HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/2016 - Workshop Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionCITY ('W COLLF�Gd �,STATION Home of kxai A& -Al L`nir-et,ltp' MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting August 18, 2016 6:30 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Barry Moore, Jerome Rektorik, Johnny Burns Jodi Warner, Casey Oldham and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jane Kee CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Nichols CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Alan Gibbs, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Danielle Singh, Kevin Ferrer, Mark Bombek, Jessica Bullock, Rachel Lazo, Madison Thomas, Tiffany Cousins, Mary Ann Powell, Lauren Basey and Kristen Hejny 1. Call the meeting to order. Acting Chairman Moore Called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding Regular Agenda items #8 and #9. 3. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2016 P&Z Plan of Work. Senior Planner Bombek gave a brief presentation on the status of the P&Z Plan of Work. Commissioner Rektorik asked for an update on the annexation program. Director Simms stated that the City has been working with a surveyor to establish the common Extraterritorial Jurisdiction boundary. Acting Chairman Moore asked for an update on the Pre Application Conference Meeting surveys. Director Simms stated that we have been getting survey feedback from participants. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: *Thursday, August 25, 2016 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 4:30 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison — Moore) *Thursday, September 1, 2016 — P&Z Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 5:30 p.m. and Regular 7:30 p.rn. August 18, 2016 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Acting Chairman Moore reviewed upcoming meetings for the Planning & Zoning Commission. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following items: *An Ordinance Amendment amending Chapter 12 of the Unified Development Ordinance Traffic Impact Analysis for Single -Family developments. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on August 4, 2016, and voted (5-0) to recornmend approval. The City Council heard this item on August 11, 2016, and voted (7-0) to approve the request. *A Comprehensive Plan Amendment on approximately 16 acres from Estates and Suburban Commercial to Restricted Suburban. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on July 21, 2016, and voted (5-0) to recornmend approval. The City Council heard this item on August 11, 2016, and voted (6-0-1) to approve the request. There was no discussion. 7. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Bio Corridor Board. There was discussion amongst the Commission to appoint a new P&Z Liaison for the BioCor•r•idor Board. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning & Zoning Mernber may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 9. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. troore, Acting Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission At est: risten �Iejny, Admin. S p t Special'st Planning & Development ices August 18, 2016 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 C FIN OF C O 1_lGI: �T,1T1ON MINUTES too»,e PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 18, 2016, 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Barry Moore, Jerome Rektorik, Johnny Burns Jodi Warner, Casey Oldham and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jane Kee CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Nichols CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Alan Gibbs, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Danielle Singh, Kevin Ferrer, Mark Bombek, Jessica Bullock, Rachel Lazo, Madison Thomas, Tiffany Cousins, Mary Ann Powell, Lauren Basey and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order Acting Chairman Moore called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens 4. Consent AlZenda 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion on Absence Requests from meetings. *Johnny Burns — August 4, 2016 *Jane Kee — August 18, 2016 4.2 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. *August 4, 2016 Workshop *August 4, 2016 Regular Consent Agenda item 4.2 was removed fi-om the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Warner motioned to approve Consent Agenda Item 4.1. Commissioner Burns seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Regular Agenda Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. Consent Agenda item 4.2 was removed from the Agenda for further discussion. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Pagel o1`8 Commissioner Moore motioned to defer action on the August 4, 2016 meeting minutes to the September 1, 2016 P&Z meeting. Commissioner Burns seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Barron Park Subdivision Lot 3R2R being a replat of Barron Park Subdivision Lot 3R2 consisting of one lot on approximately 12 acres, located at 4185 State Highway 6 South, generally located on the northern boundary of Christ United Methodist Church along the east side of State Highway 6 South. Case #FP2016-000023 Senior Planner Bullock presented the Final Plat to the Commission, stating the approval condition that off-site easements, located on the southern boundary of the property, be dedicated prior to the filing of the plat, and recommended approval. Acting Chairman Moore opened the public hearing. Applicant, Veronica Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South, College Station, was available to answer questions from the Commission. Acting Chairman Moore closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve the Final Plat with the condition that off-site easements, located on the southern boundary of the property, be dedicated prior to the filing of the plat. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to SC Suburban Commercial for approximately 1.37 acres being Harvey Hillsides Subdivision, Lots 32 & 33, Block 1, generally located at the intersection of Harvey Road and Pamela Lane. Case #REZ2016-000022 (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the September 8, 2016 City Council meeting — subject to change) Staff Planner Thomas presented the Rezoning to the Commission, and recommended approval. Applicant, Hank McQuaide, 12939 State Highway 30, College Station, was available to answer questions from the Commission. Commissioner Ross asked for the intended future use of the property in question. Mr. McQuaide stated that the current interested party is considering using the property for offices. Acting Chairman Moore opened the public hearing. Frank Villarreal, 37 Pamela Lane, College Station, cited concerns for flooding and traffic in the area. Mr. Villarreal proposed a traffic signal at the corner of Pamela Lane and Harvey Road. Acting Chairman Moore closed the public hearing. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 8 Acting Chairman Moore asked for clarification on the detention and storm water mitigation requirements for this area. City Engineer Gibbs stated that the storm water detention would be reviewed at platting and site plan as the property goes through processing. Commissioner Rektorik asked for clarification on addressing the flooding issues during site planning, directly concerning whether the issues will be addressed only for this one property or on multiple affected properties. City Engineer Gibbs stated that these issues will be addressed through detention ponds to keep negative impact from occurring downstream. It is a requirement on the upper region of drainage sheds as new properties develop, to provide detention. Commissioner Oldham motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning as requested. Commissioner Burns seconded the motion, motion was approved (6-0). Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan — Future Land Use & Character Map from Estate to Restricted Suburban for approximately 13 acres located at 1404 Bird Pond Road, more generally located near the northeast corner of Rock Prairie Road and Bird Pond Road. Case #CPA2016-000005 (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the September 8, 2016 City Council meeting — subject to change. Senior Planner Bullock presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) to the Commission, and recommended denial due to the prevailing rural character of the area, and service limitations. Applicant Tony Jones, 6022 Augusta Circle, College Station, stated that the City of College Station has agreed to provide fire flow to the area. Mr. Jones also stated that he is waiting on the Lakeway development to bring sewer to the property. Mr. Jones stated that while the property is not within the 4.5 minutes distance to the nearest fire station, the future road improvements will help lessen the drive time. Commissioner Oldham asked if this property was originally intended to be a later phase of Bird Pond Estates. Mr. Jones confirmed that this property was originally intended to be a part of Bird Pond Estates. Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbruck Circle, College Station, explained that the Lakeway developer is contractually obligated to build a water line and sewer line within the near future, and this will connect to the property in question. Commissioner Oldham asked for clarification on the agreement to extend sewer to the property, and why the sewer line has not yet been completed. Mr. Jones stated that the developer that plans on developing Lakeway, has not begun development, to tie into this property. Commissioner Oldham asked for a clarification on the density, and the effect on the infrastructure needs. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 8 Mr. Schultz stated there are currently two water lines in the area, one maintained by Wellborn Water and one maintained by the City of College Station that will be turned over to Wellborn Water for maintenance. Mr. Schultz explained that there will only be an increase of 25 lots on the property, and will not hinder the demand of electric or sewer. Acting Chairman Moore opened the public hearing. Karen Brown, 5009 Trumpeter Swan Drive, College Station, spoke in opposition of the CPA citing concerns for surrounding property values and the lack of water pressure in the area. Pete Catalena, 1601 Bird Pond Road, College Station, spoke in favor of the CPA, stating that he does not believe the new development will hinder the existing home property values. Commissioner Rektorik asked for clarification on the road into the subdivision. Mr. Catalena stated that there is an entrance leading into a second opening into Bird Pond Estates that travels between the two subdivisions. The residents of Bird Pond Estates have requested that this road not be developed in order to keep only one entrance into Bird Pond Estates. Commissioner Oldham asked if the request could be approved with the condition that a street connection not be made to Yellow Tanager. Director Simms stated that as part of the Subdivision Regulations, it is required that the road connect, however, the developer can seek a waiver during platting from the Commission. Mr. Jones spoke to address the concerns for water pressure in the area, stating that the concerns will be alleviated by the new eight -inch water line. Tim Owens, 5002 Trumpeter Swan Lane, College Station, spoke in opposition of the CPA, citing concerns for surrounding property values, lot sizes and rural atmosphere. Mr. Owens also stated concerns for having an additional entrance into Bird Pond Estates. Cody Catalena, 1650 Bird Pond Road, College Station, spoke in favor of the CPA. Commissioner Ross asked for the original plan for Yellow Tanager Road. Mr. Catalena stated that the road was originally intended to stub out to Bird Pond Estates. Sydney Hodges, 5216 Ruddy Duck Drive, College Station, spoke in opposition of the CPA citing concerns for decreasing property values, traffic and roadway concerns. Karen Brown, 5009 Trumpeter Swan Drive, College Station, readdressed her opposition of the CPA citing concerns for property and resale values. Acting Chairman Moore closed the public hearing. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 8 Commissioner Oldham referenced the infrastructure, asking for a description of the infrastructure issues with this property. Senior Planner Bullock stated that at a Comprehensive Plan level, this area is within Growth Area III of the Comprehensive Plan, containing a lack of proposed or possibility to have thoroughfares through the area. Ms. Bullock also stated that the area, as it pertains to the Future Land Use and Character Map, does not propose a sewer master line. Commissioner Oldham asked for additional clarification on the growth area infrastructure concerns from staff. Senior Planner Bullock stated that this property is within Growth Area III of the Comprehensive Plan, which states that any area designated as Estate north of Rock Prairie Road, remain rural in character and have an open space component. Commissioner Burns stated that, if approved, he cannot see a negative impact on the surrounding areas from a comprehensive planning stand point. Commissioner Ross asked if 3.2 houses per acre is a good estimate of the housing density for Restricted Suburban. Senior Planner Bullock stated that the Restricted Suburban zoning district can only dictate a maximum of four dwelling units per acre. The development would also be held to average 10,000 square foot lots with a minimum of 6,500 square foot lots. Staff cannot confirm the actual number of lots to be proposed within the new development. Commissioner Warner motioned to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Oldham seconded the motion for discussion. Commissioner Warner stated that from the Land Use standpoint, this appears to make sense as a buffer between the Estate and Restricted Suburban already in place. Commissioner Ross stated that this area has a demand for homes and because of the topography of the area there will be a limited amount of development and traffic will not be a significant issue. The motion to recommend approval was approved (6-0). Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from E Estate to RS Restricted Suburban for approximately 12 acres being situated in the Thomas Caruthers league, abstract no. 9, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, said tract being the remainder of a called 26.25 acre tract of land as described as tract 2 by a partition deed to John Patton Atkins recorded in volume 394, page 796 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at 1404 Bird Pond Road, more generally located near the northeast corner of Rock Prairie Road and Bird Pond Road. Case #REZ2016-000017 (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the September 8, 2016 City Council meeting — subject to change) Senior Planner Bullock presented the Rezoning to the Commission and recommended denial based on current and planned infrastructure and service limitations. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Burns asked if the applicant could come back with a restricted rezoning containing conditions, not as a PDD. Deputy City Attorney Powell stated that conditions can be placed on zonings that are sensitive to adjacent compatible uses, but at some point with zoning, it becomes a fundamental shift of zone, and a different zoning may be required. Commissioner Oldham asked for an explanation of the buffering and connection options on a Restricted Suburban zoning. Senior Planner Bullock stated that the UDO does not require a buffer between residential single- family developments, and setbacks for Restricted Suburban zonings would be 20' for rear and 25' front. Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbruck Circle, College Station, explained that given the right-of-way restrictions and the lot size requirements, the proposed development will contain no more than 38 lots. Commissioner Oldham asked if there are plans to connect to Yellow Tanager Court. Mr. Schultz, stated that the developer does not plan on requesting any waivers to the subdivision regulations. Applicant Tony Jones, 6022 Augusta Circle, College Station, presented a proposed subdivision layout to the Commission. Acting Chairman Moore opened the public hearing. Cody Catalena, 1650 Bird Pond Road, College Station, spoke in favor of the Rezoning, stating that there is a development agreement with the current property owners stating that the lots be at least one half acre. Mr. Catalena stated that he would like to see a waiver request to the Yellow Tanager Court connection. Tim Owens, 5002 Trumpeter Swan Lane, College Station, spoke in opposition of the Rezoning, stating that part of the developer's plans showed that he would request the subdivision regulation waiver to the street connection. Acting Chairman Moore clarified that Mr. Schultz stated that the preliminary plat would be presented with no waivers. Pete Catalena, 1601 Bird Pond Road, College Station, spoke to the comments stating that there would never be any development on this property, stating that this was not a true statement. Sydney Hodges, 5216 Ruddy Duck Drive, College Station, spoke in opposition of the Rezoning, citing concerns for changing the integrity of the area with smaller lots. Acting Chairman Moore closed the public hearing. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 8 Commissioner Warner asked the developer how many lots on the west side of Yellow Tanager Court were sold. Mr. Pete Catalena stated that all lots have been sold. Commissioner Warner asked what percentage of lots were sold in Bird Pond Estates. Mr. Pete Catalena stated that all but two or three lots have been sold. Acting Chairman Moore stated his concerns for a straight Restricted Suburban rezoning because of the possible negative impact changing the integrity of the area, and the infrastructure issues on the property. Commissioner Burns stated that the property is self -restricting because of the right-of-way requirements, leading to the lots being smaller in number. Acting Chairman Moore asked for a clarification of the minimum lot width for this area. Senior Planner Bullock stated that the minimum lot width is 70' for Restricted Suburban. Commissioner Oldham stated that his concerns with approving the rezoning as submitted to address the half acre lots and the connection to Yellow Tanager Court. He asked for a compromise for the applicant to resubmit the rezoning. Mr. Schultz explained that a preliminary plan cannot be presented until a rezoning has been approved. Commissioner Oldham asked for clarification on not being able to condition the rezoning. Deputy City Attorney Powell stated that the road cannot be addressed at this point in the process, but concerns about the incompatibility with adjacent uses with a less dense residence, can be conditioned that would be appropriate for the areas to be developed on lots immediately adjacent to a less dense residential development, such as buffering. Commissioner Burns stated that he does not believe the Commission is comfortable making a recommendation on the rezoning. Mr. Burns stated that the preliminary plan can be closer examined at a later time, with the connection waivers. Senior Planner Bullock clarified that so long as the plat meets the subdivision regulations, Commission is required to approve the plat, and only if there is a waiver request, the Commission has the ability to deny a waiver request, thereby denying the preliminary plan. Commissioner Ross motion to recommend approval of the rezoning with the condition that the lots that abut to the Bird Pond Estates be a minimum of one half acre. Director Simms stated that he does not recommend making such a condition because lot size and density are fundamental to zoning districts, but buffering can be placed as a condition. The motion died due to the lack of a second. August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 8 Commissioner Rektorik clarified that the only conditions available for the Commission to place on the rezoning, are those of the gravity fed sewer system and buffering between developments. Acting Chairman Moore asked if the only way to alleviate the concerns of the Commission and surrounding property owners would be with a PDD Rezoning. Director Simms stated that the lot size would be best addressed/conditioned with a PDD Rezoning. Commissioner Warner stated that with the recommended approval of a straight rezoning of Restricted Suburban, Commission cannot condition the rezoning, nor can they deny a future preliminary plan if it meets UDO regulations. Mr. Jones asked for clarification on the availability of a PDD Rezoning versus the rezoning presented. Deputy City Attorney Powell stated that a PDD Rezoning will need to be applied for and presented to the Commission for consideration. Commissioner Warner suggested tabling the rezoning to meet the time requirements for a new rezoning application. Mr. Schultz asked if the street connection can be addressed with the PDD. Both Director Simms and Deputy City Attorney Powell were in agreement that the street connection can be addressed with a PDD application. This item was withdrawn by the applicant. No action was taken. 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 11. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. A roved: n 4riste est: ar►y oore, A ti au7nan 0® Hejny, Admin S rt Spec' is Plan ' g & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services August 18, 2016 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 8