HomeMy WebLinkAboutThirtyYearsHistory028company with the missionaries. Later they both visited Cuba and noted the progress of the work. Through the years Pastor Brown, who has tried to keep a record of his activities, has served the denomination faithfully and well as shown by the following facts about his work- Institutions visited 202 Classes taught 3,960 Churches visited 1,650 Conversions 1,737 Meetings attended 12,795 Baptisms 1,716 Addresses and sermons Church additions 6,280 delivered 6,929 Miles traveled 739,254 During these years he has conducted many revival meetings and taught Sunday School, Training Union, and mission study courses for other churches and colleges. For one church he has held 18 revivals and for another 17. Mrs. Brown has served in many capacities in the local work. In Sunday School she taught A&M freshmen for a number of years, enrolling as many as 250 students one school year in the class since there was not room to divide into separate classes with their own teachers and officers. She also served for some years as Superintendent of the Student Department of the Sunday School. Since World War It she has taught a large class of Veterans' Wives whose husbands are enrolled in the College. In the Training Union she has always been active, giving that organization much credit for her training. Her best work perhaps was in the Women's Missionary Society, the society being standard each year. Mrs. Brown often remarks that she was "born missionary", her grandfather's name being Judson and his twin sister's Hasseltine—the names of America's first foreign missionaries. At the time of Rev. Brown's retirement in 1950, Mrs. Brown had completed 15 years of service to the State Women's Missionary Union, having served as Statewide Approved Worker. She taught in State Encampments in Texas and Arkansas, showed movies which she has made of mission work, and spoke to scores of young people at camps and house parties. She assisted the Southwide Student Department in Religious Focus Week programs. The Browns' love for students has increased as the enrollment of the College has continued to increase. They have no children but have always referred to the A&M students as "our boys." The peak emoll- ment was reached in 1947 with 9,728 students, nearly 2500 of this number stating that they were Baptists or Baptist preference. During the thirty-year period the Browns had no paid helper to assist with the work until 1938 and after that they had a full time assistant for slightly over five years. Some of the outstanding achievements in the church might be recalled. There were 150 to join the church, with nine cadets being baptized, in one day; $1500.00 given to World Relief in one day with $2500.00 given for the one offering; and $4500.00 given to the Lottie Moon offering one season. Through the years the offerings of self and material blessings have been outstanding. There are representatives on the mission fields—al home and abroad, teachers in our denominational institutions, preachers in our pulpits and great laymen in the pews from this great church. The offerings of the church for the past year amounted to $25,492 with $5,577 of this amount going to missions. Even though Pastor Brown is retired from the College Station church, he and Mrs. Brown want to be used in the Lord's work in any capacities in which He might lead. The friends of this couple appre- ciated a statement by an editor in the Bryan Daily Eagle: "No, Rome wasn't built or planned in a day, but if the ancient Romans had had the tireless services of a couple like the Browns they might have done their job quicker and better." Pastor Brown says of the work for these years: "Many problems have had to be faced. Many obstacles have had to be overcome. Many hardships have had to be endured. Many prayers have had to be said. Much faith has had to be experienced. Many wonderful privileges have been enjoyed. Many glorious blessings have been realized. Many answers to prayer have been felt and seen. All in all, we thank God for these brief thirty years which have filled our days to overflowing." 48 149