HomeMy WebLinkAbout160725 - Appointment of Campaign Treasurer - Karl P. MooneyTexasEthicsCommission P.O. Box12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 512 463-5800 TDD 1-800-735-2989 APPOINT MEN T OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER BY A CANDIDATE FORMCTA PG 1 See CTA InstructionGulde for detailed Instructions. 1 Total pagesfiled: 2 CANDIDATE NAME 3 CANDIDATE MAILING ADDRESS 4-CANDIDATE PHONE 5 OFFICE HELD if any) 6 OFFICE SOUGHT If known) 7 CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME 8 CAMPAIGN TREASURE R STREET ADDRESS residenceor business) 9 CAMPAIGN TREASURER PHONE 1 O CANDIDATE SIGNATURE www.ethics.state.tx.us ARST fdr/ Ml ? 7 MS/MRS MR OFFICE USE ONLY Accl. t Nici<NAMi: • LA8T' •• SuFFIX • DateReCIMldft/ ()tJ/J AOORESS IPOBOX; APTISUITE CITY; STATE; ZIPCODE JUL 2 5 2016 '6 If . AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION DateHand-deliveredorPostmarked Date Proce11ad Date lmag.O FIRST Ml NICKNAME LAST STREET ADDRESS (NOPOBOX. EASE); APTI SUITEt; CITY; STATE; SUFFIX 006 c;;p>b df#iMftl; 7 AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION I am aware of the Nepotism Law, Chapter 573 of the Texas GovernmentCode. I am aware of my responsibilityto filetimely reports as required by title 15 of the Election Code. I am aware of the restrictions in title 15 of the Election Code on contributions from corporations and labor organizations. Revised 07/14/2010 TexasEthicsCommission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (TDD 1-800-735-2989) CODE O.F FAIR CAMPAIGN PRACTICES Therearebasicprinciples ofdecency, honesty, and fairplay thateverycandidate andpoliticalcom mitteeinthis state has a moralobligationto observeanduphold, inorder that, aftervigorously contestedbutfairlyconducted campaigns, our citizensmay exercisetheir constitutional rightsto afreeanduntram meledchoiceandthewillofthepeoplemay be fully and clearlyexpressedon theissues. THEREFORE: l) I will conduct thecampaignopenlyandpublic ly andlimit attackson my opponentto legitimatechallengesto my opponent 's recordand statedpositions on issues. 2) I will not use or pennittheuseofcharacterdefamation, wh ispering campaigns, Jibe slander, orscurrilousattacks on any candidate or the candidate'spersonalor familylife. 3) I will not use or permit anyappealtonegative prejudicebasedon race, sex, religion, or national origin . 4) I willnot use campaignmaterialofany sortthat misrepresents, distorts, or otherwisefalsifiesthefacts, nor will I usemalicious or unfounded accusationsthat aim at creatingor exploiting doubts, withoutj ustification, as to the personalintegrityorpatriotismofmy opponent 5) I will not Wldertakeor condoneanydishonest or unethicalpracticethattendstocorruptorundermineour system of freeelections or that hampersor preventsthe fulland freeexpressionofthe wi ll ofthevoters, inc luding any activity aimedatintimidatingvotersordiscouragingthemfromvoting. 6) I w ill defend anduphold therightofeveryqualified voter tofullandequalpartidpati on intheelectoralprocess, andwillnotengage inanyactivityaimedat intimidating votersor discouragingthemfromvoting. 7) I will immediatelyandpubliclyrepudiatemethodsandtacticsthatmay comefromothersthatI have pledgednot touseor condone. I shall takefirmaction against anysubordinate who violatesanyprovisionofthiscodeor the laws governingelections. I, the undersigned, can didate forelection to public officeinthe StateofTexas o r campaigntreasurerof a political committee herebyvoluntarilyendorse, subscribeto, andsolemnlypledgemyselfto conduct the campaignin accordance with theabove principles and practices. Date www.ethics.state.bc.us Revised 1112312010 TexasEthicsCommission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texa& 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 (TOO 1-80CH35-2989) CODE OF FAIR CAMPAIGN PRACTICES FORM CFCP COVERSHEET Pursuant to chapter 258 of the Election Code, every candidate and political committee is encouraged to subscribeto the Code of Fair CampaignPractices. The Code may be filed withthe proper filing authority upon submission of a campaign treasurer appointment form. Candidates or political committees that already have a current campaigntreasurerappointment on fileas of September 1, 1997, may subscribe to thecode at any time. JUL 2 5 2016 DELIVER DateHand-dellYtlredor POlllmarlled OelePmc:eued Subscription to the Code ofFair Campaign Practices is voluntary. 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER EthicsCommi89iortFileta) 3 NAME OF CANDIDATE Pl.EASETYPEORPRINT) 4 TE LEPHONE NUMBER OF CANDIDATE Pl.EASETYPEORPRINT) 5 ADDRESS OF CANDIDATE Pl.EASETYPE OR PRINT) 6 OFFICE SOUGHT BY CANDIDATE PLEASETYPEORPRINT) 7 NAME OF COMMITTEE PLEASETYPEORPRINT) 8 NAME OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER PLEASETYPEORPRINT) www.ethics.state.tx.us 2 TYPE OF FILER CANDIDATE Iffiling as a candidate, complete boxes3 -6, thenreadand signpage 2. o.teImaged POLITICAL COMMITTEE D IffiHng fora political committee, complete boxes 7 end 8, then readand sign page 2. Tl Ml d. .......... ? ........... . NICKNAME SUFFIX (SR., JR., Ill, etc.) AREACOOE EXTENSION TITLE , s .. etc) FIRST Ml NICl<HAME -:fJ'!,M.,}I SUFF1x.S.:.s... N1. ;..,:) • . . • . . Revised 11/2312010