 45 ZONE 1 PARK PK0051 138 TxDOT ROW - UNIVERSITY DRIVE WIDENING ST0807 48 ZONE 2 PARK PK0052 139 WELLBORN RD LANDSCAPING - 2818 to 40 ST0812 46 ZONE 3 PARK PK0053 141 WELLBORD RD GRADE SEPARATION LANDSCAPING ST0815 47 ZONE 4 PARK PK0054 143 WILLIAM D. FITCH PKWY WIDENING PH II ST0520 42-43 ZONE 5 PARK PK0055 144 ZONE 6 PARK PK0056 145 Parks Projects Project # Page ZONE 7 PARK PK0057 147 ADAMSON POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT PK0701 84 ZONE 8 PARK PK0058 150 FIELD REDEVELOPMENT PK0300 76 ZONE 9 PARK PK0059 152 LINCOLN CENTER ENTRY SIDEWALK PK0803 88 ZONE 10 PARK PK0060 153 LIONS PARK SWING SET PK0804 89 ZONE 11 PARK PK0061 156 OAKS PARK IMPROVEMENTS PK0705 87 ZONE 12 PARK TBD 157 THOMAS POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT PK0802 85 ZONE 13 PARK PK0807 158 UNIVERSITY PARK DEVELOPMENT PK0410 78-79 ZONE 14 PARK PK0717 159 UV TREATMENT SYSTEM AT ADAMSON PK0902 86 ZONE 15 PARK PK0808 160 VETERANS PARK PHASE II PK0501 80 ZONE 16 PARK TBD 161 WOODLAND HILLS DEVELOPMENT PK0523 82-83 Convention Center Projects Project # Page Facility Projects Project # Page CONVENTION CENTER GG0523 166 CITY HALL GG0408 101 LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONS GG9901 95 Water Projects Work Order # Page MUNICIPAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS GG0701 104 BARRON ROAD WATER SERVICE EXT WF0379197 194 NEW CEMETERY GG9905 96-97 BARRON ROAD REHAB WF0654325 40-41 NORTHGATE IMPROVEMENTS TBD 102 BEE CREEK PHASES IV & V TBD 124-125 NORTHGATE RESTROOMS GG0522 103 CHURCH AVENUE REHAB - PHASE II WF0632256 20-21 POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS GG0402 100 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS WF0595915 18-19 RELOCATION OF FIRE STATION #3 GG0401 98-99 EAGLE AVENUE EXTENSION WF1095364 34-35 LAND ACQUISITION - WELLS WF0377324 181 Technology Projects Project # Page OVERSIZED PARTICIPATION WF0934457 190 ATM NETWORK REPLACEMENT CO0522 114 PARALLEL WATER TRANS LINE - SH21 - VILLA MARIA WF0352317 180 EMS REPORTING SYSTEM CO0702 108 PARALLEL WELLFIELD COLL LINE PH I WF0352553 179 FIBER OPTIC INFRASTRUCTURE CO0902 117 PURCHASE ANNEXED AREAS TBD 195 i5 ENHANCEMENT TBD 110 RAYMOND STOTZER WEST TBD 196-197 263 Index by Project/Work Order Name Water Projects (con't)Work Order # Page BVSWMA Projects Project # Page ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) WF0805789 198-199 RPR Gas Collection System BV0404 247 SCADA REPLACEMENT WF0742940 186 RPR Gas Recovery and Final Cover BV0403 246 SOUTH KNOLL/THE GLADE WF1044480 204-205 RPR Scale Installation BV0604 248 SOUTHWOOD 5-7 REHAB WF1105425 206-207 Twin Oaks Access BV0601 252 SPPS CHEMICAL SYSTEM REPLACEMENT TBD 184 Twin Oaks Buildings & Infrastructure BV0602 253 SPPS FIBER OPTIC LINE WF1062516 188 Twin Oaks Cell Construction BV0701 255 TAUBER & STASNEY WF0625888 22-23 Twin Oaks Compost Facility Design and Construction TBD 257 VICTORIA WATER OP WF0537425 191 Twin Oaks Construction Project Management BV0901 249 WATER LINE - NEW CEMETERY WF1048137 96-97 Twin Oaks Design Services BV0603 254 WATER PLANT SECURITY WF0466439 187 Twin Oaks Land Purchase BV0003 250 WATER RECLAIM / IRRIGATION WF0995711 192 Twin Oaks Landfill Communications BV0802 256 WATER WELL #2 PUMP REPLACEMENT WF1048923 185 Twin Oaks Permit Application/Legal Fees BV0502 251 WD FITCH WATER LINE EXTENSION WF1092576 42-43 Twin Oaks Petroleum Pipeline Relocation TBD 258 WELL #7 WF0353607 177 WELL #7 COLLECTION LINE WF0353621 178 WELL #8 WF1097966 182 WELL #8 COLLECTION LINE WF1097967 183 WELLBORN WIDENING WF0613546 193 WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) WF0805807 200-201 Wastewater Projects Work Order # Page BARRON ROAD REHAB WF0654332 40-41 BEE CREEK COMBINED WASTEWATER WF0738214 122-123 BEE CREEK PH IV & V WASTEWATER TBD 124-125 CARTERS CREEK ATAD IMPROVEMENTS WF1104547 234 CARTERS CREEK BAR SCREENS TBD 235 CARTERS CREEK BLOWER OVERHAULS WF0987094 231 CARTERS CREEK CLARIFIER IMPROVEMENTS WF1104545 227 CARTERS CREEK FUELING STATION TBD 238 CARTERS CREEK HEADWORKS IMP TBD 228 CARTERS CREEK LAB AND SCADA BUILDING TBD 239 CARTERS CREEK SERVICE WATER IMP WF0930104 229 CARTERS CREEK UV IMPROVEMENTS WF0585450 226 CHURCH AVENUE REHAB - PHASE II WF0632257 20-21 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS WF0595926 18-19 EMERALD PKWY / BENT OAK WF0626151 223 HONDO/SOUTHWEST PARKWAY REHAB WF1017719 224 KYLE VIEW LIFT STATION WF0968503/002 216 KOPPE BRIDGE LIFT STATION WF1097963 218 LICK CREEK CENTRIFUGE IMPROVEMENTS TBD 232 LICK CREEK CLARIFIER CATWALKS WF1042497 230 LICK CREEK SLUDGE HOLDING TANK IMP TBD 233 LICK CREEK REPLACEMENT TRUNKLINE WF0912284 221 LICK CREEK RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE IMP TBD 236 NANTUCKET GRAVITY SEWER WF1094676 220 OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION WF0968503 215 PROCESS CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS WF1104553 240 RAYMOND STOTZER WEST TBD 196-197 RIVER OAKS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WF0968503/003 217 ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) WF0805744 198-199 SCADA REPLACEMENT WF0742950 237 SOUTH KNOLL / THE GLADE WF1044485 204-205 SOUTHWOOD 5-7 WF1105424 206-207 TAUBER & STASNEY REHAB WF0625893 22-23 WESTMINSTER SEWER LINE LAND WF0786101 219 WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) WF0805756 200-201 264 Index by Project/Work Order Number Project #Streets Projects Page Project #Technology Projects (con't)Page ST0006 BARRON ROAD RIGHT OF WAY 38 CO0603 UPS REPLACEMENT 111 ST0011 TRAFFIC MGMT. IMPROVE. 50 CO0701 MDT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 107 ST0205 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ GB DRIVE EAST & DOMINIK 58 CO0702 EMS REPORTING SYSTEM 108 ST0211 DARTMOUTH EXTENSION PHASE II 26-27 CO0703 PD SCHEDULING SYSTEM 109 ST0212 BARRON ROAD INTERCHANGE DESIGN 39 CO0704 WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE 115 ST0409 BARRON ROAD REHABILITATION 40-41 CO0801 MISC IT PROJECTS 118 ST0411 TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATIONS 59 CO0901 SERVER CONSOLIDATION 116 ST0414 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ ROCK PRAIRIE/RIO GRANDE 55 CO0902 FIBER OPTIC INFRASTRUCTURE 117 ST0415 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ WELSH/HOLLEMAN 56 TBD i5 ENHANCEMENT 110 ST0417 ROCK PRAIRIE RD WIDENING - DESIGN AND ROW 37 ST0505 TAUBER AND STASNEY REHAB/NG SIDEWALKS 22-23 Project #Drainage Projects Page ST0507 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS (SOUTHSIDE) 18-19 SD0001 BEE CREEK PH. IV & V. 124-125 ST0511 TRAFFIC SYSTEM SAFETY IMPR. 52 SD0523 STORMWATER MAPPING 129 ST0512 NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECTS 54 SD0601 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS (SOUTHSIDE) 18-19 ST0515 COCS BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS 65 SD0703 BEE CREEK - Letter of Map Revision 130 ST0516 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ON FM 2818 66-67 SD0801 MINOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 127 ST0517 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 68 SD0804 SW PKWY STORM DRAIN REPLACEMENT 128 ST0519 OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION 28 SD0805 HARVEY ROAD FLOOD STUDY 131 ST0520 WILLIAM D. FITCH PKWY WIDENING PH II 42-43 SD0901 MITIGATION FENCING @ ARRINGTON/DECATUR 132 ST0521 HIKE AND BIKE TRAILS - LONGMIRE IMPROVEMENTS 64 SD9802 BEE CREEK (COMBINED) 122-123 ST0523 CHURCH AVE REHAB PHASE II 20-21 SD9903 GREENWAYS PROJECTS 126 ST0530 BIKE LOOP - 2005 - BIKE LOOP COMPLETION 62 ST0606 ARRINGTON/DECATUR EXTENSION 31 Project #Parkland Dedication Projects Page ST0612 CORSAIR (AMS) STREET EXTENSION 29 PK0051 ZONE 1 PARK 138 ST0802 MANUEL DRIVE OP 30 PK0052 ZONE 2 PARK 139 ST0804 DISCOVERY DRIVE EXTENSION 32 PK0053 ZONE 3 PARK 141 ST0805 OAKWOOD/CONSOLIDATED PEDESTRIAN IMPR 69 PK0054 ZONE 4 PARK 143 ST0807 TxDOT ROW - UNIVERSITY DRIVE WIDENING 48 PK0055 ZONE 5 PARK 144 ST0808 HARVEY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 51 PK0056 ZONE 6 PARK 145 ST0809 EAGLE AVENUE EXTENSION 34-35 PK0057 ZONE 7 PARK 147 ST0810 TRAFFIC SIGNAL @ WD FITCH PKWY/LAKEWAY 57 PK0058 ZONE 8 PARK 150 ST0811 MEDIAN ON GLENHAVEN/DOMINIK 53 PK0059 ZONE 9 PARK 152 ST0812 WELLBORN RD LANDSCAPING - 2818 to 40 46 PK0060 ZONE 10 PARK 153 ST0813 SPRING LOOP SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 70 PK0061 ZONE 11 PARK 156 ST0814 EISENHOWER LAND PURCHASE 36 PK0410 UNIVERSITY PARK 78-79 ST0815 WELLBORD RD GRADE SEPARATION LANDSCAPING 47 PK0613 EDELWEISS GARTENS 154 ST9803 MISC. BIKE TRAILS - BIKE LOOP COMPLETION 63 PK0712 JOHN CROMPTON PARK PHASE II 148 ST9915 TX AVE STREETSCAPE PH II 45 PK0713 EMERALD FOREST PARK IMP. 151 PK0714 WOODLAND HILLS PARK DEV. 82-83 Project #Parks Projects Page PK0717 ZONE 14 PARK 159 PK0300 FIELD REDEVELOPMENT 76 PK0805 STEVEN C. BEACHY CENTRAL PK POND SW 142 PK0410 UNIVERSITY PARK DEVELOPMENT 78-79 PK0806 SOUTHWEST PARK DEVELOPMENT 146 PK0501 VETERANS PARK PHASE II 80 PK0807 ZONE 13 PARK 158 PK0523 WOODLAND HILLS DEVELOPMENT 82-83 PK0808 ZONE 15 PARK 160 PK0701 ADAMSON POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT 84 PK0903 PARKWAY PARK 140 PK0705 OAKS PARK IMPROVEMENTS 87 PK0904 JOHN CROMPTON PARK PHASE III 149 PK0802 THOMAS POOL BATH HOUSE REPLACEMENT 85 PK0905 SOUTHERN OAKS TRAIL AND LIGHTS 155 PK0803 LINCOLN CENTER ENTRY SIDEWALK 88 TBD ZONE 12 PARK 157 PK0804 LIONS PARK SWING SET 89 TBD ZONE 16 PARK 161 PK0902 UV TREATMENT SYSTEM AT ADAMSON 86 Project #Convention Center Projects Page Project #Facility Projects Page GG0523 CONVENTION CENTER 166 GG0401 RELOCATION OF FIRE STATION #3 98-99 GG0402 POLICE STATION IMPROVEMENTS 100 Work Order #Water Projects Page GG0408 CITY HALL 101 WF0352317 PARALLEL WATER TRANS LINE - SH21 - VILLA MARIA 180 GG0522 NORTHGATE RESTROOMS 103 WF0352553 PARALLEL WELLFIELD COLL LINE PH I 179 GG0701 MUNICIPAL FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 104 WF0353607 WELL #7 177 GG9901 LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONS 95 WF0353621 WELL #7 COLLECTION LINE 178 GG9905 NEW CEMETERY 96-97 WF0377324 LAND ACQUISITION - WELLS 181 TBD NORTHGATE IMPROVEMENTS 102 WF0379197 BARRON ROAD WATER SERVICE EXT 194 WF0466439 WATER PLANT SECURITY 187 Project #Technology Projects Page WF0537425 VICTORIA WATER OP 191 CO0400 PBX (PHONE SYSTEM) REPLACEMENT 112 WF0595915 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS 18-19 CO0516 POLICE FIELD REPORTING 106 WF0613546 WELLBORN WIDENING 193 CO0522 ATM NETWORK REPLACEMENT 114 WF0625888 TAUBER & STASNEY 22-23 CO0601 RADIO SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 113 WF0632256 CHURCH AVENUE REHAB - PHASE II 20-21 265 Index by Project/Work Order Number Work Order #Water Projects (con't)Page Project #BVSWMA Projects Page WF0654325 BARRON ROAD REHAB 40-41 BV0003 Twin Oaks Land Purchase 250 WF0742940 SCADA REPLACEMENT 186 BV0403 RPR Gas Recovery and Final Cover 246 WF0805789 ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) 198-199 BV0404 RPR Gas Collection System 247 WF0805807 WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) 200-201 BV0502 Twin Oaks Permit Application/Legal Fees 251 WF0934457 OVERSIZED PARTICIPATION 190 BV0601 Twin Oaks Access 252 WF0995711 WATER RECLAIM/IRRIGATION 192 BV0602 Twin Oaks Buildings & Infrastructure 253 WF1044480 SOUTH KNOLL/THE GLADE 204-205 BV0603 Twin Oaks Design Services 254 WF1048137 WATER LINE - NEW CEMETERY 96-97 BV0604 RPR Scale Installation 248 WF1048923 WATER WELL #2 PUMP REPLACEMENT 185 BV0701 Twin Oaks Cell Construction 255 WF1062516 SPPS FIBER OPTIC LINE 188 BV0802 Twin Oaks Landfill Communications 256 WF1092576 WD FITCH WATER LINE EXTENSION 42-43 BV0901 Twin Oaks Construction Project Management 249 WF1095364 EAGLE AVENUE EXTENSION 34-35 TBD Twin Oaks Compost Facility Design and Construction 257 WF1097966 WELL #8 182 TBD Twin Oaks Petroleum Pipeline Relocation 258 WF1097967 WELL #8 COLLECTION LINE 183 WF1105425 SOUTHWOOD 5-7 REHAB 206-207 TBD BEE CREEK PHASES IV & V 124-125 TBD PURCHASE ANNEXED AREAS 195 TBD RAYMOND STOTZER WEST 196-197 TBD SPPS CHEMICAL SYSTEM REPLACEMENT 184 Work Order #Wastewater Projects Page WF0585450 CARTERS CREEK UV IMPROVEMENTS 226 WF0595926 COLLEGE PARK/BREEZY HEIGHTS 18-19 WF0625893 TAUBER & STASNEY REHAB 22-23 WF0626151 EMERALD PKWY / BENT OAK 223 WF0632257 CHURCH AVENUE REHAB - PHASE II 20-21 WF0654332 BARRON ROAD REHAB 40-41 WF0738214 BEE CREEK COMBINED WASTEWATER 122-123 WF0742950 SCADA REPLACEMENT 237 WF0786101 WESTMINSTER SEWER LINE LAND 219 WF0805744 ROCK P RD S OF CARTER LAKE (AREA 5) 198-199 WF0805756 WILLIAM D FITCH EAST (AREA 6) 200-201 WF0912284 LICK CREEK REPLACEMENT TRUNKLINE 221 WF0930104 CARTERS CREEK SERVICE WATER IMP 229 WF0968503 OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION 215 WF0968503/002 KYLE VIEW LIFT STATION 216 WF0968503/003 RIVER OAKS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 217 WF0987094 CARTERS CREEK BLOWER OVERHAULS 231 WF1017719 HONDO/SOUTHWEST PARKWAY REHAB 224 WF1042497 LICK CREEK CLARIFIER CATWALKS 230 WF10444485 SOUTH KNOLL / THE GLADE 204-205 WF1094676 NANTUCKET GRAVITY SEWER 220 WF1097963 KOPPE BRIDGE LIFT STATION 218 WF1104545 CARTERS CREEK CLARIFIER IMPROVEMENTS 227 WF1104547 CARTERS CREEK ATAD IMPROVEMENTS 234 WF1104553 PROCESS CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS 240 WF1105424 SOUTHWOOD 5-7 206-207 TBD BEE CREEK PH IV & V WASTEWATER 124-125 TBD CARTERS CREEK BAR SCREENS 235 TBD CARTERS CREEK FUELING STATION 238 TBD CARTERS CREEK HEADWORKS IMP 228 TBD CARTERS CREEK LAB AND SCADA BUILDING 239 TBD LICK CREEK CENTRIFUGE IMPROVEMENTS 232 TBD LICK CREEK SLUDGE HOLDING TANK IMP 233 TBD LICK CREEK RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE IMP 236 TBD RAYMOND STOTZER WEST 196-197 266