HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-3814 - Ordinance - 09/22/2016Ordinance No. _____ Page 3 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT “A” That Chapter 15, “Impact Fees” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: “Chapter 15 - IMPACT FEES Article I. Local Area Impact Fees. Sec. 15-1. - General provisions. A. Short title. Reserved. B. Purpose. This article is intended to assure the provision of adequate public facilities to serve new development in the City by requiring each development to pay its pro rata share of the costs of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. C. Authority. This article is adopted pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395, (S.B. 336) and pursuant to the College Station City Charter. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to limit the power of the City to utilize other methods authorized under State law or pursuant to other City powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this article. Guidelines may be developed by resolution or otherwise to implement and administer this article. D. Definitions. (1) Advisory Committee means the Planning and Zoning Commission or such committee as may be appointed by City Council to meet the requirements of Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code regarding impact fees. (2) Area-related facility means a capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan and which is not a site-related facility. Area-related facility may include a capital improvement which is located off-site, within, or on the perimeter of the development site. (3) Assessment means the determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit which can be imposed on new development pursuant to this Article. (4) Capital improvement means either a roadway facility, a water facility, a sanitary sewer facility or a drainage facility, with a life expectancy of three (3) or more years, to be owned and operated by or on behalf of the City. (5) City means the City of College Station, Texas. (6) Credit means the amount of the reduction of an impact fee for fees, payments or charges for the same type of capital improvements for which the fee has been assessed. (7) Facilities expansion means either a roadway expansion, a water facility expansion or a sanitary sewer facility expansion. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 4 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (8) Final plat approval or approval of a final plat means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval, and the plat has been released for filing with Brazos County. (9) Impact fee means either a fee for roadway facilities, a fee for water facilities, or a fee for sanitary sewer facilities imposed on new development by the City pursuant to this article in order to fund or recoup the costs of capital improvements or facilities expansions necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Impact fees do not include the dedication of rights-of -way or easements for such facilities, or the construction of such improvements. Impact fees also do not include pro rata charges or acreage charges for sanitary sewer improvements or front footage charges for sanitary sewer and water lines imposed pursuant to Section 11-3 of the utility chapter; or funds deposited in escrow for the construction of roadway improvements imposed pursuant to the subdivision chapter. (10) Impact fee capital improvements plan means either a roadway improvements plan, a water improvements plan or a sanitary sewer improvements plan adopted or revised pursuant to this article. Impact fee capital improvements plan may refer to either the plan for a particular service area or to the aggregation of capital improvements or facilities expansions and the associated costs programmed for all service areas for a particular category of capital improvements or facilities expansions. (11) Land use assumptions means the projections of population and employment growth and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities adopted by the City, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the impact fee capital improvements plans are based. (12) New development means a project involving the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure, or any use or extension of land, which has the effect of increasing the requirements for capital improvements or facility expansions, measured by the number of service units to be generated by such activity, and which requires either the approval and filing with Brazos County of a plat pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations, the issuance of a building permit, or connection to the City's water or sanitary sewer system. (13) Offset means the amount of the reduction of an impact fee designed to fairly reflect the value of area-related facilities or other roadway facilities pursuant to rules herein established or administrative guidelines, provided by a developer pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations or requirements. (14) Recoupment means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the City for capital improvements which the City has previously oversized to serve new development. (15) Roadway means any thoroughfare, major or minor arterials or collectors designated in the City's adopted Thoroughfare Plan, as may be amended from time to time. Roadway does not include any roadway designated as a numbered highway on the official federal or Texas highway system. (16) Roadway expansion means the expansion of the capacity or redesign of an existing roadway in the City, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing roadway to better serve existing development. (17) Roadway facility means an improvement or appurtenance to a roadway which includes, but is not limited to, design, rights-of-way, whether conveyed by deed or easement; intersection improvements; traffic control devices; turn lanes; drainage facilities 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 5 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx associated with the roadway; street lighting or curbs. Roadway facility also includes any improvement or appurtenance to an intersection with a roadway officially enumerated in the Federal or Texas Highway System. Roadway facility excludes those improvements or appurtenances to a roadway which are site-related facilities. (18) Roadway improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the roadway facilities or roadway expansions and their costs for each roadway benefit area, which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of roadway facilities fees pursuant to this article. (19) Service area means either a roadway benefit area, a water benefit area, or sanitary sewer benefit area within the City, within which impact fees for capital improvements or facilities expansions will be collected for new development occurring within such area and within which fees so collected will be expended for those types of improvements or expansions identified in the type of capital improvements plan applicable to the service area. (20) Service unit means the applicable standard units of measure shown on the conversion table in the Impact Fees Capital Improvements Plan which can be converted to living unit equivalents (L.U.E.) as set out in Exhibit B in the Capital Improvements Plan, as the context indicates, which serves as the standardized measure of consumption, use or generation attributable to the new unit of development. (21) Sanitary sewer facility means an improvement for providing sanitary sewer service, including, but not limited to, land or easements, treatment facilities, lift stations, or interceptor mains. Sanitary sewer facility excludes sanitary sewer lines or mains which are constructed by developers, the costs of which are reimbursed from pro rata charges paid by subsequent users of the facilities. Sanitary sewer facilities exclude site-related facilities. (22) Sanitary sewer facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing sanitary sewer improvement for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing sanitary sewer facility to serve existing development. (23) Sanitary sewer improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the sanitary sewer facilities or sanitary sewer expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, and which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of sanitary sewer facilities fees pursuant to this article. (24) Single-family residential lot means a lot platted to accommodate a single-family dwelling unit, as authorized under the City's zoning regulations. (25) Site-related facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of roadway, water or sanitary sewer facilities to serve the new development, and which is not included in the impact fees capital improvements plan and for which the developer or property owner is solely responsible under subdivision and other applicable regulations. (26) Water facility means an improvement for providing water service, including, but not limited to, land or easements, water treatment facilities, water supply facilities, water 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 6 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx transmission or distribution lines. Water facility excludes water lines or mains which are reimbursed from pro rata charges paid by subsequent users of the facilities. Water facility excludes site-related facilities. (27) Water facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing water facility for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing water facility to serve existing development. (28) Water improvement plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the water facilities or water expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed ten (10) years, and which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of water facilities fees pursuant to this article. E. Applicability. The provisions of this article apply to all new development, as defined herein, within the corporate boundaries of the City. The provisions of this article apply uniformly within each service area. F. Impact fee as condition of development approval. No application for new development shall be approved within the City without assessment of an impact fee pursuant to this article, and no permit shall be issued unless the applicant has paid the impact fee imposed by and calculated herein. G. Land use assumptions. (1) Land use assumptions for the City are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein by reference. (2) The land use assumptions for the City shall be updated at least every three (3) years, utilizing the amendment procedure set forth in subsection Q. (3) Amendments to the land use assumptions shall incorporate projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities and population therein over at least a ten-year period. H. Impact fees per service unit. (1) The maximum impact fee per service unit for each service area shall be computed by dividing the total costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to new development in the service area identified in the impact fee capital improvements plan for that category of capital improvements by the total number of service units anticipated within the service area, based upon the land use assumptions for that service area. Maximum impact fees per service unit for each service area shall be established by category of capital improvements and shall be as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and made a part of this article by reference. (2) The impact fee per service unit which is to be paid by each new development within a service area shall be that established by ordinance by the City Council, as may be amended from time to time, and shall be an amount less than or equal to the maximum impact fee per service unit established in paragraph (1) above. Impact fees which are to be paid shall be as set forth in Exhibit D, attached hereto and made a part of this Article by reference. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 7 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (3) Impact fee Exhibits C and D may be amended from time to time utilizing the amendment procedure set forth in subsection Q. I. Assessment of impact fees. Assessment of impact fees. (1) The approval of any new development shall include as a condition the assessment of the impact fee applicable to such development. (2) Assessment of the impact fee for any new development shall be made as follows: (Ordinance No. 1972 of August 27, 1992) (a) A development which is submitted for approval pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations following the effective date of this article, assessment shall be at the time of final plat approval for R Rural, E Estate, RS Restricted Suburban, GS General Suburban, D Duplex, T Townhouse, R-4 Apartment/Low Density, R-5 Apartment Medium Density, R-6 Apartment High Density, and R-7 Mobile Home Park and assessment for all other Zoning Districts shall be at the time of issuance of the building permit, and shall be the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit then in effect, as set forth in Exhibit C, as computed by the procedures set forth in Subsection H(1). The City, in its sole discretion, may provide the subdivider with a copy of Exhibit C prior to final plat approval, but such shall not constitute assessment within the meaning of this article. (b) For a development which has received final plat approval prior to the effective date of this article and for which no replatting is necessary prior to issuance for a permit, assessment shall be on the effective date of this ordinance, and shall be the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit set forth in Exhibit C. (c) For land on which new development is approved to occur without platting after the effective date of this article, assessment shall be at the time of issuance of a permit for connection to the water or sewer system. (3) Following assessment of the impact fee pursuant to paragraph (2)(b) above, the amount of the impact fee per service unit for that development cannot be increased, unless the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new application for final plat approval, in which case new assessment shall occur at the Exhibit C rate then in effect. (4) Following the lapse or expiration of approval for a plat, a new assessment must be performed at the time a new application for such development is filed. (5) An application for an amending plat made pursuant to V.T.C.S., Local Government Code, Section 212.016 is not subject to reassessment for an impact fee. (Ordinance No. 1972 of August 27,1992) J. Computation and collection of impact fees. (1) The impact fees due for the new development shall be collected prior to or at the time of final plat recordation for roadway facilities, water and sanitary sewer facilities unless an agreement between the developer and the City has been executed providing for a different time of payment. (Ordinance No. 2213 of October 10. 1996) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 8 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (2) The impact fees due for land on which new development occurs or is proposed to occur without platting, impact fees shall be collected at the time of issuance of a permit for connection to the water or sewer system. (3) Following the filing and acceptance of an application for a building permit or the request for connection to the City's water or sanitary sewer system, the City shall compute the impact fees due for the new development in the following manner. (a) The amount of each impact fee due shall be determined by multiplying the number of service units generated by the new development by the impact fee due per service unit for the service area using Exhibit D. The number of service units shall be determined by using the conversion table contained in the impact fee capital improvements plan. (b) The amount of each impact fee due shall be reduced by an allowable offsets or credits for that category of capital improvements, in the manner provided in subsection L. (c) The total amount of the impact fees due for the new development shall be calculated and attached to the development application or request for connection as a condition of approval. (4) The amount of each impact fee due for a new development shall not exceed an amount computed by multiplying the fee assessed per service unit pursuant to subsection H by the number of service units generated by the development. (5) If the building permit for which an impact fee has been paid has expired, and a new application is thereafter filed, the impact fees due shall be computed using Exhibit D then in effect, with credits for previous payment of fees being applied against the new fees due. (6) Whenever the property owner proposes to increase the number of service units for a development, the additional impact fees collected for such new service units shall be determined by using Exhibit D then in effect and such additional fee shall be collected either prior to or at the time of issuance of a new building permit, in the case of impact fees for roadway facilities, or prior to or at the time of enlargement of the connection to the City's water or sanitary sewer system, in the case of impact fees for water or sanitary sewer facilities. (7) In its sole discretion, the City may permit the developer or property owner, upon written application, to pay impact fees for all or a portion of a single-family residential lots at the time of final plat recording for such development, in the amounts provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection. K. Suspension of fee collection. (1) For any new development which has received final plat approval prior to August 27, 1992, in accordance with Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 212, or pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations, the City may assess, but shall not collect any impact fee as herein defined, on any service unit for which a valid building permit is issued within one (1) year subsequent to the effective date of this Article. (2) If the building permit, which is obtained within the period provided for in paragraph (1) above, subsequently expires, and no new application is made and approved within such period, the new development shall be subject to the payment of an impact fee, as provided in subsection J. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 9 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (3) During such one (1) year period, the City may impose and collect on such new development pro rata fees including lot or acreage fees for sanitary sewer improvements pursuant or front footage charges for sanitary sewer and water lines which have been previously installed by the City pursuant to Section 11-3 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended, and may accept deposits in escrow for roadway facilities pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations. After the expiration of such period, collection of all such fees, charges or deposits in escrow, unless elsewhere expressly authorized, shall be suspended and fees shall be collected for such new developments pursuant to the provisions of this article. L. Offsets and credits against impact fees. (1) The City shall offset the reasonable value of any area-related facilities or other roadway facilities, pursuant to rules established in this section or pursuant to guidelines and which have been dedicated to and have been received after initial acceptance by the City on or after August 27, 1992, including the value of rights-of-way for roadways, or capital improvements constructed pursuant to an agreement with the City, against the amount of the impact fee due for that category of capital improvement. (2) The City shall credit pro rata charges, including lot or acreage fees or charges, which have been paid pursuant to Section 11-3 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended, and eligible escrow fees deposited for roadway facilities prior to the effective date of this article, and during the one-year period following adoption of this ordinance, during which impact fees established herein may not be collected for certain new developments pursuant to subsection K., against the amount of an impact fee due for that category of capital improvement, subject to guidelines established for the City. (3) All offsets and credits against impact fees shall be subject to the following limitations and shall be granted based on this ordinance and additional standards promulgated by the City, which may be adopted as administrative guidelines. (a) No offset or credit shall be given for the dedication or construction of site related facilities. (b) No offset or credit shall exceed an amount equal to the eligible value of the offset multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the impact fee per service unit due for the new development as computed using Exhibit D and the denominator of which is the maximum impact fee per service unit for the new development as computed using Exhibit C. (c) The unit costs used to calculate the offsets shall not exceed those assumed for the capital improvements included in the impact fees capital improvements plan for the category of facility within the service area for which the impact fee is imposed. (d) No offsets shall be given for roadway facilities which are not identified within the applicable impact fees capital improvements plan, except that offsets may be given for the value of dedicated rights-of-way or the value of constructed capital improvements for roadways designated in the City's Thoroughfare Plan built to City standards and initially accepted by the City. Offsets may only be given for dedications or construction made and initially accepted after January 1, 1984. (e) No credit shall be given for roadway facilities which are not identified within the applicable impact fees capital improvements plan, except that credit may be given for money deposits (other than impact fees) paid to the City toward the costs of rights-of-way or the costs of construction capital improvements for eligible roadways 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 10 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx designated in the City's Thoroughfare Development Plan built to City standards and initially accepted by the City. Credit may only be given for rights-of-way acquired or construction completed and initially accepted by the City. Credit may only be given for rights-of-way acquired or construction completed and initially accepted after January 1, 1984. (f) Offsets or credits given for new developments which have received final plat approval prior to the effective date of this article, or offsets or credits acquired for new developments during the one (1) year period specified in subsection K., shall be reduced by subtracting an amount equal to the impact fees which would have been due for the number of existing service units using Exhibit D adopted hereby. (g) If an offset or credit applicable to a plat has not been exhausted within ten (10) years from the date of the acquisition of the first building permit issued or connection made after the effective date of this ordinance or within such period as may be otherwise designated by contract, such offset or credit shall lapse. (h) In no event will the City reimburse the property owner or developer for an offset or credit when no impact fees for the new development can be collected pursuant to this article or for any amount exceeding the total impact fees due for the development for that category of capital improvement, unless otherwise agreed to by the City. (4) An applicant for new development must apply for an offset or credit against impact fees due for the development either at the time of application for final plat approval or (1) for roadway fees, at the time of building permit application, and (2) for water and sewer fees, at the time of connection, unless the City agrees to a different time. The applicant shall file a petition for offsets or credits with the City on a fort provided for such purpose. The contents of the petition shall be established by administrative guidelines. The City must provide the applicant, in writing, with a decision on the offset or credit request, including the reasons for the decision. The decision shall specify the maximum value of the offset or credit which may be applied against an impact fee, which amount and the date of the determination shall be associated with the plat for the new development. (5) The available offset or credit associated with the plat shall be. applied against an impact fee in the following manner. (a) For single-family residential lots in a new development consisting only of single- family residential lots which have received final plat approval, such offset or credit shall be prorated equally among such lots and shall remain applicable to such lots, to be applied at the time of filing and acceptance of an application for a building permit or connection, as appropriate against impact fees due. (b) For all other types of new development, including those involving mixed uses, which have received final plat approval, the offset or credit applicable to the plat shall be applied to the impact fee due at the time of issuance of the first building permit or connection to which the offset or credit is applicable, and thereafter to all subsequently issued building permits or connections, until the offset or credit has been exhausted. (c) At its sole discretion, the City may authorize alternative credit or offset agreements upon petition by the owner in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the City. M. Establishment of accounts. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 11 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (1) The City's Fiscal Services Department shall establish an account to which interest is allocated for each service area for each category of capital facility for which an impact fee is imposed pursuant to this article. Each impact fee collected within the service area shall be deposited in such account. (2) Interest earned on the account into which the impact fees are deposited shall be considered funds of the account and shall be used solely for the purposes authorized in subsection N. (3) The City's Fiscal Services Department shall establish adequate financial and accounting controls to ensure that impact fees disbursed from the account are utilized solely for the purposes authorized in subsection N. Disbursement of funds shall be authorized by the City at such times as are reasonably necessary to cant' out the purposes and intent of this article, provided, however, that any fee paid shall be expended within a reasonable period of time, but not to exceed ten (10) years from the date the fee is deposited into the account. (4) The City's Fiscal Services Department shall maintain and keep financial records for impact fees, which shall show the source and disbursement of all fees collected in or expended from each service area. The records of the account into which impact fees are deposited shall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. The City may establish a fee for copying services. (5) The City’s Fiscal Services Department shall maintain and keep adequate financial records for said account which shall show the source and disbursement of all funds placed in or expended by such account. N. Use of proceeds of impact fee accounts. (1) The impact fees collected for each service area pursuant to this article may be used to finance or to recoup the costs of any capital improvements or facilities expansions identified in the applicable impact fee capital improvements plan for the service area, including the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees, land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney's fees, and expert witness fees), and the fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the impact fee capital improvements plan who is not an employee of the political subdivision. Impact fees may also be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other finance costs on bonds, notes or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the City to finance such capital improvements or facilities expansions. (2) Impact fees collected pursuant to this article shall not be used to pay for any of the following expenses: (a) Construction, acquisition or expansion of capital improvements or assets other than those identified in the applicable impact fee capital improvements plan; (b) Repair, operation, or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements or facilities expansions; (c) Upgrading, expanding or replacing existing capital improvements to serve existing development in order to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental or regulatory standards; (d) Upgrading, expanding or replacing existing capital improvements to provide better service to existing development; provided, however, that impact fees may be used to pay the costs of upgrading, expanding or replacing existing capital improvements 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 12 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx in order to meet the need for new capital improvements generated by new development; (e) Administrative and operating costs of the City; or (f) Roadway facilities or roadway expansions in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. (g) In the event that a capital improvement or facility expansion involves more than one (1) service area for a particular category of capital improvement, funds from each service area involved may be pooled to finance the project; provided, however, that in the event the funds expended from any service area exceed the proportionate share of the costs of the facilities attributable to the development in such service area, such account shall be credited in the amount exceeding such share, to be repaid from impact fee proceeds collected in other contributing service areas. O. Appeals. (1) The property owner or applicant for new development may appeal the following decisions to the City Council: (1) applicability of an impact fee to the development; (2) the amount of the impact fee due; (3) the availability or the amount of an offset or credit; (4) the application of an offset or credit against any impact fee due; (5) the amount of a refund due, if any. (2) The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the amount of the fee or the amount of the offset or credit was not calculated according to the applicable schedule of impact fees or the guidelines established for determining offsets and credits. (3) The appellant must file a notice of appeal with the City Secretary within thirty (30) days following the decision. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a bond or other sufficient surety satisfactory to the City Attorney in an amount equal to the original determination of the impact fee due, the development application may be processed while the appeal is pending. P. Refunds. (1) Any impact fee or portion thereof collected pursuant to this Article, which has not been expended within the service area within ten (10) years from the date of payment, shall be refunded, upon application, to the record owner of the property at the time the refund is paid or, if the impact fee was paid by another governmental entity, to such governmental entity, together with interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in Article 1.03, Title 79, Revised Statutes (Article 5069-1.03, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or any successor statute. (2) An impact fee collected pursuant to this article shall be considered expended if the total expenditures for capital improvements or facilities expansions authorized in subsection N. within the service area within ten (10) years following the date of payment exceeds the total fees collected for such improvements or expansions during such period. (3) If a refund is due pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) above, the City shall pro-rate the same by dividing the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the fees collected by the total number of service units assumed within the service area for the period to determine the refund due per service unit. The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying the refund due per service unit by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 13 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (4) Upon completion of all the capital improvements or facilities expansions identified in the impact fee capital improvements plan for the service area, the City shall recalculate the maximum impact fee per service unit using the actual costs for the improvements or expansions. If the maximum impact fee per service unit based on actual cost is less than the impact fee per service unit paid, the City shall refund the difference, if. such difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than ten (10) percent (1096). The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying such difference by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. (5) If the building permit for a new development for which an impact fee has been paid has expired, and a modified or new application has not been filed within six (6) months of such expiration, the City shall, upon written application, refund the amount of the impact fee to the applicant. The City may establish guidelines for refunding of impact fees collected for which construction plans have been abandoned. Q. Updates to plan and revision of fees. (1) The City shall update its land use assumptions and impact fees capital improvements plans and shall recalculate its impact fees not less than once every five (5) years in accordance with the procedures set forth in Texas Local Government Code Section 395.052, or in any successor statute. (2) The City may review its land use assumptions, impact fee capital improvements plans, and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than provided in paragraph (1) above to determine whether the land use assumptions and impact fee capital improvements plans should be updated and the impact fee recalculated accordingly, or whether Exhibit D collection rates should be increased, decreased, or otherwise changed. R. Functions of Advisory Committee. (1) The Advisory Committee shall perform the following functions: (a) Advise and assist the City in adopting land use assumptions; (b) Review the impact fee capital improvements plans and file written comments thereon; (c) Monitor and evaluate implementation of the impact fee capital improvements plans; (d) Advise the City of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, impact fee capital improvements plans and impact fees; and file a semiannual report evaluating the progress of the City in achieving the impact fee capital improvements plans and identifying any problems in implementing the plans or administering the impact fees. (2) The City Council shall adopt, by resolution, procedural rules by which the Advisory Committee may carry out its duties. (3) The City shall make available to the Advisory Committee any professional reports prepared in the development or implementation of the impact fee capital improvements plans. S. Agreement for capital improvements. (1) An owner of a new development may construct or finance a capital improvement or facility expansion designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan, if required or 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 14 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx authorized by the City, by entering into an agreement with the City prior to the issuance of any building permit for the development. The agreement shall be on a form approved by the City, and shall identify the estimated cost of the improvement or expansion, the schedule for initiation and completion of the improvement or expansion, a requirement that the improvement be designed and completed to City standards and such other terms and conditions as deemed necessary by the City. The agreement shall provide for the method to be used to determine the amount of the offset to be given against impact fees due for the development. (2) In the event that the City elects to reimburse an owner for the dedication, construction or financing of a capital improvement or facility expansion designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan, the terms of reimbursement shall be incorporated in the agreement required by paragraph (1) above. T. Use of other financing mechanisms. (1) The City may finance capital improvements or facilities expansions designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan through the issuance of bonds, through the formation of public improvement districts or other assessment districts, or through any other authorized mechanism, in such manner and subject to such limitations as may be provided by law, in addition to the use of impact fees. (2) Except as herein otherwise provided, the assessment and collection of an impact fee shall be additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment which is lawfully imposed on and due against the property. (3) The City may pay all or part of impact fees due for a new development taking into account available offsets and credits pursuant to duly adopted criteria. U. Impact fee as additional and supplemental regulation. Impact fees established by this article are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development of land or the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy. Such fee is intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of City's Comprehensive Plan, the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and other City policies, ordinances and resolutions by which the City seeks to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land. V. Relief procedures. (1) Any person who has paid an impact fee or an owner of land upon which an impact fee has been paid may petition the City Council to determine whether any duty required by this ordinance has not been performed within the time so prescribed. The petition shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the unperformed duty and request that the act be performed within sixty (60) days of the request. If the City Council determines that the duty is required pursuant to the ordinance and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duty to commence with sixty (60) days of the date of the request and to continue until completion. (2) The City Council may grant a variance or waiver from any requirement of this ordinance, upon written request by a developer or owner of property subject to the ordinance, following a public hearing, and only upon finding that a strict application of such requirement would when regarded as a whole result in confiscation of the property. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 15 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (3) The City Council may grant a waiver from any requirement of this ordinance on other grounds, as may be set forth in administrative guidelines. (4) If the City Council grants a variance or waiver to the amount of the impact fee due for a new development under this section, it shall cause to be appropriated from other City funds the amount of the reduction in the impact fee to the account for the service area in which the property is located. W. Exemption from ordinance. Any building permit application which was duly accepted for filing prior to the effective date of this article and which is subsequently granted, shall be exempt from the assessment and payment of an impact fee, unless such application thereafter expires. (Ord. No. 2013-3521, Pt. 1(Exh. T), 9-12-2013; Ord. No. 2016-3750, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 2-11-2016) Sec. 15-2. - Roadway facilities fees (reserved). (Ordinance No. 1972 of August 27, 1992) Sec. 15-3. - Water facilities fees. A. Water service area. (1) There is hereby established a water benefit area, constituting the Service Area as depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (2) The boundaries of the water benefit area may be amended from time to time and new water benefit areas may be delineated, pursuant to the procedures in Section 15-1, subsection Q. B. Water improvements plan. (1) The Water Improvements Plan for the Service Area is hereby adopted as Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. (2) The Water Improvements Plan may be amended from time to time, pursuant to the procedures in Section 13-1, subsection Q. C. Water facilities fees. (1) The maximum impact fees per service unit for water facilities are hereby adopted and incorporated in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. (2) The impact fees per service unit for water facilities, which are to be paid by each new development, are hereby adopted and incorporated in Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. (3) The impact fees per service unit for water facilities may be amended from time to time, pursuant to the procedures in Section 15-1, Subsection Q. (Ordinance No. 2385 of April 22, 1999) Sec. 15-4. - Sewer facilities fees. A. Sanitary sewer service area. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 16 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (1) There is hereby established a sanitary sewer benefit area, constituting the Service Area as depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (2) The boundaries of the sanitary sewer benefit area may be amended from time to time, and new sanitary sewer benefit areas may be delineated, pursuant to the procedures in Section 15-1, subsection Q. B. Sanitary sewer improvements plan. (1) The Sanitary Sewer Improvements Plan for the Service Area is hereby adopted as Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. (2) The Sanitary Sewer Improvements Plan may be amended from time to time, pursuant to the procedures in Section 15-1, subsection Q. C. Sanitary sewer facilities fees. (1) The maximum impact fees per service unit for sanitary sewer facilities are hereby adopted and incorporated in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. (2) The impact fees per service unit for sanitary sewer facilities, which are to be paid by each new development, are hereby adopted and incorporated in Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. (3) The impact fees per service unit for sewer facilities may be amended from time to time, pursuant to the procedures in Section 15-1, subsection Q. Sec. 15-5. - Drainage facilities fees (reserved). (Ordinance No. 1972 of August 27, 1992) NOTE: SEE: Resolution No. 12-11-97-6-b approved by Council on December 12, 1997, adopting land use assumptions, capital improvements, and sanitary sewer impact fees for Service Area 97-01 (Pebble Hills/Greens Prairie Road area). SEE: Resolution No. 12-11-97-6-c approved by Council on December 12, 1997, adopting land use assumption, capital improvements and sanitary sewer impact fees for Service Area 97-02 (Lick Creek/Nantucket area). SEE: Resolution No. 7-22-99-3.3 approved by Council on April 22, 1999, adopting land use assumption, capital improvements and sanitary sewer impact fees for Service Area 99-01 (along northeastern right-of-way of S.H. 6). 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 17 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT A: LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Figure 2-1: Impact Fee Service Areas (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-1A POPULATION AND LAND USE PROJECTIONS FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Land Use 2013 2023 Full Buildout ACRES % ACRES % ACRES % Business Park 15.2 3.02% 20.5 4.07% 24.3 4.81% General Suburban 196.6 38.93% 196.8 38.97% 196.9 38.99% Institutional/Public 38.3 7.58% 38.3 7.58% 38.3 7.58% Medical Use 0.0 0.00% 8.8 1.75% 15.0 2.97% Natural Areas - Protected 0.0 0.00% 15.9 3.15% 27.0 5.35% 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 18 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Natural Areas - Reserved 0.0 0.00% 4.0 0.79% 6.8 1.35% Neighborhood Conservation 15.2 3.01% 15.3 3.02% 15.3 3.03% Suburban Commercial 66.6 13.19% 70.8 14.02% 73.7 14.59% Urban 16.9 3.35% 16.9 3.35% 16.9 3.35% Right-of-Way 90.8 17.99% 90.8 17.99% 90.8 17.99% Subtotal Developed Land Uses 439.7 87.06% 478.1 94.67% 505.0 100.00% Undeveloped 65.3 12.94% 26.9 5.33% 0.0 0.00% TOTAL GROSS ACRES 505.0 100.00% 505.0 100.0% 505.0 100.00% Population 2,725 2,725 2,725 Population per Urban Acres 6.20 5.70 5.40 Population per Total Acres 5.40 5.40 5.40 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Impact Fee Update 92.01 Graham Rd. Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 9 3).xlsx. Assumes full buildout by 2030, Per Jennifer Prochazka, 8 30 2013. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 19 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Figure 2-3: Future Land Uses, Graham Road Sewer (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-1B POPULATION AND LAND USE PROJECTIONS FOR AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Land Use 2013 2023 Full Buildout ACRES % ACRES % ACRES % Estate 112.7 4.70% 113.7 4.74% 117.8 4.91% General Commercial 37.9 1.58% 42.4 1.77% 60.3 2.52% General Suburban 296.1 12.35% 307.4 12.82% 352.5 14.71% Institutional/Public 70.0 2.92% 70.7 2.95% 73.6 3.07% Medical 0.0 0.00% 17.1 0.71% 85.7 3.58% Natural Areas - Protected 0.0. 0.00% 21.4 0.89% 107.2 4.47% 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 20 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Natural Areas - Reserved 0.0 0.00% 53.4 2.23% 267.6 11.16% Restricted Suburban 261.7 10.92% 319.0 13.31% 548.6 22.89% Suburban Commercial 31.1 1.30% 36.2 1.51% 56.7 2.37% Urban 38.6 1.61% 84.1 3.51% 266.4 11.11% Utilities 1.3 0.05% 1.3 0.05% 1.3 0.05% Village Center 0.0 0.00% 12.3 0.51% 61.5 2.57% Right-of-Way 394.0 16.44% 394.0 16.44% 394.0 16.44% Subtotal Developed Land Uses 1,243.4 51.87% 1,473.0 61.45% 2,393.2 99.84% Undeveloped 1,153.6 48.13% 924.0 38.55% 3.8 0.16% TOTAL GROSS ACRES 2,397.0 100.00% 2,397.0 100.00% 2,397.0 100.00% Population 5,193 6,525 11,864 Population per Urban Acres 4.18 4.43 4.96 Population per Total Acres 2.17 2.72 4.95 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 97 01 Springcreek Wastewater (Template from Staff 4013 8 30).xlsx (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 21 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Figure 2-5: Future Land Uses, Spring Creek Sewer Line (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-1C POPULATION AND LAND USE PROJECTIONS FOR AREA 97-01B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Land Use 2013 2023 Full Buildout ACRES % ACRES % ACRES % Business Park 1.2 0.16% 13.8 1.83% 24.1 3.20% Estate 0.0 0.00% 3.0 0.40% 5.4 0.72% General Suburban 6.0 0.80% 132.9 17.68% 236.7 31.48% Natural Areas - Protected 0.0 0.00% 2.4 0.32% 4.4 0.59% Natural Areas - Reserved 0.0 0.00% 64.5 8.58% 117.3 15.60% Restricted Suburban 28.9 3.84% 92.1 12.24% 143.7 19.11% 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 22 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Rural 0.2 0.03% 0.2 0.03% 0.2 0.03% Suburban Commercial 0.0 0.00% 0.1 0.01% 0.2 0.03% Urban 55.4 7.37% 75.8 10.07% 92.4 12.29% Utilities 9.7 1.29% 9.7 1.29% 9.7 1.29% Right-of-Way 107.1 14.24% 107.1 14.24% 107.1 14.24% Subtotal Developed Land Uses 208.5 27.73% 501.6 66.70% 741.2 98.57% Undeveloped 543.5 72.27% 250.4 33.30% 10.8 1.43% TOTAL GROSS ACRES 752.0 100.00% 752.0 100.00% 752.0 100.00% Population 183 2,306 4,042 Population per Urban Acres 0.88 4.60 5.45 Population per Total Acres 0.24 3.07 5.38 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 97 02B Alum Creek Wastewater (Template from Staff 213 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 23 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Figure 2-7: Future Land Uses, Alum Creek Sewer Line (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-1D POPULATION AND LAND USE PROJECTIONS FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE WATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Land Use 2013 2023 Full Buildout ACRES % ACRES % ACRES % General Commercial 8.0 5.16% 9.2 5.94% 23.0 14.84% General Suburban 0.0 0.00% 0.2 0.15% 0.6 0.39% Medical Use 12.9 8.32% 19.6 12.65% 49.0 31.61% Natural Area - Reserved 0.0 0.00% 5.1 3.28% 12.7 8.19% Suburban Commercial 1.0 0.65% 26.3 16.98% 65.8 42.45% Right-of-Way 3.9 2.52% 3.9 2.52% 3.9 2.52% Subtotal Developed Land Use 25.8 16.65% 64.3 41.51% 155.0 100.00% 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 24 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Undeveloped 129.2 83.35% 90.7 58.49% 0.0 0.00% TOTAL GROSS ACRES 155.0 100.00% 155.0 100.00% 155.0 100.00% Population 0 0 0 Population per Urban Acres 0.00 0.00 0 Population per Total Acres 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source: City of College Station Impact Fee Update 99 01 Harley Water Line (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) Figure 2-9: Future Land Uses, Harley Water Line (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-1E POPULATION AND LAND USE PROJECTIONS FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPLECHASE WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 25 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Land Use 2013 2023 Full Buildout ACRES % ACRES % ACRES % Business park 0.2 0.03% 12.4 1.60% 23.6 3.05% Estate 0.0 0.03% 0.1 0.02% 0.1 0.01% General Suburban 74.1 9.57% 151.6 19.58% 222.8 28.78% Restricted Suburban 8.1 1.05% 68.4 8.84% 123.9 16.00% Rural 0.1 0.01% 0.3 0.03% 0.4 0.05% Suburban Commercial 14.3 1.85% 17.3 2.24% 20.1 2.60% Urban 76.8 9.92% 198.0 25.57% 309.4 39.96% Right-of-Way 74.0 9.56% 74.0 9.56% 74.0 9.56% Subtotal Developed Land Uses 247.6 31.98% 522.1 67.43% 774.3 100.00% Undeveloped 526.7 68.02% 252.2 32.57% 0.0 0.00% TOTAL GROSS ACRES 774.3 100.00% 774.3 100.00% 774.3 100.00% Population 911 8,259 15,016 Population per Urban Acres 3.68 15.82 19.39 Population per Total Acres 1.18 10.67 19.39 Source: City of College Station 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 03 02 Steeplechase Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 26 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Figure 2-11: Future Land Uses, Steeplechase Sewer Line (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. A), 11-14-2013) EXHIBIT B: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAMS Table 2-2 CAPACITY DEMAND FOR EACH NEW LUE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AREA BASIS CAPACITY PER LUE FOR WATER/SEWER LINES Area 92-01 Graham Road Sewer Line Peak Day 1,068 gallons daily Area 97-01 Spring Creek Sewer Line Peak Day 1,068 gallons daily Area 97-02B Alum Creek Sewer Line Peak Day 1,068 gallons daily Area 99-01 Harley Water Line Peak Day 668 gallons daily Area 03-02 Steeplechase Sewer Line Peak Day 1,068 gallons daily SOURCE: College Station City Staff. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 27 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Table 2-3 CONVERSION OF LAND USES TO LIVING UNITS EQUIVALENT CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND USE LUEs PER ACRE (a) Water Sewer Harley Graham Spring Crk Alum Crk Steeplechase Business Park 2.00 2.00 2.00 Estate 1.00 1.00 1.00 General Commercial 5.50 5.50 General Suburban 8.00 6.97 6.97 8.00 Institutional/Public 2.50 2.50 Medical 5.55 5.55 5.50 Natural Areas - Protected Natural Areas - Reserved Neighborhood Conservation 4.00 Restricted Suburban 4.00 4.11 4.00 Rural 0.33 0.33 Suburban Commercial 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 Urban 5.92 5.92 20.00 Utilities Village Center 35.00 Reserved from Development 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 28 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Right-of-Way Undeveloped Sources: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 97 01 Springcreek Wastewater (Template from Staff 4013 8 30).xlsx; College Station Impact Fee Update 92 01 Graham Rd Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 9 3).xlsx; College Station Impact Fee Update 03 02 Steeplechase Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx; College Station Impact Fee Update 99 01 Harley Water Line (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx; and College Station Impact Fee Update 97 02B Alum Creek Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. Not all uses are found in all areas. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) Table 2-4 LUE EQUIVALENCIES FOR VARIOUS TYPES AND SIZES OF WATER METERS METER TYPE METER SIZE CONTINUOUS DUTY MAXIMUM RATE (gpm) RATIO TO 5/8" METER SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 10 1.000 SIMPLE ¾" 15 1.000 SIMPLE 1" 25 2.500 SIMPLE 1½" 50 5.000 SIMPLE 2" 80 8.000 COMPOUND 2" 80 8.000 TURBINE 2" 100 10.000 COMPOUND 3" 160 16.000 TURBINE 3" 240 24.000 COMPOUND 4" 250 25.000 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 29 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TURBINE 4" 420 42.000 COMPOUND 6" 500 50.000 TURBINE 6" 920 92.000 COMPOUND 8" 800 80.000 TURBINE 8" 1600 160.000 COMPOUND 10" 1150 115.000 TURBINE 10" 2500 250.000 TURBINE 12" 3300 330.000 SOURCE: AWWA Standards C700, C701, C702, C703. By policy, a ¾" meter will be charged for one LUE of service. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-5A ESTIMATION OF LIVING UNITS EQUIVALENT FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND USE LUEs PER ACRE (a) ESTIMATE LUEs 2013 2023 Buildout Business Park 2.00 30 41 49 General Suburban 8.00 1,000 1,001 1,002 Institution/Public 2.50 95 95 96 Medical Use 5.55 0 25 30 Natural Areas - Protected 0.00 0 0 0 Natural Areas - Reserved 0.00 1 1 1 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 30 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Neighborhood Conservation 4.00 47 47 47 Suburban Commercial 4.55 241 260 317 Urban 0.00 168 168 168 Right-of-Way 0.00 0 0 0 Undeveloped 0.00 0 0 0 Totals 1,582 1,638 1,710 Population per LUE 1.72 1.66 1.59 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 92 01 Graham Rd. Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 9 3).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-5B ESTIMATION OF LIVING UNITS EQUIVALENT FOR AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND USE LUEs PER ACRE (a) ESTIMATE LUEs 2013 2023 Buildout Estate 1.00 35 36 40 General Commercial 5.50 208 233 332 General Suburban 6.97 1,129 1,207 1,580 Institutional/Public 2.50 175 177 184 Medical 5.50 0 94 171 Natural Areas - Protected 0.00 0 0 0 Natural Areas - Reserved 0.00 0 0 0 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 31 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Restricted Suburban 4.00 1,052 1,281 2,200 Suburban Commercial 4.55 21 44 279 Urban 5.92 84 353 1,626 Utilities 0.00 0 0 0 Village Center 35.00 0 430 2,153 Right-of-Way 0.00 0 0 0 Undeveloped 0.00 0 0 0 Totals 2,704 3,855 8,565 Population per LUE 1.92 1.69 1.39 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 97 01 Springcreek Wastewater (Template from Staff 4013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-5C ESTIMATION OF LIVING UNITS EQUIVALENT FOR AREA 97-02B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND USE LUEs PER ACRE (a) ESTIMATE LUEs 2013 2023 Buildout Business Park 2.00 2 27 48 Estate 1.00 0 3 5 General Suburban 6.97 8 892 1,623 Natural Areas - Protected 0.00 1 1 1 Natural Areas - Reserved 0.00 0 0 0 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 32 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Restricted Suburban 4.11 88 348 483 Rural 0.33 0 0 0 Suburban Commercial 4.55 0 1 1 Urban 5.92 239 360 495 Utilities 0.00 0 0 0 Undeveloped 0.00 0 0 0 Totals 338 1,631 2,656 Population per LUE 0.54 1.41 1.52 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 97 02B Alum Creek Wastewater (Temple from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-5D ESTIMATION OF LIVING UNITS EQUIVALENT FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE WATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND USE LUEs PER ACRE (a) ESTIMATE LUEs 2013 2023 Buildout General Commercial 5.50 44 51 127 General Suburban 0.00 0 0 0 Medical Use 5.50 71 108 270 Natural Areas - Reserved 0.00 0 0 0 Suburban Commercial 0.00 0 0 0 Right-of-Way 0.00 0 0 0 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 33 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Undeveloped 0.00 0 0 0 Totals 115 158 396 Population per LUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 99 01 Harley Water Line (Template from Staff 2013 8 30) xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-5E ESTIMATION OF LIVING UNITS EQUIVALENT FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPLECHASE WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND USE LUEs PER ACRE (a) ESTIMATE LUEs 2013 2023 Buildout Business Park 2.00 0 24 47 Estate 1.00 0 0 0 General Suburban 8.00 261 931 1,542 Restricted Suburban 4.00 16 257 479 Rural 0.33 0 0 0 Suburban Commercial 4.55 65 79 97 Urban 20.00 234 2,657 4,886 Undeveloped 0.00 0 0 0 Totals 576 3,949 7,051 Population pre LUE 1.58 2.09 2.13 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 34 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Source: City of College Station, 2013, College Station Impact Fee Update 03 02 Steeplechase Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-6A ESTIMATED SERVICE DEMAND BY FACILITY TYPE FOR AREA 92-01 GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/LAND USE VOLUME 2013 2023 BUILDOUT Peak Flow (MGD)(a): Gallons per LUE Daily 1.690 1.775 1.826 1,068 1,068 1,068 TOTAL LUE'S 1,582 1,662 1,710 (a) Peak 1,068 gals/LUE/daily Existing Capacity details are contained in Table 2-7A (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-6B ESTIMATED SERVICE DEMAND BY FACILITY TYPE FOR AREA 97-01 SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/LAND USE VOLUME 2013 2023 BUILDOUT Peak Flow (MGD)(a): Gallons per LUE Daily 2.888 4.117 9.147 1,068 1,068 1,068 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 35 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TOTAL LUE'S 2,704 3,855 8,565 (a) Peak 1,068 gals/LUE/daily Existing Capacity details are contained in Table 2-7B (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-6C ESTIMATE SERVICE DEMAND BY FACILITY TYPE FOR AREA 97-02B ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/LAND USE VOLUME 2013 2023 BUILDOUT Peak Flow (MGD)(a): Gallons per LUE Daily 0.361 1.742 2.837 1,068 1,068 1,068 TOTAL LUE'S 338 1,631 2.656 (a) Peak 1,068 gals/LUE/daily Existing Capacity details are contained in Table 2-7C (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-6D ESTIMATE SERVICE DEMAND BY FACILITY TYPE FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE WATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 36 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx FACILITY TYPE/LAND USE VOLUME 2013 2023 BUILDOUT Peak Flow (MGD)(a): Gallons per LUE Daily 0.077 0.106 0.264 668 668 668 TOTAL LUE'S 115 158 396 (a) Peak 668 gals/LUE/daily Existing Capacity details are contained in Table 2-7D (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-6E ESTIMATED SERVICE DEMAND BY FACILITY TYPE FOR AREA 03-02 STEEPCHASE WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/LAND USE VOLUME 2013 2023 BUILDOUT Peak Flow (MGD)(a): Gallons per LUE Daily 0.615 4.217 7.530 1,068 1,068 1,068 TOTAL LUE'S (b) 576 3,949 7,051 (a) Peak 1,068 gals/LUE/daily Existing Capacity details are contained in Table 2-7E 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 37 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-7A CIP INVENTORY AND COSTING FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST FACILITY CAPACITY 2013-2023 TOTAL CURRENT CUSTOMERS 2013- 2023 GROWTH POST 2023 GROWTH CAPITAL COST COST PER LUE MAJOR COLLECTION LINES EXISTING FACILITIES % Phase I $372,994 100.00% 92.51% 3.28% 4.20% $12,251 Phase II $46,735 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0 Phase III $53,789 100.00% 92.51% 3.28% 4.20% $1,767 Subtotal Existing Facilities $473,519 100.00% 93.25% 2.96% 3.79% $14,017 FUTURE FACILITIES None % Subtotal Future Facilities $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0 TOTAL COLLECTION LINES $473,519 100.00% 93.25% 2.96% 3.79% $14,017 $249.58 CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL $473,519 $14,017 $249.58 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 38 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TABLE 2-7B CIP INVENTORY AND COSTING AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST FACILITY CAPACITY 2013-2023 TOTAL CURRENT CUSTOMERS 2013- 2023 GROWTH POST 2023 GROWTH CAPITAL COST COST PER LUE MAJOR COLLECTION LINES EXISTING FACILITIES % Phase I $631,215 100.00% 31.57% 13,44% 54.99% $84,861 Phase II $813,752 100.00% 31.57% 13.44% 54.99% $109,401 Subtotal Existing Facilities $1,444,967 100.00% 31.57% 13.44% 54.99% $194,262 FUTURE FACILITIES % subtotal Future Facilities $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0 TOTAL COLLECTION LINES $1,444,967 100.00% 31.57% 13.44% 54.99% $194,262 $168.71 CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL $1,444,967 $194,262 $168.71 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 39 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TABLE 2-7C CIP INVENTORY AND COSTING FOR AREA 97-02B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST FACILITY CAPACITY 2013-2023 TOTAL CURRENT CUSTOMERS 2013- 2023 GROWTH POST 2023 GROWTH CAPITAL COST COST PER LUE MAJOR COLLECTION LINES EXISTING FACILITIES % Phase I $214,271 100.00% 12.73% 48.67% 38.60% $104,294 Subtotal Existing Facilities $214,271 100.00% 12.73% 48.67% 38.60% $104,294 FUTURE FACILITIES % Subtotal Future Facilities $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0 TOTAL COLLECTION LINES $214,271 100.00% 12.73% 48.67% 38.60% $104,294 $80.67 CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL $214,271 $104,294 $80.67 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-7D CIP INVENTORY AND COSTING FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE WATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY CAPACITY 2013-2023 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 40 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx FACILITY TYPE/NAME TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL CURRENT CUSTOMERS 2013- 2023 GROWTH POST 2023 GROWTH CAPITAL COST COST PER LUE MAJOR TRANSMISSION LINES EXISTING FACILITIES % Phase I $342,978 100.00% 29.04% 10.97% 59.99% $37,628 Subtotal Existing Facilities $342,978 100.00% 29.04% 10.97% 59.99% $37,628 FUTURE FACILITIES % Subtotal Future Facilities $0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0 TOTAL TRANSMISSION LINES $342,978 100.00% 29.04% 10.97% 59.99% $37,628 $866.00 CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL $342,978 $37,628 $866.00 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-7E CIP INVENTORY AND COSTING FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPLECHASE WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST FACILITY CAPACITY 2013-2023 TOTAL CURRENT CUSTOMERS 2013- 2023 GROWTH POST 2023 GROWTH CAPITAL COST COST PER LUE 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 41 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx MAJOR COLLECTION LINES EXISTING FACILITIES LUEs Sanitary Sewer Facilities $1.130,147 3,800 576 3,224 0 $958,841 Subtotal Existing Facilities $1,130,147 3,800 576 3,224 0 $958,841 FUTURE FACILITIES None LUEs Subtotal Future Facilities $0 0 0 0 0 $0 TOTAL COLLECTION LINES $1,130,147 3,800 576 3,224 0 $958,841 $284.30 CONSTRUCTION COST TOTAL $1,130,147 $958,841 $284.30 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 2-8 SUMMARY OF CAPITAL COSTS UTILITY AREA FACILITY COST/LUE* WASTEWATER 92-01 Major Collection $249.58 Graham Rd. Study Costs $100.60 TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS 92-01 Graham Road Wastewater $350.18 WASTEWATER 97-01 Major Collection $168.71 Spring Creek Study Costs $4.91 TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS 97-01 Spring Creek Wastewater $173.61 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 42 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx WASTEWATER 97-02B Major Collection $80.67 Alum Creek Study Costs $4.37 TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS 97-02B Alum Creek Wastewater $85.04 WATER 99-01 Major Transmission $866.00 Harley Study Costs $130.03 TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS 99-01 Harley Water Line $996.03 WASTEWATER 03-02 Major Collection $284.30 Steeplechase Study Costs $2.72 TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS 03-02 Steeplechase Wastewater $287.02 * An LUE is equal to use by a typical household with a 5/8" water meter (existing customers) or a ¾" water meter for new customers. Totals may not add due to rounding. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-1A CATEGORIZATION OF UTILITY FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME BOND ISSUE FACILITY CAPACITY TOTAL DEBT PRINCIPAL PER CURRENT ISSUANCE ISSUANCE REMAINING TOTAL FOR CURRENT MAJOR COLLECTION Phase I 1993 $196,927 $14,091 100% 92.51% $8.24 Phase II 1993 $24,674 $1,766 100% 100.00% $1.12 Phase III 1993 $28,399 $2,032 100% 92.51% $1.19 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 43 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Subtotal Wastewater Collection $250,000 $17,889 $10.54 OUTSTANDING DEBT TOTAL 250,000 $17,889 $10.54 Source for outstanding principal: City of College Station Impact Fee Update 92 01 Graham Rd. Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 9 3).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-1B CATEGORIZATION OF UTILITY FOR AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME BOND ISSUE FACILITY CAPACITY TOTAL DEBT PRINCIPAL PER CURRENT ISSUANCE ISSUANCE REMAINING TOTAL FOR CURRENT MAJOR COLLECTION Phase I 1998 $314,523 $110,742 100% 31.57% $12.93 Phase II 1998 $405,477 $142,766 100% 31.57% $16.67 Subtotal Wastewater Collection $720,000 $253,508 $29.60 OUTSTANDING DEBT TOTAL $720,000 $253,508 $29.60 Source for outstanding principal: City of College Station Impact Fee Update 97 01, Springcreek Wastewater (Template from Staff 4013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 44 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TABLE 3-1C CATEGORIZATION OF UTILITY DEBT FOR AREA 97-02B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME BOND ISSUE FACILITY CAPACITY TOTAL DEBT PRINCIPAL PER CURRENT ISSUANCE ISSUANCE REMAINING TOTAL FOR CURRENT MAJOR COLLECTION Phase I 1998 $396,000 $139,429 100% 12.73% $52.50 Subtotal Wastewater Collection $396,000 $139,429 $52.50 OUTSTANDING DEBT TOTAL $396,000 $139,429 $52.50 Source for outstanding principal: City of College Station Impact Fee Update 97 02B Alum Creek Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. **Area 99-01, Harley Water Line, is not funded by debt, and thus the calculated rate credit is zero and not shown in Table 3-1. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-1E CATEGORIZATION OF UTILITY DEBT FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPLECHASE WASTEWATER LINE WASTEWATER UTILITY CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FACILITY TYPE/NAME BOND ISSUE FACILITY CAPACITY TOTAL DEBT PRINCIPAL PER CURRENT ISSUANCE ISSUANCE REMAINING TOTAL FOR CURRENT MAJOR COLLECTION 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 45 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Sanitary Sewer Facilities 2004 $1,000,000 $677,642 100% 15.16% $178.33 Subtotal Wastewater Collection $1,000,000 $677,642 $178.33 OUTSTANDING DEBT TOTAL $1,000,000 $677,642 $178.33 Source for outstanding principal: City of College Station Impact Fee Update 03 02 Steeplechase Wastewater (Template from Staff 2013 8 30).xlsx. (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-2A DERIVATION OF MAXIMUM FEES FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE THROUGH THE EQUITY RESIDUAL MODEL CITY OF COLLEGE STATION UTILITY/FACILITY TYPE CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALTERNATION ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM FEE AMOUNT HIGHER OF A or B A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment WASTEWATER UTILITY Major Collection $249.58 $10.54 $124.79 $239.04 $124.79 $239.04 CIP/Study Costs $100.60 $0.00 $50.30 $100.60 $50.30 $100.60 Subtotal Wastewater $350.18 $10.54 $175.09 $339.63 $175.09 $339.63 TOTALS $350.18 $10.54 $175.09 $339.63 $175.09 $339.63 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 46 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TABLE 3-2B DERIVATION OF MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES FOR AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE THROUGH THE EQUITY RESIDUAL MODEL CITY OF COLLEGE STATION UTILITY/FACILITY TYPE CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALTERNATION ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM FEE AMOUNT HIGHER OF A or B A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment WASTEWATER UTILITY Major Collection $168.71 $29.60 $84.35 $139.11 $84.35 $139.11 CIP/Study Costs $4.91 $0.00 $2.45 $4.91 $2.45 $4.91 Subtotal Wastewater $173.61 $29.60 $86.81 $144.01 $86.81 $144.01 TOTALS $173.61 $29.60 $86.81 $144.01 $86.81 $144.01 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-2C DEVIATION OF MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES FOR AREA 97-02B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE THROUGH THE EQUITY OF RESIDUAL MODEL CITY OF COLLEGE STATION UTILITY/FACILITY TYPE CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALTERNATION ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM FEE AMOUNT HIGHER OF A or B A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment WASTEWATER UTILITY Major Collection $80.67 $52.50 $40.34 $28.18 $40.34 $40.34 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 47 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx CIP/Study Costs $4.37 $0.00 $2.19 $4.37 $2.19 $4.37 Subtotal Wastewater $85.04 $52.50 $42.52 $44.71 $42.52 $44.71 TOTALS $85.04 $52.50 $42.52 $32.55 $42.52 $44.71 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-2D DERIVATION OF MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE THROUGH THE EQUITY RESIDUAL MODEL CITY OF COLLEGE STATION UTILITY/FACILITY TYPE CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALTERNATION ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM FEE AMOUNT HIGHER OF A or B A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment WASTEWATER UTILITY Major Collection $866.00 $0.00 $433.00 $866.00 $433.00 $866.00 CIP/Study Costs $130.03 $0.00 $65.02 $130.03 $65.02 $130.03 Subtotal Wastewater $996.03 $0.00 $498.02 $996.03 $498.02 $996.03 TOTALS $996.03 $0.00 $498.02 $996.03 $498.02 $996.03 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 48 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TABLE 3-2E DERIVATION OF MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPLECHASE WASTEWATER LINE THROUGH THE EQUITY RESIDUAL MODEL CITY OF COLLEGE STATION UTILITY/FACILITY TYPE CONSTRUCTION COSTS ALTERNATION ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM FEE AMOUNT HIGHER OF A or B A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment A Rate Credit B 50% Adjustment WASTEWATER UTILITY Major Collection $284.30 $178.33 $142.15 $105.98 $142.15 $142.15 CIP/Study Costs $2.72 $0.00 $1.36 $2.72 $1.36 $2.72 Subtotal Wastewater $287.02 $178.33 $143.51 $108.70 $143.51 $144.87 TOTALS $287.02 $178.33 $143.51 $108.70 $143.51 $144.87 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exh. B), 11-14-2013) EXHIBIT C: MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES TABLE 3-3A MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $339.63 $339.63 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $339.63 $339.63 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 49 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $849.09 $849.09 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $1,698.17 $1,698.17 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $2,717.08 $2,717.08 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $2,717.08 $2,717.08 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $3,396.34 $3,396.34 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $5,434.15 $5,434.15 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $8,151.23 $8,151.23 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $8,490.86 $8,490.86 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $14,264.65 $14,264.65 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $16,981.72 $16,981.72 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $31,246.37 $31,246.37 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $27,170.75 $27,170.75 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $54,341.51 $54,341.51 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $39,057.96 $39,057.96 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $84,908.61 $84,908.61 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $112,079.36 $112,079.36 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3B MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 50 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $144.01 $144.01 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $144.01 $144.01 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $360.04 $360.04 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $720.07 $720.07 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $1,152.12 $1,152.12 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $1,152.12 $1,152.12 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $1,440.15 $1,440.15 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $2,304.23 $2,304.23 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $3,456.35 $3,456.35 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $3,600.36 $3,600.36 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $6,048.61 $6,048.61 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $7,200.73 $7,200.73 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $13,249.34 $13,249.34 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $11,521.16 $11,521.16 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $23,042.33 $23,042.33 COMPOUND 10" 115.00 $16,561.67 $16,561.67 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $36,003.64 $36,003.64 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $47,524.80 $47,524.80 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 51 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TABLE 3-3C MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 97-02B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $44.71 $44.71 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $44.71 $44.71 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $111.77 $111.77 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $223.54 $223.54 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $357.66 $357.66 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $357.66 $357.66 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $447.08 $447.08 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $715.32 $715.32 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $1,072.98 $1,072.98 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $1,117.69 $1,117.69 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $1,877.72 $1,877.72 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $2,235.38 $2,235.38 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $4,113.10 $4,113.10 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $3,576.61 $3,576.61 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $7,153.21 $7,153.21 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $5,141.37 $5,141.37 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $11,176.89 $11,176.89 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $14,753.50 $14,753.50 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 52 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3D MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $996.03 $996.03 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $996.03 $996.03 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $2,490.08 $2,490.08 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $4,980.15 $4,980.15 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $7,968.24 $7,968.24 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $7,968.24 $7,968.24 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $9,960.31 $9,960.31 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $15,936.49 $15,936.49 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $23,904.73 $23,904.73 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $24,900.76 $24,900.76 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $41,833.28 $41,833.28 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $49,801.53 $49,801.53 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $91,634.81 $91,634.81 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $79,682.44 $79,682.44 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $159,364.89 $159,364.89 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $114,543.51 $114,543.51 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 53 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TURBINE 10" 250.000 $249,007.64 $249,007.64 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $328,690.08 $328,690.08 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3E MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPCHASE WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $144.87 $144.87 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $144.87 $144.87 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $362.18 $362.18 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $724.37 $724.37 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $1,158.99 $1,158.99 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $1,158.99 $1,158.99 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $1,448.73 $1,448.73 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $2,317.97 $2,317.97 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $3,476.96 $3,476.96 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $3,621.83 $3,621.83 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $6,084.67 $6,084.67 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $7,243.66 $7,243.66 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $13,328.33 $13,328.33 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $11,589.85 $11,589.85 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 54 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx TURBINE 8" 160.000 $23,179.71 $23,179.71 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $16,660.42 $16,660.42 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $36,218.30 $36,218.30 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $47,808.15 $47,808.15 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) EXHIBIT D: IMPACT FEES CHARGED TABLE 3-3A MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 92-01, GRAHAM ROAD WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $339.63 $339.63 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $339.63 $339.63 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $849.09 $849.09 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $1,698.17 $1,698.17 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $2,717.08 $2,717.08 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $2,717.08 $2,717.08 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $3,396.34 $3,396.34 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $5,434.15 $5,434.15 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $8,151.23 $8,151.23 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $8,490.86 $8,490.86 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $14,264.65 $14,264.65 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 55 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $16,981.72 $16,981.72 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $31,246.37 $31,246.37 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $27,170.75 $27,170.75 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $54,341.51 $54,341.51 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $39,057.96 $39,057.96 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $84,908.61 $84,908.61 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $112,079.36 $112,079.36 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3B MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 97-01, SPRINGCREEK WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $144.01 $144.01 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $144.01 $144.01 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $360.04 $360.04 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $720.07 $720.07 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $1,152.12 $1,152.12 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $1,152.12 $1,152.12 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $1,440.15 $1,440.15 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $2,304.23 $2,304.23 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $3,456.35 $3,456.35 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 56 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $3,600.36 $3,600.36 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $6,048.61 $6,048.61 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $7,200.73 $7,200.73 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $13,249.34 $13,249.34 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $11,521.16 $11,521.16 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $23,042.33 $23,042.33 COMPOUND 10" 115.00 $16,561.67 $16,561.67 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $36,003.64 $36,003.64 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $47,524.80 $47,524.80 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3C MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 97-02B, ALUM CREEK WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $44.71 $44.71 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $44.71 $44.71 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $111.77 $111.77 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $223.54 $223.54 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $357.66 $357.66 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $357.66 $357.66 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $447.08 $447.08 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 57 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $715.32 $715.32 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $1,072.98 $1,072.98 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $1,117.69 $1,117.69 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $1,877.72 $1,877.72 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $2,235.38 $2,235.38 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $4,113.10 $4,113.10 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $3,576.61 $3,576.61 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $7,153.21 $7,153.21 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $5,141.37 $5,141.37 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $11,176.89 $11,176.89 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $14,753.50 $14,753.50 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3D MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 99-01, HARLEY WATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $996.03 $996.03 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $996.03 $996.03 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $2,490.08 $2,490.08 SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $4,980.15 $4,980.15 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $7,968.24 $7,968.24 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 58 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $7,968.24 $7,968.24 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $9,960.31 $9,960.31 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $15,936.49 $15,936.49 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $23,904.73 $23,904.73 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $24,900.76 $24,900.76 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $41,833.28 $41,833.28 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $49,801.53 $49,801.53 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $91,634.81 $91,634.81 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $79,682.44 $79,682.44 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $159,364.89 $159,364.89 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $114,543.51 $114,543.51 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $249,007.64 $249,007.64 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $328,690.08 $328,690.08 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) TABLE 3-3E MAXIMUM AND EFFECTIVE IMPACT FEES FOR VARIOUS WATER METER SIZES FOR AREA 03-02, STEEPCHASE WASTEWATER LINE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION METER TYPE METER SIZE MULTIPLIER FEE AMOUNTS MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE SIMPLE 5/8" × ¾" 1.000 $144.87 $144.87 SIMPLE ¾" 1.000 $144.87 $144.87 SIMPLE 1" 2.500 $362.18 $362.18 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 59 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx SIMPLE 1½" 5.000 $724.37 $724.37 SIMPLE 2" 8.000 $1,158.99 $1,158.99 COMPOUND 2" 8.000 $1,158.99 $1,158.99 TURBINE 2" 10.000 $1,448.73 $1,448.73 COMPOUND 3" 16.000 $2,317.97 $2,317.97 TURBINE 3" 24.000 $3,476.96 $3,476.96 COMPOUND 4" 25.000 $3,621.83 $3,621.83 TURBINE 4" 42.000 $6,084.67 $6,084.67 COMPOUND 6" 50.000 $7,243.66 $7,243.66 TURBINE 6" 92.000 $13,328.33 $13,328.33 COMPOUND 8" 80.000 $11,589.85 $11,589.85 TURBINE 8" 160.000 $23,179.71 $23,179.71 COMPOUND 10" 115.000 $16,660.42 $16,660.42 TURBINE 10" 250.000 $36,218.30 $36,218.30 TURBINE 12" 330.000 $47,808.15 $47,808.15 (Ord. No. 2013-3537, Pt. 1(Exhs. C, D), 11-14-2013) 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 60 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx Article II. System-Wide Impact Fees. 15-6 System-Wide Impact Fee for Water Services. A. Purpose. This Section is intended to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities to serve new development in an identified service area by requiring each such new development to pay a share of the costs of water improvements necessitated by and attributable to it as set forth herein and in accordance with Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code. B. Authorization. This Section is adopted pursuant to Chapter 395 Texas Local Government Code and other applicable law. Chapter 395 supplements this Section to the extent that its provisions may be applicable hereto and, to such extent, its provisions are incorporated herein. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to limit the power of the City to utilize other methods authorized under state law or pursuant to other City powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this Section. Guidelines may be developed by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise to implement and administer this Section. Impact fees established by this Section are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development or subdivision of land, the issuance of building permits, or the sale of water or wastewater taps. C. Service Area. The impact fee service area for this Section is established, consisting of land within the City limits and portions of the City’s extraterr itorial jurisdiction as shown in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated July 2016 a portion showing the service area which is attached hereto as Exhibit “E,” incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office along with a copy of the entire Study. D. Land Use Assumptions. The land use assumptions for the impact fee imposed under this Section upon which the capital improvements plan for water facilities are based are as set forth in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated July 2016 a portion showing the land use assumptions which is attached hereto as Exhibit “F,” incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. E. Capital Improvements Plan. The capital improvements plan for this Section identifying capital improvements for the provision of water services in the service area is as set forth in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated July 2016 a portion showing the capital improvements plan which is attached hereto as Exhibit “G,” incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. F. Service Unit. Service units used to determine the amount of impact fees under this Section shall be expressed in terms of Land Use Equivalents (“LUEs”) with one LUE representing one typical water meter for one single-family residence receiving water service. G. Impact fee. In accordance with this Section and based upon the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan herein, the maximum impact fee per service unit for water services is as set forth in Exhibit “H” attached hereto, 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 61 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. In accordance with this Section and based upon the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan herein there is hereby imposed a system-wide water services impact fee per service unit as set forth in Exhibit “I” attached hereto, incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. H. Assessment and Collection. Assessment and collection of the impact fee established under this Section shall be as set forth herein and in accordance with applicable state law, and with assessment to occur at time of final plat approval by the City Planning and Zoning Commission when platting is required. If platting is not required, assessment shall occur at the earliest time allowed by law or by agreement as allowed by law. I. Accounting. Funds collected through the adoption of the impact fee set forth in this Section shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts clearly identifying the category of capital improvements or facility expansions within the service area for which the fee is adopted. J. Certification. The City Council of the City certifies that none of the impact fee under this Section will be used or expended for an improvement or expansion not identified in the capital improvements plan. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 62 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT E: SERVICE AREA FOR SYSTEM-WIDE WATER SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 63 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT F: LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS FOR SYSTEM-WIDE WATER SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 64 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT G-1: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR SYSTEM-WIDE WATER SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 65 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT G-2 MAP OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR SYSTEM- WIDE WATER SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 66 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT H: MAXIMUM IMPACT FEE PER SERVICE UNIT FOR WATER SERVICES EXHIBIT I: IMPACT FEE IMPOSED PER SERVICE UNIT FOR SYSTEM- WIDE WATER SERVICES Water Meter Size Water Impact Fee per meter Eff. 1 Dec 2016 Water Impact Fee per meter Eff. 1 Dec 2017 5/8” $250 $500 1” $425 $850 1-1/2” $2,675 $5,350 2” $2,675 $5,350 3” $6,675 $13,350 4” $13,325 $26,650 6” $26,675 $53,350 8” $45,000 $90,000 10” $66,675 $133,350 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 67 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx 15-7 System-Wide Impact Fees for Wastewater Services. A. Purpose. This Section is intended to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities to serve new development in an identified service area by requiring each such new development to pay a share of the costs of wastewater collection and treatment improvements necessitated by and attributable to it as set forth herein and in accordance with Chapter 395, Texas Local Government Code. B. Authorization. This Section is adopted pursuant to Chapter 395 Texas Local Government Code and other applicable law. Chapter 395 supplements this Section to the extent that its provisions may be applicable hereto and, to such extent, its provisions are incorporated herein. The provisions of this Section shall not be construed to limit the power of the City to utilize other methods authorized under state law or pursuant to other City powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this Section. Guidelines may be developed by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise to implement and administer this Section. Impact fees established by this Section are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development or subdivision of land, the issuance of building permits, or the sale of water or wastewater taps. C. Service Area. The impact fee service area for this Section is established, consisting of land within the City limits and portions of the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction as depicted in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated July 2016 a portion showing the service area which is attached hereto as Exhibit “J,” incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office along with a copy of the entire Study. D. Land Use Assumptions. The land use assumptions for the impact fee imposed under this Section upon which the capital improvements plan for wastewater facilities are based are set forth in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated July 2016 a portion showing the land use assumptions which is attached hereto as Exhibit “K,” incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. E. Capital Improvements Plan. The capital improvements plan for this Section identifying capital improvements for the provision of wastewater services in the service area is as set forth in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study prepared by Freese and Nichols, Inc. dated July 2016 a portion showing the capital improvements plan which is attached hereto as Exhibit “L,” incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. F. Service Units. Service units used to determine the amount of impact fees under this Section shall be expressed in terms of Land Use Equivalents (“LUEs”) with one LUE representing one typical water meter for one single-family residence receiving wastewater services. G. Impact fee. In accordance with this Section and based upon the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan above, the maximum impact fee per service unit for wastewater collection and treatment services is as set forth in Exhibit “M” attached hereto, incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 68 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. In accordance with this Section and based upon the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan above there is hereby imposed a system-wide wastewater collection and treatment impact fee per service unit as set forth in Exhibit “N” attached hereto, incorporated herein for all purposes and a copy of which shall be made available to view at the City Secretary’s office. H. Assessment and Collection. Assessment and collection of the impact fee established under this Section shall be as set forth herein and in accordance with applicable state law, and with assessment to occur at time of final plat approval by the City Planning and Zoning Commission when platting is required. If platting is not required, assessment shall occur at the earliest time allowed by law or by agreement as allowed by law. I. Accounting. Funds collected through the adoption of the impact fee set forth in this Section shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts clearly identifying the category of capital improvements or facility expansions within the service area for which the fee is adopted. J. Certification. The City Council of the City certifies that none of the impact fee under this section will be used or expended for an improvement or expansion not identified in the capital improvements plan. 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 69 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT J: SERVICE AREA FOR SYSTEM-WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 70 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT K: LAND USE ASSUMPTION FOR SYSTEM-WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION 7 TREAMENT SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 71 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT L-1: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR SYSTEM-WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT SERVICES . 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 72 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT L-2 MAP OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR SYSTEM- WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT SERVICES 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 73 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx EXHIBIT M: MAXIMUM IMPACT FEE PER SERVICE UNIT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT SERVICES EXHIBIT N: IMPACT FEE IMPOSED PER SERVICE UNIT FOR SYSTEM- WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT SERVICES Water Meter Size Wastewater Impact Fee – per meter Eff. 1 Dec 2016 Wastewater Impact Fee – per meter Eff. 1 Dec 2017 5/8” $1,500 $3,000 1” $2,550 $5,100 1-1/2” $8,025 $16,050 2” $8,025 $16,050 3” $20,025 $40,050 4” $39,975 $79,950 6” $80,025 $160,050 8” $135,000 $270,000 10” $200,025 $400,050 2016-3814 Ordinance No. _____ Page 74 of 74 e2bac920-8189-4f39-9459-1abe0b8d2cf2.docx 15-8 System-Wide Roadway Impact Fees. (reserved) ARTICLE III. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT. Section 15-9. Appeal. A. The property owner or applicant for new development may appeal the following decisions to the Director of Planning and Development Services, or his/her designee: (1) The applicability of an impact fee to the development; (2) The value of the impact fee due; (3) The availability or the value of an offset or credit; (4) The application of an offset or credit against an impact fee due; and/or (5) The amount of the refund due, if any. B. All appeals shall be taken within 30 days of notice of the action from which the appeal is taken. C. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the value of the fee or the value of the offset or credit was not calculated according to the applicable impact fee schedule or the guidelines established for determining offsets and credits. D. The appellant may appeal the decision of the Director of Planning and Development Services to the Council. A notice of appeal to the Council must be filed by the applicant with the City Secretary within 30 days following the Director’s decision. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a bond or other sufficient surety satisfactory to the City Attorney in an amount equal to the Director’s determination of the impact fee due, the development application, utility application, subdivision plat, building permit or other required City permit or authorization for development may be processed and issued while the appeal is pending. 2016-3814