HomeMy WebLinkAbout161011 - Campaign Finance Report - Joe R Guerra Jr.,. RECE-" w �"�G(... 9 C'.'.?"4L­ ,QCT ll Z016 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPOR T COVER SHEET PG 1 -· ·--· 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers! The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 3 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER NAME 4 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER MAILING ADDRESS D Change of Address 5 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER PHONE 6 CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME 7 CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRE SS (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN TREASURER PHONE 9 REPORT TYP E 10 PERIOD COVERED 11 ELECTION 12 OFFICE MS I MRS I MR FIRST Ml To e, . µ.r'. .... .. �- .. . . . .. . .. .\2. NICKNAME L/\ST SUFFIX U l/H2.Yrtl Ji-. ADDRESS I PO BOX; APT I SUITE II; CITY; p.o.Bu;i< I lb:t \ �ll'je AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER (q7<f) 'Zoo -t,J<f 9j- MS I MRS I MR FIRST . M0. .... .r� . <,$_1A�i'e). NICKNAME LAST nni' STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT I SUITE tt; q J-( [b\.Q, � � AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER ( ff(O ) q1q ·7667 D January 15 lKl 30th day before election D July 15 D 8th day belore election Monlh Day Year STATE; ZIP CODE )ri::h't:M 1X J)81·t EXH:NSION Ml . .... . .. SUFFIX CITY; STATE; (;.. µjt ') f#fr';,v, EXTENSION D Runoff TX: D Exceeded $500 limit Monlh 7 / ;)...? / c;;>.oi b THROUGH /0 / ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Monlh Day Year 0 Primary D Ru no II D Olher Doscrlption II /.B /' .1.Pt6 � General D Special OFFICE HELD (ii any) 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (if known) Gr+(} �c-r( GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state.tx.us 2 Total pages lilcd: (� OFFICE USE ONLY Data R0caived REC.......,,A " -- OCT 1120� � &$.'P'"1t. Date Hand-delivered or Date Poslmarked Receipt # I Amount $ Date Processed Dato Imaged ZIP CODE ))Jtf.S" D 15th day after campaign treasurer appointment (Ofliceholder Only) D Final Report (Allach C/OH. FR) Day Year / 8 / �016 -· . p \oii.c e 4 Revised 9/8/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 --115 14 C/OH NAME Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) )osc £. C Vt: \2 12 ..L\-- .J \2._ .. 16 NOTICE FROM THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO POLITICAL SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER. THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT THE CANDIDATE'S OR OFFICEHOLDER'S COMMITTEE(S) KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME DGENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS OsPEc1F1c ----COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME D Addlllonal Pages ----COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS 17 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN . . 18 TOTALS ' ' ' . . ... EXPENDITURE TOTALS . . .... CONTRIBUTION BALANCE . ' . . ., . OUTSTANDING LOAN TOTALS AFFIDAVIT - ' ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS). UNLESS ITEMIZED $ TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ ·c,1 al ( (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) () 0 TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $100 OR LESS, UNLESS ITEMIZED $ TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES $ -z,} 35. s7. J / TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY $ OF REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ � .... ·�y,-p ....... IAN WHITTENTON I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompan ying report is /o'�-·····�8<'"\ true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me �� 12946552-2 � i•; Nolary Public, State ot 1 exas Q"''"E'"ll°/\ I d'>.. ./"J /} "'i."""····•"\-+-"'";J My Commission Expires ···..§. .. Q,fJ ...... ;.-June 20, 2017 �p ,/A�_.,,. -- Signature of Candidate or Offic t r ,,. - --11'7'd/r AFFIX NOTARY STAMP /SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said Jo�e.. � (l.u,e,c-rc,.,. "Sc:. , this the \ \ day of o��o� .... '20 \ Co , t o certi fy which, witness my hand and seal of office. Q_ uJJ -�-I°'" W�d:±!� h.}li"' �l�c!:l ��h-\;a'�(..; .... Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.lx.us Revised 9/8/2015 SUBTOTALS -C/OH FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) _\oc'.:>� f2_ C, U�IL \2.A-c:J(( 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1. � SCHEDULE A 1: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ -ZJ cu. 170 2. D SCHEDULE A2: NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 3. D SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 4. D SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ 5. � SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ I qfJD. S�' ) 6. D SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ 7. D SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 8. D SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD $ 9. pg SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS $ J:iS: 03 10. D SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ 11. D SCHEDULE I: NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 12. D SCHEDULE K: INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS $ RETURNED TO FILER Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 =-------=-=------_-__ -. .::::==-=-=----_-___ -__ -___ -_-_-__ -,_-_-_-... =--=..·-.:::::::::.-�-.,,_--_.-,,.�--==.-=-.-._-:._-_-_--.::.-_--.. _-.. _-__ -__ -_-_-__ -_-_·-.--..:�::-�::.:::-::�===-::;_. =====--:·=--.::--:· :·:·:=====·::··:::.:-·::··:·=--==I Tho Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: l) ----------0-•N••><•--------------··--·-• ""'-'°'•--·-----------��···�···-------·--·------+--•000000-0-------·-------· 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers ) ------=-Jc-=�.....,-� �-emt Jr. 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor Date Full name of contributor Contributor address; 0 out-of-stare PAC (ID#: ... 0 out-of-stale PAC (IDll: _______ _ ·····----·-------_) 7 Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) City; State; Zip Code �J.-S �e 6'r� vf.·ny{-( TX 1---P-.ri-nfe.m-c l-�---��-, o_c_c_u_,p_a _tlo_n_/ -J -o b--ti0t 0le -(S ee 1�;iructl��-�;-·----- --r· E rnplo -y e_r_(_S_e_e_l _ns-t-ru-��,t-i o-��-)----------------------·--- =-==--=-====;====-===========---==-=--·-�----------·-�M=-=· =====:=·=-==--·=-======-:;rn::;':;::·�··:::.==_-_ .. _--_-Date Full name of contributor 0 out-ol-stato PAC jlD": __ __________________________ ) Amount of contribution ($) Gity; State; Zip C ode �. �. li,,/,1so11; Contributor address; .f> (bi) 0 D 2)o5 Bl'oo�-� /A-,� C,:,H�5'.�1m. T J<' ?>Bf.:f" l=='=�=ri::nc::i::��::l::o::c:::c ::::u: .. �·a-ti-o--�-�-�--�-b--·�-�--le_-:::(.:�::-e=e =l n=s=t r=u=c =tio=n=s=)==--:::·�· . [ _ _ :�;;"' (S� lcotruoUo::--:·:�:::-- -s=)�-������ · ����� -- = -- ::::::::::��-�--�--- Date Full name of contributor Contributor address; Principal occupa��:� Jo��t!TAtruc;ions) 0 oul·of·slalo PAC (1011: _____________________ . _____ _) City; State; Zip Code Amount of contribution ($) $ /oo, oo Emplo yer (See Instructions) G>��1'tllf � .. ?)8'f<C. ____________________ __ l=:i&=�ei,...====-�=-.:::.:::::t:.Lrf:::::· ===-.:::---.. _-__ -_____ -____ -_-____ :::_=..-_------------·-___ -;::;;-_:__::::�===:::::-::::_-,-----------==------=-------=·--==--= ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of·state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 -···----·--�------·--�----------------·-----------�-·-----.-·-·-·----------�-�--�-�--------- MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Tho Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 FILER NAME 4 Date 5 Full nan10 of contributor 6 Contributor address; Date Full name of contributor Contributor address; Date Full name of contributor �14-fJ.ot 6 Contributor address; Date Full name of contributor [] out-ol·«lale PAC (IDll·. City; Stato; Zip Code 0 oui-ol-stato PAC (1011: _______ _ _ City; State; Zip Code 0 oul-ol-stato PAC (llJI/: City; State; Zip Cocfo [] oul--ol-slalo PAC (IDll:_ City; State; Zip Cod<� -----------��-�_'l_ ____ fi!�Or , -·----�s SCHEDULE A1 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 7 Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) <if;. i). {). 0-0 /\mount of contribution ($) ) Amount of contribution ($) j tO. <JO Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) -------·-. ''"'-'- ---·-------�-�"'-�------------�w-···---�----------------�·-····"'""'-•• •• ••-••---••••--•••-·•-�-"-'·"-'�"-·-·--·-··-·--··--·-_..,_._ """'"�·�-·-"-•------·--·•-•••¥•"·-�----------• ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Comrnission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 -·,·-·-�-------�-----·--··----·--------·------·---·---·-------�-·�-....,_�-------�-·---��•w�-.�-·•-······------------·- MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Tho Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 FILER NAME --·-··---·-----I�t �wu. -�·----------·-· . -· - ______________ _ 4 Dato �IC/fr) Dtb 5 Full name of contributor 6 Contributor address; 0 out-of.state PAC (1011: City; State; Zip Godo SCHEDULE Ai 1 Tola I pagHs Schedule A 1: 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) .) 7 Amount of contribution ($) :f.10.00 �8 p,;0oipol ;;;�p�kf:�otit�: _:_ 't_ :.;i:L .. '"��,,;;;,- --� ==== Date Full name of contributor °!/4-/rtotb .4r.�-� Contributor address; Principal occupation I ,Job title (See Instructions) Date Cf I J /rJ ()I b Full name of contributor Contributor address; Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) C out-or-state PAC (IDll: _________ _ Amount of contribution ($) City; State; Zip Code 0 out-ot-stato PAC (IDll:_ Amount of contribution ($) City; State; Zip Cocfo $IO, OD Employer (See Instructions) I I=====.::::::::::.:::::.::::=;=:===:::::::·:.:::: · ::::::======::::.·::::::::===--===::::::::.:.::::::.==:::::::-=::==:;::::::::::::.-:.:::::====::.:.:::-·······-··-------- Date Full name of contributor '11 S-( oLotb Contributor addrnss; [] out-ol--state PAC (IDll: City; State: Zip Code TX' Amount of contribution ($) ------··--··'-·----·-·--··-···· · ·····--······----·------·--···--···········-······--..--------··--····-··--------···-'------------------------···------·-·-----------· 1 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (Seo Instructions) ----···· = · :::::::- === =:= ·---··· .. --·· · ·---- ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor Is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Comrnission www.othics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 -------:===== - -·-:::::::::-::: .. ·-=:-::=::.::: ______ -__ :: . ·:::··-------::::::.== - ::�::--=:. .. ::-.:------:-::.:=--::.: ___ _ Tho Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Tola I pages Schedule A 1; ------------- 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name ol contributor 0 out-ol·sla!e PAC (1011:_ 7 Amount of contribution ($) .Y��0.An_ $ �D. Ol.J -��1-'!��1_�_�..,.,re:T_!_&"'----------------------------------- 6 Contributor address; Sta to; Zip Code City; a Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employor (See Instructions) - -.. ·-·�, - - - ---,�--·��'···-�-----·-·-·-�--···�·��·-·-' .---------·-·-·�-�----�··-------------, . ., ... 0>--�·---·--------···--··---.. --�,,·--�-----·------"·-·�' Date Full n ame of contributor [] out-of-slate PAC (1011 Contributor address; Cily; State; Zip Code Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Ernployer (See Instructions) Date o//Cf/r;lotb of contributor [] out-ol-slalo PAC (IDfo:_ address; Gity; State; Zip Code Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor 0 out--ol-slato PAC (/DI/: __ ) Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribu1ion ($) Contributor addrnss; City; State; Zip Code f;ol o.oo CS , TX' Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (S(>-e Instructions) !=---=--=-=-=----: ___ ::: .. ::.:: ... :: .... ::. .. : .. _=-=-=----=-===-=--::.:.:.:.::.=---=-=--=---===-----·------······-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---- ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 -----------------·----------------------�-�·-"'--��--------·-------····-··--··----·-------�--------- MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Ai Tho Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) --·····--···-·----------·J_��� --�-��------···"'· ... �·-'-------r--·--.-'"''"""�·--· .. ·-�---- � - -�-"'� · - ' - � - - - · 4 Date Date Date Date 5 Full nwne of contributor �... 2ln.ll\R ..... '.��ff- 6 Contributor address; Full name of contributor Contributor address; Full name of contributor ��� .. �1�ti� Contributor address; /Btf Full name of contril1utor �f?O f:,( ·0A Contributor address; Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 0 out·ohtafe PAC (1011: City; State; Zip Godo 0 out-ol-stalo PAC (IDll: _____ _ City; St ate ; Zip Code CJ out-ol-state l',\C illll/: . ··········-·········-·· .) Gity; State; Zip Gode [] OUl··Of-sfale P,\C (IDll: City; State; Zip Coclo 7 Amount of contribu tion ($) Amount of contribution ($) /\mount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) $. I G--0, Oo Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms providnd by Texas Ethics Commission www. Gthics. state. tx. us Revised 9/8/2015 --·---------------------·---------- MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 ·-··-·· ---·-----·------··----·---·----------------�-,.··-·------·------· --·---·--·-----�--..----�--- ··----••• """""' "-•·---·--•--,_ �-. »••••••••-••••-•••••-·-·-·•-•••·-··�-·--·-••••••·· '" •• �rn••-'•••·--·-••·----·�·-••·•�• -��-·-' ••·-----·----•·•--··� -·-·�•··--·-·-··------·-• Tho Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: . .. ····---------................. _____ _ 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date Date 5 Full name ol c;ontributor f.J out-ol·slate P/\C (IOI/: 6 Contributor address; City; Sta to; Zip Code {8to Full narne of contributor [J ou1-01-s1a1e P/\C (1011: _____ _ !� &J .. f>:'t./ tietcler� Contributor address; City; Stato; Zip Code 7 Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) ,____. _ ____,__fB_t _I .'?.':i!J_ow_Wtni __ �----�:�_V(�, T>Y /?B��-=--------_ ·---.. ··-----------------------------��ccupatian I ,Job title (See lns1ructions) .......... I._:�:l :�.r -(:_e_e Instructions) ::::::-.:::::::: ... --·------.=--· ==-=··:::···=·--=--·=-===---=·--=---=·--=--=--==----.............. ____________ ....................... . Date Full name of contributor 0 out-ol-slalo P/\C (!Di/:. 'Jc>� C<> � --· · · - - - - - - - - - - · - - · .. ) /\mount of contribution ($) .. PP�'-. Contributor adc!ress; City; State; Zip CodH � (00. 0() 18 t I 5/v;ukw1Aff"'1. (Jr,, U,. T)C :> ?.9 tr..1 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ·-·····-·-·-·------· ... ··········· ...................... =1· "_L._ . ._ ___ ....... ---·---·---------------......... _ .. lA1rJ/l J _ff? ore_�"":>..S a tZ =:::=--=.'.-::.-::-::::::::::-- .:::::..--:::-.::..--=.-::.:::····--------·-----··--··------··-----· --.---·::::::.::.:::::=.-:.==-=-::::·:::· .. ====-··-:.:::==---_-_- - - - - = � : = Date Full narnH of contributor [] out-of-slate PAC (1011: <:/.'{ O../()l. ot6 · ��0�� ��-��n#.o. · · · · · · Amount of contribution ($) f 1 ( 0 Contributor address; City; State: Zip Code -----·--·-------��I !__ �'!!:_-�-� .. '._ .. _-T_--E�_ .. _ .. m:-r:p .. l"'!o .... y,:, _ -,/ - -(��°_ l 2..r_1 �s--tru-(c\ .. 1011_s_)---�-(?� • 0-�'" ·-----------.. ·--Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) _ '" �•N • • ---------,.·� .... » ·---------------�� � ---- - - - - - - - - - - � ------------· ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor Is out-of·state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 - · -- - �·--·-�- - --------- - - - - - - - - ---- ---------·-·-· · ··- -- ·---·-··-----·----·----· MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE Ai Tho Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) ·-·---·-···-·----......... _JQ�t&ult!!!!. ....... 1!.. ________________ ·········--·--·---------············ ·····----4 Date 5 Full narne of contributor 0 out·ohtale PAC (1011: 7 Amount of contribution ($) !Ji�/€:$ . ' . . . '1/18-/c). 016 6 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code J 02-0 / >8"-0 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) I===-=:. ______________ ---····---·-------···--···--···------·--····-.............. ·------- - -····--. ------·---------·--------· Date Full name of contributor C oul·ol·slalo PAC (1011: ... _. Amount of contribution ($) s_�"tU .. -�,--�-Ii� . �-........ . Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code Date Full name of contributor 0 out-oHtuto PAC (IOU:. Amount ot contribution ($) /c _Z{v>epk_ � ��-/(,a;lr'O-ue-�.. . . . . .. . d· o-v C( ( :J-f 'of.OI Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code; .p .2 J,-V . .jD8 .C � Bz_� 7)( 7/Jo 3 2-��·�:·:"'"ci'�--���---L�.:::�:�,s·�·�:�::�;--------=-.--::-=----- - --.- . - :.-.: Date Full name of contributor [] oul-ol-slate PAC (/Dll:_ . Amount of contribution ($) Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code --p����;,���:?, =-:'. f :!:��� .. ""'''"';":=-=-=· ···�-------- --"·--·---"---------·-·�,-��.��---------·-�'' '#'"'�"""�·-------··�·------------��--�-·-----------�-· ----�----·----�-·-h-h� .. �· ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of·state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. �-------------------------------- Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethics.state. tx. us Revised 9/8/2015 -·-------------"--·---------·----·-----�-··----------------,----�----------·---··-·-·-··---··------------------- MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 ·-·--------· ... ' ---···------·---··-�-------··-· -·-·--------··---,-•<•·--------------·--� ·················-·--·• Tho Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: 2 FILER NAME 4 Date Oak� 5 Full nmne of contributor Full name of contributor Al'\.�r'()... i. lA-Vl(l,Y� Contributor address; Princlpal occu p ation I ,Job title (See Instructions) CJ out-of-stale PAC (IDll: _____________ .. City; State; Zip Code "()C 7?84/,-0 ------��----�------- 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) .) 7 Amount or contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) Ernployer (See Instructions) r·· -=·::::::::::.:::::===::::;:==================-:=:.: ::.: .. ::: .... :::.:= .. ::: ... ::: .. :::: .... :::: .. =.-=:===::::::::::-:::.--::=::;===========--==:�-·:::::-:.:::::_-_-----= Date Date Full name of contributor [] out-ol-sla10 PAC (ID#: A�_ �i11�ers _���_ye� f?/k, Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code Full namo of contributor Contributor address; 0 oul-of--stalo PAC (1011: City; State; Zip Code Principal occupat ion I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) I I======::.::::::::::======::.=======-:.:.::.:.: .. : ... :.:.:.: ... ::::: _____________________ ·--··-----·--�····-�·-···-·-···-------------·-··--·-·---===--====::::.:�.:�.:::::.:::·_-__ :::::::-:::_-_-=:-..::::::.: ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide tor additional reporting requirements. Forms provid('d by Texas Ethics Comrnission www.othics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS SCHEDULE G ------·-·-····"••'·"······---�·-� EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advorlis'ng C::xpans a ACC-OunrnolSank'ng consuklng E!xponso Contribullon.<;.IDonatlona Mr:ida By Event Expense Foos FoodiTieveraga Exµi:;nsa <3'ft/Awa<ds!Momorials E�ponsa tegll1 Servrces Loan Aepa;men!/Re'.mburse1ncnt Of rice OverheotdlRontal f"xpe nse Polling 6'.'<pen.sa SoTfdl�llon/Fundralslng Expenso­ Trnnsportalion Equipment & Ra�.nted Expense Travel In Dlst1lct Travel OUI Of Dlstr!Cl CanrJfdrtte/Olticeholder/Po�tical Commillaa Cr«it Card Pa)'rnent Prinlino E:;.:pensa salarlesN'/ngesJContract Labor Other (enter a cateoory not 1;s1ed above) The Instruction Guida explains how to completo this form, 1 Total pages Schedule G: 2 FILER NAME --·-------···""'·T-3Fner ID (Ethics Commi;�- lon Filers) ________ _J · ) ... Q,>€ J��-SY�.RlZ..__._A �J '&,,·-----�------. . ·-·------· . ..... -... -4 Qle · /;_ 5 Payee name __ l2.l�L 2-01 ---�\d.l ,X •. cow.t. / ,V·C... �A);�$l<?,� 7?t:;;ora�ercc:./aA z1p Pof2.AN C O JS 0��:=:����,ri��. __ , __ _?�� EgMe-1.J>� .. c A °t 4LS_e_· __ _ PUA POSE D a (a} Category ($ee Caleoorles listed ol lho top ol th"s schedule) Ib) Oascrlptlon 0 F Chockll tmvel ou:sld• of Toia;. Corr�ele S<h•<Ue I. liXPENDITURE .. . . .. _ft.Du re:-�.,., SJ6JG e" ��� . . . .. . . ?.Check ll Aust'.�· TX, olltccholder living oxponso ------9 Complete ONLY II direct Oandldalo I Ottlceholder name Office sought c..l-CV (cV..4GtLotfice hold expenditure 10 benafil CIOH .===;==·�)o==:�� ---��B T?A jg.. _ ·-:1?.� e-� -··:.==�-== !!_ale/ / Payeename �1-2-.-�L .. v__ r:=-1 £$"IA�.!2�_EtEJ_'R JAt!. ______ _ Amount ($} Payee address: Cily; state; Zip Code -��¥�: . . -�e,�'/: ��� 4 ��ll_9 lp """'--------·--·-----....................... . ..Pf1'tll.)!PD'.,..jSe�Caleg-0ries li•ted at the lop ol to:s sr,11edute) (b} Description PURPOSE 1"-(::'. � v 'J OF C L Checi<Htravelou\skJeo1Te1a$,C¢rf\"l:<>teSche<fu'aT. EXPENDITURE c. \j f; N\ ex PE:: i\J �e-D Chock If l\u•l•n, TX, ofllcohotdor living expense Oo;p,-;;; QNt.£11 dltact Candidate / offloeholder �;;;;;-;;----oo��--��-�ght C.ti)'.-CO\/AT<:�flo,,......-1t-10_e_h_e_Jd------- ==::e�:�::ro to beoam c1o_�;:�J���_j<._!__�::�f2"&JtA-�.�--------��= .... ::'.==LJ==== Dai I Payeo name !!LJ!_ti . . __ 2 o-"--,-�-'--l--\)=-·z . .J11�_E1t �'--=G� £\oB(l: l<b ga��r�; f'Vt�l;�a��lf�L:_e�Lt b--( / D Re�mburserneot frotn ��;��contilbutlons _, ___ J+o .:J �� �-��-7.7__0 j_ 'l_ ------------- -·-------Category ($�a Ca1ego1les ll>led allho lop of this schedule) (b) Description PURPOSS D OF Check llttavel ou:-S!d-0 ol Texos. Ccmp!eto &:he<J.;!H. EXPENDITURE _ ...... A.,J)ve ll-1L61.��-l2J\:ff2"'1.��-____ D Chock u Austin, TX'. ollicoholdor 11v1ng���::�-----·---- -1 Complete ON!.Y It direct Candidate I Officeholder name Oftice sought <.'. f 1"y (' (J\!r&ICtLOillce held -== 10_ b:�:�i�::.��J-.. �!i..e=::��: .. '1 ve�;�;,=�;}�.&... £L.A _�-� �=�:-.. _.�::�::;:�=--· ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF Tl-llS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED --------------·-------------·---- Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethlcs.srate.tx.us Revised 9/812015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees OHlce Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By Gi!VAwards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Olher (enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment 1 Total pages Schedule F1: ,; 4 Date /; / £> lS 2'V Iv 6 Amount($) � /0.{1tv 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH 012/20 I (fJ Amount ($) '�lc'3. ·10 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Cf /q /z or&> Amount($) ��52, cti1 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 )ER NAME . 'Q_'.:>i;;, \(. C. \rB'E\'2,A c-) IL 13 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 5 Payee name l3e:<;1 �7 \.) ·-i 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code a.)��-<f.C�-s A)Jf;:-L �.) e .• <27' -rx 772j�() (a) Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description FL/ f'l,I £"/ 12 ,,:'.\ ts I rJ (.,,_ -+ D Check if travel outside ofTexas. Complete Schedule T. {2,Ue>'Jr et<-F�s � D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Payee name /} �c� I t:L thvo f/2! ,-J /; lJ Gt Payee address; City; State; Zip Code /9 ti 2-1� 110(-( (,5, f')G 7784 0 Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description D Check if travel outside ofT exas. Complete Schedule T. f\C\ ,J(1t\J6------eF. ec:rv·17e D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Payee name \.)7- MA\e_k8T1 1\JL_ Payee address; City; State; Zip Code t-\ 00�> 'l ti t)i s1JJo (\� l'f cJ-{_\2LL.j)AL� .cl •. :> )--< "· ) l:::; fZz_i) 1) . 77'D '1 ''--- Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description Af/Vt::::1l.l1 .::::., ,Jc -b D Check ii travel outside of Texas. Complete Sch edule T. �K\ vJ \1 vJL<_ e D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense ��evs Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advert ising Expense Event Expense Loan RepaymenVReimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By Gi!VAwards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 4 Datf I q 1-./ zor� 6 Amount($) �0:b. � v 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Oath 9 22 l20Ji, Amount ($) 3°J4.&;o PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH /�//�011� Amount($) �3z0.1f PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 FILER NAME Ct \/(if2-(2_A-�J<fL 13 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) }� l?, 5 Payee name v or-r:1c� (\/l A-Y:., 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 11 Z � 1f::Mc:::, Ll'A){C _<:::_::> �-. c ,:> " Txr7?J<f0 (a) Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description ff l (\.)·-(, t\J� b-P�r0�'Sc3 Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name UL-111/l.t. kf:\1,Jc,., Payee address; City; State; Zip Code c;200 fL.f I 1 cJ/+i LLDA-G G """") ,,·) ft� ;::;;�·�M:;;;;;;;:,;i �r" � ··-'�S8 Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Uz /11/ /itf_ k �Tt ,J L( Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 0 Check II travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 0 Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought s�-� � le'. Description Office held /-J·<J<:J�'QJ r2.z.. i.1 /X, /701 'L 0 Check if travel outside o!Texas. Complete Schedule T. 0 Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held {-}-00.>�(0.J S2oo fVl I TcJ-!t?:lL-.DAL� ---�-r. �·fee F-z2v Ix 770�2"" Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description F-t} tJ fl /I/ ti / 11-!DVE/.! tC-51 n/ Lr 0 Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 0 Check if Austin, TX, ofticeholder living expense / /3Xr7G1l.5 � Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By GifVAwards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 4 Date !& J /0 ((? 20/if 6 Amount($) 41cs-o. o;J 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 FILER N�) - L-c cJ�r? A: \ (2._ 13 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) (. O)>� !-? 5 Payee name ( VLl7Ai0) R/2-'/410 J3zoPCA�c:;-Ji 1/\/k cc:> 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 2'fOV (?4,,e.L f-JD.t>GtC- (a) Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) /tfJ�/@-ftJ 1/if u e;,pcrJ.5 e Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Candidate I Officeholder name P::-v-1 y cSU !(€ ,_>t;tJD (b) Description (! 0. 1)<' 77 &c/D D Check if travel outside ofTexas. Complete Schedule T. D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held Description D Check if travel outside ofT exas. Complete Schedule T. D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held Description D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015