HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-3778 - Ordinance - 06/09/2016ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3778 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATIVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING A 3,882.61 SQUARE FOOT, 20-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE OF LOTS 27 & 28, BLOCK 7, OF THE WILLIAMS CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE 6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11426, PAGE 67 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of the 20-foot wide Public Utility Easement, located along the common property line of Lots 27 & 28, Block 7, of the Williams Creek Subdivision, Phase 6, according to the plat recorded in Volume 11426, Page 67, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (such portion hereinafter referred to as the "PUE"); and WHEREAS, in order for the PUE to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, the City Council must make certain affirmative findings; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: PART 2: That after opening and closing a public hearing, the City Council finds the following pertaining to the vacating and abandoning of the PUE described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. I. Abandonment of the PUE will not result in property that does not have access to public roadways or utilities. 2. There is no public need or use for the PUE. 3. There is no anticipated future public need or use for the PUE. 4. Abandonment of the PUE will not impact access for all public utilities to serve current and future customers. That the PUE as described in Exhibit "A" be abandoned and vacated by the City. ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3778 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9111 day of June, 2016. APPROVED: Page 2 of3 � Nancy Berry, IVl.a� ATTEST: s��Y APPROVED: ( ;u/a, fl f?dvw 1>11 City Attorney Ordinance No. 2016-3778 11:\lond Pro�ch H2\0-4-l\Roberhon � A ... :202\Vtllltom'o Credc NA003\WC-PhaJo G\dwg\E>d1bllo\tM11blt -Li7-2a EUtntMl Abondo)nMenl.d'llO 11/25/2015 12.100121 PIJ CS! Abandonment of 20' Public Utility Easement Centered on Common Lot Line Between Lots 27 & 28, Block 7 Williams Creel< Subdivision Ph. 6 Nathan Clampitt Su1vey, A-90 S. W. Robertson Survey, A-202 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Page 3 of 3 Field notes of a 20' wide strtp or parcel of land lylno and being situated In the Nathan Clamplll survey, Abstract No. 90 and In tho S, W. Robertson Survey, Abstract No. 202, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being a 10' strip adjoining tho north line of Lot 2'/, Block 7 and a 10' strip adjoining !ho south Jina of Loi 28, Block 7, Williams Creek Subdivision, Phaso 6, according to Urn pie! recorded In Volume 11426, Paga 67, of the Official Records ofHrazos County, Texas, and said 20' s/flp being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING al a \!,''Iron rod and cap found marking the common corner between Iha boforemanlloned Lot 27 and Lot 2B, Block 7, same being In the west rlght-of-wny lino of Holden Circle -70' wldo rtgl1t-of-way, same being In a curve, concave to Iha oasl, having a radius of 300,00 feel, a Y," Iron rod and cap found on the common line between Lot 27 and Loi 28 bears S 77' :w 19" W-322,53 feat: THENCE S 77' 39' 19" W along Iha common tine between tho boforam anlloned Lot 27 and Lot 28, for a distance of 16.13 feel to a 60d nail sal at the PLACE OF BEGINNING of lhls description, In tho wost lino of a 16' public utility oasamenl, same being In a curve concave to Iha east, have a radius of 316.00 fast; THENCE Southerly along Iha wast lino of tho beforamenlioned 16' public utility easement for an arc cllstence of 5,03 fool lo tho end of this curve, the cl1ord boars S 05' 37' 41" E -5,03 feat; THENCE s 77' 39' 19" W parallel lo and 10 feat south of Iha common line between tho boforernenlloned Loi 27 and Loi 28, for o distance of 378.26 feet and cornor ln Iha contorllna of a lrlbulary to Carter's Crook, seme being In lho west line ofLot 27; THENCE along tho west line o( the beforomenlloned Loi 27 and Loi 28, same bolng the centertlno of o tributary to Carto(s Creek, as follows: N 39' 23' 21" W s 72' 56' 23" w N61'13'49"W for n distance of 5.61 feel, for a distance of 10,35 foal, for a dlslanco of 8,90 feol: THENCE N 77' 39' 19" E parallel to and 10 raot north of the common line between the beforcmenllonod Loi 27 end Lot 28, for a distance of 399.09 fool nnd comer In the wast lino of the baforemenlloned 16' public ulllily easement, same being a curve, concave to tho oasl, having e radius of 316.00 feel; THENCE Southerly along sold curve, for an arc distance of 6.04 feet lo Iha PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 3802.61 sq, fl. of land, more or loss, Iha chord bears S 04' 42' 51" E -5,04 foot. LINE TABLE: BEARING DISTANCE S77'39'19"W 378.26' N39'23'21 "W 5,61' Surveyed: November, 2015 By:�M · . S.M.Kling ·� R.P.l.S. No. 2003 CURVE TABLE: LINE L1 L2 L3 IA L5 S72'56'23"W 10.35' N61'13'49"W 8,90' CURVE LENGTI-l RADIUS DE L TA CHORD BEARING SCALE: 1'""100' N77'39'19"E 399.09' 47 1.469 AC. Cl 5,03' 316.00' 0'54'46" C2 5.04' 316.00' 0'54-'53" S 05'37'41"EN5,03' S 04'42'51 "E"'5,04' ...... .__.-.. ..... --.. I I -��� ._._/ I NATHAN CLAMPITT SURVEY. A-90 I ( LOT 28 ( S 77'39'19"W---J 16.13' l' C2 20' 'MDE PUBLIC UTUTIY EASEMENT TO DE ABANDONED \\ \ ' \ ' \ // I I I / I I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \, \, \, c \ ON SURVEY, A-202 s.W. ROBERTS > / / :-' "\ /<-'/' \ \, \,-' LOT 27 ,.,,.;::,.,,./ \\ ,.,,._,.,,.;::.,.,,. \ �# \ \ PREPA RED BY: c�c CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 4101 S, TEXAS AV. srn A BRYAN, TX + Ptl.0701646-0212 '. \ \ \