HomeMy WebLinkAbout160725 - Candidate Application - Karl P. MooneyTO: OtySecretary/Secretaryof Board 2-21 PrescribedbySecretaryofStite Section141.031. Clllptl!rs143 and144, Texas EJectlonCode 12/2015 I requestthatmv name beplaced on the above-named officialballotas a candidate fortheofficeIndicatedbelow. OFFICESOUGHT (Includeany placenumberor otherdistinguishingnumber, Ifany.) INDICATETERM LL DuNEXPtRED PERMA NTRESIDENCE ADDRESS (Donotindude a P.O. Bo or Rural Route. If you do nothave a residence address, describe tt\e address at which you receive personalmail andlocationofresidence.) . Of C NTINUOUSRES1DENC£ AS OFDATE APPLICATION SWORN . TE IN TE ORY ElECTED FROM year (s} year (s) month(s) month(s) idcnameas pa of your name to appear on the ballot, youare also signing andswearingto thefoll Ing statements: I furtherswear that my nickname doesnot amstltute a slogan nor does It indicate a politlcal, economic, social, or religious view or affiliation. I have been commonlyknownby this nicknameforat leastth.!.Ye _a_r_s ..... r_io _r_t o_th_fs_e_le_ctio __ n. __ -.-----:=---.,,.- Beforeme, theundersignedauthority, onthisday personallyappeared (name)_,_fl?f.':1-ilf--#-.,,_F.;.-----' who beingbyme here and nowduly sworn, uponoath says: f-.,.=.L.-lj.___.,____,__.,....,,1:.-1-:r->",-...--·· =r;j Td .Z ?>? n, Texas, being a U:.':.-J J-:;;._,,,,!:..p.H»f.u that I wtll supportand defendthe Constitution and laws of theUnitedStatesand oftheStateof xas. l am a citize f theUnitedStatesellglbleto hold such office undertheconstitution and laws of thisstate. I have not been finallyconvictedofa felonyfor which I have ootbeenpardonedor had myfullrightsof citizenship restoredbyother official action. I have not been determinedby a final judgment of a court exercising probatejurisdiction to betotallymentally Incapacitated or partiallymentallyincapacitated without the rightto vote. I am aware ofthenepotismlaw, Chapter573, GovernmentCode. I furtherswear that the foregoing statements included in my application are In all thi Q,; Seu s1gnatUfeOfOffi(irTlilliStering Oath2 Titleof Officer Administer ing oath TO BE COMPLETED BY CflYSECRETARY OR SECRETAJ!Y OF BOARD: See Section 1.007) 'J ., S"'-1G, Date Received Voter Registration Status Verified