HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016V12375P125NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS:IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOUMAY REMOVE OR STRIKEANY OR ALLOF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONFROM ANY INSTRUMENT THATTRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REALPROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FORRECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS:YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ORYOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER,PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTDATE: November 13, 2014GRANTOR: BEN A. MATTHEWS and YVONNE D. MOLLGRANTOR'S MAILING ADDRESS: 2001 Amber Ridge DriveBrazos CountyCollege Station, Texas 77845GRANTEE: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXASGRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 9960Brazos CountyCollege Station, Texas 77842CONSIDERATION: Ten Dollars ($ 1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration.PROPERTY:All of those certain tracts or parcels of land, being Part 1 containing 5496 squarefeet of land, more or less, and Part 2 containing 16,274 square feet (0.374 acres) ofland, more or less, all lying and being situated in the MORGAN RECTORLEAGUE, Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being partsof that 24.935 acre tract conveyed to Ben A. Matthews and Yvonne D. Moll by deedrecorded in Volume 5649, Page 271, of the Official Records of Brazos County,Texas, said 5496 square feet of land and 16,274 square feet (0.374 acres) of landbeing more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a parthereof for all purposes.Page 10: \12 PROJECTS\Bee Creek Parailel Trunk Lme Project Phase !!\Maihews mid \-fo!I\form -public atiiit)' ea.wment.docx This conveyance shall grant the rights herein specified only as to that portion of the above-described Property more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "A" known as the"Easement Area/' and any additional area outside the Easement Area necessary to install andattach equipment, guy wires, and anchors necessary and incident to the uses of the EasementArea to erect, construct, install, and thereafter use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct,modify and remove the following:Electric transmission and distribution lines;Water lines and sanitary sewer lines, connecting lines,access facilities, and related equipment;Storm sewers and collection facilities;Television, telephone, and communications lines;Drainage ditches, drainage pipes and all otherdrainage structures, surface and subsurface;upon, over, and across the said Property as described and any ways, streets, roads, or alleysabutting same; and to cut, trim, and control the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in theeasement area or on adjoining property of Grantor, which might interfere with or threaten theoperation and maintenance of any public utility equipment, accessories, or operations. Tt beingunderstood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities placed upon said Property shallremain the property of Grantee.Grantor hereby expressly acknowledges that it is the owner of this property.Grantor expressly subordinates all rights of surface use, incident to the mineral estate owned byGrantor, to the above-described uses of said surface by Grantee. Grantor will provide Granteewith the names and addresses of all lenders, if any, and agrees to lender's subordinations onbehalf of Grantee, if any.RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS:1. Mineral Reservation in Deed from Alien Swoboda, Trustee to Haldec, Inc., dated April13, 1978, recorded in Volume 394, page 766, Deed Records ofBrazos County, Texas.2. Mineral Deed from Alien R. Swoboda, et al to Sandra C. Swoboda, dated January 29,1985, recorded in Volume 763, page 161, Official Records ofBrazos County, Texas; andamended by Stipulation of Interest and Cross-Conveyance dated September 9, 1991,recorded in Volume 1689, page 233, Official Records ofBrazos County, Texas.3. Mineral Reservation in Deed from Alien R. Swoboda to Ben A. Matthews, et al, datedOctober 3, 2003, recorded in Volume 5649, page 271, Official Records ofBrazosCounty, Texas.4. Estate created by Oil and Gas Lease from Alien R. Swoboda, Trustee to Central PlainsOil & Gas Corporation, dated September 9, 1991, recorded in Volume 1342, page 181,Official Records ofBrazos County, Texas; and amended by instruments recorded inPage 20:\l2 PROJECTS\Bee Creek Parallel Trunk Line Project Phase !!\Mat!iews and MoJl\fonn - public iitilil}' easement, d ocx Volume 1456, page 310 and Volume 2024, page 332, Official Records ofBrazos County,Texas.TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the rights and interests herein described unto the CITY OFCOLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, forever, and Grantor does herebybind themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend, all andsingular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and itssuccessors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, orany part thereof./-•"'"'I'"' ^ -,^--""^-7/- -^^*^^BEN A. MATTHEWS! / ^ . ^ \'-: v^ ^i^ .^L •:(_YVdENNE D. MOLLAPPROVED AS TO FORMTHIS DOCUMENT MAY NOTBE CHANGED WITHOUTRE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL.c^-u^City AttorneyPage 30; 1/2 PROJECTS\Bee Creek Parallel Trunk Line Project Phase II\Mafhews and Mo{{\form - pnbiic ntiHf)' cascmcnl.docx THE STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF BRAZOSACKNOWLEDGMENTThis instrument was acknowledged before me on this ^ day of Novemberby Ben A. Matthews._, 20^_,lanEefit^ii r— iinni^rimiitnWrffnEiiao iiririneEnffitiaim)]^^ LINDA MORGANK^T;') MY COMMISSION EXPIRESv&^ April 23,2017<.' / •. /^' •/ r ••i.L ;".. •- ; A s,_Notary Public inland for the State of TexasTHE STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF BRAZOSACKNOWLEDGMENTThis instrument was acknowledged before me on this i-5 day of^ovember^by Yvonne D. Moll.. 2014_,I^T^. LINDA MORGANICO^y MY COMMISSION EXPiRKJlt,^ April 23,2017^Wi^^wtfffLAimw.'^L^—/-( '^.Notary Public in an<^ for the State of TexasPREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF:City of College StationLegal DepartmentP.O. Box 9960College Station, TX 77842-9960AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO:City of College StationLegal DepartmentP.O. Box 9960College Station, TX 77842-9960Page 40:\! 2 PROJECTS\Bee Creek Parallel Tnmk Lim Project Phase H\Mathews and A'foH\fonn - public tttilit)'easement.docx EXHIBIT "A>Joe Orr, Inc.Surveyors & EngineersPost OfBce Box 11979College Station, TX 77842-1979(979)693-2777Proposed EasementsMatthews and Moll Tract'Morgan Rector league A~46College Station, Texas19 March 2013All of those certain tracts or paresls of land lying and bemg situated in the Morgan Rectorleague, abstract no. 46, m College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being parts of that. 24.935acre tract conveyed to-Ben A. Matthews and Yvonne D. Moll by deed recorded in volume5649, page 271 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, soid being moreparticularly described as followsCommencing at a 1/2" iron rod found at tlie most westerly comer of said 24.935 acre tract,also being ttie mo<it northerly comer of Lot 4, Block 1 of Emerald Parlc Plaza as described byplat recorded in volume 2609, page 241 of the OfScial Public Records ofBrazos County,Texas, from where the City of College Station GPS control monument no. 128 bear.s N31°35'OI"W"2363.4feetThence S 52° 46' 11" E - 73.87 feet, along ihe common line of said 24.935 acre tract and Lot4, to the most westeriy corner and Point of Beginning of this easement tract;Thence through said 24.935 acre tract along &e west lines of this easement tract as follows:N 45° 16' 41" E -142.25 feet to aa angle point;N 23° 05? 49" E - 186.26 feet to an angle point;N 38° 49'33"W " 25.28 feet to a west corner of this easement tract, in the southeastboundary of the Greenways Dedication Area of North Forest Subdivision ss described by platrecorded in volume 6005, page 130 of the Official Public Records ofBrazos County, Texas;Thence N 38° 24'' 23" E - 15.38 feet, along the southeast line of the said Nordi -ForestSubdivision, to the most nort.herly corner of this easement tract;Thence through said 24.935 acre tract along the east lines of this easement tract, 15.00 feeteast and parallel to the west lines, as follows:S 38° 49^ 33" E - 37.68 feet to an angle point;S 23° 05s 49" W - £98.20 feet to an angle point;S 45° 16s 41" W - 143,07 feet to the most southerly comer of this easement fcract mthe common line of said 24.935 acre tract and Lot 4;Thence N 52° 46" 11" W - 15.15 feet, along said common line, to the Point of Beginning andcontaining 5496 square feet of land more or less.Matthews and Moll tract-Easements Pegelof2 EXHIBIT "A"Beginning at a 5/8" iron rod found at die east comer of the North Forest Subdivision asdescribed by plat recorded in volume 6005, page 130 of tlie Official Public Records of Br^sosCounty, Texas, also bemg the south comer of North Forest Estates as described by platrecorded in volume 8640» page §2 of fee Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas,from where City of College Station GPS conbrol monument; no. 128 bears N 53° 20' 05M W2238.3 feetThence N 38° \T 03" E - 161.29 feet, along the southeast line of said North Forest Estates,passing a 1/2" iron rod with a red plastic cap stamped "SM KLING RPLS 2003" at 1503 feet,marldng the south common corner of Lot 13 and Common Area "A" in Block 1 of said NorthForest Estates, to an angle point in this easement tract;Thence N 50° 55) 38" E - 614/79 feet, through the said 24,935 acre tract and along &esoutheast line of ari'existing20 ffc. Sewer Easement recorded in volume 320, page 3^S of theDeed Records ofBraz;os Coimty, Texas, to 211 angle pom4Thence N 72° 28' 38" E - 589.32 feet, contimmg through the said 24.935 acre tract and alongthe southeast line of the said existing easement to the most northerly corner of this easemeuttract in the west right-of-way Ime of Appomattox Drive, as described by plat recorded involume 1581, page 323 of the Official Public Records ofBrazos County, Texas,Thence along the said right-of-way Ime cm-vitig to the right (clookwise), through a centralangle of 0° 11' 55" amd mdius of 2965.00 ibet, the chord of wHch bears S 4° 09' 30"E10.28 feet, to a comer of this easement tract;Thence S 72° 28' 38" W - 585.04 feet, through the said 24.935 acre tract, 10.00 feet southeastand parallel to tlie southeast Ime of said existing 20 ft. Sewer Easement, to an angle point;Thence S 50° 55' 38" W - 565.97 fe&t, continuing through the said 24.935 acre tract and10.00 feet southeast of the said existing easement, to an angle point;Thence S 38° 10) 36" V/ - 207.44 feet, continuing through the said 24.935 acre tract, to anglepoint;Thence S 53° 18' 18" W - 77.98 feet to the most westeriy comer of this easement tract m thesoutheast line of said North Forest Subdivision;Thence N 38° 18' 23" B - 77.88 feet, along said southeast line, to the Point ofBegmmng andcontaining 16,274 square feet (0.374 acres) of land more or less,Bearings are Texas State Plane, Ceatral Zone NAD83 (CORS)datum, based on City of College Station. GPS monuments no. 1and no. 128 (N 66° 15' 48" E).v (Q Gt"€c'^S^7^5et>fleBooB*ptttiCao(i&eooGfipCK>£-tK>c.'n'OSee survey plats dated March 2013. ^^gf T^ ^$%^A *t^sftc us^^^J^liMaithsws and MoU Iract - Eassmetits "^^^g^fS '^s^V^^S^.VOL,6005- PS. 1^0'<°G'-'^ ^ North Forest Subdivision / ^/^/'f/y/existing 10' P.U.E.s(plat) North Forest Business Park vol. 10533, pg. 44 / ^6^/^/sv'"5: s. /''^^/<^'y /£?/ A^-: Green waysDedication Area 2.434 acres(City property) S 38°49"53"E~37.68' GreenwaysDedication Area 2.512 acres(City property) N 35°49'33"W-25.28' "y/ i^7 & '/•'/• "^.,7w //^/^'^^r?//^ /^/-/^/••'^i/c//,Yr-; / '^ Bee Creek City of .Cflllg.ge Stetion 7.0^ocresvol. 4592;'-. pg. 215 1/2"lR/oop^"sftLJn 2001 ''H.P,MA1'0'"RRi-S' 50,45"^ //^/./~Proposed 15' Easement Part 1 - 5496 sq. -ft. ^f// S>' /0\^Sun/ey Note;City of CS GPS mon. no.'128bears N 31°35'0-!"W - 2363.4' from. Point of Commencement (P.O. C.) ..•/ 7 /'^^.^^&'"' \f^/>^' ^/.^ ^^1'A' y/^f/ /^ s/Easement Note; / The ecsemsnt granted to the City of/ / jBryon in vol. 144, pg. 93 does hot / g&• affect the Matthews and Moll tract. ,' _ /'/•//;' ,<? •'..^/' ^ •' Ben A. Matthews and Yvonne D. Moll 24.955 acres. vol. 5649, pg. 271 , JOB OKR, INC.5U& yEYORS & ENGWESS.SPast Office Box nS79Callegs StaUon. Texas 77642-1979(979)633-2777 joecrnnc@wnzvn.net WSLi/vfiyflig/TTffTflo, 10Q$f4-OQ^nQflev/insI!lrm M' ,^33 Proposed Easement — Part 1 Matthews and Motl Tract •Morgan Rector league A-46 ; College Station, Texas ^ ; Ft Bearings are TX State Piane, CentralZone NADS3(CORS) datum, bcsed on City of CS, GPS contra] monumentsno. 1 end no. 12B (N 6S°T5'48"E). AH existing easements may not beshown on this plat. See separate metes and bounds descriptions prspared with this piot. See Part 2 plats for additional notes regording existing eassmenf locations, CTxIX 03^ > / -/ -^•^/%^>? ^.. ,^'<^//^/^'^this section of the^W'" 'y^o ' proposed easement is^^&'J' 10.00' wide (parolleO t<b^-/:/'^S °,n^ con'tiguous with .^///-^ •^y/'^ <0 the existing sasems^t /-r -/ ./''.^'"^5/S"IR found at ,-^ ^ wood fe.ics corner^'//' 19.3> NW of proposed//' ^ eossment fNW line'l.^L ... .^Z^^'.^ /y ex, 10' Sewer Easement vol. 823, pg. 546, /,. 20' Sewer Easement f' vol. 320, pg, 368 j -\ Proposed Easemen-fc Pad 2 - 1.6,274 @q. ft/(0.374 acres) Emerald Phas s Block .J-OE ORR, ^N'C.SURyEYORS & ENGINEERSPos(Off<w_BW!1373Wlffge Station, Texas 77842-197S(97S) 593-2777 Joeorrim ©verecw.nef TX' Sun<)*ij; B-BII no, IWW-Tl/Er.yhcem? Fsaa as. F-<33 North Forsst Estates vol. 8640, pg. 82 existin9 20' Sewer Easement voi. 535. pg.\ u\^\\^existinQ P,U.Ey; found IP.O.B.North Forest Subdivision vol. 6005, pg. // //S 53a18'18"W-77.98' GreenwoysDedication Area 2.434 acres(City property) .y -1/2"tR/cop foundjct150.3''(from 5/8"1R)"S.M.XUMG RPLS 2003" / •/\/ '1^-S 38B10'56"W-207.4'4' -N 38°12'05"E-161.29.7 ^'..1 ^ //^/•a' / Easement .Note:The easement granted to the City vc Bryan in vol. 144, pg. 95 does not affect the Matthews and Mail tract, but it may "affect Emerald ForestPhase S and Phase Eight. £' /// N 58°18r25r'E-77.88' point on boundary fine of North Forest Subd'vsion Surrey Note:CJty of CS GP5 mon. no. 128bears N 55°20'C5"W - 2238.5' / from Point of Beginning (P.O.B.) •- SheeLJ of_2 ^/| Ben A. Matthews ^ ••' and Yvonne D. Moll 24.935 acrescf/ // / vol. 5649, pg. 271/ <&' March 2015 50 100 200 Ft Bearings are TX State Piane, CentralZone NADS^(CORS) dotum. bossd onCity of CS GPS control monumentsno; "; and no. 128 (N e6<s1S'48'>E:), proposed Easement — Part 2- ^^'s^9,^s^ntE may not be Matthews and Molf Tract i IMorgan Rector league A—46 College Station, Texas shown on this plat. See seporate metss'and boundsdescriptions prepared with this ptat. See sheet 2 for additional notesend the remainder of this plot ^.^'^- rax»—<^\ — tco 1-i > EXHIBIT "A"A= Oon'55"Rad,= 2965.00Ch.= 10,28^S 4°09'30"£)X Dnve70'R.O.W- (Ph°5e Ei9ht p10^Control Easementvol. 1566.4°56724;rE::247.5' between IRs—s—/^1--^-"^ ^>\ \ \\^ ;^'^ \\^r^ ^ \ ^.'to~~fl ^.0 \ \^ . 'V \<t-^. ^ .\°^v ^:\.\^.\it^-W'^w^ ^\ \iT'^\%%.%%.r^%\'\'^C-^'i \~vrl ^ l^~^ o1^'^< ^CT)(Dc^l°<y-n c^'\^\\r:^v"^\\^ \ \lc.) -\ \.'^. \\\^ \ :\'''\\\\\^\\ V'--* \ \\ \ a'\ \\ \ ~^\ \^. \ o.\ \•^w^\\^£i^^E o ,„ "•S^AS^\\ \^^&,^€^'^\