HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016V13403P192CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Office of the City Secretary CERTIFICATE TO COPY OF PUBLIC RECORD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION § STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Sherry Mashbum, who, being by me duly sworn deposed as follows: My name is Sherry Mashburn. I am of sound mind, capable of making this affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am the custodian of the records of the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Attached hereto is a fuli, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 2016-3778 adopted by the City Council on June 9, 2016. I further certify, in the performance of the functions of my office, that said pages of record is an official record from the pubfic office of the City Secretary, City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and are public records which are kept in said office and appear of record in said office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of College Station, this 10th day of June, 2016. Sherry Mas^bijrn, City Secretary City of College Station, Texas Brazos County, State of Texas Sworn to and subscribed before me QfrttTe~4Qth day of June, 2016.T""-"\E2 .UQ^fy Pub^ State of Texas{/ ^p^>s'•V\ 11652789.5*[^£TM Notary Public, State of Te»(as My Commission Expires February 14,2018^s^ H_jinnm^jnm^jin P.O. BOX 9960 • 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION -TEXAS • 77842 979.764.3541 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3778 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATFVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING A 3,882.61 SQUARE FOOT, 20-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE OF LOTS 27 & 28, BLOCK 7, OF THE WILLIAMS CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11426, PAGE 67 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of the 20-foot wide Public Utility Easement, located along the common property line of Lots 27 & 28, Block 7, of the Williams Creek Subdivision, Phase 6, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11426, Page 67, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (such portion hereinafter referred to as the "PUE"); and WHEREAS, in order for the PUE to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, the City Council must make certain affirmative findings; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That after opening and closing a public hearing, the City Council finds the following pertaining to the vacating and abandoning of the PUE described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. 1. Abandonment of the PUE will not result in property that does not have access to public roadways or utilities. 2. There is no public need or use for the PUE. 3. There is no anticipated future public need or use for the PUE. 4. Abandonment of the PUE will not impact access for all public utilities to serve current and future customers. PART 2: That the PUE as described in Exhibit "A" be abandoned and vacated by the City. ^..':J, UK l^W. ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3778 Page 2 of 3 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of June, 2016. APPROVED: ATTEST: Sherry MashMm, City Secretary APPROVED; ^A/7^ City Attorney Nancy Berry, Mayor Ordinance No. 2016-3778 Page 3 of 3 H;\(.and Frojaeii R2\(MI\Rotitrtnm Sff A~i02\Wlllun'i Crttli NAoai\W-FhBia E\<lng\6dibll^S>fiKi!t - LZ7-i9 ElwnWt tinnit(imciiL<l#g tl/ZE/ZtHe 1^106124 FM 03T Abandonment of 20' Public Ut!!)ty Easement Centered on Common Lot Line Between Lots 27 & 28, Block 7Williams Creek Subdivision Ph. 6 Nathan Clampitt Survey, A-90 S, W> Robortson Survey, A-202 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Field noles of a 20' wide strip or pgfM) of land [ytng and being situated )n ihe NalHah ClaffipHl Sun/ay, Abstract Na, SO end [n Iha S. W.Ro&erison Sunray, Abatracl No. 203, Coliage Station, Srazos County, Texas, and being a 10' strip adjoining the north ilne of Lot 27, Btocic 7 and a 10' slrip adjoining the 5oulh line of Lol 28, Btad< 7, Wiiliams Greek SubdMsion. Phass G, accordlnB la ffie p[a[ fecoried tn Voluma 11426, Page G7, of the Official Racords of Brazos County) Texas, afid said 20' strip being more paritoularii/ described as follows: COMMENCfNG el a Vi" frtn rod and cap found marking Ihs common corner heiween (he baforemenlloned Lot n and Lat 28, Block 7, sams being In the west light-of-way Itno of Horcten Cfrcie - 70' wide right-of-way, same being In a cun/e, concava lo the aast, ha^ng a radius of300,00 feet, 8 Vi" iron rod and cap found on ihe common iftta between Lot 27 and Lot28 bears S 77° 39' 19" W- 332,53 feet; THI:NCES77°39'ie"W8lanfl!hecomman[!nebe{weanihsb8foreme[HlanedLot27and Loi 28, fora distance of 16.13 feet to a 60d tialf ss[ at Ihe PLACE OF BEGINNiNQ of (tile description, ;n iha was! fine of a •IG' public utility oasamsnt, sama being tn a curve concave to the east? have a radius or316.00 feel; THENCE Soulheri^ along (he west )lng of Ihe beforemenUoned 16'publlo utility easement for an aredlsiance of £.03 Feat to fha end of this curve, fhe chord bear's S 05' 37' -f1" E - 5.03 feel; ThtENCE S 77° 39' -t9" W pafalia! to and 10 fae( somh of Ihe common line between Ihe beforementlone<f Lat 27 and Lot 28, for a dfslance of37S.2S fee! and comsrfn [he cenlarilne afa Iributaiyto Csrter's Creek, same being In ?e west Una afLof 27; THENCE alonQ (ha wast line of the beta ram en Hone d Lot 27 and Lot 28, sama t)a[ng the centedlne ar a tribulary to OarterJE Creek, aafollows; N 3S' 23*21" W fortj dfstancs of5,G1 fagt,S 11" 5G' 23" W for a distance of 10.35 feel. N 61 ° W 4Q"W for a distance of8,90 fee!; THEMGE N 77° 33' 19" E para!(e! to and 10 fast nonh of the common line between the bsfore men Honed Lot 27 and loi 28,for adfetanes of 399.09 feat end comer In (he west line of the beforsmsnlloned IS' public uuilty gasamenl, same belnfl a cun/e, concava to the east, having a radius of 3'l6.00fagl; THENCE Sotilharly along said curve, for an arc dlsfancs of S.04 feel to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, contaNng 3SS2.61 sq. f[, of iand, more or less. Ihs chord bears S W 42' 51" E -5.04 feat.Sunreyed: NovembBr, 20-15 LINE TABLE; LINE BEARING DISTANCE U S77'39'W"W 378,26' L2 H39'23I21"W 5,61' L3 S72.'S6'23"W 10,35' L4 N61't3'49"W fi.90' L5 N77'39'19"E 399.09' E, M. KIlng R.P.LS. No, 2003 CURVE TABLE; CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA CHORD BEARING C1 5,03' 3f6.00' G'5-).'46" S 05'37'41"E'-'S.03l 02 5,04' 316,00' 0'54'53" S 04'+2'51"E^5.04' SCALE; 1J=100' ^ '~y'\ \ ^^-^')] ^>)} NATHAN ClAMPtTT SURV^, A"90 y/^' ••20' WDE PUBLIC \UTLITtY EASEMENT \.TO 8E ABANDONED \\\ ^-. \\\ \ ^ Vs S.W. ROBERTSON SURV^. A-£0 LOT 27 PREPARED BY:CIVIL ENSIMEERIHQ CONSULTANTS 410) S.TEXAS AV.STE ABRYAN, TX + PH.07fi/i^g-B212 U-QC Bi; Mi^o ^ or ;ocoro ini tiK^ub i.uum? (jns Jijn u^'^is: s.t u-^ i.^QcygiSiH^ RU^ESFS uj.^&e;s.::j. Amount 3S.OO h:i:iLSiF'S ?!lKS[iSr "" 5.'&f&J:: isa? isrssa KQBiif-sz bl^ifc. '.St ia.Xnb LiJUNiy Ut~ &KK^US hsrssy csrs M'1? sna? shss: in-ssru^sR^ ^s< 0,H3 WQEj QUi^ P^LOrd^1] EH til;S 'v'OlU^S ^FiCi pil?E^ af the Qfficid Public rscorss of^ BRAZOt Uili^TT Karen n;::i?ijaen? tirades t.oynt^ l^isrK ^ff^/ni« i:!i"Fi'L--