HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Thirty Years History: First Baptist Church Book (Pg. 11)It will be remembered that Rev. and Mrs. Brown were the first BSU workers ever employed to start a BSU program on a college campus and that Dr. Frank H. Lowell, the first southwide BSU secretary came to A&M and Texas to study the program before he decided to accept the southwide position. The report of the work of Rev. Brown, for the year 1924-25, as sent to the General secretary of the Baptist General Convention of Texas includes many items not noted in the above tract. As stated before, Rev. and Mrs. Brown were called on to assist in the denominational program throughout the state; therefore, they helped in many institutes, conferences and revivals during the year. Therefore a copy of the full report is given below: Meetings attended 282 Addresses and sermons 206 Classes taught 143 Revivals held 6 Baptisms 59 Joined by letter 118 Sunday schools organized I BYPU's organized 7 Deacons ordained 7 Preachers ordained I Prayer meetings organized 2 Cards and letters sent 2,082 Sunday school awards 109 BYPUawards 155 BSUawards 69 Tracts distributed 1,450 Money raised and donated $7,439.07 Church lot secured 4,000.00 Parsonage built 6,000.00 Wes traveled 10,295 The revivals held by the Browns during the years include 15 held on one church, Harvey, over a period of IS years, and 14 held in another church, Cottunwood, over a period of 15 years. Rev, and Mrs. Brown were called on to help other churches and institutions. r In addition to the work at A&M and the calls to help in other student programs, the pastor was asked to direct the Conquest Campaign to mise funds for the State Mission Program. Rev. Brown is happy to announce that his association was one of the few in Texas that secured an offering from every church in the association. The local program continued to grow in numbers and attendance. The Baptists are using every available space in the E. E. Building and three classrooms in the Academic Building. Effort is being put forth to reach the students, denominational leaders and parents of the students. The following statements were sent out during the year 14 Brief History of Baptist Work Six years ago there was no Baptist Sunday School at A&M College. Today we have 150 enrolled in a live and growing Sunday School. Six years ago there was no BYPU organization on the campus; today we have nine live unions with almost 200 attending. Six years ago no Women's Missionary Society; today one of the best in the association. Six years ago we had no systematic Christian training; we gave more than 300 awards last year. Six years ago we had no church property; today we have a three-quarter acre lot just off the campus with a modern home for the pastor already constructed. Three years ago we had no church organization; today we have an organized church with 250 members. Six years ago we had no church building; today we have no church building. A Statement from a Student "We have the church organization, the pastor and the membership, but what are we to do with them? We have no church building—no place to call our own—in which to hold our services. If the State of Texas were to refuse us one of her buildings, where would we meet? What would we do with our large Sunday School? Where would we go for our BYPU programs? What would become of our interesting and most uplifting church services? Shall the efforts of the pastor and the Baptist students at A&M be fruitless, to a great extent, for lack of support of our parents and church members back at home? We need your financial support, your good will, good word and earnest prayers." President Walton Makes Statement "The most important home mission field in the State of Texas today is at the A&M College. Each year four to five hundred young men of the Baptist faith come to the institution, and with the limited facilities at the disposal of the college pastors, it is almost impossible for them to put on a constructive program. The Baptist of Texas owe it to their sons to make ample provision for adequate facilities for their training during the four years their men are at A&M College. 15