HomeMy WebLinkAbout160811 - Campaign Finance Report - Karl P. Mooney1 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 1 c;:.:· ....... --=·-:;::-= .. -==-=-==== .. ::-:: .. --:::=:::.::::··----- 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) The C/OH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form • 3 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER NAME 4 CANDIDATE IOFFICEHOLDERMAILINGADDRESS 0 Change of Address ft«-;/ ___ --. _. p-_ . "°'"' •• Al ····S U FFIX - IlJJ/ JJ.J;:/i;/ecf.;Ji¢d5/i)h;:' rooe Dale Hand-delivered or Dale Poslmarked 6 :R MS I MRS-& ;,,ST Ml Receipl'it -r Amount$ NAME ?? A-'/, Dale Processed -----------•·-N 1-c K_':"' .. ljl;;.' w// . . . . . . . . '""" 7 CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS ( Residence or Business) ;;,;kle ;;k;;$ l --------·-·-1---------------------·------------------·-- .. ---·-- 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE P/q M-B:;r? CJ --i u_R_E_R __ +_(_, ?_Zj__) __ --=&._,__;_v / v / v EXTENSION 9 REPORT TYPE O January 15 D 30lh day before eleclion D Runoll 5lhday after campaign treasurer appointment Olliceholdar Only) o Ju1y1s 0 Blh day belore election D Exceeded $500 limi D Final Report (AllachC/OH -FR) 10 PERIODCOVERE D l nlh/ 5 / / b THROUGH W&lh.· f J ;/ iG !---------...-·-·-··-JI------·--···-·------··-------.------·------------- ............ .._ .. --11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE Month Day Year 8,./1 D Primary eneral D D Runoff Special ELECTION TYPE D OlherOescriplio l-1-2_0 _F_F_IC_E ... ------·-· ·--1 -0-F_F_IC-E-HE_L_D_(_lf )----··------·-·r -13·--0 F_F_IC_E _S_OU_O_H_T -{il -kn -o,,.-·n -) _________ ........ _ .. ___ _ tJt1,11tld=· 1;===='=1=---==!=--'/--=---= ===I GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission WW\"l.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 2 14 CIOH N AMEiff; I z 'eL --15 ''''' '" (m• Corn'"'"'"" ::_ - 16 NOTICE FRO THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CO RIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO POLITICAL SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT TNE CANDIDATE'S OR OFFICEHOLDER'S COMMITTEE(S) KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. 0 Additional Pages 17 CONTRIBUTION TOTALS EXPENDITURE TOTALS CONTRIBUTION BALANCE OUTSTANDING LOAN TOTALS 18 AFFIDAVIT COMMITTEE TYPE co&;E dL . -d; ) jtJ:tf), 1. 2. 3. fe COM"rnB.7:.! ',:, . TOTACPO UT<O. PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS), UNLESS ITEMIZED Uti2IpP TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES OF $100 OR LESS, $ 1J pe.I' u N_ L E _ss_ 1 T E_ M_1zED JY._ !j_ 4. 6. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 1fJ,/?I J, p $ TANYA McNUTT i'l6S2789·S I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that lhe accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me NotacyPublic, State ofTel(8s My Commission EKpires Fet:>ruarv14, 201e· 15, E 'oo<O_,_ AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAL/\BOVE Sworntoandsubsc1ibedbeforeme,bythesaid /(Cl.J=/ P frl.{)O ()e-·-·thisthe _j__ /_ day of f2MguSf , 2o_flp_, to certify which, witnessmy handand seal of office. b,11\.A d..<,a_Lg :f.Cf!:m'f!:rr:!:fj:., }}pT&,'/;.,g, , .. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 CA NDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C/OH-UC COVER SHEET PG 1REPORTOFUNEXPENDEDCONTRIBUTIONS 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Fliers) The C/OH-UC Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER NAME 3 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER ADDRESS 0 change of address rflI! . ' MS/MRS/MR NICKNAME l1t ;/ SUFFIX _____ Rec elpt A moun-1 $ ----< Date Processed D Annual D Final Disposition 4 REPORT TYPE 5 PERIOD COVERED 6 TOTALS 1. TOTAL AMOUNT OF UNEXPENDED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS AS OF DECEMBER 31 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR. 2. TOTAL AMOUNT OF INTEREST AND OTHER INCOME EARNED ON UN PENDED POLITICALCONTRIBUTIONS DURING THE PREVIOUS YEAR. Date Imaged 7 AFFIDAVIT TANYA McNUTT 11652789·5 Notafy Public, State ofTelUls My Commission Expires Februa 14, 2018' AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAL ABOVE rovided by Texas Ethics Commission I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. r--c._"-"'AH__,_+-----• this the seal of office. L-- Titl e o-f u oMHi"'-:::,o www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 11/3/2015 C/OH REPORT OF UNEXPENDED CONTRIBUTIONS FORM C/OH-UC EXPENDITURES PG2 8 C/OH NAME lirl7; 9 "'"'""·-·-"'"' 10 Date 11 fjfJ.yeename 12 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code 14 Purpose of expenditure (See instructions regarding type of information required.) D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Date Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Purpose of expenditure (See instructions rega ding type of information required.) D Check if travel ou tside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Pay€!enarne P3yee address; -City - State; -ZipCode----·--- I Purpose of expenditure (See instructio ns regarding type of Information required.) D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Sch€!duteT. Date Payee name Pay€!eaddress; City; State; Zip Code Purpose of expenditure (See Instructions regarding type of information required.) I D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 15 13 Amount Is expenditure a contribution to a oancliclate, officeholder, or polltical committee? D D Amount Is expenditure a contribution Dtoacandidate, officeholder, or political committee? D I Amount I · l Yes No Yes No 4 ------------ Is expenditure a contribution to a candidate, officeholder, or D political committee? D Amount Is expenditure a contribution Dtoacandidate, officeholder, or political committee? D Yes No Yes No r-,m_.,,.,,,"',''"-:s;"°·'"--,,..,_""=,.,.,.._.,.,,. W..n<t3..'='-m"-"<7';>=""" .......... ...... ",,!..."'i±'<!i ATfACH ADDITIONAL COP!ES OF TM!S FORM AS MEEDED Forms·provided b1r Te)(as Ethics Commission J www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised i1/3/2G15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SUBTOTALS -C/OH CHEDULE A 1: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) T sl1 68 L --·· I $f%2-ptr·- Q/ SCHEDUL ::-MONETAR Y (IN-KIND) P LITl_C_A_L_C_---T--1_B-_u-_ T_l_O_N_'S _____ -11f---$$ J'- SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS _ --L__ ---- r;?· SCH U LE E: LOANS SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 2( SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ 1--7 -. --G:r7scHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MAD::-OLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 8. 9. SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD ia'7' SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES :ADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS zx·e>z::;- c:C SCHEDULE H: ---,:;:,ENTMADE FROM POLITI: CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH 1-1 -1 .--0.HEDULE I: NON-POLITICAL :;PENDITURES MADE FROM PO:mCAL co-BUTIONS o;:irr--lSCHEDULEK: INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS 5'J_- 10. 12. RETURNED TO FILER Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wll'm.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/812015 l ONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2-"RC FiNAME A:4 I ? Ip;;-::··--· r-/ · ,112&/tJL 4 Date 1 s Full nam of contributor O out-ol-statfc (ID#: ..... 7 . 2 9 ( l . . YV:\ V' c:--_QC'.:t<__ . . . . . . . . . . 6 Contribu tor address; City; State; Zip Code 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) I l 7 Amount of contribution ($) 1·004 Puf\{ Qc:V"'1 H,-e_5;lx. clSY6 8 Pri ncipal occupation I Job title (See Ins tructions) 72_.e_,,fud I 9 Empl-o-ye-r-(S_e_e_l n-s-tr-uc t_i _o_n_s _) _ Date Full name of on!ributor D :ut-ol-state PAC (lDll: _ ___) r-Amount of contribution ($) N<>cvc'-ccl{()Ct"'- . . . . . . ............ f 5;· ··; o.s' s::'AJ:;13· Principal oc upation f Job ti!le (Se e lnstr n- s) 1--E-mm-J/-/' .-e_0-r .-(S_'_,--ln-s-tru __ . c-lio_n_s-A-.-. -----C{---.-_ i/,' , ' f/t?lf/ /£/ -ul!_ /t r. --- Date Full name of contributor Co11Lributor address; Principal occ upation I Job title (See Instructi ons) Date Full name of contributor Contributor address; Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 0 out-o1-state PAC (ID'I: , . --. -. -_----=-· • > I A"°' 0::0,.,fu,Uoo ($) City; State; Zip Code 1 Employer (See Instructions) 0 out-o!-slate PAC (ID"'------· __ . .) City; State; Zip Code Employer (See Instructions) Amount of contribution ($) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If 1;:on!ributor isout-of-state P1!\C, please see instruction guide foraddi!ional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Te xas Ethics Commission V'tww.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A2 l============-=:: .. ==-·==·=-·=-=·-=···=·===-============:::==.=--=--=·-·---=--=-=--·-y··==----0 =··--=----=---·=··-=-·=··-=--·=·========-=-1 1 Total pages Schedule A2: The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. / 2;;R NAM E 7 .·;J/7;,-····- J/ 3 "''"' (B•;rn Comm;;,,"''"' --·--- OTALOF 6N <TEMl;I N-,;-l C ONTRIBU T ION S $ 7f; tl/t), .... -··· ····--i---··-·-·----·--,--- i 5 Date ti 6 Full name of co ntributor D cul-of-state PAC (IDH: ________ J 8 Amount of , ,. r"i) . ·u. Contribution $ 2: i"'I (_ \( o\\ () l (' 7 Contributor address; '2,1000 9 In-kind contribution description lt'Ztt fn,Y'V'6l0)tI LU 5·1-l-'"<- clc f \\'\.L 0 Check if travel outside ol Texas. Complete Schedule T. 10 Principal occupation I Job title {FPR NON-JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) 11 Employer (FOR NON-JUDlCIAL)(See Instructions) W Q.. b 5 r .\-'Q... <::i '<..IJQ..Jo ::......:c::...:_ __ --J-_S_' _-Q._\ -(2-'-'--'.Q...._JV\.:....::.D+.--\c::,-4,\j -==-=-----I12Contributor's principal occupation (FOR JUD ICIAL) 13 Contributor's job title (rdR JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) 14 Contributor's employer/law firm (FOR JUDICIAL) 15 Law firm of contributor's spouse {if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) 16 If contributor is a child, law firm of parent(s) (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) Full name of contributor D oul-ol-slate PAC (ID#: ________ l IDate Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code Amount of Contribution $ In-kind contribution description 0 Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. t---------------------------·----·------"--------------------J f'rincipl'I! Qccupation /_Jo_gJ[tl_(F_OF!_ l\jQl\J:,Jl:!Dl.PlA[..)_(Se_e_ ln§tr\!9\!_qnEL _____ l;:mployeL(i=QR._N.ON:-J.UDlClAL).(See.lnstructions) ______ . 1--------------·-···-------------------+------------------·-·----·-··---------1 Contributor's principal occupation (FOR JUDICIAL) Contributor's job title (FOR JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) K-·---------i------------------------- Contrlbutor's employer/law firm (FOR JUDICIAL) Law firm of contributor's spouse (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) If contributor is a child, law firm of parent(s) (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) ATIACl-IADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 P-L _ E D_ G E D C O N -T _ R l_ B U T l_O_N_ S s-c- H E D U L E B 1 I=====-=····=--=·-·--.========-"-=-·-=========-=--=··-============--===========----==·==···-=·===========···-=--=--··-·=---._-_-_-_-_ 1--1'-ol-al page. s Schedule BJ The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. I 2 flCER ;_/;;-I m w- 3 "'"' m I''°'" Comm''""'""''"( TOTAL--ZEDPLEDGE? Mt_----------$ (/-174·---·------·- 5 Date j s Full name of pledger D out-of-stale PAC ;;;,,, ___ . ______ .) 8 Amoun1ofPledge$ . 9 In-kind contributiondescription 7 Pledgor address; City; State; ZipCode 0 Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 1--------'----------------------------- 111 Employer (See Instructions) 1 O Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Date Full name of pledger 0 out-of-slele PAC (ID#: _______ .. ____ ) Pledger address; City; St ate; Zip Code AmountofPledge$ In-kind contributiondescription 0 Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 1--::::P:r -i=n:c:i=·;.i::o:c:c:u:p 1: a:tio:n:.::J:o:b:t:it:le::(S:e:e::ln:s:t:ru:c:f:1 o::s:)::::::::::::::1 .. -_E:m:p l=oy-=e-r-=(-S:=e-=--:l.:..-.::.s -tr.::. .. -:c:t=i-o:n:s:)=._=_=_=---=--=··-=-=_=_=_=_=_=_=_:;_::_::: __ :::J_-;_ Date Full name of pledger D out-cl-state PAC (ID#: .......... --------J Amount of In-kind contributionPledge $ descriptionPledgeraddress; City; St ate; Zip Qode 0 Check If travel outside o! Texas. Complete Schedule T. Principal occ upation I Job title (See Instructions) l==-=·=======::;::===:::::::::=======::::::::::=====:::':l===E==-=lo=y=e=r=(=S=e=e l=n::st=r =u=cu=·o=n=-=)=========::::=======1DateFullnameofpledgor Pledgor address; 0 out-or-stale PAC (ID:;:_ .. ____ .. ________ ! City; State; Zip Code Amount ofPledge$ In-kind contributiondescription O check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. -----·-··---------------------------' Employer {See Instructions) c-:.::::-·=· =====·=---::====1 Principal occupation I Job title (See Inst ructions) ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF TMIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 LOANS SCHEDULE E I =====-=-=--::::: .... ::: .... ::::-.. :===========;==::::::::..=======:::;:::======::::::::::::--·-----···-·· The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. Tolal pages Schedule I:' 2 Fl RNAME .-------------1--Fl-mm---::- 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED LOANS I CJ. ,:!R'J 5 Date of loan 7 Name of lender 6 Is lender 1·8· Lender address; a financial Institution? y N 12 Principal occupation I Job title (See lnstruetions) 14 Description of Collateral D none 16 GUARANTOR INFORMATION D not applicable 17 Nameofguarantor 18 Guarantor address; 20 Prinr.ipai Occupation (See Instructions) 0 out-of-state PAC (IDtt: ..•. -... .... ) 9 LoanAmount ($) City; City; State; Zip Code , ···-; O 1iteres1 rate 11 Maturity date 13 Employer (See Instructions) 15 Check if personal funds were deposited into political account (See Instructions) 0 19 Amount Guaranteed ($) Stale; Zip Code Employer (See Instructions) Name.al lender ·· --Goui ot-state.PAC o-,;::::__::: . ...:... ____ .. : ...... l -Loan Amount($) t Is lender a financial Institution? y N Lender address; Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) City; State; Zip Code Interest rate Maturi!' date Employer (See Instructions) 1 Description of Collateral D none GUARAN TOR INFORMATION D not applicable Name of guarantor Guarantor address; City; Check if personal funds were deposited into poli\ical account (See Instructions) D r-·---·-· .......... -·---·----.. Amount Guaranteed ($) State; Zip Code Principal Occupation (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) 1 ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If lender is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide .for additional reporting requirements. forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eihics.state.lx.us Revised 9/8/2015 ITU RES MADEPOLITICALEXPEND FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a} entExpense Loan RepaymenVReimbursement SCHEDULE F1 o--·--·-- Solicitation/Fundraising ExpenseAdvertisingExpense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Contributions/Donations Made By es E;v Fe Fo Gi od/Beverage Expense Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & RelatedExpense PollingExpense Travel In District ft/Awards/Memorials Expense PrinlingExpense Travel Oul Of District Candidate/Officeholder/PoliticalCommittee L gal Services Salaries/Wages/ContractLabor Other (enter a catego not listed above) CreJit CardPayment he Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. ,-,;;,;; ;;;,i ,,, •• ,, •• ,, r· FCER NA E - W&f r----------.. -- 3 Filer ID-:hics Commission Filers) p fY\q_ c V\ ss; City; State; Zip Code6Amount ($) 7 Payee addre 4 ;;:;{) / ---- 5 Payee ;:;;; 8 (a) Category (Sea Categories listed al lhe top or lhis schedule) PURPOSE l. OF f' c:L\J<(,i,)("' EXPENDITURE -I t1 s £- I? p42x\S;s; 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate f Officeholder name expenditure to benelil C/OH ss; City; State; Zip Code b) Description D Check H travel outside alTe);aS. Comple\e Schedule T. D Check If Austin, TX, olficeholder living expense I Office sought Office held l--Categor-\1---{Se PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 1 _ _,,,_,,... -- D Checkiftravel outside ofTexas. Complete ScheduleT, D Check If Austin, TX, officeholder Hving expense Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benelit C/OH Date Amount{$) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure lo beneiit CIOH Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See Calegories listed at the top ol lhis schedule) Candidate f Officeholder name Office sought Description Office held D Checkif !ravel outsideofTexas. Complete Schedule T. D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held AITAC11 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wiw.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS Advertising Expense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Contribu!ions/Dona.tlonsMade By Candidate/Officeholder/Political Co1r1rniltee EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX i O(a) Eve.,! Ypense Fee F::x_..::: ':--' r>·1;3geExpense c::;ri / : .... ";i·-:1>-'fv1err.orialsExpense L'"': ··"·-::es LoanRepayment/Reimbursement Office Overhead/RentalExpense Polling Expense Printing Expense Salaries/Wages/Conlract Labar The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. SCHEDULE F2 Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment& Related Expense Travel In District Travel Out Of District Other (enter acategorynot listed above) Tu p NS e-RN=-' l-----3-F _H_e_r_i_o_t-h__s_c_o_m_m_i_•__n_F__'_aj __ 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED UN BLIGATIO;I $ (;/, tXJ 5 Date 7 Amount ($) 9 10 TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 6 Payee name 8 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code D Political D Non-Political a) Category (See Categories listed at the lop ol this schedule) (b) Description D Ch eck if !raveloutsideofTexas. CompleteScheduleT. D Check ii Austin, TX, offi eholder living expense 11 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held I=======::::;:::::====..:-:::.:::..================-=-·:::;::::-;·::;:::=:::-::.::·· =====1 IDate Payee name Amount ($) i----------- 1 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE I Complete ONLY it direct expenditure to benefit CIOH D Political 0 Non-Political t I - Category (See Calegories !isled al the 1op of this schedule} Description D Check iflravel outside orTexas. Complete S heduleT. 1Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HHS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.ix.us Revised 9/8/2015 iPuRCHASE OF INVESTMENT;-AD j FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F3 c--------------· ·-·--=:======c-:::::=========--:=====-'--·-c::=-----------The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. Total pages S h-e-u-le_f-: Li}!? 4!)7); 1 / ·------3 E t i c s -Co_m_m-is s-io -i l _e_r-s ) ____ , 4 Date 5 Name of person 1rorr. \\1:om:::::sed 6 Address of person from whom investment is purchased; Cily; State: Zip Code 7 Description of Investment 8 Amount of investment ($) c:_----==============·:;;;==========I Date Name of person from whom investment is purchased Address of person from whom investment is purchased; City; State; Zip Code Description of investment Amount ot investment ($) ATTACH !4DDIT!ONAL COPIES OF TH3S SCHEDULE AS NEEDED .J Forms provided by Texas Etliics Commission VN./W.eihics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 EXPENDITURES l\JIADE BY CREDIT CARD SCHEDULE F4 J:===============--==-=--=--==--::::---; =-=--=--=-=--·-=-=-=--=-=--=-======================::-::::· Advertising Expense Accounllng/Banking ConsultingExpense Contrlbutions/Donatlons Made By EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 10(a) Event Expense Fees Loan RepaymenVReimbursement Office Overhead/Rental Expense Polling Expense Solicitalion/Furidrai ing Expense Transportaiior fcui.prncnt8 RelatedExpense Travel In Di tri:::: Travel Out 01 D·.c;;11oc1 Candidate/Ofticeholder/Political Committee Foodl8everage Expens?. GlfVAv.Jards/MemorialsExpense Legal Services Prinling Expense Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other {onlor a cuicg.::rynot listed above) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. Total pages Schedule F4: 2 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED EXPEN 5 Da1e 6 Payee name M-----... ................ ="---------------1 7 Amount ($) 9 10 TYPE OF EXPENDITURE PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 8 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Political 0 Non-Political a) Category (See Categories listed at the lop ol lhis schedule) (b) Description J:J: Checkiftravel outside ofTexas. Cornple\eSchedule T. L._J Check if Auslin, TX, officeholder living expense 11 Complete ONLY ii direct expenditure lo benefit CiOH Date Amount ($) Candida1e I Officeholder name Officesought Office held Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code E_x fl E 1 0 i P_o _li_tic _a_l _______ --LJ ·--::Po;i-a -I _____________________ __, PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complele ONLY if direct expenditure lo benefit C/OH c •• ,, "" """ '"' • '"• '"" "'''j B_ e_s_:_:_:_::_k'.o-li:_:_v"e _t -:_.ts _;_:_.o _:_l c -x:_:_-d o_e:__::_::_:__x:_d·_"_:_· 1 Candidate J Officeholder name Oflice sought Office held t----=·-:::::··::::·-:::·-=-=======--=-=-=--=--:::-:---:::----:-=-::::=--==-··-=-=--=================··-=---·=··--=--=---·----- ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wv.rw.ethlcs.state,\x,us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS Advertising Expense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Contributions/DonationsMade By Candidale/Officeholder/Political Committee CreditCard Payment Total pages Schedule G: 2 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Event Expense Fees Food/Beverage Expense Glf1/Awards/Memorials Expense Legal Services Loan RepaymenVReimbursernent Office Overhead/Rental Expense Polling Expense Prinling Expense Salaries/WagesfContractLabor The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. SCHEDULE G Solicitanon/FundraiG::;gEY.pense Transportation Equip'7V:!r. & Rela:ed Expense Travel In District Travel Qui Of Dis11ict Other (enter a catr.:JQ-, 1 >.:J: 1 s1ed .J.:Jove) ID (Ethics Commission Filers) d_J{?,a;z --.-( b ) D -e _ s _c -r i-p -ti _o _n · 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE D Check ii travel outsideofTexas. Complete Schedle T. D Check if Austin, TX, of/iceholder living expcrisc 9 Comple\e ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Office sought Office held f.L+----1L--+--l'---1--71. I Poyoo oomoeh "M& ./OM_ ±: Payee address; City; State; f'PCode , ("' \ : IA yIebursernenttrom1A,.flJA JV 'r'/ fr,':contrlbut1ons p'[ J'{ { /'1 / P{, PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See Categories listed al the top ol lhis schedule) 1?J!Mt-. b) Desc.ription D Checkif traveloulside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. D Check ii Austin1 TY.._ otticeholder living expense Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder·name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Amount ($) D Reimbursement frompolitlcalcontributions intended PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See Categories listed al lhe top ol lhis schedule) (b) Description D Check II avel outside ofTexas. Complete SoheduleT. D Check it Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Complele ONLY if direct expenditure to benefil C/OH Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held I ATTACH AoomoNAL COP!ES oF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED L__ Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH SCHEDULE H AdvertisingExpense Accounling/Banking Consulting Expense Contrlbutlons/Donations Made By EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Event Expense Loan RepaymenVReimbursement Solicllation/Fundraislng Expense Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Trc:mspor1cttionEquipment & Relaled Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In Dist;ict Gitt/Awardsfiv1emorialsExpense Printing Expense Travel Ou\ Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a categorynot listed above) Credit Card Payment 1 Total pages Schedule H: 2 I e Jr/ 5IL 6 Amount ($J 7 r;6 8 (a) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date II ---····--- Amount ($) I I PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY it direct expenditure to benefit C/01-1 The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. FOCEA NA jp-:-7L--·-1·3 -;;;;;;(i0-(c'";;c,;;;T.;i;;;;A;;;;;-- M•na · Business address; City ; state; Zip Code Category (See Calegorles listed at lhe lop of lhls schedule) (b) Description D Checkif travel oulsidsol Texas. Complete Schedule t D Check H Austin, TX, olliceholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Business name Business address; City; State; Zip Code Category {See Calegories listed al the lop of this schedule) Description B-cnec1rntrave1:outsiae 01iexas, ·corflpJeteSCheCll.lleT. -----·- D Check H Auslin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held h.• Business name Business. address; City; State ; Zip Code Category (See Categories lisled al the lop ol lhis schedule) Description D Checi if lrave! oulside of Texas. Complete ScheduleT, D Check it Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate I Ol'llceholder name Office sought Office held I 1"TfACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wvWif.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 1 The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 1"'' "'/ 'rn''''' I 2 ,,, i:!':idlZArHH --I3 :'"''" ___ (_E!h--ics-Com mi ssion Filers) 4 Date 5 Pay(;i--;; J_$_---+-------- 6 Amount ($) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code OrttJ --------------·- 11 (b) Description (Ses instructions regarding type of information8 (<>)Category (See ins!ruc!lons for examples of acceplable PURPOSE categories.) OF EXPENDITURE required.) Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; PURPOSE categories.) OF City; State; Zip Code Description (Sea. instrucfions regarding type of informalion required.} 1,---·Category (See instructions for examples of acceptabfe l !. EXPENDITURE 1 I======::;:: -·=· =========:::-=-========== Date Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See inslructions lor examples or acceptable categories.) ----·-··-·--"-=--==-==========::.:::::::. Date Amount ($} PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Payee name Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Category (See ins!ructions lor examples of acceptable categories.) Description {See inslruclions regarding type of inlormation required.) Description {See instructions regarding lype of information required.) ATT.<'\CI-! ,!l.JJD!TIONi f. COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission W\W-1.e!hics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER SCHEDULE K c:::::;-..:::=:======-...:::.·=· ·=-====I . ... .. .. r 1 al pages Schedule K: The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. R «AMC (J¥ZYl{P.t2_#d_I}__ 4 Date o Na:e ?erson from whom amount is refd w --,_FHe D-(CID'° C:.rni,.iooFtte<o) i 8 Amount($) Yt?/1! ' ' ............. . 6 Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code i •II i Ii--------------------·,---... -·---.---. ..-..-.-.-- -.,..-.-.-.. ·---······----------------------! 7 Purpose for which amount is received D Che ck if political contribution return ed to filer l===========::======================--==·:-:=.: .. :.::::: .. :=-==·:::::: .. :-=::-==============;===============I Date Name of person from who m amount is received Amount($) Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code i 1 Purpose for which amount is received D Check if political contribution returned to filer Date Name of person from whom amount is received Amount($) Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code 1---·-------. -----·--·---•-J-<--·· .... -.-. ····- , -.-·--··--.··-,-.-__ . .,.,_. --.--.-..-. ..... -., ·------·'-""-----.L..... ___________ , Purpose for which amount is received D Check if political contribution returned to filer Date Name of person from whom amount is received Amount($) Address of person from whom amount is received; City; State; Zip Code Purpose for which amount is received D Check if political contribution returned to filer ATIACM ,ilJJDITIOM/l..L COP!ESOFTHIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED r=-••·'--,.--·------- Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission vwvw.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 IN-KIND .. CONTRIBUTIONS OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FOR TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF TEXAS SCHEDULET 5 Contribution i Expenditure reported on: D Schedule A2 0 Schedule 8 O schedule F2 0 Schedule F4 D Sche dule 8(J) Dschedule G D Schedule C2 0 Schedule H I 1 Total pages Schedule T: I ----·-·-·-·- 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) D Schedule D D Sc hedule Fi D Schedule GOH-UC 0 Schedule 8-SS M.-·---·-------------- 6 Dates of travel 7 Name of person(s) traveling 8 Depar ture city or n ame of departure location r----------.-c.-.-......------------------------------ 9 Destination city or name of destination location 10 Means of transportation 111 Purpose of travel (including name of conference, seminar, or other event) Name of Contributor I Corporation or Labor Organization I Pledgor I Payee Contribution I Expenditure repor ted on: D Schedule A2 0 Schedule B D Schedule D D Schedule Fi D Schedule F2 0 Schedule F4 D Schedule B(J) O schedule G D Schedule C2 D Schedule H D Schedule GOH-UC 0 Schedule 8-SS Dates of travel Name of person(s) traveling Departure city or name of departure location Destination city or name of destination location Means of transportation Purpose of travel (including name of conference, seminar, or other event) ---:= Name of Contributor I Corporation or Labor Organization I Pledgor I Payee Contribution I Expenditure rep orted on: 0 Schedule A2 D Schedule F2 O schedule 8 D Schedule F4 D Schedule 8(J) Dschedule G D Schedule C2 0 Schedul e H D Schedule D D Schedule F1 D Schedule GOH-UC 0 Schedule B-SS -------- N_a_m_e-of _p_e_r_s_o_n_(s_)_t _ra_v_e_li_n_g _______ I De parture city or name of departure location Dates of travel r· o;;;;;;,;··-o; oomo of d doadoo lo= Hoo l S f tr portation ----...... r , ..... p;:,-rpose Of travel :including name of COllference, seminar, or oth;;,ent} A.TIACH f-\DD!T!ONAL COPIES OFTHIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission w1vw.ethics.s1ate.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015